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Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology EN012C-592 July 26, 2001 11:5

Pollution, Environmental
M. E. Baur
University of California, Los Angeles

I. Introduction
II. Sources of Chemical Pollutants
III. The Atmosphere
IV. The Hydrosphere
V. The Biosphere
VI. Toxic Wastes

GLOSSARY Curie (Ci) Unit of intensity of radioactivity, defined as

3.7 × 1010 nuclear disintegrations per second. The SI
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) Quantity of oxygen unit of radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), defined
used by microorganisms in a water sample during a as 1 nuclear disintegration per second. 1Ci = 3.7 ×
standard time interval, usually 5 days. Also called bio- 1010 Bq.
chemical oxygen demand. Dobson unit (DU) Unit used to describe the amount of
CFCs Abbreviation for chlorofluorocarbons, small ozone present in the atmosphere. The amount of ozone
aliphatic organic molecules containing the elements in DU is the thickness in units of 10−3 cm of a layer
carbon, hydrogen, fluorine, and chlorine. These sub- into which the ozone would be compressed if under a
stances have been widely used as refrigerant and pro- pressure of 1 atm. at 0◦ C.
pellant gases. They are typically described in terms of Free radical Molecular fragment having one or more
their CFC number, which is obtained by subtracting unpaired electrons. Free radicals are usually highly
90 from the three-digit number composed by giving reactive.
the number of carbon, hydrogen, and fluorine atoms in Half-life Time required for half of a set of objects to un-
the molecule in sequence. Thus the CFC number for the dergo a specified change. Especially used for the time
compound difluoromethane, CH2 F2 , is 122 − 90 = 32. required for half of a set of unstable nuclei to undergo
Criteria pollutant Any of the six airborne substances for radioactive decay.
which National Ambient Air Quality Standards have Kow Octanol–water partition coefficient; the ratio of con-
been established by the Clean Air Act, standards which centration of a substance in octanol solution to that in
the Environmental Protection Agency has the respon- water solution when the two are in equilibrium. Usually
sibility to enforce. At present, the six substances are reported as the base 10 logarithm, log K ow .
CO (carbon monoxide), SO2 (sulfur dioxide), PM-10 Quad Unit of world energy generation, a quadrillion or
(particulate matter with diameter ≤10 µm), lead, NO2 1015 btu (1 btu, or British thermal unit, equals to
(nitrogen dioxide), and O3 (ozone). 1.054 kJ).

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574 Pollution, Environmental

Residence time Average time a given chemical species man health in some ancient societies, and deterioration
spends in a reservoir. Alternatively the time required of air quality in medieval urban settings due to use of
for the amount of the species originally in a reser- heavily polluting fuels (coal and wood) is documented.
voir to drop to 1/e of its initial value if there is no Profound large-scale modification of the chemistry of the
replenishment. earth’s soils, waters, and atmosphere began with the indus-
trial revolution of the eighteenth century and accelerated
with the development of chemical and nuclear technol-
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION deals with the modi- ogy such that now no portion of the earth’s surface is
fication of the chemical environment of the earth by human entirely free of the chemical signs of human activity; in-
activity; its study encompasses the sources, distribution, deed, Antarctic ice has proven to be a useful substrate for
and effects of pollutants, that is, chemical substances in- analysis of historical trends in worldwide use of heavy
troduced into the environment in locations and/or at levels metals.
not observed in the absence of human intervention. Envi- The first task of the specialist in environmental pollu-
ronmental pollution as a discipline originates in the recog- tion studies is identification of the chemical substances
nition that the terrestrial soil–hydrosphere–atmosphere– that cause deleterious effects. This is followed by an ef-
biosphere system is an interlinked set of reservoirs with fort to identify the pathways by which these substances
complex connective pathways, so that modification of have reached their locus of action, to find their sources,
chemical conditions in one region can propagate in un- and finally to eliminate or minimize those sources. The
intended ways into others, producing unexpected and un- tools for identification and measurement of the amounts of
desirable effects. such substances are those of analytical chemistry, namely,
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, gas and liquid chro-
matography, differential thermal analysis, and neutron ac-
I. INTRODUCTION tivation analysis. These subjects are discussed fully else-
where in this encyclopedia.
Manipulation of the chemical environment by humans Some idea of the scope of human activities that affect
may be said to have begun with the domestication of fire. the environment can be obtained from Fig. 1, in which
Use of toxic heavy metals, most notably lead and mer- data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency
cury, is believed to have caused deleterious effects on hu- (EPA) on the major sources of groundwater pollution are

FIGURE 1 Major sources of groundwater contamination as reported by states to the EPA.

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Pollution, Environmental 575

replotted as the percentage of states citing each category useful work generated to total heat extracted, increases
of activity as a major source. Many of the major known with the temperature difference between the hot and cold
sources of pollutant chemical species are summarized in reservoir, other things being equal; it is thus advantageous
Section II. This is followed by a survey of the principal to operate an engine cycle with as high a temperature as
reservoirs into which the terrestrial environment is con- possible in the hot reservoir. This is the principal reason
ventionally divided—the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, why the classical steam engine, the key to the industrial
and the biosphere—with a description of the chemical per- revolution, is now rarely employed; it has a maximum op-
turbations due to human activity of known major impor- erating temperature not much in excess of 100◦ C and a
tance in each. Issues connected with toxic waste disposal typical efficiency of about 8%, whereas much higher peak
in dump sites are touched on in the last section. temperatures and efficiencies (25–45%) are achieved in
It should be understood that a complete and final cat- internal combustion engines (automobile or Otto engine,
alog of pollutants and their effects cannot be given; new diesel engine, turbine).
substances are constantly entering the terrestrial chemi- The chemical process of combustion can be represented
cal network, and negative effects often become apparent as
only after a considerable time. The number of chemical
CHx O y + (x/4 − y/2 + 1)O2 → CO2 + (x/2)H2 O,
substances for which reasonably complete environmental
analysis is available remains a relatively small proportion where CHx O y is the generic stoichiometric formula for a
of the whole in spite of the best efforts of environmen- fuel molecule. For high-grade coal, x, y ≈ 0; for petroleum
tal chemists and engineers. Availability of information hydrocarbons, x ≈ 2 and y ≈ 0; for cellulose (wood,
and data on pollution matters has, however, been much biomass), x = 2, y = 1; for ethyl alcohol, x = 3, y = 1/2 ;
enhanced by the proliferation of environment-related sites for natural gas (methane), x = 4, y = 0. The amount of
on the Internet; there are far too many to attempt to heat from combustion per mole of carbon varies substan-
list or categorize here, but the most comprehensive is tially between these fuels: about 300 kJ for coal, wood, and
probably that of the Environmental Protection Agency biomass; 600 kJ for petroleum and ethyl alcohol; 900 kJ
( for methane. In the simplified scheme above, combustion
There are no foolproof procedural algorithms in the appears innocuous, because both CO2 and H2 O are nor-
field of pollution studies; environmental scientists must mal components of the atmosphere. However, the amount
employ all their skills to foresee the consequences of even of CO2 thus generated and deposited in the atmosphere,
seemingly benign or neutral alterations in the chemical principally since 1900, is believed to be sufficient to sub-
environment, and each pollutant substance has its own stantially modify earth’s heat balance (Section III.C.1).
particular chemical features. That such foresight is pos- In 1990, world production of energy by combustion of
sible was demonstrated by the prediction of deleterious fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas) was 295 quads;
effects on the earth’s ozone layer due to the use of CFCs this was expected to rise to about 365 quads by 2000;
(see Section III.C.1) well in advance of the observation of estimated emission of CO2 to the atmosphere from this
such effects; for this work Crutzen, Molina, and Rowland energy production was 5 × 1014 moles in 1990 and was
were awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1995. expected to be about 6 × 1014 moles in 2000 (these emis-
sion factors correspond to a mean emission rate of 1 mole
carbon as CO2 per 590 kJ of heat produced). Also, en-
II. SOURCES OF CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS gine combustion is not complete, and varying amounts
of CO (carbon monoxide), HC (residual hydrocarbons),
A. Processes Related to Energy Generation and elemental C (particulate carbon, or soot) are released
in the exhaust gases. The CO is directly toxic, because
1. Combustion
it bonds to hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting pigment
Combustion (the rapid reaction of fuel substances with in blood, displacing oxygen and resulting in asphyxiation.
oxygen) has been employed for warmth, cooking of food, The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the HC mix en-
and materials processing since prehistoric times, but it ter the gas phase directly, whereas less volatile compounds
assumed particular importance with the development of may attach to particles (soot, dust, ash, aerosols) and re-
the heat engine in the eighteenth century. A heat engine main in the atmosphere for a considerable time. The ele-
is a cyclic device by means of which a quantity of heat mental C in the exhaust gas adds to the background burden
generated in a high-temperature source is extracted and of particulates. Inhalation of the HC species, whether as
partially converted to useful work (a portion of this heat, VOCs in the gas phase or adsorbed species on particulates,
usually 60–70% of it, is necessarily lost to a cold reser- can be directly harmful; further many of them contribute
voir). The efficiency of a heat engine, that is, the ratio of to the complex chemistry of smog (Section III.C.1).
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576 Pollution, Environmental

Two other characteristics of combustion are of impor-

tance for environmental pollution:

1. At the elevated temperature encountered in some in-

ternal combustion engines, most notably the Otto cycle
engine employed in conventional automobiles, the major
constituents of air, N2 (nitrogen) and O2 (oxygen), par-
tially react to form NO, nitric oxide. NO together with
other oxides of nitrogen are collectively termed NOx ; they
are important in the development of photochemical smog
and acid rain, as well as being undesirable components of
the atmosphere in their own right.
2. Fossil fuels contain impurities that enter the atmo-
sphere on combustion and cause deleterious effects. The
most important of these is sulfur, which occurs in coals
and petroleum hydrocarbons at levels up to several per-
cent by weight; combustion yields the gaseous species
SO2 and other oxides of sulfur, collectively denoted SOx .
Atmospheric chemical reactions convert SO2 to SO3 and
then, in the presence of water, to H2 SO4 , sulfuric acid, FIGURE 2 Effect of air–fuel ratio on exhaust emissions. [From
a principal component of acid rain, snow, and fog (Sec- Hodges, L. (1977). “Environment Pollution,” 2nd ed. Holt, Rinehart
& Winston, New York. Reproduced by permission of source,
tion IV.B). In addition to natural impurities, fuel additives
Battelle Memorial Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio.]
whose function is to increase the smoothness and effi-
ciency of engine operation may be present. The most no-
table such additive from the standpoint of pollution is lead, which extends through much of the expansion phase of
in the form of the compound Pb(C2 H5 )4 , lead tetraethyl, the engine cycle, results in the formation of oxygen-poor
added to gasoline to increase octane (antiknock) rating. zones in which fuel pyrolysis occurs, generating large
Lead from “ethyl” gasoline is believed to have been a ma- quantities of particulate carbon (soot) in the exhaust. Be-
jor contributor to the lead burden in the bodies of urban cause this soot has the capacity to adsorb carcinogenic
residents in developed countries. During the 1980s its use molecules from the exhaust and transport them into the hu-
was gradually discontinued in the United States, where it man lung, it appears likely that stringent control of diesel
is now prohibited. emissions will ultimately be undertaken.
Considerable improvement in the amounts of NOx , CO,
Various types of internal combustion engines (gasoline and HC released to the environment by gasoline-powered
or Otto cycle, diesel, turbine or Joule-Brayton cycle) have vehicles has been achieved by improved engine design,
assumed an important role in modern technology because modification of fuels (maintaining octane levels by in-
of their relative simplicity and high efficiency. Efforts to creasing the amount of branched aliphatic hydrocarbons,
reduce the levels of atmospheric pollution resulting from while eliminating lead tetraethyl and reducing the amounts
their operation encounter the obstacle that increased ef- of olefin and aromatic compounds present), and the intro-
ficiency and reduction of all pollutant species in exhaust duction of catalyst devices in the exhaust pathway, which
tend to be mutually inconsistent. For example, in the stan- increase the oxidation of CO and HC and promote the de-
dard Otto cycle engine of gasoline-powered vehicles, a composition of NO back to N2 and O2 . Figure 3 illustrates
high operating temperature favors efficiency but also in- trends in the release of five of the criteria pollutants—
creases NOx production; manipulation of the air–fuel mix- the original criteria pollutant list included VOCs, since
ture ratio to reduce NOx tends to augment HC and CO replaced by ozone, O3 —between 1970, when the im-
levels, as shown in Fig. 2. The diesel engine has a longer position of stringent emission control measures was in
period of fuel burn than does the standard Otto cycle its initial phases, and 1981 when these measures were
engine and hence is able to have higher efficiency at a well established. Important improvement in the emissions
lower maximum operating temperature and produce rela- of VOCs and CO (largely from vehicles) and of SOx
tively little NOx ; for this reason diesel-powered vehicles and particulates (largely from stationary sources such as
have been able to escape the severe emission control regu- power plants and factories) is evident. However, NOx lev-
lations applied to gasoline-powered vehicles in the United els continued to rise during this interval. Subsequently,
States. However the slow fuel burning in diesel engines, introduction of additional control measures succeeded
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Pollution, Environmental 577

ondary loop outside the core, where it then operates as

the heat source in a standard turbine engine, generating
Fission of a 235 U nucleus releases about 200 MeV (mil-
lion electron volts) or 3.2 × 10−11 J of energy, of which
about 30% can be captured as useful work. A reactor there-
fore must consume about 5 moles (1.2 kg) of 235 U fuel and
produce about 10 moles of radioactive daughter species,
per megawatt (MW) of electric power generating capac-
ity per year. The daughter species are mainly short lived
and undergo further decay with emission of neutrons, α
particles (4 He nucleii), β and β + particles (electrons and
positrons), and γ radiation (high-energy electromagnetic
FIGURE 3 Air emissions by source and type of pollutant, 1970 radiation) to produce longer lived further product nucleii.
and 1981. [From Conservation Foundation. (1984) “State of the Irradiation of the moderator, control rods, coolant, and
Environment, an Assessment at Mid-Decade,” Washington, D.C. structural material in the reactor core also generates ra-
Reproduced by permission of the Conservation Foundation.] dioactive nuclides; reactor operation thus results in a sub-
stantial multiplication of the amount of radioactive mate-
in first holding NOx production constant and then rial existing on the earth. About 35 tons of spent fuel (238 U,
reducing it somewhat, but this remains a serious problem remnant 235 U, daughter nucleii produced in the fission pro-
area. cess) are generated each year by a 1000-MW reactor. This
spent fuel is reprocessed to retrieve all usable material,
2. Nuclear Reactions but about 7 tons per year must be disposed of as high-
level solid waste, together, eventually, with the irradiated
The development of techniques for the controlled release
structural and control material from the reactor core.
of nuclear energy in reactors after World War II was re-
Short-lived daughter nuclides represent an environmen-
garded as an important advance in the direction of non-
tal hazard only where accidental discharge of material
polluting energy production. Unfortunately, new environ-
from a reactor occurs. Of particular concern in such cases
mental problems have arisen from the operation of such
are 131 I (half-life 8.07 days) and 136 Cs (half-life 13 days),
reactors; these include the release of radioactive materials
both β emitters that efficiently enter the food chain and are
in leak episodes or occasional catastrophic accidents, and
thereby transmitted to animals and humans. Medium- and
the disposal of waste materials.
long-lived species represent a hazard in leakage episodes
The only nuclear process that has been found practi-
as well, but are mainly of concern because they must be
cable for energy production so far is the fission of a ra-
kept in secure storage for long periods of time. Reac-
dioactive atomic nucleus, either naturally occurring (235 U)
tors typically generate about 1700 MCi (megacuries) of
or artificially generated (239 Pu), to release two or three
such species per 1000 MW of power generated per year,
neutrons whose capture by other nucleii induces further
mostly in the form of 90 Sr (670 MCi/1000 MW-year; half-
energy-releasing fission events in a chain reaction:
life 40.4 years), 137 Cs (930 MCi/1000 MW-year; half-
U + 1 n (neutron) → two daughter nucleii life 43.2 years), 85 Kr (95 MCi/1000 MW-year; half-life
15.2 years), and 3 H or tritium (6 MCi/1000 MW-year; half-
+ 31 n + energy.
life 17.7 years). The total long-term steady-state radiation
The fuel in a fission reactor, typically mainly the ox- load from these species, representing a balance between
ide of nonreacting 238 U somewhat enriched to contain generation and decay, will be approximately 105 MCi per
several percent of 235 U, is contained in rods jacketed 1000 MW of reactor power generated. As of 1998, there
with a cladding (steel or zirconium). For capture of were 437 nuclear reactors in operation worldwide, gener-
neutron to occur efficiently, they must be slowed (ther- ating a total of 3.51 × 105 MW; 107 of these, generating
malized) by a moderator (water, heavy water, graphite) 1.0 × 105 MW, were in the United States. The long-term
that surrounds the rods. Control rods of a neutron ab- steady-state radiation load from these reactors is then ap-
sorber (boron, cadmium) remove enough of the ther- proximately 3.5 × 107 MCi. For comparison, the natural
mal neutrons to hold the reactor in a steady state. The background radiation loading of the earth’s surface, pri-
heat released is removed from the reactor core by a marily due to 40 K and 87 Rb, is approximately 5 × 105 MCi.
coolant, usually pressurized water in U.S. reactors. Heat A roughly similar amount of radiation results from im-
is transferred from this primary coolant to water in a sec- pingement of cosmic rays on the earth. Thus disposal over
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578 Pollution, Environmental

the earth of the radioactive wastes generated by the present excessive extent. This resulted in an uncontrollable run-
reactor population would increase this radiation burden by away production of heat in the core, meltdown of the fuel
a factor of about 35. Evidently the proper storage and con- and control rods, and a massive explosion that blew out
tainment of these radioactive wastes is an extremely im- the roof of the reactor (which had no containment ves-
portant pollution problem (Section VI). In addition to the sel) and allowed the contents of the core to vent into the
nuclear waste resulting from electric power generation, environment. The graphite moderator of the core ignited
large quantities of radioactive material generated by the and continued to burn for several days, while release of
nuclear weapons programs of the United States and the radioactivity continued. About 50 persons, workers at the
former Soviet Union have been released into the environ- reactor and emergency personnel, died of radiation ex-
ment. In the United States, a total of about 2.6 MCi of posure incurred during the incident; eventually the en-
radioactivity has been discharged into soils, streams, or tire region downwind of the reactor was evacuated, but
surface ponds, or has been injected underground, mainly not until several days had passed. Thousands of persons
at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Hanford, Washington; and Sa- who lived near the plant received large doses resulting in
vanna River, Georgia. The situation is far worse in the significant increases in radiation-related illness and early
former Soviet Union where a total discharge of more than death, especially from childhood leukemia. Total release
1700 MCi into the environment is estimated, mainly at of radioactivity was probably about 50 MCi, which was
Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, and near Chelyabinsk, in Siberia. spread widely through the western portions of the for-
In addition to the problem of disposal of the waste they mer Soviet Union and northern and central Europe. The
generate, nuclear reactors are subject to unintended re- runaway nuclear reaction in the melted reactor core was fi-
leases of radioactivity. If coolant flow through the core nally brought under control by air-dropping enough borax
fails (a loss-of-coolant accident or LOCA), core tempera- on the mass to absorb neutrons effectively.
tures may rise sufficiently to cause fuel and control rods to Releases of radiation such as those of Three Mile Is-
melt, thus destroying the means of controlling heat gener- land and Chernobyl will no doubt continue to occur from
ation. Water in contact with the core under such circum- time to time and cause damage to local human popu-
stances may react with molten metal, forming an explosive lations and ecological networks. A nuclear war would
mix of hydrogen and oxygen. Essentially this occurred produce a far more serious perturbation of the world envi-
at the Three Mile Island reactor near Harrisburg, Penn- ronment. Explosion of a 1-megaton nuclear bomb gener-
sylvania, on March 29, 1979. While an explosion was ates 1000–100,000 MCi of radiation, depending on con-
averted, the reactor core was partially exposed and emit- ditions; the employment of, say, 100 such weapons would
ted radioactive gases and water to the environment. A total add 105 –107 MCi to the radiation burden of the terrestrial
of about 0.1 MCi of radioactive gas was emitted, and some atmosphere and surface, increasing the average dose of
of the population in the vicinity probably received radi- the human population by as much as 20 times, with many
ation doses several times the average yearly dose from individuals receiving much greater amounts than that. The
natural background radiation. A subsequent excess infant result would be radiation sickness in some individuals and
mortality of about 600 individuals has been inferred from significant gene damage, increase in incidence of cancer,
public health statistics for Pennsylvania and New York. and susceptibility to debilitating infection in all. Similar
A much more serious incident occurred on April effects on plants and animals would result in widespread
26, 1986, at one of four graphite-moderated reactors at disruption of ecological networks.
Chernobyl near Kiev in the former Soviet Union (now
Chornobyl in Ukraine). The management of the reactor
B. Processes Related to Mineral
complex had decided to carry out a test of backup power
Recovery and Processing
generators as part of the shutdown process of the reactor
for refueling; this required that the shutdown procedure Fossil fuels are generated by the slow chemical modi-
be such as to keep the reactor power from dropping too fication or maturation of deposits of organic matter at
quickly. A crew that expected to carry out this procedure moderate temperatures (100–200◦ C) in suitable mineral
was in place, but unfortunately the test was delayed until substrates (usually shales or limestones). The nature of
late at night when that crew had been replaced by a new the fuel formed depends on the ratio of carbon, hydrogen,
crew lacking adequate preparation for the delicate opera- and oxygen in the starting material; organic debris with a
tions involved in the test. The new crew allowed power high H/C and low O/C ratio, as provided by bacteria and
to drop too rapidly, then attempted to raise the power algae, tends to produce petroleum, while that with a low
level back up—in essence, to restart the reactor. To ac- H/C and high O/C ratio from woody plants leads to peat
complish this they overrode the reactor’s safety controls or coals of various rank. Methane (CH4 ) gas is formed to
and withdrew the control rods from the reactor core to an some extent in conjunction with both petroleum and coals,
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Pollution, Environmental 579

but especially as an end product of prolonged maturation. ery of gold and silver and are frequently discharged into
Because all living cells contain nitrogen and sulfur, these the environment.
elements occur in combination in varying proportions in
fossil fuels. A typical approximate stoichiometric formula
for a bituminous coal, for instance, is C100 H85 S2 N1.5 O9.5 . C. Industrial Processes
Coal recovery involves the use of large amounts of Industrial operations are an important source of pollutants
water for cooling, washing, and lubrication, followed by in both the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. The princi-
discharge as effluent. During recovery and processing a pal contributor to atmospheric pollution is combustion,
portion of the sulfur content of coal is oxidized to SOx stationary plant combustion being a major source of at-
and dissolves in the effluent, producing sulfurous acid mospheric SOx (Fig. 3). Virtually all industrial operations
(H2 SO3 ) and sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ). Release of such con- have an impact on the composition of natural waters; it
taminated water in the environment causes large-scale is not possible here to do more than give an overview.
acidification of lakes, streams, and groundwater. The prob- The totality of industry in the United States is estimated
lem is particularly severe with open-pit mining or strip to generate 5 × 1010 m3 (5 × 1013 liters or 1.4 × 1013 gal-
mining unless steps are taken to sequester that part of the lons) of wastewater annually, containing 8 × 109 kg of
sulfur (usually about half) in the form of iron pyrite, FeS2 , solids. The chemical industry is an important source of
which is easily oxidized to SOx in air. organic chemicals; these enter the environment mainly by
Production and refining of petroleum hydrocarbons discharge of spent solvents and solvent evaporation. The
release large quantities of pollutant chemicals into the latter contributes about 1010 kg of material worldwide per
environment. These include saltwater brines, which ac- year.
company crude oil in deposits and are pumped out with A particularly troublesome group of such organic
the latter in wells, various sulfur compounds, and nitro- chemicals is the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs):
genated and halogenated hydrocarbons. Refining opera-
tions and evaporation of petroleum in transfer and storage Cly Clx
release about 7 × 1010 kg of volatile hydrocarbons into
the atmosphere per year globally, about 2 × 109 kg in the
United States. Transport of petroleum by ship is accom-
panied by leakage of hydrocarbons into the marine envi- which are used as solvents, plasticizers, and insulating flu-
ronment, both as a result of ships rinsing their tanks with ids because of their exceptional chemical and thermal sta-
seawater after emptying, and through accidents resulting bility. However, they thus have long persistence in natural
in massive spills such as that involving the Exxon Valdez, waters. They are believed to cause an increased incidence
which struck a reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on of birth defects and possibly cancer and to adversely affect
March 24, 1989, and released about 3 × 107 kg (10 mil- resistance to disease in animals and humans. Their man-
lion gallons) of crude petroleum into the local waters. ufacture in the United States was discontinued in 1977.
Total oil spill amounts are estimated at 5 × 109 kg per An especially severe example of PCB pollution is that in
year worldwide. The effects of hydrocarbon contamina- the Hudson River in New York State, into which large
tion of water on the biota are not well understood, al- quantities of transformer oil containing a high percent-
though prompt kills of fish and birds from massive dis- age of PCBs were dunped in the 1950–1976 period. The
charges are frequent and evident. Bacterial degradation of PCBs remain adsorbed to bottom sediments and are slowly
petroleum in natural waters is most efficient with straight- leaching out, maintaining a concentration of about 10 ppm
chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatics; thus crude in river water downstream of the dump zone. Other organic
oil spills are probably a smaller long-term perturbation of solvents of importance in industry that are known health
ecosystems than are spills of refined petroleum enriched hazards include benzene (C6 H6 ), a skin irritant, carcino-
in branched compounds. gen, and general systemic poison, and tetrachloroethylene
Ore mining presents many of the same dangers of harm- or TCE (C2 Cl4 ), a mutagen and carcinogen. Mineral pro-
ful chemical modification of the environment as does fossil cessing and plating industries generate wastes containing
fuel recovery. Sulfur-containing minerals frequently ac- cadmium (high human toxicity due to its tendency to re-
company ores and, unless properly recovered and treated, place zinc in enzymes), copper (slight toxicity to humans
promote the formation of acid waters and contamination of and animals, toxic to plants), cyanides (acute toxins), mer-
the atmosphere with sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) and hydrogen cury (acute and chronic toxicity to humans), silver (slight
sulfide (H2 S). Acidic sludges and slurries are produced toxicity to humans), and zinc (plant toxin at high levels).
in conjunction with the recovery and processing of iron, Paper and pulp processing operations have severe im-
copper, zinc, and lead; cyanide salts are used in the recov- pacts on the aqueous invironment. The manufacture of
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580 Pollution, Environmental

paper requires that the cellulose fraction in wood be about 1975. Its use is now greatly reduced in the United
separated from branched aromatic compounds (collec- States.
tively termed lignin) that stabilize the wood structure.
Treatment with solutions of bisulfite ion (HSO− 3 ) or a D. Agriculture
strongly alkaline solution of NaOH and Na2 S is used for
this purpose. The resulting effluent is a concentrated dark Effects on the chemical environment associated with food
mix of organic waste, sulfur compounds, and alkali that production can be broadly divided into two areas: those
changes the pH, oxidation–reduction balance, and oxy- due to the use of biological promoters (fertilizers) and
gen content of the waters into which it is released. Tex- those due to biological inhibitors (biocides for the removal
tile processing plants have similar, if less pronounced, of unwanted plants, animals, or microorganisms).
effects. The limiting factor in growth of crop plants is usually
Especially important in its impact on human health has a low level of one or more soil ingredients—nitrogen,
been the widespread use of asbestos in construction, in- phosphorus, or an essential trace mineral—or of avail-
sulation, and transport (in brake linings). Asbestos is a ability of water. Increased yield is achieved by augment-
generic term for several fibrous minerals. The most com- ing the limiting ingredient. Common synthetic fertilizers
mon is chrysotile, a serpentine silicate with the approxi- used to increase availability of nitrogen and/or phospho-
mate composition of Mg3 Si2 O5 (OH)4 . A second form is rus in soils include ammonium nitrate (NH4 NO3 ), urea
amphibole asbestos; like chrysotile, it is a hydrated chain ((NH2 )2 CO), sodium nitrate (NaNO3 ), and ammonium
silicate structure, but it has more varied composition, its phosphate (NH4 H2 PO4 ) and polyphosphates. Because all
principal chemical difference from the latter being that it of these materials are highly water soluble, a portion is
contains a substantial amount of aluminum ion. The util- leached from the soils to which they are applied and enters
ity of asbestos lies in its resistance to heat and fire and the hydrosphere, where it tends to promote changes in the
the ease with which it can be fabricated into thin flex- chemical composition and ecology of lakes, streams, and
ible sheets. Mining and processing of the mineral gen- rivers. Irrigation water frequently contains high quantities
erate airborne microfibers, which are easily inhaled by of dissolved salts, which remain in the soil and cause loss
those working with or using asbestos products. A typi- of fertility; in some cases trace minerals in irrigation water
cal such fiber (length 11 µm) is shown in Fig. 4. These build up to toxic levels. This has occurred with selenium
small fibers evade the filtering apparatus of the upper res- in some areas of the Central Valley of California.
piratory tract and pass into the alveoli of the lung, where A wide array of biocides is used in agriculture. Gen-
they lodge permanently. Either by chemical action or di- eral systemic poisons such as arsenicals have been largely
rect mechanical abrasion (the precise causative mecha- supplanted by compounds in the chlorinated hydrocarbon,
nism is not established) they cause breakdown of lung carbamate, or organophosphorus groups for use against
tissue, leading to impairment of respiratory function (as- insects, soil parasites, and weeds. Structural diagrams of
bestosis), lung cancer, or in some cases mesothelioma (a representative members of each group are shown in Fig. 5.
cancer of the lung lining that is only known to occur in indi- The insecticides pass through the insect cuticle (epider-
viduals exposed to asbestos). Although these effects were mis) and exert their toxic function primarily through dis-
known or strongly suspected by the 1920s, production and ruption of nerve function; many organophosphorus insec-
use of asbestos continued to be actively promoted until ticides are related to nerve gases developed for military
use in World War II. Figure 5 includes the diagram for
the most famous, or infamous, of the chlorinated hydro-
carbons, DDT, although this substance can no longer be
legally manufactured or marketed in the United States.
DDT was first introduced on a mass scale as a delousing
agent employed on soldiers and civilians in Naples, Italy,
in 1943 to stop a serious typhus epidemic. Its success in
this and other wartime applications led to its virtually uni-
versal adoption as the insecticide of choice in the United
States through the 1940s and 1950s. However the massive
introduction of DDT into the environment had disastrous
effects on many populations of wild birds; DDT in avian
bodies interferes with calcium metabolism and makes it
FIGURE 4 Asbestos microfiber, length about 11 µm. Electron impossible for birds to produce eggs with sufficiently thick
micrograph, × 9300. shells to withstand incubation. For this reason, use of this
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FIGURE 5 Chemical structures of representative biocides.

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582 Pollution, Environmental

TABLE I Properties of Some Common Biocides

Category of biocide Log K ow Persistence in river water

Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Aldrin 6.5 80% (2 weeks), 40% (4 weeks), 20% (8 weeks)
Chlordane 5.5 85% (2 weeks), 85% (8 weeks)
Dieldrin 5.3 100% (1 week), 100% (8 weeks)
Endosulfan 3.8 30% (1 week), 5% (2 weeks), 0% (4 weeks)
Endrin 4.6 100% (8 weeks), 80% (16 weeks)
Heptachlor 5.3 25% (1 week), 0% (2 weeks)
Methoxychlor 4.7-5.1 50% (>3 weeks)
Carbaryl 2.4 90% (1 week), 0% (8 weeks)
Carbofuran 2.3 25% (8 weeks)
Diazinon 2.8 0% (12 weeks)
Malathion 2.4 10% (2 weeks)
Parathion 3.8 50% (1 week), 0% (4 weeks)
2,4-D 2.6-3.3 50% (1–7 weeks)

chemical has been terminated in the United States. Large slowly. Table I shows some of the more common biocides
deposits of DDT remain in some environmental reser- together with their log K ow values and their persistence
voirs, however, most notably the waters and sediments in river water in terms of percent remaining in the water
of San Pedro Bay, south of Los Angeles, due to accu- after the stated time interval since release.
mulated waste runoff from one of the former major DDT A new form of control of agricultural pests that has
users. Another example of unintended consequences from become possible with the development of genetic engi-
the use of a chemical is indicated in Fig. 5; the herbicide neering techniques in the 1990s is the incorporation of
2,4,5-T, or Agent Orange, was employed broadly by the foreign genes into crop plants, endowing them with the
U.S. military during the Vietnam War to destroy mangrove capacity to manufacture chemicals with insecticidal func-
wetlands thought to be employed as sanctuaries by enemy tion. The implications of introducing such artificial mu-
forces. However a by-product of 2,4,5-T synthesis is the tants are only beginning to be explored; if previous ex-
extremely toxic compound dioxin, and this compound was perience with chemical manipulation of the environment
probably present as a contaminant in much Agent Orange is any guide, it may be expected that many undesirable,
supplied for use in the war. It is believed that many military but so far unpredictable, consequences will occur. One
and civilian personnel involved in the application of Agent result already noted is that pollen produced by corn genet-
Orange or otherwise in proximity to the areas in which it ically engineered to produce such insecticidal agents has
was used have suffered long-term disabling illnesses as a proven to be lethal to Monarch butterflies that encounter
result. it. Because these butterflies, generally considered a valu-
Movement of biocides from the point of application able and beautiful part of the arthropod biota, are already
through water runoff into the broader environment is evi- greatly endangered by loss of habitat, this is a matter of
dently a potential source of ecological disruption and harm grave concern. More such effects, affecting other desirable
to the human population. Most of the organophosphorus plant and animal species, may be expected.
compounds undergo rapid biological-assisted breakdown
in natural waters and soils, but the halogenated hydrocar-
E. Domestic Operations
bons tend to be much more resistent to degradation. Also,
the latter are mostly strongly lipophilic, with low solubil- Certain very stable species that penetrate the environment
ity in water but high solubility in soils or the lipid com- and produce significant chemical modifications there are
ponent of plants and animals, as indicated by their large widely applied for domestic purposes in developed coun-
log K ow values. Hence the halogenated hydrocarbon pesti- tries. Synthetic detergents have largely replaced soaps for
cides tend to be adsorbed to soils and in the biosphere and cleaning and washing. A detergent consists of a surfac-
to be eliminated into water from these reservoirs only very tant, a chemical species that lowers the surface tension of
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Pollution, Environmental 583

water, facilitating the emulsification (dispersal in very entirely from the photosynthetic action of green plants and
small droplets) of dirt and stains, plus builders, com- was absent before this form of photosynthesis arose, prob-
pound that complex divalent ions (which make water ably 2.5–3 × 109 years ago. The concentration of CO2 , on
“hard”). Early surfactants were chemically very stable and the other hand, is low compared with that in the atmo-
tended to persist and enter natural water supplies, causing spheres of Mars and, in particular, Venus; this is because
foaming and other deleterious effects. “Biodegradable” most of the earth’s CO2 inventory is in solution in seawa-
(less stable) surfactants are now employed. Many builders, ter (3 × 1018 moles) or incorporated in carbonate minerals
notably polyphosphates, act as nutrients for plants and mi- (6 × 1021 moles).
croorganisms in natural waters that they eventually reach, The composition of the atmosphere has probably varied
thus perturbing the ecological balance. over even recent geologic time, and it is not clear precisely
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons or Freons) such as Freon- what mechanisms act to control concentrations of the var-
11 (CCl3 F) and Freon-12 (CCl2 F2 ) have been widely used ious components. It is therefore difficult to say how much
as the heat transfer fluids in refrigerators and as a propel- human activity will perturb the atmospheric environment.
lant medium in spray cans because of their low cost, ab- A major such perturbation has been the addition of about
sence of toxicity, and exceptional chemical stability. These 2.5 × 1016 moles of CO2 from combustion of fossil fu-
compounds permeate the lower atmosphere and gradually els in the last 150 years. This has caused the atmospheric
migrate to the stratosphere, where they cause a reduction concentration to rise from 290 to 360 ppm (est. 2000),
in the ozone layer, which shields the surface of the earth which corresponds to a net increase of only 1.3 × 1016
from dangerous ultraviolet radiation (Section III.C.2). moles in the atmosphere, that is, about half of the amount
of CO2 generated by fossil fuel burning remains in the at-
mosphere. Most of the remainder has probably been taken
up into the seawater reservoir, consistent with the obser-
vation that atmosphere–hydrosphere CO2 transfer is effi-
A. Natural Structure and Chemical Composition
cient, with the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere
Table II gives the standard sea-level composition of dry being only 7 years. Whether this degree of partitioning
air in terms of mole fraction (i.e., mixing ratio) and ac- of added CO2 between the atmosphere and oceans will
tual total number of moles in the atmosphere as a whole continue in the long run is unknown.
for each species, assuming vertical chemical uniformity; Concern has sometimes been expressed about the pos-
those gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are sibility of depletion of the Earth’s oxygen supply if defor-
noted. In addition to the components shown in this ta- estation on land and kills of marine algae from oil spills
ble, natural air contains water vapor in variable amounts, were to substantially reduce the photosynthetic production
ranging in mole fraction from near 0 to 0.03. of O2 . In the short term, this is not a significant danger. Fos-
This composition represents the culmination of an evo- sil fuel combustion requires about 4 × 1014 moles of O2
lutionary process unlike that of any other known planet. per year, and the amount of O2 consumed by the respiration
The oxygen in the atmosphere is believed to derive almost of animals and by inorganic reactions with minerals is not

TABLE II Composition of Dry Air

Molecular Total atmospheric

Chemical species weight Mole fraction amount (moles)

Nitrogen (N2 ) 28.01 78.084 1.42 × 1020

Oxygen (O2 ) 32.00 20.946 3.81 × 1019
Argon (Ar) 39.94 0.934 1.70 × 1018
Carbon dioxide (CO2 )a 44.01 3.6 × 10−4 (360 ppm) (est 2000) 6.5 × 1016
Neon (Ne) 20.12 1.8 × 10−5 (18 ppm) 3.3 × 1015
Helium (He) 4.01 5.2 × 10−6 (5 ppm) 9.5 × 1014
Methane (CH4 )a 16.04 1.6 × 10−6 (1.6 ppm) (est 2000) 2.9 × 1014
Krypton (Kr) 83.80 1.1 × 10−6 (1.1 ppm) 2.0 × 1014
Nitrous oxide (N2 O)a 44.01 5 × 10−7 (0.5 ppm) 9 × 1013
Hydrogen (H2 ) 2.02 5 × 10−7 (0.5 ppm) 9 × 1013
Xenon (Xe) 131.30 8 × 10−8 (0.08 ppm) 1.5 × 1013
a Greenhouse gas.
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584 Pollution, Environmental

more than a few percent of this; so even if all production of to be of much significance; at typical concentrations the
O2 were to cease, the inventory in the atmosphere would formation of O3 as an intermediate permits this oxidation
suffice to sustain human activity for some 10,000 years be- to occur on a timescale of 1 hr or so in typical urban air.
fore a 10% reduction in oxygen concentration occurred. A further D process is
The pressure of the atmosphere decreases uniformly
O3 + hν (below 308 nm) → O∗ + O2 , (D)
with altitude, but the temperature exhibits complex verti-
∗ 1
cal structure. It decreases through the lowest portion, or where O denotes an excited state (the D state) of the
troposphere, to an inversion point, the tropopause, whose oxygen atom, followed by
altitude varies from about 10 km at the poles to 15 km at the
O∗ + H2 O → 2OH·, (DN)
equator. Above the tropopause, temperature increases with
altitude through the stratosphere; this heating is mainly whereas at night ozone reacts further with NO2 :
due to absorption of solar ultraviolet energy by the disso-
O3 + NO2 → O2 + NO3 . (N)
ciation of ozone:
A further source of the hydroxyl radical OH· is
solar UV radiation
2NO2 + H2 O → HNO2 + HNO3 , (DN)
O3 → O2 + O.
HNO2 + hν (295–410 nm) → OH· + NO. (D)
A second inversion occurs at a height of about 90 km,
at the mesopause, between the mesosphere and thermo- The nitrate radical formed at night leads to production of
sphere; the heating in the latter is mainly due to absorp- nitric acid, HNO3 :
tion of far-UV solar radiation by dissociation of N2 and NO3 + NO2 → N2 O5 , (N)
O2 . These temperature inversions separate the atmosphere
N2 O5 + H2 O → 2HNO3 . (N)
into distinct reservoirs, since they act as barriers to con-
vective mixing; material passes between troposphere and Nitric acid is also produced from OH· :
stratosphere mainly by the relatively slow process of diffu-
OH· + NO2 → HNO3 . (DN)
sion. Local temperature inversions also occur in the lower
troposphere to form regional reservoirs in which pollutant Thus solar irradiation of a mix of air and NO leads to a
chemicals can build up to high concentrations; a well- buildup of the oxidant O3 , the reactive free radical OH· and
known local inversion phenomenon of this sort is that the strongly acidic HNO3 ; after sunset, OH· production
which occurs at elevations ranging from 300 m to 2 km ceases but that of NO3 begins, leading through N2 O5 to
over the Los Angeles basin in Southern California. HNO3 . The latter acidifies water droplets, causing the for-
mation of rain, snow, mist, or fogs with low (i.e., acid) pH.
Ozone and OH· undergo further reactions in the presence
B. Lower Atmosphere Effects of hydrocarbons RH (i.e., volatile organic compounds or
The introduction of species from fossil fuel combustion VOCs):
(Section II.A.1) into the lower atmosphere leads to an ex- OH· + RH → R· + H2 O,
tensive series of chemical reactions, most of which are
of free-radical type. They can be divided into three cat- R· + RCHO → RH+ RCO·,
egories: daylight (D) reactions, requiring solar near-UV R· + O2 → RO2 ·,
radiation; night (N) reactions, which are important in the
absence of sunlight; and 24-hr (DN) reactions. RO2 · + NO → RO· + NO2 ,
The fundamental light-requiring process is RCO· + O2 → RC(O)OO· (peroxyacyl radical),
NO2 + hν (below 398 nm) → NO + O. (D) RC(O)OO· + NO2 → RC(O)OONO2
The O atom then forms ozone in the presence of a third (peroxyacyl nitrate or PAN).
body M:
Thus the presence of organic molecules acts to speed the
O + O2 + M → O3 + M, (DN) production of NO2 . The PAN compounds formed in the
and ozone reacts with NO to form NO2 : last step are potent eye irritants; it is the mix of such
substances with O3 and the brown NO2 that constitutes
NO + O3 → NO2 + O2 . (DN) “smog.” Carcinogenic nitrosamines can be formed from
secondary amines with HNO2 :
Most emission of NOx by combustion is in the form of
NO, and direct air oxidation of NO to NO2 is too slow R2 NH + HNO2 → R2 NNO(nitrosamine) + H2 O.
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Pollution, Environmental 585

Carcinogenic condensed-ring hydrocarbons such as the amount of ozone present is determined by a steady-
benzo(a)pyrene state balance between the rate of production by the above
mechanism and the rate of removal processes, either by
absorption of ultraviolet light or reaction with such species
as O and OH· :

O 3 + O → O 2 + O2 ,
O3 + HO· → O2 + HOO·.
are emitted in the exhaust mix of unburned HC; they un-
dergo further reactions with O3 or N2 O5 to yield mutagenic The introduction of free-radical species X such as atomic
epoxides or nitro compounds. chlorine or bromine or nitric oxide, NO, can speed the
Particulates, especially the soot emitted in incomplete decomposition of O3 by the reactions
combustion or by diesel engines, play a role in the pol-
lution chemistry of the lower atmosphere. They adsorb O3 + X → O2 + XO and O + XO → O2 + X,
carcinogens of low volatility such as the condensed aro-
thereby reducing its steady-state concentration in the
matics, thereby retaining them in the atmospheric reser-
stratosphere. One possible source for such ozone-
voir available for inhalation, and also catalyze the further
destroying species would be NOx introduced into the
reaction of these species with oxidants.
stratosphere by supersonic jet aircraft, missiles, or (in the
Conversion of SO2 to SO3 , leading to sulfuric acid for-
event of nuclear war) by large explosions. However, of
mation, is slow in the gas phase but is probably accelerated
more present concern is the effect of CFCs (Section II.E).
when the SO2 is adsorbed on soot grains. In this way par-
These compounds are so stable in the troposphere that
ticulates contribute to acid precipitation. Extremely fine
a large fraction of them when released in the lower at-
particulates also seem to play a role in the generation
mosphere will eventually migrate to the stratosphere by
of smog, perhaps by adsorbing and stabilizing organic
diffusion. Once in the stratosphere, their carbon–chlorine
free radicals R· and RO·, which serve as intermediates in
bonds are readily dissociated by UV light to form free
the production of ozone and other oxidant species. Hence
radicals, for example:
there is increased interest in the possibility of designating
very fine particulates (with diameters of a few microns or CCl2 F2 (Freon-12) + hν → CClF2 · + Cl·.
less) as a separate category of pollutant to be subjected to
EPA monitoring and control. The original analysis of this situation in 1974 suggested
that on the basis of the amounts of CFCs already present
C. Upper Atmosphere Effects in the terrestrial environment, average ozone levels in the
stratosphere might decrease by as much as 15%. The en-
1. Ozone Layer suing controversy led to a number of other estimates, both
Ozone, objectionable when present in the lower atmo- lower and higher. However, the reality of the effect be-
sphere, is a vital ingredient of the upper atmosphere came evident when it was noted in the mid-1980s that
(stratosphere); by absorbing UV light at wavelengths be- the ozone layer over the Antarctic continent was develop-
low about 340 nm it protects the biota from exposure to ing an “ozone hole” in the spring, that is, a region in the
this damaging radiation and maintains the temperature in- stratosphere in which the ozone was essentially absent.
version at the tropopause, which is important in shaping Observations made at the Halley Bay Research Station
terrestrial meteorological patterns. Ozone is produced in for the month of October (Antarctic spring) through the
the upper atmosphere by 1958–1992 period are plotted in Fig. 6; they show that the
1988–1992 average October ozone amounts were approx-
O2 + hν (below 242 nm) → O + O, imately half those found at the start of the measurement
O2 + O + M (third body) → O3 + M.
The explanation for this unexpectedly sharp decrease
Maximum O3 concentrations of as much as 10 ppm are in ozone lies in a particular phenomenon of the Antarc-
attained around 25 km of altitude. The total amount in the tic winter; it is cold enough in winter in the stratosphere
air column is conventionally measured in Dobson units over Antarctica to form polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs)
(DU), with about 300–350 DU being the usual amount of of nitric acid hydrate, HNO3 · xH2 O, where x ≈ 3. The
O3 present in the stratosphere in the absence of chemi- normal end fate of chlorine atoms in the stratosphere is
cal perturbations. Such perturbations are important, since to be incorporated in hydrochloric acid, HCl, which does
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586 Pollution, Environmental

FIGURE 6 Total column ozone observed over Antarctica in spring from Halley Bay.

not photodissociate and eventually is removed in precip- 2. Greenhouse Effect

itation. However, HCl in the Antarctic stratosphere will
The temperature of the earth’s surface represents a balance
adsorb onto PSCs and can thereby react with chlorine
of incoming solar energy, largely in the visible and ultra-
violet regions of the spectrum, against outgoing radiation
HCl + ClONO2 → Cl2 + HNO3 , from the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and solid surface of
the earth, largely in the infrared. This balance is sketched
producing a molecule, Cl2 , which is released from the PSC in Fig. 7.
in the spring and is efficiently photodissociated to reestab- The temperature that a blackbody must have to radiate
lish a high concentration of Cl· atoms and resume the away exactly the amount of energy that the earth receives
process of ozone destruction. The dramatic nature of the from the sun is only 255 K (−18◦ C); the actual average
“ozone hole” phenomenon removed all doubt as to the seri- temperature of the earth’s surface (15◦ C) is higher
ousness of the danger to the ozone layer and led to the con- because infrared radiation is partially trapped in the
vening of an international meeting at Montreal in Septem- atmosphere and then reradiated back to the ground.
ber 1987, at which it was agreed to place restrictions on That is, the atmosphere is relatively transparent to
ozone-destroying CFCs; the residence time of CFCs in the short-wavelength light and relatively opaque to infrared
stratosphere is sufficiently long (50–100 years) that deple- light; this is termed the greenhouse effect. The bulk of
tion of the ozone layer will continue for many decades this effect is due to water vapor; but absorption by CO2
to come. The ozone hole over Antarctica may be ex- between 12 and 16.3 µm contributes about a quarter of
pected to continue for many decades to come, permitting a the 33 K excess greenhouse temperature. The increase
greatly increased amount of solar UV radiation to reach the in atmospheric CO2 level (Section II.A) of about 24%
Antarctic continent and the seas around it. This appears to in the last 150 years should enhance the greenhouse
be damaging the ability of marine phytoplankton to grow effect and lead to a warming of the earth’s surface by a
and reproduce; the resulting reduction in primary produc- few degrees Fahrenheit. However, because of the natural
tion and availability of nutrients in the food chain could variability in terrestrial temperatures and the presence of
well prove catastrophic for the maintenance of the world’s other factors that can influence the radiation balance, the
marine ecosystem. Development of a similar, if less pro- reality, or at least the magnitude, of this increase remains
nounced, ozone hole in northern latitudes is also now oc- a subject of debate. It is also possible that other trace
curring, and similar effects may be expected, with the ad- atmospheric species that are increasing due to human
ditional factor of enhanced risk of skin cancer, cataract activity, notably methane (CH4 ) (the amount of which
formation, and other UV-radiation caused pathologies in in the atmosphere has doubled in the last 150 years,
the dense Northern Hemisphere human population. from about 0.75 ppm to the present value of 1.6 ppm)
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FIGURE 7 Terrestrial radiation energy balance. Overall solar energy flux is 340 W/m2 . [From Manahan, S. E. (1984).
“Environmental Chemistry,” 4th ed., Willard Grant Press, Boston. Reproduced by permission.]

and the same CFCs implicated in stratospheric ozone at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years
depletion (Section III.C.1), will add to the greenhouse ef- ago, as a result of dust produced by the collision of
fect. Whether or not it is due to the increase in greenhouse a massive meteorite with the earth and may have con-
gases resulting from human activities, however, there can tributed to the wave of extinctions in the biota at that
be no serious doubt as to the reality of a global warming time.
during the last century. An advance of the tree line to the
north in the Arctic has been observed; studies of subsur-
face soil temperatures have demonstrated a significant
worldwide rise in temperatures during the last several
A. Natural Structure and Chemistry
decades; glaciers and the polar ice caps have diminished
markedly during the last century; and analysis of clima- Whereas the atmosphere is uniform laterally and varies
tological records indicates that since 1976 this warming in structure only with altitude, the hydrosphere consists
trend has accelerated to a rate of 4 degrees (Fahrenheit) per of many distinct reservoirs of differing size. These are
century. Continuation of this trend would have profound the seas and oceans, with a limited range of variation in
consequences for the distribution of climatic zones on the composition and a definite vertical structure; lakes, with
earth, result in a massive rise in sea level with inundation a wide range of chemical variation and also vertical strat-
of large areas along coastlines and would probably be cata- ification; rivers, with highly variable composition but lit-
strophic for the global ecosystem, for most plant and tle structure; precipitation (rain, snow, fog, mist), whose
animal species will not be able to adapt or migrate rapidly only important compositional variable is pH (degree of
enough to accommodate to such extreme temperature acidity); and groundwater, whose composition depends
changes. strongly the character of the soils or minerals with which
It should also be understood that a profound perturba- it is in contact.
tion of the earth’s heat balance would be a probable conse- The compositions of seawater and average river wa-
quence of nuclear war, were such an event ever to occur. ter with respect to major solution species are given
The explosions in such a war might inject enough soot in Table III with concentration in molarity (M). The
into the upper atmosphere to greatly reduce the amount composition of seawater appears to have changed little
of solar radiation reaching the surface for many weeks or since mid-Precambrian time, about 2 × 109 years ago,
months. The resulting temperature drop has been termed although the pH may have varied slightly. The prin-
“nuclear winter.” A similar cooling may have occurred cipal factor regulating the concentrations of the major
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588 Pollution, Environmental

TABLE III Compositions of Seawater and Average River B. Perturbation of pH

Water, in Molarity (M )
Human activity has not so far affected global oceanic pH,
Seawater concentration Average river although discharges of acidic wastes into shallow near-
Species (surface) water concentration
shore waters can cause destructive local pH fluctuations.
Na+ 0.47 2.7 × 10−4 However discharge of SOx and NOx from combustion into
K+ 0.010 5.9 × 10−5 the atmosphere (Sections II.A.1 and III.B) leads to the gen-
Ca2+ 0.010 3.8 × 10−4 eration of H2 SO4 (sulfuric acid) and HNO3 (nitric acid),
Mg2+ 0.054 3.4 × 10−4 which dissolve in precipitation. Such acidic precipitation
Cl− 0.56 2.2 × 10−4 (“acid rain”) has acted to markedly lower the pH of lake
SO2− 0.028 1.2 × 10−4 and river water in large areas of North America and Eu-
HCO− 2.4 × 10−3 1 × 10−3 rope. Natural rainwater has a pH of about 5.6 because some
CO2− 2.7 × 10−5 1 × 10−4 atmospheric CO2 dissolves in it to form the weak acid
Total nitrogen 2.0 × 10−5 H2 CO3 (carbonic acid); but both sulfuric and nitric acids
Total phosphorus 1.5 × 10−6 are strong acids and their impact on the pH of rainwater is
pH 8.15 7.5–8.5 far greater for a given molar quantity dissolved than is that
of carbonic acid. Because of their presence, the average
pH of rainfall in the northeastern United States and eastern
Canada has decreased to about 4.5, and values as low as
2 have been observed. Lakes, rivers, and groundwater in
ionic species is probably chemical exchange with mantle the affected areas are becoming more acidic, resulting in
magma at midocean crustal spreading centers, and there is decrease or disappearance of fish and other aquatic organ-
no evidence for any human-related effect on bulk oceanic isms and damage to forests because lowered pH in the soil
composition. results in loss of nutrients by leaching and the mobilization
Oceans are divided vertically into the of aluminum (Al3+ ) ion, which is toxic to plants. Allevi-
ation is difficult, since the excess acidity may be carried
long distances by air mass movement and it is not gener-
1. Photic zone, the top few meters into which light ally possible to pinpoint the source of the acidity with any
penetrates and photosynthesis is possible; precision.
2. Remainder of the surface or mixed layer, extending to
about 100 m depth, in which temperature,
composition, and nutrient levels are somewhat C. Perturbation of Redox Balance
variable and convective mixing occurs;
3. Thermocline layer, from 100 to about 1500 m, in The chemical state of a water body is sensitive to its redox
which the temperature decreases sharply; and (oxidation–reduction) level, which in turn depends on the
4. Deep ocean, below 1500 m, with essentially uniform amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) the water contains—
temperature near 3◦ C. 9 mg O2 /liter for water saturated with air at 25◦ C. If
nutrient levels and oxygen-consuming biological activ-
ity are low in a body of water undergoing efficient ex-
The thermocline acts as a barrier separating reservoirs of change with the atmosphere (as in a rapidly flowing
the surface and deep ocean zones. Chemical perturbations stream), DO levels remain near the maximum and the
associated with human activity mainly impact only on the water body remains aerobic (Fig. 8, top); but if exces-
surface zone. sive nutrient material requiring oxygen for its utilization
Lakes also exhibit thermal stratification. In the sum- is introduced, the DO may be exhausted and the body
mer months a warm upper layer called the epilimnion is converted to an anaerobic cycle (Fig. 8, bottom), charac-
separated by a thermocline from a cool bottom zone or hy- terized by microbial fermentation and sulfur metabolism.
polimnion. Autumn cooling of the epilimnion may make Addition of nutrients by the runoff of fertilizer from agri-
the surface water denser than the bottom water, provok- cultural land (Section II.D) or of industrial and domes-
ing a turnover and bringing chemical species from bot- tic waste in sewage from urban areas thus works to en-
tom sediments to the top. Such recirculation can have hance the biological oxygen demand (BOD) in adjacent
severe biological consequences; rapid turnover of Lake water bodies and causes them to become partially or en-
Nyos in Cameroon brought so much water supersaturated tirely anaerobic. Addition of such nutrients to lakes ac-
with CO2 to the surface that a CO2 cloud formed and suf- celerates their eutrophication, that is, their conversion
focated many area residents. to anaerobic bogs. Anaerobic conditions are frequently
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Pollution, Environmental 589

soluble precipitates in the sediments. However, they may

remain in the hydrosphere because of the formation of
complexes with other pollutant species or with naturally
produced chemical substances. An example is the mo-
bilization of mercury (Hg) in ocean waters. Mercury is
used widely in industry, especially as a fungicide; it had
been assumed that the dumping of mercury-containing
wastes in ocean water would be harmless because the mer-
cury would be sequestered as the insoluble salt mercuric
sulfide, HgS, in bottom sediments. Instead some of this
mercury reacted with methylcobalamin, a compound pro-
duced by anaerobic microorganisms abundant in such sed-
iments, to form soluble methylmercury compounds such
as Hg(CH3 )Cl, which can then enter the food chain. Be-
cause methylmercury is lipophilic, it tends to accumulate
in the fatty tissues of fish and other aquatic organisms,
and consumption of these organisms, by humans has led
to serious episodes of mercury poisoning.


The biosphere is both a chemical reservoir in its own right

and the fundamental entity of concern in judging the im-
portance of environmental chemical perturbations. Many
chemical substances entering the global environment have
accumulated in high concentrations in living tissue and
produced severe effects on animal or plant populations.
Examples are the buildup of mercury in certain marine fish
and of various heavy metals in shellfish (Section IV.D).
Perhaps the most dramatic is the tendency of lipophilic
chlorinated hydrocarbons to accumulate in the body fats
of animals that feed on insects or plants to which these
substances have been applied. This appears to be strictly
a matter of relative solubilities in water and in lipids of
FIGURE 8 Aerobic and anaerobic nutrient cycles. [From Vesilind, these substances, and their K ow values are generally a
P. A. (1975). “Environmental Pollution and Control,” Ann Arbor good guide to their expected degree of bioaccumulation.
Science, Ann Arbor, MI. Reproduced by permission.] One especially notable example of the deleterious effects
of such accumulation of pesticides in animal tissue was the
encountered under natural conditions as well, in bod- inhibitory effect of DDT on calcium metabolism in birds
ies of water with limited circulation such as the Black and the consequent disastrous thinning of their egg shells
Sea. (Section II.D). This particular problem has been remedi-
ated by halting production and use of DDT, at least in most
of the developed world, and some of the avian populations
D. Perturbation by Toxic Materials
affected have rebounded; but this must not blind us to the
The overtly toxic materials present in the hydrosphere fact that worldwide a mass extinction of biota rivaling and
include biocides, industrial solvents, by-products of the perhaps exceeding that at the end of the Cretaceous period
petroleum industry, and heavy metals. Materials in the first 65 million years ago is occurring and indeed intensifying.
three classes, most notably chlorinated hydrocarbons such The reasons for this catastrophe are not always well under-
as DDT and the PCBs, undergo only slow microbial degra- stood, but both loss of habitat and chemical pollution are
dation and are present in sufficient concentration in many surely playing a role. It has been suggested that the massive
aquatic environments to severely affect the biota. In fa- worldwide die-off of amphibian species (frogs, salaman-
vorable cases metals may be removed by deposition as in- ders, newts) that is now occurring may be due to increased
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590 Pollution, Environmental

UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface because of thin- wastes have been found to have unexpectedly high tox-
ning of the ozone layer; the almost total elimination of icity, an example being that of dioxin (Section II.D), a
many species of fish in the North Atlantic Ocean probably by-product in the manufacture of herbicides; in addition
is mainly due to overfishing, with frank pollution effects to its probable role in causing illness among Vietnam War
also playing a role; the Waldsterbe, or forest death, which veterans, it has been involved in several mass poisoning
has destroyed much of the woodlands of Central Europe is episodes of humans and animals.
probably due to hydrosphere acidification and widespread Uncontrolled discharge of chemical wastes to the envi-
heavy metal contamination; the death of conifers along ronment is now recognized as unacceptable, and accord-
the mountain ridges of Central and Southern California ingly methods for their elimination or sequestering are
is almost certainly a result mainly of high oxone concen- receiving much attention. Elimination by selective chemi-
trations in smog intruding further and further into these cal transformation is possible in the case of chemical com-
areas as development of land for homes and industries oc- pounds, but this is usually very expensive; combustion is
curs. As noted above (Section III.C.2), global warming is generally undesirable because some incompletely burned
likely to greatly exacerbate the destruction of biota and the material will be released to the atmosphere and hydro-
breakdown of regional ecological networks and disastrous sphere. The alternative is storage in a dump site until bio-
loss of biodiversity. Clearly it is now a matter of the high- logical degradation can occur. Exposure of wastes in the
est importance both to clearly delineate the reasons for the dump site to the atmosphere to permit fast aerobic micro-
depletion of the world ecosystem and the roles played by bial activity may entail transfer of toxic volatiles to the
pollution in this process, and to take far more ambitious atmosphere and cannot usually be permitted. Therefore
and wide-ranging steps both to control and reduce future mainly slow anaerobic degradation must be employed,
pollution and to clean up that already generated, so far as sometimes generating further toxic (or explosive) sub-
may be possible. stances in unpredictable fashion. Thus it is necessary that
the toxic dump be well sealed, that is, be a reservoir with a
very long residence time for all contents (very slow trans-
VI. TOXIC WASTES fer to the environment) to minimize migration of such
wastes away from their site of deposition into the atmo-
It will be appreciated from earlier parts of this article that a sphere and hydrosphere.
large portion of the chemical pollution of the environment Of particular concern is the contamination of ground-
is due to the discharge of waste materials: combustion water (underground aquifers) by wastes leaching through
exhaust, effluents from mining, spent solvents, and by- soils from surface dump sites (Fig. 9). The removal of
products of chemical manufacture. In some cases these pollutants from such aquifers is difficult and expensive;

FIGURE 9 Migration of pollutant substances into groundwater. [From Harmon, Thomas C. (1999). “Southern
California Environmental Report Card,” UCLA Institute of the Environment, Los Angeles. Reproduced by permission.]
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Pollution, Environmental 591

many of the pollutant substances have large values of K ow cused on Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as a possibly suitable
and hence tend to adhere tenaciously to organic mate- long-term burial site for high-level nuclear wastes, but the
rial in soil particles, transferring only slowly to ground- proposal to establish such a site there is contentious. A
water and thereby constituting a reservoir to maintain site for burial of midlevel (transuranic) wastes, the Waste
long-term contamination of the latter. It is thus far better Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP, has been under develop-
to prevent migration of pollutants away from an improp- ment (and the subject of much litigation) near Carlsbad,
erly prepare disposal site than to attempt a cleanup after New Mexico, since the mid-1980s. The wastes to be de-
aquifer contamination has occurred. However, prior to the posited at WIPP would be entombed in a thick salt stra-
recognition of the importance of proper chemical waste tum, which seems to be reasonably stable and far from
disposal, large quantities of such materials were simply the nearest groundwater. The first wastes were to be de-
dumped into soils, shallow unlined impoundments, or livered to WIPP in late 1999, but attempts to block the
leaking subsurface storage tanks. This resulted in many ar- opening of the facility continue. It must be concluded that
eas in which industrial or agricultural pollutants were rou- the problem of safely disposing of nuclear waste remains
tinely discharged into the environment becoming grossly unsolved.
polluted, to the point where other uses of them became
impossible and human health and safety (not to speak SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES
of that of other members of the biota) became severely
imperiled. To address this problem, the U.S. Congress AEROSOLS • COMBUSTION • ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOAC-
in 1980 enacted the Comprehensive Environmental Re- TIVITY • ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY • POLLUTION,
sponse, Compensation, and Liabilities Act (CERCLA), AIR • POLLUTION CONTROL • POLLUTION PREVENTION
which among other things created a fund (“Superfund”) FROM CHEMICAL PROCESSES • RADIATION SOURCES •
to clean up such grossly polluted areas, now designated SOIL AND GROUNDWATER POLLUTION • TRANSPORT AND
as Superfund sites. The process of cleanup, however, has FATE OF CHEMICALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT • WASTEWA-
generally turned out to be slower, more difficult, and more TER TREATMENT AND WATER RECLAMATION
expensive than originally expected, and many Superfund
sites are still unremediated. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Nuclear waste (Section II.A.2) presents even more se-
rious problems than does chemical waste. No method of Baird, C. (1998). “Environmental Chemistry,” 2nd ed., W. H. Freeman
elimination is possible; radioactive material must be se- and Company, New York.
questered from the environment until it decays, which Howard, P. H., ed. (1989). “Handbook of Environmental Fate and Ex-
for some common by-products of nuclear reactor oper- posure Data for Organic Chemicals,” Vols. 1–4, Lewis Publishers,
ation will take thousands of years. Continual exposure Chelsea, MI.
Manahan, S. E. (1999). “Environmental Chemistry,” 7th ed., CRC Press,
to radiation promotes deterioration of materials, so nu- Boca Raton, FL.
clear wastes held in aboveground storage or in subsurface Masters, G. M. (1991). “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
tanks must frequently be transferred to new containers. Science,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Burial of such wastes has frequently been discussed as a Pitts, P. J. F., and Pitts, J. N., Jr. (1986). “Atmospheric Chemistry,”
long-term solution to the problem of their disposal, but Wiley/Interscience, New York.
Seinfeld, J. H. (1986). “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics of Air Pol-
finding geological formations sufficiently stable and re- lution,” John Wiley & Sons, New York.
mote from aquifers into which the wastes might migrate Spiro, T. G., and Stigliani, W. M. (1996). “Chemistry of the Environ-
has proven to be very difficult. At present, attention is fo- ment,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

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