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Session 1/15

Soil Properties of Fort Union Clay Shale

Propriété des argiles schisteuses de Fort Union

by C a r n e a l K . S m i t h , Head, Soils Section Garrison D istrict, M issouri River D ivision Corps o f Engineers, D epartm ent o f the
Army, Riverdale, N orth D akota, U .S .A ., and J. F. R e d l in g e r , Engineer, Soils Section, Garrison D istrict, M issouri River D i­
vision Corps o f Engineers, D epartm ent o f the Army, Riverdale, N orth D akota, U .S .A .

Summary Sommaire

This paper gives the geological description and discusses the soil Ce rapport analyse la géologie du barrage de Fort Union et dis­
classification, laboratory tests (including extra high load consoli­ cute la classification du sol, les essais de laboratoire (y compris
dation test) on undisturbed samples and field data on the Fort Union l’essai de la charge maximum de consolidation sur des échantillons
clay shale. At Garrison Dam, the largest rolled fill dam in the world, non remaniés) et les observations sur place du schiste argileux de
the Fort Union clay shale is the foundation for heavy structures and Fort Union. Au barrage de Garrison, le plus grand barrage en terre
clay shales from the structural excavation are used in the rolled roulée du monde, le schiste argileux de Fort Union forme la fonda­
embankment. tion des constructions et les schistes argileux provenant de l’excava­
tion naturelle sont utilisés pour le massif roulé.

Fort U nion clay shales are predominantly lean and fat clays M issouri River is som ewhat com plex and continental glacia­
that have at one tim e been consolidated under loads estimated tion has greatly influenced its present channel. There is evidence
at between 80 and 100 tons per square foot. They underlay that the once eastward flowing streams with drainage into the
a region o f 12 0 ,0 0 0 square miles in area which includes the site north were truncated by the M issouri which was itself forced
o f Garrison D am , at this tim e the largest rolled fill dam in the to take a southerly course after being blocked by ice on the
world which is being designed and constructed by the Corps north and east.
o f Engineers, D epartm ent o f the Army. The F ort U nion clay The present stream flows in a valley which is 2 to 4 miles
shales n ot only form the major portion o f the foundation for wide and 200 to 400 feet deep. The valley itself (see Fig. 1)
heavy structures (intake, powerhouse and spillway) but the has been cut m uch deeper than the level at which the present
clay shales from the structural excavations are used in the rolled river flows and in the past has also been filled with more
embankment. The size o f the em bankm ent (210 feet high, alluvium than at present. This is evidenced by borings in the
11,500 feet long, containing 70 m illion cubic yards o f material) present flood plain which penetrate from 10 0 to 20 0 feet o f
and related structures make it im portant to have a thorough alluvium and till before encountering bedrock and by terrace
knowledge o f the foundation material. remnants which may be seen at various levels above the river
throughout the valley.
The Fort U n ion group makes up the bedrock in a greater
Geological Description
portion o f the river valley within N orth D akota. The dam site
Garrison D am and Reservoir are located in the western half and probably the entire reservoir area lie in an upper portion
o f the state o f N orth D ak ota which lies in the northern part o f the group know n as the T ongue River form ation. This
o f the Great Plains physiographic province known as the M is­ group is o f early Tertiary (Paleocene) A ge, and except for the
souri Plateau. lignite'beds, sands, and an occasional thin strata o f cemented
R oughly dividing this region into glaciated (east) and un­ lim estone and sandstone, m ay be termed an immature (clay)
glaciated (west) portions is the M issouri River which flows in shale. The clay shales can be classified and tested by procedures
a southeasterly direction through the state in a series o f east- ordinarily applied to soils. Little cem enting material is present,
west and north-south trending steps. G lacial history o f the but the form ation has been consolidated by super-imposed

F ig. 1 Profile C enterline D a m . L o o k in g U p stream
C o u p e des lign es d e cen tre du barrage. D irectio n a m on t

loads o f similar material up to 1,500 feet in thickness. R e­ ential thermal analysis on a sam ple o f fat clay as follow s:
peated consolidation m ay have been brought about by at least quartz (10 to 15 percent); clay minerals, 85 to 90 percent illite,
tw o ice sheets which probably covered the dam site area in 1 0 to 15 percent m ontm orillonite; 0 percent calcite and 1 per­
early Pleistocene times and terminated 50 miles more or less cent plus or minus organic matter.
west o f the river. Gradation o f the sediments which make up D ensity and moisture content: In dry density, the Fort U nion
the Fort U nion varies from fine sand to fat clay with lean clays varies between 95 and 115 pounds per cubic foot, and its m ois­
predom inating. H orizons o f an individual material are essen­ ture content ranges from 16 to 24 percent.
tially flat lying, often cross-bedded, and vary in thickness from Specific gravity: Specific gravity varies from 2.66 to 2.72.
thin partings to over 15 feet, but the lateral extent o f any one
bed is limited. Prom inent throughout the form ation and es­
Laboratory Tests
pecially at the dam site are beds o f lignite which are jointed
and cracked and are usually water bearing. T he thicker beds Shear tests: A summary o f direct shear tests is show n on
may be traced for m any miles and are used as correlative Fig. 3 for consolidated drained (slow) and consolidated un-
horizons. Slickensided fat clay layers are usually found adja­ drained (consolidated quick) tests. In both types o f direct
cent to the lignite beds. shear tests the sam ples were consolidated under a load equal
or greater than their present overburden pressures and then
sheared. In the consolidated drained tests the horizontal load
Soil Characteristics
was increased in increments and permitted to drain fully for
Classification: F ort U n ion clay shales are predominately each increment. In the consolidated undrained, the sam ples
lean and fat clays with som e sandy clays and clayey sands. The were quickly sheared under constant strain. Extreme variations
results o f 175 Atterberg liquid and Plastic lim it tests are show n o f clay shale found in the form ation and in m any o f the indi­
on Fig. 2. A ll tests fall in the shaded zone above the A line. vidual sam ples accounted for the large spread in the test re­
In consistency they are hard and vary in color from light brown, sults. A cohesion o f 0.7 ton per square foot and a coefficient
buff and grey in the weathered zone to more som bre and darker
colors in the unweathered zone. D r. Ralph E. Grim o f the
Illinois State G eological Survey reports the results o f a differ-


1 y
f,'" " ,


"a " l N E
\ »
\ n
/ ! Ï B " l IN E
f '
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 2 P lasticity C hart F ig. 3 R esults o f D irect Shear T ests

D ia g ra m m e de p la sticité R ésu ltats des essais de cisaillem en t direct



0 300

0- 20 0
P R E S S U R E - TONS P E R SQ U. F T .

Fig. 5 T y p ica l R esu lt o f a L o a d in g T est

R ésu ltat typ ique d ’un essai de charge

from 800 x 10-4 to 200 x 10 -4 cm per second. This coefficient

was determined by pum ping tests. The clay shales have perme­
ability coefficients varying from .0 1 x 1 0 -4 to .0 0 0 1 x 1 0 -4 cm
per second.

Fig. 4 Sp ecial L o a d in g D ev ice F ie ld D a ta

D is p o sitif spécial de charge
Slope curves: Studies o f natural and excavated field slopes
o f friction o f tan. 2 0 degrees was used for the design o f ex­ in F ort U n ion were conducted to check analytical studies be­
cavated slopes. Zero cohesion and a coefficient o f friction o f fore designing the permanent excavated slopes for the Garrison
tan. 29 degrees was used for foundation design on unslick- Project. A field slope chart, Fig. 6 , summarizes the measured
ensided clays and tan. 25 degrees for slickensided clays. Pore slopes. The solid line curves o f Fig. 6 are the factors o f safety
pressures were calculated when using these latter values. from stability studies using a cohesion o f 0.7 tons per square
Consolidation: T o check the preconsolidation load a special fo o t and coefficient o f friction o f tan. 2 0 degrees and circular
loading device was constructed as show n by the photograph, arcs o f failure. It is seen that the curve for factor o f safety o f
Fig. 4. Loads o f 500 tons per square foot were obtained with 1 .0 goes very close to the point representing the highest and
this apparatus. A typical result is shown on Fig. 5. The results
show ed that the preconsolidation load could have been som e­ 200
where between 80 and 100 tons per square foot. Other tests
on more conventional apparatus were performed up to 50 tons
per square foot, and were cycled m any times. These tests re­ Ll ) 12
vealed that after the first cycle the com pression index and £ 150
swelling index did not vary appreciably. In its history the 210
form ation has been repeatedly loaded and unloaded. It is LU
know n from the elevation o f buttes in the surrounding region O
that at least 1,500 feet o f sediments once overlay the dam site w 100
and from surface evidence that it has been subjected to at least o O N A TU RA L S LO P E S
tw o glaciations. A t the present tim e the form ation is on a re­ i □ P R O B A B L E SLO P E
bound branch o f one o f its m any cycles. After studying the o B EFO R E F A IL U R E
uj 50 A E X IS T IN G E X C A V A T E D
test results, it was decided to use a com pression and swelling
index o f 0.018 for m ovem ent com putations. The coefficient o f
consolidation when plotted against the average, pressure on
COHESION 0 - 7 0 T / S 0 FT
sem i-log paper is a straight line passing through 2 x 10 ~ 4 cm 2 20
per second at an average pressure o f 4 tons per square foot 0 0 5 10
and 9.5 x 10 -4 cm 2 per second at 20 tons per square foot. COTANG E N T OF SLOPE
Perm eability: The m ost permeable member o f the Fort Fig. 6 F ield S lo p e C hart
U nion is the lignite which has a permeability coefficient varying D iagram m e des pentes des talu s naturels

steepest slope as well as the point for one o f the slopes that high lateral pressures once may have existed in the formation
failed. This study o f actual slopes in Fort U nion is considered at higher elevations, but the valley cut by the M issouri in the
a check on the adopted shear strength values for large masses Fort U nion allowed this higher material to yield laterally,
o f Fort U nion. In the final design o f the permanent slopes for thereby releasing this pressure. The floor o f the valley pre­
Garrison Project, the effects o f lowering the ground water and vented the lateral yield o f layers at Elev. 1615 and lower.
the variation o f reservoir p ool were considered.
E lasticity: Fort U n ion clay shales are elastic and large rapid
C h aracteristics B ased on F ield T ests
settlem ent and rebound occurs on loading and unloading. Both
a time settlem ent due to consolidation and rapid settlement Pressure Void Ratio Curves based on Field D ata: The bluffs of
due to elasticity were calculated for all structures. By perform­ the east abutm ent o f Garrison D am and the east flood plain
ing triaxial tests called constant stress ratio tests (the lateral differ in elevation by more than 20 0 feet and furnish a means
load is kept at a constant ratio to the vertical load as the verti­ o f estim ating the effect o f unloading by erosion on the under­
cal load is increased) the m odulus o f deform ation for a stress lying strata o f a large mass o f material. A study was started
ratio o f one-half was determined as 2 ,0 0 0 tons per square foot. in 1948 to estimate by field observations what effect this un­
Subsequent measured rebounds and settlements are approxi­ loading caused and to see if it checked predictions based on
mately equal to the predicted value based on this constant. laboratory data. In the bluff, H ole 972, surface elevation o f
L ateral Pressures: W hen saw cuts 3 inches wide and 7 feet 1924, was drilled to Elev. 1574 and in the east flood plain H ole
deep were made at Elev. 1612 in the powerhouse area, the cuts 971, surface elevation 1693 was drilled to an elevation o f 1574.
closed in about 24 hours. This was attributed to yield caused A profile showing the relative positions o f the borings is shown
by the release o f trem endous lateral pressures that were induced in Fig. l a . In both borings below Elev. 1660 undisturbed soil
by the overburden, which in the past ages was more than 1,500 sam ples were taken at every change o f material. Liquid, plastic
feet higher than at present. The elevation o f these cuts is about limits, moisture and density tests were performed on the samples
the minim um average elevation that the M issouri had ever cut and the results are show n in Fig. l b . From the densities and
in the Fort U nion at the dam site as shown in Fig. 1. These moisture contents the void ratios were calculated for each

Fig. 7 Studies o f th e E ffect o f U n lo a d in g in the E ast A butm ent

E tudes des résultats de d écharge sur l’appui latéral est

sample. Pressure-void-ratio curves were drawn, as shown in and water table was assumed to be the top o f H ole 972. A s the
Figs. 7 c and d, for pairs o f samples. The basis o f selecting a water lowered and the river cut deeper and deeper into the for­
pair o f samples was that a sam ple from H ole 972 was a mate m ation, the lignite beds were exposed in the faces o f the river
o f a sam ple from H ole 971 if it had approximately the same bluffs, allow ing the water in the beds to drain out. Ground
liquid and plastic limits and their elevations varied similar to water in the vicinity o f the bluffs tended to seep vertically to
adjacent lignites. It was assumed that the existing pressure for the lignite beds, which act as horizontal drains. These two
any sam ple was equal to the present weight o f material over actions, the erosion o f the valley which caused the form ation
the sample. The watertable was assumed at about Elev. 1690. below the valley to rebound and the lowering o f the ground
The average slope o f the pressure-void-ratio curves derived water table which caused settlem ent o f the form ation below
from the above field study do not check the value o f the ex­ the bluffs, com bine to create a maximum difference in elevation
pansion index o f 0.018 adopted from laboratory tests. The o f the 1L lignite between H oles 971 and 972.
average value from field tests was 0.05. It is believed that the Calculations summarized in Fig. l e show that the rebound
reason for this difference is that the field data includes the long was 2 .6 feet, 1 .0 fo o t due to swelling and 1 .6 feet due to elastic
time secondary com pression and swell (creep) which was not rebound, while the settlem ent caused by the lowering o f the
included in the laboratory data. Instead o f a line being drawn water table in the bluffs was 0.5 fo o t consolidation and 1.1 feet
directly from void ratio o f a sam ple in H ole 972 to that o f its elastic com pression. The sum o f these effects is 4.2 feet. The
mate in H ole 971, the soil could have follow ed the probable actual measured difference in elevation o f 1 L lignite between
curve solid line from points 13 to 51 as show n in Fig. 7 c. This H oles 971 and 972 is 7.4 feet and that for the 2L is 5.6 feet.
w ould be the probable curve if the unloading had occurred T he difference between the measured values and the calculated
relatively fast and then conditions remained the sam e over a values could be due to the com bined secondary compression
long period o f time. Similar conclusions have been arrived at (creep) o f the soils represented by H ole 972 reducing in v o ­
by A. Casagrande (1949) in his studies o f Saskatchewan Bear- lum e and those o f H ole 971 increasing in volum e.
paw Shale.
Check o f characteristics using rebound o f lignite beds: Logs
C o n c lu sio n s
o f H oles 971 and 972, show n on Fig. l b , show that the lignite
beds o f the flood plain (H ole 971) are a distance o f 7.4 to 4.6 A t this time certain significant conclusions seem to stand out
feet above similar beds in H ole 972. The lignite beds were concerning the Fort U nion clay shales. O f major im portance
probably level at the tim e they were laid down, and if the is that the unloading o f Fort U nion clays even for lon g periods
material below H oles 971 and 972 was uniformly compressible, o f tim e does not reduce its strength enough to endanger large
the elevations o f the lignite layers would furnish a measure o f structures; secondary com pression and expansion can be o f
rebound caused by erosion o f the valley. The rebound o f 1L the sam e m agnitude as consolidation; large horizontal forces
lignite bed was calculated, using the previously m entioned exist in the clays below the elevations o f eroded valleys in the
m odulus o f deform ation o f 2 ,0 0 0 tons per square foot and form ation; the C L clays usually swell more than the C H clays.
expansion and com pression index o f 0.018. N o consideration (The cause o f this is not understood at this time.)
was given to the secondary effects in the calculations. It is im ­ A com panion paper to this, “ R ebound G ages Check M ove­
probable that the form ation in H oles 971 and 972 w ould have m ent Analysis at Garrison D a m ” , com pares the field data with
the sam e compressibility layer for layer, as the holes are 653 the calculated rebound and settlement.
feet apart, but the depth o f form ation effecting the rebound,
600 feet, is so great that it was assumed that the average charac­ Reference
teristics o f the form ation affected were the same. C asagrande, A . (1949): N o te s o n Sw ellin g C haracteristics o f C lay-Shales.
F or purposes o f calculation the original surface o f the ground H arvard U n iversity, P ierce H a ll, C am brid ge, M ass., July, p. 12.


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