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SABINA Crossing themselves too and rising

Severino Montano briefly, the mourners look questioningly at

the Old Man.
Sabina OLD WOMAN: What made you rise just
Mamerto now, Mamerto? Is it the crying of the black
Rustica turtle that worries you, she that’s grieving
Cleta deeply by the river’s mouth?
Ariston OLD MAN: No Rustica! I’m getting tired
Ursula hearing you pray for Sabina every night. Isn’t
Antero it enough that we mourn for the dead?
Mr. George Price
OLD WOMAN: It’s also a blessed thing to
Place: Kawakan - a small farm village near pray for the living, Mamerto!
the sea coast, to the far north of Luzon.
CLETA: Indeed, it’s our duty to look
Time: The present, April evening. Ten after Sabina! I passed by the village store
o'clock. this evening, and the women are laughing.
“How’s Mr. George?” they asked me. “Is it
SCRIPT: true your Aunt Maria died because of Mr.
OLD WOMAN: Death is loneliness! Death is
sadness! OLD MAN: Your Aunt Maria didn’t die
of any such thing, Cleta!
MOURNERS: God have mercy upon us!
CLETA: Didn’t she? Aunt Maria
OLD WOMAN: We pray, O Lord, for the soul herself left heavy the day Sabina was fool
of our departed sister, Maria! enough to go out with Mr. George!
MOURNERS: My God! My God! Let Thou URSULA: The doctor said it was her
not forsake her! In the kingdom of Thy weak heart she died of, Mother, not Mr.
golden city, in the realm of life eternal, George!
receive Maria into Thy care!
CLETA: Keep quiet!
OLD WOMAN: Dark is the mist that covers
us, and weak indeed is the clay house! Look OLD WOMAN: Maria’s heart was heavy that
upon us, O God, who are living! day, God save her soul! I fear her spirit will
come back if Sabina’s not careful this
MOURNERS: God have mercy upon us! evening. Mamerto, what are we to do with
OLD WOMAN: We also pray, O God, for Sabina?
Maria’s living and only daughter, Sabina! OLD MAN: Nothing, Rustica! It would
She is but a frail jar against the mighty tides! be wiser if we leave Sabina alone!
Spare her, O Lord, from evil!
OLD WOMAN: Wiser? Once there was a
( The old man rises and turns coldly towards strange sailor who came roaming round this
the big window.) village; a clean chap he looked like. But
MOURNERS: (Casting quick glances at the soon one of the young girls bore him a child.
Old Man, their prayers becoming faster): My The sailor left, and the poor girl died of
God! Let Thou not forsake her from the rages sadness!
of sin and the scorching heat of hell-fire, OLD MAN: Mr. George is not a sailor,
deliver Sabina, O Lord, from evil! Rustica!
OLD WOMAN: Amen! (She makes the sign OLD WOMAN: He is a man, nonetheless,
of the cross.) Mamerto!

CLETA: Do you know what the CLETA: Quiet! She’s coming now! Oh, my
women in the market are saying? This is the God the Lamp! Hide the lamp! Antero.
night Mr. George is coming back!
SABINA: (cheerfully but simply). Good
ARISOTN: It’s gossip such as yours that evening to you all. Your blessing, Grandpa.
brings the devil, Cleta! Stop it! I’m glad to see you Grandpa! Isn’t dark
enough for prayers in this house without
CLETA: Surely, it’s no gossip, closing the windows?
CLETA: The prayer is over Sabina!
ARISTON: Well, what if he is coming
back? ANTERO: Sabina, are you deaf? Don’t you
touch the window!
CLETA: Sabina will want to light
that lamp again in this house, instead of the ( Silence, Sabina leaves the windows
candles. alone)

ARISTON: What lamp? SABINA: I’m sorry, Grandma! Ii only wanted

to let in the light of the moon.
CLETA: (Indicating the lamp on top
of cupboard) That new lamp there, brought CLETA: And what is it you are looking for?
by Mr. George the day Aunt Maria died!
SABINA: The lamp that was brought from the
ARISTON: And what’s so terrible about city….. Oh here it is!
lighting that lamp?
ANTERO: Drop the lamp Sabina!
CLETA: The village will be noisy with
gossip in the morning. OLD MAN: You can’t blame a girl from
wanting things brighter in a dark house, son.
ARISTON: Don’t be foolish!
(Sabina look for a watch)
OLD WOMAN: Where is Sabina?
ANTERO: Why don’t you answer us?
URSULA: I’ll look into her room, Grandma. (Another silence)

CLETA: Stay in the corner there, and be CLETA: We are talking to you, Sabina!
quiet. You are too young to meddle in in
such things! SABINA ( Coldly) : And what if he returning
tonight, Aunt Cleta?
ARISTON: What is the matter?
OLD WOMAN: Leave that lamp alone, child.
CLETA: Why, she’s taking off her mourning Its wisdom to be careful.
this very minute!
SABINA: Im tired of sadness in this dark
URSULA: Mother! I don’t like my black dress. house, Grandma!

CLETA: Close your sinful mouth OLD WOMAN: If you don’t listen to us, you’ll
be lonely.
OLD WOMAN: It’s a bad enough for her not
to come to prayers these nine nights. SABINA: Its your years wont to stand the
brightness of the lamp, Grandma for your
URSULA: Grandma! Grandma! life nearly broken! I’ll light the lamp.
ARISTON: What is it now? CLETA: its useless to waste breath over a
URSULA: She’s combing her hair before the stubborn girl who won’t listen.
looking glass! ANTERO (Jumping toward her sister) : For
OLD WOMAN: It’s a bad omen to look into Gods sake, will you listen or not?
the glass, Cleta. This will be a night of evil.

ARISTONI ( Holding antero back) : Antero! OLD MAN: Outside love, nothing lives,
Take it easy! Sabina! That’s what a wise man said long
ago. Surely, whatever the heart feels richly
ANTERO (Insistely) : What was happened, we must be right!
are asking you!
SABINA: I’m trying to build me a nest, trying
OLD MAN: You have no need to raise a to weave threads of laughter through it,
hand against your sister, son!
OLD MAN: Well, don’t cry!
ANTERO: My only sister! God what a shame!
SABINA: I mustn’t cry, for Mr. George is
SABINA ( Resentfully) : I’ve no call but to be coming back tonight. Mr. George is coming
happy, Antero! back!
ANTERO: Happy? Its you’re doings that OLD MAN: Mr. George promised you that?
drove Mother to her grave?
SABINA: Many times, Grandpa!
OLD WOMAN ( Kindly) : Sabina, what is it
that has happened between you and Mr, OLD MAN: Are you happy now?
George ?
SABINA: Yes, again and again he has told
CLETA: Whatever it was, the whole village is me!
jeering and laughing!
SABINA (Confidingly, Softly): We were there
SABINA ( breaking down helplessly): Stop it, still when the twilight was coming . . . he
all of you! Stop it! You’ll drive me crazy with lying happily on the warm sand, and me
your wailing. very happy beside him!

ANTERO: For God sake, will you listen or not. OLD MAN: (Answering her reverie with his):
Yes child. What else can be more beautiful
SABINa: No! No I wont listen! You cant than that?
destroy my little share of happiness now.
SABINA: Then I haven’t done wrong? People
ANTERO: ( shocked) Do you realize what are like me haven’t done wrong?
you saying.
OLD MAN (very Kindly): When you’re happy
CLETA: Since it your wish, we shall go. Come, at last? . . . No, Sabina! Surely, its wrong to
Ursula! But whatever happens to you from know happiness when the glorious
now on, don’t you ever call upon us! Are beginnings come! Or if it is, perhaps love
you coming, Ariston? itself is a mistake, and maybe. . . Man
ARISTON: Don’t be so hard on the poor girl, couldn’t be forgiven.
Cleta! SABINA: But the people. . . They’re so selfish,
CLETA: Don’t come if you don’t want to! Grandpa!
You can stay! You’d best be coming along, OLD MAN: Yes, indeed, men can be funny
Grandma! sometimes.
ANTERO: Sabina, You’re a heartless fool! SABINA: And miserly with their loves,
OLD WOMAN : Come the cool night will Grandpa!
calm your anger, son! OLD MAN: Look to your heart, for it is your
SABINA: Oh Grandpa! Grandpa! own best counsel! It’s the best safest way to
be happy! (Rising) Good night, my child!
OLD MAN: Don’t cry.
SABINA: They say it’s ill omen to go by the
SABINA: Am I wrong, Grandpa? Am I very back door at night!
much mistaken?

OLD MAN: I don’t believe in omens! . . . Well, ANTERNO: Get married to him then, if you
goodnight again! can! But if you know I’ll show both of you
where to enjoy your pleasures.
SABINA (Cheerfully): Is there great need for SABINA: You will not! You dare not! Oh let’s
us to be locking the gate , Antero? not quarrel!
ANTERO: Are you so set on waiting? ANTERNO: You stay away from the lamp!
SABINA: (Quietly) It’s my own lamp. Surely I’ll
SABINA: Don’t begin that all over again. light it!
Antero! Would you have me growing old, ANTERNO: Give me that lamp!
like a sour old maid? SABINA: Let go the lamp, Anterno! Please let
it go! You’ll break the lamp.
ANTERO: That’s not the trouble!
ANTERNO: I don’t care! It’s this devil of a
SABINA: It is! You should be well pleased I’m lamp itself giving you such foolish notions
happy at last, after doing my goodly share about love.
of hard work these long years since Father SABINA: Give the lamp! It’s my lamp!
Died! ANTERNO: (Wrestling he seizes the lamp and
ANTERO: If you should fall into disgrace, smashes it against the floor) There goes your
what are we to do, your own kin, who’ll bear devil of a lamp! You fool!
the brunt of your chosen shame forever? SABINA: I’ll open the gate.
ANTERNO: Think of the scandal you fool.
SABINA: Shame? Is it a shame to be happy? Mr. George: (at the gate) Sa-bi-na! open
the gate! Sabina are you there?
ANTERO: Can’t you appreciate what it is to
SABINA: Yes, Mr. George, I’ve been waiting!
have a name?
(Then to Anterno, wildly) He’s coming
SABINA: I love him so, Antero! I love him! around the backyard through the garden.
He is coming now. Can you hear me? Mr.
ANTERO: All right, but you know nothing George himself is coming up!
about him whatsoever. Its only three months
you’ve known him! (Anterno slaps her fiercely, throwing her
to the floor. She utters Stifled cry.)
SABINA: I don’t care about that!

ANTERO: It’s your duty to care! SABINA: It’s alright now. You can have the
front gate to yourself. It doesn’t matter now!
SABINA: Mr. George loves me! I know he
He is here! He is coming himself.
ANTERNO: Go ahead, wallow in the mud
ANTERO: I don’t care what your wild heart with him you reckless little fool
tells you! What I care about is your own
(Mr. George enters cheerfully from the
good self, do you hear me?
back door.)
SABINA: He’s good to me Antero! Mr.
Mr. George: Well, well, How’s little Sabina
George Is a good man.
this evening?
ANTERO: I warn you he’ll leave you like SABINA (Running too him) : Mr. Geoge! Mr.
thunder! Geoge! I’ve been waiting!

SABINA: No, no, he won’t. He won’t! Mr George (Embracing her warmly) : I sure
feel grand to see you, Sabina!
ANTERO: Oh yes he will!
SABINA: I’m so glad you’re back, just as you
SABINA: (DREAMILY) Mr. George and I will promised me!
be married someday.
MR.GEORGE: I thought about you an awful
lot myself.

SABINA: I was afraid you wouldn’t return to MR. GEORGE: I’m happy here Sabina!
kawakan. Come… don’t you think it’s time to go to
MR.GEORGE: I can’t forget Kawakan . It’s
the place for me. SABINA: Just as you wish, Mr. George. I’ll
have your room ready in a minute.
SABINA: You must now and be comfortable,
Mr. George. She goes into her room, but she comes back
quickly with a silver sewing box.
MR.GEORGE: You’re very thoughtful, Sabina.
I like you, and I like this farm. SABINA: Before we say goodnight, there’s
something I want to show you.
I know are kind, but you’re so much kinder! MR.GEORGE: Yes, dear, what is it?
God knows how much I’ve missed you.
SABINA (As she takes out several
SABINA: I’ve missed you too, Mr. George. embroidered handkerchiefs from the box);
I’ve work them all myself, Mr. George, every
SABINA: Mr. George? night while you were away.
Mr. GEORGE: Yes, My dearest? MR. GEORGE (Taking the handkerchief):
SABINA: Will you always love me? Sabina, they’re lovely. “To Mr. George” Well!
MR. GEORGE: Always! Forever and always!
SABINA: I’m glad you like them. They are for
SABINA (After a while, timidly) : Will you. . . you Mr. George. There’s a little thought I
let me keep that love? wove into each letter, Mr. George!
MR. GEORGE: It’s all yours, sweet! I never MR.GEORGE: Darling, I cannot thank you!
knew what that love meant until I met you, You’re the sweetest thing.
SABINA: I kept thinking about you and I will
SABINA (SIMPLY) : It’s myself I offer gladly, be married some day. And I’ll bring a child
Mr. George. into that house and many more if I am able.

MR.GEORGE: My little brown Sabina! Can’t it MR.GEORGE: Sweetheart.

be like this always?
SABINA: There’s just one thing I want to show
SABINA : Forever, Mr. George ! Our love will you. (She shows him a baby’s lace bonnet.)
last forever! For the gift itself I’ll bring you into that house.
SABINA: Mr. George, I wish to tell you a MR.GEORGE: (Trying not to show confusion):
dream I’ve been dreaming! I want to come Sabina! Do you mean… are you…
to the City with you.
SABINA: Oh! I’m glad I told you!
MR.GEORGE: Cities can be tiring, Sabina!
City folks can be so tiring! MR.GEORGE: That’s wonderful darling!
(Silence) Sabina, have you told anyone?
SABINA: Is that true, Mr. George?
SABINA: I’ve told no one, Mr. George!
MR.GEORGE: Very true, dear.
MR. GEORGE: Are you sure, Sabina?
SABINA: Do they tire you, Mr. George?
SABINA: I’m very sure, Mr. George!
MR. GEORGE: Indeed they do.
MR.GEORGE: Then don’t tell anyone… not
SABINA: Then I don’t want to tire you. yet… not for just a while yet… will you dear?

SABINA: If you wish it, I shall tell no one… MR.GEORGE: Dearest, you must listen to me!
Aren’t you happy, Mr. George! You’ve got to believe me!

MR. GEORGE (Distractedly): Yes, yes, of SABINA: I can’t be happy now. There’s an
course, my dearest! emptiness lying between us now, a wide,
black, silent darkness!
SABINA (Thoughtfully): I’m so glad you’re
happy. And I am so happy were to be MR. GEORGE: Others can’t come between
married. our love!

MR.GEORGE: Come close to me, darling, SABINA: Perhaps they’re not misers after all!
there’s something awful difficult I want to tell Yes I can hear them shouting! Outside love,
you. We cannot get married. all is death!

SABINA: (Looking at him in consternation): MR. GEORGE: Sabina, for God’s sake listen to
What? Why?... You don’t mean what you’re me!
SABINA (Moving away): No! No!. It’s all so
MR. GEORGE: I do. I’m already married, strange!
MR GEORGE: What are you saying to me?
SABINA (Stupified): You’re telling me a lie! Think only of our love! Think of our love!

MR.GEORGE: I’m telling you the honest truth, SABINA: And what of me? What is to
dear. become of me? What shall I ever tell them
SABINA: Then, it’s…
MR GEORGE: Yes Sabina! Our love! Our love!
MR.GEORGE: Yes, it’s true.
SABINA: I’m scared of them, Mr George! I’m
SABINA (Brokenly): Oh!... Oh!... It’s true then? afraid of the dark-ness!
What Antero said is true then!... There
something else?... Someone else between MR GEORGE: I’m here, don’t be afraid! You
us! must get a little rest now.

MR.GEORGE: She can’t come between us! I SABINA: I’m all right, to promise to come
promise you! Somehow, I’ve never known back!
her, my wife.
MR GEORGE: That’s good, That’s the girl. ( He
SABINA (Turning-away defeatedly) You’ve Goes)
cheated me! You’ve lied to me..
( But It is Antero who appears. She
MR.GEORGE: I didn’t want to lose you, that’s recoils fearfully from him )
why! Honest, I didn’t…
SABINA: Oh, it’s only you, Antero. I thought it
SABINA: You lied!... You lied!... Oh, you’ve was Mother.
cheated me!
ANTERO (Coldly): A nice time for you to think
MR.GEORGE: Dearest I couldn’t help it! of Mother! There’s no use now! I don’t care
if your conscience bothers you now!
SABINA (Softly intensely): You’ll never know
what it is to love! SABINA (Blankly): YES! Antero, yes! ( Antero
starts for the kitchen door) Antero, listen to
MR.GEORGE: I never knew love until I met me!
ANTERO: Don’t you tell me anything! Get
SABINA (Remorsefully): Oh, I can’t believe married if you can quickly. The sooner you
anything you say now! (She sobs bitterly, but

leave this house, the better. Go to the city (The others try to quiet her. The old
with him, if you can! I don’t care! woman approaches Sabina’s body and
begins mourning, The men place the
SABINA (Holding on to him): No. no Antero.! I bamboo couch in front of the altar, the
know now that I was wrong!. Listen to me! women take a white blanket from the room,
(She clings to him. and spread it on the couch.)
ANTERO: So it’s no, is it? ( He pushes her OLD WOMAN (Praying) : It’s an evil night! It’s
abruptly away; she falls.) MY God, don’t an evil night, Mr. George!
come to me! Don’t talk to me! Don’t you
dare tell any of us anything! ( He goes to the CLETA (Calling out to Mr George) : Mr
kitchen leaving her on the floor.) George! Please leave our Sabina alone!

SABINA: Antero, listen to me! Antero, come OLD WOMAN (Lamenting) : It’s evil night,
back! ( She’s cries pitifully.) It’s all right now! I Mamerto.
was wrong, Antero! I only wanted to tell you
were right. I was wrong. OLD MAN : Her death but her new life just
begun Rustica! Her life’s bigger than our
ANTERO: Sabina! Sabina, where are you? pretty lives now! Ours will be the sadness
now ours will be the loneliness forever! And
MR GEORGE: I heard a shot, Antero! What is we shan’t be happy. Till our selfish hearts
it? have learned to love truly forever.
MR GEORGE: For God’s Sake where’s They start to pray again. A brilliant shaft of
Sabina? (He rushes to the bedroom.) moonlight falls on Sabina’s body as the men
Sabina! Why? carry her out, praying as the go.
MR GEORGE: Call the doctor, Quick Antero! (A bamboo flute is heard far
ANTERO: There’s no Doctor in the village! away. Once more we hear the turtle crying.
SABINA: I’m not afraid any more, Mr

MR GEORGE: Don’t Talk!

SABINA: Mr. George!

MR GEORGE: Darling, forgive me.

SABINA: Will you think of me. Always?

SABINA ( With an effort) : Tell the traders..

you knew of a dark woman.. who was
faithful, Mr. George!

MR GEORGE: Sabina, don’t leave me! Don’t

Leave me!

SABINA: I shall be waiting, Mr. George.. on

a sand hill by the sea… I shall be waiting
forever… (She dies.)

MR GEORGE (Sobbing) : Sabina!... It’s all my


CLETA: What Happened? (She suddenly

realizes Sabina is dead and cries
hysterically.) Grandma! She’s dead!


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