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90 Circulation in Animals

10. Since it is the sinu-auricular node which initiates (c) Connective tissue fibres joining one bone to
the impulses in the heart of mammal is called another bone
[CPMT 1992] (d) Sensory fibres extending from retina into optic
(a) Cholinergic (b) Adrenergic nerve
(c) Neurogenic (d) Myogenic 19. The tricuspid valve is present at the origin of
11. Systolic pressure is higher than diastolic pressure [CBSE PMT 1989, 93]
because (a) Carotid arch (b) Pulmonary arch
(a) Arteries are contracting (c) Truncus arteriosus (d) Systemic arch
during systole 20. The atrio-ventricular valves of the heart is
(b) Blood is pumped with a pressure in the prevented from turning inside out by tough
arteries by the heart during systole but not strands of connective tissue is called as
during diastole. [CBSE PMT 1993]
(c) Arteries resist during systole only. (a) Tendinous cords (b) Tricuspid
(d) Volume of blood is higher in systole than that (c) Pocket valve (d) Mitral valve
of diastole in the heart 21. The pericardium and the pericardial fluid help in
12. In man, blood passes from the post caval into the [DPMT 1993]
diastolic right atrium of the heart because of [CPMT (a) Protecting the heart from friction, shocks and
1975] keeps it moist
(a) Pushing of venous valves (b) Pumping the blood
(b) Suction pull (c) Receiving the blood from various parts of the
(c) Beating of S.A. node body
(d) Pressure between post caval and atrium (d) None of the above
13. The murmuring sound in heart takes place due to 22. For reaching left side of heart, blood must pass
(a) The defective and leaking valve
[NCERT 1976; CPMT 1979]
(b) The thrombosis in coronary artery
(a) Liver (b) Kidneys
(c) Defect in SA node
(c) Lungs (d) Brain
(d) The arterial pulse
23. Blood leaving liver and moving to the heart has
14. Heart beat can be initiated by usually high concentration of [CPMT 1971, 79;
[CPMT 1971, 74, 77, 79, 80; AFMC 1986; DPMT 1982]
CBSE PMT 1999, 2002; AFMC 2000; Orissa JEE 2004] (a) Urea (b) Bile
(a) Sinu-auricular node (b) Atrio-ventricular node (c) Glucose (d) Erythrocytes
(c) Sodium ion (d) Purkinje's fibres 24. Blood leaving lungs is rich in
15. The beating of heart of man is heared on the left [AFMC 1983, 87; MP PMT 1994]
side because [BHU 1984] (a) Oxygen (b) Haemoglobin
(a) The left ventricle is towards the left side (c) Carbon dioxide (d) More number of RBC
(b) Both the ventricles are towards the left side 25. In rabbit, the opening of post caval in the right
(c) Entire heart is on the left side auricle is guarded by
(d) The aorta is on the left side (a) Bicuspid valve (b) Tricuspid valve
16. Innervation of heart in the intact animals is (c) Eustachian valve (d) Sino-auricular valve
primarily meant for 26. Which one of the statement is correct with
[NCERT 1975] reference to the circulation of blood in a mammal
(a) Initiation of heart beat [CPMT 1979]
(b) Regulation of heart beat (a) Left auricle receives oxygenated blood from
(c) Release of acetylcholine only the lungs
(b) Pulmonary artery returns oxygenated blood
(d) Release of adrenalin only
from the lungs to the left auricle
17. Oxygenated blood is carried by
(c) Pulmonary vein carries venous blood from
[AFMC 1984, 95; BHU 1985; MP PMT 1998]
right auricle to lungs
(a) Pulmonary vein (b) Pulmonary artery
(d) Venous blood is returned to the left auricle
(c) Renal vein (d) Hepatic portal vein
27. The typical Lubb–Dup sounds heard in the heart
18. Purkinje's fibres are special types of [CPMT 1988] beat of a healthy person are due to [CBSE PMT
(a) Muscle fibres located in heart 1994; KCET 1994]
(b) Nerve fibres located in cerebrum (a) Closing of the tricuspid and bicuspid value
91 Circulation in Animals
(b) Blood flow through the aorta (c) Unstriated (smooth), spindle shaped and
(c) Closing of the tricuspid and semilunar valves involuntary muscle fibres
(d) Closing of the semilunar valves (d) Striated, branched and involuntary muscle
28. The posterior venacava [CPMT 1988] fibres
(a) Divides into the hepatic portal veins 38. Cardiac output signifies
(b) Opens into the left auricle (a) The amount of blood entering the heart per
(c) Commences at the kidney unit time
(d) Begins at the hind end of abdomen (b) The amount of blood entering the lung per unit
29. Pace maker of the heart is situated [MP PMT 1994,
95] (c) The amount of blood leaving the heart per unit
(a) In wall of right atrium close to eustachian time
valve (d) The amount of blood leaving the lung per unit
(b) On intra-auricular septum time
(c) On inter-venticular septum 39. Which one of the following has elastic wall
(d) In wall of left atrium close to the opening of (a) Arteriole (b) Dorsal aorta
pulmonary veins (c) Precaval (d) Post caval
30. During systole [MP PMT 1994] 40. Heart beats are accelerated by
(a) Auricles and ventricles contract simultaneously [AFMC 1994]

(b) Auricles and ventricles contract separately (a) Cranial nerves and acetylcholine
(c) Only auricles contract (b) Sympathetic nerves and acetylcholine
(d) Only ventricles contract (c) Cranial nerves and adrenaline
31. Right auricle of mammalian heart receives blood (d) Sympathetic nerves and epinephrine
from 41. What is the maximum efficiency of heart
[MP PMT 1994, 96] (a) 10–15% (b) 20–25%
(a) Sinus venosus (b) Pulmonary veins (c) 40–60% (d) 100%
(c) Precavals (d) Pre and postcavals 42. Which of the following cardiac effects can be
32. During ventricular diastole observed if the potassium concentration is
[MP PMT 1994] increased two to three times the normal value
(a) The auricles relax (b) The heart contracts (a) Weakness of heart (b) Abnormal rhythm
(c) The heart pumps blood (d) The ventricles
(c) Death (d) All the above
43. Histology of heart superficially shows the
33. Which part of the circulatory system serves to
following structure except
supply blood to the heart
(a) Endocardium (b) Cardiac muscle
(a) Coronary (b) Portal
(c) Fibrous pericardium (d) Tunica intima
(c) Pulmonary (d) Systemic
34. In which region the lymphatic system and blood 44. Rouget cells surround the walls of
circulatory system meet (a) Arteries (b) Veins
(a) Liver (b) Precaval (c) Arterioles (d) Capillaries
(c) Pulmonary artery (d) Systematic arch 45. The ion that always keeps the cardiac muscle unit
35. Heart rate is increased by all the following except in contracting state is
(a) Anoxia (a) Sodium (b) Potassium
(b) Moderate CO2 excess (c) Calcium (d) Magnesium
46. First heart sound occurs at [RPMT 1999; CBSE PMT
(c) Elevated body temperature
(d) Increased intracranial pressure
(a) Opening of semilunar valve
36. Ventricular contraction is preceded by atrial
(b) Closing of semilunar valve
contraction by what duration
(c) Onset of auricular systole
(a) 1 sec
ond (b) 1 / 2 sec
(d) Sudden closure of A.V. valves
(c) 1 / 4 sec
ond (d) 1 / 6 sec
47. Apex beat of heart is synchronous with
37. Cardiac muscle is composed of
(a) First sound (b) Second sound
(a) Striated, branched and voluntary muscle fibres
(c) Third sound (d) Fourth sound
(b) Unstriated (smooth), spindle shaped and
voluntary muscle fibres 48. Wenckebach phenomenon is seen in
Circulation in Animals 92
(a) Complete heart block (b) Partial heart block (a) Purkinje fibres
(c) Ventricular fibrillation (d) Myocardial infarction (b) Sino-aterial node (SAN)
49. Starling's law is related to (c) Papillary muscle
(a) Venous return to heart (b) Force of heart (d) Atrio-ventricular node (AVN)
beat 58. Largest heart is found in [AFMC 1996]
(c) Frequency of heart beat (d) Peripheral (a) Elephant (b) Giraffe
resistance (c) Crocodile (d) Lion
50. What is the approximate number of capillaries in 59. Average cardiac output is [MP PMT 1996]
human body
(a) 4 litres per minute (b) 6.3 litres per minute
(a) 10 thousand (b) 10 million
(c) 5.3 litres per minute (d) 7.3 litres per minute
(c) 10 billion (d) 10 trillion
60. Pacemaker is one that influences the
51. All followings are vasoconstrictor agents except
(a) Rate of locomotion
(a) Norepinephrine (b) Angiotensin
(b) Heart beat
(c) Vasopressin (d) Prostaglandins
(c) Rate of transmission of impulse
52. Oxygen–fick method is used to measure
(d) Rate of flow of blood
(a) Blood pressure (b) Cardiac reserve
61. Valves are necessary in veins but not in arteries
(c) Cardiac output (d) Capillary blood flow because
53. Which one is the correct route through which pulse (a) Blood flows with greater force in veins
making impulse travels in the heart
(b) Blood in veins flows without jerk
[KCET 1994; CBSE PMT 1995; Kerala CET 1004, 05]
(c) Blood from heart may not be pushed back into
(a) SA node  Purkinje fibres  Bundle of His
 AV node  Heart muscles (d) Pressure in veins is low, which can flow the
(b) AV node  SA node  Purkinje fibres  blood
Bundle of His  Heart muscles 62. Mitral valve in mammals guards the opening
(c) AV node  Bundle of His  SA node  (a) Stomach and intestine
Purkinje fibres  Heart muscles (b) Pulmonary vein and left auricle
(d) SA node  AV node  Bundle of His  (c) Right auricle and right ventricle
Purkinje fibres  Heart muscles (d) Left auricle and left ventricle
54. Purkinje fibre is found in [BHU 1995, 2000] 63. The coronary sinus in the heart is situated along
(a) Conduction system of heart
(a) Left margin
(b) Brain
(b) Right margin
(c) Nephrons of kidneys
(c) Diaphragmatic surface
(d) Sensation of skin (d) Lower boarder of the heart
55. Which of the following structure is absent in 64. Tunica media of an elastic artery is made up of
rabbit's heart mainly
[RPMT 1995] (a) Smooth muscle fibre (b) Loose alveolar tissue
(a) Left auricle (b) Left ventricle (c) Elastic fibres (d) Collagen fibres
(c) Sinus venosus (d) Pace maker 65. Putting adrenaline on the heart will cause the
56. Which of the following statements is false [Manipal heart beat to
1995] (a) Retard (b) Accelerate
(a) Blood from the right side of the heart is carried (c) Produce louder sound (d) Stop
to the lungs by the pulmonary artery 66. The wall of heart is made up of
(b) The term pleura refers the double layered [MP PMT 1997]
covering of the kidney (a) Epicardium (b) Myocardium
(c) Pancreas is both an exocrine and endocrine (c) Endocardium (d) All of the above
gland 67. Heart beats are affected by
(d) Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of vitamin [MP PMT 1998]

C (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen

(c) Vagus nerve (d) All the above
57. The pace–setter in the heart is called [CBSE PMT
1994] 68. Heart beat originates from
93 Circulation in Animals
[AFMC 1983; CMC Vellore 1993; (c) Vesiculo-epigastric and femoral
MP PMT 1998; CBSE PMT 2002] (d) Renal and sciatic
(a) Pacemaker (b) Cardiac muscles 78. The unpaired systemic branch is
(c) Left atrium (d) Right ventricle [Pune CET 1998]
69. The thickening of walls of arteries are called (a) Coeliaco-mesentric (b) Renal artery
[CBSE PMT 1999] (c) Iliac (d) Vesiculo-epigastric
(a) Arthritis (b) Aneurysm 79. The shoulder and fore limb are connected to the
(c) Arteriosclerosis (d) Both (a) and (b) heart by
70. Which of the following is different from others in [Pune CET 1998]
absence of muscular coat [CPMT 1999; JIPMER (a) Dorsal aorta (b) Subclavian artery
2001] (c) Oesophageal (d) Occipito-vertebral
(a) Veins (b) Arteries 80. Inter-auricular septum in the embryonic stages has
(c) Capillaries (d) Arterioles a/an
71. The sinu-auricular valve occurs [AFMC 1997]
[Pune CET 1998]
(a) Foramen ovale (b) Fenestra ovalis
(a) In the sinus venosus
(c) Fenestra rotunda (d) Inter-auricular
(b) In the edges of sinu-auricular aperture aperture
(c) In the truncus arteriosus 81. Bundle of His is a network of
(d) At the auriculo-ventricular aperture [CBSE PMT 2003; MP PMT 2004]
72. Blood to the heart is brought by the venous (a) Nerve fibres found throughout the heart
system by (b) Muscle fibres distributed throughout the heart
[Pune CET 1998] walls
(a) Innominate and anterior abdominal (c) Muscle fibres found only in the ventricle wall
(b) Subclavian alone
(d) Nerve fibres distributed in ventricles
(c) Vena cavae
82. Which is correct about veins
(d) Anterior abdominal alone [BHU 2000]
73. The post-caval is constituted by (a) Valves are absent
[Pune CET 1998]
(b) Carry blood towards heart
(a) Renal, gonadial and hepatic
(c) Always carry oxygenated blood
(b) Renal and gonadial
(d) Always carry deoxygenated blood
(c) Gonadial and hepatic
83. How many lateral hearts are in Pheretima [RPMT
(d) Hepatic and renal 2000]
74. The pre-caval vein is formed of (a) 4 (b) 8
[Pune CET 1998]
(c) 16 (d) 12
(a) External jugular and innominate
84. What is correct about sinus venosus [MP PMT
(b) Innominate and subclavian 2000]
(c) External jugular, innominate and subclavian (a) It is situated on dorsal surface of rabbit heart
(d) External jugular and subclavian (b) It is situated ventrally in frog heart
75. The post-caval vein collects blood from [Pune CET (c) It sends blood to dorsal aorta
(d) It opens into right auricle
(a) Hind limbs
85. In amphibia, the heart has
(b) Hind limbs and organs of the body cavity [AFMC 2001]
(c) Body cavity organs (a) Two auricles and two ventricle
(d) Renal organs (b) Two auricles and one ventricle
76. The pre-caval veins collect blood from [Pune CET (c) One auricle and two ventricles
(d) One auricle and one ventricle
(a) Trunk and hind limbs
86. Atherosclerosis refers to the ailment of [MP PMT
(b) Fore limbs and hind limbs 2001]
(c) Head and fore limbs (a) Lungs (b) Heart
(d) Head and hind limbs (c) Kidney (d) Liver
77. The two branches of the iliac artery are [Pune CET 87. In rabbit oxygenated blood flows from [RPMT 2001]
1998] (a) Left auricle to left ventricle during auricular
(a) Femoral and renal systole
(b) Femoral and sciatic
Circulation in Animals 94
(b) Right auricle to right ventricle during (a) Jagdish Chandra Bose (b) Karl Landstiner
ventricular systole (c) Watson and Crick (d) William Harvey
(c) Right ventricle to aorta during ventricular 97. Which of the following is the correct statement
systole about the circulatory system of cockroach
(d) Pulmonary vein to left auricle during auricular [CPMT 2001]
systole (a) It is closed type of circulatory system
88. Pulmonary artery drains the deoxygenated blood (b) It is a complicated type of circulatory system
(c) It takes place without the participation of
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) Right atrium (b) Right ventricle
(d) It has 13 chambered heart and in each
(c) Left atrium (d) Left ventricle segment one pair of ostia are present
89. Impulse originating from sinu-atrial node are
98. Open vascular system is found in
transmitted to the [Kerala CET 2002]
[JIPMER 2002]
(a) Man (b) Fish
(a) Atrio–ventricular node (b) Bundle of His
(c) Prawn (d) Snake
(c) Pacemaker (d) Purkinje system
90. Below normal heart beat is called 99. Select the animals having open type of circulatory
[AFMC 2002] system
(a) Bradycardia (b) Tachycardia [AMU 2005]
(c) Hyperpiesis (d) All of these (i) Ascidia (ii) Cockroach
91. Heart of elephant is [CPMT 2002; DPMT 2004] (iii) Earthworm (iv) Prawn
(a) Neurogenic (b) Myogenic (v) Silver fish (vi) Snail
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (vii) Squid
92. Thoracic duct in humans is associated with [BHU
2002] (a) (ii), (iv), (vi) (b) (i), (ii), (iv), (vi)
(a) Aorta (b) Hepatic duct
(c) (iii), (iv), (v), (vii) (d) (ii), (iv), (v), (vi)
(c) Purkinje fibre (d) Innominate vein
(e) (i), (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii)
93. The heart of fish is different from the other group
because 100. Mammals are said to have a "double circulatory
system''. This means [AFMC 1987]
(a) It has lymph only
(a) That the blood vessels are paired
(b) It pumps only arterial blood
(c) It pumps only venous blood (b) That there are two types of blood vessels
attached to every organ; an artery and a vein
(d) It pumps only lymph
94. The blood vascular system of mammals is known (c) That there are two system; one from the heart
as double vascular system because to the lungs and back to the heart and other to
[AFMC 1995] and from rest of the body
(a) A group of veins carry oxygenated and other (d) That the blood circulates twice as quickly
group conduct deoxygenated blood 101. The heart of a crocodile consists of
(b) Oxygenated blood runs from heart to different [AIEEE 2003; BVP
organs by one set of veins while deoxygenated 2004]
blood runs from heart to lung by another set (a) A single auricle and two ventricles
(c) The two different systems never meet (b) Two auricles and a single ventricle
(d) All of the above
(c) Two auricles and two ventricles
95. In connection with circulatory system, valves are
(d) A single auricle and a single ventricle
[CBSE PMT 1995] 102. In man artificial pacemaker is implanted due to
(a) Not only in heart and blood vessels of defects in
vertebrates and invertebrates, but in [DPMT 2003]
vertebrate lymphatics as well (a) SA node (b) AV node
(b) Vertebrate heart only (c) Mitral valve (d) Purkinje fibres
(c) Vertebrate heart and invertebrate hearts only 103. Which one of the following is a matching pair
(d) Vertebrate hearts, invertebrate hearts and [AIIMS 2003]
their blood vessels (a) Lubb - sharp closure of AV valves at the
96. The circulation of blood was discovered by beginning of ventricular systole
[Manipal 1995; Pb. PMT 2000]
95 Circulation in Animals
(b) Dupp - sudden opening of semilunar valves at
the beginning of ventricular diastole Blood vessel
(c) Pulsation of the radial artery-valves in the
blood vessels 1. Which one of the following vein breaks up into
capillaries [MP PMT 1992]
(d) Initiation of the heart beat Purkinje fibres
(a) Renal vein (b) Hepatic portal vein
104. In the evolution of animals a heart to pump the
blood is found for the first time in [Kerala CET (c) Pelvic vein (d) Pulmonary vein
2003] 2. Serotonin in the blood [CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Annelids (b) Roundworms (a) Relaxes blood vessels
(c) Arthropods (d) Flat worms (b) Prevents clotting of blood
105. Purkinje's fibres of the vertebrate heart are (c) Helps in clotting of blood
modified (d) Constricts blood vessels
[AIIMS 1992] 3. The artery can be distinguished from the vein in
(a) Parasympathetic nerves (b) Sympathetic having
nerves [CPMT 1970]
(c) Motor nerves (d) Muscle cells (a) Thicker walls (b) More blood cells
106. The cardiac pacemaker in a patient fails to (c) More plasma (d) Larger cavity
function normally. The doctors find that an artificial 4. The pulse beat is measured by the [BHU 1986]
pacemaker is to be grafted in him. It is likely that it
(a) Artery (b) Capillary
will be grafted at the site of
[CBSE PMT 2004] (c) Vein (d) None
(a) Sinuatrial node (b) Atrioventricular node 5. Carotid artery carries
[NCERT 1975, 76; MP PMT 1995; AFMC 2005]
(c) Atrioventricular bundle (d) Purkinje system
(a) Impure blood from brain
107. In which one of the following pairs the two items
mean one and the same thing (b) Oxygenated blood to anterior region of body or
[BVP 2000; AIIMS 2004; Pb. PMT 2004; Wardha
to brain
2005] (c) Impure blood to kidney
(a) Malleus – anvil (d) Oxygenated blood to heart
(b) SA node – pacemaker 6. Blood vessels carrying blood from lungs to heart
(c) Leucocytes – lymphocytes [BHU 1982, 85, 89; AFMC 1984; MP PMT 1994;
(d) Haemophilia – blood cancer MHCET 2000; JIPMER 2002]

108. The chamber of human heart, which has thickest (a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein
wall (c) Azygous vein (d) Coronary artery
[JIPMER 1994; Kerala PMT 2004] 7. The artery which supplies blood to the dia-phgram is
known as
(a) Right atrium (b) Left atrium or
(c) Right ventricle (d) Left ventricle The diaphragm is supplied with blood by
(e) None of these [CPMT 1978, 92; RPMT 1995; MP PMT 1984, 95]
109. Cardiac output is determined by (a) Cardiac artery (b) Phrenic artery
[BHU 2004; AMU 2005] (c) Lingual artery (d) Lumber artery
(a) Heart rate (b) Stroke volume 8. Iliac artery carries blood to the
(c) Blood flow (d) Both (a) and (b) [EAMCET 1977]

110. Spiral valve is present in [MH CET 2000] (a) Lungs (b) Ileum
(a) Right auricle (b) Left auricle (c) Hind limbs (d) Brain
(c) Right ventricle (d) Truncus arteriosus 9. Which of the following has no muscular wall
[DPMT 1985, 86]
111. ‘Heart of Heart’ is [BHU 2005]
(a) Artery (b) Vein
(a) SA node (b) AV node
(c) Arteriole (d) Capillary
(c) Bundle of His (d) Purkinje fibres
10. Thrombosis in which coronary artery is met most
112. Human heart is enclosed in a double walled sac
frequently in
[AIIMS 1988]
[HP PMT 2005]
(a) Right coronary artery
(a) Peritome (b) Pericardium
(b) Left anterior descending artery
(c) Pericardial sinus (d) Perineural sinus
(c) Left circumflex coronary artery
Circulation in Animals 96
(d) Right circumflex coronary artery Blood pressure, ECG
11. Smallest lumen blood vessel in the body is [BHU
1985] 1. In several vertebrates the rate of heart beat and
(a) Capillary (b) Artery increase in blood pressure is caused by a hormone
(c) Vein (d) Venacava (a) Thyroxin (b) Secretin
12. The blood pressure is high in (c) Noradrenalin (d) Adrenalin
[JIPMER 1993]
2. Sphygmomanometer measure
(a) Arteries (b) Veins [AFMC 1988; BHU 1999; AIIMS 2000; DPMT 2003]
(c) Capillaries (d) Veins of portal
(a) Nerve conduction rate (b) Heart beat rate
(c) Blood pressure (d) Pulse rate
13. Which of the following vein has least amount of
urea 3. In man, the normal blood pressure is maintained
by the blood protein called
[CPMT 1981, 84, 92,
93] (a) Haemoglobin (b) Albumin
(a) Pulmonary vein (b) Hepatic portal vein (c) Fibrinogen (d) Heparin
(c) Hepatic vein (d) Renal vein 4. ECG records [BVP 2003]
14. In the inguinal canal lies [CPMT 1988] (a) Electric current of the body
(a) Posterior mesentric artery(b) Spermatic artery (b) Potential differences
(c) Internal carotid artery (d) Dorsal aorta (c) Pulse rate
15. In allergy and urticaria the local arterioles dilate (d) Quantity of blood pumped per minute
due to increased substance from mast cells, called 5. QRST is related with [BHU 1985]
(a) Adrenaline (b) Antitoxin (a) Ventricular contraction or depolarization
(c) Epinephrine (d) Histamine (b) Auricular contraction
16. Vasa vasorum supplies blood to (c) Auricular relaxation
(a) Pericardium (d) Cardiac cycle
(b) Blood vessels 6. In a normal adult man, the blood pressure is
(c) Tunica adventitia and external part of tunica [CPMT 1981; BHU 1987; KCET 2000;
media BVP 2002; Haryana PMT 2005]
(d) Vas deferens (a) 100/80 Hg (b) 120/80 Hg
17. Pulse can easily be detected on superficial artery (c) 100/120 Hg (d) 100/100 Hg
like that of 7. Fall in blood pressure due to loss of blood is soon
(a) Diaphragm (b) Thigh restored because the [AIEEE 2003]
(c) Wrist (d) Humerus (a) Blood vessels dilate
18. Regarding blood circulation, it may be said that in (b) Blood cells decrease in number
Pheretima the dorsal vessel is a (c) Heart beat is increased
[Pb. PMT 1999]
(d) Heart beat is decreased
(a) Collecting vessel in first two segments and 8. Which of the following is a repolarization wave
distributing vessel in other
(b) Distributing vessel in first five segments and
(a) P (b) T
collecting vessel in other (c) QRS (d) None of these
(c) Collecting vessel in first thirteen segments & 9. Normal diastolic pressure in young man is about
distributing vessel in intestinal region [KCET 2001]
(d) Distributing vessel in first thirteen segments & (a) 20 mm Hg (b) 80 mm Hg
collecting vessel in intestinal region (c) 100 mm Hg (d) 130 mm Hg
19. The blood vessel which brings oxygenated blood 10. How much atrial pressure rises during atrial
from lungs towards the heart of frog is
[AFMC 2000] contraction (mm Hg)
(a) Pre caval (b) Post caval (a) 2–4 (b) 4–6
(c) Pulmonary vein (d) Pulmonary artery (c) 6–8 (d) Does not rise at all
20. Blocking of artereis is due to deposition of fats and 11. What is the end diastolic volume of blood in a
calcium is called [MH CET 2002] normal adult heart
(a) Arterosclerosis (b) Atherosclerosis (a) 50 ml (b) 70 ml
(c) Emphysema (d) Heart syndrome (c) 90 ml (d) 110 ml
97 Circulation in Animals
12. What is blood pressure (a) 120 mm Hg (b) 120/80 mm Hg
(a) The pressure of blood on the heart muscle (c) 150/120 mm Hg (d) 80 mm Hg
(b) The pressure of blood exerted on the walls of
arteries and veins Blood
(c) The pressure of blood on the walls of veins
only 1. Number of RBC in man increases if he lives at
(d) The pressure of blood on the walls of arteries higher altitude because [CPMT 1974]
only (a) There is more oxygen
13. In all the leads of ECG, all following are positive (b) There is less oxygen
waves except (c) There are no germs in air
(a) P (b) Q (d) More heat is needed to warm the body
(c) R (d) T 2. The normal percentage of glucose in the blood of
man is 0.1%. It is found in
14. In an old man's ECG, T  waves shall be [CPMT 1979]
(a) Flat (b) Inverted (a) Plasma (b) RBC
(c) Very prominent (d) Same as in adults (c) WBC (d) Serum
15. During systole of ventricle 3. If pH of blood is artificially changed to 8, what is
[MP PMT 1995]
most likely to happen [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Blood enters the heart
(a) The tissues will not get oxygen as
(b) Blood leaves the heart oxyhaemoglobin will not dissociate into oxygen
(c) Blood leaves the ventricle and haemoglobin
(d) Blood enters lungs (b) The carbon dioxide will not be released from
16. We feel sleepy just after taking meals because carbonic acid and carbonates
[CPMT 1996] (c) The carbonic anhydrase will be completely
(a) Blood pressure increases inhibited
(b) Blood pressure decreases (d) It will generate carbon monoxide and the
(c) Body weight increases animal will die of carbon monoxide poisoning
4. Erythropoesis may be stimulated by the deficiency
(d) We feel lithargic
17. During diastole [MP PMT 1996]
[AIIMS 1992]
(a) Blood enters lungs (b) Blood leaves the
(a) Iron (b) Oxygen
(c) Protein (d) None of the above
(c) Blood leaves the heart (d) Blood enters the
heart 5. Haemoglobin is a [DPMT 1985; AFMC 1985]
18. Deficiency of which of the following causes (a) Copper containing pigment
obesity, low plasma Na , high K  and (b) Iron containing pigment
increased blood pressure (c) Magnesium containing pigment
[CPMT 1999; JIPMER 2001] (d) Calcium containing pigment
(a) Growth hormone (b) Adrenaline 6. The buffer salts present in the blood are
(c) Cortisol (d) Thyroxine [DPMT 1983; BHU 1986]
19. Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases (a) Potassium
in response to [AIIMS 2001]
(b) Sodium
(a) Exercise
(c) Sodium and potassium
(b) Haemorrage
(d) Cobalt
(c) Exposure to high altitude
7. The ratio of RBC to WBC in man is [DPMT 1992]
(d) Increased intracranial pressure
(a) 6 : 1 (b) 60 : 1
20. The carotid labyrinth of frog is concerned with the
control of (c) 600 : 1 (d) 6000 : 1
[MH CET 2000] 8. pH of human blood varies between [DPMT 1992]
(a) 6.0 to 7.0 (b) 7.0 to 8.0
(a) Temperature (b) Blood sugar (c) 7.3 to 7.45 (d) 7.5 to 8.0
(c) Blood pressure (d) Blood composition 9. William Harvey is known for the discovery of
21. Systolic pressure in adult human is [MH CET 2004]
Circulation in Animals 98
(a) Blood transfusion (b) Blood clotting 20. Normal haemoglobin contents of a healthy man
(c) Blood circulation (d) Blood purification per 100 ml of blood is about
[CPMT 1976]
10. The sample of a healthy human blood is [BHU
1975] (a) 11.5 to 12.5 gms (b) 12.0 to 14.0 gms
(a) Alkaline (b) Acidic (c) 12.5 to 14.5 gms (d) 14.0 to 16.0 gms
(c) Neutral (d) None of these 21. A yellow substance oozing out from wound has
11. The iron free compound of haemoglobin is [NCERT [AFMC 1986]
1978] (a) Lymph + RBC + WBC
(a) Globin (b) Haematin (b) Lymph + RBC + dead bacteria
(c) Bilirubin (d) Haemotoxin (c) Lymph + WBC + dead bacteria
12. The clinging of RBCs together in the blood and (d) Lymph + dead leucocytes
forming a pile of coin like structure is known as 22. Squeezing of leucocytes out from the endothelium
(a) Coagulation (b) Islets of capillaries to fight foreign agents is known as
[CPMT 1978]
(c) Lacuna (d) Rouleau
(a) Haemolysis (b) Diapaedesis
13. The process of blood clot formation within the (c) Phagocytosis (d) Rouleaux
circulatory system is [CBSE PMT 1993]
23. If glucose is to be injected in human blood, the
(a) Thrombosis (b) Thrombocytes property to be matched with glucose is
(c) Thrombin (d) Thrombocytopenia [AFMC 1983]

14. If an experiment, animal is made anaemic, (a) Density (b) Viscosity

production of which hormone will be stepped up (c) Osmotic potential (d) Sugar group
[AIIMS 1993] 24. A chemical that prevents blood clotting is most
(a) Erythrocytin (b) Erythroblastin useful in the treatment of
[NCERT 1983]
(c) Erythropoietin (d) Enkephalin
(a) Leukemia (b) Anemia
15. Lead concentration in blood is considered alarming (c) Coronary thrombosis (d) Haemophilia
if it is
25. Which one of the following substances in the blood
[CBSE PMT 2004; CPMT 2005] in man imparts the oxygen carrying capacity to it
(a) 20 µg/100 ml (b) 30 µg/100 ml [CPMT 1992, 93]

(c) 10 µg/100 ml (d) 4-6 µg/100 ml (a) Haemocyanin

(b) Haemoglobin
16. The protein which prevents coagulation of blood in
the blood vessel is (c) Haemerythrin or haemoerythrin
[CPMT 1980, 94; BHU 1986, 2001; DPMT 1993; (d) Sodium ions
AIIMS 1993, 99; JIPMER 1993; AFMC 2003] 26. Oxygen is transported by [DPMT 1992; MP PMT
(a) Platelets (b) Globular protein 1994, 95]
(c) Albumin (d) Heparin (a) Blood plasma (b) RBCs
17. The medium of plasma is [BHU 1988] (c) Leucocytes (d) Thrombocytes
(a) Acidic (b) Basic 27. Which one of the following in blood absorbs
(c) Neutral (d) None of these oxygen
[MP PMT 1994]
18. The pH of the blood is maintained balancing the
ratio of (a) WBCs (b) Plasma
[BHU 1988] (c) RBCs (d) Platelets
(a) Lactic acid and pyruvic acid 28. A man will be unconscious if the blood supply to
the brain is stopped for more than
(b) NaHCO3 and H 2CO3
(a) 2 second (b) 5 second
(c) CO2 and H 2O
(c) 10 second (d) 30 second
(d) Pyruvic acid and H 2CO3 29. In blood CO2 is mainly transported through
19. The break down product of haemoglobin is (a) Haemoglobin (b) Lymph
[CBSE PMT 1988]
(c) RBC (d) Plasma
(a) Iron (b) Bilirubin
30. If haemoglobin is replaced by haemocyanin, the
(c) Biliverdin (d) All the above
blood will carry
(a) Less oxygen (b) More oxygen
99 Circulation in Animals
(c) No oxygen (d) Same amount of (c) 95% globin + 05% haematin
oxygen (d) 90% globin + 10% haematin
31. To prevent coagulation blood stored in blood bank 42. Heparin is a [MH CET 2000]
contains a small amount of (a) Protein (b) Lipid
(a) Calcium sulphate (c) Enzyme (d) Mucopolysaccharide
(b) Prothrombin 43. Heparin is secreted by [MH CET 2001]
(c) Potassium or sodium citrate (a) Blood cells (b) Liver cells
(d) None of these (c) Kidney (d) Nerve cell
32. In haemoglobin iron is attached with globin protein
by Lymphatic system
(a) Hydrogen bond (b) Ionic bond
(c) Covalent bond (d) Coordinate bond 1. The lymphocytes protect from
[CPMT 1975]
33. The viscosity of blood is important in maintaining
(a) Pathogens (b) Lymph
(a) Acid–base balance
(c) Leucocytes (d) Toxins
(b) Diastolic blood pressure
2. The lymph differs from the blood in having
(c) Systolic blood pressure [CPMT 1973, 74, 84]
(d) Osmotic pressure (a) Blood with more RBC and less WBC
34. How much of the total blood volume is present in (b) Blood without plasma
heart (c) Plasma without proteins
(a) 2.5% (b) 17% (d) No RBC but more WBC
(c) 9% (d) 15% 3. Antibodies fight against [CPMT 1977]
35. For the diffusion to take place effectively in (a) Infection (b) Thirst
capillaries the blood stays there for how long (c) Starvation (d) Heart failure
(a) 1 3 sec
ond (b) 5  9 sec
ond 4. Which organ is considered as "Graveyard of RBC''
(c) 9  13 second (d)  20 sec
ond where most of them are destroyed by
36. The velocity of blood flow is minimum in [CBSE PMT 1989; AFMC 2001]
(a) Capillaries (b) Arterioles (a) Red bone marrow (b) Spleen
(c) Small arteries (d) Aorta (c) Kidney (d) Intestine
37. The rise of blood sugar above the normal level is 5. The old worn out RBCs are filtered out by [DPMT
known as 1985]
(a) Glucosuria (b) Glycolysis (a) Kidney (b) Liver
(c) Hyperglycemia (d) Hypoglycemia (c) Spleen (d) Heart
38. Persons living at high altitude will have [AFMC 6. An antibody is a [DPMT 1982; MP PMT 1996]
1995] (a) Molecule that specifically inactivates an
(a) Increased alveolar capacity antigen
(b) Increased number of erythrocytes (b) WBC which invades bacteria
(c) Haemoglobin curve shifts towards right (c) Secretion of mammalian RBC
(d) All of the above (d) Component of blood
39. In mammalian RBC, the precentage of 7. The antibodies are formed in
[BHU 1980]
haemoglobin is
(a) Bone marrow (b) Spleen
[CPMT 1996; MP PMT 2003]
(c) Calcium (d) Liver
(a) 40% of biomass (b) 34% of biomass
8. Function of human spleen is to
(c) 90% of biomass (d) 50% of biomass
[DPMT 1984]
40. What percent of total blood coming out of heart, (a) Control the pulse rate (b) Secrete hormone
goes to kidney [CPMT 1996]
(c) Stimulate heart (d) Control blood volume
(a) 25% (b) 50%
9. T- Lymphocytes originate from
(c) 75% (d) 40% [MP PMT 2001]
41. Haemoglobin contains (a) Thymus (b) Bone marrow
(a) 70% globin + 30% haematin (c) Liver (d) None of these
(b) 80% globin + 20% haematin 10. Lymph glands and nodes help to
Circulation in Animals 100
(a) Excrete the urea (b) Eliminate the 20. Cords of billroth are blood spaces which are found
ammonia in which of the followings
(c) Prepare blood (d) Destroy the bacteria (a) Liver (b) Kidneys
11. An 'antigen' is [CPMT 1977] (c) Spleen (d) Tonsils
(a) That which acts with plasma
21. Antigen – A and antibody b are present in
(b) That which opposes the action of antibody
which blood group [CPMT 1995; KCET 1999]
(c) The stimulus for antibody production
(d) The antibody only
(a) B (b) A
12. The antibodies are produced by the (c) AB (d) O
(a) RBC (b) Bone marrow 22. The lymph serves to [CBSE PMT 1995; BHU 2004]
(c) Spleen (d) Lymphoid tissue
(a) Transport O2 to the brain
13. The lymphatic fluid opens into the blood
circulation via duct into the (b) Transport CO2 to the lungs
(a) Artery supplying the spleen
(c) Return the interstitial fluid to the blood
(b) Vein coming from liver
(d) Return the WBCs and the RBCs to the lymph
(c) Jugular vein
(d) Venacava near the heart
23. Antigens are present [CBSE PMT 1995]
14. The principle function of the lymph node in the
man is (a) Inside nucleus (b) On cell surface
[CPMT 1983, 84] (c) Inside cytoplasm (d) On nuclear
(a) Destruction of old RBC membrane
(b) Destruction of old WBC 24. Lymph is colourless because
(c) Collection and destruction of pathogens blood [MP PMT 1999]

(d) Production of WBC (a) WBC are absent

15. Antibodies defend the body from the invading (b) WBC are present
antigen by (c) Haemoglobin is absent
[NCERT 1979]
(d) RBC are absent
(a) Combining with it to abolish its free mobility
and thus preventing it from acting in a 25. Lymph (nodes) glands form
[MP PMT 1999]
damaging manner
(b) Eliminating the toxins released by it (a) Hormones (b) Lymphs
(c) Phagocytosis (c) Antigens (d) Antibodies
(d) Transporting it to the liver where it is 26. Lymphoid tissue is found in
destroyed [CPMT 2000]
16. Humoral antibodies are produced by [BHU 1985] (a) Thymus (b) Tonsils
(a)   cells (b) T  cells (c) lymph nodes (d) All of these
(c) Globulins (d) Plasma cells 27. In Pheretima lymph glands produces [RPMT 2000]
17. If thymus gland of an infant is removed which of (a) Phagocytic cells (b) Lymphocytic cells
the following will not form
[CPMT 1993] (c) Amoebocytic cells (d) Oxyntic cells

(a) T  lymphocytes (b)   lymphocytes 28. Lymph vessels are united to form
[BHU 2001]
(c) Erthryocytes (d) Granulocytes
(a) Lymph heart (b) Cisterna chyle
18. Lymph flows in the lymph vessels due to
(a) Presence of valves in their walls (c) Thoracic duct (d) Jugular vein
(b) Gravity 29. Which vertebrate organ receives only oxygenated
(c) Contraction and dilation of heart blood
(d) Pressure exerted by the contraction of [KCET 2001]
surrounding body tissue (a) Gill (b) Lung
19. The lymphocytes provide the principal defence (c) Spleen (d) Liver
mechanism by producing
30. Spleen is [CBSE PMT 2001]
(a) Antigens (b) Haemoglobin
(c) Immunoglobins (d) Myoglobins (a) Haemopoeitic (b) Lymphoid
101 Circulation in Animals
(c) Reproductive (d) Celluloid [Pune CET 1998]
(a) Dorso-lumbar
Portal system (b) Gonadial veins
(c) Anterior abdominal vein
1. A portal system is a system in which [NCERT 1978] (d) Femoro-renal
(a) A vein starts from an organ and ends up in 10. Which of the following vessel in rabbit starts with
heart capillaries and ends in capillaries
(b) An artery breaks up in an organ and restarts [RPMT 2002]
by the union of its capillaries (a) Pulmonary artery (b) Renal vein
(c) The blood from the gut is brought into the (c) Hepatic portal vein (d) Renal artery
kidney before it is poured into posterior 11. The diagram below show how things get to and
venacava from the liver. They are labelled as A, B, C, D, E
(d) A vein breaks up in an organ into capillaries and F. Which one of the following labellings is the
and restarts by their union as a new vein in the correct one [Kerala PMT 2004]
same organ Blood to
2. Which substance is more in blood flowing through F heart
hepatic vein than blood flowing through portal Liver
vein [CPMT 1979]
(a) Water (b) Urea Gall bladder
(c) Fatty acid (d) Amino acid + oxygen Blood to E Pancreas
3. Hepatic portal system starts from heart
[CMC Vellore 1982] C
(a) Digestive system to liver (a) A is the hepatic portal vein and E is the hepatic
(b) Kidney to liver vein
(c) Liver to heart (b) C is the intestine and F is the hepatic portal
(d) Liver to kidney vein
4. Digested food materials entering the blood reach (c) D is the hepatic portal vein and F is the
the heart by hepatic vein
[EAMCET 1978] (d) B is pancreatic artery and E is the hepatic
(a) Hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein and post artery
caval (e) D is the hepatic portal vein and E is the
(b) Hepatic vein and post caval hepatic vein
(c) Hepatic portal vein and post caval
(d) Hepatic portal vein and hepatic vein
5. Blood circulation that starts in capillaries and ends
in capillaries is called [NCERT 1984]
(a) Portal circulation (b) Hepatic circulation
(c) Cardiac circulation (d) None
6. When a vein instead of carrying the blood directly 1. Blood of Periplaneta does not carry oxygen
into the heart, first carries it to some intermediate because
organ like liver, is known as [RPMT 2001]
(a) Pulmonary artery (b) Renal portal vein
(a) O 2 is transported by respiratory tubules
(c) Hepatic portal vein (d) Pulmonary vein
(b) Its respiration is anaerobic
7. Which of the following carries glucose from
digestive tract to liver (c) There is no cells in its blood
[CBSE PMT 1999; BHU 2001] (d) Periplaneta does not has any blood vessel
(a) Hepatic artery (b) Hepatic portal vein 2. A vein differs from the artery in having
(c) Pulmonary vein (d) None of these [CBSE PMT 1993; CPMT 1974, 84; NCERT
8. The renal portal system is made of 1974, 77; MP PMT 1993, 94; Pb. PMT 2000]
[Pune CET 1998] (a) Narrow lumen
(a) Femoral, renal portal veins (b) Strong cuticular and muscular wall
(b) Sciatic, renal portal veins (c) Valves to control direction of flow
(c) Renal portal veins (d) Dark pigmented wall
(d) Femoral, sciatic, renal portal veins 3. Diameter of capillaries for RBC to pass should be
9. The hepatic portal vein before reaching the liver, [BHU 1986; AFMC 1986; JIPMER 1986]
joins the (a) 4 µ (b) Less than 5µ
Circulation in Animals 102
(c) More than 5µ (d) More than 10µ (c) Pulmonary artery (d) None
4. pH of blood in artery and vein is 13. Trilobed valve present between right atrium and
[BHU 1986]
ventricle in mammalian heart is
[CBSE PMT 1993]
(a) Same
(a) Triac (b) Triad
(b) More in artery and less in vein
(c) Tricuspid or besian (b) Trigeminal
(c) More in vein and less in artery
14. Stimulation of the vagus nerve will make the heart
(d) Not definite
5. Largest blood vessel in body is
[CPMT 1987]
[MP PMT 1993; MHCET 2000]
(a) Faster (b) 70 times/minute
(a) Carotid artery (b) Dorsal aorta
(c) Slower (d) Normal
(c) Phrenic artery (d) Coronary artery
15. The rate of heart beat per minute is highest in
6. All arteries carry oxygenated blood except case of
[CPMT 1989; MP PMT 2001; AFMC 2003] [CPMT 1987]
(a) Systemic (b) Hepatic (a) Elephant (b) Whale
(c) Pulmonary (d) Cardiac (c) Man (d) Mouse
7. Choose the correct proportion with respect to the 16. Eustachian valve which is of no significance in the
distribution of blood in the body of man. [Kerala adult mammal, is a vestigial organ, a vestige of
PMT 2004] [CPMT 1987]
(a) 5% to heart muscles, 15% to brain, 25% to (a) Spiral valve (b) Sinus venosus
liver, 25% kidney, 15% to bones, 15% to other (c) Sino-auricular valve (d) Semilunar valve
17. If the pace maker is absent
(b) 20% to heart muscles, 10% to brain, 10% to
(a) Only auricles will contract
liver, 25% to kidney, 10% to bones, 25% to
other organs (b) Only ventricles will contract
(c) 10% to heart muscles, 10% to brain, 10% to (c) Cardiac muscles will contract in a coordinated
liver, 40% to kidney, 15% to bones, 15% to manner
other organs (d) Cardiac muscles will not contract in a
(d) 5% to heart muscles, 20% to brain, 20% to coordinated manner
liver, 15% to kidney, 5% to bones, 35% to 18. Mammals have biconcave RBC. The physiological
other organs use for it is
(e) 1% to heart muscles, 20% to brain, 30% to [AFMC 1983, 84]
liver, 40% to kidney, 5% to bones, 40% to (a) To decrease the surface area
other organs (b) To increase the surface area
8. Which of the following blood vessels in mammals (c) To be packed like coins
normally carry largest amount of urea (d) None of the above
[MP PMT 1997]
19. Blood is
(a) Hepatic portal vein (b) Hepatic vein
(a) Endodermal in origin (b) Exodermal in origin
(c) Renal artery (d) Hepatic artery
(c) Mesodermal in origin (d) Ectodermal in origin
9. Which artery is absent in frog
[MP PMT 2000] 20. When blood of one person is mixed with the serum
(a) Right systemic arch (b) Phrenic artery of an other person then in certain cases, clumping
(c) Carotid artery (d) Renal artery of RBCs takes place. The clumping is due to
10. Heart beats are controlled by a nodal tissue which (a) Antitoxin–antibody reaction
is composed of [BHU 1982] (b) Antigen–antibody reaction
(a) Purkinje fibres (b) Myonemes (c) Haemolysis
(c) Collagen fibres (d) Telodendrites (d) Blood coagulation
11. Mixing up of arterial and venous blood does not 21. In rabbit, function of spleen is
take place in a heart having [CPMT 1995]
[AIIMS 1992]
(a) Blood purification (b) Respiration
(a) Two chambers (b) Four chambers
(c) Excretion (d) None of the above
(c) Three chambers (d) None of the above
22. The process of formation of the various types of
12. When the right ventricle contracts the blood goes
blood cells is known as [Manipal 1995]
(a) Haemagglutination (b) Haemolysis
[AFMC 1989; CBSE PMT 1992]
(a) Aorta (b) Brain (c) Haemophilia (d) Haemopoiesis
103 Circulation in Animals
23. In haemoglobin iron is present in (c) With irregularity in the heart rhythm
[CBSE PMT 1992] (d) Suffering from arteriosclerosis
(a) Ferrous form (b) Ferric form 32. Plethysomograph is used to measure
(c) Metallic form (d) Any form (a) Velocity of blood
24. The number of RBC's in man increases if he lives (b) Mean volume flow
at a higher altitude; this is because (c) Excitability of heart
(a) There is more oxygen in the mountains (d) Conducting of stimuli in heart
33. Systole refers to the contraction of
(b) There is less oxygen at mountains
[BHU 2002]
(c) More heat is required to be produced in the (a) SA node (b) AV node
body for keeping warm (c) Major arteries (d) Atria and ventricles
(d) There are no germs in the air in mountain
25. Venous system of frog differs from that of rabbit in
presence of [CPMT 1978, 87; DPMT 1982]
(a) Hepatic portal system (b) Renal portal
(c) 3 vena cavae (d) Hepatic vein
26. Although much CO2 is carried in the blood, yet
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the
blood does not becomes acidic. This is because correct option out of the options given below :
[CBSE PMT 1995]
(a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and
(a) In CO2 transport, blood buffers play an the reason is a correct explanation of the
important role assertion
(b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the
(b) CO2 combines with water to form H 2CO3
reason is not a correct explanation of the
which is neutralised by H 2CO3 assertion
(c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false
(c) CO2 is continuously diffused through the
(d) If both the assertion and reason are false
tissues and is not allowed to accumulate (e) If the assertion is false but reason is true
(d) CO2 is absorbed by leucocytes
1. Assertion : Heart valves resemble swing doors
27. To which organ does femoral artery supply blood in action.
[EAMCET 1976; Orissa JEE 2005] Reason : Valves are present in the heart
(a) Dorsal part of thigh (b) All parts of hind limb chamber, at the opening of the
(c) Ventral part of hind limb (d) Rectum heart into large arteries and veins.
28. Valves are found in veins to check the backflow of 2. Assertion : Closed circulatory system is more
blood flowing under [CPMT 1977] effective than open type.
(a) Low pressure (b) High pressure Reason : The closed circulatory system
(c) No pressure (d) Very high pressure considerably enhances the speed,
29. The amount of blood supplied to brain per minute precision and efficiency of
is circulation.
[CPMT 1988] 3. Assertion : Cardiac output rises during exercise.
Reason : Cardiac output helps in less oxygen
(a) 450 ml (b) 550 ml
(c) 750 ml (d) 1,000 ml 4. Assertion : EEG is of immense diagnostic value
30. The heart beat increases at the time of interview in the cardiac diseases.
due to Reason : Defects in cardiac functions can be
[AIIMS 1999] reflected in changes in the pattern
(a) Corticotrophic hormone of electrical potentials recorded in
(b) Hyper secretion of renin the EEG.
(c) Secretion of adrenaline 5. Assertion : An artificial pacemaker can replace
the sinoatrial node of heart.
(d) Antidiuretic hormone secretion
Reason : This is because, an artificial
31. An artificial pacemaker is implanted pacemaker is capable of stimulating
subcutaneously and connected to the heart in the heart electrically to maintain its
patients [AIIMS 2004] beats.
(a) Having 90% blockage of the three main 6. Assertion : Mixing of oxygenated and
coronary arteries deoxygenated blood occurs in
(b) Having a very high blood pressure reptilian and amphibian hearts.
Circulation in Animals 104
Reason : This happens because of the 11 b 12 d 13 a 14 a 15 a
incomplete partitioning of the
16 b 17 a 18 a 19 b 20 a
7. Assertion : Left ventricle of heart has a thinner 21 a 22 c 23 a 24 a 25 c
wall than that of the right ventricle. 26 a 27 c 28 d 29 a 30 b
Reason : Left ventricle needs to pump blood 31 d 32 d 33 a 34 b 35 d
to nearby lungs only.
36 d 37 d 38 c 39 b 40 d
8. Assertion : Heart of fish contains only
deoxygenated blood. 41 b 42 d 43 d 44 d 45 c
Reason : Oxygenated blood do not return 46 d 47 a 48 b 49 b 50 c
back to the heart in fishes. 51 d 52 c 53 d 54 a 55 c
9. Assertion : Blood flows at a very slow velocity 56 b 57 d 58 a 59 c 60 c
in the lacunae and sinuses of prawn.
Reason : This happens because of the 61 c 62 d 63 b 64 a 65 b
absence of heart in the prawn. 66 d 67 d 68 a 69 c 70 c
10. Assertion : The increased permeability of the 71 b 72 c 73 a 74 c 75 b
lymph capillaries is easily altered.
76 c 77 c 78 a 79 b 80 a
Reason : The increased permeability of the
capillary walls leads to oedema or 81 c 82 b 83 a 84 d 85 b
swelling. 86 b 87 a 88 b 89 a 90 a
11. Assertion : The muscle fibres of SA node 91 b 92 d 93 c 94 d 95 a
possess the lowest rhythmicity
96 d 97 d 98 c 99 d 100 c
among all cardiac muscle fibres.
Reason : Due to this fact, it can initiate 101 c 102 a 103 a 104 a 105 d
excitory waves at the highest rate 106 a 107 b 108 d 109 d 110 d
[AIIMS 1997] 111 a 112 b
12. Assertion :
Blood pressure is arterial blood
Reason : It is measured by Blood vessel
[AIIMS 2000] 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 a 5 b
13. Assertion : Electorcardiogram is record or 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 d 10 a
electrical activity of the heart which
11 a 12 a 13 d 14 b 15 d
shows certain waves called P, Q, R,
S and T waves. 16 c 17 c 18 d 19 c 20 b
Reason : It gives important information
concerning the spread of excitation Blood pressure, ECG
to the different parts of heart and it
is of value in the diagnosis of cases
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a
of abnormal cardiac rhythm and
myocardial damage. 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 c
[AIIMS 2000] 11 d 12 b 13 b 14 a 15 c
14. Assertion : Saline water is not given to patients 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 d 20 c
of hypertension.
21 a
Reason : Saline water can cause vomiting
and may drop blood pressure
suddenly causing cardic arrest. Blood
[AIIMS 2000]
15. Assertion : WBCs accumulate at the site of
wounds by diapedesis. 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b
Reason : It is the sqeezing of leucocytes from 6 c 7 c 8 c 9 c 10 a
the endothelium. [AIIMS 2002]
11 a 12 d 13 a 14 c 15 b
16 d 17 b 18 b 19 d 20 d
21 c 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 b
26 b 27 c 28 b 29 d 30 a
31 c 32 d 33 b 34 c 35 a
Structure and function of heart 36 a 37 c 38 d 39 b 40 a
41 c 42 d 43 b
1 c 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 c
6 a 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 d
105 Circulation in Animals
Lymphatic system sinu-artial node (S.A node) e.g., the heart of
vertebrates, tunicates and mollusca.

1 a 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 c 12. (d) This pressure gradient is generated by the

diastole of heart.
6 a 7 b 8 d 9 b 10 d
11 c 12 d 13 c 14 c 15 a 13. (a) Murmur is abnormal sound caused by the
vibration of the valves.
16 a 17 a 18 d 19 c 20 c
21 b 22 c 23 b 24 c 25 d
17. (a) The left atrium receives oxygenated blood
from the lungs through two parts of pulmonary
26 d 27 a 28 c 29 c 30 b
18. (a) Within the lateral walls of ventricles.
Portal system
21. (a) Pericardium (Protective covering) and
pericardial fluid protects the heart from
1 d 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a
shocks, mechanical injuries and keeps it moist
6 c 7 b 8 d 9 c 10 c
and also allows free movements of the heart.
11 c
27. (c) First sound is ‘lubb’ a long and booming sound
(related by the closure of tricuspid valve and
Critical Thinking Questions second sound is ‘dupp’ a short and due to
closure of semi lunar valves.
1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 b
29. (a) Pace maker (SA node) which lies in the wall of
6 c 7 d 8 b 9 b 10 a the right atrium near the opening of the
11 b 12 c 13 c 14 c 15 d superior vena cava.

16 a 17 d 18 b 19 c 20 b 34. (b) The lymphatic duct pour lymph fluid into the
subclavian vein, thus it reaches precaval.
21 a 22 d 23 a 24 b 25 b
35. (d) It slows the heart rate by directly stimulating
26 a 27 a 28 a 29 c 30 c
the vagus.
31 c 32 b 33 d
38. (c) The amount of blood pumped by heart per
minute is called cardiac output or heart
Assertion and Reason output.
41. (b) The ratio of work output to chemical energy
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 a expenditure is called the efficiency of cardiac
6 c 7 d 8 a 9 c 10 b
contraction or simply efficiency of heart. The
maximum efficient of heart is 20-25%. In heart
11 e 12 b 13 a 14 c 15 b
failure it may fall to as low as 5–10%.
42. (d) The elevated potassium level in extracellular
fluids causes a decreased resting membrane
potential in the cardiac muscle fibres.
43. (a) Tunica intima in the heart is represented by
endocardium. Caridac muscle corresponds to
tunica media of vessels and pericardium to
tunica adventitia or externa.
Structure and function of heart
45. (c) This is also called calcium rigor and is due to
3. (c) Also called sino–atrial (S.A.) node. association of more contractile units.

5. (c) Because excess of Ca++ will increase the force 46. (d) The AV  valves close due to sharp rise of
of contraction, thereby causing spasm of intraventricular pressure, their closure
cardiac muscles. produces first heart sound LUBB.
6. (a) The bicuspid valve is a valve consisting of two 48. (b) In partial heart block, the P–R interval is
membranous flap or cups situated between gradually increased in successive beats until a
the atrium and ventricle of the left side of the ventricular beat fails to occur and this is called
heart in mammals. Wenckebach phenomenon.
10. (d) Myogenic heart has contraction initiated by a 49. (b) This law states that within physiological limits,
special node of modified heart muscles called greater the initial length, stronger will be the
force of contraction.
Circulation in Animals 106
51. (d) Of all these, angiotensin is one of the most 82. (b) Veins bring blood from the body to the heart.
powerful vaso-constrictor known.
83. (a) Lateral hearts are 4 pairs of loop like branches
54. (a) Purkinje fibres are found in the lateral walls of located around the gut, one pair in each of the
ventricles and help in conduction of cardiac segments 7, 9, 12 and 13.
84. (d) Right auricle receives deoxygenated blood
55. (c) Sinus venosus is the first chamber of the heart from the body via sinus venosus in the lower
in fish, amphibia and reptiles. In fish it receives vertebrates.
blood from the cuverian ducts and hepatic
veins and leads into the single auricle. In 86. (b) Atherosclerosis is narrowing of arteries and
amphibians and reptiles it receives blood from arterioles due to deposition of fats on their
the three venae cavae and leads to the right lining.
auricle. Birds and mammals have no sinus 87. (a) During auricular systole, the auricles contract
venosus. and drain most of their blood into the
56. (b) Pleura is a membrane in which the lungs of a respective ventricles.
vertebrate are suspended from the wall of the
88. (b) The deoxygenated blood flows from the right
throax i.e., it is the covering of the lungs.
ventricle into pulmonary aorta which divides
57. (d) AV–node delays the impulse of contraction into 2 pulmonary arteries which enter into the
before transmitting it to the ventricles. Thus lungs.
sets the time interval between the contraction
89. (a) Transmission of impulse occurs as
of auricles and ventricles.
59. (c) Cardiac output = stroke volume × venticular S-A node  A-V node  Bundle of His 
systole/minute Purkinje system.
=70 ml × 72 (min) 91. (b) Since the impulse originates in the heart it self
by a patch of modified heart muscle without
= 5040 ml/min
requiring any external stimulation.
= about 5.5 litres
92. (d) Thoracic duct is a dorsal longitudinal lymphatic
61. (c) The valves in veins prevents the backflow of vessel which begins below diaphragm,
blood whereas in arteries the backflow is ascends in front of vertebral column and
prevented by the peristaltic contraction of the drains into innominate vein at the base of
arteries. neck.
62. (d) The left auriculo- ventricular value consists of 96. (d) William Harvey, 1578–1657 AD explained
two flaps and is termed bicuspid or mitral many aspects of human physiology one of
valve. them was circulation of blood. He is also
66. (d) The wall of heart has three layer : epicardium, considered as 'father of blood circulation'.
myocardium and endocardium.
97. (d) The heart of cockroach is pulsatile and formed
68. (a) Cardiac impulse (Heart beat) normally of 13 inverted funnel-shaped segmental
originate from the pace maker (S.A. node) chamber, each chamber (except last one) has
a pair of apertures called ostia which open into
69. (c) It refers to the deposition of fatty substances
the pericardial sinus.
specially cholesterol and triglycerides in the
tunica interna and smooth muscle of medium 102. (a) Since S-A node acts as a pacemaker.
sized and large arteries, such as deposition is
103. (a) Lubb is the first, low pitched heart sound
called Atherosclerosis.
produced due to the closure of bicuspid and
70. (c) Capillary has not muscular wall. Its wall is tricuspid valves at the start of ventricular
made of a single layer of endothelial cell. systole.
75. (b) Inferior vena cava (post caval) collect blood 104. (a) In earthworm, an annelid, 4 pairs of thick,
form lower part of trunk and hind limbs. muscular, pulsatile hearts are present.
76. (c) Superior vena cava (pre caval) collect blood 108. (d) The wall of ventricles are thicker then those of
from head, fore limbs and upper part of chest. auricles. Thickest wall is found in the left
80. (a) In the right atrium adjoining the internal ventricle.
septum, an oval depression the fossa ovalis. 109. (d) The amount of blood flowing from the heart
over a given period of time is known as the
81. (c) Bundle of His is a network of muscle fibres
found in between two ventricles.
107 Circulation in Animals
cardiac output. It depends upon the heart rate 10. (c) The left atrial pressure rises by about 7–8
and stroke volume. mm Hg .
Cardiac output = stroke volume × heat rate 13. (b) Because Q is a negative wave.
110. (d) Spiral valve is a valve present in truncus
arteriosus of amphibian heart guiding flow of 14. (a) T wave is caused by the action current due to
different type of blood in three aortic arches. the contraction of the basal parts of the

Blood vessel 15. (c) Systole is the muscular contraction of the

heart or of any chamber of it. Commonly, it is
used to refer to the ventricles of human heart.
1. (b) The hepatic portal vein enters into the liver
and breaks up into capillaries. During this stage the openings for CSA and

2. (d) Because serotonin is a vaso-constrictor. PT are open, so the blood leaves the
3. (a) The wall of arteries are thick and muscular.
16. (a) Blood is diverted towards alimentary canal.
4. (a) Pulse can be detected in superficial artery like Therefore the pressure of blood falls in brain.
radial artery of wrist and temporal artery.
19. (d) With the increase in intra cranial pressure, the
7. (b) A pair of phrenic arteries arise from the aorta cerebral blood flow is reduced. This increased
and supply the diaphragm. pressure also stimulates the vasomotor centre
and increases systemic blood pressure.
9. (d) The wall of capillary is consists of normal
endothelium and basement membrane.
12. (a) Artery is thick-walled in which blood flows
under high pressure.
2. (a) After the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins
13. (d) Least concentration of urea is found in renal and fats, amino acids, glucose, fatty acids,
vein. This is because urea is excreted through glycerol and vitamins etc. are absorbed into
urine formed in kidney. the blood plasma from the alimentory tract.
16. (c) These are called the blood vessels of blood 4. (b) The most important factor controlling the rate
vessels. The vasa vasorum actually supplies of red cell production in the oxygen content of
the tunica adventitia and the external part of the arterial blood, a decrease in oxygen
the tunica media. content stimulates erythropoeisis.
18. (d) In the region behind 13th segment, blood laden 5. (b) Haemoglobin is a chromoprotein consisting of
with digested nutrients and O 2 is collected in two parts – One part (96%) is a specific simple
the dorsal vessel while in anterior region of protein known as globin (histone) and the
body, some of this blood is supplied by dorsal other (4%) is a non-specific prosthetic group
vessel to various parts. an iron containing pigment called haem.

20. (b) Blocking of arteries due to deposition of fat 7. (c) The total number of WBC in 1ml is 8000 and
and calcium is called Atherosclerosis. number of RBC is 5 millions in 1ml
Emphysema is chocking of breath.
8. (c) The pH of blood varies between 7.36 and 7.45,
the average is about 7.4
Blood pressure, ECG
10. (a) pH of blood is 7.4 which is slightly alkaline.

2. (c) Blood pressure is measured in mm of mercury 12. (d) Rouleaux are columns of corpuscles stacked
by an instrument known as one above the other like a pile of coins.
sphygmomanometer. The instrument was 13. (a) Thrombus is a clot formed inside the blood
invented by an Italian Doctor Riva-Racci in vessels. Thrombus is formed due to slowing of
1996. circulation and damage of the vascular
4. (b) ECG is the record of changes in electrical endothelium.
potential of heart during one beat. 14. (c) When air with low oxygen tension (anaemia) is
5. (a) It is also called ventricular complex. breathed for some length of time, the cell
6. (b) The normal systolic and diastolic pressures are count rises due to liberation of erythropoietin
120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg respectively. or haemopoietin or erythrocyte stimulating
factor (ESF).
8. (b) Both P and QRS complex are considerd as
17. (b) pH of plasma is 7.4 which is slightly alkaline.
depolarizing waves.
Circulation in Animals 108
21. (c) Yellow substance oozing out of wound is in fact by B lymphocyte and circulate in the plasma of
pus which consists of W.B.C., lymph and dead blood and lymph and protect the body from
cells. bacteria and virus.
22. (b) This process of squeezing of leucocytes out of 17. (a) Surgical removal of thymus gland of new born
capillary by means of pseudopodia is known as shall result in the failure to produce T
diapedesis. lymphocytes.

27. (c) RBC absorbs O2 to form oxyhaemoglobin. 21. (b) Blood groups are named on the basis of
absence or presence of antigens in blood.
30. (a) Haemoglobin has iron containing pigment
23. (b) Antigen are present on cell surface and cause
haem, which easily combines with oxygen and
the formation of antibodies specifically
dissociates from it, whereas haemocyanin
reacting with them.
contains copper which has a less affinity with
oxygen. 24. (c) Colour of blood is due to presence of
haemoglobin in RBCs since RBCs are absent in
31. (c) Potassium and sodium citrate remove the
lymph so lymph is colourless.
calcium ions from blood plasma.
33. (b) Viscosity of blood determines the peripheral 27. (a) Lymph glands produce phagocytic cells which
are liberated into coelomic fluid to phagocytise
resistance of the blood flow through the blood
vessels and thus helps to maintain blood harmful bacteria.
pressure. 28. (c) Lymphatic vessels unite to form two main
34. (c) Heart contain around 9% of blood volume. vessels called thoracic duct and right
lymphatic duct.
35. (a) Capillaries have little or no dead space.
38. (d) Since at high altitudes partial pressure of
oxygen in air is less, so to facilitate the rapid Portal system
gaseous exchange; heart rate, respiratory
2. (b) The highest concentration of urea is found in
rate, vital capacity, total lung capacity, RBC
hepatic vein. This is because urea is
count and haemoglobin percentage of persons
synthesized in liver.
living there increases.
3. (a) Hepatic portal system starts from digestive
42. (d) Chemically heparin is mucoitin-polysulphuric
system and finishes in liver.
acid. Mucoitin is a polysaccharide, composed
of glucosamine, glucuronic acid esterified 5. (a) Blood circulation that starts in capillaries and
sulphuric acid. ends in capillaries is called portal circulation.
43. (b) Heparin is normally secreted by the mast cells 7. (b) Hepatic portal vein carried blood rich in
of liver. absorbed food material such as glucose and
amino acid from intestine to liver.
8. (d) Renal portal system is found in frog in which
Lymphatic system
femoral, sciatic and renal portal veins are
2. (d) Lymph can be defined as blood minus RBCs.
10. (c) Hepatic portal vein in Rabbit starts with
4. (b) Old RBCs are destroyed along with pathogens
capillaries and ends in capillaries.
by phagocytosis carried out by macrophages.
Thus, spleen acts as graveyard of RBCs.
6. (a) An antibody is a molecule that specifically Critical Thinking Questions
inactivates an antigen.
8. (d) So spleen is also called the blood reservior of 1. (a) Blood of cockroach lacks respiratory pigment.
human body. Hence, O2 is carried by the respiratory
9. (b) Haemopoietic stem cells differentiate into T- tubules.
and B-lymphocytes in the bone marrow T- cells 2. (c) Vein contain valves to prevent back flow of
then migrate to thymus gland for their blood.
proliferation. 3. (a) Due to its biconcave shape RBC can pass
10. (d) Lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and tonsils, all through capillaries narrower than their own
produce lymphocyte which antibodies that diameter.
destroy bacteria and foreign cells and viruses
4. (b) Because in vein presence of CO2 decreases
that invade the body
the pH .
16. (a) Humoral or Antibody mediated immune
system is formed or proteinous defensive 5. (b) Largest blood vessel in the body is carotid
chemicals called antibodies which are produce systemic or dorsal aorta, It is a question
109 Circulation in Animals
marked shaped long vessel, that arise from left 32. (b) Plethysmograph is an air tight box fitted with
ventricle of the heart. divices for measuring different parameter of
8. (b) Hepatic veins drain blood from liver into the lung volume, airway resistance and mean
volume of pulmonary blood flow.
post caval. Urea is maximum in hepatic vein
while it is minimum in renal vein. 33. (d) Systole refers to contraction of atria (atrial
systole) which propels blood into ventricles
9. (b) Phrenic artery present in human but absent in
and contraction of ventricles (ventricular
frog. Right and left phrenic artery supply systole ) expels blood into aorta and
the blood to lower surface of the pulmonary artery.
10. (a) Initiation of heart beat is under special bundles
Assertion and reason
of cardiac muscles called nodal tissue or
autorhythmic cells. Nodol tissue consists of 1. (b) The valves present in heart when pushed by
S.A. node, A.V. node, bundle of his and purkinje blood in the right direction, the flaps of the
fibres. valve swing apart and allow the blood to flow
12. (c) During ventricular systole. The pressure through, but when pushed in the opposite
direction, the flaps close sharply to block the
increases in the ventricles, thus forcing the
passage through the valve. Thus these valves
oxygenated blood from left ventricle into resemble swing doors in action. Hence the
systemic aorta and deoxygenated blood from valves of the heart maintain unidirectional flow
right ventricle into pulmonary aorta. of blood and prevent it’s regurgitation in the
14. (c) Stimulation of vagus nerve decreases the opposite direction.
heart rate but its continuous stimulation shows 2. (a) There are some reasons behind the
no further decrease. effectiveness of closed circulatory system over
15. (d) Under the normal conditions heart rate has an the open type. These are –
inverse relation with the size of the animal. (i) The blood flows more rapidly in closed blood
17. (d) Because pace maker of the heart is capable of cavities
initiating and regulating the heart beat. (ii) It takes much shorter time to circulate
through the closed system and return to the
18. (b) To allow relatively quick saturation and
dissaturation with O2 and CO2 . (iii) This quickens the supply and removal of
21. (a) Macrophages of spleen engulf and destroy materials to and from the tissues by the blood.
wornout blood corpuscles, dead and live (iv) In the closed system, the arteriolar
pathogens, cell Lebris, Pigment gramules and diameter can be regulated to alter the blood
other useless particulate materials, thus flow, so the volume of blood flowing through a
regularly cleaning the blood of its impurities. tissue or organ may be regulated according to
22. (d) The process by which blood cells are formed is its needs. No such regulation is possible in
called haemopoiesis or haematopoisis. open type.

23. (a) In haemoglbin iron is present in ferrous (Fe ++) 3. (c) Cardiac output is the volume of blood ejected
state. by either ventricle into the arterial system
over a given period of time. The cardiac output
24. (b) At higher altitudes partial pressure of oxygen rises during exercise. In very severe exercise,
in air is less; so to facilitate rapid gaseous it may rise to even 20 litres per minute, about
exchange, the number of RBC increases. four to five fold the normal resting value of
25. (b) Renal portal system is well developed in fishes about 5 litres per minute. The rise in the
and amphibians (frog), it is reduced in reptiles cardiac output helps the body in exercise by
and birds and is absent in mammals (rabbit). enhancing manifold the supply of nutrients
and oxygen to the connecting muscles.
26. (a) Its due to buffer action of blood.
27. (a) The general distribution of the femoral 4. (d) As the cardiac impulse spreads over the
arteries is to the lower abdominal wall, groin, cardiac chambers and causes their
external genitals and muscles of the dorsal contractions, electrical changes sweep over
part of the thigh. the cardiac chambers in a specific sequence.
These changes in the electrical potential over
30. (c) Adrenaline increases the heart beat normally the heart can be recorded by fixing leads on
during active and stress conditions. two arms, the left leg and the chest, and
31. (c) When irregularity in the heart rhythm occurs, connecting them to an apparatus called
normal heart rhythm can be restored and electrocardiograph. The record is called
maintained by surgically implanting an electrocardiogram (ECG). An
artificial pace maker, a device that sends out electrocardiogram is the recording of the
small electrical current to stimulate the heart various events of the cardiac cycle. Defects in
to contract. cardiac functions or structures are reflected in
changes in the pattern of electrical potentials
Circulation in Animals 110
recorded in the ECG. The ECG is, therefore of communicating with each other. In fishes the
immense diagnostic value in cardiac diseases. heart is two-chambered, consisting of an
On the other hand, EEG is an index of the brain auricle and a ventricle. An accessory chamber
functions. EEG or electroencephalogram called sinus venosus is also present which
represents the spontaneous electrical activity serves as a reservoir and opens anteriorly into
of the brain as recorded from the electrodes auricle through the sino – atrial aperture. Fish
placed on the scalp. EEG wave pattern heart contains and pumps only deoxygenated
obtained shows certain characterstic features blood because after getting oxygenated from
of the brain like the frequency amplitude of the gills, the blood doesn’t return back to the
signals of brain. Thus any deviation from the heart. Instead, it is supplied directly to the
normal caused either by brain disease or various parts of the body.
change in the physiological state of the brain 9. (c) Lacunae and sinuses are the open spaces and
can be easily detected by EEG. channels present in the tissues of prawn.
5. (a) An artificial pacemaker is a therapeutic Prawn possesses a heart which pumps the
instrument which is implanted in the heart of oxygenated blood into some arteries. These
patients to generate the heart beat. A arteries directly open into the lacunae and
pacemaker is used when the normal heart sinuses. The tissues are thus in direct contact
rate of 72-80 drops down to abnormally low with blood. A sufficiently high blood pressure,
levels like 30-40 due to diseases or however, cannot be maintained in the open
operations and threatens the life of the lacunae and sinuses inspite of the pumping
patient. Sometime, the SA node may become action of the heart. So, blood flows at a very
damaged or defective. It then fails to slow velocity in the lacunae and sinuses.
generate cardiac impulses at the normal rate. 10. (b) The permeability of the lymph capillaries is
The heart beats become abnormally slow and easily altered. It may be explained by giving
irregular, and ventricles fail to pump the examples. For instance in an infected wound,
required amount of blood. This is remedied by bacteria release chemicals which increase the
the surgical grafting of artificial pacemaker permeability of the capillaries in the region,
instrument in the chest of the patient. The resulting in a local swelling. A swelling appears
artificial pacemaker stimulates the heart even in an uninfected injury because an
electrically at regular intervals to maintain its injured tissue can somehow affect capillary
beats. Thus it replaces the SA node as the permeability. The high permeability makes the
originator of the cardiac impulse. lymph capillaries most likely route for the
spread of microorganisms and cancer cells in
6. (c) Heart is a pumping organ of blood vascular the body.
system which consists of chambers 11. (e) SA node and AV node are the contraction node.
communicating with each other. The chamber SA node possess the highest rhythmicity among
which receives blood returned from other all cardiac muscle fibres and can initiate excitory
tissues is called auricle and the chamber wave at highest rate.
pumping blood to different organs or tissues is
called ventricle. Amphibian and reptilian 12. (b) Blood pressure is the arterial blood pressure
hearts pump both deoxygenated and taken in left brachial artery and the instrument
oxygenated blood. So, the auricle is used to measure blood pressure is
partitioned in them by a septum into a right sphygmomanometer.
auricle receiving only deoxygenated blood, 13. (a) ECG consists of P-wave, QRS wave and T-wave.
and a left auricle receiving only oxygenated ECG gives important information concerning
blood. There is some mixing of oxygenated the spread of excitation to the different parts
and deoxygenated blood in the ventricle of the of heart and in the diagnosis of abnormal
heart because the ventricle is a single cardiac rhythm and myocardial damage.
unpartitioned chamber in amphibians while in 14. (c) Saline water is not given to a patient of
reptiles it is incompletely partitioned into two. hypertension because it may cause rise in
7. (d) The mammalian heart is four chambered blood pressure which may be fatal to patient.
consisting of two ventricle and two auricles. 15. (b) During the wound, germs are removed by the
The right ventricle receives deoxygenated process of phagocytosis by WBC. WBCs
blood from the right auricle whereas the left accumulate at the site of wound by diapedesis.
ventricle receives oxygenated blood from the
It is the squeezing of leucocytes out from the
left auricle. The right ventricle has a thinner
endothelium of capillaries to fight against
wall than that of left ventricle because the
right ventricle needs to pump the foreign agent.
deoxygenated blood to the nearby lungs only,
whereas the left ventricle is required to pump
out oxygenated blood with force away from
heart to tissues and organs all over the body.
8. (a) The heart is a pumping organ for blood
circulation which consists of chambers

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