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T H U R S D AY , J A N U A R Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 PRESS & SUN-BULLETIN • 7A

Probation sentence in Police search in Vestal,

no news on remains
shoving of autistic teen ANTHONY BORRELLI
along a section of Route
26 in Vestal, near the
Pennsylvania border, in
connection with the case.
DAVID ANDREATTA about them,” Yacknin Authorities in two Shortly before mid-
DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Martin said. states are continuing day, officers ended their
MacDonald Outside the court- their investigation, a search after nothing was
The Pittsford man con- room, Coleman’s mother, week after human found.
victed of harassing an au- Clarise Coleman, said she remains were found in a Troopers in Pennsyl-
tistic teenage cross-coun- was satisfied with the wooded area of Choconut vania are leading the in-
try runner in Cobb’s Hill sentence but that she be- Township in Susquehan- vestigation and officials
Park in October was sen- The confrontation lieved MacDonald had na County, Pennsylvania. have not released further
tenced in Rochester City touched off nationwide acted on bias. On Wednesday, Penn- details of the case. The
Court on Tuesday to three Chase Coleman, right, and debates about civility, tol- “I did appreciate his sylvania state troopers human remains were
years of probation and 80 his father, Stan Coleman in erance of people with dis- letter,” she said of Mac- were assisted by New found Thursday, troop-
hours of community ser- the courthouse. abilities, and racism, as Donald’s statement. “It York State Police and ers said.
vice. MacDonald is white and was just a little too late.” Vestal police officers On Twitter: Follow
Martin MacDonald, Coleman is black. DANDREATTA@ who conducted a search @PSBABorrelli
57, had pleaded guilty to a In accepting MacDon- for possible evidence
charge of second-degree tered 15-year-old Chase ald’s guilty plea in
harassment, which is a vi- Coleman in the park on November, Rochester
olation, and a charge of Oct. 14 as Coleman, who is City Court Judge Ellen

Macy’s Oakdale Mall

endangering the welfare from Syracuse, was at- Yacknin pledged to cap
of a child, which is a mis- tempting to finish a 3.1- his sentence at probation
demeanor punishable by mile cross-country race. or less and the order of
up to one year in jail.
His sentence was in
line with what the prose-
Coleman was running
for his high school and
wearing a uniform and
protection if she found
that MacDonald’s claims
about his criminal past
location only

Entire Store
cution had requested and bib number, but was lag- were consistent with his
included an order barring ging far behind the rest of record. He claimed to
him from contacting the the runners. His mother have had a clean record
teenager, Chase Coleman, said she believes her son, with the exception of a
or his family for five who has difficulty com- drunken-driving convic-
years. MacDonald’s attor- municating, got lost on tion many years ago.
ney, Gary Gianforti, the route and turned to During sentencing,
asked that only communi- MacDonald for help. Yacknin said a pre-sen-
ty service be imposed. MacDonald has never tence investigation found

on SALE!
Prior to sentencing, a spoken publicly of the that MacDonald was a
tearful MacDonald read a confrontation, but police “loving” man with a clean
statement in which he reports indicated that he record. But she sen-
apologized to Coleman acknowledged shoving tenced him to probation,
and his family, who were Coleman to the ground. she explained, because,
in the gallery, and said he One police report — she said to MacDonald,
had been volunteering there were two — showed “You could have walked
with an autism advocacy that MacDonald was un- away.” She also pondered
group to learn more about aware of Coleman’s dis- aloud whether MacDon-
the condition. MacDonald ability and expressed re- ald was acting on an “im-
said he had no idea that morse for the altercation. plicit bias,” and ques-
Coleman was autistic and That report suggested tioned whether he would

revealed that he was once Coleman approached have shoved a white teen-
a high school cross-coun- MacDonald and a woman ager who was displaying
try runner whose home described as MacDon- the behavior of Coleman.
course was in Cobb’s Hill ald’s wife while they were “It’s clear to me that
Park. at their car, and that Mac- this whole situation is a

“I hope you can find it Donald suspected Cole- prime example of how
in your heart to forgive man was on drugs and people make assumptions
me,” MacDonald said. mocking him because “he about other people with-
MacDonald encoun- wasn’t acting right.” out knowing anything

Man gets 12 years in heroin case

ANTHONY BORRELLI Rasheen U.S. currency and a 2012
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taking Sanders into custo-

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was sentenced Wednes- at most, 19 years behind
day to 12 years in state
accused of tossing heroin
out the driver's side win-
bars. The 12-year prison
term he received
The sentence for Rash- dow of his vehicle when Wednesday will be fol- ticketed
een D. Sanders, 37, of 173 police stopped him on lowed by three years of price
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Court Judge Kevin Doo-
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