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Notice to the Admin:

Seonggook Kim (Seonggook)
August 8, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Can You Believe It 2 Lesson 12 page 57

Pronunciation Practice:
punitive - [pyoo-nu-tiv]
noblesse oblige - [now-bles ow-bleezh]
r sound

1. noblesse oblige - the obligation of those of high rank to be honourable and
generous (often used ironically)
They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.
2. long face - a disappointed, solemn, or miserable facial expression
Suddenly the long face was pressed to my cheek, the eyes burning into mine.
3. get a dose of your one's own medicine - Fig. a sample of the unpleasantness that
one has been giving other people
Now you see how it feels to have someone call you names! You are getting a taste of
your own medicine!
John, who is often rude and abrupt with people, was devastated when the teacher
treated him rudely.
He doesn't like having a dose of his own medicine.

Sentence Construction:

You said: I don't like that experience.

Better say: I don't have a similar that experience.

You said: When my grade up.

Better say: When I got a higher rank

You said: My subordinator

Better say: My subordinate

You said: When I subordinate I was mistreated

Better say: When I was a subordinate I was mistreated

You said: So many people badly treated us.

Better say: So many people treated us badly.

You said: Right will prevail in the end.

Better say: What's good will prevail in the end.

You said: Old president get arrest

Better say: Former President Park got arrested

You said: high class people

Better say: upper class or elite
Next Lesson: Can You Believe It 2 Lesson 13 page 58

General Comments:
(in it) for the long haul

Meaning: a period of years, rather than days, weeks, or months; determined to

continue with something until it is finished successfully

1. Peter told his boss that he wouldn�t quit. He�s in it for the long haul.
2. I want to invest my money for the long haul , not just to get rich quick
3. They have to convince voters that their candidate is in it for the long haul.


chaos - [ke-yos]

Meaning: a state of total confusion with no order

1. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
2. Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of
total/utter chaos.
3. We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued (= resulted).
Notice to the Admin:
Wook Soo Shin (Alex)
August 8, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Express Yourself 1 Issue 22 page 95

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

Sentence Construction:

You said: driving drunk

Better say: drunk driving

You said: Because we need to harsh punishment to this kind of crime

Better say: Because we need to give harsh punishments to these kinds of crimes

You said: Their crime can be immunite by the law.

Better say: They can have immunity from the law.

You said: Many old people was suffer from these kind of thing.
Better say: Many old people suffered from these kinds of things.

You said: He made a very harsh criminal.

Better say: He made a very harsh crime.

You said: They hitting the breaking law person.

Better say: They hit the person breaking the law.

You said: All humans is going to evasion tax.

Better say: All humans want to evade paying tax.

You said: If you were my situation, you want to pay this income tax happily.
Better say: If you were in my situation, you want to pay this income tax happily.

You said: to be spended not rightly

Better say: to be spent incorrectly

You said: I have to wait more than 5 years.

Better say: I have to wait for more than 5 years.

Next Lesson: Express Yourself 1 Issue 22 page 96

General Comments:
(in it) for the long haul

Meaning: a period of years, rather than days, weeks, or months; determined to

continue with something until it is finished successfully

1. Peter told his boss that he wouldn�t quit. He�s in it for the long haul.
2. I want to invest my money for the long haul , not just to get rich quick
3. They have to convince voters that their candidate is in it for the long haul.


chaos - [ke-yos]

Meaning: a state of total confusion with no order

1. Snow and ice have caused chaos on the roads.
2. Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of
total/utter chaos.
3. We muddled up the name labels and chaos ensued (= resulted).

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