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As society and values changes, the world changes with it.

is impacting the world in both a negative and a positive light and replacing basic
values and bringing a variety of societal changes. This is deemed post-
modernization (Inglehart, 1997). (Douglas, 1988) claims, “modernity has
adversely affected religion predominately in Western culture”. Of course, as
basic values changes, ‘primitive’ values that once governed societies are being
replaced. Argument arises that human rights depict religious beliefs as
impractical and immoral as equality, homosexuality, science and education
become more mainstream. This allows people to openly criticize and wholly
abandon religion altogether, and consequently, a secularized society is formed
(Crabtree, 2002). It is largely believed that challenging the supernatural is
characteristically a western phenomenon. However, a worldwide survey finds
13% of the world population is atheist, with China and Japan contributing more
than half of that actual figure, (Gilani, Shahid , & Zuettel, 2012). Similarly,
secularization has impacted the more politically powerful and industrially driven
counties of South America. The researcher postulates modernization cannot
entirely be blamed for religious abandonment. Therefore, the researcher aims
to pin-point the factors which can possibly increase religious abandonment in a
modernizing society.
Many authors have achieved to explain thoroughly why religion has
declined but failed to mention why religion is still a strong presence in third-
world today and to an extent, first-world countries. (Douglas, 1988) claims
“modernization has not necessarily disproven traditional religion, but resulted
in the formation of new cults e.g. evangelical Protestantism- Pentecostalism.
She theories where one religion may have fallen, others such as Islam has
survived, soared and even expanded to Africa. In spite of this, (Crabtree, 2014)
argues religious countries have the highest rate of crimes. Some studies, based
on their preferential beliefs, are biased to one side, predominately the non-
religious side while other adapt to a loosely ‘fair’ prospective. Whether one is
biased or not has largely to do with their belief; hostility may also increase with
the type of non-believer he/she defines him/herself as (Marcotte, 2013). More
or less, religion and modernization are two sensitive words in the present era
and are opened for extreme subjective interpretations. (Hunter & Malik, 2005)
defines modernization as a society which cannot be deemed ‘modern’ without
a democratic government. However, (Inglehart, 1997) defines “modernization is
not linear, and it is a process that increases the economic and political
capabilities of a society.
Modernization is a source towards secularization which decreases
religious hold, causes individualism, psychological problems and loss of faith and
belief. Today, to build a link between modernization and religion, more
researches are being done to discover the extent to which religion has been
affected in this rapidly secularizing society (Menhas, 2015). This study correlates
with other works by researchers in that it explores the damages modernization
has inflicted upon religion, while paying close attention to the young minds of
society. It avoids and therefore overcomes a challenge -biasness- by exploring
both sides of a person’s preferential belief by in depth conversational interviews
of a religious and non-religious person.

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