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ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo

Av. President Macià, 10

EXERCISE 1: Correct the mistakes.
1. My sister is intelligenter than my brother.
2. The cheetah is the animal fastest in the world.
3. Friday is the busyiest day of the week.
4. These trainers are much cheapper than those ones.
5. Frank works harder that most people.
6. Norway is coldest than Spain.
7. I’m gooder at English than you.
8. Today has been the hotest day of the year.
9. These are ugliest sandals in the shop.
10. This is the most bad CD I’ve ever listened.
11. English is more easier than Japanese.
12. It’s the worse book I’ve ever read.
13. You are the funnier person I know.
14. History is as boringer as Latin.
15. I feel worst today.
16. Which mountain is the highest of the world?
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10

17. My brother lives more far away now.

18. Anna is the younger person in the class.
EXERCISE 2: Write the comparative or superlative form.
1. This computer is ____________________________ (new) than your computer.
2. Lisa is ___________________________ (old) than her brother.
3. Your car is _______________________________ (expensive) than John’s car.
4. His car is __________________________ (fast) in the race.
5. This is ______________________________ (interesting) book in the library.
6. What is ______________________________ (dangerous) animal in the world?
7. This house is __________________________________ (big) than my house.
8. Snails are _______________________________ (slow) animals.
9. This is _________________________________ (good) books I’ve got.
10. Summer is ______________________________ (dry) time of the year.
11. He is __________________________________ (boring) player on the team.
12. This is _________________________________ (long) river in Australia.
13. That’s __________________________________ (difficult) exam of all.
14. The room at the back is ___________________________ (quiet).
15. Anne is _________________________________ (bad) student in the class.
16. A comic book is _______________________________ (funny) than a history book.
EXERCISE 3: Complete the table:
more intelligent
the best
the largest
the prittiest
ÀGORA (aula de repàs) - ' 977 114 911 Ainhoa Pérez Estudillo
Av. President Macià, 10
the most polite

EXERCISE 4: Translate into English. Use comparatives and superlatives.

1. Jo sóc millor que tu en anglès.
2. El temps a Londres és pitjor que el temps a Reus.
3. La torre més alta del món és a Dubai.
4. El país més petit del món és el Vaticà.
5. París és més cara que Reus.

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