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the sum of conditions surrounding man at a given place

types of environment
pysical - the basic suitability of an area for human occupance. Such area that with normal temperature and all are called edumen
areas and which are not suitable are called non-edumen areas
biotic - includes plants and animal life of that area, which is the manifestation of its physical environment, these both together are
called natural environment
cultural - outcome of the interaction of humans with their physical and biotic environment, also called anthropogenic or human

abiotic or physical or nonliving - soil minerals water etc, its subdivided into three components
lithosphere - solid crust of earth
hydrosphere - large bodies of water
atmosphere - envelope of air surrounding earth upto the several hundred kms.
Biotic - all plants and animal life, called organic

interaction between organism and environment called ecology, which leads to synthesis and transfer of energy in the form of organic
matter or biomass, the organisms in an ecosystem are linked together by means of energy ows, which is maintained in the form of
food chains.
plants are the primary producers of food or biomass in an ecosystem trough photosynthesis

components of ecosystem
autotrophs - which produce food directly from the abiotic components like plants
heterotrophs - which don’t produce or synthesis, on the basis of the food they consume , can be classi ed into: herbivorous,
carnivorous, omnivorous, detrivorous, decomposers (which decompose organic matter into inorganic components such as becteria,
saprophytes (grow on decaying organic matter such as mushrooms)

coal, oil and gas, hydro (turbine), tidal (bulb type turbines), geothermal (energy within 10 kms of earths upper crust), bio (gobar gas)

non- concentioanal
solar, wind, ocean (solar radiation), wave, nuclear, atomic

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food chain and energy ow

the movement of biomass in the ecosystem through the process of organisms eating and being by other group of organisms. In
most of the ecosystems the food chains are parallel to each other and they are interlinked also. All these chains are interconnected
and called food web.
movement of energy from one tropic community to another is called energy ow
the sun is the only perennial source of energy in ecosystem,the ow of energy follows some rules of thermodynamics, according to
one of them energy ows in one way movement and neither created nor destroyed. however no change of state or form of energy is
one hundred per cent e cient. some energy is lost in the process of conversing , which is called entropy, entropy of a system is an
indicator of the degree of disorder in a system

energy e ciency
the ratio between amount of energy input and energy output of a system

tropical structure of ecosystem

hierarchical arrangements of the organisms in terms of the link they occupy in the food chain. All organisms get food from a
common source called tropical community for example all gazing animals are from one tropical community

chemical compunds of elements that are needed for production of biomass. Photosynthesis plants obtain nutrients from their
physical or a biotic environment and synthesis organic matter by combining these nutrients and energy
macronutrients - nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and carbon
micronutrients - iron, copper, iodine and zinc

nutrient cycle vs energy ow
energy moves along a linear path but nutrients are circulated in cyclic manner

ecological subsidy
when ecological systems receive energy or nutrients from other ecosystems , such subsidies common in man-induced ecosystems,
for ex modern agricultural ecosystems receive additional subsidies through human e ort to increase production such as irrigation
and chemical fertilizers

maintainance of ecological balance

the state of balance in ecosystems maintained through an adjustment in the size of communities in various trophic levels

environment degradation
e ect on land - intensive farming leads to depletion of soil fertility, and chemical fertilizer and insectisides
over irrigation makes problem of water lodging
rail and road construction
rock blasting activities leads to land slides

e ect on water - addition of undesirable substance, adding organic wastes by household water and toxic chemicals by industries,
agriculture and automobiles oils etc
presence of organic matter in water bodies increases the biological oxygen demand(bod) of the water bodies and this leads to water
shortage and death of aquatic animals
the minimata bay (japan) incident involving several deaths was a result of such accumulation of toxic (mercury) substance in the
bodies of sh and nally human food chain

e ect on air - emmision from industries thermal power plants and automobiles are the leading sources of increased amount of
compound of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur in the atmosphere.
Increasing consumption of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum has led to increasing amount of carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,
sulphur and tropospheric ozone
household combustion is another source of some of these pollutants
increase in tropospheric ozone and depletion of stratospheric ozone are both related to human activites and they have wide ranging
health and climate consequence

e ect on biota - many plants and animal species have gone extinct, this rapid decrease in biodiversity during the modern period is
called holocene extinction.
Crop farming and animal husbandary imply replacement of great diversity of plants and animals by few species - replacement of
diversity with simplicity is ecologically unhealthy
use of insecticides and other poisonous substances in agriculture and other elds kills many insects, birds and micro organisms, this
has adverse e ect on food chains and nutrient cycles, varieties of birds are decreasing
change in climate is believed to be the result of anthropogenic causes

a negative change in the quality of any component of the environment so that it is no longer suitable for the intended use
undesirable change in the physical chemical and biological characteristics or air, water or land causing harmful e ect on human life

types of pollutant
biodegradable - natural organic compounds
non-biodegradable - are not consumed or acted upon by microbes but are oxidized and disassociated automatically

air pollution
subjected to maximum pollution through anthropogenic causes
increased amount of carbon di oxide in atmosphere
carbon di oxide and methane is also a greenhouse gas contributing to rise in temperature.
green house gas responsible for global rise in temperature, chief causes are increased use of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum in
industry, power houses and transport
oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are largely contributed by the combustion of the fossil fuels, responsible for environmental hazards
like acid rains
oxides of nitrogen react with hydrocarbons to produce tropospheric ozone
cloro- urocarbons nd application in air conditioning and refrigeration. cfs break the stratosphere ozone thereby producing ozone
aerosol propellants and in industrial solvents and a host of other areas

among natural sources of air polution, there is volcano eruption

heavy metal pollution in air -

lead sources - mining,automobiles and dying industries, leads to menta retardation and learning di culties
chromium and coal - tenneries thermal power plants fertilizers and mining
cadamium - nuclear power plants, battries ceramics, carcinogen which leads to itai itai disease
nickel - automobiles, electroplating, thermal and fertlizers
mercury - electrical equipment, cement, thermal, paper and pulp industries, damages nervous system
iron - coal mining

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water pollution
organic pollutants - in the form of sewage and Municipal organic waste, agricultural residue, dairy activity also, increases bod of
water body leads to shortage of dissolved oxygen so marine organisms start dying, leads to emmision of methane, easy to take out
chemicals in house hold and Municipal waste - not easy to take out, such as soaps and detergents, contains lead, mercury nikel zinc
and cromium, leads to heavy metal pollution of water
industrial e ulence - e uents are released into lakes rivers and seas they contain acids and toxic substances
agriculture waste - chemical fertalizer, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides etc
radioactvive pollution -

pollution of land
industrial waste, Municipal waste, farming practises

noise pollution
under 65db - ok
65-80db - intrusive
80-88db - annoying
88db - can cause hearing impairment
135-150db -painful
150 above - permanent impairment of hearning immediately

thermal pollution
higher than normal temperature

marine pollution
nulear waste oil waste

persistent pollution
toxic substances being added continuously to the environment through various human activites are called persistent organic
pollutants and enter into tissues of plants and animals, long lasting chamicals do not degenerate and build up food chain
ddt - reduced population of birds,
malathion - cures malaria but a ects respiratory system
pcb - disrupts hormone systems causes carcinomas, low iq levels

biomagni cation , bio concentration

some chemicals tend to get concentrated in plants or animal tissues, the concentration becomes much higher in the body
this is fatal for one who occupies higher position in the food chain
in minimata bay incident higher lead in maine organisms
lead, cadamium, copper, zinc etc

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lh d dd
natural hazards and disasters
conditions that under certain circumstances can lead to damage to human life and property river, such events are generally called
disasters which are de nes as sudden events causing loss of life and property, oods droughts cyclones earthquakes are typical
types of natural hazards.

current environmental issues

global warming - rise in the temperature of the atmosphere of the earth, because of increasing amount of green house gases that
absorb heat and keep the atmosphere warm, water wapour methane and carbon di oxide are such gases energy absorbers,
kyotoprotocal - reducing carbon emmision getting diluted as a result of such controversies

ozone deplition
ozonosphere, the zone in the stratosphere at a height of 20 to 30 kms where ozone occurs in the maximum amount, acts as ablanket
protecting the earth from radiation, while ozone is synthsized through the action of ultravoilet light on oxygen, deleption takes place
thought cloro urocarbons and oxides of nitrogens
monetral protocol - to restric the use of cfcs

loss of biodiversity
hunting animals, clearing forests for obtainian land and woods leads to the loss of species
national biodiversity strategy and action plan - evolved by earth summit in rio di genero in 1992
biosphere researve- evolved though man and biosphere program of unesco, india has established several biosphere reserve

loss of forests
for woods and cultivation forests shrinking, they work as carbon sinks, problems like oods, depleting ground water resources, less

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