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Ion and electron beam nanofabrication of the which-way double-slit

experiment in a transmission electron microscope

Stefano Frabboni, Gian Carlo Gazzadi, and Giulio Pozzi

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 263101 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3529947

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Ion and electron beam nanofabrication of the which-way double-slit

experiment in a transmission electron microscope
Stefano Frabboni,1,a兲 Gian Carlo Gazzadi,2 and Giulio Pozzi3
Department of Physics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and CNR-Institute of Nanoscience-S3, via
G. Campi 213/a, 41100 Modena, Italy
CNR-Institute of Nanoscience-S3, via G. Campi 213/a, 41100 Modena, Italy
Department of Physics, University of Bologna, viale B. Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy
共Received 11 November 2010; accepted 2 December 2010; published online 28 December 2010兲
We have realized a which-way experiment closely resembling the original Feynman’s proposal
exploiting focused ion beam milling to prepare two nanoslits and electron beam induced deposition
to grow, selectively over one of them, electron transparent layers of low atomic number amorphous
material to realize a which-way detector for high energy electrons. By carrying out the experiment
in an electron microscope equipped with an energy filter, we show that the inelastic scattering of
electron transmitted through amorphous layers of different thicknesses provides the control of the
dissipative interaction process responsible for the localization phenomena which cancels out the
interference effects. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3529947兴

Probably the most famous thought or “gedanken” ex- sumed to be a plane wave, which after the interaction with
periment is the one proposed by Feynman concerning the the open slits propagates as two interfering cylindrical waves
double-slit experiment with single electrons “which contain 关Fig. 1共a兲兴. The experimental EELS spectrum of the electrons
all the mysteries of quantum mechanics.”1 In its original for- transmitted by a single open slit is reported in Fig. 1共b兲. It
mulation the experiment consists of three parts. The first con- shows the intrinsic energy spread of the thermoionic electron
cerns the observation of interference fringes in a double-slit beam which is about 1.5 eV.
setup,2,3 highlighting the particle versus wave behavior when When one of the slits is covered by a relatively thick
it is carried out at low intensity, i.e., with single electrons in amorphous layer of low atomic number material 关Fig. 1共c兲兴,
the apparatus. This part was carried out not with slits, but the probability of inelastic scattering becomes much greater
using an electron biprism4 as wave-front division interferom- than the probability of elastic scattering, as shown by EELS
eter and detectors able to register the arrival of single spectrum of the electrons transmitted by the covered slit re-
electrons.5,6 The second part discusses the comparison of the ported in Fig. 1共d兲.
electron distributions when one of the slits is closed,7 and its The electron suffering an inelastic scattering event is
analysis leads to the idea of probability amplitude. The third therefore necessarily localized at the covered slit, and can be
part of this experiment, subsequently renamed which-way thought as a spherical wave propagating after the slit, having
共or which-path兲, aims at demonstrating that, when the setup no longer any phase correlation with the cylindrical wave of
is modified so as to obtain the information through which slit elastically scattered electron.
the electron passes, then the interference phenomena disap- Filtering-out those incoherent inelastically scattered
pear 共complementarity principle兲. Experiments of this kind electrons by inserting a slit at the energy dispersion plane
were realized in neutron8 atomic or molecular9 interference around the zero loss peak, marked by the black frame in
setups, as well as with electrons in semiconductor Figs. 1共d兲 and 1共f兲, will produce an imbalance between the
systems.10,11 With free electrons, some biprism based experi- elastic probability amplitudes transmitted by the two slits.
ments in inelastic electron holography12 and electron The consequent reduction of interference fringes contrast,
interferometry13 can be considered a variant.
In this letter we show how this experiment can be carried
out, by using a conventional transmission electron micro-
scope 共TEM兲, in a form which is directly inspired to the
original Feynman proposal, by exploiting focused ion beam
共FIB兲 milling to prepare two nanoslits and electron beam
induced deposition to grow, selectively over one of them,
layers of low atomic number amorphous material to realize a
which-way detector for high energy electrons. The inelastic
scattering events within the amorphous layer, monitored by
electron energy loss spectroscopy 共EELS兲,14 provide the con-
trol of the dissipative interaction process responsible for the
localization mechanism of the electron path.12
In Fig. 1 the proposed which-way experiment is de-
scribed in detail. The incident electron wave function is as- FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Schematic setup and EELS spectra in our double-slit
which-way experiment. The black rectangular frame around the zero loss
peaks shows the energy window adopted to filter-out inelastic electrons, so
Electronic mail: producing which-way localization.

0003-6951/2010/97共26兲/263101/3/$30.00 97, 263101-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

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263101-2 Frabboni, Gazzadi, and Pozzi Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 263101 共2010兲

expected in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern recorded on

the final detector 共not reported in Fig. 1兲, gives the which-
way localization with a probability related to the thickness of
the amorphous layer deposited over the slit.
When, as in the case of Fig. 1共c兲, the thickness of the
layer is greater than four inelastic mean free paths, an almost
negligible fraction of the transmitted electrons is observed
inside the zero loss peak of the EELS spectrum of Fig. 1共d兲,
thus interference effects are expected to be canceled out al-
most completely.
When the thickness of the amorphous layer is decreased
as in Fig. 1共e兲, the EELS spectrum of the electrons transmit-
ted by the covered slit 关Fig. 1共f兲兴 shows an increase of elastic
scattering probability at expense of the inelastic one; the
elastically scattered electrons can be described again by two
cylindrical waves with different amplitude and intrinsic
phase difference both dependent on the thickness of the
amorphous layer. Interference effects, measured by the con- FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 SEM images, TEM elastic images, and their intensity
trast of interference fringes, are expected to be recovered line scans of two open slits 共a, b, c兲, with one slit completely covered 共d, e,
f兲, and partly covered 共g, h, i兲.
although at reduced strength.
We point out that in the present experiment a low atomic
number amorphous material has been chosen for the EBID of the slits, of the order of 5 ⫻ 10−6 rad, the Fraunhofer dif-
nanofabrication step of the which-way detector, in order to fraction patterns were observed in the so called low-angle
maximize the total intensity transmitted by the covered slit, diffraction mode such as in our previous work.7 Diffraction
since our goal is to control the ratio between coherent and patterns, images, and EELS spectra were recorded on the
incoherent fraction of the transmitted electrons by energy same Gatan 794, 1024⫻ 1024 pixels, Peltier-cooled charge-
filtering. This is an opposite requirement with respect to our coupled device camera located beyond the energy dispersive
previous work,7 where, in order to compare single and plane.
double-slit diffraction intensity profiles, the aim of the nano- Figure 2 shows the scanning electron microscope 共SEM兲
fabrication process, achieved by Pt-based EBID deposition, images 共left column兲, the TEM images 共central column兲
was to minimize the total intensity transmitted from the cov- formed with elastic electrons 共hereafter elastic image兲, and
ered slit. the corresponding intensity line scans across the two slits
The slits were fabricated by FIB milling a commercial 共right column兲, without 共a, b, c兲, and with 共d, e, f兲 共g, h, i兲 a
carbon copper grid coated by flash evaporation with a gold deposited layer of decreasing thickness covering one of
layer about 250 nm thick. FIB milling was performed with a them. The ratio between the elastic transmitted intensities of
dual beam apparatus 共FEI Strata DB235M兲.7 To open the the slits, which are related to the mean thickness of the amor-
slits, a 10 pA beam, corresponding to a nominal spot size of phous layer deposited over the covered slit by the exponen-
10 nm, was scanned over 100⫻ 1500 nm rectangular pat- tial factor exp共−t / ␭i兲, where ␭i is the inelastic mean free path
terns, 450 nm spaced, for 5 s each pattern, which results in and t is the thickness,14 is 1 for 共c兲, no layer, 0.013 for the
slits about 90 nm wide, spaced by 450 and 1540 nm long. thicker 共t ⬃ 550 nm兲 layer 共f兲, and 0.09 for the thinner 共t
The amorphous layer covering the slits was deposited by ⬃ 390 nm兲 one 共i兲, respectively. The corresponding ratios
EBID of a tetraethylorthosilicate 共C8H20O4Si兲 gas measured from images recorded without the insertion of the
precursor15 共chamber pressure P = 5 ⫻ 10−5 mbar兲, using a 15 energy selecting aperture, not reported here, are 1, ⬃0.77,
keV electron beam scanned over rectangular patterns of and ⬃0.85, respectively, thus confirming that the electron is
200⫻ 1800 nm. Beam dwell time over the pattern was var- transmitted through and not absorbed by the covered slit.
ied between 60 and 720 s to obtain increasing layer thick- Figure 3 reports the results obtained by the TEM Fraun-
ness. To cover the slits shown in Figs. 2共d兲 and 2共g兲, beam hofer observations with elastic electrons by switching the
dwell time was set to 300 and 60 s, respectively. Separation microscope in low angle diffraction mode: the upper parts
共450 nm兲 and width 共90 nm兲 have been kept similar to those show the Fraunhofer images, and the lower their intensity
adopted in our previous experiment,7 as this geometry allows line scans. The images have been taken with acquisition
us to overlook possible “delocalization” effects of inelasti- times ranging between 120 and 300 s due to low intensity of
cally scattered electrons, known to be in the 10 nm range.14 the partially coherent electron beam produced by the ther-
The observations were carried out with a TEM JEM 2010, moionic LaB6 electron source of our TEM. The low intensity
equipped with a LaB6 source, operating at 200 keV 共de Bro- of the electron beam yields a negligible probability of simul-
glie wavelength 2.51 pm兲 and a Gatan imaging filter taneous presence of more than one electron along the path
共GIF®200兲. This electro-optical device allows the recording from the source to the detector,5,6 a fundamental requirement
of EELS spectra and, by means of the energy selecting slit, or the realization of the Feynman ideal experiment with
typically ⫾5 eV wide, it enables the separation in the image single electrons.1,5,6
and in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of elastically scat- Figure 3共a兲 shows, as reference, the results obtained with
tered electrons from inelastically scattered ones.14 It is thus the open slits. It can be seen that interference fringes are
possible to assess their relative contribution to both images. present in the Fraunhofer image, whose intensity is modu-
Owing to the small deflections associated with the separation lated by the single slit diffraction and by the partial coher-

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263101-3 Frabboni, Gazzadi, and Pozzi Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 263101 共2010兲

fringes, Fig. 3共e兲, clearly visible in the intensity line scan

reported in Fig. 3共f兲. Another interesting feature of Fig. 3共f兲
is the slight asymmetry of the fringe system, which is the
signature of the fact that not only the intensity, but also the
phase of the transmitted electron wave, is affected by the
layer through the mean inner potential.16
Finally it must be noticed that Fraunhofer images very
similar to those reported in Fig. 3 have been obtained with-
out the insertion of the energy filtering aperture along the
electron paths, thus allowing both elastic and inelastic elec-
trons transmitted by the sample to reach the diffraction de-
tector with a total angular acceptance of about 10−4 rad. The
close similarity between those images clearly support the
conclusion that only elastically scattered electrons participate
to the interference phenomena, whereas the inelastic elec-
trons, although transmitted, result localized by scattering and
do not participate to the interference process. According to
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, localization of 200 keV
electrons by means of inelastic scattering with most probable
energy loss of about 20 eV is associated to an angular delo-
calization greater than 5 ⫻ 10−5 rad, one order of magnitude
greater than the angular spacing of the interference maxima.
This means that inelastically scattered electrons, instead to
be focused into diffraction spots are widespread all over the
observation plane.
In conclusion, an experimental setup which closely re-
sembles the ideal Feynman which-way experiment has been
realized and the results discussed. Inelastic scattering of high
energy electron through amorphous layers of different thick-
nesses, deposited over the slits, provides the controlled dis-
sipative process of interaction responsible for the electron
The authors gratefully acknowledge useful discussions
with Professors M. Beleggia, G. F. Missiroli, and N. Sem-
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Fraunhofer low angle diffraction images 共a, c, e兲 and prini Cesari as well as the skilful technical assistance of S.
corresponding intensity line scans, averaged over five pixels, 共b, d, f兲 of the
open slits 共a, b兲, with one slit completely covered 共c, d兲 and partly covered
Patuelli. They are also grateful to Professor E. Molinari for
共e, f兲 of Fig. 2. encouraging comments.
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