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Mole Goncept QueStions

1. Calculatethe mass of
(a) 0.75 mol of NiClz.2HzO 112+sl
(b) 6.02x 103obrominemolecules [1.60 x 10-g]

2. Calcuiatethe number of moles of substancein each of the following:

(a) 5.72g of sodium carbonatecrystals,NazCO310H2O [0.02001
(b) ions in 4.A kg^ofNazSO+ t8/.ll
(c) UF5in 96 cm'of gaseousUFeat r.t.p. [4.00x 10']
3. The boosterrocketsof the US spaceshuttleuse a mixtureof NH2ClOrand powderedaluminium
as fuel.A likelyreactionin the boosterrocketis as follows:
3 Al + 3 NHTGIO+---IAl2O3+AlCl3+3 NO + 6 H2O
700tonnesof NHaClOareacts withaluminium.Howmuchaluminiumreacts? [161tonnesJ
4. Propane,C3Hsis usedas fuelwhen liquefiedin containersunderpressure.Whenthe tap on the
contiaineris opened,the propane@mes out as a gas.
(a) (i) Writean equationfor the completecombustionof propane 'that gas.
iiil Calculatethe volume of oxygen and hence of air is requiredto bum _25 cm3 of
propanegas at roomtemperitureand pressure [125cm3;626 cm3]
' ' Calculate the
(D numberof molesof carbondioxidein 75 cm3of carbondioxideat r.t.p.
(ii) numberof oxygenatomsinthisamountof carbondioxide.
in mol dm-, of dissolvedcarbondioxideif this volumeof gas dissolvesin
(iii) concentration
1.5dm3ofsolution. [ 3 . 1 3 x 1 0 3 mo3l;. 7 7 x 1 0 2 1 ; z . o1d0x 3 mol d m 3 1
5. G6HrrOH----+C6H16+ grg
The percentage
yield is typically80%. In orderto obtain12.5g of C5H1s,
what massof CeHrrOH
mustbe usedinitialfy? 119.1gl
6. Calculatethe following:
(a) The numberof molesof KOHin 1.5dm3of 2.5 moldm3KOH.
(b) The concentration of Fe2*in a solutioncontaining1.96g of (NHr)zFe(SOn)z
(c) The massof Pb(NO3)2 neededto make100cm3of solutioncontaining0.2 mol dfnt with
respectto nitrateions. moldm-3;3.31g)

7. A sampleof 1.50g of lead(ll)nitrateis mixedwith 125cm3of 0.100moldm3sodium

(a) Writethe chemicalequationfor the reactionthat occurs.
(b) Which is the limitingreactant? lPb(Nog)z]
(c) \rVhatare the concentrationsof all ionsthat remainin solutionafterthe reactionis complete?-
lo.20omoldm'3Na*;0.0725moldm-3NOs; 0.0637moldm-3Soq21

8. Calciumand hydrochloricacid reactaccordingto the equation

Ga(s) + 2 HGI(aq)+ CaCl2(aq) + Hz(g)
(a) 0.122g of calciummetalwasaddedto 25.0cm" of 1.23moldm" solutionof hydrochloricacid
and the hydrogengas was collectedat roomtemperatureand pressure.
(i) Calculatewhetherthe calciumor the hydrochloricacid.wasin excess' [HCl is in excesgl
(ii) Hencecalculatethe volumeof hydrogengas produced. [73.0cm']
(b) Calciummetaloftencontainsan impurityof calciumoxideon its surface.This also reactswith
hydrochloricacid, but does not producea gas. ln the experimentin (a), it was found that only
70.1cm"of hydrogenwas produced.Calculatethe percentage purityof calcium. [96.0%]
9. An antacidchewinggum was sentto the laboratoryfor testingand foundto have 15.0% by mass
of hydrotalcite,MgsA/2(OHheCOg4HzO. The activecomponentis the carbonateanion.Each mole
of solid hydrotalcitereacts with 2 moles of hydrochloricacid in the stomachto give carbon
dioxide,waterand a solubleionicsalt.
(a) Writea chemicalequationfor the reactioninvolvinghydrotalciteand the hydrochloricacid.
(b) Deducethe massof chewinggum requiredto neutralize1.50g of hydrochloric acid. 182.7gl
10. Indigestionremediesoftencontaina suspensionof magnesiumhydroxide.Whena typicaldose of
was mixedwith water and titratedagainst0.200 mol dm-" hydrochloric
10.0 cm" of sluspension
acid,35.0cm" of acidwas required.Findthe massof magnesiumhydroxidein a dose. [0.204g]

11. 3.0 g of impureNazCOs1OH2Owas dissolvedto nlake 100cm3of solution.10.0 cm3 was titrated
againstHit of concentrationa.Sgg dm-3.16.4cm3of acidwas neededfor neutralization.
(a) Calculatethe numberof molesof NazCOrused in the tibation?
(b) What is the numberof molesof NazCOg usedin the titration?
(ci Catculatethe concentrationof the sodiumcarbonatesolutionin mol.dm3.
(Oi Wfratis the percentagepurig of the crystals?[1.97x 103;9.84x 104;0.09&4moldm-3;93.7Tol

12. PCl6(s)+4 HzO(l)----+HrPOr(aq)+ 5 HGI(iq)

f 5.0; 103molof PClsis reactedwithwaterandthe solutionmadgup to 100cm3,whatvolumeof
0.100moldm3sodiumhydroxideis requiredto reactwith25.0cm3olthis solution? [100cm3]
13. 1.55g of an impuresampleof ammoniumchloridewas warmedwith 40.0 cm3of 1.00 moldmi
(excess) sodium hydroxidesolution.When all the ammonia had been given off, the excess
sodiumhydroxidewas titratedwith hydrochloricacid of concentration0.75 mol dm' was found
Calculatethe percentageof ammoniumchloride
that 26.7 cmoHCIwas requiredfor neutralization.
presentin the sample. [68.e%l
14. A solutionof sodiumlrydroxidecontainsl.S0g of hydroxideionsperdm3.2O.Ocm3of the solution
reactswith25.00cm" of 0.0400moldm-'phosphoric acid,HgPOr.
(a) How manymolesof sodiumhydroxidereactwith 1 moleof phosphoricacid?
(b) Whatwill be the chemicalequationfor the reaction?

15. A 100 g sampleof a mixtureof sodiumcarbonateand sodiumhydrogencarbonate was titrated

with O.2OOmol dm3 hydrochloricacid using phenolphthalein is indicator.lf 17.50 cm3 of
hydrochloricacidwere required,what is the percentageby mass of sodiumhydrogencarbonate in
the mixture? [62.90lo]
16. Willow bark can be used to relievepain.The activechemicalin willowbark was isolatedin 1829
and is calledsalicin,C13H16O7.
(a) Calculateits percentage composition. H,6.29o/o;
\C,54.5o/o; O,39.2o/ol
(b) The pharmacologically activepartof salicinis salicyclicacid.Whenhis is analysed,it hasthe
foffowingpercentagecompositionby mass:C, 60.86%;H, 4.35%;O, ?4.78o/o. Calculateits
empiricalformula. lc7H6o3l
17. An organicacidhasthe givencomposition by mass:C, 4O.Oo/o;
and O, 53.3%.
(a) Whatis theempiricalformula? [CH2O]
iOi O.gOg of the acidis neutralized
by 10.00cm3of 1.0moldm€ sodiumhydroxide. Catcuiate
relativemolecularmassof the acid and hencededuceits molecularformula. [90.0,CaH6ql

18. Menthol,the substancewe can smellin mentholated coughdrops,is composedof C, H and O. A

0.101g sampleof mentholis combusted, producing0.285g of CO2and 0.116g of H2O.Whatis
the empiricalformulabr menthol?lf its M, is 156,whatis its molecularformula? lBothCroHzoO]

19. 10 cm3of a hydrocarbonmixedwith 50 cm3of orygen (excess)was completelycombusted.After

combustionand coolingto roomtempeqtureand pressurea contractionof 20 cmt in volumewas
observed.A furthercontractionof 20 crn'occunedas the mixturewas shakenwith causticpotash
(sodiumhydroxide).What is the molecularformulaof the hydrocarbon? [CzHj
20. The use of two differentindicatorsmakesthe quantitativeanalysisof certainmixturespossibleby
usingan acid-basetitration.The reactionbetweensodiumhydroxideand hydrochloricacid occurs
in a single stage,whereasthat betweensodiumcarbonateand hydrochloricacid occurc in two
stages,with the hydrogencarbonate ion as the intermediateproduct.

lonically: OH + H*+ HzO - (1)

CO32'+ H*+ HCO3 - e)
HCO3+H*--> H2O+ CO2 - (3)
\Mththe phenolphthalein
as indicator,the end-pointis seenat the completionof reactions(1) and
(2).Withmethylorangeas indicator,
the end-pointis seenat the completionof all threereactions.
MixtureA containedsolid sodiumcarbonateand sodium hydrogencarbonate, but mixtureB
containedsodiumcarbonateand sodiumhydroxide.

One of thesemixtureswas dissolvedin deionizedwaterand the solutionmadeup to 100.0cm3.

20.0 cm3 sampleswere lltratedusing 0.200 mol dm3 hydrochloricacid. ln the presenceof
phenolphthalein, 36.15cm3of acidwas used,but a second20.0cm3samplerequired43.80cm3
of acidin the presenceof methylorange.
(a) \Mich mixture,A or B, was analysed?
(b) Findthe massof bothcomponents in the originalmixture. 11.14g NaOH,0.811 g NazCOgl
71Ga(35 %).
21. (a) Galliumexistsas two isotopes,ttc" (65 %) and
(i) Calculatethe relativeatomicmassof gallium. [6e.7]
(ii) Definethetermrelativeatomicmass.
(b) Galliumnitridecouldrevolutionizeelectriclightbulbdesignas onlya smallfilamentis needed
to givea brightlight.Galliumreactswithnitrogengasto formgalliumnitride.
(i) Writean equationfor the formationof galliumnitride.
(ii) Calculatethe volumeof nitrogen,at roomtemperafure and pressure,whichwill reactwith
10.0 of gallium. t1720dm3l
22. By usingthe datain this question,estimatehow muchorygena personrequireson averagein a
lift-timeand how far a motorc€rrc€lngo usingthe sameamountof oxygen.The typicaldaily food
requirementof a personcan be consideredto be 1.2 kg of carbohydrate.The personobtains
energyby the oxidationof the carbohydrate whichcan be represented by the formula(CH2O)".
(a) (i) Constructan equationfor the completecombustion of thecarbohydrate (CH2O)n.
(ii) The empiricalrelativeformulamass of the carbohydrateis 30. Use the equationaboveto
calculatethe numberof molesof oxygenrequiredby the personeachday. [40.Qmol]
(iii)Howmanymolof orygenwill a personrequirein a life-timeof 70 years? [1.02x 10omol]
(b)A typicalmotorcar requires6 dm" of octane,CsHra, to travel100km.
(i) Constructan equationfor the comp^lete combustionof octiane.
(ii) The densig of octaneis 0.7 g cm-o.Calculatehow manymolesof octaneare presentin
the6 dm"of octane.[M,of octianeis 114.] -[a61moll
(iii) Calculatehowmanymolof oxygenis requiredto bum the6.0 dm3of octane. mofi
(c) Calculatehow manykilometersthe car can travelusingthe sameamountof oxygena person
usesin a life{ime(youranswerto (a)(iii) 12.21x 10' kml

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