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Name: _________________________

Read and follow the directions:

1. Type your name and address so it is right aligned.

Your name

2. Format your name to BOLD, your street address to ITALICS, and underline
your country.

Your name

3. Change the following text to the specified fonts and sizes.

Your name (Arial 24 pt.)

Address (Times New Roman 18 pt.)

Country (Comic Sans MS 30 pt.)

Underline the most appropriate answer

4. Font is a character with a particular design and size.

(True False)

5. The delete key is used to remove selected text or objects.

(True False)

6. Which key deletes characters to the right of the cursor?

1. Back space

2. Delete

3. Autocorrect

4. Overtype

7. Which feature allows the user to key on a new line without pressing the enter
or return key?

1. Paragraphs

2. Margins

3. Word Wrap

4. Tab
8. If your teacher give you a rough draft and you should make changes to it, this
is called:

1. Documenting

2. Reporting

3. Editing

4. Changing

9. What application would best be used for keying in an essay?

1. The Internet

2. Google

3. Spreadsheet Software

4. Word Processing

10.Which of the following IS NOT an example of a font feature?

1. Bold

2. Italics

3. Underline

4. Paste

11.Edit and Format the following text.


Computers can be linked together to form Networks. There are several ways
in which these connections can be made. The shape of the network chosen
is determined by the way in which the links are made and the size of the
computers attached.

a. Change all the letters of the heading, Networks to capitals.

b. Center the heading.
c. Spell check document.
d. Bold the heading.
e. Increase the font style to 18pts.
f. Underline the phrase linked together.
g. Replace the word several with many.
h. Insert the phrase (mainframes and microcomputers) after the word
computer in the first line.

12.Save document with the filename as Networks

13.Attached completed document to

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