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Sunday, 12 April, 2015 Week 13 22 Jamadil Akhir 1436 H

Subject : English Class : 6 Waja Time : 8:15 a.m to 8:45 a.m

Theme World of Self Learning Obj 3.4.1, 4.2.2
Unit Fit as a fiddle At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to :
Learning Outc. i. Use quantifier for countable and
Title Grammar Focus uncountable nouns
 Jumble up quantifier
Induction  Pupils relate each word with things around them
 Teacher ask pupils to focus on the use of the right quantifier
 Pupils take a look at the picture in the text book
Activities Step 1
 Name several food they can find and relate with the quantifier
Step 2  Pupils then fill in the blanks on pictures given with correct quantifier

Conclusion  Pupils explain briefly on what they understands


Subject : English Class : 4 Waja Time : 9:15 a.m to 10:15 a.m

Skills Grammar 5.1 Able to use different word classes correctly and
Content Standard
Theme World of Knowledge
At the end of this lesson,pupils should be able to
5.1.2 Able to use nouns correctly and appropiately
Unit Yesterday and today Learning Standard
a. Common nouns

 Show video about possessive pronoun

 Talk about the video – what does the video highlight
 Pupils read alternately the conversation in the text book
Step 1
 Pupils try to match the subject for the possessive pronoun
 Pupils practice with their partner with conversation card
Step 2
o Is the pencil yours? – yes it’s mine/no it’s hers
 Student try to complete crossword puzzle on the textbook
 Discussion of the answers.

Subjek : Matematik Kelas : 5 WAJA Masa : 10:45 a.m hingga 11:45 a.m
Bidang/ Tajuk Nombor dan Operasi 7.1 Penambahan pecahan
(i) Menambah hingga tiga nombor melibatkan
Standard Objektif
7. Pecahan nombor bulat, pechana wajar dan nombor
Kandungan pembelajaran
bercampur yang penyebutnya hingga 10
 Guru memaparkan video berkaitan dengan pecahan
 Mmenerangkan tentang topik yang stereusnya yang kan pelajar pelajari

 Aktiviti berkumpulan:
o Murid diberikan satu contoh penyelesaian soalan yang melibatkan nombor bulat dan pecahan
2 o Murid berbincang dalam kumpulan bertiga
o Menulis jawapan dan membuat penerangan berdasrkan soalan yang diberi
o Guru memberi penerangan kesalahan dan hasil daripada perbincangan setiap kumpulan

 Aktiviti individu
3 o Penyelesaian soalan
o Semak jawapan

4  Latihan pengukuhan


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