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A. Background of The Problem

Before discussing linguistic scholarship is better discussed first stages
of development that have occurred in each discipline. Basically any science,
including linguistics, has undergone three stages of development as follows.
Each disiplan science usually divided into subordinate fields
(subdisciplines) or its subsidiaries with respect to any disciplinary
relationship with other problems. For example, chemistry is divided into
organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. The division or branching of
course, because it is held object into the study was very broad discipline or
become widespread due to the development of world science. Similarly
linguistics. Given that the object of linguistics, that language is a phenomenon
that can not be removed from all human activities in a society.
Common linguistic linguistick trying to study the rules of language in
general. While trying to assess the specific linguistic rules language that
applies to a specific language, such as English, Indonesian and Javanese.
General and specific assessment can be made to the whole system of
language or even just one level of the system language.

B. Problem Identification
1. What is Understanding Linguistics ?
2. What is Linguistic objects ?
3. What is Linguistics As A Science?
4. What is Linguistics and Language Learning ?
5. What is Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate Language
Learners by Blogging ?

C. Purpose
1. To know What is Understanding Linguistics
2. To know What is Linguistic objects
3. To know What is Linguistics As A Science
4. To know What is Linguistics and Language Learning
5. To know What is Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate
Language Learners by Blogging


A. Understanding Linguistics
The word linguistics (linguistics-English) comes from the Latin "lingua"
meaning language. In the French language "langage-langue"; Italian "lingua";
Spanish "lengua" and English "language". Suffix "ics" in linguistics serves to
indicate the name of a science, the science of language, as that term
economics, physics and others.1
According Pringgodigdo and Shadili Hasan, as quoted by Mansoer Pateda,
"is a linguistic study of the language of science". While AS Hornby split
linguidtics words into two categories, as an adjective and a noun. Linguistics
as an adjective means "the study of language and languages". While
linguistics as a noun, means "the science of language; methods of learning and
studying languages". Thus, according to AS Hornby meaningful linguistic
linguistics or language learning methods.
While Ramelan found: "Linguistics is the name of a science, just like
economics, physics and mathematics. The term comes from the world
'language' roomates get suffix 'ics' to denote the name of science. Linguistics
is a scientific study of language, or science about language ". So, according
Ramelan nothing but a linguistic study of language or linguistics.
While Ronald W. Langacker (1973) found that linguistics is the study of
human language. From Langacker's opinion, we can conclude that the only
human language must have been the object of study of linguistics, while "the
language of animals or animal language excluding linguistic regions.
In the literature Arabic term al-fiqh and ilm lughoh lughoh often used to
refer to this linguistics. However the al-fiqh al-lughoh and science lughoh
often differentiated understanding. Emil Jacob explains the difference between
the two terms is the following.

Weigle, Sara Cushing (2002): Assessing writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. h, 55

"In terms of approach, fiqh al-lughoh learn the language because language
functions as a medium / introduction to the study of culture or civilization of a
nation. While the science of al-lughoh learn the language because the
language itself is not because of its function as an explanatory sutau
civilization. Thus in fiqh al-lughoh language studied as a means to achieve the
greater goal is to learn civilization, while the science of al-lughoh language
learned as an end or as expressed by De Saussure real object and the only one
of the science is a language al-lughoh it self. 2
Scope of the study fiqh al-lughoh more extensive and thorough as the
ultimate goal of fiqh al-lughoh was to study the culture and civilization as well
as the thinking of the various aspects of life. Therefore, those who pursue this
field (fuqoha al-lughoh) often perform classification and comparison of one
language to another language, tracing the classical texts and others in order to
know the cultural values embodied in it. In other words fiqh al-lughoh can be
regarded as a "beachhead" for al-lughoh science on the one hand and cultural
sciences and humanities on the other. Unlike al-lughoh science that focuses
only on analyzing the structure of language itself and describe it, so if there
are more than those two things, it means nearing the coverage area of fiqh al-
Fiqh al-lughoh if learning the language, his approach is more historical-
comparative (historical comparative), whereas al-lughoh Sciences are more
descriptive-structural ".
From the above it can be concluded that the Arabic term is most
appropriate to describe the science of linguistics is "the science of al-lughoh".
While fiqh al-lughoh term often used to refer to the science of learning
philologi manuscripts classic in terms of authenticity and in terms of content
and its contents.

Weigle, Sara Cushing (2002): Assessing writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. h, 55
Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political Cultures.
Ithaca: Cornel University Press

As mentioned above, the linguistic object is none other than the language,
the human language that serves as a communication system that uses speech
as a medium, language of daily life, language is used daily by humans as
members of a particular community, or in English called an ordinary language
or a natural language. This means that spoken language (spoken language) as
the primary object of linguistics, while the written language (written language)
as a secondary object of linguistics, as a written language can be said to be
"derived" spoken language.4
Meanwhile, Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), a linguist-Swiss
nationality who is considered the father of modern linguistics-confirmed that
linguistic objects include "langage, langue and parole". Langage (UK;
Linguistic disposition) is the language in general, as in the phrase "humans
have language, whereas animals do not have language". Langue (UK;
language) means a particular language such as English, Arabic, Indonesian
and others. While parole (UK; speech) means accent, speech or utterance.
Actually the word in English Language includes both langue and langage in
French. However, parole is the concrete object of linguistics, langue is an
object that is more abstract, while the langage is the most abstract objects.
There are actually some science-related language as an object of study,
such as:
1. The science of language or science aspects of the language, and in this
case the language used in the sense harfiyah. This is called pure pure
linguistics or linguistics.
2. The sciences of language, and in this case, the term language is used in a
metaphorical or figurative sense. Examples of science that fall under this
category are kinesik and paralinguistik. Kinesik is the science of body
motion / gesture / body language, such as nodding, hand gestures and
others. Paralinguistik is a science that focuses on specific activities that

Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political Cultures.
Ithaca: Cornel University Press

accompany the spoken language, such as wheezing breath, click, laugh,
cough-cough, tegun forms like um, well, what is it, what is it, and so forth.
3. Sciences is essentially one language. Examples are phonetic,
etnolinguistik, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. Phonetic learn one
language elements are the sounds of language as an object of primary
studies. Etnolinguistik or antropolinguistik is a science that investigates
the ins and outs of relationships with a variety of language usage patterns
of a particular society or culture in science that tries to find the relationship
between language, use of language and culture in general.
Psycholinguistics learn the ins and outs of the various language usage with
the behavior of human reason or the study of language as a result of
psychiatric background speakers. Sociolinguistics is the study of language
use with the ins and outs of social behavior, or the science of the
relationship between aspects sosila mmpelajari with speaking activities.
4. Studies on the opinions of the language. Metalinguistic example, the
knowledge that discuss the ins and outs of the "language" used to describe
the language as reflected in terms of the study of linguistic theory, the
study of linguistic methods and others.
5. The sciences of the science of language. To this category are studies that
specialize in linguistics itself, just as the study of the history of linguistics,
the study of linguistics in the twentieth century and others.
Of the five types of knowledge mentioned above, only the number (1) who
could be called as a purely linguistic knowledge as object language really a
language, while the fourth object is not the language of science in the
everyday sense. Language which is the object of linguistic study of various
aspects or tatarannya. Level languages that include aspects of sounds,
morphemes and words, phrases and sentences as well as aspects of meaning.
Branch of linguistics that studies aspects of the sounds of language are
phonology. Morpheme or word level studied in morphology. Level phrases /
sentences discussed in syntax. While aspects of the meaning of language
studied in separate science called semantics. Dungan Thus, it can be

concluded that in terms of linguistic branches of tatarannya consists of
phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. 5

C. As Linguistic Science
As a discipline, linguistics must meet the requirements or criteria to be
called a science. Criteria as proposed by Warouw SJ (1956), among others:6
1. Knowledge should be regularly and systematically,
2. Knowledge must be progressive, continuous menguasahakan or evolve
toward a more advanced, and
3. That knowledge is autonomous, meaning that is independent and free in
their own circles.
Meanwhile, Oliva (1982) explains that in order to be called a science it
must meet several kraktristik as follows:
1. Have principles. This means that a science should have sperangkat
theoretical constructs or principles that build science knowledge.
2. Having a clear object of study. In this case the object of linguistic studies
have established that the language in all its aspects.
3. Having a group of theorists and practitioners. That is, every emotion
science has experts working on both theoretical and practical level. Thus
linguistics should also have experts in the field of linguistic theories
(theorists) and the linguistic field
While Ramelan (1991), the science requirement, among others;
1. The subject matter of a science Cleary should be defined in such a way
that Cleary is separated from the rest of the universe (the object of a
scientific study should be clearly and definitively so that it can be
differentiated from objects other studies that exist in nature)
2. The observation and investigation of the subject matter objectively should
be Carried out without involving the wiki and personal attitude of the

Weigle, Sara Cushing (2002): Assessing writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. h, 55
Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political Cultures.
Ithaca: Cornel University Press

investigatior; the description of it, roomates is based on the result of
investigation, should likewise be objective. (Observation and study of
objects studies should be conducted objectively without engaging
demeanor opinion of the researchers, and so does the description of the
study of history-which is based on the results of the study-also must be
3. Generalizations of observed facts will lead to inductive establishment of
the so called "laws", roomates should be verifiable by any competent
observer. The validity of these laws has to be tested by applying them to
that part of the Data not used in forming the genaralizations.
(Generalization of the facts of observation would lead to the formation of
"laws" that can be tested inductively re-verified by other researchers who
are competent. Validity or truth of these laws should be tested by applying
it to some of the data observations, not used in forming generalizations.
4. Statements on the results of investigation should be arranged in a
systematized form so that it will be easy for other people to read and study.
The results of these studies should be arranged in a systematic form that
will allow other people to read and study.
5. A scince is never static; it always considers its findings and its establihsed
laws, and is ready to change or modify them when they are refused by the
data or by additional new findings. (Science is never static. Sciences
always reconsider its findings and laws that have been established and are
ready to change or modify it if there is new data or findings were rejected).
Building on what has been put forward by Ramelan mentioned above, it is
clear that the object of study of linguistics is language. The term is often
disalahfahami language by people. Some people consider covering all the
means that can be used as a means of communication such as writing, gesture,
hand gestures and lip used by the deaf and mute groups and others. Therefore,
there should be a clear definition of the language which is the object of
linguistic study. In linguistics also interpreted language as a tool of
Communications with which messages can be delivered. However, there is a

difference between the language of the other devices related to
communications media. For example, in writing, the medium is the written
symbols, the medium is the body movement cues. While in the language, the
medium used to communicate speech sounds are produced by means of human
organs. Therefore, in the perspective of linguistics, systems or other means of
communication that does not use sound as a medium of speech does not
include the field of linguistic studies. From this it is clear that the object of
study of linguistics is articulated sound system and used by humans in
communication between them.
However, when we talk about language study, it is not disalahfahami with
the study of a particular language as we know it in everyday speech. For
example, the study of English or Arabic by students at the college can not be
called linguistics. The study of these languages as a means of communication
is encouraged with the aim that after mastering these languages, someone who
learned it would be able to use it as a communication tool. Meanwhile, a
linguist might also learn English or Arabic, but different interests or goals. He
studied languages are not aiming to master it as a means of communication-
even if he is very adept-but his main concern is knowing the internal structure,
ie, to find and explain the basic units of language markers (the signaling units
of language) in the form phonemes and morphemes and how they are
distributed. Phonemes and morphemes are the basic unit of markers each
language, so that they are universal. Every language definitely have it.
The term "linguist" in general is not intended for those who know and
master the language. The proper term for them is "polyglot". While a
"linguist" is someone who is an expert in analyzing languages, since its main
job is menaganalisis language marker units. A linguist can also be referred to
as a "theorist about language" or language theoreticians because he learned
what language, how language works and how language is learned and used in
the community.
Objectivity in researching and analyzing the language is evidenced by the
use of instruments such as guaranteed objectivity spectograph, tape recorders,

etc., so that conclusions about the facts verifiable observations by others.
Objectivity language research can also be evidenced by the research
methodology or procedures that can be traced and followed by other
researchers that the conclusions made will not be much different.
Linguistic uses scientific methods such as inductive and deductive
methods in researching language. Inductive method used in preparing the
generalizability of the results of the study were taken from deep observations.
While the deductive method is used when a linguist wants to test the validity
of the theories or laws that have been established before he was doing
Descriptions of the results of linguistic research paper arranged in a
systematic format so that the structure of the language can be expressed very
well researched. This can help others in reading and studying the research
The last characteristic of science is that science is not static but dynamic.
Linguistic dynamics characterized by openness to change, especially if there
are additional data or new inventions reject earlier theories. Linguistics is the
science that is always growing and evolving and always pay attention to the
new findings. This means that those who called himself a linguist must always
be open and accept new truths from the existing linguistic research. When a
linguist researching the language and make conclusions on the research, he
should not consider the conclusion as the final truth. What is true at a given
time may not necessarily be true at other times as a result of new evidence or
data that the abortion. Thus the scientific search for truth is a process that will
never stop, and that is the power of a science that is always up to date and

Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political Cultures.
Ithaca: Cornel University Press

D. Linguistic and learning language
Studied linguistics for the language teacher candidates will assist in
carrying out his duties later. Some of the benefits that can be taken include:8
1. Linguistics and psycholinguistics-including well-equip teachers
sociolinguistic theories about the nature of language, language processes,
language acquisition, language use in the actual day-to-day
communication and others that can be used as the basic assumptions or
guidelines in determining the approach, methods and language learning
techniques including the organization of the material.
2. Linguistics equip teachers with the ability to analyze aspects of language
(phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) that are useful in anticipating
the likely obstacles encountered in language learning activities.
3. Basically, the teaching methodology is a branch of applied linguistics
which focuses attention on the possibility of linguistic theories used,
utilized or practiced in the language pembelajarn. In the language of Jos
Daniel Parera, there is a term called "educational linguistics" is defined as
a special branch of applied linguistics to analyze, describe and explain the
practical implementation of language teaching which is based on linguistic
4. Ideally, a language teacher (foreign) is also a linguist or practitioner /
penerap linguistic students master the language well and he taught foreign
language in all its aspects.
The development of linguistic science is rapidly bringing fundamental
changes with regard to language teaching. This means that linguistics was
instrumental in providing guidance on various methods of language teaching.
Regarding linguistics and language teaching association, Soenardji
explained as follows: Scientific analysis of various phenomena formulated a
rule fonologik, morphologic and syntactic processing into instructional
materials in language teaching. The results of the discussion of academic and

Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political Cultures.
Ithaca: Cornel University Press

research results have theoretical linguistic weight is transferred to the
arguments guiding the use of proper grammar and correct through language
education. If we assume linguistics and teaching as two poles, between the
two poles then it needs a connector that can serve both as well as possible.
Care facility that is a new discipline called applied linguistics. For the benefit
of the teaching of applied linguistics is focused on:
1. Theoretical items that have strong validity in linguistics, and
2. Various possibilities and alternatives to guide the implementation of
language teaching. Possibilities and alternatives were sought to be
consistent and in line with the theoretical point in linguistics.
In more transparent, Ramelan describes the usefulness of linguistics to
language teaching, among other things:
1. Provided the basis of the principles of foreign language teaching, including
the approaches, methods and techniques.
2. Mislead or stepping on the content / material that will be taught the
language that is based on a detailed description of the language, including
how to present.
Furthermore Ramelan states, if the structural linguists believe will
contribute to the teaching of linguistics, the linguist transformsional never
claimed to be. According to the latter, linguistics is an autonomous science,
trying to learn the language as a communication tool used by humans without
considering the possibility of their theory of the language can be applied to
language teaching. It may not be released from Chomsky's own attitude
(transformational figure), even he had said in a conference language teachers,
that a linguist never intended to occupy himself in matters of language
teaching (linguists never intended to address Themselves to thee problem of
teaching a language)
Nevertheless, many adherents believe that transformational creative
aspect language that is in a person (one of the reviews of this school) can be
applied to language teaching, for example by training students to create and
produce sentences in the language they are studying.

While agreement on the role of linguistic structural linguists to
language teaching, can not be separated from Bloomfield attitude. Besides he
is a linguist, he is also an expert in the field of language teaching. It is evident
from the great attention to the teaching of modern languages. In fact he was
very critical of the use of grammar translation method (grammar-translation
method). He said the main purpose of foreign language teaching should be
based on the acquisition of oral language. From this was born an approach
known as "Oral-Aural Approach".9

E. Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate Language Learners by

To study the perception of EFL learners about weblogs for developing
their writing ability, providing the learners with feedback about their last
composition, the learners in the Blogging group were firstly asked to provide
a written comment on their experience with their writing task through
blogging, the results of which were analyzed qualitatively.
In the last session of the course, the learners' perception in the
Experimental Group was evaluated about blogging. This part included two
questioners and was conducted in Persian, the students' mother tongue, to
avoid any complexities and worries about the use of language. First, they
were asked to talk about their feelings freely and then they were asked to
answer some questions in detail. In order to be able to analyze the results of
all the questioners given to an individual in relation to one another, the
students were asked to put their names on the sheets given to them. They
were assured that all the information would remain confidential.
In order to avoid directing the students' minds towards the issues
presented in the second questionnaire, the learners initially were asked to
write about their experience freely; it was then that they were given the
second questionnaire in which they were asked about different aspects of
blogging. If at the outset the students had been given the second

Anshen, Frank. 1978. Statistics for Linguistics. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House

questionnaire, then they were asked to describe their feelings freely some of
them would probably mention their comments according to the issues they
had encountered before. So it could limit the total expression of their feeling
towards blogging and the whole procedure they had gone through.10

Mohsen Hajiannejad, Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate Language
Learners by Blogging, Linguistik online 57, 7/2012


A. Conclusion
Linguistics (linguistics-English) comes from the Latin "lingua" meaning
language. In the French language "langage-langue"; Italian "lingua"; Spanish
"lengua" and English "language". Suffix "ics" in linguistics serves to indicate
the name of a science, the science of language, as that term economics, physics
and others.
As a discipline, linguistics must meet the requirements or criteria to be
called a science. The term "linguist" in general is not intended for those who
know and master the language. The proper term for them is "polyglot". While a
"linguist" is someone who is an expert in analyzing languages, since its main
job is menaganalisis language marker units. A linguist can also be referred to
as a "theorist about language" or language theoreticians because he learned
what language, how language works and how language is learned and used in
the community.

B. Criticism And Advice

The authors recognize that in making this paper are still many mistakes
and shortcomings and therefore the authors expect criticism and suggestions
from all stakeholders for the improvement of this paper in the future.

“Problem In Linguistics”


Detti Lismayanti, M.HUM




Thanks to the authors say the grace given by God Almighty so I can finish
this paper with the title "Linguistics" just in time.
The author would like to thank the lecturers who helped me in making this
paper and friends who have given motivational and encouragement and all parties
concerned so that the writers can complete papers well and on time.
The authors recognize that in making this paper are still many mistakes and
shortcomings and therefore the authors expect criticism and suggestions from all
stakeholders for the improvement of this paper in the future.



TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................

FOREWORD ......................................................................................... i
CONTENTS DAFATR ......................................................................... ii

A. Background ....................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Identification ........................................................................ 2
C. Purpose ............................................................................................... 2

A. Understanding Linguistics ................................................................ 2
B. Linguistic objects .............................................................................. 4
C. Linguistics As A Science ................................................................... 6
D. Linguistics and Language Learning .................................................. 10
E. Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate Language Learners by
Blogging ............................................................................................ 13


A. conclusion .......................................................................................... 15
B. Suggestions and Feedback .................................................................. 15



Weigle, Sara Cushing (2002): Assessing writing. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Anderson, Benedict R.O.G. 1990. Language and Power: Esploring Political

Cultures. Ithaca: Cornel University Press

Anshen, Frank. 1978. Statistics for Linguistics. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House

Mohsen Hajiannejad, Developing the Writing Ability of Intermediate Language

Learners by Blogging, Linguistik online 57, 7/2012


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