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Duke Daniel L.

Barbon BS – Econ Bus 2 Philosophy (logic) 2

TTH 12:00 – 1:30 PM

Issue: Same-Sex Marriage

These are the ten arguments of same – sex marriage:

A. For the Pro:
1. It is each person’s right to choose his/her partner.
2. Same-sex marriage provides lesser commitment – no family to raise, no children to
send to school, no parenting issues.
3. Provides freedom to both parties to be out in the open and live legally as a couple.

B. For the Con:

4. Parenting by same-sex couples is inadequate. Children need fathers or mothers
altogether in one roof.
5. Some studies suggest that children raised by homosexuals are more likely to
experience gender and sexual disorders.
6. Same-sex marriage is not normal. Man was created for the woman and vice-versa.
7. Same-sex marriage would further isolate marriage from its procreative purpose.

Same-sex marriage has become a pressing issue that affects many – whether gay or
straight. In a country like the Philippines, where the people are predominantly Catholic,
same-sex marriage is unthinkable. First argument of those who are not in favor of same-sex
marriage is that man was created for the woman and vice-versa. Biologically and
anatomically, man was made for the woman and woman for man because they complement
in their sexual roles that will eventually lead to the purpose of marriage which is
procreation. And that this is the mandate of God that man and woman were made for each
other to portray special roles unique to their gender. Any other reason beyond this is
regarded by the traditional and religious people to be not normal, and against the law of

When same sex couples, should they cohabitate and decide to adopt and raise
children, as the anti-same sex marriage people would claim, will not be effective in raising
“normal” children. Children need father or mother figures. Parenting then will become
inadequate. And because of the absence of one or the other role, children raised by these
homosexuals might lead to gender and sexual disorders.

As for those who favor same-sex marriage, they believe that legalizing this system
will lead to freedom – the pressure to conform, the weight of discrimination, the
unhappiness of pretending to be someone. If same-sex marriage is legalized, people who
prefer to be in a particular gender will become free. After all, it is their right to express
themselves to who or what they really want to be. Instead of hiding such relationship,
coming out in the open will erase fear among those concerned. These couples would greatly
benefit from being able to realize their choice to marry, an intensely personal choice that is
widely recognized, at least for heterosexual couples, as a basic human right. They maintain
that providing same sex couples with the equal right to marry will not harm religious
institutions in any way. Each religion will still have the right to choose whether or not to
perform marriages for same-sex couples. Religions that wish to perform marriages for
same-sex couples should also have the freedom to do so. Aside from its legality, same sex
marriage will benefit couples who are not willing to commit to raise a family and kids. This
provides more freedom and lesser commitment, and works for people who prefer this kind
of set-up. For many, marriage uniquely conveys the nature and legitimacy of a committed romantic
relationship. Gays and lesbians should not be denied this form of expression. No group should be
systemically excluded from any legal institution, let alone one as central to our society as
legal marriage.

Many same-sex couples wish to marry. They want to do so for the same reasons as
their opposite-sex counterparts – to publicly proclaim and celebrate their love and
commitment, to protect their children, to ensure legal and social recognition and for a
whole host of other reasons. While man has always been given the freedom of choice, this
freedom to me is not absolute. Marriage is an institution designed for pro-creation of 2
persons of the opposite sexes.

Someday, same-sex couples will have the legal right to marry. That is inevitable. As with
every major human rights advance or evolve, from the abolition of slavery to allowing
women to vote, future generations will look back and wonder how anyone could have
opposed such a basic human right. But as for now, I maintain not to break the status quo. In
a society like the Philippines, where people are still traditional and consistent to their belief
about how man and woman complement each other, same-sex marriage will still have a
long way to go as far as legalizing it is concerned. Legalizing is one thing, acceptance from
the general populace is another thing.

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