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NEST Viewer
Users Guide
NEST Viewer
Users Guide
Document Reference : DOC3097 November 2016 B
Name : NEST Viewer - Users Guide

Copyright © 2013 - ACOEM

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

This document is the property of ACOEM.
No part of this publication may be duplicated, reprinted or transmitted by electronic, mechanical, photographic or
other means, or recorded, translated, edited, abridged or expanded without the prior written consent of the owner.

1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................5
2. LAUNCHING ONEPROD-VIEWER ..............................................................................................5
3. DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERFACE ..........................................................................................6
4. STATISTICAL REPORTS .............................................................................................................7
4.1. CONFIGURATION OF THE REPORT ..................................................................................................7
4.1.1. Selection of the report type .............................................................................................................. 7
4.1.2. Selection of the set of equipment to analyse .................................................................................... 8
4.1.3. Advice levels to edit ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.4. Detection levels for defect count ..................................................................................................... 8
4.1.5. Selection of the status date and analysis duration .......................................................................... 9
4.1.6. Sorting criteria ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1.7. Selection of the report output format............................................................................................... 9
4.1.8. Report profile ................................................................................................................................ 10
4.2. DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF REPORT ....................................................................10
4.2.1. Analysis and measurement activity ............................................................................................... 10
4.2.2. Equipment list (and Expertise report) ........................................................................................... 10
4.2.3. Detected defect statistics per equipment ....................................................................................... 10
4.2.4. Status per equipment type.............................................................................................................. 10
4.2.5. Status per equipment function ....................................................................................................... 10
4.2.6. Defects statistics ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.2.7. Defect trends ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.8. Advice statistics ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.2.9. Advice trends ................................................................................................................................. 11
4.3. CUSTOMISATION OF THE REPORTS ..............................................................................................11

OneProd Viewer is a module allowing for easy access to the results computed by the experts using the
OneProd NEST ANALYST predictive maintenance and vibration analysis software.

At first, it presents, on a single screen, a summary of all databases under control with the following
information for each of them:
 The number of machines for each advice level given by the expert: Excellent, Good, Fair or
 The date of the most recent advice entered in the database.

This module also provides access to a set of statistical reports allowing for a more detailed analysis of the
set of machines.


From Windows’ Start menu: “OneProd System/Tools/ OneProd Viewer”

Then log onto your domain, entering your username and password in the login window.

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The screen presents all databases included in the selected domain and accessible by the user. Access
rights to the databases are managed in the administration module.

Statistical reports
For each database, the table shows the assessment of the equipment status done by the expert:

 The number of machines with advice = Excellent

 The number of machines with advice = Good
 The number of machines with advice = Fair
 The number of machines with advice = Critical
 The date of the last advice, which allows knowing whether an update was done since the last

These 4 levels are defined according to international standards. Standard ISO 10816 defines them as
 Excellent: Health is excellent (no default, low vibration levels).
 Good: Health is good for a long time service without restriction.
 Fair: Health is not acceptable for a long time service.
 Critical: Observed measurements could generate damages!

This window is also used to access the Statistical Reports module. These statistics are based on the
information entered in the OneProd NEST ANALYST software. This information includes mainly:
 Experts’ advice listed above
 Types of machines: motor, turbine, fan, compressor, grinder, etc.
 Functions: for each machine, one can specify to which function of the plant this machine
participates, e.g., power generation, compressed air, product #1, etc.
 Detected defects: unbalance, bearing, misalignment, meshing, clearance, lubrication, etc.

To access these reports, select the database to analyse in the list and click on “Statistic Reports”.

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The statistical analysis report can be accessed from the main window of OneProd Viewer.

4.1. Configuration of the report

A window allows configuring the report to display:

Select the report

profile: see § 4.1.8
Select the type of
report: see § 4.1.1 Advice levels to edit:
see § 4.1.3

Select the set of

machines to Detection levels for
analyse: defect count:
see § 4.1.2 see § 4.1.4

Sorting criteria:
Select the status
see § 4.1.6
date and the
analysis duration
for the monitoring Launch report
reports: see § 4.1.5

Back to Select the report Create a report

OneProd Viewer output format: profile: see § 4.1.8
see § 4.1.7

After configuration, the report is edited by clicking on .

One can go back to the OneProd Viewer list of databases by clicking on .

4.1.1. Selection of the report type

A selection list allows selecting the type of reports to edit. The following reports are available:

 Analysis and measurement activity: see § 4.2.1

 Equipment list: see § 4.2.2
 Detected defect statistics per equipment: see § 4.2.3
 Status per equipment type: see § 4.2.4
 Status per equipment function: see § 4.2.5
 Defect statistics: see § 4.2.6
 Defect trends: see § 4.2.7
 Advice statistics: see § 4.2.8
 Advice trends: see § 4.2.9

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4.1.2. Selection of the set of equipment to analyse

There are several ways available to select the set of equipment for which the report is going to be edited:

 The complete database or a selection of equipment can be selected. These selections must be
predefined in the OneProd NEST ANALYST software. For instance, one can have a selection
that allows analysing, on one hand the most critical machines, and on the other hand, secondary
 One can also select only some types of equipment or some functions.

4.1.3. Advice levels to edit

The analysis can be limited to some advice levels. This selection is available for the
“Equipment list” report only.

4.1.4. Detection levels for defect count

The detection level is used in the “Detected defect statistics per equipment” report
 If Fair is selected, the system will count a defect each time the level goes
from Excellent or Good to Fair or Critical.
 If Critical is selected, the system will count a defect each time the level goes
from Excellent, Good or Fair to Critical.

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4.1.5. Selection of the status date and analysis duration

The date field allows selecting the time when the report is to be
edited. The default value is the current date.

For status reports (Equipment list, Status per equipment

type, Status per equipment function, Defect statistics, Advice
statistics), only this date is accessible. Edited results are based
on the 1 advice issued (different from “No advice”) before the indicated date.

The monitoring period is accessible for the other types of reports:

 Measurement and analysis activity: the time unit is the week or the month.
 Statistics on detected defects per equipment: the unit is the month.
 Monitoring of the number of defects: the unit is the month or the quarter.
 Monitoring of experts’ advice: the unit is the month or the quarter.

The maximum number of periods is 12.

4.1.6. Sorting criteria

Depending on the type of report, one or two sorting criteria
can be used to sort the equipment list.
Based on the type of report, the list can thus be sorted by:
 Alphabetical order,
 The order used in the Equipment hierarchy of
 The selection order,
 The date of the last advice (Equipment list),
 The advice level (Equipment list),
 The number of defects detected (Statistics on
detected defects per equipment).

4.1.7. Selection of the report output format

Three output formats are available:

 HTML: directly readable from an Internet browser.

 PDF: format for easy archiving of the file.
 RTF: format compatible with word processors, thus allowing for integration of the results into
other documents, for complementing the file with other information or for using a spreadsheet by
copying/pasting a table.

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4.1.8. Report profile

After configuration of a report, this configuration can be saved into a “Report profile” to be reused later on.
To do so, name the profile in the “New profile” field and click on :

The profile thus created is now available in the “Report profile” selection list:

To delete a profile, select it in the list and click on .

4.2. Description of the different types of report

4.2.1. Analysis and measurement activity

This report allows for a month-by-month or week-by-week follow-up of the number of advice issued by the
experts, along with their distribution per category (Excellent, Good, Fair or Critical).

4.2.2. Equipment list (and Expertise report)

This report edits the equipment list with the main information on the last advice issued by the expert.
Clicking on the advice will display the expertise report giving more details on the analysis.

4.2.3. Detected defect statistics per equipment

This report calculates the number of defects detected for each piece of equipment. In particular, it allows
evidencing the machines that are the source of the greater number of problems. The defect count is
based on the detection level (see § 4.1.4).

4.2.4. Status per equipment type

This report indicates the general state of the machines per type of equipment and thus allows detecting
the types of machines on which to focus.

4.2.5. Status per equipment function

This report indicates the general state of the machines per function and thus allows evidencing those on
which to focus.

4.2.6. Defects statistics

This report gives the distribution of the defects detected on all the equipment selected on a given date.

4.2.7. Defect trends

This report allows monitoring the evolution of the number of defects detected on the set of equipment
over a given period.

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4.2.8. Advice statistics

This report gives the distribution of the types of advice issued by the experts for the selected set of
equipment on a given date.

4.2.9. Advice trends

This report allows monitoring the evolution of the advice issued by the expert of each piece of equipment
of the selected set over a given period.

4.3. Customisation of the reports

The reports are based on template files. These can be edited using Word to adapt the page layout to the
needs of each user.

When creating a new database, the general templates are duplicated into a directory specific to each

The general templates are stored in the “OneProd\XPR\srv\Reports” sub-directory of the installation
directory. The modifications that are to be effective in all databases must be done in this directory.

To adapt the reports of a specific database, the templates corresponding to this database must be
modified. For instance, the report templates of the d1\w1\b1 database are stored in the following

 OneProd\XPR\BIP\xmlp\XMLP\Reports\ediag\d1\w1\b1

Before each modification, a backup of the initial template should be done.

One can then change the fonts or the information order or delete some information.

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