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EEL 6285/4935 – Energy Delivery

Systems, Spring 2018

Part 1 Introduction, Syllabus,

and Fundamentals of
Distribution Systems

Date: 01/10/2018
Electric Energy Delivery Systems
• Focus of course is on electric energy delivery systems
to facilitate the integration of distributed energy
resources, including wind, solar, battery, etc.
– Course is primarily about the electric aspects of the
energy delivery systems on distribution systems
– Microgrid and its elements
– Voltage sourced converters (VSC) control and
– Operation and control of a Microgrid
Electricity Delivery Systems
• Based on voltage levels, electricity
delivery systems consist of:
– Transmission system, 100kV and above
– Distribution system, less than 100kV
• Microgrid
North American Electric Reliability Corporation Regions
US Primary Energy Flow by Source and Sector, 2011
• US DOE EIA data, Quad BTU
US Primary Energy Flow by Source and Sector, 2011
• US DOE EIA data, Quad BTU
Power System Simulation Tools
• Physical simulation lab – scaled machines,
lines, etc.
• Detailed electromagnetic model, e.g.
PSCAD/EMTDC, Matlab/SimPower,
EMTP, etc.
• Mathematical average model based
simulation tools, e.g. PSS/E by Siemens,
Powerword, GE-PSLF, etc.
– Differential equations used to describe the
dynamic performances of electrical devices.
• (see syllabus)
A Current Power System
A Future Power System
What is a smart grid?

• According to the United States Department

of Energy's Modern Grid Initiative report, a
modern smart grid must:
– Be able to heal itself
– Motivate consumers to actively participate in operations of the grid
– Resist attack
– Provide higher quality power that will save money wasted from
– Accommodate all generation and storage options
– Enable electricity markets to flourish
– Run more efficiently
– Enable higher penetration of intermittent power generation sources
What can Smart Grid do?
Microgrid vs. Smart grid?
• Microgrid research/development is part of
the effort to implement the smart grid
• The challenges/objectives of Microgrid R/D:
– study the operation of microgrids to increase penetration of renewable and
other DERs while reducing carbon emissions
– study the operation of microgrids in parallel with the grid and islanded, as
may follow faults
– define and develop control strategies to ensure efficient, reliable, and
economic operation and management of microgrids
– define appropriate protection and grounding policies to assure safety, fault
detection, separation, and islanded operation
– identify and develop the required telecommunication infrastructures and
– determine the economic benefits of microgrid operation and propose
systematic methods to quantify them
– simulate and demonstrate microgrid operation on laboratory scales.
What is a Microgrid?
• The relationship between microgrid and
Smart-grid discussed – microgrid
technology is a way to implement the smart-
grid functions.

• The relationship between microgrid and

distributed energy resources – to address
partial challenges from large number of
DERs connected to the power grid.
List of distributed energy resources
• Using small-scale combined heat and
power (CHP) equipment:
– Reciprocating engine generators (gensets)
– Gas turbine
– Microturbines (MTs)
– Fuel cells (FCs)
• Renewable DERs
– Solar panels, photovoltaic (PV)
– Small scale wind turbines (WTs)
– Biogas digestor
– Heat and electricity storage,
– Controllable loads
Incentives/Challenges to build DERs
• The incentives (reasons) to build DERs:
– Reduce the carbon emission;
– Increase power quality and reliability;
– Increase energy efficiency;
– Reduce line lossess;
– Defer grid expansion
• The challenges to integrate DERs
– How to control and operate the network with the
potential huge number of DERs? “Decentralized”
– How to address the safety and efficiency issus?
“energy management and dynamic control”
Microgrid Definition
• Microgrid – a subsystem of a power
distribution system with distributed
generation and its associated loads, which
can operate at grid-connected mode and
islanded mode.
Components of a Microgrid
• Distributed energy resources (DERs) –
distributed generators, energy storage
• Point of common coupling (PCC) – the
electrical connection point of the microgrid
to the utility system at the low-voltage bus
of the substation transformer;
• Loads – sensitive loads, controllable loads,
non-sensitive loads.
Current IEEE Standard for DERs integration
• IEEE Std 1547™, IEEE Standard for
Interconnecting Distributed Resources
with Electric Power Systems
– Low voltage < 1 kV
– Medium voltage 1kV ~ 69kV

• Is DERs allowed to operate at islanded

mode if the DERs are connected to utility
system? NO (2 second rule due to human and
equipment safety concerns), but is ok for DERs in
a customer grid.
Types of customers Microgrid serves
• Residential buildings (see figure below)
• Commercial entities
• Industrial parks
Various Microgrid R/D Projects
• Mcrogrids reasearch projects in Europe
– The Microgrids: Large scale integration of micro-generation to low
voltage grids, 1998~2002
– More Microgrids: Advanced Architectures and control concepts for
more microgrids, 2002~2006
• In USA
✓ CERTS (consortium for electric reliability technology
solutions) microgrid - CM
✓ GE global research microgrid
• In Japan
✓ NEDO (new energy and industrial technology development
organization) microgrid project
• In Cananda
CERTS Microgrid

• Major features of the CERTs microgrid:

– Peer-to-peer enviroment
– No explicit communication system
– Plug-and-play
– Scalable system
– CHP to improve efficiency
– Smooth transfer between island and grid-connected operation
Microgrid – the objectives of this course
• Provide the fundamentals to start
research/study on Microgrid

• A software-based test system will be setup

to work on the objectives/challenges as

• Power electronics applications, especial

three-phase converters, will be introduced.
Per-unit value system

1. Why per-unit value system?

Major reason: different voltage level in power

2. Pick base values for quantities such as

voltages, currents, impedance, power,
and so on

3. Define the quantity in per unit as:

Per-unit three-phase quantities

1. Base values for three-phase:

➢ Select two primary base quatities: Sbase,
➢ Then derive: Ibase, Zbase

2. Calculate the per-unit three-phase

Per-unit - Example
Example 2 – three-phase
IEEE-399 Typical Industrial Power System
IEEE-399 Typical Industrial Power System
IEEE-399 Typical Industrial Power System
IEEE-399 Typical Industrial Power System

Impedance diagram showing results of per-unit conversions

Power Distribution System Planning

System planning is essential to assure that the growing

demand for electricity – technically adequate and reasonably

Factors affecting system planning:

1. Load forecasting
2. Substation expansion
3. Substation site selection
4. Other factors: primary voltage selection, feeder
route selection, number of feeders, conductor size selection,
and total cost.
Power Distribution System Planning

A block diagram of
at typical distribution
system planning
Power Distribution System Planning

Factors affecting load forecast

A Distribution System with DER
Load Characteristics – daily demand
Load Characteristics – load duration curve
Distribution Transformers
Distribution transformers are used to reduce primary-system
voltages (2.4 to 34.5 kV) to utilization voltages (120 to 600v).

1. Voltage regulation

2. Efficiency
Use of Symmetrical Components for
fault analysis
Three-phase system with a single line-to-ground
(SLG) fault.
Symmetric Components
 The key idea of symmetrical component analysis
is to decompose the system into three sequence
networks. The networks are then coupled only
at the point of the unbalance (i.e., the fault)
 The three sequence networks are known as the
– positive sequence (this is the one we’ve been
– negative sequence
– zero sequence
Sequence Set Representation
 Any arbitrary set of three phasors, say Ia, Ib, Ic
can be represented as a sum of the three
sequence sets
0  
Ia  Ia  Ia  Ia
0  
Ib  Ib  Ib  Ib
0  
Ic  Ic  Ic  Ic

w h e re
0 0 0
I a , I b , I c is th e z e r o s e q u e n c e s e t
  
I a , I b , I c is th e p o s itiv e s e q u e n c e s e t
  
I a , I b , I c is th e n e g a tiv e s e q u e n c e s e t
Conversion from Sequence to Phase
O n ly th r e e o f th e s e q u e n c e v a lu e s a r e u n iq u e ,
0  
I a , I a , I a ; th e o th e r s a r e d e te r m in e d a s f o llo w s :
2 3 3
 @1  1 2 0       0  1
0 0 0
Ia  I b  Ic ( s in c e b y d e f in itio n th e y a r e a ll e q u a l)
 2       2 
Ib   Ia Ic   Ia Ib   Ia Ic   Ia

 1   1  1 1 1   I a0 
 Ia  1 
 2      
  0   +  2 
Ib  Ia 1  Ia

 
 Ia

   1     aI 
   
  2  1   
 I c   1     
       I a 
Conversion Sequence to Phase
D e f in e th e s y m m e tr ic a l c o m p o n e n ts tr a n s f o r m a tio n
m a tr ix

1 1 1 
 2 
A  1   
 2 
1   

 I a0  I0 
Ia 
   
   
T hen I  Ib  A Ia   A  I   A Is
 
     
 I c 
 I a   I 
Conversion Phase to Sequence
B y ta k in g th e in v e r s e w e c a n c o n v e r t f r o m th e
p h a s e v a lu e s to th e s e q u e n c e v a lu e s
Is  A I

1 1 1 
1 1  2 
w ith A  1   

 
1 
S e q u e n c e s e ts c a n b e u s e d w ith v o lta g e s a s w e ll
a s w ith c u r r e n ts
Symmetrical Component Example 1

Ia   10 0 
   
L et I  Ib  10   T hen
   
 I c   1 0      

1 1 1   10 0    
1 1  2     
Is  A I  1    10    10 0
3    
 
   1 0        0 
1 

 10 0   0 
   
If I  10    Is  0
   
 1 0         1 0  0  
Symmetrical Component Example 2

V a    0 
   
Let V  Vb   
   
 V c         

T hen

1 1 1      0         0  
1  2  
                    
Vs  A V 

1 
3    
1 
           6 .1 2     

Symmetrical Component Example -
Find symmetrical components of single line-to-
ground (SLG) fault currents. I f  a ?
 
f  
 bI   0
 
 f 
 0 
 I c 

T h e n s in c e

 I 0f 
1 1 1  ?
 
 1  2    0   1 f
I f      0  If  I  I 
1   f f Ia
  3 3
 

   0 
I f  1 
 
SLG Faults, cont’d
f f
Va  Z f Ia

V a f
  V f0 
1 1 1 
   
f  2  
 bV      V f 
 f   
 2  
 V c  1    V f 
 
f 0  
T h is m e a n s V a V f V f V f

T h e o n ly w a y th e s e tw o c o n s tr a in ts c a n b e s a tis if ie d
is b y c o u p lin g th e s e q u e n c e n e tw o r k s in s e r ie s
Single Line-to-Ground (SLG)
Unbalanced faults unbalance the network,
but only at the fault location. This causes
a coupling of the sequence networks.
How the sequence networks are coupled
depends upon the fault type. We’ll derive
these relationships for several common
With a SLG fault only one phase has non-
zero fault current -- we’ll assume it is
phase A.
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Three-phase system with a single line-to-ground
(SLG) fault.
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for line-ground fault
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for line-ground fault
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for double-line-ground fault
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for double-line-ground fault
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for line-line fault
Use of Symmetrical Components for fault analysis
Sequence networks for line-line fault
Fault-current analysis
Zero-sequence equivalent circuit
Fault-current analysis
Fault-current analysis

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