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Vidyasagar Academy’s

Solution of Guessing Paper (2018)

Subject: XII Standard Applied Electronics, Paper I
Time: 03 Hrs. STD: XII Marks: 50

Ques 1: A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative – (4)

a) In CRO, the blanking circuit is used to avoid _________ on the CRT screen.
i) drawing the waveform

ii) retrace on screen

iii) deformity of waveform

iv) noise in the waveform

b) The AMV using IC555 produces perfect square wave if its duty cycle is equal to –
i) 55%

ii) 100%

iii) 50%

iv) 0%

c) For perfect modulation in AM, the value of modulation index (m) must be –
i) less than unity

ii) greater than unity

iii) equal to zero

iv) equal to unity

d) LDR is a ___________ transducer.

i) active

ii) Discrete

iii) passive

iv) semiconductor

B) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)

a) Draw the block diagram of CRO and explain the function of each block in it.

Answer: Block diagram of CRO –

There are two section in block diagram, vertical section and horizontal section.
Vertical section:
1) Signal to be observed on screen, is connected to y-input of CRO.
2) The input signal is attenuated or amplified depending on the requirement. We can
manually adjust this using Volt/div setting knob.
3) Then the signal passes through delay line so that the signal reaches after about
0.25µsec on vertical deflection plates.
4) So with changing polarity of signal at y-input the beam deflects vertically.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solution 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
5) A sample of signal is passed to trigger circuit in horizontal section of CRO.
Horizontal section:
1) Trigger circuit receives the sample and triggers the time base generator (TBG) i.e.
sawtooth oscillator.
2) Time base generator consists of UJT oscillator to produce sawtooth waves. Frequency
can be controlled using Time/div control knob of front panel. The output of TBG is fed
to horizontal amplifier.
3) The gain of horizontal amplifier is larger than vertical amplifier because, horizontal
deflection sensitivity is smaller than vertical. Horizontal amplifier consists of two
amplifier units: positive & negative. Its output produces two different sawtooth waves
which are 180 phase inverted with respect to each other. They are fed to horizontal
deflection plates.
4) The blanking circuit is connected to time base generator. When sawtooth reaches to
peak, the blanking circuit triggers and feeds a high negative voltage to control grid.
This stops the emission of electrons from its center hole. Thus the beam is blanked for
short time.
5) Power supply consists of HV (20-40kV or still more) and LV for the entire circuit of

b) How satellite is used as relay station. Explain with neat circuit diagram.

Answer: Satellite communication plays very important role when we want to broadcast our
signals on global level. We can transmit beyond horizon using geosynchronous satellite
communication system.

Block diagram of transponder is given above. It is the main interface between uplink and
downlink signals. It is installed within a geosynchronous satellite.
The transponder receives uplink signal (fs = 6GHz) from earth and then amplifies it by Low
Noise Amplifier (LNA) by reducing noise from it. Then it is mixed with (fo = 2GHz) from local
oscillator of fixed frequency.
The difference output of mixer is taken out i.e. fs – fo = 4GHz. This translated output is then
amplified strongly using power amplifier and retransmitted back to earth. The bandwidth of
transponder is generally 500MHz. There are 12 to 24 transponders in a geosynchronous

c) What is serial and parallel data communication? Explain with neat diagrams.

Answer: The serial data communication means the digital data is transmitted from one system
to another system bit-by-bit. This process is done with the help of registers.
When data is transferred from LSB to MSB it is called left shift and from MSB to LSB it is
called right shift. The communication process is carried out on a single data line.
Example: As shown in following diagram, if each bit is transferred at a rate of 1msec, then the
total data will shift from left to right system after 4msec.
As each bit is sent one after another, this system is slow.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
In parallel data communication system, all bits of the data are transferred simultaneously.
Consider the following diagram.

In left system, 7-bit data is 1010011. All the flip-flops of this system are connected in parallel
with the system on right side through multi-wire connection, known as data bus.
At time t = 0, left system contains the data as 1010011. When a clock pulse is applied all the
bits simultaneously move from left to right. So after 1msec, system-1 contains 0000000 and
system-2 contains 1010011.
In this way, the data is transferred at a very fast rate from one system to another.

Ques 2: A) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)

a) Explain the terms for regulated power supply – LR, SR and RR.

Answer: Regulator is an electronic circuit which maintains constant output voltage irrespective
of change in input voltage or change in load resistance.
There are two types of regulations –
Load regulation (LR): The load regulation is defined as the change in output voltage when the
load current changes from minimum to maximum.
It is given by the equation: LR = (VNL – VFL)/ VFL
Where, VNL = voltage at no load, VFL = voltage at full load.
The smaller is the difference between VNL and VFL, or smaller is the value of LR, better is the
power supply.
Line regulation (SR): It is defined as the change in output voltage for a specified range of line
It is given by the equation: SR = Vo1 - Vo2
The value of %SR is given by: %SR= (Vo1 - Vo2)/Vo1 = SR/Vo1 x 100
As line regulation is also measure of change, its value must be as small as possible.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) Calculate the average DC voltage and ripple frequency of FWR circuit if the transformer has
10:5 ratio and it is connected to 200V AC 50Hz supply.
Answers: 90V, 100Hz Check our solved unsolved problems booklet
c) Design shunt zener regulator, if Vz = 10V/500mW, Vin = 15V, find Rs if RL = 10. Draw its
neat circuit diagram also.
Answers: Rs=4.8Ω Check our solved unsolved problems booklet

B) Attempt any ONE of the following – (8)

a) Explain the working of opamp as a integrator and derive its output expression.

Answer: The circuit of an integrator using opamp is given below –

Let since point A is at virtual ground. To calculate as input current –

The feedback current is given as –

Now integrating both sides of the above equation, we get –

Passive integrator: In above equation, if = 1M and C = 1F then -

It is called as passive integrator circuit. It can do real time integration. If a sine wave is
connected to integrator, suppose then, we have –

b) Explain all the four types of comparator circuits using opamp. Draw neat circuit diagrams of

Answer: There are 4 types of comparators & 3 possible conditions of comparison -

1) Input voltage will be greater than , i.e.

2) Input voltage will be less than , i.e.

3) And input voltage will be equal to , i.e.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
1) Non-inverting zero reference comparator (Fig a):

When , , , , when
2) Inverting zero reference comparator (Fig: b):

When , , , , when
3) Non-inverting non-zero reference comparator (Fig: c):

When , , , , when

4) Inverting non-zero reference comparator (Fig: d):

When , , , , when

Ques 3: A) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)

a) Explain the working of UJT based time base generator in CRO with suitable diagram.

Answer: The time base generator is an electronics oscillator to produce sawtooth waves and
control the deflection of electron beam horizontally.

As shown in above circuit, when supply is connected, the timing capacitor (C) starts charging
through variable resistor (R) – time/div control.
The capacitor charges exponentially. When its voltage becomes maximum (Vp) it fires the UJT.
When UJT fires, it discharges (C) into it through R2.
Thus the capacitor takes longer time to charge but short time to discharge. Hence sawtooth
waves are produced across it. The value of (Vp) is given by –
Vp = .VBB + 0.6
Where, () is known as intrinsic stand-off ratio given by –
 = RB2 /(RB1 + RB2)

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) Define – input offset voltage, input bias current and CMRR of opamp.

Input offset voltage: It is a typical value of voltage applied either to the inverting or non-
inverting input terminal to make the output equal to zero. It is measured in milli volts (mV).
Input bias current: the average current applied to the inverting and non-inverting terminals to
bias the transistors in differential amplifier is called bias current (I B). It is measured in nano
IB = [(IB+) +(IB-)]/2
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): It is defined as the ratio of differential mode gain
(Ad) to common mode gain (Ac). Since the Ac = 0, for ideal opamp, CMRR is always infinite. It
measured in dB (decibel).

c) Explain the working of transistorized series pass voltage regulator using circuit.

Answer: This circuit can give more current to the load as compared to shunt zener regulator

1) Vf = feedback voltage
2) R1, R2 = biasing resistors
3) Ra, Rb = feedback resistors. They are also used to limit current.
Transistor T1 is known as series pass transistor, as total load current passes through it. It
works in active region.
Now the closed loop gain of the circuit is given by –
ACL = 1/
Where,  is called feedback fraction –
 = Rb/(Ra + Rb)
i.e. Vf = .Vo = Vz + VBE (of transistor T2) … (1)
Vo = (Vz + VBE)/ 
i.e. Vo = ACL.(Vz + VBE)
Working: When load resistance changes the output voltage get affected. This change in output
voltage is connected through feedback (Ra & Rb) to base of T2. So the forward/reverse
biasing of series pass transistor T1 is controlled accordingly with the help of T2 and the
In this way, the output voltage is regulated with high current to the load.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
B) Attempt any ONE of the following – (8)
a) Enlist the types of filters used in DC power supply. Draw and explain the working of capacitor
filter circuit.

Answer: Capacitor filter circuit is a type of filter circuit which converts impure DC into pure
DC. We can use number of capacitors in parallel (shunt) with the load.

1) When rectifier output voltage increases, the capacitor gets charged to peak voltage
2) When voltage drops, the capacitor starts discharging into the load.
3) Due to this, the load voltage almost remains constant.
4) But the capacitor gets discharged while maintaining the load voltage.
5) But again the rectifier voltage increases in next half cycle and charges the capacitor.
6) In this way, the capacitor charges and discharges continuously to maintain a constant
DC voltage and constant current into the load.
7) For obtaining steady voltage across load, the resistance of load should be high. So this
circuit is suitable for low current and high voltage applications.
This type of filter circuit is called shunt filter, as capacitor is connected in parallel with the
load resistor.
The charging and discharging path of capacitor is shown in the waveforms given above.

b) Draw the circuit of AMV using IC 555 and explain its working.

Answer: It is a free running, periodic timer whose output becomes ON/OFF in a fixed interval
of time. This time is decided by the charging/discharging of external capacitor (C) and two
resistors R1 and R2. It produces square wave.

Working: Initially assume that capacitor is discharged. When supply is connected, IC is

triggered because capacitor voltage is less than 1/3 of Vcc. The output pin-3 becomes HIGH
and pin-7 is inactive.
Capacitor starts charging through R1 & R2. When its voltage is greater than 2/3 of Vcc, output
becomes LOW and pin-7 is active.
Now capacitor starts discharging through R2 only. After some time, its voltage drops below 1/3
of Vcc, so again output becomes HIGH and thus ON/OFF cycle of the output repeats.
In this way, square wave is obtained at the output pin-3. In charging time (t1) we get +ve pulse
and in discharging time (t2) we get –ve pulse.
Since charging/discharging time are given by–

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
Where, R1 & R2 are in ohms, C is in Farad and D.C. means duty cycle.

Ques 4: A) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)

a) Draw neat block diagram of opamp and explain its working block-wise.

Answer: As shown in the following block diagram, there are two differential amplifiers, emitter
follower, level shifter, output stage and the constant current source.

1) First differential amplifier: It provides the ultimate gain, input impedance, large
frequency response and high CMRR. Constant current source provides necessary supply
to the first differential amplifier block. It has doubled ended input and double ended
2) Second differential amplifier: It is used also used to increase the gain of operational
amplifier. It has double ended input but single ended output.
3) Emitter follower: It is common collector amplifier. It has high input but low output
resistance. So has high output current, to avoid loading effect.
4) Level shifter: After large amplification, the DC level in the signal increases. This block
removes unwanted DC level in the signal and also avoids noise in it.
5) Output stage: It provides high power output to drive the load effectively. It works on
the principle of maximum power transfer theorem.
The group of second differential amplifier, emitter follower and level shifter is called
as intermediate stage of operational amplifier.
The pin-2 & pin-3 are inverting and non-inverting terminals, respectively. The pin-7 and
pin-4 are +ve and –ve terminals for dual power supply of the in IC741 as operational

b) In a non-inverting amplifier using opamp, if Vin = -10mV, Rf = 15k, R1 = 10k, then

calculate its output voltage Vo.
Answer: -25mV Check our solved unsolved problems booklet
c) Draw the circuit of opamp as adder and calculate output voltage, if input voltages are:
V1=V2=20mV & V3=50mV, with R1=R2=R3=10k and Rf=20k.
Answer: 180mV Check our solved unsolved problems booklet

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
B) Attempt any ONE of the following – (8)
a) Draw the neat block diagram of Facsimile FAX and explain its working.

Answer: The diagram of scanning mechanism of fax machine is given below –

In scanning process the dots i.e. pixel are sensed
one by one in the form of number of horizontal lines
from top to bottom. In recent fax machine it is 200
When paper is scanned, its reflected light is
incident on CCD. The CDD is a photo sensitive
semiconductor device.
CCD contains large number of tiny capacitors
(matrix) which get charged at low or high voltage as per the intensity of light falling on them.
Thus CCD converts contents on paper into analog electric signals.
The analog signal is then modulated using modem and then transmitted over telephone line.
The diagram of fax machine is given below. It consists of three main blocks: transmitter,
receiver and control section blocks. Every fax machine contains these two blocks.

There are two types of fax machine: analog and digital. The analog machine uses AM or FM for
modulation, but the digital machine uses digital technique.
Transmitter block: First the analog output of CCD is converted into digital signals using ADC.
The digital data is in large string codes.
So it is compressed using digital data compression block. It reduces time redundancy and
increases transmission speed up to 2400-9600 baud.
This compressed data is then modulated using PSK (Phase Shift Keying) or QAM (Quadrature
Amplitude Modulation) and transmitted over telephone line.
Receiver block: When fax machine receives signals, the operator gives acknowledgement
signal. The signal is demodulated.
Now the signal is in the form of compressed data. So it is decompressed. After that the signal
is fed to the printer section. The quality of printing depends on type of printing mechanism like
laser printing, dot matrix printing, etc.
Control section: This block performs handshaking operation between two fax machines.
Different tones are exchanged and then the process of transmission/reception starts.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) Explain the process of AM with neat diagrams. Derive the final expression for AM wave also.

Answer: Amplitude modulation: When the instantaneous value of carrier changes in accordance
with amplitude of modulating signal, is called amplitude modulation.
Suppose carrier wave and modulating signal are given by –

The peak amplitude of AM wave is –

Now the equation for AM wave is given by –

Simplifying the equation we get –

That is -

This is the required equation of AM wave.

Now the bandwidth of AM wave is given by –

The frequency domain display of side bands is given below –

Importance: (1) The sidebands contain useful information and power. (2) They give us the idea
of bandwidth of AM wave. (3) Due to sidebands, modulated carrier signal changes its amplitude
on both sides of x-axis.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
Ques 5: A) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)
a) What is LDR? How we can use it for controlling street lights? Explain with neat circuit

Answer: LDR means Light Dependent Resistor. Its resistance depends on the intensity of light
falling on it. It is a passive transducer. The constructional diagram of LDR is given below –

It is composed of photo sensitive material like Cadmium Sulphide (CdS). It is available in

different sizes like 1/8” to 1” diameter.
It is constructed by fixing long wire of CdS in zigzag style in plastic case. Then it is covered
with glass to protect it from dust. When LDR is dark its resistance is very high but when it is
exposed to strong light, its resistance is very low.
The simple circuit of comparator using IC 741 is given below –

Working: The circuit works as twilight switch. When the LDR is lighted the relay coil remains
OFF. But when LDR is dark, the relay is activated to switch on street lights. Its working can be
explained in two conditions, as follows -
LDR is dark: In this condition resistance of LDR is very high. So the voltage at pin-2 is
greater than the voltage at pin-3. So output of comparator is zero and the relay is OFF.
LDR is lighted: Now the resistance of LDR is very small and voltage at pin-2 is less than the
voltage at pin-3. So output of the circuit is HIGH. So relay is activated to switch on the street
The sensitivity of the circuit for evening light conditions can be adjusted using variable
resistor of 10kΩ.
The diode in parallel with the relay coil absorbs back e.m.f. produced in it when relay coil
becomes OFF.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) What is LVDT? Explain in brief with necessary diagram.

Answer: LVDT means Linear Variable Differential Transformer. It is passive transducer, used
to measure displacement. Constructional diagram –

The primary coil is connected to mains AC voltage. The AC voltage is induced in sec1 and sec2
through the core.
The two secondaries are connected in series opposition. So the output voltage is the
difference of two secondary voltages. There are three possible conditions –
1) When core is displaced in the middle, induced voltages E1 = E2. So output Vo = 0.
2) When core is displaced towards left side, then induced voltage E1 > E2.
3) And when core is towards right side, then the induced voltage E2 > E1.
Advantages of LVDT:
a) It is very sensitive to small change in displacement
b) High output voltage can be produced. It is small in size and portable

c) Explain the working of CRT with neat labeled diagram.

Answer: The schematic diagram of CRT is given below -

Explanation of CRT
1) CRT is the heart of CRO. It is made up of thick glass and evacuated.
2) The filament, cathode and control grid form the electron gun.
3) It produces diverged beam which is accelerated and focused by the pair of pre
accelerating and second accelerating anodes.
4) They are separated by focusing anode to make electron beam narrow.
5) The beam is deflected vertically by vertical deflection plates and horizontally by
horizontal deflection plates.
6) The screen is coated with fluorescent material (phosphor). The beam strikes on the
screen. The phosphor absorbs kinetic energy of beam and reemits it as light energy to
produces bright spot.
7) After striking, some electrons bounce back known as secondary electrons. They are
absorbed by aquadag coating in funnel shape of CRT, electrically connected to focusing
8) All electrodes are internally connected to pins for external connection.
9) The screen of CRT is marked with graticule or x-y scale of 1 sq. cm. for measurement.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
It consists of pre accelerating anode, focusing anode and second accelerating anode. The
anodes are cylindrical in shape and connected to high positive voltage in decreasing order from
left to right.

So due to high potential difference between the anodes, electrostatic lens are formed. The
electrons get converged through these lenses to produce sharp spot on the screen.
The focal point of the lens can be changed by changing the +ve voltage on focusing anode.

B) Attempt any ONE of the following – (8)

a) What is bandwidth of a signal? Explain its concept with diagram.

Answer: Bandwidth is defined as the difference between upper frequency F H and lower
frequency FL.
For example, audio frequency of human ear is between 20Hz to 20kHz. So the bandwidth of
human ear is –
BW = FH - FL = 20000 – 20 = 19.88kHz
The human voice frequency range is between 300 Hz to 3 kHz, then the bandwidth will be –
BW = FH - FL = 3000 – 300 = 2.7kHz
The bandwidth is graphically shown as follows –

Bandwidth plays an important role in allotting the radio stations and designing transmitter and
receiver system.
The international rules for bandwidth allocation are governed by FCC – Federal Communication
The transmission range of MW band is 1605 to 535kHz. Each AM radio station has a total
bandwidth of 10kHz. It means that the total AM radio stations that can be occupied in this
range will be –
Bandwidth of AM spectrum = 1605 – 535 = 1070kHz
Number of radio stations = 1070kHz/10kHz = 107 stations
But in all over the world there are 1000 of AM radio stations.
This problem is solved by increasing the bandwidth of the spectrum. Suppose the range of new
spectrum is 3MHz to 30MHz.
Bandwidth of spectrum = 30 – 3 = 27MHz
Number of radio stations = 27MHz/10kHz = 2700 stations
Also each radio station is restricted to transmit in LPT – Low Power Transmitter range. So its
signals can be received within a limited geographical area
Now same frequency which was allotted to this radio station can be repeated at distant
geographical location. Thus bandwidth is very important parameter to create discipline in
communication electronics.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) Explain the working of differential amplifier using two transistors circuit.

Answer: It is the basic stage to construct the operational amplifier. It consists of two
transistors T1 and T2. The emitters of both transistors are connected to a single resistor (R),
as shown in the following circuit.

The four resistors R1-R4 are used for biasing the two transistors. The output is taken across
collectors of both the transistors, which is called double ended output. When output is taken
across individual collector and ground, it is called single ended output.
As it is known as differential amplifier, it amplifies the difference of two input signals V1 and
V2 connected between inverting and non-inverting terminals.
There are two types of gains of differential amplifier –
1) Differential mode gain Ad = -Vo/(V1-V2)
2) Common mode gain Ac = 0
3) The ratio of Ad to Ac is called CMRR i.e. common mode rejection ratio –
CMRR = | Ad/Ac |
4) For ideal differential amplifier circuit, its CMRR is infinite. CMRR = 


Ques 5: A) Attempt any TWO of the following – (6)

a) In MMV using IC555, if R1 = 100k, C = 100F then calculate time T.

Answer: Use the simple formula: T=1.1xR1xC, use basic units for calculations.

b) What are simplex and duplex communication systems? Explain with examples.
1) Simplex communication system: It is unidirectional communication system. Example:
radio and TV broadcasting
2) Duplex communication system: It is bidirectional communication system. It is
classified into two types:
a) Half duplex: In this system signal travels in both directions, but one at a time.
Example: police wireless communication
b) Full duplex: In this system, signal travels in both directions simultaneously.
Example: telephone communication

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
c) Derive the output equation of subtractor using opamp with neat circuit.

Answer: Consider the following circuit of subtractor using opamp.

The output equation of the circuit can be obtained as follows –

Now we are using the circuit in differential mode. So the across points and will
be the actual input voltage. Hence, the gain of subtractor will be –

For ideal opamp, gain of the circuit is infinite, so , i.e. –

But and so we get –

Similarly so we get –


Now from equation (4), we get …… substituting the value from equation (5)

Now suppose, , then we get simple equation of output voltage as –

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
B) Attempt any ONE of the following – (8)
a) What is a network? Explain tree topology in LAN with necessary block diagram.

Answer: The interlinking between two or more computers to share digital data is called as
network communication system. There are three main types –
1) Wide Area Network (WAN): When digital data is shared on national level to cover the
whole country or a state it is known as wide area network. For example: ATM service,
credit card services, railway and flights bookings, etc.
2) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): When network is used on city level or
metropolitan level is called as metropolitan area network. Examples: Cable TV network,
CCTV network, etc.
3) Local Area Network (LAN): A small scale network within a building is called as local
area network. Examples: Banking networks, internal security networks, intercom
system, etc.
There are three types of network topologies. They are as follows –
Start Topology: It is very popular in computer LAN network. It contains central controller
node or server. It has high level configuration i.e. its RAM is
large and the CPU is very fast.
The server is connected to number of clients or nodes in the
style like the figure of star as shown below.
Each client can share the data with other clients through the
server. The main advantage of star network is addition of few
more nodes is possible. It does not affect time delay.
The disadvantage is that if the server fails, the whole network
Ring Topology: In this, there is no central controlling unit i.e.
a server. All the nodes are connected in ring style. The flow
of data on the ring is unidirectional, as shown below.
Each node receives data from the ring in sequence. The data
is addressed, so that it is received by desired node.
The main advantage of ring network is that each node has
direct communication capacity and it is independent on one
control node. However, if one node fails, the system works
partially. Also if number of nodes in the ring is increased,
then more delay is produced.
Bus Topology: It is the most efficient topology and more reliable than star and ring networks.
It is also called as multi point or multi-drop topology.
This topology uses a common bus for data transmission with
bidirectional data communication for each node.
Bus network is much faster than the other networks. Direct
communication between two nodes is possible. And the
breakdown of one node does not affect the entire system.

12 Electronics Guessing Paper Solutions 2018, Vidyasagar Academy,
b) Explain the working DMM with neat block diagram. Explain any three controls.

Answer: The digital multimeter is a lab instrument used to measure different electrical
quantities like AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current and resistance. For every measurement the
rotary switch is fixed in a particular position.

To measure resistance: Connect an unknown resistor across input probes. Current will flow
through the resistor. The voltage drop across it is buffered and fed to the ADC, to get the
value in Ohms on the display.
To measure AC/DC voltage: Connect unknown AC/DC voltage across input probes. The voltage
is attenuated, if it is dangerously high. Also if it is AC voltage then it is rectified, otherwise it
is directly fed to the ADC circuit and then converted into proportional digital value in Volts.
To measure AC/DC current: Connect an unknown AC/DC current across input probes. The
current is converted into voltage by I-V converter and then rectified. Then it is fed to ADC to
get digital value in Amperes.


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