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I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ,

I would like to warn you about the danger of chatting be it on face book, mxit,
mogasm, galaxy singles, twitter you name it. Please protect your love ones..... There's
nothing wrong with chatting but the devil is using it as a tool to destroy people.

I was attending an outreach and I've seen the work of the devil through chatting more
especially the youth and teenagers. Through chatting we expose ourselves to the evil
world. Satanism exists! It really does.

Attached is pictures of the people who went to the altar for deliverance on chatting. Out
of the number that you see, only 1% of them were not demonic possessed. I was shocked
when some of them started testifying about the things they did and how they got

There's a gal whose chatting name is "sexy diva". One of the gals who were delivered
knows the meaning of all the names; Sexy diva simply means that her body is opened to
evil spiritual husband to have sex with her.
The other one is city girl- To her it was just a name but in the kingdom of darkness it
means her body is open into all evil things....

The gal who interprets the names was a member of the D-crew and she served as the
devil's secretary

D crew - devil crew

B crew - blood crew " they serve in the kingdom of supplying with blood"
P crew - pregnancy crew " they serve in the department of abortion and miscarriages"
H crew " hair crew" - they serve in the department of hair ' the hairstyles we do" e.g.
Mohawk ( majority of you knows this haircut see attached" the one that leaves a gap in
between represent a stomach of a snake.
M crew- "Marriage crew" they specialize in destroying marriages.

Some of the gal was recruited by Lil???? Something, I forgot the name"...They say her
profile picture is very beautiful, her upper part human being and the lower part it's a

These people chat with a lot of people a day and some of them are strangers serving in
the kingdom of darkness. They say immediately you accept their invite for chatting or
friendship they automatically
introduce you to their world.

They prayed for another teenager and she said the Holy Spirit was burning her. She felt
some liquid coming out of her vagina and her underwear was full of blood. She used to
chat with more than 300 people a day and there was a guy who was haunting her to an
extent whereby she ended up destroying her Sim card. Immediately she starts using a new
number the guy will be at her case. The revelation was, if you chat with devil
worshippers your phone also get connected to those spirit that is why the young gal
couldn't escape from that guy.

There's a gal who got an invite from a guy from Cape Town, she started having telephone
sex with him, exchanged their nude pictures and the evil spirit entered into her body.
The other guy chatted with a woman who calls herself "same as you". She sent him a
document, he read it, and at the bottom it said, by the fact that you have read this
document you are now possessed "forward it to 15 people and you'll receive luck within
3days". Since that day he started having sex with her at night "in the kingdom of darkness
she is his spiritual wife".

Saturday, there's a friend of mine who received a strange message from a white guy on
her face book inbox saying "I've been looking for a friend in AFRICA & I found you".
Look at how scary and strange this message is... The guy on his profile picture is half

Chatting with your friends is not a problem, but the challenge is, you don't know who
your friends are chatting with.

Just imagine telling the whole world about what you are doing at that moment e.g.
driving to Nelspruit, just got married. The devil worshippers are also looking at your
status update and plotting evil against it....

John 8 vs. 32 "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". How many
people do you know who are so addicted "possessed" into chatting and are not even
aware that they are attracting the darkness?

Please protect your loved ones. God bless you all....


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