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VoL 72, No. 2, pp. 169-185.

©2006 CouncilfarExceptional Children.

Learning From Collaboration:

The Role of Teacher Qualities
University of Florida

University ofVirginia

ABSTRACT: r: In special education, professional collaboration is viewed as a powerful tool for helping
teachers serve students with disabilities. An underlying assumption is that general educators will
improve practice if they have opportunities to participate in collaborative professional devetopfnent
aimed at improving instruction for studerits with disabilities. Although sustainability studies sug-
gest that teachers benefitfi^om such collaboration, evidence also demonstrates that they profit differ-
ently. This study examined how teachers who readily adapt and adopt strategies acquired in
collaboration differed from those who do not. Findings revealed differences in knowledge of cicr-
riculum, pedagogy, student management, and student-centered instruction, as well as differences in
ability to reflect on and adapt instruction. Implications for improving professional collaboration in
schools are provided.

eachers learning and working to- the collective capacity for initiating and sustain-
gether to achieve common goals ing ongoing improvement in their professional
is considered by many scholars to practice so each student they serve can receive the
be a central element of major highest quality of education possible" (Pugach &
school reform efforts, including Johnson, 2002, p. 6). Inherent in this call for col-
those aimed at improving the inclusion of stu- laboration is that the act of planning and working
dents with disabilities in general education set- together, by itself, is a powerful professional de-
tings (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1995; velopment tool.
Johhson & Bauer, 1992; Pugach & Johnson, One only has to turn to descriptions of dif-
2002). The assumption is that when teachers ferent collaborative arrangements in the literature
woi'k together to achieve a common vision, they and their assumed power for creating change to
will be able to change their instructional practices understand that collaboration is viewed as essen-
in important ways. "In collaborative working en- tial to promoting teacher learning (Rogers &
vironments, teachers have the potential to create Babinski, 2002; Thousand & Villa, 1992). Pro-

Exceptiorml Children 169

fessional development schools, teacher study teachers learned the innovations and continued to
groups, teacher-researcher partnerships, profes- use them, not all teachers benefited equally. For
sional learning communities, peer coaching, col- the most part, researchers blamed organizational
laborative consultation, co-teaching, collaborative conditions and feasibility of the innovation for
problem-solving, and teacher mentpring all as- standing in the way of innovation adoption and
sume that teachers can learn when given the op- sustained use (Greenwood, 1998; Klingner).
portunity to work together. Moreover, researchers However, researchers also acknowledged that even
have demonstrated that teachers (and ultimately when the organizational conditions for promoting
their students) benefit from opportunities to work change were just right (e.g., administrative sup-
and learn together (Louis, Kruse, & Marks, 1996; port for change and sufficient resources to change
Pugach & Johnson, 1995; Rosenholtz, 1989; Sny- practice) and the instructional innovation was fea-
der, 1994; Trent, 1998; Walther-Thomas, 1997). sible, some teachers adopted and engaged in sus-
These research fmdings combined with scholars' tained use of innovations and others did not
assertions about the importance of collaboration (Abbott, Walton, Tapia & Greenwood, 1999;
in changing teacher practice have led to its Klingner; Vaughn et al., 1998). Researchers con-
widespread acceptance as an essential component cluded from these studies that a mismatch be-
of any effort aimed at improving teaching. tween the teachers' style or personality and the
Although the literature provides many ex- instructional practice, problems adapting the in-
amples of how collaborative efforts result in posi- struction to suit their style or student needs, lack
tive changes for teachers generally, we do not of in-depth understanding of the practice, disin-
know much about how individual teachers re- terest in learning the strategy, and forgetting to
spond to collaboration. Do all teachers learn use or how to use a practice either facilitated or
equally from working together? Or, do some hindered sustained use.
teachers profit a great deal while others profit very In general education, similar findings exist.
little? Moreover, what individual factors enable For example, Elmore et al. (1996) studied three
some teachers to profit more than others from schools that restructured to promote teacher col-
collaboration? Previous research on staff develop- laboration abound literacy instruction. These re-
ment and collaboration suggests that individual searchers found that despite opportunities and
teachers do not profit equally even when the con- supports for collaborative dialogue around literacy
ditions supporting collaboration are positive (El- instruction, teachers had difficulty changing prac-
more, Peterson, & McCarthey, 1996; Klingner, tice. When teachers held different conceptions of
2004; Vaughn, Hughes, Schumm, & Klingner, literacy pedagogy, they had difficulty learning
1998). Certain teachers are likely to learn a lot from each other. Consequently, Elmore and his
and others are likely to not learn much at all. colleagues concluded that opportunities to collab-
Studies in the professional development orate on literacy instruction were necessary, but
and teacher collaboration literature provide evi- insufficient, for improving teacher learning. What
dence that opportunities to work together with teachers knew and belieyed about literacy instruc-
researchers or other teachers do riot always result tion also played a role in teacher learning. In a
in equivalent learning outcomes, even when different study, Ryan (1999) found that teachers
teachers work in similar organizational contexts. in middle school teaching teams who held differ-
Researchers examining teachers' adoption and ent conceptions of teaching roles and beliefs
sustained use of effective innovations for students about curriculum and instruction varied in the
with disabilities show that teachers benefit differ- extent to which they engaged in collaboration.
ently from collaborative opportunities to learn Teachers whose views differed most were least
(Klingner, 2004; Klingner, Vaughn, Hughes, & likely to collaborate. Teachers also tended to
Arguelles, 1999). In these studies, classroom maintain one conception of teaching, suggesting
teachers were involved in collaborative profes- they learned little from teachers with different
sional development efforts aimed at learning re- views.
search-based innovations to improve the learning These studies demonstrate that individual
of students with disabilities. Although many teachers respond differently to collaborative pro-

17O Winter 2006

fessional learning opportunities and raise aware- searchers need to better understand what individ-
ness that individual differences in teacher beliefs ual teachers bring to the process and how those
and knowledge may result in different learning individual qualities assist them in applying what
outcomes. They do not, however, provide in- they have learned to practice. Many special educa-
depth information about how knowledge, skills, tion scholars believe that collaboration is an es-
and beliefs work together to enable some teachers sential component of any professional
to adapt an innovation and continue its use and development effort aimed at helping classroom
yet others abandon it. Researchers make general teachers learn to address the needs of students
statements about the contributions of beliefs, with disabilities (Darling-Hammond &
knowledge, and personality to innovation adop- McLaughlin, 1995; Johnson & Bauer, 1992; Pu-
tion (Klingner, 2004; Vaughn et al., 1998), and gach & Johnson, 2002). This belief is so widely
when they do provide a deeper analysis, it focuses held that researchers have failed to examine in
primarily on the role of attitudes and beliefs depth how individual general education teachers
about teaching and learning (Richardson & might respond to professional collaboration and
Placier, 2001). Researchers have not demon- what these individual responses mean for imple-
strated, in much depth, how beliefs and knowl- menting professional development efforts aimed
edge about content and students might work at improving the education of students with dis-
together to allow teachers to profit or not profit abilities and other struggling learners. General ed-
from professional collaboration. We predict that ucators play a primary role in the education of
the impact of collaboration on practice varies by students with disabilities, and often they report
how well the information that teachers acquire feeling unprepared to undertake this role. Deeper
from peers complements their existing knowledge understanding of how and why they respond dif-
ferentially to professional collaboration is impera-
and beliefs about content, pedagogy, and stu-
tive to improving their practice, and ultimately,
dents. Teachers are sure to bring different knowl-
the inclusion of students with disabilities in their
edge, skills, beliefs, motivations, and
understandings about students to the learning
process. Because they build on different founda-
tions of prior understandings and beliefs, we ex-
Although the literature provides many
pect that they adapt and use interventions
acquired during collaboration differently even examples of how collaborative efforts
when organizational conditions for change are result in positive changes for teachers
equal. Moreover, teachers equally predisposed to- generally, we do not know much ahout
ward a particular practice may vary on the degree how individual teachers respond to
to which they implement it and the quality of
their implementation because of variances in their
existing knowledge. Thus, the benefits of collabo-
ration will likely vary as a function of a teacher's
existing knowledge and beliefs and their congru- TEACHER LEARNING COHORTS

ence with new knowledge. This study was part of a larger, federally funded,
Without understanding how individual 3-year study designed to investigate the use of
teacher qualities infiuence a teacher's ability to Teacher Learning Cohorts (TLC) for promoting
profit from collaborative learning opportunities, teacher learning about instructing students strug-
we have no way of understanding how to gauge gling to learn as well as students with disabilities.
the potential success of such efforts or determine We designed the TLC to be a professional devel-
what type of collaborative structures general edu- opment process driven by collaborative problem-
cation teachers need to learn effective strategies solving, focusing on what teachers felt they
for students with disabilities and other high-risk needed to change in their teaching practice. In
populations. Professional collaboration is an im- doing so, we incorporated processes and strategies
portant medium for teacher learning, but re- from the research-to-practice and staff develop-

Exceptional Children 171

ment literature (Englert & Tarrant, 1995; Ger- The TLC also provided a structure for discussing
sten, Vaughn, Deshler, & Schiller, 1997), includ- classroom problems and describing how teachers
ing (a) providing concrete examples of were implementing innovations. TLC researchers
innovations tailored to teachers' classrooms and served as "critical friends" to TLC participants
instructional practices, (b) discussing how innova- both in their classrooms and at meetings.
tions may be used, (c) providing repeated oppor- Through observations, researchers provided feed-
tunities for collaborative discussions about back on how better to involve students exhibiting
innovations, and (d) giving feedback on the use of emotional and learning problems in instruction.
innovations. The researchers also provided feedback on teach-
ers' use of innovations in their classrooms and the
quality of the collaborative process.
Professional collaboration is an important PURPOSE OF THF STUDY
medium for teacher learning, but In this study, we examined the pedagogical prac-
researchers need to understand in better tices and beliefs of teachers who were adopting
depth what individual teachers bring to practices geared toward improving the education
of students with disabilities and other high-risk
the process and how those individual
students as a result of their TLC participation. We
qualities assist them in applying what extended previous research on collaboration and
they have learned to practice. innovation sustainability by describing in more
detail those qualities that provide the basis for
differences in teachers' adoption of innovations
To determine teachers' needs, TLG re- (Abbott et al., 1999; Eimore et al., 1996; Green-
searchers observed them in their classrooms and wood, 1998; Klingner, 2004; Klingner et al.,
asked questions during both formal and informal 1999; Vaughn et al., 1998). We wanted to know
meetings about classroom practices they wanted what role personal qualities played in teachers' ac-
to improve. Research-based classroom practices, quisition and use of practices learned in collabo-
known to be effective with students with disabili- rative groups and what variation in teacher
ties and high-risk learners (e.g., classwide peer tu- qualities meant for structuring teacher collabora-
toring; cooperative learning structures; cognitive tion.
strategies for reading and writing; positive rein-
forcement; behavioral contracts; self-monitoring METHODOLOGY
strategies for changing behavior; peer-mediated We used case study methodology to study eight
conflict resolution skills; phonological awareness general education teachers involved in the TLC
and fluency building strategies; strategies for solv- process at two urban schools (Miles & Huber-
ing basic mathematics operations; curriculum- man, 1994; Yin, 1994). The schools. Hidden
based measurement; and responsive classroom View Elementary and Hilton Elementary (both
strategies, including morning meeting, designed pseudonyms), were located in a city in the South-
to improve students' social relations) were dis- east. Because few research studies have docu-
cussed at group meetings. These research-based mented how teacher qualities affect collaboration,
practices were selected because they have strong we deemed qualitative case study a useful
potential for helping students with disabilities and methodology for uncovering complex interactions
other struggling learners progress academically that occurred.
and behaviorally in general education classrooms.
During meetings, teachers or researchers provided PARTICIPANTS AND CONTEXTS
concrete demonstrations of how these practices We selected two elementary schools with princi-
could be implemented. In addition, teachers pals who were recommended as capable leaders.
modeled practices in their classrooms to show The teachers at both schools agreed to participate
their TLC colleagues how to use an innovation. in the project. Hidden View Elementary and
All TLC teachers selected practices to implement. Hilton Elementary were 2 of 200 elementary

Winter 2006
schools in the city where the study was located. sis on inclusion. We focused on accommodating
Hidden View Elementary, a regular education ini- individual students in the general education class-
tiative school, had a student population of 570 room by identifying their needs and adjusting
students, of which 43.2% were minority and curriculum, methods, behavior management tech-
54.9% received free or reduced-price lunch. All niques, and/or instructional and behavioral expec-
children with mild disabilities were fully included tations. We also believed that the first step to
in general education classrooms. The TLC part- solving many instructional and behavioral prob-
nership with Hidden View Elementary existed for lems was highly effective instruction that actively
4.5 years. involved students. Moreover, we believed that
Of the 382 students who attended Hilton teachers could learn to better address the needs of
Elementary, 73% were minority and 84% re- struggling learners and students with disabilities
ceived free or reduced-price lunch. Hilton Ele- through well-designed collaboration that helped
mentary was a cluster school, serving nearly 50 teachers learn powerful strategies. We felt that if
children with physical and cognitive impairments, teachers changed their practices as a result of TLC
most in self-contained settings. Only a few stu- participation and subsequently noted student
dents were included in general education full time progress, they would become more committed to
or part of the day. Hilton Elementary was in- working collaboratively in the TLC.
volved in the TLC project for 3 years. The nature of the TLC required that we in-
We narrowed our focus on 8 of the 20 TLC teract with teachers frequently. We were helping
teacher participants, purposively selected because to facilitate collaboration as well as helping teach-
they varied in their ability to adopt practices from ers gain access to research-based practices. In ad-
the TLC. Each teacher, however, demonstrated dition, observing teachers, providing feedback,
commitment to the TLC through active and sus- and attending meetings helped us become insiders
tained participation. The teachers were assigned in the school community. Teachers often confided
pseudonyms: Sarah, Brenda, Diane, Cindy, in us about frustrations with colleagues and
Marty, Lois, Carl, and Martha. The teachers in- shared personal issues. We became participant ob-
cluded 1 African American and 7 Caucasian servers.
teachers. Teaching experience ranged from 2 to 22
years. Participants included 1 second-grade
teacher, 1 teacher who taught both second and Data collection involved formal and informal
third grade, 2 third-grade teachers, 2 fourth-grade classroom observations, teacher and principal in-
teachers, and 2 fifth-grade teachers. Seven of 8 terviews, field notes of meetings, debriefing notes
teachers graduated from elementary education from project staff discussions, and documentation
programs at either the undergraduate or graduate of informal conversations with participants. The
level; one teacher majored in a content area and following provides a detailed description of the
minored in elementary education. All teachers data sources.
were certified or endorsed according to the licen- Formal Classroom Observations. These data
sure standards in their state. Three teachers were were collected using the Pathwise diagnostic and
also certified in early childhood education and instructional observation system, a version of
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). PRAXIS III (Educational Testing Services [ETS],
See Table 1 for details about each teacher. 1995). Data from the Pathwise observation sys-
tem were used only to triangulate findings se-
cured first through analyses of other qualitative
As researchers, we began this project with more data (see the following). We chose Pathwise be-
than 60 years of combined experience in special cause it is a well-recognized evaluation system
education, general education, and school psychol- that yields both narrative descriptions of teaching
ogy. Because of our backgrounds, we brought practices as well as quantitative ratings for data
well-defined views of education to the project analysis. We assessed teachers by directly observ-
that included both behavioral and cognitive ori- ing classroom instruction, reviewing teacher-
entations to teacher learning and a strong empha- prepared written documentation, and conducting

Exceptional Children 173

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Winter 2006
semi-structured interviews with each teacher be- gling students' academic and behavioral needs
fore and after observations. On the basis of this and how to address them, (c) the nature of TLC
record of evidence, teachers were rated on 19 cri- collaboration, and (d) barriers and supports for
teria organized into four domains: (a) Domain A: collaboration. We altered interview protocols in
organizing content knowledge for student learn- Year 2 to gather more information about issues
ing, (b) Domain B: creating an environment for emerging from the data, specifically those related
student learning with an emphasis on classroom to teacher leadership and learning.
management, (c) Domain C: teaching for student Meeting Minutes and Researcher Reflections.
learning, and (d) Domain D: teacher profession- Meetings occurred once or twice a month and
alism with an emphasis on reflection. Domain generally lasted 1 to 1.5 hr. During the meetings,
scores range from 1.0 to 3.5, with 1.0 being the we took notes documenting the agendas, discus-
lowest and 3.5 being the highest score possible. sions, and interactions of the group. Following
Across domains there was a focus on a teacher's meetings and school visits, we documented infor-
ability to consider the needs of individual stu- mal conversations and general information gath-
dents and adjust instruction or management tech- ered during the visit, as well as our initial
niques accordingly. Scoring and summaries of reactions.
Pathwise observations took approximately 2 hr
per teacher. Project staff observed each TLC DATA ANALYSIS
teacher twice using Pathwise.
During data collection and analysis, we used three
Prior to Pathwise observations, teachers strategies to establish trustworthiness: (a) triangu-
prepared written documentation including a de- lation of multiple sources of evidence, (b) peer
tailed lesson plan, description of their classroom, debriefing during data coding and therne devel-
and demographic information for themselves and opment, and (c) member checks ihvolving TLC
their students. During lessons, we took anecdotal teachers. As a first level of analysis, we recorded
notes documenting positive and negative evidence informal reflections for each meeting, classroom
for Domains B and C (ETS, 1995). Semistruc- observation, and school visit, making notes about
tured interviews occurred before and after obser- issues and concepts that were emerging in the re-
vations and probed for information about search.
conceptualization of instruction (Domain A) and
We then generated a list of codes, coded all
reflection on implementation of the lesson plan
sources of evidence independently, and then met
(Domain D).
to compare and contrast data analysis. For exam-
Informal Observations. These data were col- ple, we compared data coded as effective instruc-
lected at least four times a year for 1 to 2 hr per tional practices from interviews and meetings to
observation over the 3 years of the study. We took
codes from observations (e.g., making content
field notes during each classroom visit, construct-
understandable) to develop the theme "Under-
ing a running narrative of classroom events. For
stands how to structure instruction for struggling
approximately 80% of observations, we con-
students." Once themes were identified, we met
ducted informal postobservation conferences to
and discussed whether they appropriately cap-
obtain teachers' perceptions of the lesson and how
tured individual examples from the data. Also, we
well students having academic or behavioral diffi-
wrote yearly reports based on analyzed data. TLC
culties responded. We also provided feedback on
participants read these reports and provided feed-
academic and behavioral concerns.
Semistructured Interviews. We conducted
two semistructured, individual interviews per year
with TLC teachers and their school principals. In-
terviews lasted approximately 1 hr. Interview
questions varied and were selected to gather data Although we expected teachers to differ in their
related to project goals and research questions. ability to use strategies acquired in the TLC, we
Topics included (a) teachers' beliefs about instruc- did not realize the degree to which they would
tion and management, (b) descriptions of strug- vary. Some acquired strategies readily, whereas

Exceptional Children 17S

others used few strategies, and their propensity to rect or incorrect. At the next meeting, she de-
adopt strategies seemed to have little to do with scribed for the group how she was now giving stu-
their experience, preparation, or school context. dents credit for spelling parts of a word correcdy:
Using data from meetings, interviews, and class-
I am using a [scoring system] where students get
room observations, we identified various levels of
credit for partially correct spellings. For example,
adoption and outlined qualities that distinguished if a child writes DUG for the word dog, he or she
high adopters, moderate adopters, and low would receive credit for the d and g. The kids'
adopters. We found five characteristics that influ- spelling has improved dramatically. There is not
enced teachers' willingness to adopt strategies enough space on my bulletin board to post all
learned in TLC meetings. the good spelling tests kids are turning in.

TLC LEARNER OUTCOMES: The two other high adopters were also
THE CONTINUUM FROM HIGH quick to implement suggestions. For example,
TO Low ADOPTERS after Diane missed a meeting, we gave her the
reading materials we distributed, which described
Some teachers quickly implemented new strate-
Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT). At the next
gies, whereas others, despite their willingness to
meeting, she was the only teacher to have imple-
mented the CWPT procedures. With one excep-
tion, remaining teachers needed direct assistance
Although we expected teachers to differ ih from one of us to implement what they had
their ability to use strategies acquired in
Moderate adopters used certain classroom
the TLC, we did not realize the degree to practices and ignored others. Over the course of
which they would vary. the project, one of the three implemented CWPT,
began teaching students multiple strategies for
comprehending text, and even developed her own
strategies for teaching students vocabulary, incor-
learn and discuss ideas, implemented innovations
porating some of the concepts learned from
poorly, or not at all. We classified teachers as
CWPT. More than the other two teachers, she
high, moderate, and low adopters based on our
perceptions of how frequently and willingly they voiced a need to do things differendy to meet stu-
adopted strategies learned in the TLC. In the fol- dents' needs. The other two moderate adopters
lowing narrative, we use examples from observa- changed less. They were willing to use some
tions and meetings to describe teachers' varying strategies but ignored many others. For instance,
levels of adoption. although one was quick to incorporate CWPT for
High adopters were teachers who quickly reading, she resisted using more explicit cognitive
incorporated new practices into their classroom. strategy instruction. She told us she had used a
These teachers were always working on at least summarization strategy "only a few times," even
one strategy they had acquired in the group, both though we spent months discussing it and pro-
behavioral and academic. They were Jilso willing vided specific, concrete ways to use it. She found
to try strategies that were teacher directed and teaching the strategy unexciting and limiting, and
student directed. Moderate adopters used many she enjoyed being more spontaneous. Although
practices but were inconsistent in their willingness her TLC colleagues presented many interesting
to adopt certain practices. Low adopters were the and engaging ideas for explicitly teaching summa-
least willing to adopt new practices and often had rization, she seemed unwilling, and perhaps un-
difficulty using the new strategy. able, to capitalize on those ideas.
The three high adopters were always inter- There were two low adopters. With consid-
ested in using something new. For instance, one erable assistance, one implemented CWPT, used
high adopter attended a meeting ^yhere one of us more positive classroom riianagement techniques,
briefly suggested she score correct letter sequences and implemented a strategic program for teaching
on spelling tests rather than whole words as cor- basic math operations. The other tried strategies

176 Winter 2006

that his colleagues suggested to reward behavior structional qualities. One moderate adopter (Lois)
(e.g., putting a marble in the jar to reward the and the two low adopters (Martha and Carl)
class for appropriate behavior), but decided to do made up the bottom Pathwise tier.
so only when he realized that he had to do some- Knowledge of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
thing about the behavior in his class, and the High adopters were consistently the most knowl-
TLC reading materials he encountered kept edgeable teachers. They knew that high-risk stu-
stressing the need to manage behavior using posi- dents needed explicit, systematic instruction that
tive approaches. He refused to implement CWPT, was engaging and geared to their needs. These
morning meetings (designed to build classroom teachers could see quickly how ideas presented in
community), and any reading strategies, asserting the TLC fit within their curriculum and what
that reading "was not his cup of tea" or that his they knew about instruction. Moderate and low
students lacked the skills for cooperative work. adopters were less knowledgeable, took longer to
grasp ideas, and did not always implement them
well. Some of these teachers needed to have ideas
explained in detail and would discard ideas they
As we examined diflFerences among teachers based did not appear to comprehend.
on their willingness to use TLC strategies, we no- When asked why they were teaching spe-
ticed that they differed in important ways. High cific strategies or content and how to teach high-
adopters had the most (a) knowledge of curricu- risk students in urban schools, high adopters
lum and pedagogy, (b) knowledge and student- provided precise answers that demonstrated their
friendly beliefs about managing student behavior, understanding of how to teach struggling learn-
(c) student-focused views of instruction, and (d) ers. For example, Sarah emphasized the need to
ability to carefully reflect on students' learning.
be explicit and systematic. She said.
High adopters also were able to adapt strategies to
meet students' needs, which in all likelihood de- The teacher must be very aware of the children's
rived from the other four qualities. Teachers understanding [of content] and present things
considered moderate adopters varied more dra- more systematicalty. The students need things
matically on the five instructional qualities. Fi- broken down. The teachers need to be willing
nally, low adopters ranked lowest on the five to make adjustments, take longer, try new
instructional qualities. things. . . . You have to be tuned in to what is
going on with the children. Sometimes you have
We used Pathwise scores on Domains A, B, to restructure your activities based on the stu-
C, and D to triangulate data from informal obser- dents' needs.
vations and the other data sources to separate the
eight teachers into three groups. These Pathwise When we observed high adopters, their in-
domains assessed ability to (a) organize instruc- struction was explicit, and content was relevant
tion, (b) create a well-managed and supportive and interesting to children. These teachers could
environment for instruction, (c) carry out cohe- articulate why they were teaching a particular
sive instruction, and (d) be professional and re- concept or strategy and could develop instruction
flect on student learning and instruction. that was clear and engaging. Sarah's lesson on
Pathwise scores for the three high adopters were cause and effect was a good example. In describ-
consistently higher than other teachers in all four ing her lesson, Sarah talked about the importance
measured domains (see Table 1). Furthermore, of beginning a lesson with clear and engaging ex-
differences in Pathwise scores between these three amples so students would understand the concept
teachers and the other five participants were most and be motivated to participate. So, Sarah began
substantial in Domain A, the domain that mea- the lesson by saying "underwear." As Sarah pre-
sured ability to organize content knowledge for dicted, all the students responded, "Yuck." Thus,
student learning. The second Pathwise tier con- Sarah had the opportunity she was hoping for, to
sisted of two teachers we judged to be moderate point out that her statement was a cause and the
adopters (Marty and Cindy) who were high on students' response was an effect. Because the stu-
one category and moderate on the other four in- dents also found this example humorous, Sarah

Exceptional Children
had captured their attention. She followed with belief was evident in how they spoke about their
more examples and an interactive lesson involving classrooms. For instance, one remarked that she
all students acting out causes and effects. During was willing to invest a good deal of money in in-
follow-up independent work, very few students teresting books, materials, and games for the stu-
had difficulty distinguishing cause and effect. dents. From her perspective, "spending the money
The moderate and low adopters were less was worth it because it made life easier in the
knowledgeable about pedagogy but also were classroom." She and other high adopters knew
strikingly different from one another. One mod- that when children were interested and busy, they
erate adopter had well-developed knowledge were less likely to be disruptive. As a consequence,
about science and social studies curriculum and these teachers took to instructional techniques
some knowledge of pedagogy. She was willing to such as CWPT that engaged children.
use innovations, but often took longer to deter- High adopters also realized that actively
mine how to incorporate them or needed more teaching discipline in positive ways was an impor-
pirornpting and support to do so. She could artic- tant goal of education. They knew how to set up
tilatE the need to incorporate cooperative leai^ning a classroom; they emphasized positive discipline
strategies into instruction but did'riot seem to and helped children reflect on and change their
Kiibw how to do so consistently. Many times in behavior. As a result, they were most capable of
her classroom, we observed that students were helping children with behavior problems. Diane,
reading from textbooks and writing answers inde- for example, talked frequently about the impor-
pendently with little teacher intera(;tion. Al- tance of teaching children to become better citi-
though her instruction was .never the most zens in the classroom and comrhunity. In one
interesting, it often was focused bfl important TLC meeting, she started by providing a rationale
concepts and organized to involve all students. for character edtication. She spoke with passion
During the 3-year study she began to incorporate about the problems occurring in schools because
more cooperative activities and better questioning students do not know how to interact in respect-
techniques. ful and responsible ways with one another. As she
One low adopter appeared least knowledge- modeled her approach to character education, it
able about both content and pedagogy. When we became apparent how she explicitly teaches re-
first observed in her classroom, we found students sponsibility and cooperation. She described how
completing one independent seatwork assignment she highlights qualities by using literature and
dfter another. This teacher seemed unable to artic- praises children when they exhibit these qualities
ulate why she was teaching certain skills. For in- in class. She also explained how she encourages
stance, when she first learned CWPT, she raved students to notice other children when they
about the program's ability to "cut down on be- demonstrate these behaviors.
havior problems and get theni ready for learning." Brenda also realized the importance of
However, she never commented about how the teaching children appropriate behaviors. When
program had helped her students to become asked what she learned from the challenges in her
stronger in math. first year of teaching, she responded, "I realized
Knowledge and Beliefi Ahout Managing Stu- there is a whole lot more to school than aca-
dent Behavior. Teachers varied considerably in demics. [My first year] made me realize that while
their beliefs about what constituted appropriate teaching academics, I had to teach social skills
classroom behavior and a teacher's role in helping and manners." Because she believed teaching be-
children learn to;behave. High adopters held two havior was important, Brenda recognized the im-
beliefs about mstnaging student behavior. First, portance of praising children for appropriate
they acknowledged that well-designed instruction behavior both as a class and individually. She also
can go a long way toward eliminating behavior knew it was important to provide individual sup-
problems. Second, they judged teaching behavior ports for children having the most difficulty be-
to be as important as teaching academics. High having. For instance, when asked what good
adopters believed interesting iiistruction was teachers do to manage the behavior of high-risk
foundational to classroom management, and this students, Brenda said, "Good teachers use behav-

178 Winter 2006

ior modification charts and break the time that a The two low adopters held rigid expecta-
child has to . . . demonstrate appropriate behavior tions for student behavior but viewed responsibil-
[into smaller intervals]." ity for managing student behavior differently than
The moderate adopters differed in that they the other teachers. Martha believed teaching be-
believed so strongly in the significance of aca- havior was an important goal in her classroom
demic engagement that they failed to recognize and that she had a moral duty to help all children,
the importance of actively teaching students more especially those who were the most trying. Thus,
appropriate behavior. Instead, these teachers fo- she would often consider changing behavior man-
cused exclusively on making instruction interest- agement practices before instructional practices.
ing and engaging while downplaying the In meetings, she focused almost exclusively on
importance of teaching children to hehave. One concerns about student behavior. For instance,
moderate adopter often claimed that good in- she monopolized an early meeting with concerns
struction made classroom management problems about a student and the punitive strategies she
disappear. In an interview, she remarked, "I elimi- had used to deal with her. When we observed this
nate a lot of behavior problems by structuring child, she seemed restless but not excessively dis-
lessons. There is no time for behavior problems ruptive. It was clear from our conversations and
during my class. Students have behavior problems observations that Martha had a low tolerance for
before class, in the hall, and in recess, but not behavior she considered inappropriate and did
during instruction, normally." Her heavy empha- not know how to use more proactive or positive
sis on instruction, however, often meant she ig- strategies to either prevent or reduce behavioral
nored promising management strategies presented difficulties. Over time, her concerns about
by her colleagues. For instance, after a joint meet-
student behavior and her commitment to help
ing between Hilton and Hidden View, she re-
children ultimately enabled her to adopt new be-
havioral strategies and become less punitive. As
one of us noted in Year 2, "I was hoping to go in
Meeting with teachers from the other schools
was beneficial. I listened to ideas, but Im so fo- and model more positive behaviors for Martha,
cused on teaching reading that other things are but she was already doing that. I saw Martha giv-
immaterial to me, like motning meetings. . . . I ing out praise and helpful suggestions to the stu-
can't lose sight of my primary objective, teaching dents about how to improve their writing." Even
teading. . . . Every minute of my day is sched- Martha acknowledged that TLC had really helped
uled, so there's no wasted time. I don't have time her "to see the importance of positive interactions
for kids to sit in a circle and hold hands. with students."
Carl, in contrast, did not feel responsible
for changing students' behavior. In fact, he re-
High adopters believed interesting sented having to play this role. He responded
instruction was foundational to classroom strongly to our suggestions that he use more posi-
tive management techniques. Specifically, he re-
management, and this belief was evident
in how they spoke about their classrooms.
I am not going to change my approach to disci-
pline. There is good behavior and bad behavior,
and that is it. I do not believe all this behavior
Although she and several other teachers modification stuff. Schools should be able to get
were able to use well-structured instruction to rid of kids who are disrupting the classroom. I
help most students, they struggled when con- am tited of people telling us that we need to
fronted with more serious behavior problems. adapt to these kids and set up behavior modifi-
More often than not, they would blame children cation programs. Kids should know how to be-
who exhibited the most significant problems have, and that's it.
rather than consider adopting more proactive, On the bright side, Carl began to make
positive discipline techniques. small changes. As he struggled with students'

Exceptional Children 179

behavior, particularly in the second year, he knew ample, at Thanksgiving, she taught a unit about
he needed to change. Often he indicated the need early American life. She had students study quilt
to work on using more positive reinforcement. making and make a quilt, visit a nearby town
For example, he agreed to read an article about where people demonstrated colonial crafts, and
schoolwide positive approaches to behavior man- write letters using quills. She followed these expe-
agement and to explain the content to his col- riences with a collaborative writing assignment in
leagues. which writing strategies students were learning
Views of Teaching and Student Learning. and knowledge gained from these experiences
High adopters had the strongest student-focused were integrated.
views of instruction, considering academic and By contrast, the other high adopter and the
behavioral needs ofthe class and individual child. three moderate adopters vacillated between
These teachers were the most willing to imple- teacher-controlled and student-focused orienta-
ment peer learning and management techniques, tions. One high adopter was willing to implement
cognitive strategy instruction, and self-manage- conflict resolution techniques in her classroom
ment techniques. High adopters realized they but was reluctant to implement cooperative group
could not approach students using standardized work. She felt "that the type of students we have
curriculum or strategies. Moreover, these teachers will not learn unless you are looking over their
often valued peer-mediated approaches to address shoulder." A moderate adopter believed that co-
diversity and foster a positive classroom commu- operative learning was critical to fostering a posi-
nity. Brenda recognized the importance of con- tive and supportive classtoom environment, and
sidering both the child's academic and social she saw herself as a facilitator, fading into the
needs and was not one simply to follow the text. background of student activity. She arranged an
She realized early on that many of her students elaborate science activity that took children sev-
had too many needs to teach them in a standard- eral weeks to complete and was almost exclusively
ized fashion. In an interview, reflecting on her student-directed. Students were allowed to select
first teaching experience, also in an urban school, a science topic, to conduct experiments, and to
she said, "I could not rely on textbooks and decide on a manner of presentation. When the
teacher guides. . . . I needed to adjust to students' students did not cooperate, however, the teacher
abilities." Because of her beliefs, this high adopter immediately switched to a more teacher-centered
thought carefully about struggling students and approach. Instead of teaching students to work
sought to identify how to help them. cooperatively, she held out working together as a
Another high adopter had a sophisticated, reward for students "when they learned to act
student-centered view of learning. She believed right."
strongly in creating student choice, helping chil- The low adopters demonstrated the most
dren learn to work together, and fostering an en- teacher-centered view of learning. During obser-
vironment that was interesting to children. She vations, we noticed that one of them failed to no-
created opportunities throughout the day for chil- tice an opportunity to facilitate children working
dren to choose. She told us that "self-selection together, and instead, emphasized behavioral con-
reading time was an important way to incorporate trot. For instance, after reading a story about
student choice in the curriculum." She also devel- building a dream house, students were asked to
oped learning centers to support or enrich con- draw a picture of their dream house. The teacher
cepts learned in class, and students had provided instructions for completing the drawing
considerable choice in selecting centers. She fre- and reminded students to use many different col-
quently used cooperative learning and other stu- ors to make their dream house "pretty." She in-
dent-centered strategies and said that students structed them not to look at each other's drawings
needed opportunities to work together and direct because that "would be cheating" and reminded
their learning, otherwise they would never acquire them that this was a "noncommunicating" time.
the social skills necessary to be successful adults. On other occasions, she would insist that students
As she planned curriculum, she often considered not work ahead in their textbook until the entire
what would interest and engage children. For ex- class was ready to move on.

18O Winter 2006

Ability to Reflect on Students' Learning. High other moderate adopter). They seemed less able or
adopters were the most reflective about their in- less willing to adjust their practices to address stu-
structional practices and classroom management. dent concerns. For instance, Cindy recognized in-
During interviews and postobservation conversa- dividual student needs and wanted to address
tions, these teachers demonstrated an ability to them, but she did not always change her practices
think about the entire class as well as individual accordingly. She would incorporate peer-mediated
students. They were adept at identifying individ- strategies, yet she would not consider other adap-
ual students' needs, took responsibility for finding tations. During Year 3 at Hidden View, she talked
ways to meet them, and were most reflective about the problems of punishing students and
about academic learning and classroom manage- sending them to detention for not doing their
ment. homework. She knew this approach was not im-
Diane was the most reflective TLC mem- proving behavior or encouraging homework com-
ber. She always considered how her entire class pletion, but rather than consider more positive
and individual students were progressing academ- alternatives, she continued to rely on detention.
ically and socially and wondered what she could Low adopters were least likely to reflect on
do to remedy their problems. She thought a lot their practices. After one lesson, one of them
about the purpose of instruction and whether she voiced concerns about two students who were fre-
was achieving those purposes. For instance, Diane quently off task. When asked what he was doing
was assigned to teach reading to the designated to remediate these problems, he offered simplistic
second grade inclusion classroom. After listening strategies for getting their attention, such as call-
to discussions about the importance of fluency in ing their names or standing next to them. When
several TLC meetings, Diane decided she needed one of us prompted him to generate other ideas
to do something different to help students who for working with students, he redirected the con-
had difficulty reading the basal text. She orga- versation to a mother who refused to refer her son
nized small group instruction in decodable texts for special education.
geared to students' reading levels. At the same Ability to Adapt Instruction. High adopters
time, she also began to conduct fluency timings. were able to read or use information indepen-
She used these data to determine whether she was dently to meet their students' needs. These teach-
achieving her aims. ers were "sponges" for information. Their ability
Two others, Sarah and Mary, also gave to acquire new ideas and enact them quickly re-
much thought to how individual students were flected the tremendous knowledge they had about
learning, but they sometimes failed to recognize a students, content area pedagogy, behavior man-
need to change. Sarah could provide detailed de- agement, and techniques for helping students di-
scriptions of how students were performing and rect their learning. It seemed that success bred
the steps she undertook to help them, but some- success: The more success these teachers experi-
times blamed students for inappropriate behavior enced with TLC techniques, the more likely they
or their failure to learn. For instance, one of us were to implement additional strategies. High
watched Sarah teach a lesson ahout finding the adopters tried new strategies because they knew
main idea. Although the lesson was carefully de- they could adapt them to suit their teaching style
signed and executed, it was too long. The chil- and student needs.
dren grew inattentive, and Sarah was frustrated. High adopters talked about many ideas
When we suggested the lesson was too long, learned in meetings, often from colleagues, or
Sarah insisted that the children could attend for picked up from us informally. They integrated in-
that length of time but were choosing not to. formation from different sources to improve their
Later, she reconsidered her stance, as she often instruction or routines. Brenda offered a good
did, and we saw her teach shorter strategy lessons, case in point when she combined what she knew
more in tune with her students' attention spans. of cooperative learning and CWPT. After learning
Two moderate adopters were thoughtful ahout CWPT in a TLC meeting, Brenda felt it
about their instruction, but not as reflective as the would he helpful for her class. Two weeks later,
teachers in the top group (which included the Brenda told the group that she had learned how

Exceptional Children 181

to teach teaming skills in a district-sponsored was eager to level texts and count the number of
workshop and that she intended to apply what minutes students spent reading.
she had learned to introduce CWPT social skills.
At the next meeting, she showed all the primary
grade teachers her charts for teaching teaming DISCUSSION AND
and demonstrated how she used the characters I M PLI CATIONS
Positive Patty and Negative Nellie to teach kids
good team behaviors. The teachers were mesmer- We began this 3-year project with assumptions
ized. about the benefit of professional collaboration for
helping general education teachers improve their
Another high adopter used information
instruction for students with disabilities and high-
that a colleague presented for teaching summa-
rization and created a four-step strategy of her risk learners. Like many education scholars, we
own. She first taught students to highlight key believed teachers would benefit from meeting
words and phrases and to find the main idea for with peers and a skilled facilitator over time to ex-
each page of a story. She then had students draw plore problems and to learn how to implement
pictures representing main ideas and record both new strategies. We were surprised at the variabil-
the main ideas and pictures in a log. When the ity of teachers' responses to participation. All of
students finished these steps, she modeled how the teachers adopted strategies, but some teachers
they could use the strategy to summarize the acquired only one or two. We did not anticipate
whole story and asked them to tell the story in as how little power professional collaboration had
few words as possible. for changing the practices of some teachers and
wondered what this lack of progress means for
Two moderate adopters also were able to
helping all or most general education teachers ac-
incorporate instructional ideas into existing rou-
tines, but they at first seemed reluctant. Cindy, quire the skills and strategies they need to appro-
for example, had difficulty seeing how she could priately involve students with disabilities in
use CWPT without encountering classroom man- instruction.
agement problems. With support, she imple- Our participants were volunteers, and they
mented CWPT and, seeing the power of peer selected strategies for study. All eight teachers par-
learning, began to adapt her instruction to in- ticipated in TLCs for at least 2 years. During
volve more peer learning. For Cindy, peer learn- meetings, they engaged in discussions of student
ing became an increasingly important tool. learning and identified areas of difficulty on
Ultimately, she taught skills, strategies, and con- which to focus. New strategies were presented and
tent primarily through peer learning arrange- discussed, which for some teachers was all it took
ments. to improve classroom practice. Others needed ad-
Low adopters experienced the most diffi- ditional encouragement and support, and sup-
culty adapting instruction. They would not at- ports such as modeling and coaching were not
tempt new strategies unless the innovation always enough. All teachers expressed a desire to
required few changes or support was provided. continue with the TLC and felt that it was valu-
For instance, one tried to use the summarization able; they seemed eager to learn and grow. Why,
strategy but was unable to do so effectively. We then, did some teachers benefit so little? How did
watched him talk for 25 min while modeling their individual qualities work together to enable
summarization (prompting a student to com- them to use strategies?
plain, "Here is this man just talking again"). He We found teachers who readily incorpo-
later explained that he "thought students were not rated new practices differed in important ways
allowed to talk during modeling, that the teacher from teachers who did not. Teachers who had a
did all the talking." He did not pursue strategy strong knowledge base to build on, who were able
instruction further. Conversely, when suggestions to considet the needs of individual students while
were simple and consistent with his views, he responding to the whole class, and whose beliefs
would implement them. After talking to TLC col- closely aligned with the innovations we presented
leagues about ways to help struggling readers, he seemed to understand how to adapt novel strate-

182 Winter 2006

gies for their students and were most likely to Moreover, the scaff development and collabora-
adopt them. By contrast, teachers who experi- tion literature has not examined how the ability
enced dissonance in their beliefs, who could not to reflect on individual students and groups of
make the needs of individual students a priority, students, in conjunction with teacher knowledge
or who lacked prerequisite knowledge struggled in and beliefs, influences how teachers adapt strate-
their attempts to use and adapt a strategy, often gies and continue to use them (V. Richardson,
implementing the strategy in routinized ways, and personal communication, September 10, 2004).
were likely to abandon it. It also is interesting that Teachers' individualistic responses to collab-
high adopters received high Pathwise ratings. Our oration in our study and the Eimore et al. (1996)
data—quantitative and qualitative alike—demon- study suggested that having collaborative learning
strate how knowledge, beliefs, skills, and reflective structures in place, and even a desire to collabo-
ability work together to influence a teacher's ben- rate, will not create equal benefit for all partici-
efit from collaborative professional development pants. In fact, some teachers may benefit very
efforts. little from well-designed opportunities to learn
Clearly, our findings extend previous re- from each other and researchers. Alternatively,
search on collaboration, in which variability in some teachers may just require a lot more infor-
teaching learning is underplayed (Pugach &C John- mation about how to use an innovation and sup-
son, 2002; Rogers & Babinski, 2002). In addi- port and time to do so. In addition, they may
tion, our findings extend special and general need help in understanding how to consider the
education research that is focused on the extent to needs of individtial students in adapting a strategy
which teachers implement practices learned for their classroom. We suggest, as does Klingner
through professional development, and then sus- (2004), that differential levels of assistance may
tain the use of those practices (Klingner, 2004; need to be provided to individual teachers based
Vaughn et al., 1998). To date, research examining on their characteristics. Differences among teach-
collaboration and sustained use of innovations has ers in our study stiggest the need to know more
focused mostly on identifying contextual barriers about how different collaborative structures affect
and facilitators that disrupt teacher learning or groups of teacheis as well as individuals. Scholars
collaboration (Klingner), or those attitudes and need to know how curriculum and these collabo-
beliefs that influence innovation adoption. At rative structures piovide opportunities for teacher
present, we do not have much in-depth informa- learning. Rescaich in general education suggests
tion about how the nature of teachers' individual that structured collaborative learning around cur-
knowledge and beliefs might interact to facilitate riculum that helps teachers understand how to
or hinder innovation adoption (Gersten et al., take action in the classroom may be very effective
1997; Klingner; Richardson & Placier, 2001). in supporting teacher learning (Cohen & Ball,
Our study articulated the types of teacher quali- 2000). Staff dtvelopers, teacher educators, and
ties that mattered in determining how to use an others working to help teachers improve their
innovation and the ways in which those qualities practices need ways of identifying those teachers
interacted to influence what practices TLC teach- who require considciable assistance to use innova-
ers implemented and their success in doing so. tions and consider ways of providing more learn-
We also found that teachers' ability to reflect si- ing support.
multaneously on the needs of the group and indi-
Howevei, providing different types of assis-
vidual students played an important role in
tance raises a new set of research questions. What
innovation adoption. Previous research on teacher
will these diffeient types of assistance look like?
education has established the importance of
Will they involve more focused discussions of
teacher reflection to becoming a successful
how to use and adapt innovations within current
teacher; however, this research has not considered
curriculum rathei than just extensively training
how reflection, knowledge, and beliefs might
teachers how to use a particular innovation with
work together to influence how teachers adapt in-
fidelit)' (a practice commonly used in the most in-
novations and ultimately use them (Bolin, 1990;
tensive training etfons in special education)? How
Griffiths & Tann, 1992; Korthagen, 1988).
will more intense structures, such as modeling

Exceptional Children 183

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timately, professional collaborative efforts are ini- velopment. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37, 248-
portant only if they help teachers change in ways 255.
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con- T. BROWNELL (CEC FL Federation),
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Professor, Department of Special Education,
sertation. University of California, Los Angeles.
ALYSON ADAMS, Program Coordinator,
Snyder, J. (1994). Perils and potentials: A tale of two
Lastinger Center, PAUL SINDELAR (CEC FL
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Federation), Professor and Associate Dean for Re-
mond (Ed.), Professional development schools: Schools for
developing a profession (pp. 98-125). New York: Teach- search, Department of Special Education, and
ers College Press. NANCY WALDRON, Associate Professor, Educa-
Thousand, J. S., & Villa, R. A. (1992). Collaborative tional Psychology, University of Florida,
teams: A powerful tool in school restructuring. In R. Gainesville. STEPHANIE VANHOVER Assistant
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Address correspondence to Mary T. Brownell,
a secondary general e4ucation collaborative teacher: A
case study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31, 503- Department of Special Education, G315 Norman
513. Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611, 352-392-0701, ext.
Vaughn, S., Hughes, M. T., Schumm, J. S., & 249. (e-mail:
Klingner, J. (1998). A collaborative effort to enhance
reading and writing instruction in inclusive classrooms. Manuscript received March 2004; accepted
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Exceptional Cbildren 18S

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