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 Beyond Technology

and Beyond Technology Transfer

“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The glut of data, the ever enlarging fund of information

and the vastness of accumulated knowledge, in recent times,
has been met with:
1) recourse to specialization,
2) breaking up of problems into “manageable” segments
(i.e. briefs, abstracts and summaries),
3) simplification, by means of arbitrary elimination,
the use of abbreviations, contractions, letter clusters,
and acronyms, made of first letters,
without regard for the familiarity of all readers,
particularly their literacy,
e.g. DMZ, for demilitarized zone,
DNA, for deoxyribonucleic acid,
4) compression and elision.

The Need for Information Melodies

When we attempt to put or to place
motifs, theme fragments, elements or components of a subject
into a sufficiently tight or close range to one another
in order to hear the melody, the information melody,
we sometimes need to miniaturize or to compress
an elaborate concept.
We can ideally do this compression in progressive steps
or in sequenced stages.
We can either commence with utmost generalizations:
themes, principles or sweeping assertions, as a lead statement
and then support that lead statement
with narratives.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 1 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2010

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Alternatively, we can commence

with examples, one after the other,
abstracting the common elements from these examples
in a conclusion or in a summary statement.

When one plays one note in a melody

followed by another,
at an enormous lapsed interval of time
one cannot hear the melody,
one can not fit the parts together
with the attention span.
Jazz often stretches the interval in a melody
and inserts related and harmonic variations
into the stretched interval.
Writing styles often do the same.

Cognitive Impairment and Poor Mapping

Western culture has failed to notice:
we human beings are cognitively impaired and limited!
This cognitive impairment or limitation is the product of
1) a poor diet
2) a poor education and
3) poor training.
All three of these factors: poor diet
and poor education and poor training are partly
and are majorly generated
by means of media promotions: commercials!
We are stunned.
We are shocked.
We are entranced.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 2 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We are lame brained and we are half witted.

We deliberately handicap ourselves.
We learn language.
(see: The Origin of Consciousness
In The Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, by Julian Jaynes).
We regard this acquisition of language
as a source of unique capability.

Language enables communication to occur.

Language records our explorations and experimentations.
Language makes it possible to not need to
replicate the explorations and experimentations
of prior generations, our ancestors.
The strategy of one language development
has committed us to the practice
of denotation, where we “point to” references
and of representation, where we “stand for” references.
That means we conceive of objects, forms, entities
as fixed and free standing, staying put,
while we use the invariation of fixation
to manipulate, to reason.

We ignore, continuous and constant change.

We disallow the flux and flow of change.
We arrest a world of objects and objectification.
We fail to notice, we ignore and we deny
the foundations of perception:
how we change what we observe
in the process of observing it.
Quantum mechanics is a wake up call.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 3 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We attempt to map the reality we inhabit

and to navigate within it, with words,
with words that denote or that “point to”
and with words that represent or that “stand for”
the objects we want to signify or that we want to symbolize.
We have attempted to use invariance in the meaning of words,
with fixed and with legislated meaning.
This invariance permits reasoning
and allows the use of syllogisms.
We have adopted the thinking of Aristotle
and we have overlooked the findings of Korzybski.
(see: Science and Sanity, by Alfred Korzybski)

We have highly valued logic, reason and the rational.

We believe we can derive truth from reason.
We can’t!
(see: Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Pure Reason.)
This subject of logic, reason and the rational is treated elsewhere
(see: Quantum Mechanics, A Paradigm Tsunami, (Appendix I),
and other related documents, by this same author).

Consider the alternative of visual thinking.

See Figure 1 (on the page after the next one).

Here, in this diagram, we commence with definition:

This is the selection of an inventory of elements or components
which we pose, a question or a quest,
and which generate the problem or the question.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 4 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

How do these elements or components

relate to one another?
We may omit the link, the connection
that provides the relationship.

From definition, we progress to relaxation.

Relaxation involves diminishing or eliminating stress and strain:
deformation in the meaning containing and meaning conveying media.
This is a kind of relaxation that generates a relating potential.

Just how many and how well can we link or can we connect
the selection of elements or components which we pose?
There are three alternatives from that juncture:
1) stop
2) cycle
3) persist.
The skill of visual thinking
generates more possibilities.
There is a periphery in two dimensions (a flat surface).
We can visualize tangencies, proximity and range, in any direction.
We can ascribe field qualities to the direction and range.
The up and the down vector can symbolize degrees of some property.
The left and right vector can permit alloys of combination.

fig. 2 The Alloy Diagram


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 5 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

To what extent does my concern operate

in behalf of myself or in behalf of others?
(see the document:
Questions: Their Nature and Their Function) (Appendix II)


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 6 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Figure 1: Flow Diagram of Strategic Choices, by Robert McKim


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 7 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

- - - - - - - - -

The Rong 3 R's

Remembering Essentials
Of course, the reason we say 3 'R's is to remember:
readin' is a source of time-binding.
We don't all need to replicate the same explorations
or the same experiments, generation after generation.
We need to make some new mistakes!
'ritin' records the representations of our research (an additional 3 rʼs),
our exploration and our experiments.
'ritin' generates something to read.
'rithmetic is the acknowledged rudimentary skill
for reduction to bottom-line results.
ʻrithmetic shows certain kinds of relationships and ratios,
patterns, if you would.

3 R's or 7 C's
Of course, we need to regard and to respect others (2 more rʼs),
and to regard and respect our environment,
which partly consists of others.
We need to communicate, in order to coordinate,
in order to combine our efforts with the efforts of others, to collaborate.
This makes it possible to create constructively,
conserving our common resources and energies.
Does that mean we need to change the r's to c's
and increase the number to the seven c's or even more?

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 8 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

To Respond and To Reproduce

We certainly need to be responsible!
Responsiveness is one of the fundamental characteristics of all life.
To be responsive is, or can be, to be responsible.
We need to produce and / or to reproduce.
Reproduction is a foundational characteristic of all life.
We are a celf, a cell-like self.
We have intransitive functions, performed on behalf of the celf.
We have transitive functions, exports.

To Relate with Regard

We must have a regard for sense, for truth and for relevance,
which we must responsibly relay through culture:
through our education and through our training.

Is life or is learning a pursuit of the right number of the right letters (r's or c's)
to represent our right use of the opportunity of life?

We certainly need to relate to one another

and relate to the other species of life,
upon which we are totally dependent.

Data, Information, Knowledge and Disciplines

So, here we are relating more, to more, more extensively,
more effectively and more appropriately (the five mores),
as we represent our accrued and accumulating data, 'ritin',
reporting our discoveries, recording our understandings
and propagating our values.
We relate our data - to generate information.
We structure our information - to embody knowledge.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 9 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We multiply and we cross our fields of knowledge - to derive disciplines,

interdisciplines and multidisciplines.
We apply discovered values to our knowledge - to yield wisdom.

Augment Senses, Extend Awareness

We augment our senses, to extend our awareness,
to generate our perceptions, our world view, or perhaps better,
to configure our cosmology, our view of the universe.

We attempt to heed or to acknowledge this ever enlarging awareness,

gained from augmented sensing, in what we do and in what we are.
We then augment the mobility, the motion and the forces of the human form
with energy, with technology, with skills.

More Than
Yes, we must sense more, do more, be more,
more than we have sensed, more than others have sensed,
more than we have done, more than others have done,
more than we have been, more than others have been.
We must quantify, in order to compare, all of these "more than's".
That's what 'rithmetic helps you do.
Isn't this all part of progress?

Don't we become able to produce more,

making it possible to have more and to do more,
by augmenting the limited movements and the restrained motions,
the forces and the actions of the human form?
Do we confuse doing more and having more, with being more?


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 10 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Quantifiable More?
On such a basis, don't we want to genetically engineer
a higher I.Q. (intelligence quotient)?
If we have 3.3 billion base pairs in our human genome
and twenty-two thousand genes in our forty-six chromosomes,
should we genetically engineer or, at least, breed
for more base pairs in our genome, with more genes,
in more chromosomes?
Certainly so, unless more isn't twice as much of the same thing
(or some other multiplier, even greater than two).
How about increasing harmonics,
increasing the web of relatedness?

The Frontier of Evolution

Evolution may progress
by means of an extensification,
an enlarged domain of species individuation
or by means of an intensification,
an increase in the harmonics,
of morphology, of anatomy, of physiology or of ecology.
Evolution can entail greater and greater gracefulness, a dance!

Substance and form characterize these two progressions.

Motion and dynamics define the function of the individuated species.

There are levels or stratas of order

in the characteristics of substance.
Nothing exists except energy and pattern.
There is no pattern without some associated energy.
There is no energy without some related pattern.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 11 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Such as heat, sound, light and light-like radiation

are the familiar varieties of energy.
All of these familiar varieties of energy
involve wave propagation and flow.
Loops of hesitant closure
create particle-like, lapsed time structures.
But these particle-like lapsed time structures
are made of connected flows of energy
in a spherical torus.
We call that spherical torus a charge.

See the figures on the following page.

These are not free-standing structures.
There is a continuous flow of energy
to, towards, into, within, through, out of and from
each structure.
This flow follows a pattern of principles:
order characterized by uniformity and regularity,
and order characterized by uniqueness and complementarity.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 12 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 13 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We could even nominate more than four (4) base pairs

in our RNA (ribonucleic acid) or in our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
We could use more than twenty (20) amino acids
to generate our polymer proteins.
Oh, the gains, the progress, the quantitative improvement,
the stronger, the taller, the swifter, whatever . . .

How About Ratios

There are some significant ratios we could improve.
We could increase the diversity of our sensing and of our awareness,
by supplementing the inventory
of the technical augmentation of our senses,
the way we have done with X rays and with telescopes,
with infra-red and with microscopes,
with radio-waves and with giant antennae.

The ratio would then be expressed as:

how much increased or improved diversity of awareness
per unit of augmented sensing, in our new inventory.

Elegance as a Ratio
We could call this diversity of awareness
per unit inventory of sensing, a ratio:
a ratio called nothing less than elegance.

Do we form some sort of a civilizational cult of technology

in our concepts of progress?
Do we fail to even consider some possibilities?
What about harmonic intensification?


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 14 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Augmented Sensing, Augmented Knowing

If we only know by means of our senses
and the accumulation of knowledge we use to supplement our senses,
in order to transform sensing into perception,
aren't we limited by what we can sense
and by what we can know?

So, isn't augmentation of our sensing

and augmentation of our ability to know,
the frontier of progress for our species?

The Consequences of Only Augmented Senses

Consider that the senses, howsoever augmented,
sustain the separateness and the obstruction
of the separateness of the self,
as an observer, a participant observer,
according to quantum mechanics.

There is a lag in the communication

of the nature, the state, the condition, the behaviour, etc.,
of whatever we observe.
Not only is there a lag in communication,
but the senses require that we configure the data of communication
into the codes able to be registered by the senses.
The data must be in the form of something sensed,
something we can see, or hear, or feel, or smell, or taste.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 15 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Undeveloped Senses, Relationships

or Connections
Perhaps, we have failed
to even notice or to develop:
some of the senses,
some of the relationships
or some of the connections, we could have.

We have been so enchanted with the senses that we augment

that we have ignored or have dismissed
the possibility of developing latent senses.
Roger Wescott, in his book: The Divine Animal,
points out that we have not five (5) senses, as commonly believed,
but as many as twenty three (23) senses, in the whole animal world
and as many as twenty (20) senses in the human species,
in particular.
This is discussed in the earlier passage in The Rong 3 Rʼs.

He points out that beetles have a hygrotic sense,

where humidity is sensed, using dorsal hairs.
There is the brithic sense, which responds to gravity.
The scallop has a statocyst, as a receptor for this sense.
There is a barotic sense, which detects pressure.
Fish use a lateral line, by means of which to sense pressure.

There are the palmotic, thermotic, magnesic, and electresic senses.

The palmotic senses vibration.
The thermotic senses heat.
The magnesic senses magnetic forces.
The electresic senses electricity.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 16 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Wescott points out that the cryotic sense or the sense of cold
is distinct from the sense of heat;
different nerve endings are involved.
Even the senses of
pleasure and pain, the hedonic and algesic,
are separate.

Some human beings have a radionic sense.

They can sense radar, directly.
There is a chronometric sense or sense of time, a biological clock.
There is a topometric sense or sense of place.
Another such sense is the orgonotic sense,
spoken about by such as Karl von Reichenbach and Wilhelm Reich,
the sensing of life energy.

To further the inventory of possibilities,

there is the cryptesthetic sense or group of senses.
This includes such as the sense of telepathy.
We can add to this list
the faculties of remote viewing and out-of-the-body sensing.

Avoidance and Evasion

Why do we augment the five (5) senses,
three (3) of which relate to surfaces and to form:
seeing reflected light from surfaces,
hearing sounds generated by moving surfaces
and reflected from surfaces
and yet we ignore or neglect the other possibilities.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 17 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Perhaps we mean to limit our possibilities.

Perhaps we limit the possible relationships or connections we could have,
if we developed some of these other senses,
in order to limit, to diminish or to eliminate an accountability,
to provide limiting boundaries of responsibility.

Perhaps the choice is not one of limiting the senses we develop,

but limiting the responsibilities we accept.

We could investigate structuralism, knowing without learning,
the work of Claude Levi-Strauss,
the psychologist from the University of Geneva.
We could explore knowing by connection, knowing in what we observe,
rather than repress
representational knowing, in the mind or in the brain.
This knowing by connection is offered
by both Zen and Tibetan meditational techniques.

First, we must cease the internal dialogue, the talking in our heads.
Next, we must regard that to which we direct our attention
as movement, at a certain scale itself.

Just a few hints.

© 1996, ECOhealth / Z. P. Charnoe

(Original: December 22nd, 1996)

- - - - - - - - -

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 18 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The Use of the Creature

Breath - swiftly blown

from pursed lips
propels a missile - like a feather

and a strange observer

watching me blow a feather
may quite well feel
he knows the use
of the creature he watches.

but then I leap from a bank

into still water
and a great splash rises
and a strange observer . .
well -

And after that

I shout in a canyon
and a strange observer
may well feel
he knows the use of the creature he watches.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 19 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

But he never saw me tap my fingers

scratch my head
rub my eyes
climb a mountain
pat a dog
eat an apple nor even more: feel or think
pray or sleep
be born or die.

What have I seen me do?

Do I know my use?
What yet will I see,
or think, or feel
watching me?

I am a strange observer
who should not conclude my use
before I watch long enough . .
before I am less strange -
to me.

Zee Charnoe, composed: 1972


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 20 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

People travel to wonder

at the height of the mountains,
at the huge waves of the sea,
at the long course of rivers,
at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars;
and they pass by themselves
without wondering.

St. Augustine


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 21 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

From Dark Ages To Dim Ages

Where we have,
during a kind of extension of the dark ages,
moved into and through the dim ages
of seventeenth century physics,
we still apply this primitive physics, in the twenty-first century.
We don’t just apply these physics principles to physics.
We take the primitive, clock-like mechanics of Newton,
which analogously implies and infers, free-standing existences
of particles, of objects or of entities.

Examples From Our Culture

Star Trek insists there is such a thing as a full stop,
when traveling in space.
Star Trek still insists on logic as the greatest virtue of the mind,
whether the logic is uttered, by Spock,
or from the mouth of the android, Data.
Star Trek believes conflict is still the inevitable or the prominent content
of many encounters and exchanges.
Star Trek practices and operates a military social pattern.
This is also primitive.
Star Trek still regards space as the final frontier.
It isn’t.

There is no such thing as a full stop in space.

Logic is not the greatest virtue of the mind.
Conflict is not necessary, or useful, much less valuable.
Military social patterns are counterproductive
with respect to the vector
of human evolution.

© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 22 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Military organization is a poor way to combine human efforts.

Space is not the final frontier.

Conflict presumes a separate, isolated, categorically defined entity:
an enemy.
There aren’t any enemies.
There is incompleteness.
There are futile explorations.
Killing is inarticulate!
Often, we presume or assume
that death places an entity
beyond the bounds of influence.
It doesn’t.
We only change the medium of conflict.

The technology of arms

has always attempted to increase the range of the effect:
from knives to swords,
from swords to spears,
from spears to javelins,
from javelins to arrows,
from arrows to bullets,
from bullets to microwaves or laser beams.
It all starts with a belief in the necessity
to make someone do what they should do
or to refrain from doing what they shouldn’t do.
How about reporting the consequences that flow
and generating moral self-governing?


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 23 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Polite Words

Polite words are ineffective,

people think it doesn't make much difference

Angry words are ineffective,

people think you're just up tight

. . . words are ineffective,

people think you're just talking

words . . .
what instead?

actions? Actions say too little,

too slowly

Killing is inarticulate !
Love is thought to be insincere !

So I resign ! from what ?

how ?
from people who think:
It doesn't make much difference
You're just up tight.
You're just talking.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 24 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

New Physics (about the full stop)

All movement or all motion requires
a body of reference or a system of reference,
in order to define the movement or the motion
and to determine the pattern of energy exchange
within and between
each object, each form or each figure.

About Logic
Logic requires symbols or words,
which denote or which represent,
which “point to” or which “stand for” respectively,
which signify or which symbolize,
so called objects, forms and figures.
These objects, forms or figures are regarded objectively,
quite superstitiously.

We believe these objects, referenced by words,

have free standing existence.
They don’t.
Everything is interdependent.
Energy and pattern flows continuously
toward, to, into, within, through, out of and from
each and every so called object or entity.

There are no ultimate particles.

There are no particles.
Particle-like existence requires a lapse of time
in one observation.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 25 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The shorter the increment of time

the less particle-like it is.
Everything is impermanent.
Everything and everyone changes, continuously.
Everything and everyone is constituted of only energy and only pattern.
There is no energy without pattern.
There is no pattern without energy.

Signifier and Symbol Systems

We tend to formulate our signifiers and our symbols
for denotation (“pointing to) and for representation (“standing for”)
with low energy to pattern ratios.
This low energy to pattern ratio
makes the signifiers or the symbols portable
and manipulatable.
In the digital world, we have only 1’s and 0’s.

In languages, particularly in alphabetic languages,

we let letters “stand for” sounds.
We assemble those sounds into phonemes and into syllables.
We assemble those phonemes and those syllables into words.
We assemble those words - into phrases, clauses and sentences.
We disallow the information melody
that permits conceptualization of most of the reality we inhabit.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 26 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Visual Thinking
We could be helped by visual thinking.
Visual thinking relates more
to more
more extensively,
more effectively and
more appropriately.
We change what we observe,
in the process of observing it.
We derive our perceptions from adding knowing templates
to what we sense.

Intent as the Source of Pattern

Perception is adding what we know to what we sense.
Our rate of perception is affected
by our repertoire of knowledge templates.
Intent can affect our inventory of knowledge templates.
Our education needs to be combined with training.
There is a unity of knowledge and action.
(see: Wang Yang Ming, Unity of Knowledge and Action)

Life Essential Systems

The air we breathe,
more particularly, the oxygen we need to take in,
is generated by plant species,
using photosynthesis.
Human life is totally dependent upon other species of life.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 27 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

However, we do not honour, we do not regard and we do not respect

the life upon which we are dependent.
We control, we dominate and we exploit that life.
We use technology to do so.

We are infatuated with science and with technology,

because it allows us to control, to dominate and to exploit
the life upon which we are dependent.

The Discovery of the Phytotronic Hydroponicum

In 1973, in Scotland, high oil prices
caused all of the green houses to close.

Living on a 430 acre farm,

I concerned myself with this impact of closure of the greenhouses:
1) a surge in the prices for some fruits and vegetables,
2) a limitation in the quality of the produce,
caused by long paths of transport,
3) an economic imbalance (more imports).
There had to be an alternative
to this dependence upon cheap oil.

Greenhouse Design
Glass was heavy.
The structure that supported the glass
needed to be sturdy, strong and adequately large.
The shadow and the silhouette from the supporting frame
was bulky.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Light Loss
There is an axiom:
one percent light equals one percent crop.
We must diminish or we must eliminate
the shadow and the shade
from the use of glass, in greenhouses.

Glass Filtration of Light

John Ott discovered
that glass did not transmit
certain colours or certain wavelengths of light
required by plant life for such as flowering.
One such colour was in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
So, we began developing film alternatives.

Film alternatives were lighter

and could be formulated
to transmit the ultraviolet light required by plant life.

Excess Photorespiration
Beside and beyond that,
glass transmitted too much
of colours the plants didn’t like and didn’t want.
These colours contributed to excess photorespiration.
Excess photorespiration used up saccharides (CH2)
the plant worked hard to generate.
This was the sap generated by the leaves
that flowed in the phloem, beneath the cortex.
These colours were such as green, yellow and orange.


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and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The various chlorophylls required red and blue.

Phototropism required blue.

Pink Greenhouses
So, we found dyes we could dissolve
in the film formula, dyes that fluoresced.
The dye absorbed such as short wavelength ultraviolet or green
and emitted such as red.
This film could provide double glazing
by being inflated.

Light Distribution
Highly reflective webs
augmented the light distribution.
Inflation with carbon dioxide permitted both
1) a means of enhancing carbon dioxide levels,
2) a diffusion through the film surface
that disallowed degradation of the film.

The fluorescent dye in the film

meant we had a pink greenhouse.

Closed Ventilation
We needed to close the ventilation
(both for energy savings and to shield the plant life from pollution).

That meant we needed to do what ventilation does:

1) uptake the water vapour given off by leaves
(five to six times their leaf weight per day),
2) remove and balance the oxygen given off by the leaves,

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and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

3) supply the demand for carbon dioxide

required for photosynthesis.

Room to Grow
We needed to give each seed, each seedling or each plant
the space it needed, when it needed it
and not more than it needed,
before it needed it.
We needed to gain the advantages of companion planting.

As we discovered the advantageous response
and the efficiencies of augmented sound (ecoustics).
We added that factor to the environment.
Sound, of the appropriate frequencies,
enhanced both the transport of biochemical substance
and improved the reaction rates.

These recitations make it seem like

we have a technological fix.

Then, we began to notice such as:

1) the work of Cleve Baxter,
2) The Secret Life of Plants,
3) The Psychic Power of Plants,
4) Water clustering (the work of Benveniste),
5) Biological Transmutation (the work of Kervran),
6) What was most worth producing (as foods), high nutrient density.


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and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

These factors have shown:

1) The nature, the state and the orientation
of the attendant makes a difference
in the effectiveness, the health and the nutrition
of what is grown or is produced.
It is not enough to employ innovative technology
to the production of food.
We must affect the attitudes, the orientation, the character,
and the values, of the people using this technology.

Thus the title: Beyond Technology

and Beyond Technology Transfer.


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and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Appendix I

Quantum Mechanics,

A Paradigm Tsunami

Democracy is the rule of the majority.

But how is that majority created?
How is that majority generated?
How is that majority formed or structured?
How is that majority organized or sustained?
That majority must be informed.
That majority can not be the product
of a highly intermittent poll (voting day),
from a small number of alternatives.
True democracy needs a voice,
not just a vote.
True democracy needs an informed voice.

The Era of Print Media and Reason

The print media served that purpose of informing
in the society made possible by Guttenberg and his moveable type.
With the advent of computers
and the improved operating systems
in those computers
Guttenberg’s moveable type was superseded.

However, society, democratic society,

was still informed by means of words, language and reason.


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and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Al Gore, in his book, The Assault Upon Reason (2007)

elaborately describes and details
the eclipse of printed media by television (t.v.).
So, we have had an era
where the brief affirmation, the terse assertions of t.v.
and the emotive imagery t.v.
provides arouses, alerts and conditionally informs
the only kind and only degree of democracy possible
via Madison Avenue information media.
We have a stilted, insufficiently regulated,
concentration of influence, in the t.v. media.

Distribution of Consequences
We need a distribution of consequences.
When the source of authority bears few, little or no consequences
and where those who do bear the consequences
have few, little or no measure or means of authority,
we have the foundations of centralized totalitarianism.
Democracy works only with decentralized authority,
made possible by information distribution
and by policies of openness and accountability.

We need a balance of incentives.

We need hope.
Hope requires certain freedoms.
Hope requires certain rights.
Those freedoms and those rights
can not be abridged or be truncated.



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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

From, To, Of, For and With
and the Complementarities

Freedom Specified
We may conceive of freedom as freedom from, freedom to,
freedom of, freedom for and freedom with.
Freedom from may require inhibition, constraints, limits,
obstructions or boundaries.
Freedom to, freedom of, freedom for and freedom with,
may require the removal of those same
inhibitions, constraints, limits, obstructions or boundaries.

Complementarity and Sense

Because freedom of the one kind displaces freedom of another kind,
the two freedoms are mutually exclusive.
The degree to which one freedom is gained and held,
the other freedom is forfeited.
This complementarity of freedoms means
that we cannot be for freedom and make any sense.
If there is any sense in which we can increase or gain freedom,
it is in the sense of being free of confrontation, free of conflict,
free from obstruction,
because we communicate with, coordinate with,
and / or harmoniously exchange with or interact with, our environment.
In this sense, freedom can be increased.
There can be a gain in freedom.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We may say that we have more freedom, if and as

we diminish conflict or obstruction.
But even in this sense, we are not free to conflict or free to obstruct.
So, freedom remains a matter of complementarity.
The phrase "for freedom" sounds sensible,
but it is something that can only be said
because those two words can be arranged in that sequence,
not because it makes any sense.
It is like making a map without any territory.
It is a representation, without meaning.

"Freedom", as a term, must be used with a qualifying preposition.

It is necessary to specify: freedom from, freedom to, freedom of,

freedom for or freedom with.
Freedom from is complementary to freedom to, freedom of,
freedom for and freedom with.

Restricted, Restrained, Limited

Freedom of speech is not the freedom to say anything,
about anything or anyone, to anyone.
We are not free to lie, under oath. We are not free to slander.
Fraud, involving misrepresentation, is unlawful.
Our freedom of speech is restricted, restrained, limited,
both by law and by the consequences.
One person's freedom cannot be another person's bondage.
Yet, much of what is exercised as freedom for one
is a violation of freedom for another.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The freedom of some people and some organizations

to research, to develop, to produce
and to distribute or to use products, without testing
and without an awareness of all the consequences,
sometimes threatening all life,
impinges upon the freedoms or the rights of others
to be free from those consequences.
The presence of pesticides, detected in every living creature on earth,
made possible to be detected
by the work of Martin and Lovelock, in gas chromatography
and reported by Rachel Carson in the book Silent Spring
is such a violation of freedom.
The production of pollutants of all kinds are such an example.

While some are free to use inorganic nitrogen fertilizers

on their fields, on their lawns, on their meadows or on their pastures,
others lose the freedom to have healthy water supplies
or a stable atmosphere and climate.

If I am to be free from the discomfort,
perhaps even the pain or the threat of cold,
if I am going to be free from the dangers of extreme cold,
I may require shelter, shield: apparel or blankets.
I may require warmth or heat.
I will require oxygen and food to metabolize.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

If I am to be free from the inhibitions

of apparel, blankets, shelter, etcetera,
I will need to live in a climate, in an environment, at a latitude,
which supports that freedom.

If I am to be free to travel, I may require

a passport, a vehicle, roads, fuel, services, money, and so forth.
If my travel is to be free from the problems of language barriers,
I will need interpreters, or many language skills.
If I want to be free of the invasion of privacy,
by having interpreters, as constant companions,
I will need language skills.

If I want to be free from the effort to learn language

and perhaps the efforts of acquiring language skills,
I will need to diminish, if not eliminate social exchange.

If, on the other hand, I want to be free to communicate,

free to learn, free to coordinate, I cannot be free
from the task and from the implications of learning language
or learning to communicate, without language.

In General
In general, all freedoms have modifiers, prepositions,
which specify relationships,
relationships with boundaries, with barriers, with limits,
with constraints, with obstructions, with inhibitions
or with their absence.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

If I want to be free from rules,

I will experience certain disorder or even chaos,
unless I have governing principles, accepted guidelines,
moral compunctions, etcetera.

There is no absolute freedom.

Absolute freedom would mean amoral behaviour,
irresponsible behaviour or total egocentricity.
Even then, there would be a residue of restraint
with respect to the ego's continuity.
We are dependent upon other life forms for the essentials of life.

The Extension of The Principle

In the same way, if I say I want free trade,
I am attentive to the freedom from obstructions,
the freedom from customs, the freedom from tariffs,
the freedom from rules and from regulations
regarding the transport and the exchange of products and services.
With that freedom, comes the loss of the complementary freedoms.
Freedom from competition with producers,
without the costs of the moral restraints
of accountability to the environment or social programmes,
producers who only seek a profit,
at any cost to the lives of those who produce,
those producers claim to live in a free society.
Producers only accountable to the demand for dividends
by shareholders and the demand for low costs, by customers.

There are producers who claim to have a free society.

Their advertisements make possible supposedly free entertainment.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

These advertisements are intended to influence, to arouse,

to generate wanting or desire.
They generate discontent
and the level of wants or desires are so great, sometimes,
that people are willing to hurt others
to have what they must have.

Such a society is not free from the social problems of crime,

the social disbalance of poverty and the social injustices,
which require legislation and law to enforce equality of rights
for minorities, for women, etcetera.
To claim to have a free society, means, in this case,
freedom from many social responsibilities
and the costs of those responsibilities.

To claim a free economy, means free from concern for the environment,
free from resource conservation,
free from protection from indiscriminate production of waste,
free from moral accountability for residues of production
or hazardous products or processes.

Necessary Challenge
We must challenge phrases like “a free society”
or “a free economy” as empty and fictitious claims of people
who either are so out of range
of the conscious implications of their advocacy,
or the ethical constraints of truthful representation,
they are manipulating symbols, without meaning
or with a meaning which is tragic, dangerous and immoral.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Free trade is a freedom from some constraints,

but free trade means to be subject to ruthless "bottom line" economics,
which exempts itself from any accounting
of the costs of social concerns, environmental concerns, moral concerns.
It produces stressed and compulsive executives and staff,
who reject social issues
as costs from which they would excuse themselves.
In the name of creating jobs and wealth,
we create poverty, ill health, stress, social unrest,
frustration and even death and disruption,
due to environmental damage.

Economic Gains, Economic Power

versus Health Gains and Social Order
There should be no political party with such a platform as “free trade”.
The empty phrases: "free society", "free economy" or "free trade"
are words without meaning or words with a dangerous
or a deceptive meaning.

To be free to pursue economic gains

at the cost of social well-being, to pursue economic power
at the cost of social order, to pursue economic power,
at the cost of poverty for any, to pursue economic goals
at the cost of health and death for many,
is the pinnacle of self service, self interest, selfishness,
egocentrism and the cult of individualism,
at the cost of violence,
in the name of enforcing laws,
to perpetuate the property rights
of those without moral conscience.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Power - Restricted, Checked, Controlled, and Moderated

The political and economic power of such people
must be restricted, checked, controlled, and moderated,
and in some cases, simply taken away.
There is no such a thing as a “free society”, a “free economy”
or “free trade”.
Morality costs something.
If government has a reason to exist,
it is to administer that morality,
not to enforce disbalanced advantages
used without responsibility for social order or for environmental quality.

Materialism, Codified as Economics

To put ownership of production processes
and urban planning principles, in the hands of the people,
in the name of representational methods, which are equally as ruthless,
is to betray the highest ideals.
To offer a vote, which is a highly intermittent expression,
from a very small number of alternatives, is not democracy.
People need a voice not a vote.
Materialism, codified as economics,
is a rampant neglect and disregard
for moral, social and environmental concerns.

Government of the people, by the people,

and for the people
must mean all of the people, all of the time.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Government of the people, by the people and for the people

must value the dependencies of people upon one another
in moral and in social patterns
and the dependency of human life upon other life forms,
in the environmental and in ecological patterns.

All freedoms are complementary.

Openness, Connection, Interdependence

The openness of any system, the perception of the system as open,
allows an awareness of connection
and the acknowledgment of being, of doing
and of interdependent existence.
Everything in the universe is what it is,
because everything else in the universe is what it is.
Everything in the universe does what it does,
because everything else in the universe does what it does.

Present day developments in cosmology are coming

to suggest, rather insistently
that everyday conditions could not persist,
but for the distant parts of the universe,
that all our ideas of space and geometry would be invalid
if the distant parts of the universe were taken away."
Fred Hoyle, Frontiers of Astronomy


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

". . . the world is totally connected;

. . . there are no events, anywhere in the universe,
which are not tied to every other event in the universe."
". . . every event in the world is connected
to every other event."

"It is . . . an essential part of the methodology of science

to divide the world, for any experiment
into what we regard as relevant
and what we regard . . . as irrelevant."

" . . . the basic assumption that I have made

about dividing the world into the relevant and the irrelevant
is in fact a lie."

". . . the reason why we have

made such enormous changes
in our conceptual picture of the world
in the last seventy years
is because we have had to push out
the boundaries of the relevant
further and further."

Jacob Bronowski
pages 58, 59 & 60, The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination

Existence, being and doing, are all interdependent.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Questions of Relationship
How does this relate to freedoms and the complementarity of freedoms?
The complementarity of freedoms is a systematic relevance.

Free Will
Free will is the same as any other freedom. Free will is complementary.
Free will requires the operation of a boundary, a barrier,
a constraint, a limit or an obstruction.
That obstruction or that boundary is space and time in the case of free will.
Space and time create the delay in consequences that permit free will.

Are we to be free from the immediate consequences of our choices?

Or are we to be free to choose, with a delay in consequences
and have a freedom to edit, a freedom to refine,
a freedom to improve our choices?

Creators, being Created

We are creators, being created,
because we enter into the opportunity of delayed consequences,
and exercise free will.
We are creators being created, because we create,
with the feed-back of experience
and the opportunity to alter our choices,
due to the delay in consequences,
made possible by the obstructions of space and time.
It is a game, it is a specially bounded environment,
where we have the opportunity to choose
or to exercise so called free will, with a delay in consequences.
The principle of complementarity applies to free will too.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

With the freedom to choose comes the limitations,

the obstructions, the delay in consequences
that sometimes produces frustrations.
This means that this reality is constructed of the very obstructions
that both limits our power and grants free will,
by means of a delay in consequences.

Discrimination and certain kinds of intelligibility

occurs by means of the obstruction,
which grants the delay in consequences
which, in turn, allows free will.
When we are what we are
as a result of the discrimination of a boundary
and a defining delay in consequences,
we want the power of openness,
without the play of our energy, our strength, our efforts
against the obstructions of delayed consequences,
nor the limitations implied
in access to the supply of energy or of pattern.
We must open. We must be moral.
We must acknowledge our dependencies, our interdependence.
We are dependent upon one another, socially.
We are dependent upon other life forms, ecologically.
The values associated with these dependencies
must be embodied in our cultures.
We have and we need constraints, designed limits,
moral and ethical responsibilities.
Our freedoms are complementary.


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We must be free to live, free to breathe,

free to enjoy clean water and healthy food.
We must be free to be near one another
and dependent upon one another, as well as free to be apart.
Some people want to be free from the responsibility
to control their own behaviour.
They want someone else to provide that control.
That is not a freedom we can grant.

Recently, we had a session called

"Abandoning the Game while Keeping in Play".
We discussed game theory.
We stipulated the nature of a game
to be a set of rules, limits, constraints or obstructions.
Recently, we had a session where we discussed intelligibility
as requiring distinctions.
The nature of distinction often involves boundaries.
But here we have the opportunity to see, more precisely,
the nature of intelligibility
as something other than the dependence only upon distinction.

Intelligibility involves the relationships, the connections,

the dependencies and the exchanges,
the flows and the flux of energy and of pattern
or of information.

How does this relate to game theory and the abandonment of the game?
How does this relate to intelligibility on the basis of something
other than distinction?


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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

That exploration, that development, made possible

by a delay in consequences is cycled.

We are cycled between the constrained situation

of our present experience in this obstructed reality
and the immediacy of consequences we experience,
either upon death, or when we say, not my will, but thine be done.
We are governed by a larger scheme.
We have the complementarity
of freedom from the immediacy of consequences
and the freedom of having the immediacy of consequences.

It is enlightenment, it is self-realization,
when we open to the immediacy of consequences.
It is creation in the medium of an unobstructed reality.

We must let go.

We must relax and we must release the defining boundary.
The cult of materialism,
the regard and respect of physical reality
as the only reality or
as the most important reality,
betrays the virtues
of both communism (as practiced)
and capitalism (as practiced).
Dark matter and dark energy
are so extensive,
we are able to eclipse
the prominent significance of physical reality.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

That is why quantum mechanics

is a paradigm tsunami.

The Nature of a Tsunami

Every tsunami follows from a major movement of the earth beneath it,
a subduction of plates.
Some shear occurs and some shift occurs, in the earth’s crustal plates,
along a fault line, in the substrate structure
of the tectonic plates.
The overlying fluid medium, the ocean’s water
above the earth’s movement, is upheaved.
That fluid medium violates its containing shores or its boundaries.
This occurred recently, in Samoa (September 2009).

The Cult of Separateness versus

The Reality of Connectedness
That image of a tsunami is an accurate description
of the paradigm tsunami, now flowing in science and in culture.
The fault was in the obstructed and in the discontinuous formulations
of seventeenth century physics,
the physics of Newton and of Descartes.
The foundational concepts of mechanistic physics, clocklike mechanics,
obstructed and fragmented the connectedness of the universe
with the notions of particles,
with the concept of substance, with the model of atoms,
with the perception of elements
and with the coarse regard for shape and for form,
each with free standing existence.
Everything was regarded as being independent.
Quite the opposite is true!

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Everything is interdependent and is codependent.

We ignored, we suppressed, we denied, and we rejected

any and every perception, any and every advocacy,
any and every discovery or finding -
that insulted the tidy, the simple,
the one-at-a-time relationships,
that fit within the cognitive capacities
of simple logic, of direct reason
and of so called rational processes.
Simplicity, logic and rationality have been extolled as virtues.

The Shores of Cognitive Capacity

Everything is as intricate or is as complex, as it needs to be.
We can not extol our limited, our dull, our dim, our numbed up, state,
to champion the conformity of problems
to our cognitive limitations,
to permit continuation of our poor intake,
whether of food supplied by monocultural agriculture
and present food processing and preparation
or of information, supplied by schools or by the media.
To pare down a complex problem, into manageable parts,
leaves us with the delusion
of believing that we know or that we understand,
when we do not.

We are cramping, we are choking off, our inherent capacities

with our acid forming diet, our loud, throbbing music,
our inadequate and inappropriate education,
and our wild entertainment.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We don’t know how to live.

We don’t know what life is
or what life is for.
(see the book: What Life Is and What Life Is For, by Z. P. Charnoe)

The Horizon of Greater Possibilities

Currently (2009), there are brief glimpses
of some greater possibilities.
We diminish or we eliminate sugar consumption.
When we do so, we improve both mental and physical performance.
We diminish or we eliminate our meat intake.
Heart health improves.
Cancer rates subside.
Kidney failures diminish.

Water: Its Chemistry,

Its Clustering and Its Structure
We don’t just pollute the chemistry of our water.
We foul the clustering structures of water,
even by means of our so called water purification means.
We don’t know how to live
or how to be healthy.

What We Observe
and How We Observe It
At one time (in the ‘60’s), I used a universal potentiometer
to measure, in a highly precise way,
low voltages, such as from thermocouples.
The equipment I used was made by Leeds Northrup.

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 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The read-out was from a ground glass screen,

mounted in a galvanometer.
A pivoted mirror was rotated,
by a d’Arsenval movement,
from current, flowing from the universal potentiometer.
There were five stages of impedance.

The observational technique

involved using the highest impedance, first,
using that connection, as briefly as possible,
so that one was changing the observed voltage,
as little as possible,
in order to gain an indication
on the galvanometer’s ground glass screen.
One had to surmise, to speculate, to estimate, to guess
the unknown voltage
and set up a counter voltage to the unknown voltage.
The bucking voltage
was then engaged
and the difference was observed.
Depending upon the indication
the bucking voltage was increased or decreased
until the galvanometer
did not move, at that impedance.
Subsequently, the next level, lower impedance was engaged.
Eventually, a dead short
produced no deflection.
This procedure made it possible
to determine a hundred millionth of a volt (10-8).


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Ways of Knowing
When the mathematician, Jacob Bronowski,
wrote The Ascent of Man
and produced the video series of the same name,
he treated the subject of observation.
When Jacob Bronowski said
“the artist’s way of knowing
is the same as the scientist’s way of knowing,”
he jolted, he shocked, he dismayed and he provoked
a fight or flight response,
among certain scientists.
In his book, The Ascent of Man,
the mathematician showed us
that when we represent, in art, we make a line or a brush stroke
“stand for” the boundary of a zone of light reflection,
as an artist does.
It may be beyond paint by number,
using formulas and mathematics and their terms and syntax
to “stand for” boundaries, limits, rates and intervals
or when we consider the varied styles
of representing forces, as van Gogh did,
or the notions or the ideas, the patterns or the concepts,
as Miro or as Kandinski did.
Scientists, however, do the same thing.
Scientists allow strokes of observation
to accrue, to accumulate, to compose,
to be the composition of a set of form artifacts, or formulas,
representing the underlying processes.
Scientists embody these formula markers
in equations or in algorithms (instruction sequences).

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Even an electron micrograph

is a high magnification
of augmented surface interference,
made possible by such as deposited metal vapours.

This use of surmising, speculating, estimating or guessing

a bucking template of knowing
to combine with our coarse sensing
is the source of all our observational experience.
This process is how we construct our cognitive map
of the reality we inhabit.
We further recast our perceptions (our sensing plus our knowing)
which are constructed
from our sensing and our template of knowing
by means of a running commentary,
a muttering,
an incessant talking in our heads.

We encode our perception with words, with language.

Zen treats this with “thusness” or with “suchness”.

Interdependent Origination
What is the significance of this fact of interdependence
is that seventeenth century physics
believed in separateness
and believed in free-standing existence,
while the oral traditions of Tibetan Buddhism
believed in interdependent origination.
(see: The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects,
by Alexandra David-Neel).

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The Medium of Knowing

The significance lies in the medium of knowing.
The medium is the message (McLuhan).
The medium contains the terms and the syntax of relationships.
Both Newton and Descartes augmented their observational sensing
with a presumed template of knowing.
This determined their perceptions
and this presumed template of knowing determines ours.

Tibetan Buddhist oral traditions

discovered the inherent connectedness,
with a kind of knowing by connection,
what Zen Buddhists call mind transmission.
In the book, The Power of Silence, Don Juan Matus describes
this as an alternative to reasoning.

Quantum mechanics calls this connectedness:

the observer to the observed relationship.
We affect what we observe,
in the process of observing it.
This power to affect what we observe
is derived from our connectedness!
This power is accessible to a knowing by connection.
This is evident in such as visceral knowing.
Magnetoencephalograms show the field,
the field which surrounds us
and the field which we are,
a luminous egg of light filaments.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Beyond a Revolution
In 2001, in her book, The Field,
in the prologue to that book,
Lynne McTaggart says,
“We are poised on the brink of a revolution . . . “
The word “revolution” is derived from the idea of revolving.
To rotate or to revolve is to turn.
Perhaps some things have turned.

However, we have a whole culture

founded on the concepts
of seventeenth century physics.
This is a false foundation, still operating in the 21st century,
with enormous consequences.

What has been discovered

involves more than turning or more than revolving.
Quantum mechanics is a paradigm, a paradigm which reveals
the content of the superstitiously regarded emptiness
and the full dimensions of nothing,
by the content of energy and pattern
within that emptiness.

The Stark Contrast

The inferences and the implications abound
in the basic difference
between separateness and connectedness.
We have used language, words,
in phrases, in clauses, in sentences,
in a one-at-a-time linear sequence,
to implement reasoning.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We attempt to use invariant terms,

in syllogisms, to map the reality we inhabit.

The visual world,

the cameral mind, (as per Julian Jaynes’,
The Origin of Consciousness
in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind)
the-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words world,
shows kinds and shows degrees of connectedness,
disallowed by the linearity
of language and of words,
of formulas and of mathematics.

An Analogy
It is like taking a piece of sculpture
and cutting it into thin slices,
putting the thin slices on a grid reticulum
and attempting to understand the piece of sculpture.

While we increase the resolution

of the profiles of the thin slices,
we lose the awareness of the perpendicular connections.

We can not derive truth from reasoning,

using language or using words (of supposed invariant meaning)
as a map of reality.

(see: Immanuel Kant: The Critique of Pure Reason

or Alfred Korzybski: Science and Sanity).


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The Connectedness of Nature

Western culture limits, bounds, ignores, despoils, vitiates
the flowing connectedness of nature,
the water mediated communication
and the circulation of physiology and of ecology.
In our quest to know,
by taking things apart,
with our hands or with our minds,
our various forms of analysis,
we create the delusions and the illusions
of presumed separateness and alienation.

Important Discoveries of the Magnetic

The motion of a charge
produces a magnetic field (as per Faraday).
Why does the motion of a charge produce a magnetic field?
Because the flow of energy, with the movement of the charge
towards, to, into, within, through, out of and from every charge,
the motion of a charge interrupts and re-shapes that energy flow
towards, to, into, within, through, and out of or from every charge
and the flux or flow is re-patterned.

Magnetism is the alternatively organized, interrupted, flow of energy

(as per Hermann Weyl)
flowing towards, to, into, within, out of and from every charge.

Only when we augment and only when we intensify that energy flow,
do we see the discharge, in the spaces or in the atmosphere,
with our normal senses.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Corona discharge, arc discharge, townsend discharge,

glow discharge, etc.,
all show the secondary form artifact, the visual illumination
of the breakdown,
in the gases that surround the discharge.

Kirlian photography intensified the flux

entering and moving through
the field of living forms.
We see the field as continuing,
when the form is fragmented or is severed
in the images of Kirlian photography.
A field persists,
even when the form and the substance is interrupted.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

From that same first page

of the prologue to the book, The Field,
Lynne McTaggart goes on to say,
“Human beings and all living things
are a coalescence of energy,
in a field of energy,
connected to every other thing
in the world.”
Perhaps, that last phrase should read,
“in the universe,” not “in the world”.

But, there is an underlying presumption

that that phrase means:
that the universe
is fully defined
as physical reality.
We know that 70% of the energy
in the universe
is dark energy.
In a sense,

there is no darkness,
only blindness.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The Anachronistic and The Extinct
Philosophical Foundations
of Western Culture
Objectivity is neither possible nor is valid.
We can not regard ourselves
as being able to isolate and to define,
as a method of scientific inquiry.
We change what we observe
in the process of observing it!

Anything and everything to which we give our attention

we affect, we exchange, both energy and pattern,
with the choices of that to which we give our attention
and that from which we withhold our attention.
The precise or exact repeatability of any experiment or any exploration
is impossible.
We only show the parochial
and the highly local
range of context,
which we heed, by believing
that all conditions remain constant.
Everything changes continuously and changes constantly.
We have provisional formulas
and statements of relationship.
We make possible
certain kinds and certain degrees
of prediction by such means as formulas.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We extrapolate from the past

in order to attain a sense of certitude and continuity.
We know how to heed:
night and day,
spring, summer, fall and winter.
We are just now
commencing to notice
the precession of the equinox,
the sunspot cycle of about 11 years, etc.
However, we do not acknowledge
larger cycles, complex cycles,
cycles so long in their period
that we are without historical records.
We only have geological and archaeological records.
We excuse ourselves from these unknown cyclic forces
by believing in randomness, in chance, in accidents and in luck.
We are blind and heedless
of the greater context
of large scale and long term cycles and events.

If we begin to examine larger cycles,

longer periods of time,
we can usefully turn to Immanuel Velikovsky.
He first published Worlds in Collision, in 1950.
He was scholarly.
He searched ancient literature.
He discovered ancient references
to a different view of our skies.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

It is possible to continue Velikovski’s research.

We can look at the cuneiform records
of the Sumerian civilization.
There are other sources
that have only recently been published.

Part III
Life Essential Processes
What They Are and What They Are Not

In the book, by former Vice President, Al Gore, The Assault On Reason,

on CD 2 of 9, track 5,
he discusses the relationship between
faith, reason and fear.
He compares these three categories
to the factors in the children’s game:
rock, paper and scissors.
In this game,
scissors cuts paper,
paper covers rock
and rock crushes scissors.
This game is played, where two people
rhythmically place one hand
in the palm of the other,
in three strokes.
They choose, on the third stroke,
which of the three to express:
a flat palm, for paper,
a clenched fist, for rock,
or two extended fingers for scissors.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The way the two expressions combine

determines who wins.

Mr. Gore goes on to explain

fear displaces reason
reason challenges faith
faith overcomes fear.
In a seventeenth century book,
the decade of Galileo’s trial,
a book banned by the church:
Religio Medici, by Thomas Brown, wrote
“as reason is a rebel to faith
so passion is a rebel to reason”.
In this era,
faith, reason and human nature
interplay, as a source of ultimate authority.
The three terms Brown compared
were faith, reason and passion.
This was an era of enlightenment.
Some advocated reason alone
as the source of authority.

Thomas Jefferson regarded science and reason

as the twin daughters of reason.
Science, in this current era,
has fundamentally changed its very essence.
Science is no longer
a rigorous and certainty-seeking
exploration of physical reality
as the only reality.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

There is dark matter and dark energy.

There is the uncertainty principle.
Quantum mechanics, in 1926, changes all this.
The observer changes what is observed.

All life evolves.
Life does not evolve by happenstance.
Mutations do occur.

Enough mutations have not occurred

in the four billion six hundred thousand years of earth’s existence
to account for the human genome.
There is too much harmony,
too much synchronicity,
too much intricacy and balance
to be accounted for by happenstance.

Plant life evolves in large increments.

Plant life often evolves by chromosomal doubling.
Approximately half of all known species
are accounted for by chromosomal doubling.

Chromosomes make parallel

and interdependent transcriptions possible.
Eukaryotic cells have chromosomes.
Simpler prokaryotic cells have genome loops.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

The Media of Fields and Water Clustering

Communication and coordination is necessary
to synchronize parallel chromosomal transcription.
The importance of fields
and the ubiquitous presence of water
makes the communication and coordination possible.

Field science is beyond the ken of chemistry.

Field science lies in the domain of physics.

The structure of water is quite significant.

Water clusters.

Our present life science

only tends to heed the chemistry of water
(in 1953, x-ray diffraction of DNA crystals).
We know about hormones and glands.
Our knowledge of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
is by means of excluding water.
We know too little about the nature of DNA,
when and as supported and supplemented by water.
We are only at the threshold
of understanding the significances
of the pattern containing and pattern conveying
functions of water structures and water clusters.

The upheaval generated by the reports of such

as Jacques Benveniste, of France,
about the significance of water structure,
shows our frontier of understanding and misunderstanding.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We are barely crossing the threshold

of life science frontiers
in regarding all scales and all levels of order
equally significant.
Fritjof Capra’s book, The Web of Life, advocates this regard
for all scales and all levels of order.

Analytic thinking has long preferred

a knowing by taking things apart,
with our hands or with our minds.

The atom is the a – tom, the un-cut,

that which can not be divided or partitioned further,
without ceasing to have the same identity, properties or nature.

To further dissociate the atom

is to have a set or a group of charges
and charge fractions (quarks).

However, this criteria

of losing some fundamental identity, properties or a definitive nature,
by means of dividing or by means of dissociation,
is the fallacy of the analytic quest.
There are some things one doesn’t know
and can’t know
by taking them apart,
with our hands or with our minds.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Sodium is a soft metal

that burns in water.
Chlorine is a yellow-green gas.
Together, in a balanced ratio,
they are salt.
One doesn’t know and can not know
the nature of salt
by only or mostly knowing what sodium is
and what chlorine is.

The same thing can be said about water, H2O.

One doesn’t know about water
by knowing only or mostly about hydrogen and about oxygen.
The molecule is the limit to dividing by dissociation
that expresses the nature of water.
Equally so, is the collective nature
of masses, of clusters or of structures of water
or of water combined in cells, with other molecules.

The water clusters or forms structures, with patterns of relationship.

These clusters or these structures of water
are significant and are functional.

So much physiology is mediated by water.

So little physiology is understood,
which is mediated by the clustering and by the structuring of water.

Living species are agents of separation

in their intake and their processing.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Living species break down, separate and combine,

as primary functions.
Whether it is the lungs, the kidneys or the bowels,
in more advanced species, (processing solids, liquids and gases)
or in simple gel coats, in some bacteria,
the function is the same.

Physical reality is a characteristic ratio

of the harmonic energy parceling of quantum mechanics
and the density of energy parceling, made possible
by that particular harmonic system.

The energy parceling system

is determined by the mass,
per unit volume per unit time
and the related patterns
of the light and light-like
reflection, absorption, transmission and refraction,
shining within and between the substances,
the forms
and the beings
occupying that energy parceling system.

Because the local star, the sun,

contains and processes
99.6 percent of energy / mass
in the solar system,
the sun provides the evolving harmonic keynote.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

At this radial distance, out from the galactic centre,

the energy parceling system, at this time, is characterized
by Planck’s constant.

One can regard the solar system

as a projection
of the sun and all its shining.

The energy parceling system

is the deployment of energy
in a mass-motion sequencing system
characterized by scale, by geometry
and by kinds and degrees of symmetry.

Dimensions provide the sequencing systems.

Dark energy is deployed, in the alternative dimensions,

other than space and time,
awaiting the progressive development
of the consciousness levels,
of the consciousness sets and their relationships.

That is because consciousness is the coemissive fundamental

out of which all substance, all form
and all species of being
are made.
All realities are harmonics of consciousness,
deployed in the density
made possible by the harmonics.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

All species of life

are systemic processors,
where what flows
towards, to, into, within, through, out of and from
is absorbed, broken down and selectively absorbed,
combined, built up,
discharging and eliminating residues.

This constitutes the physiology and the ecology

of the species.
Beings are the frontier of evolution.
Minds are the fields of beings.
Minds, as fields, are the only persisting and enduring reality.
Bodies, anatomies, morphologies
are transient susceptors of the field, the mind of being.
Bodies, anatomies, morphologies
are an interface between
beings and physical reality.

© 2009, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe

Original: September 24th, 2009 Edit: November 1st, 2009


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Appendix II
Their Nature and Their Function
Questions are characterized and defined
by the selection of a set or a group of elements
and the query as to the relationships
that may exist between those elements.
It is possible to select kinds of elements
and numbers of elements for a question
which may exclude the linking or the connecting relationship(s)
between the elements
that provides the answer to the question.
Such a question may, at the very least, be useless
and at most be confusing or confounding and misleading.
Each question needs to be examined
with respect to the number of elements contained within it
and the potential for relatedness between those elements.

The Context, Ever Present

Regardless, any set of elements
are provided with a set of contextual or environmental,
adjacent and contiguous elements.
These contextual elements may provide the relatedness, the links
or the connectedness, either between some of the elements
within the set of elements of the question
or an influential, contextual relationship
that may modify or change the character or nature
of one or more of the elements.

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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Bounded Set of Question Elements or Premises

Historically, Aristotle contrived the strategy of reason
involved in the syllogism, where the elements of the question
must be regarded as invariant and the premises must be linked
as a finite set: major premise, minor premise, conclusion.

In the 1930’s, Alfred Korzybski authored two books:

The Manhood of Humanity and Science and Sanity, each of which
contributed to the notion of a non-Aristotelian system.

The non-Aristotelian system means not only the allowance

of variance within the elements or premises of a question,
but the presumption of variation, as a normal condition
because of the constantly changing references
in the meaning-containing and meaning-conveying processes
of language.

S.I. Hayakawa was a student of Korzybski and authored the book:

Language In Thought and Action.
This extended an examination of the pathology
of deriving truth from reason.
He particularly emphasized the map-territory relationship,
where the map never represents all of the factors in the territory.
In fact, a constant awareness of the variations and differences
that might occur in the elements of a question
which tend to be representative or symbolic, that is,
where words “stand for” references
in a territory, in the same way elements of a map
may “stand for” references in a territory.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

In examining the psychological reality of language,

psycho-linguistics, the relationships between the words
are defined by grammar and syntax, which relationships
may or may not well represent the relationships
between the words which “stand for” the elements
represented by the statement
and the referents which the words “stand for”.

Object-Like Free-Standing Existence: An Illusion

In general, we suffer from the illusion of free-standing existence
of objects and the defining characteristics
of the surfaces of form and of substance.
This perception of free-standing existence causes us
to historically examine cause and effect linear relationships,
presuming the obviousness, that the only means of interaction
and connection being perceivable and able to be represented
is classical and particle-like.

Quantum mechanics and the fact that there is an equivalence

between energy and matter, forbids the truth of that presumption.
One of the remedies offered by general semantics
(Korzybski and Hayakawa) is the indexing of every noun,
so as to sustain a sense of constant variation and fluctuation.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

Scientific Superstition
Some of the premises of science have contributed
to the unsane pursuit of knowledge:
1) a belief in the repeatability of any experimental event,
without acknowledging the constant state of variation
and fluctuation as a result of the flow of energy
into and out of every charge or charge fraction
which constitutes the atoms and molecules of the substance
of any form.
2) the presumption that it is possible
to isolate and to define an experiment.

The superstition propagated by the combination

of Aristotelian thinking and science
in its superstitious presumptions has left us adrift
amidst the sea of superstitiously defined anomalies.

As the mathematician, Gödel pointed out, in 1931,

proof is only possible by means of the closure of a system.
Truth is possible only by means of the openness
and continuous variation in the state of the elements
of the system.
You can have proof or truth, but never both.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

We have a strong sense of wanting to pursue certitude.

In order to gain that certitude, we try to isolate and define
and legislate the meaning of a term
and establish cause effect relationships,
whether or not these linguistic or mathematical representations
map to the territory of the reality or not.
That constitutes a kind of self deception and unsane practice.

Zen attempts to remedy this by means of its recommendation

of “thusness” and “suchness” and its disallowance
of the muttering we do, regarding every event we witness,
which causes a word-made reconstruction to map the territory
with illusional certitude in our knowing.
The alternative is knowing by connection,
a relaxing of the boundary of self and a disallowing of any sense
of attachment to the partial and a kind of ownership of knowing.
It is commended that we alternatively connect to the whole,
shattering the boundary of self and allowing an unbiased flow
of relatedness between any event and the observer of the event.

In a sense, to objectify is to attempt to fix and to define,

disallowing the flux of change and variation.
This is especially critical, when we objectify ourselves.

So, questions are really process agendas or algorithms,

where we simply attempt to discover the kinds and degrees
of relationships that may occur
within the elements of the question.


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“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”

A variation on “thusness” and “suchness” is the function of

language we may call denotation, which means to “point to”.
By simply “pointing to”, we allow for fluctuation to continue
to operate within that to which we point.
Dynamic modeling is made possible by denotation,
by “thusness” and “suchness”.
It gives us a living set of proximities and states
with the possibility of trans-relational events occurring.

At all times, we make choices

about that to which we direct our attention
and that from which we withhold our attention.
At the same time, the fund of attention
and the capacities that we bring to bear, can also vary.
Since attention is developed awareness, we must see attention
as an increased relationship between the deployer of attention
and that which is within the range of this awareness.

Questions may lead us or mislead us depending upon our skill

at formulating and processing questions.


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 77 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

 Beyond Technology
and Beyond Technology Transfer
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.
The same key opens the gates of hell.”


Richard P. Feynman,
The Meaning Of It All:
Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist,
- quote from a Buddhist monk, in Hawaii (in header)

Robert McKim,
Experiences in Visual Thinking, 2nd Edition

"Mental Imagery and the Visual System",

Scientific American, March 1986

Roger W. Wescott,
The Divine Animal

Moray B. King,
Quest for Zero Point Energy Engineering Principles
for Free Energy,
Leadbetter diagram: “Leadbetter’s Anu”, page 186

Zeera (Zee) P. Charnoe,

"The Use of the Creature", “Polite Words”, extracted from:
Growing in Front of Everybody, 1972
also found in:
The Soul of a Poet-Philosopher, 2006

Zen Calendar,
quotation by St. Augustine


© 2010, Honoured Living Sanctuaries Corp. / Z. P. Charnoe page 78 of 78 Orig. November 8th, 2009 Edit: February 23rd, 2009

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