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Pediatric shock
Usha Sethuraman† &
Pediatric shock accounts for significant mortality and morbidity worldwide, but remains
Nirmala Bhaya
incompletely understood in many ways, even today. Despite varied etiologies, the end result
†Author for correspondence
Children’s Hospital of
of pediatric shock is a state of energy failure and inadequate supply to meet the metabolic
Michigan, Division of demands of the body. Although the mortality rate of septic shock is decreasing, the severity
Emergency Medicine, is on the rise. Changing epidemiology due to effective eradication programs has brought in
Carman and Ann Adams
new microorganisms. In the past, adult criteria had been used for the diagnosis and
Department of Pediatrics,
3901 Beaubien Boulevard, management of septic shock in pediatrics. These have been modified in recent times to suit
Detroit, MI 48201, USA the pediatric and neonatal population. In this article we review the pathophysiology,
Tel.: +1 313 745 5260
epidemiology and recent guidelines in the management of pediatric shock.
Fax: +1 313 993 7166
Shock is an acute syndrome in which the circu- to generate ATP. It is postulated that in the face of
latory system is unable to provide adequate oxy- prolonged systemic inflammatory insult, overpro-
gen and nutrients to meet the metabolic duction of cytokines, nitric oxide and other medi-
demands of vital organs [1]. Due to the inade- ators, and in the face of hypoxia and tissue
quate ATP production to support function, the hypoperfusion, the body responds by turning off
cell reverts to anaerobic metabolism, causing the most energy-consuming biophysiological
acute energy failure [2]. This energy failure process, namely the mitochondria [3].
results in the cell being unable to maintain In the initial stages of anemic and ischemic
homeostasis, the disruption of ionic pumps, shock, compensation occurs by tachycardia,
accumulation of intracellular sodium, efflux of tachypnea and peripheral vasoconstriction,
potassium, accumulation of cytosolic calcium which maintains flow to the vital organs. How-
and eventual cell death. Widespread cell death ever, when the shock state persists, hypotension
results in multi-organ dysfunction. occurs, and the shock becomes a decompensated
one. In children, this occurs much later in the
Pathophysiology course. Anion gap acidosis occurs in the later
Shock can result from lack of oxygen delivery, a stages due to reversion to anaerobic metabolism
lack of glucose delivery or mitochondrial dys- and conversion of pyruvate to lactate. An anion
function [2]. DO2 is the amount of oxygen deliv- gap of greater than 16 mEq/l is a surrogate
ered to the tissues per minute, and is dependent marker of ischemic shock [2].
on the amount of blood pumped by the heart Shock due to impaired glucose delivery presents
per minute (cardiac output [CO]) and the as anion gap acidosis, and presence of hypo-
oxygen content of that blood (CaO2), that is: glycemia, euglycemia or hyperglycemia. In this
case, the acidosis is due to the organic acids that
DO 2 = CO × CaO 2
are produced during catabolism of fat and protein
Oxygen content is measured by the following as a result of the lack of glucose substrate [2].
formula: Thus, clinical findings of shock are directly
CaO 2 = 1.36 (% hemoglobin) (% oxygen saturation) related to the abnormalities seen at the tissue, cel-
lular and biochemical levels [1]. All types of shock
+ 0.003 (PaO 2 )
have underlying maldistribution of capillary
Keywords: cardiogenic,
distributive, early
Thus, oxygen delivery can be impaired by ane- blood flow. Local sympathetic activity and circu-
goal-directed therapy, mia (low hemoglobin), hypoxia (decreased oxygen lating vasoactive and inflammatory mediators
hypovolemic, infection, saturation) or ischemia (decreased CO). Glucose cause smooth muscle contraction in the precapil-
multiple-organ dysfunction,
pediatric, sepsis, septic, shock,
delivery can be impaired during states of hypogly- lary sphincters and arterioles. Such mediators are
SIRS cemia or insulin resistance. Mitochondrial dys- released by the host in response to endotoxins
function results from the cellular hypoxia [2]. It is and cell injury. Mechanical obstruction of the
part of well known that mitochondria consume more capillaries occurs due to blockage by debris that
than 90% of the total body oxygen consumption forms due to a fall in hydrostatic pressures,

10.2217/14750708.5.4.405 © 2008 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1475-0708 Therapy (2008) 5(4), 405–423 405
REVIEW – Sethuraman & Bhaya

making it difficult for leukocytes to squeeze is no tricuspid valve stenosis) and can be easily
through the microvessels. Activation of the com- assessed clinically. Similarly, in the absence of
plement system causes further aggregation of mitral valve disease, the pulmonary artery
platelets and granulocytes and damage to the wedge pressure reflects the LVEDP. It is often
endothelium. not possible to evaluate the LVEDP by clinical
The damaged endothelium promotes pro- assessment alone.
coagulant activity, while superoxide radicals, Compliance is the change in ventricular vol-
metabolites of cells and cytokines of macrophages ume for a given change in pressure [4]. Thus,
that the body produces to kill bacteria, add to the administration of fluids to a patient with a com-
damage. The end result of all this is tissue pliant ventricle may increase the stroke volume,
ischemia, which is common to all types of shock. while producing a minimal change in VEDP.
This ischemia results in decreased ATP pro- Conversely, in a stiff ventricle, administration of
duction (2 M of ATP per 1 M of glucose instead even a small amount of fluid can cause a signifi-
of the normal 38 M of ATP) and reversion to cant increase in VEDP, and hence judicious use
anaerobic metabolism. Glycogen stores are fur- of fluids with close monitoring is important [4].
ther depleted by the anaerobic metabolism, caus- Cardiac output is also defined by the follow-
ing accumulation of lactate. Sodium and water ing equation, where MAP is the mean arterial
enter the cell, resulting in cellular swelling and pressure, CVP is the central venous pressure and
clinically apparent edema. SVR is the systemic venous resistance:
With prolonged states of low flow, thrombosis
and hypofibrinolysis occur due to activation of
the endothelium by systemic inflammation This equation guides clinical management.
mediators [2]. The activated endothelium causes During fluid resuscitation, the increase in MAP
consumption of both procoagulant and anti- must be more than the increase in CVP, or the
coagulant proteins, thus explaining the presence perfusion pressure would be reduced [2]. Hence,
of both bleeding and thrombosis in patients with at this point, vasopressors would be indicated
severe shock. Prompt resuscitation with fluids, rather than fluids [2].
ionotropes and vasodilators reverses and prevents It is also important to note that CO can fall if
disseminated intravascular coagulation [2]. the SVR increases, even in the presence of nor-
mal MAP – CVP. Perfusion pressure is main-
Cardiovascular physiology tained, even in the presence of low CO states, by
Cardiac output is the volume of blood ejected by increased SVR [2]. Hence, patients with a poor
the heart per minute, and is a product of heart CO can have a normal blood pressure, as the sys-
rate and stroke volume. In childhood, the heart temic vascular tone is high. These patients may
rate is higher and the stroke volume is smaller benefit from the addition of vasodilators and
than in adults. The stroke volume can be altered inotropes [2].
by conditions that affect ventricular preload, Ventricular contractility is the speed and
compliance, contractility and afterload [4]. force of ventricular contraction. With improved
Ventricular preload is the presystolic stretch contractility, the speed of ejection improves,
of ventricular fibers, which, according to the thus increasing the time for refill of the ventri-
Frank–Starling Law of the Heart, has a linear cles, and hence increasing the stroke volume.
relationship with the tension generated by myo- The contractility is best evaluated by an
cardial fibers (Figure 1) [4]. As the fiber length echocardiographic evaluation of the left ven-
increases, the tension generated by the myo- tricular shortening fraction (LVSP). The normal
cardial fibers, and hence the stroke volume, LVSP is approximately 28–44%, and a reduced
increase up to a point. LVSP is associated with reduced contractility.
Since the length of the myocardial fiber can- Other measures of the contractility include the
not be measured clinically, right or left ventricu- ejection fraction and the rate of peak ventricular
lar end-diastolic pressure (VEDP) is measured pressure development [4]. Patients with inade-
to help evaluate the ventricular preload. Increas- quate stroke volume despite adequate volume
ing the VEDP causes increased stroke volume loading have reduced contractility and have a
and CO. However, at one point, when the ven- flat curve on the Frank–Starling curve [2]. Treat-
tricle is overfilled, the stroke volume falls again. ment with inotropes, vasodilators and volume in
Central venous pressure (CVP) or right atrial these patients moves the curve upwards and to
pressure is equal to the RVEDP (provided there the left.

406 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

Figure 1. Frank–Starling curve. shock is likely to show cardiac dysfunction, poor

intravascular volume and maldistribution of
blood flow.
Normal contractility
Hypovolemic shock
Although hypovolemic shock can be caused by a
Vasodilator and volume
Diminished cardiac variety of factors, the end result is decreased
Cardiac output

contractility + inotrope intravascular volume, decreased venous return to

the heart and decreased stroke volume (Box 1) [5].
Reduced cardiac
function It is the leading cause of pediatric mortality in
developing countries, and the WHO lists
diarrhea as one of the leading causes of pediatric
mortality. Due to aggressive fluid resuscitations
and improved intensive-care medicine, mortality
in the USA from diseases associated with hypov-
olemic shock has decreased by nearly tenfold in
Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
the past two decades [6].

Pathophysiology of hypovolemic shock

Afterload is the resistance or impedance to the The common axiom that children are not little
ventricular ejection, and is determined by the adults is particularly true with regards to the
ventricular lumen radius, thickness of the wall, cardiovascular system of children and distribu-
and ventricular ejection pressure. As the after- tion of body fluids. Many of the physiologic fac-
load increases, the stroke volume decreases. tors are age related in children (e.g., heart rate
Afterload reduction with vasodilators improves and respiratory rate) and hence what is seen com-
the stroke volume. monly in adults may not be applicable in chil-
During any illness, there is a stress response dren. Children often remain asymptomatic for
that is due to central and sympathetic nervous prolonged periods of time, resulting in diagnostic
system activation [2]. This causes release of and therapeutic delays.
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), corti- Children have greater total body water
sol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. The end (60–75%) and percentage of extracellular water
result is an increase in heart rate, stroke volume (20–40%) when compared with adults (50–55%
and blood pressure, and release of glucagon to and 20–25%, respectively) leading to the
increase glucose delivery. assumption that they are protected against dehy-
This stress response is exaggerated in shock, dration [5]. In reality, their higher resting meta-
and catecholamine and cortisol levels are five- to bolic rate, increased insensible water loss and
ten-times higher than during stress response. decreased renal concentrating ability make them
The angiotensin and aldosterone pathways are more susceptible to hypoperfusion of end organs
also activated, resulting in oliguria. Although [5,7]. It is also important to remember that com-
this shock response helps the patient survive for a pared with adults, the total amount of fluid loss
short time, intervention is required at this time required to produce shock is also less in a child [5].
to ensure long-term survival. Thus, early symptoms and signs of shock may
be subtle in a child and get progressively worse as
Etiology the disease progresses compared with an adult
Shock can be hypovolemic, cardiogenic or dis- with a similar degree of hypovolemia.
tributive and further classification is based on The compensatory cardiovascular mechanisms
the etiology (Table 1). Shock that results from in a child in response to decreases in volume and
inadequate intravascular volume relative to the preload and impaired contractility also vary from
vascular space is called hypovolemic shock [4]. adults. In children, the ability to improve myocar-
Cardiogenic shock is due to the impaired myo- dial contractility in response to catecholamines is
cardial function. Distributive shock is due to limited due to insufficient muscle mass and stiffer
inappropriate distribution of blood flow, with myocardium when compared with adults. Hence,
increased capillary permeability. It is important CO is more dependent on heart rate than on the
to recognize that this classification may be inad- stroke volume. Tachycardia is the primary
equate, particularly when the patient in late response in children to decreasing preload or poor

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Table 1. Types of shock, clinical features and management.

Type of shock Pathophysiology Clinical features Management
Hypovolemic ↓CO, ↑SVR ↑heart rate, ↓pulses, prolonged Bolus of crystalloids as 20 ml/kg and
cap refill, dry skin, sunken eyes repeat as needed; blood for trauma
Septic ↓CO, ↑SVR (60% in children) ↑HR, hypotension (late), Bolus of crystalloids 20 ml/kg, maybe up
prolonged cap refill, ↓pulses, to >60 ml/kg in the first hour
altered mentation Dopamine if fluid resistance
Epineprine if dopamine and fluid
↑CO, ↓SVR (20% in children) ↑HR, ↓BP, ↑pulses, prolonged cap Fluid bolus of 20 ml/kg up to >60 ml/kg
refill, altered mentation in the first hour
Dopamine if fluid refractory
Norepinephrine if fluid and dopamine
↓CO, ↓SVR (20% in children) ↑HR, ↓BP, ↓pulses, prolonged cap Fluid bolus of 20 ml/kg up to >60 ml/kg
refill, hyperpnea, altered in first hour
mentation Dopamine if fluid refractory
Epinephrine if dopamine and fluid
Distributive Spinal cord injury: normal CO, Normal HR, ↓BP, paralysis Judicious fluids
↓SVR Norepinephrine or phenylephrine
Anaphylaxis: ↑CO, ↓SVR Angioedema, ↓BP, cardiovascular Fluid boluses
collapse, respiratory distress or Epinephrine
arrest Norepinephrine or phenylepinephrine
Cardiogenic ↓CO, ↑HR, normal or ↑SVR ↑HR, ↓pulses, prolonged cap Judicious fluids
refill, hepatomegaly, rales, Dobutamine, dopamine or milrinone
BP: Blood pressure; CO: Cardiac output; HR: Heart rate; SVR: Systemic venous resistance.

contractility. As the resting heart rate in children is The severity of signs and symptoms of
higher than in adults, any further increase in heart hypovolemic shock depends on the degree of
rate may be much higher than their normal dehydration (Box 2).
percentiles, resulting in signs of hypoperfusion [5]. In children with hypovolemic shock due to
Since the vascular tone is maintained in chil- increased capillary permeability, such as that
dren during periods of low flow, they also try to caused by burns or sepsis, although the intra-
improve their CO by increasing the SVR by vascular volume is reduced, the interstitial vol-
peripheral vasoconstriction, as discussed previ- ume may be normal or even increased. These
ously. Hence, blood pressure is maintained by this patients may not exhibit the classic signs of
mechanism until late in the disease process. Once hypovolemic shock. They may have features of
compensatory mechanisms are initiated, children end-organ hypoperfusion, such as altered mental
become dependent on preload to maintain CO, status, oliguria and cool but swollen extremities,
and hence maintenance of intravascular volume is but be without other signs of dehydration. Care
the key to a successful resuscitation. should be taken during resuscitation of these
children, as aggressive fluid delivery may result
Clinical features in increased interstitial volume with continued
Hypovolemic shock due to dehydration causes intravascular hypovolemia.
reduced intravascular and interstitial volume Early recognition and treatment of hypo-
that in turn reduces the preload and the stroke volemic shock is of paramount importance, as
volume. These patients present sunken eyes, unrecognized and untreated hypovolemic shock
sunken fontanelle, dry mucus membranes, can rapidly progress to cardiovascular collapse
decreased skin turgor, cool extremities, pro- and arrest [5]. Children in hypovolemic shock
longed capillary refill and tachycardia. Hypo- may have an increased respiratory rate and work
tension may be a late finding and may not be of breathing in response to the metabolic acido-
seen until at least 30% of fluid loss has occurred. sis. Hence, a decreased respiratory rate or apnea

408 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

Box 1. Causes of hypovolemic shock. Definitions Conference [8–10]. The group agreed
that sepsis is infection plus presence of an inflam-
Hemorrhage (blood loss)
matory reaction, and included various criteria for
• Trauma the diagnosis of the inflammatory reaction [10].
– External (e.g., lacerations) Goldstein et al. point out that the definition
– Internal (e.g., solid-organ rupture, vascular injury)
used for adults may not be accurate for children
– Fractures
whose physiological parameters at baseline vary
– Gastrointestinal (e.g., bleeding ulcers)
– Intracranial bleeding (especially in neonates) from adults and with age [11]. They propose a
modified definition of systemic inflammatory
Plasma loss
response syndrome (SIRS), severe sepsis and
• Burns septic shock in children (Box 3).
• Sepsis or inflammation They propose six different age groups for age-
• Nephrotic syndrome
specific vitals and laboratory findings of SIRS:
• Third spacing as in peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, low protein
Fluid & electrolyte loss • Newborn (0 days to 1 week)
• Neonate (1 week to 1 month)
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea • Infant (1 month to 1 year)
• Excessive sweating • Toddler and preschool (2–5 years)
• Heat stroke • School-aged child (6–12 years)
• Water deprivation • Adolescent and young adult (13–18 years)
Endocrine Premature infants were not included.
• Diabetes insipidus They point out that major difference between
• Diabetes ketoacidosis adult and pediatric SIRS is that SIRS can not be
• Adrenal insufficiency diagnosed in children in the absence of changes in
• Hypothyroidism leukocyte counts or temperature. They also suggest
modifying the numeric values in the earlier defini-
is an ominous sign of impending arrest. Simi- tion to account for different physiology. Finally,
larly, irritability or obtundation are signs of cere- they point out that bradycardia can be used as evi-
bral hypoperfusion, and may progress quickly to dence of SIRS in newborns, but not in older chil-
coma if untreated [5]. Care must be taken to not dren, in whom it would be a near-terminal event.
depend on hypotension to guide fluid manage- Criteria used for septic shock include infec-
ment, as it is a very late finding and significant tion, with hypothermia or hyperthermia, tachy-
fluid losses have occurred prior to this. cardia (may be absent with hypothermia) and
altered mental status, in the presence of at least
Infection, sepsis, systemic inflammatory one or more of the following: decreased periph-
response syndrome, severe sepsis & eral pulses, prolonged capillary refill of more
septic shock than 2 s (indicating cold shock) or flash capillary
The original definition of sepsis provided by Bone refill (indicating warm shock), mottled or cool
et al. was revisited at the 2001 International Sepsis extremities (with cold shock) and decreased
urine output (<1 cm3/kg/h). Hypotension is sug-
Box 2. Clinical symptoms and signs of hypovolemic gestive of decompensated shock [12,13]. Multiple-
dehydration at different percentages of dehydration. organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is defined
as failure of more than one organ. Several scoring
Mild (5%)
systems exist in the literature for pediatric
• Mild tachycardia, concentrated urine, normal capillary refill MODS and include Multiple Organ System
Failure Score (MOSF), Pediatric Multiple Organ
Moderate (10%)
Dysfunction Score (PMOD), Pediatric Logistic
• Sunken eyes, flat fontanelle, irritable, decreased tears, dry mucus Organ Dysfunction Score (PLOD) and Pediatric
membranes, thirsty, increased respiratory rate, prolonged capillary refill of MOD [14–18]. Of these, only the PLOD has been
2–3 s, oliguria, tachycardia, normal blood pressure validated in a multicenter study [16]. Based on
Severe (15%) the above, Goldstein et al. developed criteria for
organ dysfunction [11].
• Lethargic, sunken eyes and fontanelle, ashen appearance, very dry mucus Seven organs have been considered, including
membranes, absent tears, periods of apnea, capillary refill of more than
nervous system, respiratory, cardiovascular,
3 s, absent urine output, tachycardia, hypotension
gastrointestinal, hematological, renal and hepatic

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Box 3. Definitions of SIRS, infection, sepsis, severe sepsis and in infants (5.6/1000) and fell dramatically to
septic shock. 0.2/1000 in 10–14 year olds. The high rate
among infants was primarily due to neonatal
• SIRS is defined as the presence of two of the four following criteria, one of severe sepsis (69.7% of infants). Two-thirds of
which must be abnormal temperature or leukocyte count: the neonates were low-birth-weight (LBW)
– Core temperature of >38.5ºC or <36ºC infants and 50% of these were very-low-birth-
– Tachycardia with heart rate >2 SD above what is normal for age in the
weight infants (VLBW) [25]. The most common
absence of any other causes or bradycardia (in children <1 year of age)
underlying conditions in infants were respiratory
with heart rate <10th percentile in the absence of any other causes
– Mean respiratory rate >2 SD above what is normal for age or mechanical
(19%), followed by cardiac (17.1%). Neuro-
ventilation not for general anesthesia or for a neuromuscular-related muscular disorders were the most common
process underlying condition in older children between
– Elevated or depressed leukocyte count or >10% immature neutrophils 1 and 10 years of age, while neoplasms were
most common in children older than 10 years of
• Infection is defined as a suspected or proven infection (either by culture or
age [25].
tissue stain or PCR) caused by a pathogen or a clinical syndrome
Sepsis mortality rates in reports from across
associated with a high probability of infection. Evidence of infection
includes positive clinical findings or laboratory tests or radiographs. the country have varied from 6 to 15% [26,27].
Infection could be bacterial, viral, fungal or rickettsial in origin. Mortality rates from sepsis have decreased stead-
ily due to improved intensive-care techniques
• Sepsis is SIRS in the presence of or as a result of proven or suspected and aggressive resuscitation principles [28]. The
use of vaccines against Haemophilus and the use
• Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular of intra and peripartum Group B streptococcal
organ dysfunction or acute respiratory distress syndrome, or two or more prophylaxis has contributed to the lower rates in
other organ dysfunctions. infants. The risk of death was shown to increase
• Septic shock is sepsis and cardiovascular dysfunction.
from 7% in those with one failed organ, to
53.1% in children with more than four failed
SD: Standard deviation; SIRS: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome. organs [25]. Mortality rates in children with
Adapted from [11].
chronic underlying disease have been 12–15%,
while in previously healthy children have ranged
(Box 4). For the purposes of enrolment in any from 0 to 2% [12,27]. Although outcomes are
severe sepsis study, they mandate the presence of improving per these reports, the burden of sepsis
both cardiovascular and respiratory organ dys- and septic shock is increasing in the USA, and
function. They also recommend that a pediatric the annual healthcare cost for it is estimated to
MOD scoring system should be used for any be US$4 billion [29].
documentation of organ dysfunction. The infections causing sepsis were either respi-
It is generally agreed that mortality is higher ratory (37.2%) or primary bacteremia (25%) in
when the number of organ failures is higher origin. The most common etiological organism
[19–23]. Leclerc et al. reported that children had a causing sepsis and septic shock in children in the
worse prognosis when MODS was present, irre- USA seems to be Staphylococcus (17.5%) [25].
spective of the diagnostic category of sepsis, and While Group B Streptococcus and Escherchia coli
that there is a cumulative accrual of the risk of infections are more common in neonates,
death with increasing severity of MODS and an Staphylococcus was also responsible for 25% of all
increasing severity of the worst septic type (i.e., neonatal infections. Fungal infections were more
SIRS-sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock) [24]. common in children with comorbidities. Biz-
It should also be noted that MODS is usually zarro et al. reported a decrease in early-onset sep-
seen in septic shock patients whose resuscitative sis (EOS – defined as sepsis within 72 h after
measures were delayed, whose source of infec- birth) per 1000 live births, and an increase in
tion was inadequately controlled, or in children late-onset sepsis (LOS – defined as sepsis >72 h
with an underlying primary or acquired after delivery). The decrease in the EOS is pro-
immunodeficiency [12]. posed to be secondary to a decrease in Group B
streptococcal infections following use of intra-
Epidemiology of pediatric sepsis & partum antibiotics. The authors also report that
septic shock although there was no change in the EOS due to
The incidence of severe sepsis in the USA was E. coli, there was a significant increase in the
reported by Watson et al. to be 0.56 per 1000 incidence of both EOS and LOS of E. coli sepsis
children each year [25]. The incidence was highest in the VLBW infants [30].

410 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

Box 4. Organ dysfunction criteria. strated that there was an 80% incidence of
thrombosis and bleeding, with a 30% incidence of
Cardiovascular dysfunction
adrenal pathology and an 80% incidence of persist-
Despite administration of >40 ml/kg of fluids in 1 h: ent infection in these children [32]. These findings
• Hypotension (less than the 5th percentile for age or 2 SD below normal suggest that there is uncontrolled inflammation
for age) OR that contributes to organ failure in septic shock,
• Requirement for vasoactive drugs OR which in turn causes systemic thrombosis and adre-
• Two of the following: nal dysfunction. The uncontrolled inflammation
– Unexplained metabolic acidosis
also suggests untreated or persistent infection. All
– Increased lactate (>two-times normal)
of this is further affected by any underlying disease
– Oliguria
– Prolonged capillary refill
processes and the genetic make-up of the child [12].
– Difference between core and peripheral temperature >3oC Physiologically, in contrast to adults, low CO
and not low systemic vascular resistance is associ-
Respiratory dysfunction. Any one of the following:
ated with mortality in pediatric septic shock
• PaO2 <300 in absence of other causes such as congenital heart disease [33,34]. The majority of children with fluid-refrac-
• PaCO2 >65 torr or 20 mmHG above baseline
tory and dopamine-resistant shock in a study by
• Need for >50% FiO2 to maintain oxygen saturation above 92%
Ceneviva et al. demonstrated a low CO and high
• Need for mechanical ventilation
systemic vascular resistance state [35].
Neurologic dysfunction. Any one of the following: In addition, unlike adults, oxygen delivery, and
• GCS of <11 not extraction, is the major determinant of oxygen
• Change in GCS of >3 from baseline consumption in children [34].
Hematologic dysfunction. Any one of the following:
• Thrombocytopenia Clinical findings
• International Normalized Ratio >2 Septic shock can be recognized in a child who has
Renal dysfunction a suspected infection by a clinical triad of hypo-
thermia or hyperthermia, altered mental status
• Elevated creatinine (>two-times normal)
and peripheral vasodilatation with bounding
Hepatic dysfunction. Any one of the following: pulses (warm shock) or cool extremities with pro-
• Elevated bilirubin (>4 mg/dl) (excluding newborns) longed capillary refill and mottled appearance
• Elevated ALT (>two-times normal) (cold shock) [32]. Decreased urine output of less
ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; FiO2: Fraction of inspired oxygen; GCS: Glasgow Coma than 1 ml/kg/h may be seen. Hypotension is not
Score; PaCO2: Partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2: Partial pressure of oxygen; required for the diagnosis, although its presence
SD: Standard deviation.
Adapted from [11].
confirms the shock state [32]. Other findings may
include tachycardia, hyperpnea and edema [6].
Some of the predisposing conditions associated
Cardiogenic shock
with sepsis and septic shock include age (prematu-
Cardiogenic shock in children occurs due to
rity, newborns <1 year), underlying malignancies,
impaired myocardial function that results in
treatment with immunosuppressives, primary and
decreased CO. This may be a result of impaired
acquired immunedeficiencies, neutropenia, car-
contractility, arrhythmias or redirected blood
diac disorders, malnutrition and indwelling inva-
flow due to congenital heart disease [6]. Congen-
sive catheters [12]. Boys are more commonly
ital heart diseases that result in shock are usually
associated with severe sepsis than girls [31].
those with left ventricle outflow tract obstruc-
tion (hypoplastic left heart, severe aortic stenosis,
hypoplastic right ventricle). Other conditions
When the body is invaded by a microorganism, it
include cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, drugs,
responds with a controlled immune cell response to
acid–base imbalance, electrolyte imbalance,
the endotoxin and glycoprotein of the organism.
ischemic heart disease or cardiovascular surgery.
However, when this is ineffective in killing the
Myocardial dysfunction can be present in any
infection or clearing it, the inflammation becomes
form of shock, and often may be the final
uncontrolled, resulting in organ injury, bleeding
common pathway of any type of shock.
and thrombotic states [12]. After a review of autop-
sies of children who died from sepsis and multiple
organ failure at the Children’s Hospital of Pitts-
In cardiogenic shock, myocardial dysfunction
burgh (PA, USA), Amoo-Lamptey et al. demon-
limits the CO. In the early stages, compensatory

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mechanisms are activated and maintain intra- tension persists in the absence of tachycardia
vascular volume and perfusion of vital organs. despite adequate volume resuscitation, and
But these adrenergic responses increase myo- further blood loss has been ruled out [7].
cardial oxygen consumption. Decreased renal
perfusion results in sodium and water retention. Laboratory signs of shock
This may contribute to relative hypervolemia. Shock is largely a clinical and physiological diag-
With progression of the myocardial depression, nosis. The use of laboratory findings to prove or
CO and blood pressure fall. predict the presence of shock has not been sup-
ported in the literature. Teach et al. found that
Clinical findings blood urea nitrogen:creatinine ratio, total serum
Children with cardiogenic shock may show signs CO2, uric acid, serum anion gap, urine anion gap,
of inadequate perfusion, despite adequate intra- pH, venous base deficit, urine-specific gravity and
vascular volume or even hypervolemia. This is fractional excretion of sodium were all poor labo-
generally a low CO shock. Hence, there may be ratory predictors of fluid deficits [36]. However,
normal to increased heart rate, thready pulses, certain ancillary data may aid in therapy and pre-
prolonged capillary refill and cool extremities dicting prognosis. Lactic acid is a sensitive indica-
with a mottled appearance, jugular venous dis- tor of inadequate systemic perfusion. In a study of
tension, periorbital edema, hepatomegaly and critically ill children, Hatherill et al. found that an
oliguria. Pulmonary edema may be present, and admission lactate of more than 6 mmol/l had
the heart may appear enlarged on a chest radio- optimum predictive value for complications, and
graph. In severe cases, pulsus alternans may be found no association with the magnitude of meta-
present, and a fall in mixed venous saturation bolic acidosis, as quantified by the base excess and
may be seen. Blood pressure is again maintained mortality [37]. Recently, several authors have
until late in the course. reported the usefulness of procalcitonin in pre-
dicting severity and poor outcome of shock over
Distributive shock white count or C-reactive protein [38–42]. Other
This type of shock occurs due to a fall in sys- studies have found antithrombin III and protein
temic vascular resistance, causing abnormal C levels to be the most reliable marker of severity
redistribution of blood flow in the micro- of sepsis [43,44]. Although these tests are theoreti-
circulation, resulting in a functional hypovo- cally attractive in terms of feasibility and possible
lemia [7]. Although the cardiac contractility and early prediction of shock, further studies are
output increase initially, an eventual fall in CO needed to establish their usefulness.
due to decreased preload occurs. Causes include Although a positive blood culture, urine culture,
anaphylaxis and spinal injury (neurogenic). joint-fluid culture or cerebrospinal-fluid culture
aids in the diagnosis and management and should
Anaphylaxis be performed, a negative culture does not rule out
This is a life-threatening reaction, usually as a the presence of sepsis or shock. Coagulation stud-
result of exposure to an allergen, such as bee ies, including platelet counts, hemoglobin, pro-
sting or fish protein, which results in an IgE- thrombin time, partial thromboplastin time,
mediated hypersensitivity reaction, causing mas- fibrinogen, fibrin split products and D-dimer,
sive release of inflammatory mediators such as should be obtained and may help guide therapy.
cytokines from mast cells. These patients present Blood typing and screening may help with transfu-
with angioedema, respiratory failure or arrest, sions later. A chest radiograph will help determine
hypotension, cardiovascular collapse and even cardiac size and the presence of pulmonary edema.
arrest. There is loss of vascular tone and third An arterial blood gas can help with identification
spacing of intravascular volume. of acidosis and diffusion and ventilation problems.
Electrocardiogram and echocardiography Dop-
Neurogenic (spinal shock) pler should be performed selectively to evaluate for
This can develop after spinal cord injury that arrhythmias and cardiac function.
causes loss of sympathetic vascular tone and
autonomic tone, resulting in relative hypo- Therapy
volemia. Cardiac contractility is preserved Studies have shown that delay in recognition and
despite the fall in output due to decreased inadequate resuscitation is associated with poor
venous return. This type of shock should be con- outcome. Investigators from the UK reported a
sidered in a child after spinal cord injury if hypo- reduction in mortality from meningococcal septic

412 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

shock from 23 to 2% after development of a spe- In a study comparing three different fluid
cialized transport team and a program dedicated solutions for resuscitation in Dengue shock syn-
to early recognition and appropriate resuscitation drome, Wills et al. defined cardiac stability by a
[45]. Han et al. reported that every hour of hypo- pulse pressure (difference between systolic and
tension or prolonged capillary refill of greater diastolic pressures) of 25 mmHg or higher [49].
than 2 s was associated with a severity-of-illness- However, it should be noted that Dengue is unu-
adjusted odds ratio of mortality from MOD of sual in that the leak occurs over a period of days,
2.0 in children with septic shock [46]. A reduction giving time for compensatory mechanisms to
in mortality from adult septic shock was reported operate and narrow the pulse pressure.
by Rivers et al. following the use of early per-
fusion pressure and oxygen use goal-directed ther- Biochemical
apies [47]. The patients who received therapy It must be remembered that although lactate
guided by superior vena cava O2 saturation had a could imply reversion to anaerobic metabolism,
reduction in prothrombin time and improved it can be elevated in the absence of shock, in
survival, thus supporting the hypothesis that other conditions such as liver failure, inborn
increased CO decreases thrombosis and dissemi- errors of metabolism, diabetes, renal failure,
nated intravascular coagulation. bowel ischemia and thiamine deficiency, and
Evidence-based treatment guidelines for the when taking drugs like salicylates. Lactate is
hemodynamic support of pediatric septic shock most useful in the setting of pre- and post-opera-
were published by the International Surviving tive cardiogenic shock states. In these cases, a lac-
Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Committee in 2004 tate level of less than 2 mmol/l should be the
and were updated in 2008 (Figures 2 & 3) [13,48]. goal. Anion gap of less than 16 mmol/l should
The Committee used the Grades of Recom- be targeted. Creatinine clearance can be used as a
mendation, Assessment, Development and Evalu- therapeutic marker.
ation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of
quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) First hour of resuscitation
to determine the strength of recommendation. A Airway & breathing
strong recommendation (1) means that an inter- Airway and breathing should be addressed as per
vention’s desirable effects clearly outweigh its Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) guide-
undesirable effects or clearly do not. Weak recom- lines. All children in shock should be provided
mendation (2) indicates that this trade off with 100% oxygen delivered via a non-rebreather
between desirable and undesirable effects is less mask, and if necessary intubation and mechani-
clear. The grade of strong or weak is considered to cal ventilation should be performed. The need
be of greater clinical importance than the letter for intubation should be based on the clinical
indicating the level of quality of evidence [48]. evaluation guidelines of PALS and the Neonatal
Resuscitation Program (NRP), and not on blood
Goals of therapy gas analysis or other laboratory results. Since
Clinical functional residual capacity is smaller in children
A urine output of more than 1 ml/kg/h, normal when compared with adults, early assisted venti-
mentation, normal pulse and blood pressure and lation may be required. Additionally, taking over
a capillary refill of less than 2 s should be the goal the breathing earlier can help reduce the oxygen
of therapy [2]. consumption. Generally, increased work of
breathing, altered sensorium or hypoventilation
Hemodynamic or apnea are indications for intubation. The Sur-
Normal heart rate for age and normal perfusion viving Sepsis Committee recommends the same
pressure for age should be the hemodynamic goal lung-protective strategies in children as used in
during therapy. The shock index (heart rate/systo- adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome
lic blood pressure) has been suggested as an indica- (tidal volume of 6 ml/kg of predicted body
tor of adequacy of resuscitation [2]. The shock weight and a plateau pressure of ≤30 cm of
index is a sensitive indicator of left ventricular dys- water), but this may need to be altered on an
function. The normal ranges from 0.5 to 0.7. If individual basis. Sedation is required along with
the resuscitation is adequate, the heart rate will fall neuromuscular blockade for intubation of
and the systolic pressure will increase – hence, the patients in shock. Etomidate and ketamine are
shock index will decrease. The shock index will not sedative hypnotics that are often used for induc-
decrease if the stroke volume does not improve [2]. tion for intubation of children with cardiovascu-

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Figure 2. Approach to pediatric shock.

0 min Recognize decreased mental status and perfusion

5 min Maintain airway and establish access according to PALS guidelines

Push 20 ml/kg isotonic saline or colloid boluses up and over 60 ml/kg

Correct hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia
Administer antibiotics

15 min Fluid-refractory shock‡

Fluid responsive* Establish central venous access, begin dopamine or dobutamine therapy
and establish arterial monitoring

Fluid-refractory dopamine/dobutamine-resistant shock

Titrate epinephrine for cold shock, norepinephrine for warm shock

Observe in PICU
to normal clinical end points and SCVO2 saturation >70%

Catecholamine-resistant shock

60 min Begin hydrocortisone if at risk for absolute adrenal insufficiency

Normal blood pressure Low blood pressure Low blood pressure

Cold shock Cold shock Warm shock
SCVO2 saturation <70% SCVO2 saturation <70% SCVO2 saturation >70%

Add vasodilator or type III Titrate volume and Titrate volume

phosphodiesterase epinephrine and norepinephrine
inhibitor with volume loading

Persistent catecholamine-resistant shock

Start cardiac output measurement and direct fluid, inotrope, vasopressor,

Refractory shock
vasodilator and hormonal therapies to attain CI >3.3 and <6.0 l/min/m2

Consider ECMO

*Normalization of blood pressure and tissue perfusion.

‡Hypotension, abnormal capillary refill or extremity coolness.

CI: Cardiac index; ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PALS: Pediatric Advanced Life Support;
PICU: Pediatric intensive-care unit: SCVO2: Superior vena cava oxygen.
Reproduced with permission from [48].

lar compromise, as both of these drugs cause very adrenal synthesis of cortisol by blocking 11-β-
little or no change on circulatory parameters. hydroxylase and hence currently it is not recom-
Etomidate is an imidiazole with hypnotic effects mended for use in children with septic shock [50].
that was widely used by emergency physicians for Ketamine is an inovasopressor that turns off
intubations due to it’s rapid onset and short interleukin 6 production and induces endog-
duration of action, excellent hemodynamic pro- enous release of norepinephrine by central sym-
file, cerebroprotection with reduction of intracra- pathetic stimulation and inhibition of neuronal
nial pressure and maintenance of cerebral catecholamine uptake. The net result in a healthy
perfusion pressure. However, etomidate inhibits individual is increased heart rate, blood pressure

414 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

Figure 3. Recommendations for stepwise management of hemodynamic support in

term newborns.

0 min Recognize decreased perfusion, cyanosis, RDS

5 min Maintain airway and establish access according to NRP guidelines

Push 10 ml/kg isotonic crystalloid or colloid boluses to 60 ml/kg

Correct hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. Begin prostaglandin infusion until
echocardiogram shows no ductal-dependent lesion

15 min Fluid-refractory shock

Establish central venous and arterial access
Titrate dopamine and dobutamine

Observe in Fluid-refractory dopamine-resistant stock

Titrate epinephrine
Systemic alkalinization if PPHN and acidosis is present

Catecholamine-resistant shock

60 min Direct therapies using echocardiogram and arterial and CVP monitoring

Cold shock Cold or warm shock Warm shock

Normal blood pressure Poor RV function Low blood pressure
Poor LV function PPHN,
SCVO2 saturation <70% SCVO2 saturation <70%

Titrate vasodilator or
Inhaled nitric oxide Titrate volume and
type III PDE inhibitor
with volume loading

Refractory shock


Recommendations with goals of normal perfusion and perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure – central
venous pressure) and preductal and postductal oxygen saturation difference of less than 5%.
Proceed to next step if shock persists.
CVP: Central venous pressure; ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; LV: Left ventricular;
NICU: Neonatal intensive-care unit; NRP: Neonatal resuscitation program; PDE: Phosphodiesterase;
PPHN: Pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; RDS: Respiratory distress syndrome; RV: Right ventricular;
SCVO2: Superior vena cava oxygen.
Reproduced with permission from [33].

and cardiac output. In experimental studies, ket- improve cardiac function [51]. Hence, ketamine
amine improved survival from septic shock by can be used as an induction agent during intuba-
reversing myocardial suppression and turning off tion in children with shock. However, a failing
systemic inflammation [2]. Ketamine infusions in myocardium has a decreased ability to contract in
adults undergoing cardiac bypass surgery have response to the ketamine, even in the presence of
been shown to decrease inflammation and increased β-adrenergic stimulation. Therefore, in

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critically ill patients with a catecholamine deple- status be done both by clinical examination and
tion, the negative inotropic and vasodilating echocardiogram. Judicious use of fluids
effects of ketamine may be unmasked, resulting (5–10 ml/kg) should be carried out in these chil-
in cardiovascular collapse [52,53]. dren while monitoring the response. However,
Propofol is not recommended for long-term pharmacological therapy is the mainstay of
sedation due to the association with fatal meta- treatment in these children.
bolic acidosis [48]. Atropine may also be added in
young children to reduce bronchorrhea and Inotrope therapy
vagus-induced bradycardia during intubation [2]. Inotropes, or a combination of inotropes and
vasodilators, should be started if there is fluid-
Volume resuscitation refractory shock. The 2008 guidelines recom-
Early fluid resuscitation is recognized widely as mend dopamine as the first inotrope of choice
the frontline treatment of septic shock [54–56]. for as child with shock that is refractory to fluids
Venous access must be established immediately (grade 2C recommendation) [48,59]. Dose should
and if unable to do so, an intraosseous line be started at 5–10 µg/kg/min intravenously. The
should be established. The 2008 guidelines call committee also points out that children with
for initial resuscitation to begin with 20 ml/kg of septic shock may have a low CO with high sys-
crystalloids over 5–10 min titrated to clinical temic vascular resistance, high CO with low
monitors of CO, such as heart rate, capillary SVR or low CO with low SVR. A child may
refill, urine output and level of consciousness move, at various stages, from one hemodynamic
(level 2C recommendation). They reiterate that state to another, and hence vasopressor therapy
since blood pressure is maintained until much should be used according to the clinical state [48].
later, it is not a reliable end point for assessing It should be noted that dopamine insensitivity
adequacy of resuscitation [48]. in very young children (less than 6 months) has
Carcillo et al. demonstrated that rapid fluid been documented, and is believed to be due to
resuscitation in excess of 40 ml/kg in the first poor development of the sympathetic vesicles on
hour following emergency department presenta- which the dopamine acts to release norepine-
tion was associated with improved survival, phrine [60,61]. Dopamine-resistant shock usually
decreased occurrence of persistent hypovolemia responds to epinephrine (cold shock) or nore-
and no increase in the risk of cadiogenic pulmo- pinephrine (warm shock) [35]. Children with low
nary edema. Such rapid boluses seem to restore CO states and elevated SVR (cool extremities,
the volume and reduce inflammation [2]. Some prolonged capillary refill, decreased urine
patients may even require higher volumes and up output, but normal blood pressure after fluids)
to 200 ml/kg in the first hour. If the liver edge is should be given dobutamine (grade 2C
palpable, if rales are heard in the lungs, or if the recommendation) [48].
perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure – cen-
tral venous pressure) is decreased, the adminis- Vasodilators
tration of more fluids is not advised [12]. Vasodilators can reverse shock in children who
Neonates may need more judicious fluid resusci- remain hemodynamically unstable with a high
tation, as excess fluids may have deleterious con- SVR, despite fluids and inotropes. Vasodilators
sequences. Boluses should be started in neonates help reduce the pulmonary or systemic vascular
at 10 ml/kg, and then advanced as necessary. resistance in these patients and improve CO.
Although colloids have been shown to be supe- Nitrosovasodilators with a very short half-life,
rior to crystalloids in adults, in a study on chil- such as nitroprusside or nitroglycerin, are used as
dren with dengue shock, crystalloids and colloids first-line therapy in children with epinephrine-
performed equally well, although a longer time resistant low CO and increased SVR shock [59].
to recovery was seen with lactated ringers [57]. Inhaled nitric oxide is a selective pulmonary
The Cochrane Collaboration found no differ- vasodilator that has been shown to be useful in
ence between the different colloid solutions [58]. neonates with persistent pulmonary artery
Shock that persists beyond the first hour of hypertension and sepsis [59]. Prostaglandins are
resuscitation should be treated with vasopressors. vasodilators that increase cyclic adenosine mono-
Children with cardiogenic shock may be euv- phosphate levels, and are helpful in keeping the
olemic, hyper or hypovolemic, and hence it is ductus open in ductal-dependent congenital
important that a careful assessment of the fluid heart disease.

416 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

Inodilators steroids in children with severe sepsis was associ-

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors mediate inotropy ated with increased mortality, and use of steroids
and vasodilation by inhibition of hydrolysis of was an independent predictor of mortality in a
cAMP and include milrinone, amrinone and multivariate analysis [68].
pentoxyfilline. When used alone, they improve The current guidelines suggest that steroid
contractility and cause systemic and pulmonary therapy be reserved for children with catecho-
vasodilatation. When used in combination with lamine resistance and suspected or proven adrenal
epinephrine, they may help reduce the vaso- insufficiency or those with the above risk factors
constriction seen with epinephrine. Current rec- (grade 2C recommendation). Dose recommenda-
ommendations are if a child remains in a low tion is 50 mg/m2/24 h for empirical stress–dose
CO and high SVR state despite epinephrine and therapy of hydrocortisone [48]. Steroids should
nitrosovasodilator therapy, phosphodiesterase not be used in children who do not meet the
inhibitor should be added [48,59,62]. In one study, minimum criteria for adrenal insufficiency [48].
pentoxifylline improved outcome in premature
babies with sepsis [63]. Hoffman et al. compared Electrolyte abnormalities
low- and high-dose milrinone with placebo in Infants are at risk for hypoglycemia when
preventing development of low cardiac-output dependent on intravenous fluids. Untreated
syndrome in infants and children after corrective hypoglycemia can result in serious neurological
surgery for congenital heart disease. They con- outcome, due to already depleted glucose stores.
cluded that high-dose milrinone significantly Hence, serum glucose should be monitored, and
reduced the development of low cardiac-output any hypoglycemia corrected promptly. Infants
syndrome in these children [64]. should be on a maintenance fluid of D10W with
0.45% sodium chloride [59].
Vasopressors Recent studies have reported associations of
Recently there has been a renewed interest in hyperglycemia and glucose variability with
using vasopressin and angiotensin. Angiotensin increased length of stay and mortality [69,70].
causes vasoconstriction through the phospho- There are no studies in children about the use of
lipase C system, but has no inotropic effect. insulin for hyperglycemic states [59]. While a
Vasopressin works like angiotensin, but also level of glucose of less than 150 mg/dl is pre-
causes increased cortisol production by causing ferred, the optimum level of glucose in children
release of adrenocorticotropic hormone. It has is unknown [48].
been used in some cases of extreme low SVR, Calcium levels are frequently low in critically
despite norepinephrine use [65]. It can reduce CO ill children and can worsen myocardial dysfunc-
in children with poor cardiac function [2]. At this tion. Hence, any hypocalcemia should be cor-
time, the 2008 guidelines do not recommend the rected promptly. There is no support in the
use of vasopressin for pediatric sepsis [48]. literature for use of bicarbonate to reverse any
metabolic acidosis, as this was not associated
Steroids with improved hemodynamic states.
Studies have demonstrated that septic shock is
associated with relative adrenal insufficiency or Antibiotics
resistance to glucocorticoids. The role of steroids Antibiotic choice should be empiric and of a
in shock remains controversial. Patients who are broad spectrum for septic shock. The choice of
at risk for adrenal insufficiency include children antibiotic should be based on the organism and
with severe septic shock and purpura, chronic sensitivity, the site of infection, host factors and
use of steroids and children with pituitary or whether the infection is community or hospital
adrenal abnormalities [66,67]. Adrenal insuffi- acquired. It has been shown that uncontrolled
ciency in pediatric severe sepsis is associated with infection is associated with uncontrolled inflam-
poor prognosis [66]. A total cortisol level of less mation in septic shock, and of the pediatric deaths
than 18 µg/dl is considered to be adrenal insuffi- studied, 80% had an unrecognized or untreated
ciency in a child with catecholamine-resistant infection [32]. Hence, it is recommended that an
septic shock [59]. A post 30- or 60-min ACTH antibiotic or antifungal agent that has the lowest
stimulation test increase in cortisol of 9 µg/dl or minimum inhibitory concentration should be
less has been used to define relative adrenal used. Double coverage should be considered if no
insufficiency [48]. Markovitz et al., in a large ret- antibiotic has a minimum inhibitory concentra-
rospective study, reported that the use of any tion of less than 1 [12]. The 2008 surviving sepsis

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guidelines recommend that antibiotics be admin- Immunotherapy

istered within 1 h of the identification of severe Since sepsis is characterized by release of pro-
sepsis after appropriate cultures have been inflammatory cytokines such as TNF, interleukins
obtained (grade 1D) [48]. Antibiotics should never and interferon, there has been a lot interest lately
be delayed for obtaining cultures. in the use of antibodies or antagonists to these
mediators. However, reviews have not indicated
Protein C & activated protein C any benefit or reduction in mortality from the use
Protein C concentration reaches adult levels only of these drugs.
by 3 years of age, and hence young children may
be deficient in protein C. Some studies have Deep-vein thrombosis prophylaxis
shown improvement in sepsis-induced coagula- Most deep-vein thromboses (DVTs) in children
tion disturbances by using protein C preparations are secondary to central venous catheters. DVT
[71,72]. However, these studies were not powered to occurs in approximately 25% of children with
show effect on mortality rates. One randomized, femoral vein catheters. Pierce et al. reported that
controlled study of recombinant human activated heparin-bonded catheters may decrease the inci-
protein C (rhAPC) in pediatric severe sepsis dence of DVT [77]. However, at this time there
patients was stopped by recommendation of the are no data on the efficacy of low-molecular-
Data Monitoring Committee for futility after weight heparin prophylaxis for preventing DVT
enrollment of 399 children. Due to the increased occurrence [48].
risk of bleeding and lack of proof of efficacy, the The new guidelines call for use of DVT
2008 guidelines recommend against the use of prophylaxis in postpubertal children with severe
rhAPC in children (Grade 1B). sepsis (grade 2C) [48].

Granulocyte macrophage Stress ulcer prophylaxis

colony-stimulating factor The incidence of clinically important gastro-
Studies have shown improved outcomes in intestinal bleeding and the risk of coagulopathy
neonates with sepsis and neutropenia with use of and mechanical ventilation to cause gastro-
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) intestinal bleeding are similar in children and
[73]. However, a study by Stephens et al. on the adults [78]. Although stress ulcer prophylaxis with
use of GCSF in adults with septic shock demon- H2 blockers is commonly used in intensive care
strated no improvement in outcome [74]. units, the efficacy is unknown. Hence, there are
Increased hepatic dysfunction and higher tro- no graded recommendations regarding this in
ponin levels were reported in the group that was the 2008 guidelines [48].
given the GCSF. A very recent study by Cirioni
et al. reports that combination of GCSF and Renal replacement therapy
LL-37, an antimicrobial peptide, was very effec- Continous veno–venous hemofiltration (CVVH)
tive in protecting neutropenic mice from the may be useful in children with anuria and fluid
onset of sepsis with Pseudomonas infection [75]. overload [48]. Foland et al. reported that less fluid
overload before CVVH improved survival in
Blood products children with multiple organ dysfunction, thus
It was recommended that the hemoglobin be indicating that CVVH should be instituted
maintained above 10 g/dl in children with septic before significant fluid overload occurs [79].
shock and severe sepsis [59]. However, there are However, there have been no large controlled
no graded recommendations for the use of blood studies comparing CVVH with intermittent
products in critically ill children in the 2008 dialysis. Hence, at this time, there are no
guidelines for pediatric septic shock [48]. graded recommendations in the new guidelines
Administration of polyclonal intravenous regarding this.
immunoglobin has been reported to reduce mor-
tality rates in neonates with severe sepsis. A Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
recent study of polyclonal immunoglobins in The impact of extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
pediatric patients reported a significant reduc- ation (ECMO) on children with septic shock is
tion in mortality, length of stay and progression not very clear. In a small study of 12 children
to complications [76]. At this time, the 2008 with meningococcemia on ECMO, Goldman
guidelines recommended that immunoglobins et al. reported survival and complete neurologi-
be considered in severe sepsis (grade 2C) [48]. cal recovery in eight of them [80]. The current

418 Therapy (2008) 5(4) future science group

Pediatric shock – REVIEW

recommendations advise the use of ECMO only management of hypo- or hyper-natremic dehy-
in children with refractory septic shock and/or dration after the initial stabilization requires
respiratory failure that can not be supported by attention to the specific type of deficit.
conventional means (grade 2C) [48].
Future perspective
Therapeutic end points The optimum treatment of shock and septic
Therapeutic end points for treatment of shock shock is a dynamic and evolving process. At this
should be capillary refill of more than 2 s, nor- time, early-goal therapy has become the front
mal pulses with no differential between periph- line of management of shock. We believe the
eral and central pulses, normal heart rate, warm future holds promise particularly in early diag-
limbs, urine output of more than 1 ml/kg/h nostic and prognostic markers such as procalci-
and normal mental status (grade 2C) [48]. tonin. Recent studies in children with septic
Other parameters used in adults that may be shock with endotoxin-neutralizing therapies
applicable in children include: improved base defi- reported reduction in mortality with recom-
cit, decreased lactate and superior vena cava oxy- binant human bactericidal proteolytic increasing
gen saturation (SCVO2) of more than 70% or factor and HA-1A antibody. A multicenter trial
SCVO2 of 65% or more and central venous pres- with use of recombinant human bactericidal
sure of 8–12 mmHg [48,58]. A recent study by de proteolytic increasing factor may bring favorable
Oliveira et al., in which children and adolescents results and remains to be seen. Terlipressin, a
with severe sepsis or fluid-refractory septic shock long acting vasopressin analog, stimulates vascu-
were randomly assigned to receive American Col- lar V1a receptors, resulting in vasoconstriction.
lege of Critical Care Medicine/PALS-guided resus- A recent study reported improved hemodynamic
citation with or without SCVO2 goal-directed indices and renal function in critically ill chil-
therapy, showed that the SCVO2-directed therapy dren [82]. However, larger studies are needed to
had lesser mortality and improved outcome [81]. In assess the safety profile of this drug in children.
children with cardiogenic shock, arterial venous Recently, there has been an interest in gene-
oxygen content difference is a better marker than expression studies of septic shock. Translational
mixed venous hemoglobin saturation. If a pulmo- genome-level studies are currently being con-
nary artery catheter has been inserted, therapeutic ducted in pediatric septic shock [83,84]. These
end points are a cardiac index of more than 3.3 studies have provided a list of potential bio-
and less than 6.0 l/min/m2, with a normal coro- markers associated with poor outcome in septic
nary perfusion pressure (MAP minus CVP) for age shock. Initial results have shown downregulation
[59]. Blood pressure by itself is not reliable as an end of large numbers of genes, especially those that
point to resuscitation. involve zinc homeostasis and T-lymphocyte
In the initial stages of management, the function. The future may involve studies into
treatment of hypovolemic shock is not different these two new areas, namely zinc homeostasis
from any other kind of shock. However, the and lymphocyte dysfunction [85].

Executive summary
• Shock is defined as an acute syndrome where the circulatory system is unable to provide adequate nutrients to meet the
metabolic demands.
• Based on etiology, shock is classified into hypovolemic, septic, cardiogenic and distributive types.
• Shock results from a lack of oxygen delivery, lack of glucose delivery or mitochondrial dysfunction, and the end result is
tissue ischemia.
• Uncontrolled inflammation, thrombosis and persistent infection occurs.
• The majority of children with septic shock present with low cardiac output and high systemic vascular resistance states.
Epidemiology of septic shock
• Although the mortality from sepsis and septic shock has decreased, the severity of sepsis has increased recently.
• Septic shock is commonly seen in low-birth-weight infants.
• Staphylococcus is currently the most common infection associated with sepsis, followed by fungal infections in children.

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Executive summary
Defintions of SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock & multi-organ dysfunction
• The original definitions were revised for children to accommodate their special physiological features.
• Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS): defined by the presence of two of the following four criteria, one of which
must be temperature or leukocyte abnormalities:
– Temperature of more than 38.5°C or less than 36°C
– Heart rate 2 SD above or less than the 10th percentile for the age
– Mean respiratory rate of more than 2 SD for age
– Elevated leukocyte count or more than 10% immature neutrophils.
• Sepsis: SIRS plus the presence of, or suspected, infection.
• Severe sepsis: sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular dysfunction or acute respiratory distress syndrome or two other
organ dysfunctions.
• Septic shock: criteria include infection with hypo- or hyper-thermia, altered mental status and tachycardia with one of the
following: decreased pulses, prolonged capillary refill or flash refill, cool mottled extremities or decreased urine output.
Hypotension is not required for the diagnosis.
• Multiple organ dysfunction: failure of more than one organ.
• Mortality increases with increasing number of organ failures.
• Every hour of prolonged capillary refill of more than 2 s or hypotension increases mortality by an odds ratio of 2.
• Early fluid resuscitation is the front-line of therapy for septic shock.
• Use of >40 ml/kg in the first hour in the emergency department in septic shock results in increased survival.
• In early oxygen therapy, ketamine is used for sedation for intubations.
• Etomidate should be avoided in septic shock due to risk of adrenal suppression.
• Dopamine is the first drug of choice for fluid-resistant septic shock.
• Dopamine-resistant shock may respond to epinephrine or norepinephrine.
• Vasodilators are used in epinephrine-resistant, low cardiac output, increased systemic vascular resistance shock.
• Inhaled nitric oxide has been shown to be useful in neonates with pulmonary hypertension and shock.
• The role of steroids in septic shock is controversial, and primarily reserved for catecholamine-resistant and suspected or proven
adrenal-insufficiency states.
• Hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia should be corrected.
• Antibiotics with the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration should be used in septic shock and should be administered within
1 h of presentation.
• Immunoglobulins may be considered in severe sepsis.
• Deep-vein thrombosis prophylaxis are indicated in older children with severe sepsis.
• There are no graded recommendations in the 2008 guidelines for renal replacement, blood and stress ulcer prophylaxis.
• Recombinant activated protein C is not recommended in children due to increased risk of bleeding.
Future perspective
• Future multicenter studies on immunotherapy and terlipressin (a long-acting vasopressin) may help establish efficacy and safety.
• A randomized trial of bactericidal permeability-increasing protein in children is being planned.
• There has been recent interest in gene-expression studies of septic shock.
• Preliminary studies reveal downregulation of genes involving zinc homeostasis and lymphocyte function, and future studies may
involve these two areas.

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The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
involvement with any organization or entity with a finan- pending or royalties.
cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes this manuscript.

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