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List three examples of

matter changing from one

state to another.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
It’s a Matter
of Energy
Text book Pages 50 – 55 and 76 - 81

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Matter changes from one state to another.

I don’t think so…

not THAT kind of state!
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy of
particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• Matter can undergo physical or chemical
• Definition – A physical change is any
change that alters the form or
appearance of matter, but does not make
it into a different substance.
• Changes of state from one phase of
matter (solid, liquid, or gas) to another is
a physical change.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• Other examples of physical changes
include dissolving, bending, crushing,
breaking, chopping, or anything else that
changes ONLY the shape or form of

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• Definition – A chemical change is a
change in matter that produces one or
more new substances.
• A single substance can change into one or
more new substances.
• Two or more substances can combine to
form different substances.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• A chemical change produces new
substances with properties that are
different from those of the original
• Some examples of chemical changes
include combustion, electrolysis,
oxidation, and tarnishing.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Law of Conservation of Mass
(Law of Conservation of Matter)
• Anton Lavoisier was a French chemist
who performed experiments to show that
no mass was lost or gained during a
chemical change.
• The law of conservation of mass states
that matter is not created or destroyed
in any chemical or physical change.
• When matter changes, the particles of
matter are rearranged.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Matter can change
from one physical state
to another through shifts
of energy.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• Definition – Energy is the ability to do
work or cause change.
• Every chemical or physical change in
matter includes a change in energy.
• Definition - Thermal energy is the total
energy of all the particles in an object.
• Thermal energy always flows from
warmer matter to cooler matter.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes in Matter
• Temperature and thermal energy are not
the same.
• Temperature is, however, related to the
thermal energy that matter has.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic
energy of particles in matter.

What phase something takes is a

matter of energy.

Explain how by
adding or taking
away energy you can
change a liquid cup
of coffee into a gas
or a solid.
Phase change involves

How does the amount of

energy in a substance
affect the phase it is in?
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
You can take matter from
one state to another by
adding or removing energy.
Watch this!
Changes Between Liquid and Solid

• Substances change state when its

thermal energy increases or decreases
• Particles of a liquid have more thermal
energy than particles of the same
substance in a solid form.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Solid
• Definition – Melting is a change in state
from a solid to a liquid that involves an
increase in thermal energy.
• For each substance melting occurs at a
specific temperature called the melting
• At its melting point, the particles of a
substance are vibrating so fast that they
break free from their fixed positions.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Solid

• Definition – Freezing is a change in state

from a liquid to solid that involves an
decrease in thermal energy.
• At its freezing point, the particles of a
liquid are moving so slowly that they
begin to form regular patterns.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Solids turn to liquids, and liquids
turn back into solids if energy is
taken away from them.

If a gas is superheated, it loses

its electrons and becomes plasma.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Gas

• Definition – Vaporization occurs when the

particles in a liquid gain enough energy to
form a gas.
• There are two types of vaporization:
– Evaporation
– Boiling

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Gas

• Definition – Evaporation is vaporization

that takes place only on the surface of a
• An example is a shrinking puddle of
• Definition – Boiling occurs when a liquid
changes to a gas below its surface as well
as at the surface.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Gas
• The boiling point is the temperature at which a
liquid boils and can be evidenced when the
liquid bubbles.
• Boiling point depends on the pressure of the air
above it.
• The lower the pressure, the less energy needed
for the particles of the liquid to escape into
the air, the lower the boiling point.
• The higher above sea level a location is, the
lower the air pressure.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Gas
• Condensation is the opposite of
• Definition – Condensation occurs when
particles in a gas lose enough thermal
energy to form a liquid.
• Water vapor is a colorless gas that is
impossible to see.

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes Between Liquid and Gas
• Steam, clouds, and fog are not water
– They are tiny drops of liquid
suspended in air.
• Chemists use melting and boiling
points to help identify unknown

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes Between Solid and Gas

• Definition – Sublimation occurs when the

surface particles of a solid gain enough
energy that they form a gas.
• During sublimation the particles of a solid
do not pass through the liquid state as
they form gas.
• Example: Dry ice

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Changes Between Solid and Gas

• Definition – Deposition occurs when the

particles of a gas lose enough energy that
they form regular patterns and become

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
of solid
carbon dioxide
(dry ice).

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy

of particles in matter.
Would it turn into a liquid or into a gas?
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
If it turned into a liquid it would be
called ,
if into a gas, .
Actually, diamonds sublimate,
forming carbon dioxide gas when
heated high enough.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
A. Solid to liquid D. 1.Deposition
B. Solid to gas F. 2.Condensation
C. Liquid to gas A. 3.Melting
D. Gas to solid E. 4.Freezing
E. Liquid to solid B. 5.Sublimation
F. Gas to liquid C. 6.Boiling
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Name the most common
form of matter in the universe.

Name two examples

of substances that freeze
at room temperature.
COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.
Is it possible to have matter
existing in all three phases:

solid, liquid, and gas,

at the same time?

COS 7 : Describe the states of matter based on kinetic energy
of particles in matter.

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