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A project based approach to teaching Geotechnical Engineering

D.W. Airey
School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia

ABSTRACT: For several years a 3rd year subject, geotechnical engineering, dealing with slope stability, re-
taining walls, and foundation capacity has been taught through a series of projects. During the course students
in small groups tackle three projects, loosely related to these main themes. Each group of students undertakes
one experimental project and two numerical/analytical projects. Each project is of 4 weeks duration and is
completed with the production of a report and a presentation (oral or poster). The paper describes the rationale
of the course, its organisation, describes the types of projects that the students perform, and discusses the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of this approach. This approach allows a much wider range of topics to be cov-
ered, and for these to change from year to year, ensuring both relevance and excitement, and has led to both
students and staff developing a much greater understanding of the subject matter than would otherwise have
been necessary.

1 INTRODUCTION increase the amount of project based teaching as this

is seen to develop generic teamwork and communi-
The benefits of adopting an inductive, or problem- cation skills. The reported disadvantages of project
based approach to teaching, have been widely dis- based teaching include for staff concerns that stu-
cussed in the education literature. A review by dents may have a less rigorous understanding of en-
Prince & Felder (2006) indicates the following bene- gineering fundamentals, and for students the high
fits from adopting inductive approaches to teaching time demands of projects, and problems with mem-
and learning: they enhance motivation to learn, they bers of groups who do not pull their weight (Mills &
are more likely to lead to transfer of skills and Treagust 2003).
knowledge to the workplace, they promote deeper Published applications of problem and project-
approaches to learning and promote intellectual based approaches to the teaching of geotechnical en-
growth, they are consistent with the constructivist gineering are very limited (Seidel et al. 1994,
model of learning, and they are consistent with many McDowell 2001, Airey & Hull 2002, Wartman
learning cycle instructional models. Prince & Felder 2006). Given the reported benefits of the project-
(2006) summarise the benefits as follows, “they are based approach, and the push by accrediting bodies
supported by the best research on learning currently to increase project work, this must reflect wide-
available, compatible with the currently most widely spread doubts about the efficacy of the method.
accepted theories of learning, and promote problem- A further reason for considering updating our
solving skills and attitudes to learning that most in- teaching methods is that existing approaches do not
structors would say they desire for their students”. appear to be producing civil engineers with suffi-
Project-based teaching is one of a variety of induc- cient understanding of the ground. Atkinson (2002)
tive methods that also include problem-based learn- suggested that there was something the matter with
ing, case-based teaching, discovery learning, and geotechnical engineering because of frequent claims
just-in-time learning. Project-based teaching is wide- relating to the ground, and the generally deficient
ly used in engineering education for laboratory understanding of civil engineers of ground behav-
courses, final year projects, and as part of introduc- iour. While he, and others, suggested a range of rea-
tory courses. In Australia the accrediting authority, sons for the problems, the role of education and in
Engineers Australia, has encouraged universities to particular the prevalence of deductive styles of
teaching, beginning with lectures covering principles class. Because of time restraints the exercises had to
followed by examples and application of the princi- be tightly controlled with a demonstrator instructing
ples to idealised problems by students, an approach the students what to do and how to do it. One of the
that leads to surface learning strategies, is likely to outcomes of this was that the students did not take
be a contributor to the poor level of understanding. sufficient care and often the results were of a poor
A further and significant barrier to introducing a quality. In trying to explain these results students of-
new teaching approach is the lack of guidance on ten would show their ignorance of the underlying
how to implement it. The literature on project-based concepts. Another widely acknowledged problem
learning provides very few examples of how to (e.g. Hazel & Baillie 1998) with these sorts of con-
structure a course, in contrast to the enormous num- trolled exercises is that students have access to pre-
ber of textbooks that are designed to accompany tra- vious students’ reports. At best this reduces the
ditional lecture based tuition. It is the aim of this pa- amount of thought required and at worst results in
per to show how a project-based approach to direct copying of results and even the markers com-
teaching geotechnical engineering can be realised. ments. Another serious concern with the laboratory
work was that some students lacked practical skills,
and lacked confidence in performing experimental
1.1 Course Background
work. The controlled exercises were of little benefit
Civil engineering degrees in Australia require 4 to these students.
years of study. At the University of Sydney geotech- A further motivation for the change was the ob-
nical engineering subjects in the civil engineering servation that students’ ability to manipulate spread-
degree program include core courses in geology in sheets and perform simple computing tasks was lim-
1st year, and soil mechanics in 2nd year. The soil me- ited, despite courses devoted to these topics in
chanics course is taught in a conventional lecture, earlier years.
laboratory, tutorial approach, and covers effective
stress, flow nets, settlement, consolidation and a
brief introduction to soil strength. The project based 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES
course, Foundation Engineering, is a 3rd year sub-
ject, which has been elective since 2004. The course The main aim of the projects was to improve under-
covers the concept of soil strength, including an in- standing of the concept of soil strength, and at the
troduction to critical state soil mechanics, and appli- same time develop students computing and commu-
cations of soil strength to the stability of retaining nication skills. The objectives were that on comple-
structures, slope stability and foundation capacity. tion of the course students should be able to:
Two further geotechnical elective subjects are of-  Determine the strength parameters appropriate to
fered in the 4th year. a range of stability problems, and understand the
The Foundation Engineering course had been difference between total and effective stress ap-
given for many years in conventional lecture, labora- proaches.
tory, and tutorial mode. The reasons for introducing  Evaluate strength parameters from laboratory data
the change to a project based course included: the  Critically analyse foundation stability and slope
fact that only a handful of students appeared to un- stability problems
derstand the key concept of soil strength; ineffective  Use spreadsheets to perform parametric studies
laboratory experiments; too high a failure rate; poor and produce design charts for simple geotechnical
motivation leading to poor attendance at tutorials; design problems
poor interaction with staff; and educational theory  Communicate the results of experiments and
indicating the importance of active learning as dis- analyses using written, visual and oral methods
cussed above. Many of these factors were inter- appropriate for professional geotechnical engi-
related and attributable to the structure of the degree neers.
program and the other demands made on the stu- The laboratory exercises had a number of more
dents. specific aims. To give students experience of plan-
A key driver for the change to a project based ap- ning a test programme, using equipment, observing
proach was a desire to increase the benefits of the and measuring, data interpretation, and understand-
laboratory component of the course. The laboratory ing the limitations of theory and experiments
component of the traditional course was intended to
allow the students to appreciate the limitations of the
simple analytical methods taught in the lectures. The 3 IMPLEMENTATION
significance of the assumptions made in these ap-
proaches is often not appreciated, but understanding The course lasts one semester, or 13 teaching weeks,
these is essential to good geotechnical engineering. and has 6 hours timetabled per week. A typical stu-
The students had to measure and observe, interpret dent would be taking 4 courses per semester. The
the data and respond to questions in the laboratory first week is devoted to lectures. After this the stu-
dents take three projects, each of 4 weeks duration. run through the equipment to be used. The students
Four hours per week are scheduled for the projects, are only given the topic in the table below, and gen-
and two hours for supporting lectures. Feedback eral lecture notes which cover methods of analysis.
from the students indicates the total time spent on As most projects go well beyond the lecture notes
the projects is generally in the range of 25 to 30 background reading is generally required to under-
hours each. For the projects students are organized stand the project. Further details of some typical pro-
in homogeneous ability groups of 3 to 5. Enrolment jects are discussed below. For the laboratory projects
in the course has varied between 30 and 75 students, students generally made much greater demands on
and the number of groups between 10 and 15. To staff time than for the more analytical projects. Each
form these groups the class is divided into two or staff member was limited to 5 projects, and thus typ-
three large groups based on their previous academic ically three staff were required to run the course.
performance and their performance in soil mechan- Assessment of the projects was based on the final
ics. Within these groups students are free to choose written report (55%), a group process mark (30%)
their group members. The method used to select and a presentation mark (15%). An example of a
groups has been intended to minimize group con- typical report can be viewed on the course website
flict, and to reduce the likelihood of having free- ( To
riders. As an isolated project-based course and one simplify marking of the reports, marks were given in
whose main intention has been to get students to un- three broad areas, Understanding (relation of work
derstand soil strength it was considered undesirable to theory and background), Content (thorough, con-
to spend time on the development of teamwork cise, well organised, logical), and Presentation (ap-
skills, which anyway had been covered in prior propriate language, graphs, appearance). For each
courses. It was however, acknowledged that con- criterium the requirements for different levels of
flicts do arise, and to ensure individual accountabil- achievement were given to the students. The inten-
ity discussion of these problems and self and peer tion behind selecting these criteria was a desire for
assessment were required. To ensure that coopera- the students to demonstrate an understanding of the
tive learning still occurred the projects were selected objectives and the significance of their findings.
with appropriate levels of difficulty, that is, the more Although the projects had widely differing levels of
academically successful students were given more difficulty the same criteria were used for all groups.
challenging topics. In principle a group of low ability students could do
To minimize any problems with academic dis- 3 very simple projects and earn higher marks than
honesty every project has been unique. This has the more challenged more able students. In practice
meant that up to 45 different projects have been re- this has not happened. Most students worked dili-
quired each year (15 groups each doing 3 projects). gently at these projects and all improved their under-
The projects are chosen so that each group conducts standing as a result. In many groups the final report
one experimental project, and two analyti- did not do justice to the work performed, but allow-
cal/numerical exercises. Table 1 shows a list of the ance for this was provided by a “group process”
projects taken in 2006, a typical year. The laboratory mark. The criteria for an excellent process mark
projects are indicated in italics. For most of the ex- were: “all group members fully and actively in-
perimental set-ups it has been possible to vary the volved, took initiative, resourceful and persistent,
test parameters so that the same apparatus may be thorough analysis/experiments and checking of re-
used from year to year with little repetition. It may sults”.
also be noted that the nature of the projects, which The mark given by the academic staff was moder-
require close interaction with the academic staff, en- ated by the students’ assessment of their contribu-
sures that copying from previous students is of little tions. A modified version of an instrument described
concern. by Goldfinch & Raeside (1990) was used to get stu-
No specific teaching was directed towards the dents to consider their contribution to the team ef-
communication skills as these were covered in other fort. They then had to submit a form with an agreed
courses. These include courses on both written and estimate of the relative contributions made by each
oral communication, programming and IT, however, team member.
considerable feedback was given to students to ena- To enable the students to get an awareness of the
ble them to improve their communication and topics and work of other groups, because every
spreadsheet skills. group had a different project, each group was re-
Each group is required to have a half hour meet- quired to produce either a poster or a 15 minute oral
ing with an academic staff member each week, and presentation explaining their project and their main
is encouraged to request additional meetings if nec- findings. These presentations were peer assessed and
essary. The first meeting has been used to define the this contributed to the overall project assessment.
project objectives, discuss the parameters that could During the semester each group had to give one oral
be varied, suggest suitable background reading and presentation and produce two posters.
Table 1: List of projects
Group Retaining Wall – Project 1 Slope Stability –Project 2 Foundation capacity -Project 3
1 Use of Coulomb’s method to assess Influence of cutting width on factor Screw pile tests
wall stability with different wall an- of safety
gles, fill geometries and soil proper-
2 Development of a spreadsheet for the Reinforced slope experiments and Limiting capacity of laterally loaded
design of cantilever sheet pile walls comparison with Stares* piles
3 Retaining wall experiments on sand. Stares* analyses to investigate influ- Investigation of relation between ver-
Influence of relative density and sur- ence of reinforcement properties on tical and moment bearing capacity
face loads slope stability using a spring-slider soil analogue
4 Wall experiments using “rod” soil. Comparison of Xslope with chart so- Anchor pull-out resistance
lutions for cases with water flow
5 Design of gravity walls subject to Mini-centrifuge tests to explore slope Influence of adjacent footings on the
earthquakes stability, and comparison with bearing capacity
6 Mini-centrifuge tests to assess canti- Development of spreadsheet for slope Analysis and review into effects of
lever wall stability stability with variable undrained inclined loading on piles
7 Analysis of sheet pile walls with jet- Two wedge mechanisms for slope Experiments to investigate the effects
grouted base struts stability and comparison with of combined V, M, H loading on
Xslope* bearing capacity
8 Analysis of reinforced soil walls us- Xslope* analyses for slopes with 2 Model centrifuge tests to investigate
ing Stares*. Investigation of rein- cohesive ( = 0) soil layers bearing capacity on clay
forcement properties and orientation
9 Analysis of force on bulldozer for Probability of failure. Influence of Experiments and analysis of a T-bar
varying soil geometry. Comparison soil variability on factor of safety us- penetrometer to evaluate undrained
of limit equilibrium and plasticity ing Xslopebatch* strength
based methods
10 Analysis of retaining wall stability Experiments and analysis of rapid Analysis of time dependency of bear-
using a multiple wedge analysis drawdown ing capacity for foundations on soft
11 Gravity wall design including effects 3-D wedge stability Experiments of lateral load capacity
of water flow in sand
12 Experiments to explore the influence Comparison of Xslope* with chart Piling to rock, Is it always a good
of sliding and overturning for a sim- solutions for cases with  = 0 idea?
ple gravity retaining wall
13 Design spreadsheet for anchored Infinite slope experiments. Influence Undrained bearing capacity of foun-
sheet pile walls, including effects of of relative density and water dations on a 2-layered soil profile
surface loads
14 Experiment to investigate propped Stability of slopes with 2 layers, Sand
Bearing capacity of foundations on
wall stability on Clay using Xslope* soil with undrained strength varying
with depth.
* Xslope and Stares are commercially available programs developed at the University of Sydney (Balaam 2001) for Slope Sta-
bility and Reinforced Slope Stability analyses respectiely

In addition to the projects the students were also 4 TYPICAL PROJECTS

given an examination at the end of the course based
on the methods of analysis covered in the lectures. 4.1 Laboratory projects
The projects comprised 75% of the course mark, and
the exam 25%, but to pass the course a minimum
The laboratory projects required students to perform
mark of 40% was required in the exam. This was in-
troduced to evaluate the students understanding, and a number of experiments in which some of the im-
ensure that all students properly engaged with the portant parameters (soil density, strength, size, load-
methods of analysis covered in the projects and lec- ing, etc) were to be varied, and for the results to be
tures. compared with the predictions of simple limit equi-
librium theories. The projects were left open-ended
so that the number of tests performed, and parame-
ters investigated, depended on the motivation of the these students would have gained very little, if any-
students thing, from the traditional laboratory exercises.
The majority of the equipment used in the labora- One of the more complex laboratory projects in-
tory projects was available from previous under- volved centrifuge tests of sheet pile walls in clay.
graduate laboratory exercises. At any time a maxi- The students were able to perform 6 tests, with min-
mum of 5 experimental projects were being imal supervision, in which they varied soil strength,
undertaken. Most experiments were intentionally retained height and depth of burial of the wall.
kept simple so that data could be recorded by hand Mechanisms of failure could be observed during
from dial gauges or from simple digital displays. flight, and the soil strength subsequently determined
Automated, PC based, data recording was avoided from moisture content measurements. Analyses were
wherever possible as this could not generally be performed that indicated reasonable agreement be-
managed by students within projects of short dura- tween observed and predicted centrifuge speeds at
tion, and failure to record data would be unfair to failure. One of the students commented that this pro-
any group so affected. These decisions also meant ject “..was very good at getting everyone involved
that equipment costs were not significant. The only and seeing results clearly and practically. Brings a
exception to this was a miniature centrifuge which real understanding to all the lectures”.
was developed for these projects. An existing and
freely available test tube centrifuge was modified by 4.2 Analytical/numerical projects
replacing the test tube holder with a specially manu-
factured centrifuge package that could contain soil Similar to the laboratory projects the aim of most of
specimens of 50  45  25mm. To observe test pro- the numerical projects was to perform a limited par-
gress two wireless video cameras, one at the centre ametric analysis of the given problem and then ex-
of the rotating arm, and a second attached to the cen- plain the trends by referring to the relevant soil me-
trifuge package were located in the centrifuge. The chanics concepts. An example of a simple project is
centrifuge has a radius of about 17 cm and can pro- the use of Coulomb’s method to determine the active
vide about 200 gravities. An example video of a pressures on retaining walls with inclined faces and
slope stability test is available on the course web- sloping backfill. Working from first principles the
site( students are asked to set up a spreadsheet to deter-
One of the simpler projects involved a retaining mine the critical mechanism and force on the wall
wall that translated into sand to measure active and for any specified geometry. Although a straightfor-
passive pressures. This was one of the experiments ward task, the limitations of students’ knowledge of
performed in the traditional course where active and basic statics and limited computing skills make this
passive pressures were measured for both loose and a significant challenge for the academically weaker
dense sand. What the students have achieved in this students. A similar but very challenging project was
project has not been much more than in the old 2 to produce a spreadsheet to provide the factor of
hour laboratory. The expectations, communicated to safety for a slope using multiple wedges where a
the students, were that each student would put in thin weak layer was present. And to compare this
about 20 hours on each project, and with 4 people in with the factor of safety from a commercially avail-
a group, each project would represent 80 man hours. able slope stability package, Xslope (Balaam 2001).
Although lack of application had some influence on Although the equations are relatively straightfor-
the outcome, much more important was the absence ward, the identification of the critical mechanism
of any confidence in dealing with the practical de- and the interpretation of the computing output is in-
tails of how the equipment worked, how to take tellectually challenging. Another challenging project
measurements, etc., and, having obtained the data, involved developing a spreadsheet to determine the
an inability to use a spreadsheet to reduce and plot factor of safety for a uniform c,  material with any
the results. The absence of practical skills in these given slope geometry. Maps were produced showing
students who were also struggling with the more ac- the lowest factor of safety of all the circles analysed
ademic coursework was initially surprising, but this at each point in the ground, a method of representing
experience has been repeated year after year with the data suggested by Baker & Leshchinsky (2001).
most of the academically challenged students. One
of the benefits of having homogeneous low ability
groupings is that the skill deficiencies of these stu- 5 STAFF AND STUDENT ATTITUDES
dents become very apparent. Possibly for the first
time they are required to confront and overcome Numerous surveys were conducted to determine stu-
them. While these students gained relatively little dent reactions to the new course, in particular of the
understanding of Soil Mechanics they made im- method of forming groups, the method of assess-
portant gains in laboratory, communication, compu- ment and the level of understanding, as well as open
ting and organisational skills. Given the time taken questions to explore student attitudes. All students
to understand the experiment it can be expected that reported that the projects led to greater understand-
ing than conventional lecture and tutorial courses, future it is proposed to use more frequent in class
and there was very high support for the method of quizzes. Some form of test is required otherwise a
forming groups. The group process mark was intro- small number of students can pass the course with-
duced following feedback from students that basing out engaging with the analytical methods. This can
the mark only on the report did not assess what they occur because, although the peer group assessments
had done. Students reported that they found the pro- appear to reflect students’ relative contributions,
ject-based course interesting and they were generally students report pressure to inflate contributions to a
well motivated to succeed. However, it was com- level which ensures that free-riders will just pass.
mented by several students that the course was too In summary, the project-based course has result-
demanding. All students reported that the course had ed in significant improvements in laboratory, report
improved their generic skills in report writing, use of writing and computing skills, and students have been
computers and communication. much more actively involved in their learning. The
It is more difficult to judge whether the students students report that they have developed a good un-
have gained a better understanding of soil strength derstanding of their projects, and the staff responses
than from a traditional course. Although the students have been positive.
unanimously reported that they had developed a
greater understanding, their performance in exami-
nations showed little evidence that they could gener- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
alise and apply this knowledge to other problems
any better. Some of the more academic students felt This innovation would not have been possible with-
that they had gained less (information) from this out the full-hearted support from my colleagues and
course than a more traditional one. In part this re- in particular Tim Hull, John Carter and Ross Barker.
flected the difficulty of providing suitably challeng-
ing projects to groups of high achievers. These
comments came despite the extraordinarily high REFERENCES
achievements of some groups (e.g. a design spread-
sheet for inverted T retaining walls with four linked Airey, D.W. & Hull, T.S. 2002. Integration of laboratory ex-
spreadsheets for different modes of failure, that pro- periments in a project based course, Proc. 13th Australa-
vided optimum dimensions of the wall for specified sian Conf. on Engineering Education, AAEE, 15-20.
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for her group’s benefit. As an example of this in- Goldfinch, J. & Raeside R. 1990. Development of a peer as-
volvement this student mentioned that her group sessment technique for obtaining individual marks on a
wanted to understand the reasons for the small kinks group project, Assessment & evaluation in HE, 15(3): 210-
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something that they would have ignored in a tradi- learning methods: Definitions, comparisons and Research,
tional laboratory class. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(2): 123-138.
The size of the groups appears to have an effect Seidel, J.P. Hadgraft, R G & Eley, M. 1994. Student contractor
on the outcome from the projects, with students in teams bid for soil engineering jobs. Proc. 6th Conf. of Aus-
smaller groups often producing more and being tralasian Assoc. for Engineering Education Sydney: 766-
more satisfied. In practice the size of the groups has McDowell, G.R. 2001. A student-centred approach to teaching
been fixed by limited staff and laboratory resources. soil mechanics, Int. J. Engineering Education, 17(3): 255-
The staff members involved in the course inevita- 260.
bly have different perceptions of its advantages and Mills, J.E. & Treagust, D.F. 2003. Engineering education – is
disadvantages. Nevertheless, in general the course problem-based or project-based learning the answer, Aus-
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was more enjoyable, and the close interaction with tion
the students was positive. The staff have been chal- Wartman, J. 2006. Geotechnical Physical modelling for educa-
lenged and have learnt things they otherwise would tion: Learning theory approach, Journal of professional is-
not, because for the staff the course content has in- sues in engineering education and practice, 132(4): 288-
creased significantly. 296.
One aspect that needs to be changed is the exami-
nation as this is a distraction to the students during
the projects and detracts from student satisfaction. In

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