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Materials Science and Engineering, 67 (1984) 109-117 109

P h a s e Equilibria and Solidification S e q u e n c e s of White Cast Irons Containing

Vanadium and Chromium


Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble, Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Electrochirnie et d'Electrom~tallurgie de
Grenoble, Laboratoire de Thermodynarnique et Physico-chimie M$tallurgiques, B.P. 75, Domaine Universitaire,
38402 Saint Martin D'H~res (France)
(Received May 26, 1983; in revised form February 28, 1984)

SUMMARY The addition of up to 6-10 wt.% V seems

to be especially favourable [1-5] ; it gives
White cast irons containing chromium and superior toughness and hardness. Its effect
with 27 different compositions (up to 6 wt.% operates in different stages. During solidifica-
V) were studied. Phase identification was tion it results in the eutectic crystallization of
carried out using microprobe analysis and vanadium carbides. Their specific hardness
electron diffraction. Quench-interrupted uni- [6], together with their characteristic round-
directional solidification was used to study shaped morphology, appears to be particu-
the crystallization sequence, and the liquidus larly well suited to achieving a good degree
and solidus values were determined using of toughness. During heat treatment, vanadi-
differential thermal analysis. A modified um promotes secondary precipitation. It
version o f this technique, quench-interrupted facilitates austenite destabilization and con-
differential thermal analysis, was employed in sequently the formation of martensitic or
order to establish the solidification paths. bainitic structures. An improvement in abra-
The liquidus temperature can be adequately sion resistance should be sought and its de-
represented by a second-degree polynomial pendence on the relative carbon, chromium
with the chromium, vanadium and carbon and vanadium contents should be investi-
contents as the variables. gated, in order to optimize the proportions
A projection in the pseudoternary system of the various carbides.
(Fe-Cr)-V-C is shown to be useful for de- At high chromium contents the alloy con-
scribing the liquid composition change in rains essentially chromium carbides of M7Cs
peritectic or eutectic equilibrium with austen- type, even for vanadium contents up to 9 wt.%
ite and the various carbides M7C3, V8C5 [ 5]. Almost all the vanadium is partitioned be-
and MzC. It provides good guidelines for ex- tween the matrix and the chromium carbides
plaining the solidification microstructures and where it serves no useful purpose. However,
for predicting the crystallization paths and several points need to be clarified, particu-
the types and amounts o f carbides. larly those concerning the phase diagram.
The purpose of the present paper is two-
fold: to determine the liquidus temperature
1. INTRODUCTION profile for a portion of the phase diagram,
and to indicate the influence of the initial
Abrasion-resistant alloys usually contain a composition on the nature and properties of
large volume fraction of massive carbide par- the resulting phases.
ticles. These massive carbides result from
solidification. They are selected for their
hardness and stability. The complex chromi-
um carbides of type M7C8 are the most com-
monly used among them. Their properties can 2.1. Preparation of alloys
be fully exploited only if the embedding Alloy samples of mass about 100 g were
matrix is itself sufficiently strong. prepared under argon at a low pressure in a

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Compositions of the alloys investigated

Alloy series A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 As A7 As A9
Amount (wt.%) of C 1.60 2.40 3.60 1.60 2.40 3.50 1.60 2.40 3.20
Amount (wt.%) of Cr 3.60 5.40 8.30 5.40 8.60 12.90 8.30 12.40 16.50

Each composition was prepared at three vanadium contents, 0 wt.%, 3 wt.% and 6 wt.% which are indicated as
AnV0, AnV3 and AnV6 respectively.

high frequency furnace using high purity of potassium ferricyanide, 10 g of potassium

metals. Intermediate compositions were hydroxide and 100 ml of distilled water) and
melted in a small arc furnace. The composi- Villela's etching reagent (1 g of picric acid,
tions are indicated in Table 1. The carbon 5 ml of hydrochloric acid and 100 ml of ethyl
content varies from 1.6 to 3.6 wt.% and the alcohol), they were examined using a scanning
chromium content from 3.6 to 16.5 wt.%. electron microscope (JEOL 35) fitted with an
Amounts of 3 and 6 wt.% V were added to energy-dispersive X-ray analysis system
these alloys. So for each carbon-to-chromium (Tracor). The phase composition was deter-
ratio there are three alloys AnV0, AnV3and mined using electron microprobe analysis.
AnV~ corresponding to 0 wt.% V, 3 wt.% V Carbon analysis was performed at 6 kV. The
and 6 wt.% V respectively. measured values were corrected using a Z
absorption fluorescence program. The matrix
2.2. Differential thermal analysis and quench- analysis was performed on specimens which
interrupted solidification had just been quenched at the end of the
Differential thermal analysis was performed solidification in order to avoid a non-homoge-
for each alloy on 2 g specimens. The rate of neous bainitic or pearlitic matrix. Thus the
cooling was 300 °C h -1. In order to determine matrix is metastable austenite.
the sequence of formation of each phase, two
sets of experiments were carried out: (1) 2.4. Quantitative metallography
quench-interrupted differential thermal The microstructures of differential thermal
analysis controlled solidification; (2) quench- analysis samples which had all been solidified
interrupted directed solidification. at the same freezing rate were examined.
Method (1) consists of quenching the small Quantitative image analyses were carried out
ingot sample at the moment when the first on series of about 12 adjacent scanning elec-
eutectic crystallization begins. This is indi- tron micrographs of each alloy. The amount
cated by the appearance of the corresponding of each type of carbide (excluding the den-
peak on the thermogram. The phase which drite centres which contain secondary car-
has been frozen first appears rather coarse; it bides) was measured. These carbides are too
is delineated by the fine structure coming thin to be analysed properly.
from the quenched liquid.
Method (2) was performed on an industrial
alloy VH; its composition (2.21wt.%C- 3. RESULTS
0.72wt.%Si) is close to that of A2V6. A rod 3.1. Differential thermal analysis and quench-
of this alloy was obtained by unidirectional interrupted solidification
solidification. The rate of solidification was The transformation temperatures are given
3.2 cm h -1 and the thermal gradient was about in Table 2. Usually, thermograms display
80 °C cm -1. The sample was quenched during three peaks corresponding to the solid-liquid
the solidification process. transformations (the liquidus and the eutectic
crystallizations). In addition there is some-
2.3. Phase determination times a large flattened peak ranging between
After the specimens had been polished and 734 and 744 °C. It corresponds to the pearl-
etched using Murakami's etching reagent (10 g itic reaction. The solidification interval AT is

Transformation temperatures and the phases identified for each alloy

Alloy Transformation temperatures (°C) AT a Phases identified Matrix b

Bainite and martensite Pearlite

A1Vo 1424; 1218 744 246 7: M3C P,B

A1V3 1410 ; 1292 ; 1215 737 205 7: M6C5, M7C3 P,B
A1V6 1400; 1336 -- 107 7:M6C5 M
A2Vo 1343; 1185 737 193 ~': M3C P,B
A2V3 1340; 1235; 1205 737 165 ~/: M6C5, M7C 3 P,B
A2V6 1393; 1303; 1227 734 137 ")': M6C5, M7C 3 P,B
A3V0 1215; 1188 741 78 7: M3C P, B
A3V3 1212; 1198; 1168 734 57 7: M7C3, M3C P,B
A3V6 1245; 1218 734 69 7: M6C5, M7C3 P,B
A4Vo 1434; 1222 734 226 7:M7C3 P,B
A4V3 1400; 1275; 1225 734 189 ~': M6C5, M7C 3 P,B
A4V6 1389; 1326; 1232 -- 165 7: M6C5, M7C3 M
A5V0 1340; 1205 734 172 7:M7C3 P, B
AsV 3 1340; 1232 734 135 ~': M7C 3 P, B
AsV 6 1333; 1296; 1242 734 115 7:M6C5 + M7C3 P,B
A6V0 1245 ; 1212 734 87 7:M7C3 P, B
A6V3 1239; 1228 734 59 7: MTC 3 P,B
A6V6 1252; 1242 734 52 ~/: M6C 5 + MTC 3 P,B
A7Vo 1434; 1249 737 209 7:M7C3 P,B
AvV3 1397; 1259; 1245 734 175 7: M6C5, M7C3 P, B
ATV6 1400; 1376; 1319; 1262 -- 151 ~, ~: M6C5, MTC 3 M
A8Vo 1353; 1242 734 148 7:M7C3 P,B
A8V3 1336; 1249 734 117 ~': M7C 3 P,B
A8V6 1326; 1272; 1256 737 104 ")': M6C5, M7C 3 P,B
AgV0 1286; 1245 737 91 7:M7C3 P,B
AgV3 1275; 1225 734 63 7:M7C3 P, B
AgV6 1292; 1270 -- 70 ")': M6C5, M7C 3 M

a A T is the interval between the liquidus temperature and the temperature at the end of freezing.
bMatrix state: P, pearlite; M, martensite; B, bainite.


Fig. 1. Schematic view of a rod unidirectionally solidified and then quenched.

g i v e n i n T a b l e 2. A T is t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n F i g u r e 1 is a s c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f
the liquidus temperature and the temperature the microstructure that we observed for the
a t w h i c h c o m p l e t e e u t e c t i c c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n is unidirectionally solidified rod. Crystallization
a c h i e v e d , i.e. a t e m p e r a t u r e w h i c h is 1 0 - 1 5 °C starts with dendrites (the upper zone of rod
lower than the start of the last eutectic crys- A). Then eutectic cells of vanadium carbide
t a l l i z a t i o n a t a c o o l i n g r a t e o f 3 0 0 °C h -1. (7 p h a s e ) c r y s t a l l i z e , s t i c k i n g t o t h e d e n d r i t e s

in a curious manner resembling mistletoe on ite seems to be larger than in the correspond-
a tree (middle zone B). The last remaining ing alloys AsV6 and AsVs, probably because of
liquid transforms into oriented eutectic the presence of manganese.
MvCa (7) (lower zone C). For this alloy the
transformation temperatures are 1339, 1303, 3.2. Phase determination
1215 and 707 °C. The phases which were identified for each
The same stages in the crystallization paths composition are indicated in Table 2, as also
were found for all 27 alloys. In addition we is the state of the matrix. Table 3 shows the
investigated a b o u t 20 industrial alloys con- ranges of compositions for the three carbides
taining up to 3 wt.% Mn, up to 1 wt.% Mo M7C3, V6C5 and M3C. It should be noted that
and a b o u t 0.5 wt.% Si. Again we found the the most probable formula for the eutectic
same crystallization sequence even with some vanadium carbide is VsC5. Table 4 indicates
alloys which exhibit rather different micro- the composition of the matrix. Given the un-
structures. Figure 2 is a scanning electron certainty of the microprobe measurements
micrograph of an industrial alloy VH. Vana- for carbon analysis we may assume that the
dium carbides appear as coarse particles Which amount of carbon in the matrix is almost the
are trapped between the secondary arms of same for all the alloys and lies between 0.8
dendrites. The proportion of primary austen- and 0.9 wt.% (3.5 and 4 at.%). Also we note
that there is severe segregation of vanadium
during solidification and this allows the for-
mation of V8C5 (7) eutectic cells in the
dendritic groove.

3.3. Quantitative metallography

Figure 3 illustrates the morphologies of
6 wt.% V alloys for various carbon and
chromium contents. A slow solidification rate

Compositions of the matrix

Alloy Cr (wt.Q) V (wt.Q) C (wt.Q)

A2V6 4.5 1.6 0.8

AsV 6 6.2 2.1
AsV 6 7.0 3.5 0.8
A7V6 7.0 3.4 0.9
AsV6 10.5 3.1 0.8
A2V3 4.4 1.6 1.0
AsV s 7.0 1.3 0.8
Fig. 2. Coarse eutectic vanadium carbides located AsV3 9.9 1.2 0.9
between the secondary arms of dendrite in an
A2Vo 4.4 0 0.9
alloy of composition 3.21wt.QC-8.37wt.QCr-
AsVo 10.4 0 1.0
0.59wt.%Mn-4.89wt.QV-0.7 lwt.QSi.

Compositions of the different types of carbide

Type of carbide Fe (wt.Q (at.Q)) Cr (wt.Q (at.Q)) V(wt.Q (at.Q)) C (wt.Q (at.Q)) Approximate formula

V6C5 2-3 (1-2) 8-9 (5-6) 70-73 (46-48) 16-17 (46-49) (Vs.5Cro.4Fe0.1)C5
M7C 3 44-55 (30-41) 27-35 (20-28) 8-12 (5-10) 8 (29) (Fes.5Cr2.5V1)C 3
MsC 51-55 (40-44) 27-29 (23-25) 12 (10) 17 (24-25) (Fel.5CrVo.5)C

crystallization paths are usually discussed with

reference to this ternary system. We have
previously shown that for the F e - C r - C -
3wt.%Mo alloy [7] the liquidus surface and
the crystallization paths may be compared
with the corresponding results for the Fe-
Cr-C diagram published by Jackson [8].
The two first stages of solidification, i.e.
austenite (7) and then M7C3 (7) eutectic,
remain unchanged. In the present work we
established that the introduction of vanadi-
um results in a different sequence consisting
of austenite (7), then V6C5 (7) eutectic and
finally MTC 3 (7) eutectic. Thus Jackson's
diagram is n o t suitable and therefore we pro-
pose another approach. In the primary crys-
tallization of austenite, the liquidus surface is
a continuous four-dimensional hypersurface.
We choose to represent the liquidus tempera-
Cr ture b y a polynomial of the second degree

T 50 ~ m
l I
with the compositional variables x, y and z
(where x, y and z are the carbon, chromium
and vanadium contents respectively in weight
per cent), the balance being iron. The corre-
Fig. 3. Microstructures of alloys as a function of sponding coefficients result from a least~
carbon and chromium content. squares treatment of our measured values.
The equation obtained predicts the liquidus
temperature for any composition within the
A8 following strictly defined range of composi-
MC 3.2 tions: 1-4.5 wt.% C; 3-17 wt.% Cr; 0-7 wt.%
K2 17
A7 As A3 T (°C) = 1614.15 -- 102.1x -- 5.18y --
5,8 MC 5.2 MC 2,4
K2 7.8 K2 12,8 Kc+K 2 34 -- 19.9z -- 2.41x 2 + 1.07xy +
+ 6.11xz + 0.19y 2 -- 0.29yz +
MC 8,7
+ 0.83z 2 (1)
K2 6,4
There is good agreement between the experi-
mental and the calculated values of the
Fig. 4. Volumetric proportion of carbides for various liquidus temperature. The difference is
chromium and vanadium contents (MC-=V6C5; K2 smaller than 5 °C which is the estimated range
M7C3, KC =-M3C).
o f experimental error.
This equation can be represented geomet-
promotes coarse structures which are easier rically in various ways. The first is shown in
to analyse. The proportions of solidification Fig. 5 which gives the liquidus temperatures
carbides are indicated in Fig. 4 in positions for a chromium content of 5.15 wt.% and var-
corresponding to the morphologies shown in ious carbon contents, 1.6, 2.4 and 3.35 wt.%,
Fig. 3. against the vanadium content. Most of these
liquidus curves display a minimum as for the
4. DISCUSSION F e - V and Cr-V systems. This minimum shifts
towards larger vanadium contents when the
4.1. Liquidus representation chromium content is increased at a given
The main c o m p o n e n t s of white cast irons carbon level. One of the lines corresponds to a
are iron, chromium and carbon; therefore carbon content of 3.25 wt.% and a chromium

._°°° / /
/~ ~ L/~126o

ol / / / / / _ _ . . - - - J
o'~ 5 z /--'1240
1350- ~ % ~ ..C2.4Cr5
I .c=,c,,s
~ .C3.35Cr15
, 7// ,,,

,,,*" C3.35Cr5

1250 '~/ 1 2 3
c (%)
4 5 6 7

Fig. 6. P r o j e c t i o n o f liquidus for t h e p s e u d o t e r n a r y

s y s t e m ( F e - C r ) - V - C : 0, e x p e r i m e n t a l c o m p o s i t i o n s ;

12OO, - - - , e u t e c t i c lines; . . . . , p e r i t e c t i c lines;

t h e r m a l lines.
, iso-

; ' -~ ' b " ~ ' ~ v(%)- z('c)

Fig. 5. Calculated liquidus temperature vs. the vana-
dium content in weight per cent. The experimental
values (o) obtained by Stefanescu e t al. [9] are also

- 1350

content of 5 wt.%; it belongs to the composi-

• 1300
tion range previously studied by Stefanescu
e t al. [9]. Their results are shown in Fig. 6. 1250

There is good agreement in view of the fact

- 1200
that their alloys contained up to 1 wt.% Mn
and up to 1.27 wt.% Si. It is well k n o w n that
silicon lowers the liquidus temperature by a
large amount. I/2.°
We calculated a series of liquidus lines for / It
alloys with the same chromium-to-iron ratio ,' I?3 . 5
o f 0.1 and for a given carbon level. The sur- 1 2 3 4 5 6
face generated may be considered to be the
liquidus surface for a pseudoternary system
(91wt.%Fe-9wt.%Cr)-V-C (Fig. 6). Increasing rc:(%)
the carbon content lowers the liquidus tem- Fig. 7. R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e l i q u i d u s surface f o r a
pseudoternary system (91wt.%Fe-9wt.%Cr)-V-C.
perature and flattens the m i n i m u m until there
is only a m o n o t o n i c slope near the eutectic
Another useful representation is the liqui- to Fig. 6, the proportion of chromium in iron
dus projection on a pseudoternary diagram. In being the same. The isothermal lines are de-
Fig. 7 the three variables are the carbon con- rived from eqn. (1). The eutectic line is de-
tent, the vanadium c o n t e n t and a given Fe-Cr duced from experimental results such as the
solid solution content. Figure 7 corresponds eutectic temperatures measured for nearly

eutectic alloys. The peritectic lines are placed cell. T h e y are encased by M7C3 which has
according to the phase that we identified in developed epitaxially. The VeC5 has under-
the microstructures {Table 2). The upper part gone the peritectic transformation from MeC5
of the eutectic line represents the crystalliza- to MTC 3. This interpretation fits in with our
tion of the eutectic VeC~ (~/) and the lower diagram. In addition, each time that we per-
part the eutectic M~C3 (7). A peritectic line formed anneals at a rather high temperature
shows the limits of the region in which MeC5 (1000 °C) the vanadium carbides became en-
and M7C3 are formed. It is worth noting that cased by M7C3 and the smaller rods dis-
this diagram is rather different from a similar appeared.
representation for the Cr-V-C system [10]. For low chromium alloys, another transfor-
The slope of the eutectic line is monotonic mation from M7C3 to M3C occurs. Figure 9
and there is no three-phase eutectic. shows the microstructure for the A2V3 alloy;
This diagram enables us to predict the the darker carbides are M7C3, and these are
crystallization path of the alloys. The follow- surrounded by M3C. There is only a slight
ing conclusion results: the initial vanadium contrast in the scanning electron micrograph
content of the alloy must exceed a certain since the mean atomic numbers of the car-
a m o u n t in order to allow the crystallization bides are close to one another. As a result of
of vanadium carbides. This is an important this lack of contrast, quantitative image
point since vanadium carbides have better analysis could not be used to discriminate
wear-resistant properties than chromium between the amounts of each carbide. As
carbides. However, a disadvantage of adding stated above, for low chromium alloys,
vanadium is its high cost. another peritectic transformation from M7 C3
to M3C occurs. The emergence of this carbide
4.2. Phase transformations M3C is consistent with Jackson's Fe-Cr-C
Usually freezing occurs at too fast a rate to diagram [ 8 ].
leave sufficient time for achieving complete During cooling, secondary vanadium pre-
peritectic transformation. Nevertheless, for cipitates nucleate and grow {Fig. 10). They
slowly cooled alloys we found evidence of the are spherically shaped as has often been found
transformation of carbides. Figure 8 shows for vanadium precipitates. Their growth must
the microstructure for the differential thermal be favoured by the relatively high diffusivity
analysis sample A3V3. The small rod-like va- of vanadium which is 50 times that of chromi-
nadium carbides lie at the centre of a eutectic um at 1000 °C [11, 12]. The precipitation of
vanadium carbides involved a depletion of

Fig. 8. Microstructure of an A3V3 differential thermal

analysis sample showing rod-like vanadium carbides Fig. 9. Microstructure of an A2V3 differential thermal
encased by MTC3. analysis sample showing MTC3 embedded in M3C.

high carbon-to-metal ratio the carbides are

principally VsC7 while for a low carbon-to-
metal ratio they are V6C5 or V6C5 plus V4C3.
Our results (in particular the results of the
carbon analysis) agree with the V6C5 com-

4.4. Formation of solidification carbides

One of the most useful pieces of informa-
tion is the carbide content in relation to the
initial composition of the alloy. Quantitative
image analysis provides this information.
However, it should be noted that these
analyses are rather difficult. The accuracy of
the results may be estimated to be 10%.
Nevertheless, because the errors are system-
atic for all our measurements, it is still pos-
sible to deduce a tendency in the results. At
a given initial amount of vanadium there are
more vanadium carbides if the chromium
content is low. This fact can be seen from a
Fig. 10. Transformed matrix with secondary vana- comparison of the results for AsV6, AsV6 and
dium precipitates. A2V6 in Fig. 4. For a constant chromium con-
tent of 8.3 wt.% the amount of vanadium
carbon, vanadium and chromium within the carbide is higher for ATVe than for A3V6 which
matrix. It destabilizes austenite and enables it contains less carbon. Because the liquid be-
to transform into bainite or pearlite. This comes richer in vanadium during crystalliza-
secondary precipitation occurs at rather a tion therefore, as the solidification interval
high temperature since small precipitates were increases, so does the quantity of rejected
detected in samples quenched from a tem- vanadium which is able to provide eutectic
perature of 1 2 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 °C. carbides.
In order to investigate the wear resistance
4.3. Composition of the phases we should not ignore the role of the matrix.
The analysis of the matrix gives an estimate Even when it has a pearlitic structure it is
of the segregation during solidification. The rather hard since it contains many trapped
partitioning ratio for chromium is about 0.8 secondary precipitates. Further refinements
and almost independent of the initial carbon and developments in this area should follow.
content. Therefore we could not deduce a
unique value of the partitioning ratio for 5. CONCLUSIONS
vanadium. The segregation is important for
this element since, with an initial content of I n the present paper, solid-liquid equilibria
6 wt.% V, only 2-3 wt.% V is left in the were studied for a series of industrial white
matrix. However, this is sufficient to provide cast irons containing chromium and vanadium
secondary carbide precipitates. and for a series of F e - C r - V - C model alloys.
The analysis of chromium carbides of t y p e We determined the transformation tempera-
M7C8 shows that they contain up to about tures, and we characterized the phases formed,
one atom of vanadium. This is in good agree- determined their types and measured their
ment with the results of Woodhead and compositions.
Quarrell [13] who reported that M7C3 can The liquidus temperature can be adequately
dissolve vanadium up to a metal-to-carbon represented by a second-degree polynomial
atom ratio of 0.16. with the chromium, vanadium and carbon
Vanadium carbides in nickel binder for contents in weight per cent as the variables.
cermets have been studied by Viswanadham In fact the variation in the liquidus tempera-
and Precht [14]. They established that for a ture is not monotonic, in particular because it

exhibits a m i n i m u m with r e s p e c t to the 2 D.M. Stefanescu, D. Mitea and S. Cracium, Am.

vanadium content. Foundrymen's Soc. Int. Cast Met. J., (June 1976)
A p r o j e c t i o n o f t h e p s e u d o t e r n a r y system 19-30.
3 D. M. Stefanescu and S. Cracium, Fonderie, 364
( F e - C r ) - V - C is s h o w n t o be useful for de- (1977) 51-60.
scribing the liquid c o m p o s i t i o n change in 4 R.J. Tunney, G. W. Lorimer and N. Ridley, Met.
p e r i t e c t i c or e u t e c t i c equilibrium with austen- Sci., (June 1978) 271-276.
ite and the various carbides M7C3, V6C~ and 5 J. M. Schissler, J. Arnould and S. Parent-Simonin,
MsC. It provides g o o d guidelines f o r explain- Fonderie, 380 (1978) 209-223.
6 S. Parent-Simonin, Fonderie, 399 (1980) 197-
ing t h e solidification m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s and for 202.
predicting the crystallization paths and the 7 J. D. B. De Mello, M. Durand-Charre and S.
t y p e s and a m o u n t s o f carbides. A specially Hamar-Thibault, Metall. Trans. A, 14 (1983)
interesting result is the k n o w l e d g e o f the 1793-1801.
initial v a n a d i u m c o n t e n t necessary to pro- 8 R. S. Jackson, J. Iron Steel Inst., London, 208
(1970) 153-167.
m o t e crystallization o f v a n a d i u m carbides 9 D. M. Stefanescu, S. Cracium, M. Serachipotol,
which are r e q u i r e d for abrasion resistance. M. Leibu and V. Patras, Metalurgia, 31 (8) (1979)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 10 G. P. Dmitrieva, S. K. Shurin and A. O. Vasil'ev,
Metalloved. Term. Obrab. Met., (4) (1978) 64-
T h e a u t h o r s v e r y m u c h a p p r e c i a t e the help- 66.
ful discussion and e n c o u r a g e m e n t o f M. 11 C. Stawstr~m and M. Hillert, J. Iron Steel Inst.,
London, 207 (1969) 77-85.
M a r a t r a y {Climax M o l y b d e n u m , France).
12 G. P. Scheidler and W. Osthoff, Z. Metallkd., 69
(8) (1978) 495-500.
REFERENCES 13 J. H. Woodhead and A. G. Quarrell, J. Iron Steel
Inst., London, 203 (1965) 605-620.
1 S. Parent-Simonin and J. C. Margerie, Fonderie, 14 R. K. Viswanadham and W. Precht, Metall. Trans.
319 (1973) 15-27. A, 11 (1980)1475-1483.

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