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Kilwich and Olwen

Everybody knew good King Arthur and his brave knights of the Round Table. People
often came to their castle at Camelot to ask for help. One day a young knight, whose
name was Kilwich came to Camelot and asked King Arthur for help. He was looking for
Olwen- the daughter of Yspadaden, because she was destined to become his wife. But
he couldn’t find her. King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table agreed to find the
lady. Before they were ready to go, they took Sir Kay and Sir Bedivere, because they
were very strong and brave. Also, they took Gurhyr Gwalstatt because he could speak
the languages of all people, animals, birds and fish.

They rode a long way. At last they saw Yspadaden’s castle and a shepherd with a lot
of sheep. The shepherd invited King Arthur and his people to his house for talking them
about Yspadaden. There they met Olwen that came to shepherd house every Saturday,
she was very beautiful and sayed to Kilwich if he really wanted to marry her, he would
go and speak with her father, that knew that when his daughter got married, he would

King Arthur and his knights went to the castle. But it was difficult for them to get in,
because they had to fight and kill nine warriors and their nine dogs. When they came to
the hall where Yspadaden was sitting and told about Kilwich’s desire, the King said that
they could fulfill four tasks to achieve it. First task was to kill a giant, Gwernach by name
and brought his sword to him. The second task was to find Mabon, the son of the
forester. He disappeared when he was only three days old. The third task was to pick
up the seeds sowed on the field. The fourth task was to catch two wolf cubs and
brought them to the castle on a rope, made from the beard of Dillus the robber.

King Arthur decided to help Kilwich and sent his knights to fulfill the tasks. First task
was fulfilled by the Sir Kay that killed the giant with the polished sword. The second task
was fulfilled by the Gurhyr Gwalstatt, that asked the big fish where the Mabon was. The
fish told him that the Mabon was a prisoner in a big castle, full of warriors. King Arthur
and his people killed the warriors and saved Mabon. The third task was fulfilled too,
when the Gurhyr Gwalsatt asked ants to gather all the seeds of flax from the field. The
last task was fulfilled by Sir Kay and Sir Bedivere, that made a strong rope from the
robber’s beard and found wolf cubs.

Then King Arthur and his knights, together with Kilwich, the shepherd’s son and
Mabon went to Yspadaden’s castle. When Yspadaden resigned, he was killed by the
shepherd son. After that, the knights had a great feast and Olwen became the wife of
Kilwich. They lived happily for many years.

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