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Appendix 4

Rev 2 April 2013

Appendix 4
Copyright  TWI Ltd 2013

7 For stovers (10)
9 The forces of magnetism on the weld pool (3,4)
10 An electrode with good toughness (5)
13 For creep resistance (10)
14 L in 316L (3)
18 Without filler wire (10)
24 I am often clustered (8)
26 CEV (6,10,5)
28 A solid inclusion (4)
30 Carelessness in welding causes me (3,6)
32 Used to examine grain structure (5)
33 I add strength and hardness (6)
34 A very hard and brittle microstructure (10)
36 Slope out to prevent me (6,5)
38 I can cut anything (6)
42 UTS (8,7,8)
44 A mode of transfer used in all positions (3)
45 Constant in GTAW (8)
46 Common gas used for GTAW (5)
47 Used for radiography over 50mm (6)
48 I may be essential or not (8)
49 When welding I must never go below this (7,7)

1 IQI (5,7,9)
2 Used for weld detail (6)
3 I have a half life of 74.4.days (7)
4 Technique used to minimise distortion (4,4)
5 Can be caused by excess purge pressure (9)
6 Polarity for carbon GTAW (1,1,9,8)
8 10 x 10 x 55 long (6)
11 I suffer from this when depleted of chromium (4,5)
12 I am caused by unbalanced expansion and contraction (10)
15 This word is generally associated with rejection by most codes (9)
16 Only applicable in dip transfer (10)
17 Keeps rods at 70 degrees on site (6)
19 Used in mechanical testing over 12mm (4,4)
20 A step-like crack (8,7)
21 Preheating can minimise my chances (6)
22 SAW flux (5)
23 You can get me by 0.7 of your leg (6,6)
25 Used to apply a magnetic field (4)
27 A SAW flux easily crushed (12)
29 If my root is in compression this is me (4,4)
31 My purging powers prevent this (9)
35 Can be caused by an increased vertex angle (8,10)
37 All equipment should have this (11)
39 Polarity for welding aluminium with GTAW (11,7)
40 An electronic hazard (4,9)
41 If you slow down I go up (4,5)
43 Below this I turn molecular (5,7)


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