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Response of the discipline of Philippine

ADMINISTARTION IN THE PHILIPPINES: CONCERNS PA to such global forces in the past,
FOR AN IDENTITY CRISIS present and future.
 To sum it all up…
Identity crisis has been manifested in 4 areas:
 The occurrence of the crisis of identity
1. Inordinate influence of mostly American P.A of PA in the Philippines is due to the
theories and concepts (is there a Philippine influence of the American P.A theory. It
public administration) has to postulate an indigenous and local
2. Perceived disconnect between the theories form of Philippine PA.
taught in schools and the realities in the  Also, the disconnect between theory
outside world – (what is the relevance of and practice, imperative to bridge the
the discipline to real world challenges?) gap by reconciling the both into the ‘
3. Frustration over the perception – in spite of praxis’ of PA. Theory without practice is
P.A and governance reforms, Philippines living in an ivory tower; but practice
continues to be more corrupt nations in the without theory is living without meaning
region and ideology.
4. Fascination of academics in other Solution:
disciplines, especially economists, that PA must blend between the theory and
‘institutions matter’, has led some P.A practice. ‘ PA has to be grounded’
scholars to argue that their discipline has  Third, due to the perception that the
been arguing precisely the same point since discipline has had a little impact on the
the 50s efforts to bring about responsive PA
structures, processes and behaviour in
Main points: the bureaucracy. PA’s role: supplement
civil service programmes and
 East Asian Countries – more PA programs
interventions that would not only help
and no. of publications and scholarly
craft and design appropriate policies,
activities are increasing very rapidly
procedures and structures, but also help
 PA Education – western (North America
change the mindset and ethos of public
and Western Europe) have been well
exposed to the world. Not asia
Example: fight against
 Recommendation: Asian communities of PA
corruption(schools-supplement efforts-
must examine how PA Education in
civil service-capacity development
individual East Asian countries resembles or
courses and training programmes on
differs from their counterparts in the West
ethics and accountability.
 Lastly, the existence of the institutions
and governance. PA has consistently
focused on institutions such as formal
1. The influence of global forces upon the
institutions (bureaucracy, legislature
and executive); informal (voluntary
2. Imperative to recognize the global
sector); formal processes and
dimension of PA
procedures (elections, consultations,  Philippine Journal of Public Administration –
mechanisms of citizen perception special issue on indigenous governance.

Is there a Philippine Public Administration? Educational Institutions Asserting

Philippine Public Administration
1. Influence from western countries – distance  Role of schools of public administration in
from US – assert its own identity, indigenize the Philippines in carving out and laying the
and localize Philippine PA- to show that it is ground work for a Philippine identity.
separate and distinct  National College of Public Administration
2. American origins could not be avoided and and Governance (1952) - pioneered the
have to be recognized. discipline of public administration in the
3. The discourse of PA Theory is rich and Philippines.enrcihed the content and
engaged given the importation, application, methodology and also the theory.
adoption, and adaption of the latests trends
 Enjoyed wide acceptance and support not
in theory, ranging from development
only from national but international
administration to new PA, new public
agencies. Its services included professional
management to reinventing government
and policy advice as well as technical
and reengineering, and of course good
assistance to a wide variet of local, national
governance and good enough governance.
and international institutions. Serves as a
Indigenous PA and Indigenizing PA think-tank and a capacity-builder

 Are there any emerging local practices that Bad is not adapting the Western theories to the
partake of the nature of PA and governance Philippine context for it is not only knowing what ,
that should provide the platform for the where, why, how, the public administration is but
development of the PA theory? also to train the students pursue their knowledge
 Manuel Quezon – Code of Ethics and in practice.
Citizenship (1933) – appropriate behaviour
for all classes of society- underscored living
up to the noble traditions of the Filipinos
 The code emphasized citizen responsibility
including the need to pay taxes willingly and
 Dr. Jose Rizal - known to have used his pen
to fight against the Spaniards. “Is there a
public administration?” the question
reflects the Philippines’ situation as an
occupied country that did not have its own
voice and dentity, once dominated by the
Western colonizers. This is not dissimilar to
the experience of Philippine public
administration, heavily westernized

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