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B.Tech Project Report

Submitted By

ANURANJ K 11152006
ATHUL K C 11152008
TEMY PETER 11152057
SNEHA B K 11152061

Under the guidance of

Asst. Prof. Rojin P

Asst. Prof. Drisya S

Department Of Civil Engineering

College Of Engineering Thalassery
January 2018
In developing country like India due to the remarkable development in road
infrastructure,soil stabilization has become a major issue in construction activity.
Stabilization is unavoidable for the purpose of highway and runway construction. Good
qualities of sub grade soils are preferable for durable road but not always available for
highway construction. The highway engineer designing a road pavement may be faced
by weak or unsuitable sub grade. In this case the following methods to overcome this
problem can be considered. First improve in-situ materials by normal compaction
methods and design for the modified properties. Second, import the suitable materials
from the nearest convenient source and replace the site materials. Third, improve the
properties of the existing materials by incorporating some other materials; this process
is known as "soil stabilisation".

Black cotton soils occupying nearly 23% of the total area is one of the problematic
soils in India.It has high potential for shrinking or swelling due to change of moisture
content. These soils have the tendency to increase in volume when water is available
and decrease in volume when water is available and decrease in volume when water is
removed. The problem that causes black cotton soils is that deformations are
significantly greater. The deformation cannot be predicted and the movement of soil is
usually in an uneven manner and causes extensive damage to structures resting on

The stabilizing agents used for improving the properties of black cotton soil are
lime,flyash and shredded rubber.Lime being easily available and other two agents being
industrial waste products,this method can be effectivelyused to meet the challenges of
society,to reduce waste quantities and improve the soil strength.

Soil stabilization with lime has been assumed to be a good technique for constructing
transportation infrastructures. U.G.Fulzele and V.R.Ghane(2016) deals with the
formation of black cotton soil, characteristics of black cotton soil, obstacles to construct
structures in black cotton soil, causes of structures failed in black cotton soil, remedial
measures to construct the structures in black cotton soils.J Cruz(2012) stated that in
several conditions, it has been proved that the values of the deformation modulus
obtained with these mixtures have greatly exceeded the minimum values specified in
design criteria, resulting in supporting layers of roads and railway tracks with
characteristics well above the ones necessary for such structures.Kavish S. Mehta
(2014)emphasized that the properties of soil-lime mixtures are dependent on many
variables like soil type, lime type, lime percentage and curing conditions (time,
temperature, and moisture) are the most.

In India, the scrap tyres are being generated and accumulated in large volumes causing
an increasing threat to the environment. In order to eliminate the negative effect of
these depositions and in terms of sustainable development, there is great interest in the
recycling of these non-hazardous solid wastes(Dr.P.G.Rakaraddi 2014).Mr.
k.Mahendran 2017aims at studying the appropriateness of shredded rubber tyres for its
use in pavement engineering, i.e. to stabilize the subgrade of the pavements. It
discusses about CBR value of soil-tyre mixture and the results are presented

S. Bhuvaneshwari ,R. G. Robinson and S. R. Gandhi (2005)reported the use of fly ash
and lime for stabilizing soils in road construction. Udayashankar D.Hakari and
S.C.Puranik (2012) have studied the effect of mixing fly ash with black cotton soils. In
the recent past, many researchers have carried out experimental and field studies for the
stabilization of expansive soils using fly ash. Ashish Mehta, Kanak Parate and B. S.
Ruprai(2013) stated that the pozzolanic fly ashes can be advantageously made use of to
improve the geotechnical properties of black cotton soils.

The soil sample for this study was collected from nearby locality of Chittur Taluk of
Palakkad district.The soil was dried and pulverized to perform the various experimental
studies. Black cotton soils are inorganic clays of medium to high compressibility and
form a major soil group in India. They are characterized by high shrinkage and swelling
properties. This Black cotton soils occurs mostly in the central and western parts and
covers approximately 20% of the total area of India. Because of its high swelling and
shrinkage characteristics, the Black cotton soil (BC soils) has been a challenge to the
highway engineers.


Geotechnical properties of black cotton soil are given in Table 1

Table 1
Chemical properties

PH Value > 7 ( Alkaline )

CaCo3 1 – 15 %

SiO2 50 – 55 %

SiO2 / Al2O3 3–5%

Montmorrilonite Minerals 30 – 50 %

Organic Content 0.4 to 2.4 %

Table 2


Lime is a calcium-containing inorganic material in which carbonates, oxides and

hydroxides predominate. Strictlyspeaking, lime is calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide.
The word "lime" originates with its earliest use as building mortarand has the sense of
"sticking or adhering." These materials are still used in large quantities as building and
engineeringmaterials (including limestone products, concrete and mortar) and as
chemical feedstock‟s, and sugar refining, amongother uses. The rocks and minerals
from which these materials are derived, typically limestone or chalk, are
composedprimarily of calcium carbonate. They may be cut, crushed or pulverized and
chemically altered. "Burning" (calcinations)converts them into the highly caustic
material quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and, through subsequent addition of
water,into the less caustic (but still strongly alkaline) slaked lime or hydrated lime
(calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2), the process ofwhich is called slaking of lime.


Fly ash additive in soil, fly ash is use due to Fly ash is costless and abundantly
available all over the country.As fly ash is a by-product of thermal power plants, land
area required for its disposition is a great problem in adensely populated country like
India.Utilization of fly ash solves the problem of air and water pollutionProperties of
flyash are given in Table 3.

Colour Grey

SpecificGravity 1.90 –2.55

Angle of Internal friction 30 – 40(Degrees)

Permeability(cm/sec) 8 x 10-6 –7 x 10-4

Coefficient of uniformity 3.1 – 10.7

Compression index Cc 0.05 – 0.4

Cohesion(kN/m2) Negligible

Plasticity Non plastic

OMC(%) at 38.0 –18.0

MDD (g/cc) 0.9 –1.6

Table 3


Shredded tyre material was obtained from the waste generated from tyre re-threading
industries at Dharwad. The shredded tyre material used is of size 10mm to 25 mm in
length. The shreds have a thickness ranging from 2 to 3 mm and they don’t contain any
steel wire or nylon fibres. Specific gravity of tyre shreds obtained with a pycnometer
test ranges from 0.90 to 1.12.
The laboratory tests carried out on the natural soil include Sieve analysis, Atterberg
limits, Specific gravity, Free swell test, Standard Proctor test and California Bearing
Ratio test.

1. Specific Gravity Test :

The appropriate method for determining the specific gravity of the soil is the
pycnometer test. Specific gravity of the soil particles is the ratio of weight of given
volume of soil solids to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4°c. i.e G = ᵧs /ᵧw.
Specific gravity as such does not indicate the behavior of a soil mass under external
load, but it is an important factor which is used in computing other soil properties. For
example soil particle size determination by means of the hydrometer method .It is also
used in consolidation studies of clay in calculating the degree of saturation of a soil and
in other calculation.

2. Atterberg’s limit test : Consistency is a term which used to describe the degree of
fineness of a soil is in a qualitative manner by using descriptions such as soft, medium,
firm, stiff or hard. It indicates the relative is with which a soil can be deformed
generally the properties of consistency associated only with fine grained soil especially
clay. The engineering properties of clay are considerably influence by the amount of
water present in them depending upon the water content the four stage and stages
namely liquid stage, plastic stage, semi-solid stage and solid stage of the consistency
are used to describe consistency of a clay soil. The boundary water content at which the
soil undergoes a change from one state to another is called consistency or Atterberg‟s
limits. In 1911 a Swedish soil scientist Atterberg‟s first demonstrate the significance of
these limit on the basis of change of state there are mainly three consistency limit.

3.Soil Compaction Test (standard proctor test):

There are many situations in engineering practice when the soil itself used as
construction material. In the construction of engineering structure such as highway
embankment or earth dams for example: - loose fills required to be compacted to
increase the soil density and improving their strength characteristics in order to enhance
the engineering performance of the soil compaction is must for the appropriate
compaction of the soil we need to require optimum moisture content. This optimum
moisture content corresponding to the max Compaction can be found by Standard
Procter Compaction Test. Compaction is the densification of the soil by the application
of the mechanical energy. It is the process by which the soils grains get arrange more
closely, the volume of air void get reduced and the density of soil increase. For the
heavier standard compaction for airfield construction the optimum moisture content
corresponding to maximum compaction is derived by the Modified Procter Compaction
4. California Bearing Ratio test (CBR):

The California bearing ratio is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical
strength of road subgrades and base-courses. The test is performed by measuring the
pressure required to penetrate a soil sample with a plunger of standard area. The
measured pressure is then divided by the pressure required to achieve an equal
penetration on a standard crushed rock material. It is the ratio of force per unit area
required to penetrate a soil mass with standard circular piston at the rate of 1.25
mm/min. to that required for the corresponding penetration of a standard material. This
test was performed as per IS 2720(Part 16): 1979.

3. Unconfined Compression Test

The unconfined compression test is by far the most popular method of soil shear testing
because it is one of the fastest and cheapest methods of measuring shear strength. The
method is used primarily for saturated, cohesive soils recovered from dry sands or
crumbly clays because the material would fall apart without some land of lateral
confinement. To perform an unconfined compression test, the sample is extruded from
the sampling tube. A cylindrical sampling of soil is trimmed such that the ends are
reasonably smooth and the length-to-diameter ratio is on the order of two. The soil
sample is placed in a loading frame on a metal plate; by turning a crank, the operator
raises the level of the bottom plate. The top of the soil sample is restrained by the top
plate, which is attached to a calibrated proving ring. As the bottom plate is raised, an
axial load is applied to the sample. The operator turns the crank at specified rate so that
there is constant strain rate. The load is gradually increased to shear the sample, and the
resulting deformation. The loading is continued until the soil develops an obvious
shearing. plane or the deformations becomes excessive. The measured data are used to
determine the strength of the soil specimen and the stress-strain characteristics. Finaly,
the sample is oven dried to determine its water content. The maximum load per unit
area is defined as the unconfined compressive strength,In the unconfined compression
test, we assume that no pore water is lost from the sample during set up or during the
shearing process. This test was performed as per IS 2720(Part 10): 1979.

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