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 My in-laws are coming ____ tonight. Shall I get a takeaway from Burger King?

o over
o into
o from
o in

come over = visit casually

 I ____ become as famous as Brad Pitt when I was a child.

o would liked to
o liked to
o wanted to
o didn't want

The verb ‘want’ is followed by ‘to + verb’. Past Simple form: want + ed. 'would like' has no past form.

 How _____ spells does Harry Potter know?

o often
o many
o much
o old

Use ‘How many…’ when asking about countable things.

 ____ car would you like to buy?’ ‘Well, I’d like to buy a BMW, but I can’t afford it.’
o How
o What
o Why
o That

Use ‘what + noun’ to ask about types of things.

 I’m not very good _____ playing the piano. I don’t think I’ll be the next Mozart.
o for
o at
o in
o by

be good at something = be talented, perform well

 Can I _____ these Nike trainers on?

o take
o see
o buy
o try

try on = put on clothes to see if they fit you

 How ____ time do you spend with your mother-in-law?

o many
o long
o much
o often

Use ‘how much’ when asking about uncountable things.

 My cat loves sleeping on the ____. I’m afraid she’ll fall off.
o floor
o pavement
o roof
o basement

roof = the top part of a house

 I’ve ____ seen Robert Pattinson. He was in that clothes shop.

o just
o yet
o ever
o still

Use ‘just’ when something happened a very short time ago.

 We had a fantastic time last night at the zoo. Why ____ you come?
o didn't
o could
o would
o shouldn't

Make questions with ‘did/didn’t’ in the Past Simple.

 My husband thinks I should drive more ____ , but I’ve only had three accidents so far.
o carefully
o careful
o carelessly
o careless

Use adverbs (happily, sadly, strangely etc) to answer the question: How? To drive ‘carelessly’ is not a
good thing, so it’s not a possible answer here.

 I’ve known Pete’s mum ____ ages, she must be old as the hills.
o since
o for
o while
o long

Use ‘for’ when referring to a period of time: for an hour, for two days, for a month.

 ‘I’m not sure what to buy Chris for his birthday. Does he still play with Lego?’ ‘Why ____ you ask his
o will
o do
o don't
o should

Use ‘Why don’t you/we + Verb?’ when making a suggestion.

 You ____ stop acting like a 5-year-old. You’re a father now.

o do
o don't
o should
o have

Use ‘should’ when giving advice.

 Were ____ a lot of boys at the Justin Bieber concert?

o they
o there
o they're
o their

Use ‘There is/are’ in the present and ‘There was/were’ in the past to give information about the things in
a specific place.

 Mary ____ Star Wars when I called her.

o watched
o watches
o was watching
o has watched

Use ‘was/were’ + VERBing to express that an action was in progress at a certain time in the past.

 The 'Sunflowers' is a wonderful painting. I like _____ colours.

o its
o of
o their
o whose

Use ‘its’ for things and animals to talk about what they have.

 When _____ the first manga magazine made?

o did
o has
o were
o was

Passive Voice (be + Past Participle), interrogative: When was it made?

 ‘What’s your new boyfriend like?’ ‘He ______. Tall and muscular.’
o likes a football
o is like football
o is like a football player
o like a football player

be like something = be similar to something

 What_____? I’ve never heard this word before.

o means Dachshund
o Dachshund means
o does Dachshund mean
o do you mean Dachshund

Present Simple interrogative: does + subject + verb

 ____ a nice surprise! So many rubber alligators and all for me!
o Thanks
o Your
o What
o How

Use ‘What a + (adjective) noun!’ exclamations to express how you feel about something. What a lovely

 I ____ had this Rolex for ten years. My Dad gave it to me.
o am
o have
o can
o was

Use ‘have + Past Participle’ to talk about things that started in the past and are still in progress.

 Formula 1 tickets cost a _____.

o rich
o wealth
o luck
o fortune

fortune = a large amount of money

 I’m sorry, I don’t agree ____ you. X-box games aren’t always violent.
o for
o with
o to
o about

agree with somebody = have the same opinion as somebody

 Did you know that Anthony Hopkins is a really good _____?

o cook
o cooker
o cooking
o cooks

cook = a person who cooks

 We ____ with friends when we go to Barcelona. I can’t wait.

o stayed
o have stayed
o are going to stay
o are going to live

Use ’be going to+Verb’ to talk about future plans. ‘Stay’ is the correct verb when talking aboout a short
period of time.

 Does Nicole Kidman _____ a kangaroo?

o get
o have
o got
o has

Use ‘does he/she have’ or ‘do you have’ to ask about possessions in the present tense.

 We arrived _____ the airport ten minutes after check-in closed. Dad was angry as a bear.
o in
o by
o on
o at

Use ‘arrive at’ whan talking about fixed locations.

 They say I ____ speak when I was one, but I don’t believe it.
o must
o won't
o was
o could

Use ‘can’ in the present and ‘could’ in the past tense to talk about ability.

 ‘Would you like some of my Coke?’ ‘No, thanks. I’m ____ a diet.’
o in
o for
o on
o to

be on a diet = eat healthy, low-calorie food to improve your health or lose weight

 Could I have ____ of your Mars bar? I’m a bit hungry.

o any
o all
o none
o some

Use ‘some’ when asking for something. ‘Can I have some water, please?’

 I’d like to _____ some shelves in the living room for my Kinder Egg collectibles.
o put up
o hold up
o take up
o keep up

put up something on a wall = fix something onto a wall

 I ____ the children to see ‘The Lion King’ last weekend. It was fantastic.
o brought
o carried
o went
o took

‘take (past=took) somebody to a place’ means driving or walking others somewhere.

 Have we got ____ Cheerios? You know your nephew loves them.
o quite
o too
o over
o enough

‘enough’ means ‘the amount we need’

 ‘Would you like to come to the cinema with me tonight? Nightmare on Elm Street is on.’ ‘I’m sorry, but
I’m busy. ____ Saturday?’
o We go on
o Like
o Is OK
o How about

Use ‘How about + noun?’ to make suggestions. How about a pizza?

 I don’t think he will ever ____ our sink. Only when pigs fly.
o help
o advise
o heal
o fix

fix = repair

 What did Sherlock Holmes _____ in his free time?

o liked
o liked to do
o like doing
o like

Past Simple question: did + subject + verb. ‘Like’ is followed by -ING.

 This must be ____ beautiful place I’ve ever seen.

o as
o the most
o more
o most

Superlative form of adjectives: THE nicEST or THE MOST beautiful.

 ____ I love computer games, I don’t really like Need For Speed.
o However
o But
o So
o Although

Use ‘although’ or ‘even though’ at the beginning of sentences when contrasting two ideas.

 I don’t want to read a book. Books are so _____.

o bored
o boredom
o boring
o much boring

boring = not interesting, not entertaining

 I didn’t like the story. It was _____ a doctor, called Frankenstein and a monster.
o by
o for
o in
o about

be about something = tell a story about something

 There’s a film ____ this weekend. Brad Pitt is in it.

o at
o by
o of
o on

a film is on = cinemas show this film

 Do you have _____? I’d like to send this letter to Prince Harry.
o an email
o an envelope
o a paper
o a folder

envelope = an object made of paper in which you can post letters

 ‘Do you want to walk to the shops?’ ‘No, I’d _____ drive my Porsche.’
o like
o rather want
o prefer to
o choose

would prefer to do something = would like to do something instead of something else

 This is the palace I talked ____ . Queen Elizabeth died here.

o to
o about
o for
o with

Verb + preposition: talk about something.

 Can you tell me what ____ ?

o the time
o time is
o time it is
o is the time

Use positive word order after 'Can you tell me...?'

 My sister’s _____ a Walt Disney character in many ways.

o than
o same
o like
o better

Use ‘like’ to compare similar things or people. She’s like a princess. = She’s similar to a princess.

 My teacher _____ me so much homework, I won’t go out for weeks.

o has given
o should give
o given
o gives

Use Present Perfect (have/has + Past Participle) when something has happened and it has results in the

 What ____ you like to do after you graduate? Become the next Billl Gates?
o do
o will
o did
o would

Use ‘would like to + Verb’ or ‘want to + Verb’ to talk about your targets.

 If you _____ hard, you’ll get a good score at the IELTS exam.
o have studied
o studied
o will study
o study

Use ‘if + Present Simple’ and ‘will’ to talk about future possibilities.

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