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W. E. A. ACUM and L. Fox

In a recent Paper two methods were used to Dans une rtkente etude on avait employ6 deux
determine the stresses in a two-layer’road system, methodes pour determiner les eontraintes dans un
caused by the application of uniform load over a revetement de route a deux couches, introduites par
i’application d’une charge uniformt5ment repartie
circular area on the top surface. By the first sur une zone circulaire de la surface supkieure du
method, due to Burmister, formulae were obtained, systeme. A l’aide de la premiere methode, due a
and evaluated by numerical quadrature, for the Burmister, des formules Btaient obtenues et bvalu&s
stresses on the axis of the applied load, while the par quadrature numerique, ces formules representant
relaxation method of Southwell was used to com- les contraintes sur l’axe de la charge appliqub,
tandis que la methode de relaxation de Southwell
pute the off-axial stresses.
Btait employee pour computer les contraintes
Here Burmister’s method is applied to the three- d&a&es.
layer case, and results are given for a wide range of Ici la methode de Burmister est appliquee au cas
the parameters involved. The variables are the d’un revetement B trois couches, et des resultam sont
radius of the loaded area, the thicknesses of the present& pour une large diversite de param&res
impliques. Les variables sont :-le rayon de la
two top layers, and the elasticities of the three zone chargee, les Bpaisseurs des deux couches
layers, equivalent to four independent parameters. sup&ieures, et les Blasticites des trois couches ; elles
Formulae are given for the horizontal and vertical sont Cquivalentes a quatre param&res ind+endants.
stress components, and the results are presented in Des formules sont indiquees exprimant les com-
tabular form. posantes her-izontales et verticales des contraintes,
et les resultats sont prbentb sous forme de tableau.
No use is made of relaxation, since the labour of 11 n’a pas utilise la methode de relaxation en
producing results of the required accuracy is pro- raison du travail prohibitif qu’il faudrait foumir
hibitive. pour obtenir des rtkultats offrant la precision voulue.


The methods of Burmister and Southwell were used in an earlier Paper (Fox 1948)r to
calculate stresses, in a two-layer system, arising from uniform loading applied over a circular
area at the top surface. The relaxation method was used, in a few specific cases, to give an
indication of the spread of stress while Burmister’s method provided accurate values, for a
much wider range of parameters, of vertical and horizontal stress at any point on the vertical
In the two-layer system (Fig. l), two
Fig. 1
parameters are involved. These are the
ratios :

ai = a/h, and k = 3 1
lJlillll c
where a denotes the radius of the loaded Layer I El
area, h the thickness of the top layer, and h
E,, E, are respectively the moduli of
elasticity of the upper and lower layers.
Poisson’s ratio was taken to be 0.50 in both
layers. Layer 2
. EZ
Two types of condition at the interface,
given by (a) no slipping, and (b) no
friction, were considered ; the true state
1 Fox, L., 1948. Computation of traffic stresses in a simple road structure. D.S.I.R., Road RLS. Tech.
Pajw No. 9.

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294 W. E. A. ACUM AND L. FOX

of affairs probably lying nearer to the former than to the latter. The following computations
were performed :L

(1) Burmister’s method

(a) No slipping.. 2 and Gs (radial stress in lower layer) at interface on vertical axis,
for al = a, 1, 2, 4
and k = 1, 2, 5, 10, 32.3, 100, 500, 10,000.
E and .Z- 5s at points on vertical axis in lower layer,
for aI = ), 1, 2 ; and K = 1, 10, 100, 1,000.
(b) No friction. .Z and .G - Gs at points on vertical axis in lower layer,
for al = 4, 1, 2 ; and k = 1, 10, 100, 1,000.

(2) Relaxation method

(a) No slipping. Full stress picture,
for al = 1 ; and k = 1, 2, 10, 100.
This article deals with the extension of the analysis to the three-layer case.


The extension of this work to the three-layer system, promised in the earlier Paper, has
now been completed, and the relevant formulae and results follow.
Unfortunately the application of relaxation methods to this case was found to be im-
practical, the amount of work involved to secure reasonable accuracy being prohibitive.
Results are therefore available only for stresses on the vertical axis, but it is considered that
the two-layer relaxation results give a satisfactory estimate of the off-axial spread of stress.
The extension of Burmister’s method is practicable, though the number of parameters has
increased to four, and the expressions for the stresses have become correspondingly more
The chosen parameters (Fig. 2) are given by
aI = a/hz,H = hl/hz, k, = El/E,, and k, = E,/Es,
and the following stresses have been com-
Fig. 2 puted on the assumption of perfect friction at
each interface, and with Poisson’s ratio equal
llllll to 0.50 throughout.

I (1) At first interface


The chosen values of the parameters are

as follows :-
ar = 1, 4.
H = 2, 1, 4, &.
k, = 5, 10,20,50, 100, 500.
k, = 1, 5, 10, 50, 100.

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Some alleviation of the complicated nature of the stress formulae, given below, arises from
the fact that the parameter al enters somewhat trivially into the formulae.

(1) First interface

(2) Second interface

FI Odx
2 = (1 - fw - N) o kmx)D(x)

2za= -(l - K) =LJ&rx)G’odr

s 0 D(x)
2's= - t1 -K)(l o%fd UX-dX
1 )D&)

The symbols and functions in these expressions are defined as follows :-

k, - 1 k2 - 1
K=kl+l’ N=k2+1-
fi(x) = (1 + Rx) e-J-rz-- KNse-(4+mZ - (1 - Hx) P&z--~~~ - N2e-13JJ+4jz
{ 1 1 1
- ~$l(x)e-(3H+2kC _ Nfi2(x)e-UZ+2k

a(x) = i--&(1- Hx)(,,3, - N2e-Qa+4)2}- A--(1 + Hx){e-Hz

_KN2+7+4)~}+ z{e-l?S + K~2&l+4)Z - Ke-3EZ _ jjle-C3lZ+4)Z]
- N$3(x)e-l38+2)2- N$4(x)e--uP+2)2

g2(x)= K(2 - 5Hx)e-aHZ - (2 - Hx)e-HZ - IP(2 + Hx)e-‘3H+4’%

+ KN2(2 + 5Hx)e-@r+4)z - Npb(x)e-(aH+a)z - iV$~,(x)e-a+s)z
F,(x) = - (1 + x + Hx)e-‘H+r)z - KN( 1 - x + Hx - W%2)e-~+3)z

+m +x - Hx - Wx2)e-‘3H+l)Z + N(1 _ x _ Hx)e-CJH+B)z

Gl(x) = Kq,(x)e-‘3a+l)z - q2(xje-@+l'z + Nq2(x)e-f3~+3)2 -~JJq4(x)&E+3)Z

G,(x) = K(-2 + x + 5Hx - Wx2)e-‘aJr+r)~ + (2 - x - Hx)e-a+l)z
- N(2 - 5x - 5Hx)e- (3E+3)2 + KN(2 - 5x - Hx - lOHxs)e-m+sh
D(x) = 1 + 2KN(l + 2x2)e-ss + KWee-4z + K2e-uz + 2KN(l.+ 2@).+~+~~
+ N2,-(4a+4b - =(I + m2,2),y2Zh _K~N$,(X)~-I~I?+~)Z _ Npg(x)e-(2E+2h

- xNZ(l + W2x2)e-f2R+4k%

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296 W. E. A. ACUM AND L. FOX

jJ&)=h( -x) = -K(l +2x-H% +2%* -2HXe-4Hz3)+(1-2z-H~x+2S+W~~)
%(x)= pl( - x) = K(4 + 2Hx + 8x8 + 4Hx3) - (2 - 4x - 5Hx - 2~2 - 2HXn)
- Ks(2 + 4x - 5Hx + 109 + 2Hx= - 2OHxS).
$&) = $e~z)=~) K(2 + 4x + Hz - 2x2 - lOHn% + 4Hx8) - (2 - 4x - 5Hn - 2x0
$,(x) = 2 + 4.9 - 8HS + 4HW + 16HW.
Ps(n) = 2 + 49 + @HS + 4HW.
q&) = N(2 + 5x + Hz - 1OHS) - (2 - x - 5Hx + 2Hx*)
q&) = N(2 + 5x + 5Hx) - (2 - x - Hz)
q&) = N(2 + x + Hz) - (2 - 5x - 5Hx)
q&) = N(2 + x + 5Hx + 2Hxe) - (2 - 5x - Hz - 1OHXe).


In the two-layer case results were given in the form of tables, graphs, and contours.
When four parameters are present, however, it is very difficult to cover the whole range
adequately and to present the results in a suitable manner. The results are therefore given
in tabular form only, and it is left to the user to plot them, if desired, in any convenient way.
The wide range both of arguments and results suggests that plots on logarithmic scales will
be the best. The vertical stress Z is always of one sign, and can be plotted in this way without
difficulty. The horizontal stress F7 is of variable sign, but the more important quantity
,rz - $7 is of one sign throughout, and it is therefore more convenient to plot ,Z - f? rather
than G?.
In Tables 1 to 8 (Appendix), stresses are given as percentages of the applied load. All
the signs are negative, and the six values given in any “ cell ” of the tables are arranged
according to the following scheme :-

First Second
interface I interface

The vertical and horizontal stresses were computed independently, and an almost perfect
check, apart from a constant &merical factor, is given by the relations
az,- +?I =R1(21 - fi2) at first interface,
and Es - Es = ka(Zs - F?s) at second interface.
Special cases o&r when Kr or kg becomes unity, and the problem is reduced to that of
the two-layer system. Some results can then be obtained by interpolation or extrapolation
in the previous work. There are four special cases.

(1) Stress req&ed atfirst interfuce, k, = 1.

This requires a knowledge of the stress at points in the upper layer of a two-layer system,
for which no computations have been performed.

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(2) Stress rcquirtd atJirst interface,

kg = 1.
This corresponds to the det ermination of stresses at the interface of a two-layer system
where, with an obviousnotation, the parameters are given by
/a,@ = @)/II, and k’s -= kl’a.

(3) Stress re+ired at second in&face, kl = 1.

This corresponds to the determination of stresses at the interface of a two-layer system,
with parameters
ur’n = @‘/(l + H), and k’w = &‘s.

(4) Stress required at second iderface, k, = 1.

This corresponds to the determination of stresses at a point in the lower layer of a two-
layer system. The parameters are
al(s = al’s/H, and k’s = kl@,
and the depth below the interface is k’s/H.
No values are given in the Tables, since it is generally easier to obtain them, if required,
by extrapolation of the log-log plots of the three-layer results. Enough values were obtained
from the two-layer work, however, to prove that there was no signXcant error in the com-
plicated formulae and computation.


This article has been written and the results included therein have been obtained at the
Mathematics Division, National Physical Laboratory, as a part of the programme of the
Road Research Board ; it is published by permission of the Director of Road Research.


Table i

I 20I 50I 100

I 500

$1 9.51

.I 10

0.349 0.261
187aO 0.513
0.374 0.101

O-252 0.169
203xJO 0.586
0.405 0.059

6.43 0.552

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298 W. E. A. ACUM AND L. FOX

Table 2
H = l,a, = 1

4 5 10 20 50 100 500

30.30 9.22 20.80 7.14 13.50 5.33 7.26 3.44 4.43 2.36 1.38 0.921
5 162.00 37+3O 229.00 28.10 300.00 19.70 390.00 11.40 457.00 7.10 594.00 2.11
32.30 7.56 22.90 5.63 15.00 3.96 7.84 2.29 4.57 1.42 1.19 0.420

27.90 6.11 18:70 4.73 11.80 3.53 6.13 2.26 3.60 1.55 1.04 0.599
10 173.00 47.10 250.00 35.00 330.00 24.40 431.00 13.90 502.00 8.55 645.00 2.46
34.70 4.70 25.00 3.50 16.50 2.44 8.66 1.39 5.02 0.86 1.29 0.245

201.00 68.20 298.00 50.90 399.00 11.80
:t::: 0.236

24.30 1.42 15.60 1.11 9.35 0.839 4.40 0.540

100 213.00 75.10 319.00 57.80 428.00 39.80 563.00 22.00
42.60 0.76 31.80 0.57 21.40 0.400 Il.30 0.22 +

Table 3

k, 20 50 100 500

T 15.60

1 I
63.40 10.40 37.00 8.59 22.20 6.29 14.20 4.72 4.43 2.08
10 223.00 78.00 615.00 62.80 963.00 42.90 1244.00 29.80 1866.00 10.50
44.60 7.81 30.70 6.28 19.30 4.29 12.40 2.98 3.73 1.05

59.80 3.74 33.50 3.14 19.10 2.34 11.60 17.70

50 239.00 115.00 730.00 93.30 1 180.00 63.90 1541.00 44.20
47.80 2.30 36.50 1 s7 23.60 1.28 15.40 0.88

59.10 32.80 2.00 18.50 1.51

100 244.00 776.00 106.00 1
48.80 38.70 1.06 270.00
25-101 730:730
10 1 1 / 1
- I ! ,

Table 4
H = a, a, = 1


&I 5 I 10

I614.00 90.70 1273.00 75.20 1966.00 61.20 3991.00 3il.i

657.00 115.00 1404.00 95.60 2195.00 77.90 4500.00 3810;)

j:::: / ::::: 1 :::::/ ‘:::: / :::::I ‘S::: 1 l::::i ;.::

90.20 6.52 85.50 5.91 76.40

70.80 197.00 I 303.00 I 185.00 725.00
14.20 3.94 30.20 3.69 36.40


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Table 5
H = 2, a, = ;

k, 5 10 20 50 100 500

2.85 0.950 1.76 0.670 1.06 0.268 0.307 0.175 0.093 0.066
5 21.50 4.09 27.20 2.70 32.40 0.853 42.10 0.492 iO.80 0.131
4.30 0.817 2.72 0.540 1,62 0.170 0.421 0.098 0.101 0.026
2.51 0.621 1.52 0.435 0.884 0.241
10 23.10 4.96 29.40 3.24 35.00 45.20
4.62 0.495 2.94 0.323 1.75 0.454

2.12 0.220 1.23 0.155 0.682 0.064 0.165 0.042

50 27.10 6.80 34.60 4.40 41.20 1.32 53.70 0.753
5.42 0.136 3.47 0.088 2.06 0.026 0.537 0.015


Table 6
Ii = 1, a, = &

k, 5 10 20 50 100 500

12.00 2.55 7.72 1.93 4.74 1.42 2.39 0.899 1.40 0.610 0.404 0.235
5 66.10 10.90 87.10 7.89 107.00 5.43 132.00 3.07 149.00 1.89 184.00 os550
13.20 2.18 8.69 1.58 5.36 1.09 2.64 0.616 1.49 0.376 0.368 0~111

11.30 1.66 7.13 1 a26 4.29 0.929 2.08 0.586 1.18 0.400 0.318 0.152
10 69.10 13.30 92.30 9.68 115.00 6.64 142.00 3.71 160.00 2.26 197.00 0.637
13.80 1.33 9.22 0.969 5.74 0.664 2.84 0.371 1 a60 0.227 0.394 0.064

10.50 0.586 6.46 0.453 3,74 0.336 1.71 0.213 0.927 0.145
50 76.10 18.70 104.00 13.70 132.00 9.39 165.00 5.14 186.00 3.08
15.20 0.374 10.40 0.275 6.61 0.189 3.30 0.103 1.86 0.062

IO.30 0.370 6.32 0.287 3.64 0.215 1.64 0.137

100 79.00 21.10 109.00 15.40 140.00 IO.60 175.00 5.75
15.80 0.210 10.90 o-154 6.99 0.106 3.50 0.057

Table 7

kz 50 100

9.41 2.58 5.76 1.89

363.00 9.69 433.00 6.63
7.26 1.94 4.32 1.32

8.71 1.69 5.20 1.25

388.00 12.00 465.00 8.18
4.65 0.818
7.76 t 1.20
34.20 I,20 7.88 0.612 4.51 0.457
50 151.00 39.60 443.00 17.40 11.80
30.10 0.794 8.87 0.348 54:‘40:
. 0.237
33.90 0.748 7.72
100 152.00 44.10 466.00
30.30 0.44 1 9.32

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