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Elements of gothicisms (neogothicism) and Victorianism in the works of The Bronte sisters
(choose one work or make a comparison between 2 works).

Wuthering Heights has elements of both Gothic novel and the Victorian one.

The novel is notable for its multiple narration, inhuman characters, ghosts, violation of graves, the revenge
motif, sadism, dark stairways, stormy weather, nightmares, extreme landscapes, melancholy figures,
moonlight and candles, torture and excessive cruelty, a supernatural presence, madness, maniacal
behaviour, communication between the living and the dead which explain why the novel is often placed in the
gothic genre.

Most of the action takes place in a gloomy setting Wuthering Heights. However, the gloom of this setting is
often contrasted by a seemingly pleasant setting of Throscross Grange. By use of contrasting settings, it is
the aim of the Gothic novel to experience two distinctly separate worlds that are neither comfortable.

Lockwood undergoes a ghostly experience when he is visited by the spectre of Catherine imploring to be let
in at the window. Haunting and ghosts are very much Gothic.

From beginning to end, Wuthering Heights is a novel full of ghosts and spirits. Dead characters refuse to
leave the living alone are coming back.

Heathcliff is probably the most Gothic character in this book. He is found wandering the streets when he is
young. He is an unknown from the beginning of the story. Described as a gypsy in appearance with dark
eyes, hair, and skin colouring; and his parents were never revealed.

The weather in the novel also indicates its gothic setting, the winds, storms, and fog occurs frequently
throughout the story.

Wuthering Heights can be categorized as a gothic novel for many reasons.

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