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Finally, what are common denominators (features shared across countries and cultures

in determining "sensitive issues") and what are differences?

Sensitive issues in Brunei

 Sharia Law

Brunei started implementing the Sharia Law in 2014 and since then, it had been
raising concerns all over the world especially regarding its compatibility with
human rights.

 Polygamy

As Brunei is a Muslim country, polygamy is legal both by law and religion. This
does not mean that polygamy is widely accepted. In Brunei, a husband is not
permitted to marry another without consent from his existing wife so issues that
could rise from there are deemed sensitive.

 Drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol abuse is not as uncommon as it should be in a Muslim

country. However, the issue is not the drugs and alcohol use among non-
Muslims but among Muslims themselves. That is why the issue is considered to
be sensitive.

Sensitive issues in Malaysia

 ‘Bumiputera’ privileges

‘Bumiputera’ translates to ‘sons of the soil’, which in this case refers to ethnic
Malay people and other ethnic groups that are native Malaysian. The issue is
that ‘Bumiputera’ persons get special privileges such ah separate entry system
to universities, better opportunities in government service as well as discounts
when purchasing properties. This is especially peculiar due to the fact that
Malaysia also has the 1malaysia policy that was supposed to mean that
Malaysian of all races and religions are equal.
 Censorship

Malaysian was declared as ‘Partly Free’ and the ban on websites that reported
on the scandal involving their Prime Minister contributed much to this. The ‘aim’
of the ban as said by the Malaysian Government was to protect its people from
harmful foreign influences.

Sensitive issues in North Korea

 Censorship

North Korea may as well be one of the most censored countries in the world.
Virtually, the government controls everything in the country. Media is the most
heavily doctored as they fear that information from the outside world would
deter the North Koreans’ loyalty to their leader. They especially portray their
leaders as ‘gods’ so it is important to block any information coming from outside
the country that could potentially ruin that ‘godly’ image of North Korean

Sensitive issues in the United States

 Gun control

Some fight for their rights to bear arms while others think that stricter gun
control policies will make the nation a better place. When arguing whether
people should have the right to bear arms or not, school shooting incidents are
always brought up as examples of situations where stricter gun control policies
may be beneficial. Most of these school shootings were devastatingly deadly,
making this issue as a whole sensitive to discuss.

 Abortion rights

Between ‘I can do what I want with my body’ and ‘abortion is murder’, this issue
had been hotly debated for a long time. Everyone seems to have some sort of
opinion about it and these are usually either for or against and nothing in

Sensitive issues in China

 Relationship with Taiwan

The conflict between China and Taiwan dated as far back as the year 1927 when
a civil war broke out. Some argue that up till now, the civil war was never fully
resolved as both continue to claim all of China.

 Animal rights

The Internet has exposed numerous animal cruelty episodes in China. This
includes having foods that are more peculiar to others such as cats, turtles and
newborn mice that are very much alive. Animal trafficking is also common in
order to keep up with the Chinese’s distinct palate.

Sensitive issues in India

 Deonar dumping ground

The Deonar dumping ground is a waste dumping area located in Mumbai, India.
The issue is that this dumping ground has been around since 1927 when
normally a dumping ground will be closed after 40 years. As a result, the waste
had reached more than 10 stories in height. Health issues are also a concern
among citizens nearby as fire breaks out recurrently in the dumping ground.

 Farmer suicide
According to National Crime Records Board, there had been more than 100, 000
farmers who took their own lives since 1997. The Maharashtra region was
dubbed as the epicenter of the farmer suicide incidents with the record of over
10, 000 suicides between 2011 and 2013 alone. If this issue persist, it could
cripple India’s economy as a massive chunk of Indians are involved in the
agricultural sector.

Similarities and differences.

A lot of the sensitive issues mentioned have some sort of political element
embedded in them. Considering the power that the ruling government has in all
countries, it is natural to think that politics have a big role in determining
whether an issue should be sensitive or not.
Human rights and religion also play an important role in determining sensitive
issues. It is not widely unknown that these two are very sensitive issues that can
spark heated arguments very fast.

However, some issues may relate to other factors such as animal rights and
historical disputes.

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