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Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Veronica (kinder)

Outcome to be Assessed Letter recognition and letter sounds

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math Writing numbers 0-20

Performance Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Data Assessment Evaluation of

Criteria (How and Method(s) Assessment Collection Coordinator Results
Where it was (How and
taught) Where
Veronica will Veronica was in Teacher created Veronica was 11/30/17 Brittney Recht Veronica was
write the a small group assessment to provided with a 1pm-2pm able to write the
numbers 0-20 setting working gauge where pencil and numbers 0-20
without a visual with a student’s paper. She was correctly.
aid to the best paraprofessional learning is. told to write the
of her ability. in the general numbers 0-20 to
education the best of her
classroom. ability. We
collected the
paper at the end
to analyze the

Veronica will Veronica was in Observations Veronica was 10/31/17 Brittney Recht Veronica was
participate in an a small group and anecdotal given a mini 9am-10am able to write the
activity that setting working notes. white board and letter for each
focuses on letter with the lead a marker to sound of the
recognition and teacher on the participate in alphabet
sounds. carpet. this activity. The correctly.
teacher told her
to “write the
letter that
makes the
sound”. Then the
teacher would
make a sound
and Veronica
would have to
write the letter
on her white
board that she
believes makes
that sound. We
observed what
sounds she was
able and unable
to identify from
what she wrote
on her white
board and wrote
anecdotal notes
while observing.
Overall Results:

Overall, Veronica was very successful in the both the math and ELA assessments. Through collecting the students work from our math
assessment, it became clear that she is fluent in writing the numbers 0-20. She did not use a visual aid or require help from the
paraprofessional. In ELA, Veronica is fluent with writing the letters in the alphabet and recognizing the sound each letter makes.

Action(s) to be taken:

Provide Veronica with more challenging work. She completed both of these assessments successfully. It is clear she is ready to move
onto the next stages of math and ELA.

Your own Reflection:

Through different forms of assessment I was able to understand where Veronica’s learning currently is and where we need to take it. I
used a teacher created assessment, observations and anecdotal notes to get the information I needed. I learned that Veronica is able
to write the numbers 0-20 completely on her own. This is a kindergarten standard that she has successfully accomplished that not
many of the other students have quite yet. This was an interesting assessment because I knew Veronica was able to identify numbers
up to 100 but I had never assessed if she could actually write them. I wonder if she is able to write numbers even above 20. Since
Veronica easily completed this assessment, we can move onto another standard and challenge her to progress her mathematical
skills. I also learned that Veronica is able to identify what letter of the alphabet makes what sound. Something I noticed and wrote in
my anecdotal notes is that while Veronica was doing the “write the letter that makes the sound” activity she needed to use the visual
aid alphabet sometimes to write the letter on the white board. This gave me the idea that she isn’t completely fluent with writing all
the letters in the alphabet quite yet. Therefore, we will continue to work with her and focus on letter writing. But, since Veronica does
know all her sounds we must challenge her even further. To do this, I think she is ready to begin blending CVC words.
Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Yesenia (1st grade)

Outcome to be Assessed Reading fluency

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math Counting to 120 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s

Performance Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Data Assessment Evaluation of

Criteria (How and Method(s) Assessment Collection Coordinator Results
Where it was (How and
taught) Where
Yesenia will use Yesenia worked Teacher-student Yesenia will be 10/31/17 Brittney Recht Yesenia was able
a 120’s chart to one-on-one with interaction and provided a 120’s 1pm-2pm to count to 120
verbally count as me at the back anecdotal notes. chart to use as by 1’s and 10’s.
high as she can table of the reference. After She was able to
by 1’s then by 5’s general she counted by count to 75 by
then by 10’s. education 1’s, 5’s and 10’s I 5’s.
classroom. marked on the
chart how far
she got for each.
Then I wrote
anecdotal notes
about what I
noticed while I
listened to her

Yesenia will read Yesenia was in a Video recording. Yesenia read the Oct. 31, 2017 Brittney Recht Yesenia read the
“Sam’s Pet” to small group book “Sam’s 9am-10am book “Sam’s
the best of her setting reading Pet” aloud while Pet” with 95%
ability to assess in her head. I video recorded accuracy. This
fluency. Then I asked her her on my IPad. means she was
to read to me. able to fluently
read this book.
Overall Results:

Overall, Yesenia was very successful in both areas of assessment. In math, she was able to verbally count to 120 by 1’s and 10’s and to
75 by 5’s. In ELA, she was able to fluently read aloud “Sam’s Pet”.

Action(s) to be taken:

In regards to math, we will continue to work with Yesenia on counting by 5’s because she needs more support with it. We will
incorporate more daily activities that really highlight and focus on this this skill. In ELA, we will provide Yesenia with more challenging
books since she was fluent with the current one. We want her skills to progress and not plateau therefore we must give her books
that allow her to struggle a little bit but not to the point where she is too frustrated.

Your own Reflection:

Through doing these assessments, I realized that video recording is personally a very effective way to assess children’s reading. It
allowed me to be in the moment with the student and actually listen to her instead of worrying about writing things down. The video
recording allowed me to go back and listen multiple times and thoroughly analyze Yesenia’s reading. These assessments also
provided me with useful insight into my case study child’s knowledge. I noticed that Yesenia decided not to use the 120’s chart while
counting. This made me realize that she can fluently count to 120 by 1’s and 10’s but not 5’s. Therefore in the future I can support her
learning with counting by 5’s by having her use the 120’s chart and discuss the pattern visually. This could help her become more
fluent when counting by 5’s. Through the math assessment, I believe that Yesenia is ready to begin adding and subtracting within 20.
She is very fluent with counting therefore I think she will be able to understand these concepts. Through the ELA assessments, I
realized how high my student’s reading level and fluency is. This will guide my instruction in the future. She is ready for more difficult
level books. I also realized that Yesenia reads extremely fast. Therefore she makes mistakes that I believe she wouldn’t if she would
just slow down a little. I think she was reading that fast because the book was too easy for her. I think if she had a more challenging
book she would slow down and truly focus on what she is reading.

Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Veronica (kinder)

Outcome to be Assessed Letter recognition and letter sounds

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math Writing numbers 0-20

Performance Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Data Assessment Evaluation of

Criteria (How and Method(s) Assessment Collection Coordinator Results
Where it was (How and
taught) Where
Veronica will Veronica was in Observations Veronica was 11/6/17 Brittney Recht Veronica was
write the a small group and anecdotal provided a white 1pm-2pm able to write all
numbers 0-20 setting working notes. board and dry of the numbers
on a whiteboard with me on the erase marker. I 0-20 when
when the class rug in the asked the prompted by
teacher prompts general students to write me.
her. education the number I
classroom. verbally told
them to on their
white boards. I
think walked
around the
room to see who
was successful in
writing the
correct number.
I asked them to
write the
numbers 0-20 in
a random order.
Veronica will Veronica was Curriculum Veronica was 11/7/16 Brittney Recht Veronica was
identify as many working one-on- based given a 9am-10am able to identify
uppercase and one with me in assessment. curriculum all uppercase
lowercase letters the general based and lowercase
as possible and education assessment letters and their
identify the classroom. provided by the sounds.
sound each school. She was
makes. provided with a
visual of all the
uppercase and
lowercase letters
in a random
Veronica was
told to point to
each letter and
say the name of
the letter then
the sound it
Overall Results:

Overall, Veronica was successful in both her areas of assessment this week. She was able to write the numbers 0-20 when being
verbally prompted. Veronica is also able to identify all the uppercase and lowercase letters and their sounds.

Action(s) to be taken:

Provide Veronica with more challenging work. She completed both of these assessments successfully. It is clear she is ready to move
onto the next stages of math and ELA. In math, I believe she can begin adding and subtracting within in 5 and possibly 10. In ELA, I
think she is ready to begin blending CVC words.

Your own Reflection:

Veronica is my student that has an IEP. Her IEP focuses on her social emotional and language development. Even though Veronica is
on an IEP she is one of the more advanced kindergarten students academically. Although it can be a struggle to get her to participate
in some of the assessments, when she finally comes around we are able to see her full potential. When I first began in the classroom, I
had no idea Veronica’s academic abilities because she would never want to participate in class. But, no that she has become more
comfortable and adapted to the classroom I have learned so much about her academic strengths.

Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Yesenia (1st grade)

Outcome to be Assessed Reading fluency

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math Counting to 120 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s

Performance Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Data Assessment Evaluation of

Criteria (How and Method(s) Assessment Collection Coordinator Results
Where it was (How and
taught) Where
Yesenia will The homework Work samples. Yesenia was 11/6/17 Brittney Recht Yesenia wrote all
complete a assignment was provided a 120’s the numbers to
homework explained in chart in her 120 counting by
assignment that class then homework 5’s and 10’s
requires her to Yesenia folder. She was successfully.
write her completed the told to write her
numbers to 120 task at home. numbers to 120
counting by 5’s counting by 5’s
and 10’s. and 10’s.
Yesenia will Yesenia was Curriculum Yesenia was 11/7/16 Brittney Recht Yesenia made it
verbally identify working one-on- based given a 9am-10am to the 50th sight
as many sight one with me in assessment. curriculum word out of 100
words as the general based then was
possible. education assessment stopped due to
classroom. provided by the missing 5 of the
school. She was 50. Yesenia was
provided with a able to identify
list of sight 45 sight words
words and was correctly.
told to point and Yesenia is not
identify as many yet fluent with
words as sight words.
possible. Once
she missed 5
words the
Overall Results:

In regards to mathematics, Yesenia was successful in writing numbers up 120 counting by 5’s and 10’s. In regards to ELA, Yesenia is
making progress with her sight words but she is not yet fluent. She correctly identified 45 out of 100 sight words of a predetermined

Action(s) to be taken:

In mathematics, Yesenia is fluent with counting by 5’s and 10’s to 120. Therefore she is ready to apply this knowledge to broader
mathematic concepts. For example counting a large number of objects (counting collections). In counting collections she would be
provided with a large number of objects and she would group them by 5’s or 10’s to make counting them easier. In ELA, Yesenia is not
quite fluent with her sight words yet. Therefore the actions to be taken are to continue exposing her to sight words in a variety of
ways and practicing them with her. We can do this by creating activities focusing on sight words for our ELA centers, reading books
with sight words she’s struggling with, etc.

Your own Reflection:

Using the homework work sample as an assessment provided me with valuable information but it also left me with some questions.
Since I was not physically there to see how she completed her assignment I am unsure if she needed to reference the 120’s chart or if
she was able to write her numbers from memory. I also don’t know if she completed this assignment on her own or she was provided
help by a guardian. Therefore in the future I will use assessments within the classroom setting that I can monitor and get an overall
understanding of my student’s knowledge. After two weeks of assessing Yesenia’s ability to count by 5’s and 10’s I have realized that
this concept is coming easy to her and she is ready to build upon that knowledge and begin more challenging mathematics work.
Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Veronica (kinder)

Outcome to be Assessed Letter recognition and letter sounds

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math

Writing numbers 0-20

Performance Criteria Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Assess Evaluation of Results
(How and Method(s) Assessment Data ment
Where it (How and Collecti Coordin
was Where on ator
taught) Measured)
Veronica will label 20 Veronica Work Veronica was 11/14/1 Brittney Veronica was able to write all of the numbers 1-
objects by writing the was in a Sample. provided a 7 Recht 20 corresponding to each object correctly.
numbers 1-20 below small worksheet with 1pm-
them on a worksheet. group 20 pictures of 2pm
setting balloons. She
working was prompted
at a math to write the
center. numbers 1-20
under each
Veronica will Veronica Observatio The lowercase 11/13/1 Brittney Veronica was able to identify all lowercase letters
participate in an was ns and letters were 6 Recht and their sounds.
activity where she working anecdotal written on the 9am-
identifies as many with me notes. large white 10am
lowercase letters and in a small board in the
their sounds. group front of the
setting. classroom. I
We were pointed to each
working letter on the
on the board and said
rug in the “name” and the
general students would
education orally tell me
setting. the name of the
letter I was
pointing at.
Then I would
point to the
same letter and
say “sound” and
the students
would orally say
the sound the
letter makes.
Overall Results:

Overall, Veronica was successful in both her areas of assessment this week. She was able to write the numbers 1-20 when labeling a certain
number of objects. She did not need a visual aid to help her form the numbers. Veronica was also able to identify all the lowercase letters and
their sounds. She was quick with her letter recognition which shows she is becoming more fluent.
Action(s) to be taken:

Veronica is becoming more fluent with her letter recognition and sounds. Therefore we will begin to work on blending CVC words. I believe
this will provide Veronica with a challenge but I think she is ready to move onto this step in reading. In mathematics, Veronica can begin using
strategies to represent her mathematical ideas on paper. Since she is able to write the numbers 0-20 she can effectively represent her
thinking. For example, she can use number bonds to represent her addition and subtraction because she knows how to write numbers

Your own Reflection:

Veronica has made major strides in ELA since the beginning of the year. She began the year knowing some letter names and sounds but now
she knows all of them for both uppercase and lowercase letters. She has become more fluent in recognizing letters and their sounds, it’s
almost automatic now. In mathematics, Veronica has also come a long way since the beginning of the year. Some of her numbers used to be
reversed but she has since corrected this and can write numbers 0-20 correctly. This has been a big focus for our kindergarteners because in
first grade students are expected to show their mathematical knowledge by writing what they know on worksheets, tests, etc. Therefore
Veronica will now be prepared to show her work with the teacher begin able to comprehend it.

Summary Assessment and Planning Sheet

Student Learning Outcome(s): Yesenia (1st grade)

Outcome to be Assessed Reading fluency

in English Language Arts

Outcome to be Assessed in Math Counting to 120 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s

Performance Strategies Assessment Context for Time of Assessment Evaluation of Results

Criteria (How and Method(s) Assessment Data Coordinator
Where it (How and Collecti
was Where on
taught) Measured)
Yesenia will Yesenia Observation Yesenia was 11/14/ Brittney Yesenia was able to count to 120 by 10’s.
participate in a participat s and provided with 17 Recht
classroom activity ed in a anecdotal 120 pieces of 1pm-
where she counts “counting notes. pasta. She was 2pm
120 objects by collections asked to count
grouping by 10s. ” activity how many
one-on- pieces there
one with were by
me. counting by
10’s. She was
asked to orally
count each
group when
finished (“10,
20, 30…”)
Yesenia will orally Yesenia Curriculum Yesenia was 11/13/ Brittney Yesenia attempted 85 words out of 120 with
read as many was based given a 16 Recht 94% accuracy.
words as possible working assessment. curriculum 9am-
within one one-on- based 10am
minute. one with assessment
me in the provided by the
general school. She was
education provided with a
classroom reading
. passage and
was told to
read as far as
she could in one
Overall Results:

In regards to mathematics, Yesenia was successful in using the strategy of counting by 10 to count a large number of objects. This week we
didn’t have a chance to focus on counting by 5’s therefore I do not have data for that. In regards to ELA, Yesenia is continuously making
progress. She is becoming a much more fluent reader and more accurate. She only missed 5 words out of the 85 attempted which is 94%

Action(s) to be taken:

In mathematics, Yesenia has mastered the concept of counting by 10 to 120. Therefore she is ready to use this knowledge for broader math
concepts. Such as creating groups of 10 to count objects. In ELA, Yesenia needs to continue being exposed to print to expand her knowledge of
vocabulary words, sight words, and grammatical rules. Yesenia is able to fluently blend “typical” words therefore she needs to be exposed to
words that cannot be sounded out so she can find other strategies of how to read.

Your own Reflection:

It was interesting to give the curriculum based assessment for ELA. I thoroughly remember taking these as a young student and I how I felt
during them. My main focus was always to read as fast as I could so I could get as many words as possible. It seemed that this is was Yesenia
was doing as well. She was reading extremely quickly which caused her to make a few errors that I don’t believe she would have made
otherwise. I wanted ask her to slow down but I couldn’t because the main aspect of this assessment is testing speed. Therefore it made me
really think about how accurate this assessment is. Although it provided me with some useful information, I don’t think it showcased her best
abilities. What does 85 words out of 120 in 60 seconds TRULY tell me? I believe assessments where children are comfortable and confident in
what they are doing provide the most useful information for teachers.

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