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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2017-18

Student Name: Leo DuBois Period: 4

Topic: (few words): Old Gum on Campus

Statement of the problem:

Gum has been piling up for decades on the ground all around campus

Two-part Thesis Question:

Gum is being collected on the grounds all around school. Gum should be cleaned because of its ugliness, dirtiness, and
environmental impact.

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey being for you?)

I see myself finding ways to clean gum off of concrete and ways to prevent more gum from being spit out onto the

Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

What environmental effects does gum have? How can gum be cleaned off of concrete? What causes people to spit their
gum on the ground?

What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to the practicum? Provide specific details.

I learned that cold weather makes gum harder to clean.

I learned ways to make gum easier to throw away.
I figured out ways to clean gum off of concrete and other surfaces.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your practicum?

I will understand human behavior of gum litter/

I will learn how to clean gum off of many surfaces for the future like the sidewalk outside my house or by a park I like.
I will learn how to organize and create groups that can come together to help a good cause.

List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and every step for completing
your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or transcribed, surveys, phone call logs, etc...). You may add
steps/spaces as needed. A few steps will not do. Think of every possible step.
Step Evidence

Gather the equipment necessary to clean gum Pictures, receipts

Clean gum off of concrete Before & After Pictures

Organize a group of people to clean gum with Signatures, Logs

Create ways to make gum disposal fun Printed Paper Targets

Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful challenge for you?

Gum is not easy to remove. Removing gum can be embarrassing. Cleaning gum will give me confidence to do what I
want without worrying about what others think.

How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts, etc…) Remember that
ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be filmed or have a transcript. Every picture must
have a verbal explanation (screencastify?) Anyone should be able to access your website and be able to understand every
step you took. Be thorough here!
There will be before and after pictures of gum cleaned areas. I can video the process I used to clean gum. I will document
every time I go out to clean gum.

Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________

Accepted As-Is ___________ Accepted With Modifications ____________

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