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Mechanical Engineering Test Plan

Drop Test

Purpose: Verify that the dock can withstand a drop and maintain form and function.

Equipment: Measuring tape

1) Get assembled dock and attach all 8 batteries
2) Measure three (3) feet vertically from a carpeted surface and hold dock at that level
3) Release the dock and perform a visual inspection after impact
4) Verify that the dock did not sustain any critical damage on impact

Pass Criteria – No major damage was sustained and enclosure remains in one piece.
Fail Criteria – Dock sustains significant damage requiring repair.

Test Results
____Pass____ (Pass/Fail)

Performed by: _____MLO____

Date: ____2/10/12___
Weatherproof Test

Purpose: Verify that the weatherproof enclosure does not allow water intrusion to protect
electrical components from damage.

Equipment: Paper towel, Hose, Water, Freezer

1) Place empty enclosure at the desired outside location
2) Insert a dry sheet of paper towel flat on the inside bottom surface of the enclosure
3) Shower the enclosure with water for two (2) minutes
4) Open the enclosure and visually inspect the paper towel
5) Verify that the paper towel is completely dry
6) Once the enclosure has dried, place the enclosure in a freezer for 12 hours
7) Remove the enclosure from the freezer after 12 hours and perform a visual inspection
8) Verify that no cracking has occurred and check the internal moisture content

Pass Criteria – Paper towel remains completely dry and enclosure is free of cracks.
Fail Criteria – Paper towel shows water sports OR enclosure has signs of cracking.

Test Results:

___PASS_____ (Pass/Fail)

Performed by: ___MLO_____

Date: ___2/22/12___
Temperature Test

Purpose: To ensure proper and safe operation of electrical components by verifying regulators
do not exceed maximum junction temperatures and dock internal temperatures are not too high to
adversely impact other electrical components.

Equipment: PC w/ National Instruments LabView, DAQ device, Thermocouples

1) Connect all batteries to the dock
2) Attach a thermocouple to the case of each regulator
3) Place the dock in the enclosure
4) Attach a thermocouple to the top of each corner on the inside of the enclosure
5) Connect all the thermocouples to the DAQ device
6) Connect the dock to AC power and begin the charging process
7) Record the ambient temperature
8) Record the temperature at each thermocouple every 10 minutes until every battery is fully
9) Record maximum temperature for any regulator and for any internal dock temperature.

Regulator Case Max Temperature
Satisfactory Value: < 70 °C
Ideal Value: < 50 °C
Tested Value: __54__°C
Dock Max Internal Temperature
Satisfactory Value: < 60 °C
Ideal Value: < 40 °C
Tested Value: __33__°C

Ambient Temperature __23.5_°C

Performed by: ____MLO____

Date: ___2/17/12____
Enclosure Size and Weight

Purpose: To verify that the dock meets size and weight design specifications.

Equipment: Measuring tape, scale

1) Measure and record the outer dimensions of the dock (L x W x H)
2) Place assembled dock with all components minus batteries on a scale and record the

Satisfactory Value: < 23 x 23 x 10 cm
Ideal Value: < 15 x 15 x 7.5 cm
Tested Value: _21.43_x_19.05_x_16.19_ cm

Satisfactory Value: < 1.4 kg
Ideal Value: < 0.7 kg
Tested Value: __1.81___ kg

Performed by: ____MLO_____

Date: ___2/10/12____

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