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( An Experimental Research with the Third Graders of MIN Purwokerto
in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011 )


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of

Bachelor of Education in English Education

Student Number : 073411092


I am, the student with the following identify :

Name : Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah

Student Number : 073411092
Department : English Department

certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content
of this thesis. Other writers’ opinions or findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in
accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, 10 June 2011

The Writer,


Student number: 073411092

     

“Taught man what he didn’t know”.1

( Al-Alaq : 5 )

Mahmud Y. Zayid, The Quran, ( Lebanon : DAR AL-CHOURA,1980), p.457
The thesis is dedicated to:
 My beloved father and mother who always support emotionally and materially with
prayer, love, and patience.
 My big family who always support and motivate the writer to finish this thesis.

Praise be to Allah, the merciful, the compassionate that the writer can finish
this thesis completely with title The Effectiveness of Using Songs in Teaching English
Article (An Experimental Research with the Third Grader of MIN Purwokerto in the
Academic Year of 2010/2011)
.Shalawat and Salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from the
darkness to the brightness.
The writer realizes that there are many people who are already helped her in
arranging and writing this thesis directly or indirectly. In this chance, the writer would
like to express deeper appreciation to:

1. Dr. Suja’i, M. Ag. as Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah.

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum. as the Head of English Department and the first
advisor who already guided and advised patiently during the arrangement of
this thesis.
3. H. Mursid, M.Ag. as the second advisor who gave guidance and advices over
the study conducted.
4. The entire lectures in Education Faculty who always give input and advice to
the writer during conducting this study.
5. Sabar Munanto,S.Ag. as the headmaster of MIN Purwokerto who had allowed
me to carry out the research in his school. Mrs. Ida Rohayati. as the English
teacher of III Utsman bin Affan and III Umar bin Khotob year who had helped
the writer in conducting the research in their school, the students of 3th graders
of class III Abu Bakar, thanks for the cooperation, and also the school
administration staff.
6. My beloved father and mother (H. Sidik Waluyo, S.Ag and Siti Azizah) who
always support emotionally and materially with prayer, love, and patience.
7. My beloved sisters and brothers, (Muhammad Syaefudin Mughni, Muhammad
Sukron Ali Fajri, and Hasna Imarotun Nahdliyah) who always support and
motivate the writer to finish this thesis.
8. My best friends in TBI 7C who always give support, attention and patience to
the writer. Without your support, I do nothing.
9. My friends in Al-Asna boarding house ( Vika, Cherry, Sari, Yanthi, Sa’, Ana,
Nandhi, Dewie) thank you all.
10. My team PPL in MTs N 2 Semarang
11. My team KKN 70 in Curugsewu Kendal
Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is a far from being perfect; therefore,
the writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it better. The
writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone. Amin.

Semarang, 10 June 2011

The Writer,


Student number: 073411092

Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah (Student Number: 073411092). THE

( An Experimental Research with the Third Graders of MIN Purwokerto in the
Academic Year of 2010 / 2011 ). Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor Program of English
Language Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute of Islamic
Studies (IAIN Walisongo), 2010.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Songs, Teaching, Articles, Elementary School Students.

Music and song are included in teaching media. The use of music and song in
the classroom can stimulate very positive associations to the study of a language.
They can also make the classroom situation more enjoyable for students and increase
the students’ interest to learn. Songs are chosen here because many of the students
had listened to it. It can stimulate their motivation to learn, and to help the students
learn grammar, especially English Article.
The problem of this research can be stated how is the effectiveness of using
songs in teaching English Articles?
The objectives of this study is to find out the effectiveness of songs in teaching
English Articles.
The study was conducted at MIN Purwokerto. The subjects of this study were
the students at MIN Purwokerto in two classes thus were as experimental and control
groups. The numbers of the subjects were 24 students in experimental group and 24
students in control group. This research used experimental method. The techniques of
data collection used by the writer are test, documentation.
Based on the statistical data, the writer got a description that the results of test
score of the experimental class which was given treatment using songs as media was
77.416 and control class which did not get treatment using songs as media that was
70.5. Based on the t-test with standard of significant 5%, it was found t count = 2.712
with t table = 2.00. Consequently based the result, the process of learning English using
songs as media is effective. The correlation between using songs in teaching English
Articles (variable X) and the effectiveness of using songs in teaching English Article
(variable Y) was found t count = 2.712 with t table = 2.00. Because t count > t table .
In conclusion, there is a real difference in score between those who using song
as media and those who learn without using songs as media. In another word, the
process of learning English articles using songs as media is effective.

PAGE OF TITLE ........................................................................................... i

ADVISOR APPROVAL ................................................................................. ii
THESIS STATEMENTS ................................................................................ iii
MOTTO ........................................................................................................ iv
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xiii

A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1
B. Definition of the key terms ................................................... 3
C. Reasons for choosing the topic ............................................. 4
D. Research Question................................................................ 4
E. Objective of the study ......................................................... 4
F. Scope of the study ............................................................... 4
G. Pedagogical Significance …………………………………… 5


A. Literature Review ................................................................. 6
1. Grammar in Teaching and Learning ………….. ............... 6
1.1 The Definition of Grammar ………………………... . 6
1.2 The Importance of Grammar ………………………... 6
2. Concepts of Song ............................................................ 8
2.1 Definition of Song...................................................... 8
2.2 Songs in the classroom .............................................. 8
3. The Characteristics of Elementary School Students …...... 10
4. The Concepts of Article …………………………… .... 12
4.1 Definition of Article ……………………………. .. 12
4.2 Kinds of Article ………………………………... … 12
1. Definite article ……………………………….. .. 12
The use of the Article ………………………….. 13
2. Indefinite article …………………………… ..... 15
1) The use of A article ………………….......... .. 16
2) The use of An Article ………………… ......... 17
4.3 Teaching English Article to Elementary School
Students Using Songs ……. ................................... 17
B. Previous Research ................................................................. 20
C. Hypothesis .......................................................................... 21


A. Object of Study ................................................................... 22
B. Setting of the study .............................................................. 22
C. Variable of the Research ...................................................... 22
D. Research Method ................................................................. 23
E. Subject of the Research ........................................................ 24
F. Technique of Data Collection ............................................... 25
G. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................. 26


A. Descriptions of Research Findings ...................................... 34
B. Data Analysis and Hypothesis Test ..................................... 35
1. The Data Analysis ........................................................... 35
a. The Data Analysis of Try Out Finding ........................ 35
b. The Data analysis of pre test score of the
Experimental Class and Control Class……………... ... 39
c. The Data analysis of post test score of the
Experimental Class and Control Class ……………..... 45
C. Discussion of Research Finding .......................................... 51
D. Limitation of the Research ................................................. 53
A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 54
B. Suggestions ......................................................................... 54
C. Closure ............................................................ …………… 55


1. Table 1. List of Time of the Study .......................................................... 22

2. Table 2. List of Population …………………………………...… ............ 24
3. Table 3. The Table of the Gathered Score of Item Number 1…............... 38
4. Table 4. The list of Pre-test Scores of the Experimental and
Control Class ………………………. ....................................... 39
5. Table 5 Frequency Distribution……………………………….. ............. 41
6. Table 6 Normality Pre test of the Experimental
Class……………………. ......................................................... 41
7. Table 7. Frequency Distribution.............................................................. 42
8. Table 8. Normality Pre test of the Control Class ..................................... 43
9. Table 9. The List of Post-test Scores of the Experimental and
Control Class ............................................................................ 45
10. Table 10. Frequency Distribution…………………… ............................... 47
11. Table 11. Normality Post-test of the Experimental Class........................... 47
12. Table 12. Frequency Distribution.............................................................. 48
13. Table 13. Normality Post-test of the Control Class.................................... 49

Appendix 1 : Analysis Try Out Test

Appendix 2 : List of experimental class students
Appendix 3 : List of control class students
Appendix 4 : Score for Experimental Class
Appendix 5 : Score for Control Class
Appendix 6 : Lesson plan of post test in Experimental class
Appendix 7 : Lesson plan of post test in control class
Appendix 8 : Instrument for Try out Test
Appendix 9 : Instrument for Pre Test
Appendix 10 : Instrument for Post Test

Language is only one of the common activities of a society. Every
human learns the society in which it grows up. Language is primarily a means
of communicating thoughts from one person to another. Obviously, then the
major concern of the writer or speaker is to use language in such a way that it
will communicate to other people the exact meaning which wishes to convey.
“Language is a system of symbol through which people
communicate”. The symbols may be spoken, written or signed with the
hands. “Language contains two systems rather than one, a system of sounds
and a system of meaning. Language is a complex of symbols, or sign, that are
shared by members of a community”.3
It means language as a tool of communication and social control has
many functions and advantages in the daily life context. With the language we
can communicate, express our feeling and can share with other people around
the world. According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions
of many peoples, it is language that is the source of human life and power.4
There are many languages in the world. One of them is English.
English is one of the international languages used in countries throughout the
world, including Indonesia. As an international language, English is very
important because it is required as a bridge of communication.
In Indonesia, English is considered to be the first foreign language.
English is not only taught in University, Senior High School, Junior High
School, but also in Elementary School. There are four basic skills that must be
mastered by English learners in learning English, those are listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Four of them have to be mastered by someone who teach
and learn English because it is a key to interact with people in the world. So ,

Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics, ( London : Routledge, 1998 ), p. 19
Ibid. p. 20
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language, ( New York : The Dryden Press,
1983 ), p.3
English should be given when we still early years to learning and later
development. In Elementary school, for instance.
Commonly, all learners in elementary school felt difficult to study
English, one of the common problems might be a lot of ability construct
grammatical sentences.
Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible
for us to talk about language. Grammar names the types of words and word
groups that make up sentences not only in English but also in any language.
In “ The Place of Grammar – Instruction in the second or foreign
language curriculum “, Rod Ellis points to much recent research on
ESL or EFL Learning and acquisition and notes that “ without
grammar instruction, learners frequently fail to achieve advanced
levels of grammatical competence”.5
In this case, the teacher needs to be responsive to the classroom in
order to more enjoy and to create classroom atmosphere well. The teachers
should give students new way in order to make them enjoy, relax, and easy to
memorize the material, especially in learning English grammar. Because the
teacher’s way could be an extrinsic motivation which motivate the students to
learn. This statement is supported by Hadith :6

‫ ﯾ َو ْ ا و َ ﻻ َ ﺗ ُﻌ َﺴ ﱢﺮ ُ و ْ ا‬:ُ ‫ﺴ ﱢ َﺮ‬
‫ﻋ َﻦ ْ ا َ ﻧ َﺲ ِ ﺑْﻦ ِ ﻣ َ ﻠ ِﻚ ٍ ﻋ َﻦ ِ اﻟﻨ ﱠﺒ ِﻰ ﱟ ﺻ َ ﻞ َ ﷲ ُ ﻋ َ ﻠ َﯿْﮫ ِ و َ ﺳ َﻠ ﱠﻢ ْ ﻗﺎ ل‬
‫و َ ﺑ َﺸ ﱢ ﺮ ُ و ْ ا و َ ﻻ َ ﺗ ُﻨ َﻔ ﱢﺮ ُ و ْ ا‬
“ Narrated Annas bin Malik: The Prophet Muhammad ( peace and
blessings of Allah by upon for him) said, make things easy to people
and do not make them hard for them, give them glad tidings and do not
make them run away “7

In the hadith above, the Prophet implicitly. Ordered us to carry out a

learning activity that is fun and not difficult. This is actually one of the
methods is ideal and can provide optimal results. This hadith said that when
we teach the lesson to students. We should give them new things or new
strategy in teaching to support the teaching and learning process in order to
make students interest and enjoyable to the lesson that we teach. One of

Eli Hinkel, New Prespectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classroom, ( London :
Lawrence Erlbaum Associated, inc., 2002 ), p. 13
Imam Nawawi, Riyadush Shalihin, ( Bandung : Irsyad Baitus Salam, 2006 ) p.387
Salma Al - Houry, Selection of Prophetic Hadiths & Muhammadan Wisdom, ( Beyrouth: DAR AL –
components in grammar is article. Article is a word that combines with a noun
to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Every noun must be
accompanied by the article. A few languages with well developed systems of
articles may distinguish additional subtypes. Within each type, languages may
have various forms of each article, according to grammatical attributes such as
gender, number, or case, or according to adjacent sounds. In elementary
school students may be it is new knowledge. So the teachers should teach this
material by creative way in order to the students enjoy and easy memorize to
the material.
One of the way that can be used by teacher in learning English articles
which it is one of grammar component by using “ songs “. Song is a great tool
to use in the classroom. Song is one of the ways to help the students to create
contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. English songs can be
used for a wide variety of English Second Language learning and teaching
activities.8 It is Language teaching is influenced a fun way for children
learning English to increase their skills in English. “Language Teaching is
influenced by ideas on the nature language and the learning conditions that
make learners to acquire the language”.9 In this case the teacher can teach
grammar, especially article through song in many ways in order to make good
atmosphere in the class and students enjoyable to the lesson.
Based on the reasons above, the researcher wants to conduct an
experimental teaching English Articles using songs entitled: THE
ARTICLES ( An Experimental Research with the third graders of MIN
Purwokerto in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)


In order to avoid misunderstanding that can happen with the title of
this proposal, the writer would like to the terms used as follows:
1. The Effectiveness
Effectiveness is the extent to which an activity fulfils its intended
purpose or function.

Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006),p. 20
2. Songs
Song is short piece of music with words that you sing. Song is a
work of art which can be enjoyed by anyone.
3. Teaching
The act or business of instructing or give instruction to somebody
by knowledge, skill, etc.
4. Articles
An article is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type
of reference being made by the noun.
5. Elementary School Students
The six up to twelve years old of a child in a formal or institute of


There are some reasons for choosing the topic, they are as follows:
1. Article is the important English grammar that it is considered difficult to
learn by the students especially for elementary school.
2. To make the students enjoy, relax and easy to memorize the material
especially articles, the researcher uses songs as media.

The research question of this study is how is the effectiveness of using
songs in teaching English Articles to the third graders of MIN Purwokerto in
the academic year of 2010 / 2011?


The objective of this study is to identify the effectiveness of using
songs in teaching English Articles with the third graders of MIN Purwokerto
in the academic year of 2010 / 2011.


The Limitation of this study can be described as follow:
1. This is an experimental study about the use of songs as media in teaching
English articles
2. Songs will be used are English children songs because the researcher
research the third graders in elementary school.
3. The object of this research is just the third graders of MIN Purwokerto in
the academic year of 2010 / 2011.
4. It’s only focus on the use a, an, and the in countable and uncountable noun

The significance of the study is hopefully used for:
1. For Students
Students will be motivated in learning English by using a song and the
students will be able to memorize the lesson easily. So, they can master the
grammar well. Besides that, it may help them to disappear their bored in
2. For Teachers
The English teachers need creativity in teaching English as their
duties to transfer the knowledge of English to the students.
3. For the writer itself
The writer knows how to teach in any other method that can be applied
to teach English article and the writer can get knowledge and experience in
teaching English article using song.
4. For the readers
It is hoped can give more information and knowledge from this
5. For the school
It can be a supported way to improve teaching and learning

1. Grammar in Teaching and Learning
1.1. The Definition of Grammar
Grammar is one of the language components. Grammar is a set of
signals which language expresses the meaning or the total of structure of the
language. Oxford learner’s pocket Dictionary stated that grammar is rules for
forming words and making sentences.10 We need a theory of grammar or
language which helps us understand how texts work. Grammar is concerned
with how sentences and utterances are formed.11
Grammar is also the rules of the means of language to construct the
sentence and it guides people how to speak and write correctly. Grammar is
one of the language component that must be learned by the students.
As teachers, we need to know how to understand and procedure text,
spoken and written in various contexts for various purpose. “When we process
language we are not only trying to make sense of the words and the grammar,
we are also trying to infer the speaker’s or writer’s intention or to put it
another way, the function of what they are saying or writing”.12
In the place of grammar instruction in the second or foreign language
curriculum. “Rod Ellis points to much recent research on ESL / EFL learning
and acquisition and notes that without grammar instruction learners frequently
fail to achieve advanced level of grammatical competence”.13 He emphasized
that research has shown that grammar instruction can improve the quality of
second and foreign language learning.

1.2. The Importance of Grammar

Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible
for us to talk about language. The types of words and word groups that make

Oxford, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, ( New York : Oxford University Press, 2003 ), p. 187
Scott Thornbury How to Teach Grammar.( England : Bluestone Press, 1999 ), p.6
Eli Hinkel, New Prespectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classroom, ( London :
Lawrence Erlbaum Associated, inc., 2002 ), p. 13
up sentences in grammar not only in English but also in any language. As
human beings, we can put sentences together even as children, we can all do
grammar. But to be able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types
of words and word groups that make up sentences that knows about grammar.
And knowing about grammar offers a window into the human mind and into
our amazingly complex mental capacity. Grammar adds meaning that are not
easily inferable from the immediate context. 14
People associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing
about grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs
clear and interesting and precise. Grammar can be part of literature
discussions, when we and our students closely read the sentences in poetry and
stories. And knowing about grammar means finding out that all languages and
all dialects follow grammatical patterns.15
Every human being who speaks a language knows the grammar.
“Grammar is a process for making a speaker’s or writer’s meaning clear when
contextual information is lacking”.16 When linguist wish to describe a
language the attempt to describe the grammar of the language that exists in the
minds of its speaker. There may of course be some differences between the
knowledge that one speakers has and that of another. But there must be shared
knowledge because it is this grammar that makes it possible for speakers to
talk to and understand one another. “Descriptive grammar, it doesn’t tell you
how you should speak; it describes your basic linguistic knowledge; it explain
how it is possible for you to speak and understand, and it explain what it is
you know about the sounds, words, phrases, and sentences of your
Grammar not only makes a person more conscious of stylistic effects
but also helps a writer in diagnosis writing problems. Apart from improving
students' writing in the area of sentence construction, grammar can also supply
resources for the variation of emphasis in an essay. This is usually a function
of word order.

Scott Thornbury, Op Cit, p.13
Regina Avalos, November 4, 2001,
Scott Thornbury, Op Cit, p.4
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language, ( New York : The Dryden
Press, 1983), p. 12
Based on the explanation above, we can know that grammar is one of
the important language components. The study of grammar all by itself will
not necessarily make us a better writer. But by gaining a clearer understanding
of how our language works, you should also gain greater control over the way
you shape words into sentences and sentences into paragraphs. In short,
studying grammar may help you become a more effective writer or speaker. It
can help us avoid making errors.

2. The Concepts of Song

2.1. Definition of song
In this study the writer convince that song can offer new ways to
improve students skill in learning English and carrying students into pleasure
activities without reduce discipline of learn.
Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary stated that song is short piece of
music with words that you sing. Song is a work of art which can be enjoyed
by anyone.
A song is a musical composition. Songs contain vocal parts that are
performed with the human voice and generally features words (lyrics),
common accompanied by other musical instruments. 19
The songs for children contain simple vocabulary. Sometimes about
objects around, so it makes students familiar English word. Songs also can be
used to teach English grammar, such as article. By using song students can
enjoy the lesson, because song is considered as a bridge of pleasure learning.
It can help students to enjoy the material and easy to memorize the material.

2.2 Songs in the classroom

Songs in the classroom are a wonderful way to learn English Song is
one of the general media that very useful to be used in teaching. Everyone
likes listening to music and song can not only be fun for students and teacher
but also be used in an effective to students’ third grader.
Song also can be used to teach a variety of language items such as
sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, adverbs,

Oxford, Op Cit, p.412
articles etc. The teacher can explain about the grammatical with the song lyric
because it’s more understandable and easy to teach in English articles.
Ludurg van bethove once said.” Music is the electrical soil in which
the spirit lives, thinks and invents”. 20
There are some reasons using songs in the EFL young learner in the
1. They are memorable, and so make students remember the language
2. They can be great fun. And the biggest factor that makes them fun for the kids
is how much the teacher likes them, so you have a perfect motivation for using
your own favorites
3. They cover the same topics as they kids are covering in the English lessons
4. They are the best way of marking different stages of the lesson. e.g. starting
the class every week with the same song, ending the class with another.
5. They provide an achievable challenge for all levels of learner in mixed ability
classes, by letting some students just show their understanding by doing the
actions while others can sing along or even improvise their own words
6. They can be used at whatever stage you are at with the language.
7. They allow for lots of repetition of the language without kids getting bored (as
long as you add variations), vital for learning in small children. Variations to
keep it interesting include doing the song louder and quieter, slower and faster.
When teaching English as a second language to children in the classroom.
Songs can be an effective way to get your point across. Use English songs created
for English Second Language students. Some songs focus on teaching a particular
grammar point or a part of speech. Connecting these concepts with music is
mnemonic devices that can help students remember.21
There are many advantages of using songs in teaching English
classroom as follows:
1. To present a topic
2. To provide a relaxed classroom atmosphere
3. To being variety and fun to learning

Leah Williams, April 15, 2010,
Maggie McCormick, May 7, 2010,
4. Music has the ability to produce greater students motivation
5. Songs invite the students to become active in the learning practice
6. Children who have language difficult can especially benefit from the
introduction of music in the classroom
7. Music establish positive learning state and energizer learning activities
8. Music adds an element of fun while helping accentuate the lesson orientation
9. Music helps easy tension through work that does not feel like typical
classroom work.22
Based on the reasons above. The writer conclude that music is the
universal language and children respond very strongly to song. Singing together
with other children, a teacher or another adult is a pleasure activity for children. It
is a fun way for children learning English to increase their skill in English. The
writer believe musical support to be a valuable resource that teachers can depend
on to help teach language and share culture at the same time. Music is a strong
resource which helps create positive feelings about English. While songs serve as
useful teaching tools for EFL students, they also contribute to helping create a
positive and warm atmosphere in the English learning environment.

3. The Characteristics of Elementary School Students

The characteristic of elementary school students in teaching English is not
the same as teaching adult. Some people say that children learn language faster
adult, perhaps this is influence by the plasticity of a young brain. Elementary
school students usually consist of students about six up to twelve years old who
are relatively mature children with an adult side and a childish side. Their
characteristics and motivation are different with students at the higher levels, like
junior high school and university.
The children in learning a foreign language at the earliest stages might be
the different development and learning abilities in their language into abilities in
For some students, learning English grammar is a little bit difficult since
they must memorize and understand to the material. But, if the students know the
characteristic how to make grammar easier to be memorized and understood, some

of the students will find learning easier than others, or they develop to transfer to
the new language more easily one of ways is using songs to learn English
grammar especially Articles.
Someone once said the difference between teaching in elementary school
and teaching in secondary school is that secondary teachers teach subject whereas
elementary, teachers teach children. A discussion of the characteristics of any
group must always run the risk of being misinterpreted.
The characteristics of students in elementary school are as follows:
1) They are competence user of mother tongue
2) Typical of elementary school students is curiosity.
3) They need to inspect, to know, to organize, and to classify.
4) They were expected to act as adults in every way, and they did so.
5) They can tell the difference between the fact and fiction
6) They love to play and learn best when they enjoy themselves, but they
also take themselves seriously and like to think that what they are doing
is real work.
7) They are enthusiastic and positive about learning.
8) They rely on the spoken words as well as the physical word to convey
and understanding meaning.
9) They are able to work with other and learn from other.
10) Their own understanding comes through eyes, hands and ears.
Based on the characteristics of elementary school students above. The
teachers have important role for elementary school students. The role oh the
teacher as follows :
1) Making the children the center of learning.
As Montessori Said, “ The teacher’s task is not to talk, but to prepare and
arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment
made for the child”. 23
2) Encouraging children to use the freedom provider for them.
3) Observing children so as to prepare the best possible environment,
recognizing sensitive periods, and diverting unacceptable behavior to
meaningful tasks.

George S. Moririson, Early Childhood Education Today, ( USA : Merill Publishing Company, 1988
), p. 85
4) As teachers, we can capitalize on our students’ natural curiosity and help
them expand it by introducing them to new topics.24
Elementary school students combine great curiosity with increased social
interest. They are able to learn about people who live elsewhere in the world, but
their understanding of what they read is dependent upon relating ideas to their own
The teacher needs to remember that children may still find that English
words as a foreign language is difficult to understand grammar well. The children
in learning a foreign language at the earliest stages might bring the different
development and learning abilities in their first language into their abilities in
English. For some students, grammar especially articles is a little bit difficult since
they have to memorize.
4. The Concepts of Article
4.1 Definition of Article
An article is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of
reference being made by the noun. Articles specify the grammatical
definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical
scope. 25
4.2 Kinds of Article
The articles in the English language are the and a/an. Articles are
usually characterized as either definite or indefinite.
Within each type, languages may have various forms of each article,
according to grammatical attributes such as gender, number, or case, or
according to adjacent sounds.
1. Definite article
A definite article indicates that its noun is a particular one (or ones)
identifiable to the listener. It may be the same thing that the speaker has
already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. The definite
article in English is the. It comes before singular, plural, and non count

Kenneth. T. Henson and Delmar Janke, Elementary Science Methods, ( USA : McGraw-Hill,Inc.,
1984), p. 22
M. Kathleen Mahnke and Elizabeth O’Dowd, Grammar Links 2, A Theme – Based Course for
Reference and Practice, Second Edition , ( New York : Houghton Mifflin Company,2003 ), p. 151
We use the before a noun when our listener / reader knows. Which
particular person (s), thing (s) we are talking about.27 In the other hand, the is
used to indicate something that we already know about or something that is
common knowledge. The serves to particularize a noun. It helps to distinguish
the known from the unknown. It may narrow down a class, or it may even
limit the class to one :
` Example:
 This is the way to do it. ( this is the only way )
 The dog (that specific dog)
 The apple (that specific apple)

The definite article is used :

1. The is the same for singular and plural for all genders:29
The boy The girl The mother
The boys The girls The father
2. When the object or group of objects is unique or considered to be unique
(one of a kind)30. There is only one of this person, place, or thing in the
The sun the moon the sky the earth
The world the sea the star the equator
3. Before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a
second time:
- I have a car and a truck. The car is new, the truck is old.
- She’s got two children; a boy and a girl. The boy’s fourteen and the
girl’s eight.
- I bought a new bag yesterday. The bag is red.
4. Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause:
- The woman in red is a my girlfriend.
- The road to Jakarta is very crowded.
- The boy that I met.
Michael Swan, Oxford University, ( New York : Oxford University Press, 1995 ), p. 57
Englewood Cliff, Modern English; A Partical Reference Guide, ( USA : Prentice-Hall.Inc., 1972 ), p.
Drs. Akhmad Kardimin, M.Hum, English Grammar, ( Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006 ), p. 73
A.J Thomson and A.V. Martinet, Oxford University, ( New York : Oxford University Press, 1995 ),
- The man with the banner.
- I like the hat that you are wearing31
5. Before a noun which by reason of locality can represent only one
particular thing:
- My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
- Ann is in the garden. ( the garden of this house )
- He walked into the house.
6. Before superlatives used as adjectives or pronouns, and only:
- I’m the oldest in my family.
- I had a horrible thing in the first day I worked in that office.
- To be with you is the sweetest thing of my life.
- I think it is the only way to solve this problem.
7. When other words in the sentence make the noun known ( specific )
- The book on the table is mine ( on the table tells which book )
- The second book was the best ( second tells which book )
8. Generic the is commonly used with in specific of animals:
- The whale is the largest mammal on earth.
- The elephant is the largest and mammals.
9. The is used before names of choirs, musical instruments, orchestras,
theatre and pop group ( band ):32
- The piano - The Bach Choir
- The Beatles - The guitar
- The Mitra Theatre - The Arjuna Theatre
- The Philadelphia Orchestra
10. The is used before certain proper names of seas, rivers, groups of island,
chain of mountains, plural names of countries, deserts, regions, ships:
- The Red Sea - The Atlantic Ocean
- The Persian Gulf - The Great Lakes
- The Rocky Mountains - The Andes
- The Netherlands33

Robert Krohn, English Sentence Structure, ( USA : The Universuty of Michigan, 1986 ), p. 54
Betty Schrampter Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Second Edition, ( USA :
Prentice Hall Regents, 1989 ), p. 420
Michael A.Pyle, M.A and Mary Ellen Munoz Page, TOEFL Preparation Guide, ( USA : John
Wiley&Sons Inc., 2002 ),p. 49
- The Nile - The Mississipi
- The Pacific - The Titanic
- The SS Bridge - The Nelson34
11. We use the to talk about geographical points on the globe.
- The Middle East
- The West
- The north of Spain
12. School, colleges, universities when the phrase begins with school.
- The University of Florida
- The College of Arts and Sciences
- The University of London
13. The Ethnic groups
- The Indians
- The Indonesian
- The American
2. Indefinite article
An Indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one (or
ones) identifiable to the listener. It may be something that the speaker is
mentioning for the first time, or its precise identity may be irrelevant or
hypothetical, or the speaker may be making a general statement about any
such thing.
A and an are the indefinite articles. They refer to something not
specifically known to the person you are communicating with.
A or an can precede only singular count nouns ; they mean one. They
can be used in a general statement or to introduce a subject which has not been
previously mentioned.35
Example :
A baseball is round ( general – means all baseball )
I saw a boy in the street ( we don’t know which boy )
I like an apple and an orange.
A banana is yellow.
A cat sits in the window.

Gunawan Chandra, ABC English Grammar,( Surabaya : INDAH, 1986 ), p. 133
Michael A.Pyle, M.A and Mary Ellen Munoz Page, Op Cit, p. 47
The indefinite article is used:
1. The use of A article
a. A is used before words that begin with a consonant sound or a vowel with a
consonant sound:
- a pen - a city
- a factory - a man
- a hat - a student
- a house ( begins with a consonant sound )
- a Union ( begins with a consonant sound )
- a university ( begins with a consonant sound )
We say "university" with a "y" sound at the beginning as though it were
spelt "youniversity". So, "a university" is correct
b. For thing we can count36
- a book - a boy
- a cat - a snake
c. In certain expressions of quantity37:
- a lot of - a great many
- a couple - a dozen
- a year - a glass
- a mile
d. With a noun complement
- She’ll be a doctor
- He is a Moslem
- He is a lawyer
- I am a student
- She is a teacher
e. With certain numbers, before half when half follows a whole number38:
- a hundred - a thousand
- a quarter - a half portion

Slamet Riyanto, Essentials of English Grammar for Fluent English, ( Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar,
2010 ),p.136
A.J Thomson and A.V. Martinet, Op Cit, p.15
- a half holiday - a half share
f. In exclamations before singular, countable nouns
- Such a long queue!
- What a pretty girl!

2. The use of An Article

a. The form an is used before words beginning with a vowel sound. 39
- an Apple - an Orange
- an exam - an egg
- an Umbrella ( begins with a vowel sound )
b. Before words beginning with a silent h
- an Honest
- an hour ( begins with a vowel sound )
We say "hour" with a silent h as though it were spelt "our".
So, "an hour" is correct.
c. With a noun complement
- It was an earthquake
- He is an actor
- She is an Indonesian
- He is an employee
- It is an umbrella

An article is a small word with a very important job. Articles are special kinds of
adjectives. They give information about nouns. Articles make it clear whether you are talking
about a specific, definite thing or something in general.

4.3 Teaching English Article to Elementary School Students

Using Songs
Teaching is an integral part of the boarder range of human services and
helping professions. Teachers are the key to whether meaningful play and
therefore learning occurs in the elementary school. Teachers have these
responsibilities in a quality play curriculum.40

Slamet Riyanto, Op Cit, p. 136
George S. Moririson, Op Cit, p. 227
Leinhardt and Greeno ( 1986 ) also describe teaching as “ a complex
cognitive skill which requires the construction of plans and the making of
rapid on line decisions”. They note that “skilled teacher have a large repertoire
of activities that they perform fluently”. 41
Teacher in teaching English grammar should have a good strategy. It
can help teaching learning process be success. Song can be used as a new
method when teaching English grammar especially article. Song is a great
tool to use in the classroom. Song is one of the ways to help the students to
create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. English songs
can be used for a wide variety of English Second Language learning and
teaching activities. In addition, music can serve a variety of functions in your
classroom, at home, or even in the car. Music can set a mood. Music can
signal a transition from one activity to another (for both the teacher and the
student). Music can be a bonding experience.
There are many types of technique that can be applied in teaching in
order to help the teacher in teaching English article to Elementary School
Students Using Songs The teacher prefer to use background music and others
use music lyrics as the basis of a lesson.
There are some techniques doing by teacher in teaching English article
to Elementary School Students Using Songs:
1. The teacher chooses the right songs to use in the classroom.
Choose a song or songs that will let children use skills they
already have, to build their confidence while singing. In this case the
teachers choose a song which contains article. Ones with too many words,
a melody that is too fast, or context that is difficult to understand will only
confuse your students. This will completely destroy any positive benefits
songs could have and demoralize your students as they will fail rather than
2. The teacher uses English songs created for Elementary school students.

Kathleen M. Bailey and David Nunan, Voices from the language Classroom, ( USA : Cambridge
University Press, 1996 ), p. 19
Some songs focus on teaching a particular grammar point
especially articles. Connecting these concepts with music is mnemonic
devices that can help students remember.
3. The teacher introduce a song by sing a song
Elementary School Students hear whole sentences when they listen
to songs; this helps them learn and remember words and phrases as they
subconsciously pick up on grammar. It leads them to naturally use their
new vocabulary in context instead of isolated syllables or words.
4. The teacher gives students lyrics of song that can help reinforce words in
the song and support new language before and after singing.
5. The teacher invites students to practice singing a song.
The teacher doesn’t need a great singing voice, but the teacher
really does need to know the words in the song.
6. The teacher explains the lesson about article in the classroom.
Explain the lesson related with contains of the song. That is
material about English article. Look at the book with, or set out toy
animals for the elementary students to play with.
7. The teacher gives elementary school students some time to look at lyric of
the song which contains material about English articles.
8. Practice singing a song after the material given.
9. Follow up with the same activity.
Beside the techniques above, the teacher can apply the songs in teaching English
articles as follows:
1. Fill in the blanks
Songs are often used in this way in the English Second Language
Classroom. The teacher can carefully choose which words to blank out
depending on lexical area the teacher want and students can work it.
2. True or False
The teacher can use this way to improve students’ comprehension
to the lesson.
3. Matching Exercise
In this way, the students to match questions with right answer.
4. Rearrange words
The teacher provides scramble words and the teacher asks students to
rearrange words into good sentence.
From the statements above, the wrier can conclude that there are a
variety of exercises that you can do with songs. When teaching English as a
second language to children the teachers have to be very creative in ways to
keep their interests. Song is great tools to teach English grammar especially
articles and song is one of the best ways to make learning English fun and
make students enjoy to the lesson.

The writer has some relevant previous researchers that support, there are:
TERMS” (An Experimental Research with The Fourth Grade Students of
SD N 1 Tonjong Kutamendala Kab. Brebes in the Academic Year of
2009/2010) by Siti Elok Nur Faiqoh ( 053411433 ). This is an experimental
research with the fourth grade students of SD N1 Kutamendala Kab. Brebes in
the Academic Year of 2009/2010.
The result from this research similarities between her research and the
writer’s were on the use of song and research approach.
The differences were on object of the study (English Arithmetic Terms),
participant and the data analysis. The result was significant. Using songs is more
effective in teaching arithmetic than without using songs. It is showed of the
mean of experimental class is higher than control class.
ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION” ( A Case Study of Fifth Graders of SD N
Bawang 02 Batang in Academic Year of 2008/2009 ) by Ahmad Yazid (
3104075 ). This is a Case Study of Fifth Graders of SD N Bawang 02 Batang in
Academic Year of 2008/2009.
The result from this research similarities between his research and the
writer’s were on the use of song.
The differences were on object of the study (English Pronunciation),
research approach, participant, and the data analysis. The result was significant.
Children Songs are of suitable media for pronunciation teaching learning. It is
because children attracted fun and enjoyable, they like and children songs are
one of media that are able to motivate the children ( students ) in English
teaching learning process especially pronunciation.
at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK NU Ungaran in the Academic Year
of 2009/2010 ) by Ita Kristiyanti ( 3104019 ).
The result from this research similarities between her research and the
writer’s were on the use of song.
The differences were on research approach, object of the study,
participant and the data analysis. The result was significant. The use of songs as
a tool to teach English to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK NU Ungaran in
the Academic Year of 2009/2010 is an effective tool in improving their
motivation in learning English.
Based on description above, then the writer interested to formulate this
research by using title ” THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SONGS IN
TEACHING ENGLISH ARTICLES” ( An Experimental Research with
The Third Graders of MIN Purwokerto in the Academic Year of 2010 /
2011 ) because study English articles through song in many ways in order to
make good atmosphere in the class and students enjoyable to the lesson. Not
only be fun for students and teacher but also be used in an effective to students’
third grader.

The hypothesis is the provisional answer to the problems of the
research that theoretically considered possibly or highest the level of his truth.
It is provisional truth determined by researcher that should be tested and
proved.43 Because the hypothesis was the provisional answer, it was carried
out by investigation in the analysis part of the data to receive proof whether
the hypothesis could be accepted or not received.
The hypothesis of this research is that the used of songs as media to
teach English articles is effective for the third graders of MIN Purwokerto in
the academic year of 2010 / 2011.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,
2006), 13th Ed., p. 71.

A. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to identify the effectiveness of using songs in
teaching English Articles with the third graders of MIN Purwokerto in the
academic year of 2010 / 2011.

B. Setting of the Study

The writer did research at MIN Purwokerto. She conducted this research
from 19th of January 2011 to 10th of February 2011.
Table 1
List of Time of the Study
No. Activity Month/Date
January February
19th 20th 26th 27th 2nd 3 rd 9th 10th
In Experimental Class
1. Pre test √
2. Treatment I √
3. Treatment II √
4. Post test √
In Control Class
1. Pre test √
2. Explaining I √
3. Explaining II √
4. Post test √

C. Variable of the Research

A variable can be defined as an attribute of a person or an object. The
object of the study is to see a causal relationship. Variable is the object of research
or something that become the concern of research.44 In this study there are two
variables. They are Independent Variable (x) and Dependent Variable (y).

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,
2006), 13 Ed., p. 118.
1. Independent Variable (x)
Independent variable is variable that influences or those to be
cause of change the dependent variable.45 The independent variable of this
study, based on the definition above is using songs in teaching English
2. Dependent Variable (y)
Dependent variable is variable that was affected or that be the
result because of the existence of the independent variable.46 According to
the definition above, the dependent variable of this study is students’
achievement on English Articles.

D. Research Method
In this research, the writer conducted an experimental study. An
experiment is defined as “a situation in which one observes the relationship
between two variables by deliberately producing a change in one and looking to
see whether this alteration produces a change in the other”.47 In other words,
experiment is the way to find the causal relationship between two factors which
are raised by the researcher in purpose by reducing or eliminating any distracting
The subjects of this research were divided into two groups: experimental
class which was taught using songs and control class which was taught without
using songs.
In this research, the approach used by writer was quantitative approach. It
is quantitative because the data that was gained were numeric and was analyzed
by using statistical computation. Quantitative approach stressed the analysis to the
numerical data that is processed by statistical method.48 It will explain the result of
pre test and post test.

Ibid., p. 119.
James Dean Brown and Thedore S. Rodgers, Doing Second Language Research, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 211.
Burhan Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif : Komunikasi, Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik
Serta Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Lainnya (Jakarta: Kencana, 2010), p. 120.
E. Subject of the Research
1. Population
According to Arikunto, population is all the subject of the research.49
In this case, the participants or the subjects of the research are the third grade
students at MIN Purwokerto in the academic year of 2010/2011. The number
of the population is 72 students. The population of the research was distributed
as follow:
Table 2
List of population
Class Male Female Total
III Utsman bin Affan 11 13 24
III Umar bin Khotob 9 15 24
III Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq 12 12 24
Total 31 41 72

2. Sample
Sample is part of population.50 There are two samples in this study,
experiment class and control class. Experiment class is taken from III Utsman
bin Affan that consists of 24 students. Control class is taken from III Umar bin
Khotob that consists of 24 students.

3. Sampling
In this research, the writer used cluster random sampling technique.
The object are regarded that each of groups has the equal chance to be chosen
as the sample. In getting sample of the research, the writer took the procedure
called the lottery method. It is each group of the population was presented by
small piece of paper. The small piece of paper was placed in a box and well
mixed, and a sample of the required size was selected.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Op Cit., p.130.
Ibid., p. 131
The use of the lottery method of random sampling was easy because of
the fact that it did not need difficult procedure. In this case, each of the classes’
names was written on piece of paper. And then the paper was rolled and put
into a slot of a box. After being well mixed, a paper was dropped out of the
slot and these become the sample of the research.
And the last, the researcher got class the class III Umar bin Khotob
and III Utsman bin Affan as a sample. The class III Umar bin Khotob as
control class and III Utsman bin Affan is as the experimental class. Both of
those classes have the same teacher and on the available time to teach them.

F. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher must use instrument in order to get the better data. The
instrument of the research is a tool or facility that is used by researcher for
collecting data in order to get better result or in other words, it can be occur
complete and systematic.
To get the accurate data, in this study the writer chooses some instruments
for collecting the data, they are:

1. Test
Arikunto explained that a test is sequences of question of exercise
often are used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligent, or talent of individual
group.51 The instrument of the test in this research is objective test. Objective
test is frequently criticized on the grounds that they are simpler to answer than
subjective test. The writer used one test type only. The writer used fill in the
blank. This type of test was chosen because of the following advantages:
a. The technique of scoring is easy.
b. It was easy to compute and determine the reliability of the test.
c. It was more practical for the students to answer.

Ibid,, p 150
In this research, the writer used pre test and post test, they are:
a) Pre-test
Before the writer taught the material by using songs, the writer gave a
test to the students. Pre-test was given at the beginning of research, before the
treatment was run to both control and experimental class with similar question
that related to the topic. Pre test is given to know that the sample (control and
experimental class) has same ability.
b) Post-test
Post-test was given to the experiment class and control class. It was given in
order to know students’ achievement on English articles. The post-test was given to
the experimental class and control class after received treatment. The experimental
class taught articles by using songs and the control class taught articles without using

The score of students’ achievement on English articles can be

calculated by using this following formula:

The number of true answer

Score  x 100
The number of questions

2. Documentation
The documentation method is used to look for the data concerning
matters or the variable that took from of the note, transcript, book, newspaper,
magazine, inscription, ledger, agenda, etc52. It refers to the archival data that
helps the researcher to collect the data needed. In this research, this method
was used to get the data of students’ name list that become respondents,
syllabus, lesson plan, etc. the data was gained by the help of the English

G. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Try Out Test
Before the test was used as instrument to collect the data, it had been
tried out first to the students in another class. It was applied to analyze validity

Ibid, p. 158
reliability, difficulty level and also the discrimination power of each item. The
try out was given to III Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq of the students of MIN
Purwokerto. The writer prepared items as the instrument of the test. From
twenty test items of tryout, some items were chosen as the instrument of the
test while some others were left out.
The choosing of the instrument had been done by considering: validity,
reliability, the degree of test difficulty and discriminating power.
a. The Validity
The validity is an important quality of any test. According to
Arikunto, “a test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to be
The validity of test is calculated using Product Moment Formula,
which is as follows:
N  XY    X  Y 
rxy 
N  X 2
  X  N  Y 2   Y 
2 2

rxy : The correlation coefficient between X variable and Y variable
N : The number of students
∑X : The sum of score of X item
∑Y : The sum of score of Y item
Calculation result of rxy is compared with r table of Product Moment

by 5% degree of significance. If rxy is higher than r table , the item of

question is valid.54

b. Reliability
“Reliability is consistency of measurement”.55 A reliable test
score will be consistent across different characteristics of the testing

Ibid, p. 168
Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008),p.179
Lyle F. Bachman and Adrian S. Palmer, Language Testing Practice: Designing and Developing
Useful Language Test, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 19
Besides having high validity, a good test should have high reliability too.
Alpha formula is used to know reliability of test is K - R. 20.56

 k   S   pq 
r11     
 k -1   S2 

r11 : The reliability coefficient of items
k : The number of item in the test
P : The proportion of students who give the right answer
q : The proportion of students who give the wrong answer
S 2 : The standard deviation of the test

Calculation result of r 11 is compared with r table of product

moment by 5% degree of significance. If r 11 is higher than r table , the item

of question is reliable.57

c. Degree of Test Difficulty

A good question is a question that is not really difficult and not
really easy. Formula for degree of test difficulty is:


P : item difficulty
B : number of students who answered the item correctly
JS : number of students. 58

The level of difficulty of each item was determined by using this

following categorization:
0 < P ≤ 0.3 is difficult
0.3 < P ≤ 0.7 is medium
Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 187
Anas Sudijono, Op Cit, p. 372
P> 0.70 is very easy. 59

d. Discriminating Power
The discriminating power is a measure of the effectiveness of a
whole test. It is used to know how accurate the question differ higher
subject and lower subject. The formula for discriminating power is:
D 
D: discrimination index
JA : member of student in upper group
JB : member of student in low group
BA : member of students in upper group who answer the item
BB : member of students in low group who answer the item
The criteria are:
D < 0.2 is poor
0.2 < D ≤ 0.4 is fair
0.4 < D ≤ 0.7 is good
0.7 < D ≤ 1 is very good.

2. Pre Test
Pre-test was given before the treatments. The writer determines the
statically analysis technique whether both groups have normal distribution. If
the data have normal and homogeny distribution, the treatment and teaching
can be conducted to both classes.

a. Normality Test
It is used to know the normality of the data that is going to be
analyzed whether both groups have normal distribution or not. To find out

the distribution data is done normality test with the Chi-square. Step by
step Chi-square test is as follows:
1) Determine the range (R); the largest data reduced the smallest.
2) Determine the many class interval (K) with formula:
K = 1+ (3,3) log n
3) Determine the length of the class, using the formula:
4) Make a frequency distribution table.
5) Determines the class boundaries (bc) of each class interval.
6) Calculating the average Xi ( X ), with the formula:

fx i i

= 
X f i

7) Calculate variants, with the formula:

 f (x i i  x)2
n 1
8) Calculate the value of Z, with the formula:
Z= s
x = Limit Class
x = Average
S = Standard deviation
9) Define the wide area of each interval
10) Calculate the frequency expository (fh), with formula:
fh = n x wide area with the n number of sample
11) Make a list of the frequency of observation (fo), with the frequency
expository as follows:
Class Bc Z P L fh  fo  fh 
12) Calculate the chi-square (  2 ), with the formula:60

2  
 f o  f h 2

13) Determine the degree of validity (dk). In the calculation of this data is
arranged in list of frequency distribution consisting of k pieces so that
the interval to determine the criteria test used formula dk = k-3, where
k is the number of class intervals and  = 5%
14) Determining the value of  2 table
15) Determining the distribution normality with test criteria:
If  2 count <  2 table so the data is not normal distribution and the other

way if the  2 count <  2 table so the data is normal distribution.61

b. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is conducted to determine whether the data are
homogeneous or not. The steps as follows:
1 Calculate variants both classes (experimental and control classes), with
the formula:


 (x  x) 2
And S2 
(x  x)
n1  1 n2 1
2 Determine F 
Vb : Bigger Varian
Vk : Smaller Varian
Determine dk = ( n1  1 ): ( n2  1 )

3 Determine Ftable with  = 5%

4 Determining the distribution homogeneity with test criteria:

Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian, ( Bandung : Alfabeta, 2009 ), p.193
Sudjana, Metode Statistika, (Bandung: Tarsito, 1996), p. 273.
If Fcount > Ftable , the data is not homogeneous and the other way if the

Fcount < Ftable , the data is homogeneous.62

c. Test of the Average

It is used to examine average whether experiment group and control
group have been decided having different average. 63
T-test is used to analyze the data of this research. It used to measure
or to compare the mean scores of the two groups.64
If 12 = 22 (has same variant), the formula is:

X1  X2
1 1
S 
n1 n2

2 2
(n1  1) S1  (n2  1)S 2
n1  n2  2
X 1 : The mean score of the experimental group
X 2 : The mean of the control group
n1 : The number of experiment group
n2 : The number of control group
S12 : The standard deviation of experiment group
S22 : The standard deviation of both groups
If = 12  22 (has no same variant) the formula is:
X  X2
t1 
S12 S12

n1 n2

Sudjana, op.cit., p. 250.
Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 311.
James Dean Brown and Thedore S. Rodgers, op.cit., p.205.
The hypotheses are:
Ho = 1 = 2
Ha = 1  2
1 : average data of experiment group
2 : average data of control group
Criteria test is: Ho is accepted if  t 1 1    t  t 1 1   , where t 1 1  
2 2 2

obtained from the distribution list t with dk  n1  n2  2 and

opportunities 1  1
 . Values for other t Ho rejected.65

3. Post Test
a. Normality Test
Steps normality second step is the same as the normality test on the
initial data.
b. Homogeneity Test
Steps homogeneity second step is the same as the homogeneity test
on the initial data.
c. Test Average (Right-hand Test)
This test proposed that hypothesis test in average similarity with
the right test as the steps right-hand test the initial data.
Testing criteria that apply Ho is accepted if t count > t table with

determine dk = ( n1 + n2 - 2) and  = 5% with opportunities (1 -  ).

Values for other t Ho rejected.66

Sudjana, op.cit., p. 239.
Ibid., p. 243.

A. Description of Research Findings

To find out the difference between the students who were taught using
songs as a media and the students who were not taught using songs in teaching
English articles in MIN Purwokerto, the writer did an analysis of quantitative
data. The data was obtained by giving test to the experimental class and
control class after giving a different treatment of learning process in both
The subjects of this research were divided into two classes. They are
experimental class (III Utsman bin Affan), control class (III Umar bin
Khotob). Before items were given to the students, the writer gave try out test
to analyze validity, reliability, difficulty level and also the discrimination
power of each item. The writer prepared 15 items as the instrument of the test.
Test was given before and after the students follow the learning process that
was provided by the writer.
Before the activities were conducted, the writer determined the
materials and lesson plan of learning. Learning in the experiment class used
songs, while the control class without used songs.
After the data were collected, the writer analyzed it. The first analysis
data is from the beginning of control class and experimental class that is taken
from the pre test value. It is the normality test and homogeneity test. It is used
to know that two groups are normal and have same variant. Another analysis
data is from the ending of control class and experimental class. It is used to
prove the truth of hypothesis that has been planned.
B. Data Analysis And Hypothesis Test
1. The Data Analysis
a. Try Out Test Analysis
This discussion covers validity, reliability, level of difficulty and
discriminating power.
1) Validity of Instrument
In this study, item validity is used to know the index validity of
the test. To know the validity of instrument, the writer used the
Pearson product moment formula to analyze each item.
It is obtained that from 20 test items; there are 15 test items
which are valid and 5 test items which are invalid. They are on
number 7,8,15,16,19. They are invalid with the reason computation
result of their r xy value (the correlation of score each item) is lower

than their r table value.

The following is the example of item validity computation for

item number 1 and for the other items would use the same formula.
N = 24 Y = 355
 XY = 321 X = 21
X = 21 Y = 5457

N  XY    X  Y 
rxy 
N  X 2
  X  N  Y 2   Y 
2 2

24(321)  21(355)
rxy 
24(21)  (21) 24(5457)  (355) 
2 2

7704  7455
rxy 
(504  441)(130968  126025)

rxy 
rxy 
rxy 
rxy  0.446

From the computation above, the result of computing validity

of the item number 1 is 0.446. After that, the writer consulted the result
to the table of r Product Moment with the number of subject (N) = 24
and significance level 5% it is 0.404. Since the result of the
computation is higher than r in table, the index of validity of the item
number 1 is considered to be valid.

2) Reliability of Instrument
A good test must be valid and reliable. Besides the index of
validity, the writer calculated the reliability of the test using Kuder-
Richarson Formula 20(K-R 20).
Before computing the reliability, the writer had to compute
varian (S 2 ) with the formula below:
k = 20  Y = 355
Y = 5457  pq = 1.6493
( y ) 2
 y2  k
S2 
5457 
S2  20
5457  6301.25
S2 
 844.25
S2 
S 2 = -42.213
The computation of the variant (S 2 ) is -42.213. After finding
the variant (S 2 ) the writer computed the reliability of the test as

 S2
 k 
r11   
 pq 
 k  1  S2 

 
 20   42.213  1.6493 
r11    
 20  1   42.213 
  43.8623 
r11  1.053 
  42.213 
r11  1.094

From the computation above, it is found out that r11 (the total
of reliability test) is 1.094, whereas the number of subjects is 24 and
the critical value for r-table with significance level 5% is 0.444. Thus,
the value resulted from the computation is higher than its critical value.
It could be concluded that the instrument used in this research is

3) Degree of the Test Difficulty

The following computation of the level difficulty for the item
number 1 and for the other items would use the same formula.
B  12  9  21 P
JS  24 P
P  0.88
From the computation above, the question number 1 can be
said as the easy category, because the calculation result of the item
number 1 is in the interval 0.70 < P < 1.00

4) Discriminating Power
The following is the computation of the discriminating power
for item number 1, and for other items would use the same formula.

D 

Before computed using the formula, the data divided into 2

(group). They were upper group and low group.

Table 3
The Table of the Gathered Score of Item Number 1
Upper Group Lower Group
No Code Score No Code Score
1 C-2 1 1 C-4 1
2 C-7 1 2 C-6 1
3 C-9 1 3 C-10 1
4 C-11 1 4 C-3 1
5 C-14 1 5 C-16 1
6 C-15 1 6 C-17 0
7 C-18 1 7 C-1 0
8 C-13 1 8 C-8 0
9 C-21 1 9 C-12 1
10 C-22 1 10 C-19 1
11 C-24 1 11 C-23 1
12 C-5 1 12 C-20 1
Total Score 12 Total Score 9
From the table above known as below
BA = 12 BB =12
JA = 12 JB = 9
D 
12 9
D 
12 12
D  0.25

From the computation above, the question number 1 can be said as the
fair category, because the calculation result of the item number 1 is in the
interval 0.20 < DP ≤ 0.40.

Based on the analysis of validity, reliability, difficulty level and

discriminating power, finally 15 items are accepted. They are number 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 20.

b. The Data Analysis of Pre Test Scores of the Experimental Class and the
Control Class
Table 4
The list of Pre-test Scores of the Experimental and Control Class
Experiment Class Control Class
No Code of Code of
the the
Students xi ( xi  x ) ( xi  x ) 2 Students xi ( xi  x ) ( xi  x ) 2
1 D-1 66 1,625 2,640 E-1 53 -9,416 88,661
2 D-2 53 -11,375 129,390 E-2 46 -16,416 269,485
3 D-3 66 1,625 2,640 E-3 66 3,583 12,837
4 D-4 73 8,625 74,390 E-4 73 10,583 111,999
5 D-5 66 1,625 2,640 E-5 66 3,583 12,837
6 D-6 66 1,625 2,640 E-6 66 3,583 12,837
7 D-7 80 15,625 244,140 E-7 53 -9,416 88,661
8 D-8 73 8,625 74,390 E-8 66 3,583 12,837
9 D-9 60 -4,375 19,140 E-9 60 -2,416 5,837
10 D-10 53 -11,375 129,390 E-10 80 17,583 309,161
11 D-11 46 -18,375 337,640 E-11 60 -2,416 5,837
12 D-12 60 -4,375 19,140 E-12 53 -9,416 88,661
13 D-13 73 8,625 74,390 E-13 66 3,583 12,837
14 D-14 66 1,625 2,640 E-14 60 -2,416 5,837
15 D-15 53 -11,375 129,390 E-15 66 3,583 12,837
16 D-16 60 -4,375 19,140 E-16 60 -2,416 5,837
17 D-17 60 -4,375 19,140 E-17 53 -9,416 88,661
18 D-18 66 1,625 2,640 E-18 60 -2,416 5,837
19 D-19 66 1,625 2,640 E-19 66 3,583 12,837
20 D-20 60 -4,375 19,140 E-20 66 3,583 12,837
21 D-21 73 8,625 74,390 E-21 60 -2,416 5,837
22 D-22 66 1,625 2,640 E-22 73 10,583 111,999
23 D-23 60 -4,375 19,140 E-23 66 3,583 12,837
24 D-24 80 15,625 244,140 E-24 60 -2,416 5,837
1647,61 1498
 1545  1313,68
x 64,375 x 62,416

1) The Normality Pre-test of the Experimental Class

The normality test is used to know whether the data obtained is
normally distributed or not. Based on the table above, the normality test:
Ha: The distribution list is normal.
Ho: The distribution list is not normal
Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:

2  
 f o  f h 2

The computation of normality test:

N = 24 Length of the class = 5
Maximum score = 80 x = 1545

Minimum score = 46 x = 64.375

K / Number of class = 6 Range = 34
Table 5
Frequency Distribution
Class Interval xi fi (x1  x ) ( x1  x ) 2 f ( x1  x ) 2

46-51 48.5 1 -15.875 252.0156 252.0156

52-57 54.5 3 -9.875 97.51563 292.5469
58-63 60.5 6 -3.875 15.01563 90.09375
64-69 66.5 8 2.125 4.515625 36.125
70-75 72.5 4 8.125 66.01563 264.0625
76-80 78.5 2 14.125 199.5156 399.0313
24 1333.875

 f (xi i  x)2 1333.875

S =  7.615
n 1 24  1

Table 6
Normality Pre test of the Experimental Class

Class Limit Z for the Opportuni Size fh fo

fo  fh 2
interval class limit class -ties Z classes fh
for Z
46-51 45.5 -2.47866 0.494 0.038 0.912 1 0.008491
52-57 51.5 -1.69074 0.456 0.138 3.312 3 0.029391
58-63 57.5 -0.90282 0.318 0.275 6.6 6 0.054545
64-69 63.5 -0.1149 0.043 0.208 4.992 8 1.812513
70-75 69.5 0.673014 0.251 0.178 4.272 4 0.017318
76-80 75.5 1.460932 0.429 0.054 1.296 2 0.38242
80.5 2.117531 0.483
The result of computation Chi–Square 2.304
With  = 5% and dk = 6-3=3, from the chi-square distribution table,
obtained  2table = 7.815. Because  2count is lower than  2table (2.304<7.815).
So, the distribution list is normal.

2) The Normality Pre-test of the Control Class

Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:

2  
 f o  f h 2

The computation of normality test:

N = 24 Length of the class = 5

Maximum score = 80 x = 1545

Minimum score = 46 x = 64.375

K / Number of class = 6 Range = 34

Table 7
Frequency Distribution

Class Xi fi
(x2  x ) (x2  x)2 f (x2  x)2
46-51 48,5 1 -13,91667 193,67362 193,67362
52-57 54,5 4 -7,916667 62,673616 250,69447
58-63 60,5 7 -1,916667 3,6736124 25,715287
64-69 66,5 9 4,083333 16,673608 150,06248
70-75 72,5 2 10,083333 101,6736 203,34721
76-80 78,5 1 16,083333 258,6736 258,6736
24 1082,1667

 f (x i i  x)2 1082.167
S =  6.862
n 1 24  1
Table 8
Normality Pre test of the Control Class

Class Limit Z for the Opportuni Size fh fo

fo  fh 2
interval class limit -ties Z classes fh
class for Z
46-51 45.5 0,493 0,049 1,176 1 0.02634
52-57 51.5 0,444 0,183 4,392 4 0,034987
58-63 57.5 0,261 0,202 4,848 7 0,955261
64-69 63.5 0,059 0,289 6,936 9 0,614201
70-75 69.5 0,348 0,123 2,952 2 0,307014
80.5 1,906635 0,471 0,024 0,576 1 0,312111
The result of computation Chi–Square 2.249

With  = 5% and dk = 6-3=3, from the chi-square distribution table,

obtained  2 table = 7.815. Because  2 count is lower than  2 table (2.249<7.815).
So, the distribution list is normal.

3) The Homogeneity Pre-Test of the Experimental Class

Hypothesis :
H  :  12   22
H A :  12   22

Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:
Biggest var iant
smallest var iant

The Data of the research:

 (x i  x)1  1647.61 n1 = 24
 ( x i  x ) 2  1313.83 n2 = 24

 12 = S1 2 
 (x  x) =
 71.635
n1  1 23
 = S2

(x  x) =
 57.116
n2 1 23
Biggest variant (Bv) = 71.635
Smallest variant (Sv) = 57.116

Based on the formula, it is obtained:

F  1.254

With  = 5% and dk = (24-1 = 23): (24-1 = 23), obtained Ftable =

2.00. Because Fcount is lower than Ftable (1.254 < 2.00). So, Ho is accepted

and the two groups have same variant / homogeneous.

4) The average similarity Test of Pre-Test of Experimental and Control Classes

Ho: 1   2
Ha: 1   2

Test of hypothesis:

Based on the computation of the homogeneity test, the experimental

class and control class have same variant. So, the t-test formula:
2 2
x1  x2 (n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2
t S
1 1 n1  n2  2
S 
n1 n2
The data of the research:
x1 = 64.375 x2 = 62.416
S12 = 71.635 S12 = 57.116
n1 = 24 n2 = 24
2 2
(n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2
n1  n2  2

(24  1)71.635  (24  1)57.116 2961.274

S=   8.023
24  24  2 46

So, the computation t-test:

x1  x2 64.375  62.416 1.959
t =   0.845
1 1 1 1 2.316
S  8.023 
n1 n2 24 24

With  = 5% and dk = 24 + 24 – 2 = 46, obtained t table =2,00.

Because t count is lower than t table (0.845<2.00). So, Ho is accepted and there
is no difference of the pre test average value from both groups.

c. The Data Analysis of Post-test Scores in Experimental Class and Control


Table 9
The List of Post Test Scores of the Experimental and Control Class
Experiment Class Control Class
No Code of Code of
the the
Students xi ( xi  x ) ( xi  x ) 2 Students xi ( xi  x ) ( xi  x ) 2
1 D-1 73 4,416 19,501 E-1 66 -4,5 20,25
2 D-2 73 4,416 19,501 E-2 53 -17,5 306,25
3 D-3 73 4,416 19,501 E-3 80 9,5 90,25
4 D-4 86 8,583 73,667 E-4 80 9,5 90,25
5 D-5 73 4,416 19,501 E-5 73 2,5 6,25
6 D-6 86 8,583 73,667 E-6 80 9,5 90,25
7 D-7 93 15,583 242,829 E-7 60 -10,5 110,25
8 D-8 86 8,583 73,667 E-8 73 2,5 6,25
9 D-9 73 4,416 19,501 E-9 80 9,5 90,25
10 D-10 66 11,416 130,325 E-10 86 15,5 240,25
11 D-11 60 17,416 303,331 E-11 66 -4,5 20,25
12 D-12 80 2,583 6,671 E-12 60 -10,5 110,25
13 D-13 86 8,583 73,667 E-13 73 2,5 6,25
14 D-14 80 2,583 6,671 E-14 60 -10,5 110,25
15 D-15 66 11,416 130,325 E-15 73 2,5 6,25
16 D-16 80 2,583 6,671 E-16 66 -4,5 20,25
17 D-17 73 4,416 19,501 E-17 60 -10,5 110,25
18 D-18 80 2,583 6,671 E-18 73 2,5 6,25
19 D-19 80 2,583 6,671 E-19 66 -4,5 20,25
20 D-20 66 11,416 130,325 E-20 73 2,5 6,25
21 D-21 86 8,583 73,667 E-21 66 -4,5 20,25
22 D-22 80 2,583 6,671 E-22 86 15,5 240,25
23 D-23 66 11,416 130,325 E-23 73 2,5 6,25
24 D-24 93 15,583 242,829 E-24 66 -4,5 20,25
1858 1835,656 1692 1754
 
x 77,416 x 70,5

1) The Normality Post-Test of the Experimental Class

Based on the table above, the normality test:
Hypothesis :
Ho : The distribution list is normal.
Ha : The distribution list is not normal.

Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:
The formula is used:

2  
 f o  f h 2

The computation of normality test:

N = 24 Length of the class = 5
Maximum score = 93 x = 1858
Minimum score = 60 x = 77.416
K / Number of class = 6 Range = 33
Table 10
Frequency Distribution
Class Interval Xi fi (x1  x ) ( x1  x ) 2 f ( x1  x ) 2

60-65 62.5 1 -14.916 222.4871 222.4871

66-71 68.5 4 -8.916 79.49506 317.9802
72-77 74.5 6 -2.916 8.503056 51.01834
78-83 80.5 6 3.084 9.511056 57.06634
84-59 86.5 5 9.084 82.51906 412.5953
90-95 92.5 2 15.084 227.5271 455.0541
24 1516.201

 f (x
i i  x)2 1516.201
S =  8.124
n 1 24  1

Table 11
Normality Post Test of the Experimental Class

Class Limit Z for the Opportuni Size fh fo

fo  fh 2
interval class limit -ties Z classes for
class Z fh
60-65 59.5 -2.20532 0.486 0.059 1.416 1 0.008491
66-71 65.5 -1.46677 0.427 0.163 3.912 4 0.122215
72-77 71.5 -0.72821 0.264 0.26 6.24 6 0.00198
78-83 77.5 0.01034 0.004 0.266 6.384 6 0.009231
84-89 83.5 0.748892 0.27 0.16 3.84 5 0.023098
90-95 89.5 1.487445 0.43 0.056 1.344 2 0.350417
95.5 2.225997 0.486 0.32019
The result of computation Chi–Square 0.82713
With  = 5% and dk =6-3 =3, from the Chi-Square distribution table,
obtained  2table =7.815. Because d  2count is lower than  2table (0.827<7.815).
So, the distribution list is normal.

2) The Normality Post-Test of the Control Class

Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:

 
 f o  f h 2

The computation of normality test:

N = 24 Length of the class = 5
Maximum score = 86 x = 1692

Minimum score = 53 x = 70.5

K / Number of class = 6 Range = 27

Table 12
Frequency Distribution
Class Interval Xi fi (x1  x ) ( x1  x ) 2 f ( x1  x ) 2

53 – 58 55.5 1 -15.083 227.4969 227.4969

59 – 64 61.5 4 -9.083 82.50089 330.0036
65 – 70 67.5 6 -3.083 9.504889 57.02933
71 – 76 73.5 7 2.917 8.508889 59.56222
77 – 82 79.5 4 8.917 79.51289 318.0516
83 – 88 85.5 2 14.917 222.5169 445.0338
24 1437.177
 f (x
i i  x)2 1437.177
S =  7.905
n 1 24  1

Table 13
Normality Post test of the Control Class
Class Limit Z for the Opportuni Size fh fo
i fo  fh 2
interval class limit -ties Z classes fh
class for Z
53-58 52.5 -2.28754 0.488 0.053 1.272 1 0.058164
 58.5 -1.52853 0.435 0.159 3.816 4 0.008872
65-70 64.5 -0.76951 0.276 0.272 6.528 6 0.042706
71-76 70.5 -0.0105 0.004 0.266 6.384 7 0.059439
77-82 76.5 0.748514 0.27 0.163 3.912 4 0.00198
83-88 82.5 1.507527 0.433 0.055 1.32 2 0.350303
88.5 2.26654 0.488 0.058164
The result of computation Chi–Square 0.521463
d dk =6-3 =3, from the chi-square distribution table, obtained  2table =7.815.

Because  2count is lower than  2table (0.5214 < 7.815). So, the distribution list
is normal.

3) The Homogeneity Post-Test of the Control Class

Hypothesis :
H  :  12   22
H A :  12   22

Test of hypothesis:
The formula is used:
Biggest var iant
smallest var iant
The Data of the research:
 ( x  x) i 1
 1835,656 n1 = 24
 ( x  x)
i 2
 1754 n2 = 24

 12 = S1 2 
 (x  x) =
 79.811
n1  1 23
 = S2 
2 (x  x) =
 76.267
n2 1 23

Biggest variant (Bv) = 79.811

Smallest variant (Sv) = 76.267
Based on the formula, it is obtained:
F  1.046

With  = 5% and dk = (24-1 = 23): (24-1 = 23), obtained Ftable =

2.00. Because Fcount is lower than Ftable (1.046 < 2.00). So, Ho is accepted

and the two groups have same variant / homogeneous.

5) The average similarity Test of Post-Test of Experimental and Control

Ho: 1  2

Ha: 1   2

Test of hypothesis:
Based on the computation of the homogeneity test, the experimental
class and control class have same variant. So, the t-test formula:
2 2
x1  x2 (n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2
t S
1 1 n1  n2  2
S 
n1 n2
The data of the research:
x1 = 77.416 x2 = 70.5
S12 = 79.811 S12 = 76.267
n1 = 24 n2 = 24
2 2
(n1  1) S1  (n2  1) S 2
n1  n2  2

(24  1)79.811  (24  1)76.267 3589.794

S=   8.833
24  24  2 46

So, the computation t-test:

x1  x2 77.416  70.5 6.916

t =   2.712
1 1 1 1 2.550
S  8.833 
n1 n2 24 24

From the computation above, the t-table is 2.00 by 5% alpha level of

significance and dk = 24+24-2=46. T-value was 2.712. So, the t-value was
higher than the critical value on the table (2.712 > 2.00).
From the result, it can be concluded that there is a significant
difference in English Articles achievement score between students were taught
using songs and those were taught without using songs. So, it can be said that
Songs is effective to teach English Articles, and so the action hypothesis is

C. Discussion of The Research Findings

Before giving the treatment, writer checked the balance of the students’ initial
ability of both classes. The data used to test the balance was the score of pre-test.
Analysis of initial data was conducted through normality test that aimed at showing
whether the data is normally distributed or not. This can be seen from the normality
test with chi-square, where X2count<X2table, α = 5 %, dk = 3.
On the normality test of pre-test of the experimental class, it can be seen
X 2 count (2.304) < X 2 table (7.815) and the control class X 2 count (2.249) < X 2 table (7.815).
Since homogeneity test shows Fcount is < Ftable (1.254 < 2.00), it can be concluded that

the two classes is homogeneous. Based on the analysis of t-test at the pre-test, it is
obtained t count = 0.845 with ttable = 2.00 which proves that there is no difference of the

average of pre-test between both classes.

The normality test of post-test of experimental class results X 2 count (0.827)
< X 2 table (7.815) and control class results X 2 count (0.521) < X 2 table (7.815). The post-
test demonstrate that the hypothesis of those classes is normal on the distribution. It is
proved with Fcount (1.046) < Ftable (2.00) from the homogeneity test that had the same
From the last phase of the t-test, it is obtained t count = 2.712 with ttable = 2.00

with the standard of significant 5%. Because of t count > t table = (2.712 > 2.00) so the

hypothesis is accepted. It means that using Songs in teaching English Articles is

Song has some positive influences for the students in improving English
Articles achievement. There were some reasons why the students can improve their
English Articles by using Songs. They were as follows:
1. By using songs make students easy to memorize the material.
2. Using songs, the students can learn English Articles relaxes and enjoy. In the process
of learning, teacher should be resourceful in determining the classroom setting in
order to make students focus on the lesson.
3. The use of songs in Senior Elementary School can give opportunities for students to
study grammar indirectly. It offers similar rich of opportunities for learning English
Articles from context indirectly. So, students not only understand the meaning of
English Articles, but also they can use it in daily life context.
The result of the research shows that the experimental class (the students who
are taught using Songs) has the mean value 77.416. Meanwhile, the control class (the
students who are taught without using Songs) has the mean value 70.5. It can be said
that the English Articles achievement of experiment class is higher than the control
On the other hand, the test of hypothesis using t-test formula shows the value
of the t-test is higher than the critical value, t count > t table ( t count higher than t table ). The

value of t-test is 2.712, while the critical value on t s 0,05 is 2.00. It means that there is a
significant difference the English Articles achievement between students taught using
Songs and those taught without Songs. In this case, the use of songs is necessary
needed in teaching English Articles.

D. Limitation of The Research

The writer realizes that this research had not been done optimally. There were
constraints and obstacles faced during the research process. Some limitations of this
research are:
1. Relative short time of research makes this research could not be done maximum.
2. The research is limited at MIN Purwokerto. So that when the same research will be
gone in other schools, it is still possible to get different result.
3. The implementation of the research process was less smooth; this was more due to
lack of experience and knowledge of the writer.
Considering all those limitations, there is a need to do more research about
teaching English Articles using songs. So that, the more optimal result will be gained.

A. Conclusion
After the writer finishes the previous chapters, she will draw some
conclusions as the result of the study on the effectiveness of using in teaching
English articles with the third graders students of MIN Purwokerto in the
academic of year 2010/2011.
Based on the hypothetical test and discussion of the data analysis in the
previous chapter, the conclusion can be drawn that the teaching of teaching
English articles using songs are more effective at III Utsman bin Affan students of
MIN Purwokerto.
It is can be seen from the results of test score showing that the
experimental class that were given treatment using songs as media got higher
score that was 77.416 compared with the control class who did not get treatment
using songs as media that was 70.5.
Based on the t-test with standard of significant 5%, it is found t count = 2.712

with ttable = 2.00. Because t count > ttable , so there is real difference between results of

the study of learning using song as a medium and learning without using song as a
medium. Consequently based the testing, the process of learning English using
songs as media is effective.

B. Suggestions
Based on the result of this research with positively indicates that there is
positive effect of using songs as media in teaching English articles. Some
suggestions for the teaching learning English are proposed as follows:
1. To the teachers
a. The creativity of the English teachers is needed in teaching English, as their duties
to transfer the knowledge of English to the students.
b. It will be better if the English teachers find out appropriate and interesting
teaching media as students need.
c. To give contribution to English teachers that teaching writing using songs as
media is more interesting.
2. To the students
a. To improve the effectiveness of students’ understanding in English Articles.
b. It may help students to disappear their bored in learning English Articles.
c. To improve the English mastery, especially in mastering English Articles
3. To the readers
The writer hopes this thesis can be useful for the reader. So, they know
that using songs as media in teaching English Articles is more effective.
4. To the writer
After conducting this research, many experiences are gotten. The
writer can know the teaching learning process in class. It is important for the
writer to know an appropriate teaching media in teaching English.
5. To the school
Songs can be a new media in teaching English Articles in MIN
Purwokerto in order to get better output.
This research has found out that teaching English grammar especially on
English Articles to improve students’ understanding is effective. The writer
hopes the school institution can support the teacher to create enjoyable, fun and
interesting situation in learning such as using songs in teaching grammar.

C. Closure
Thus, this thesis is served to the readers. The writer realizes that is still
lest perfect. The writer hopes any suggestions and criticisms to make it perfect.
The writer hopes that it can be useful for she herself and for the readers in

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Kathleen M. Bailey and David Nunan, Voices from the language Classroom. USA :
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Appendix 2


No Name Code of the students

1 Abdullah Hasan D-1
2 Agil Maesaratun D-2
3 Aisyah Hafidzoh D-3
4 Alfiana Indriatun D-4
5 Chandra Yusuf D-5
6 Fatimah Azzahra D-6
7 Hasna Imarotun D-7
8 Ike Risma Qusnul D-8
9 Kemal Mashudul D-9
10 Khabidin Hamid D-10
11 Ma’rifatun Rohmah D-11
12 Shinta Dya D-12
13 Shah Putra Anggi D-13
14 Daffa Ubaidillah D-14
15 Fajar Friza H D-15
16 Humam Hanifan F D-16
17 Lena Alfidho S D-17
18 Nadia Kurnia Sandi D-18
19 Nur Latifah M. P D-19
20 Ramadani Achmad D-20
21 Syakirah Ummu D-21
22 Annisa Luthfia D-22
23 M. Rofaf Afif D-23
24 M. Ghufron Arroyan D-24
Appendix 3


No Name Code of the students

1 Ibrahim E-1
2 M. Afiq Gustus M E-2
3 Ahmad Fauzi E-3
4 Aida Safanah E-4
5 Alya Dhiya Shafa E-5
6 Hasna Annisa E-6
7 Ocha Sunarso E-7
8 Rizky Agus K E-8
9 Rusyda Hasna E-9
10 Ahmad Lutfi E-10
11 Alya Jamila R E-11
12 Dhea Ayu E-12
13 Feronika Ananda E-13
14 Hanif Setyo E-14
15 Hanin Salma H E-15
16 Idzhar Laila R E-16
17 Latifah KH E-17
18 M. Dhiyatul Haq E-18
19 M. Rizqi E-19
20 Putri Nurjannah E-20
21 Ratna Putri M E-21
22 Priadini E.A E-22
23 Feti Febrianti E-23
24 Jasmine A.S E-24
Appendix 4


Code of the Score of Score of

No Name
students pre test post test
1 Abdullah Hasan D-1 66 73
2 Agil Maesaratun D-2 53 73
3 Aisyah Hafidzoh D-3 66 73
4 Alfiana Indriatun D-4 73 86
5 Chandra Yusuf D-5 66 73
6 Fatimah Azzahra D-6 66 86
7 Hasna Imarotun D-7 80 93
8 Ike Risma Qusnul D-8 73 86
9 Kemal Mashudul D-9 60 73
10 Khabidin Hamid D-10 53 66
11 Ma’rifatun Rohmah D-11 46 60
12 Shinta Dya D-12 60 80
13 Shah Putra Anggi D-13 73 86
14 Daffa Ubaidillah D-14 66 80
15 Fajar Friza H D-15 53 66
16 Humam Hanifan F D-16 60 80
17 Lena Alfidho S D-17 60 73
18 Nadia Kurnia Sandi D-18 66 80
19 Nur Latifah M. P D-19 66 80
20 Ramadani Achmad D-20 60 66
21 Syakirah Ummu D-21 73 86
22 Annisa Luthfia D-22 66 80
23 M. Rofaf Afif D-23 60 66
24 M. Ghufron Arroyan D-24 80 93
Appendix 5


Code of the Score of Score of

No Name
students pre test post test
1 Ibrahim E-1 53 66
2 M. Afiq Gustus M E-2 46 53
3 Ahmad Fauzi E-3 66 80
4 Aida Safanah E-4 73 80
5 Alya Dhiya Shafa E-5 66 73
6 Hasna Annisa E-6 66 80
7 Ocha Sunarso E-7 53 60
8 Rizky Agus K E-8 66 73
9 Rusyda Hasna E-9 60 80
10 Ahmad Lutfi E-10 80 86
11 Alya Jamila R E-11 60 66
12 Dhea Ayu E-12 53 60
13 Feronika Ananda E-13 66 73
14 Hanif Setyo E-14 60 60
15 Hanin Salma H E-15 66 73
16 Idzhar Laila R E-16 60 66
17 Latifah KH E-17 53 60
18 M. Dhiyatul Haq E-18 60 73
19 M. Rizqi E-19 66 66
20 Putri Nurjannah E-20 66 73
21 Ratna Putri M E-21 60 66
22 Priadini E.A E-22 73 86
23 Feti Febrianti E-23 66 73
24 Jasmine A.S E-24 60 66
Appendix 6

School : MIN Purwokerto

Subject : English
Class/ Semester : III / 2
Skill : Writing
Time Allotment : 2x 35 minutes
I. Standard Competence : 8. Spelling and copying simple written English in
school context
II. Basic Competence : 8.2 Completing simple English sentences with
articles accurately and appropriately.
III. Indicator : 8.2.1 Explaining the meaning of Articles
8.2.2 Mentioning kind of Articles
8.2.3 Using Articles in appropriate context

IV. Learning of Objectives :

By the end of the study, the students will have been able to:
1. Knowing the meaning of Articles
2. Knowing pattern of Articles
3. Using Articles in appropriate context

V. Material : Articles
An article is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of
reference being made by the noun

English has two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a, an.) The use
of these articles depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a
group, or to a specific member of a group:

Indefinite articles - a and an (determiners)

A and an are the indefinite articles. They refer to something not specifically
known to the person you are communicating with.
A and an are used before nouns that introduce something or someone you have not
mentioned before:
 I eat an apple this morning
 I buy a pet for my son
You use a when the noun you are referring to begins with a consonant (b, c, d,
f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y or z), for example, "a city" and "a factory
You use an when the noun you are referring to begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
Pronunciation changes this rule:
If the next word begins with a consonant sound when we say it, for example,
"university" then we use a. If the next word begins with a vowel sound when we say
it, for example "hour" then we use an.

 We say "university" with a "y" sound at the beginning as though it were spelt
So, "a university" is correct.
 We say "hour" with a silent h as though it were spelt "our".
So, "an hour" is correct.

Definite Article - the (determiners)

You use the when you know that the listener knows or can work out what
particular person/thing you are talking about.
 The dog (that specific dog)
 The apple (that specific apple)
You should also use the when you have already mentioned the thing you are
talking about.
 She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen.
We use the to talk about geographical points on the globe.
 the Middle East, the West
We use the to talk about rivers, oceans and seas
 the Nile, the Pacific
We also use the before certain nouns when we know there is only one of a
particular thing.
 the rain, the sun, the wind

Learning Activity
1. Pre Activity
Activities Sample of Instructions
1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of
The Field)
 Teacher greets the students. T–S Good morning, how are you
 Teacher checks students’ T–S today? Who is absent today?
 The teacher asks the student “do T–S “Do you have animal at
you have animal at home?” home?”

2) MOT ( Modelling of Text )

 The teacher asks the students T–S “Do you know the kind of

about the kinds of animals. animals?” what are they?

 The teacher asks students what

animal which students like. T–S “What animal do you like?”

 The students answer the teacher’s

question orally S–T I like a ….
I like an …..
 The teacher chooses a song and
T–S Ok… I have a song about
uses it in the classroom.
 The teacher gives students lyrics
of the song that can help students T–S I will give you lyrics of my
understanding to the words in the song.
song and support new language
before and after singing.
 The teacher invites students to T–S Can you sing this song? Okey
practice singing the song. lets sing together.
 The teacher invites students to T–S Can you mention animals in
discuss about lyric of the song. the lyrics? What are they?
 The teacher asks the students T–S “How many animals in this
“How many animals in this song?”
 The teacher asks the students T–S “Where is the ant?”

“where is the ant?”

 The teacher invites discuss about T–S There are articles in this song

lyric of the song which contains ( ants, a spider, an insect, on

material about English articles. the table )

2. Main-activities :
Activities Sample of Instructions
3) JCOT ( Joint Construction of The
T–S “Do you know articles???”
 The teacher explains about the
material the day.
 The teacher gives example of
T–S We will learn about
noun by using articles example: a
cat, a tiger, an elephant, on the
There are many kinds of
table, on the chair, etc.
articles, they are definite and
 The teacher and student discuss
T–S indefinite articles (a, an, the).
the used of articles.
I have a song.
 The teacher gives other songs
about fruits.
4) ICOT (Independent Construction
of The Text) S–T Please complete this song by
 The students complete the song using articles
by using articles individually as
instructed by teacher.
 The teacher and students discuss about T–S Ok let’s discuss together.
students ‘answers.
a. The teacher and students practice T–S Ok let’s sing a song once
singing a song after the material given more . . .
 Each student makes three sentences by S–T OK, class. Make three
using articles. sentences using articles (a,
an, and the)
Second Meeting
Activities Sample of Instructions
1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of
The Field)
 Teacher asks students about T–S Dou you still remember
articles. articles?

2) MOT ( Modelling of Text )

 Teacher asks students to mention T–S Can you mention nouns in
nouns in the class this class?

3) JCOT ( Joint Construction of the

 Teacher and students discuss
T–S Let’s discuss articles that
articles that precede nouns in the
precede nouns in this class.

4) ICOT (Independent Construction

of The Text) ( there is a table, an eraser, a
 Teacher gives example of articles T–S ruler in the class )
used to mention nouns in the class.
 Teacher gives the exercise to the T–S Please, do the exercises by
students about articles. yourself!
3) Post Activity
Activities Sample of Instructions
 Teacher reviews the material which T–S What is topic of the day?
they have discussed. That’s all for today.
 Teacher closes the meeting. T–S Wassalamu’alaikum . . .
VI. Learning Resources :
- M. Kathleen, Grammar Links 2, (New York : Houghton Mifflin Company)

VII. Media
Ants fruit Market
by Richard Graham
(to the tune of "Oh My Darling")
What's this? It's an apple
It's an insect not a spider What's this? It's an orange
it has 6 legs instead of 8 What's this? It's a pineapple
3 on this side 3 on that side What's this? It's a banana
and it's crawling on the plate
What's that? It's a lemon
What's that? It's a cherry
What's that? It's a strawberry
What's that? It's a watermelon

Welcome to the Fruit Market

Welcome to the Fruit Market

VIII. Assessment :
 Form : Written test
 Technique : Students complete sentences by using articles
 Aspects : Grammar
 Instruments :
Activities Instructions
 The teacher asks student to make three  OK, class. Make three sentences
sentences by using articles. using articles (a, an, and the)
 The teacher asks students to complete  Please, do the exercises by yourself!
the sentences by using articles.

Complete these sentences by using appropriately article ( a, an, or the )!

1. 8.

He is ___ student. It is ___ mango

2. 9.

It is ___ avocado. My mother buys fruits in ___

fruit market.

3. 10.

___ star is light.

It is ___ eraser.

4. 11.

The book on ___ table. I have a book, ___ book is red.

5. 12.

It is ___ insect

It is ___ pineapple.
6. 13.

The ant is crawling on ___ plate.

It is ___ spider.

7. 14.

It is ___ watermelon
It is ___ strawberry.


I buy a car, ___ car is blue.

English Articles
A An The
5 5 5 15
Criteria of Assessments:

The number of true answer

The Total Score  x 100
The number of questions

Semarang, 9 February 2011

Known by:

The English Teacher The Researcher

Ida Rohayati, S.Pt Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah

The Headmaster of
MIN Purwokerto
Appendix 7

School : MIN Purwokerto

Subject : English
Class/ Semester : III / 2
Skill : Writing
Time Allotment : 2x 35 minutes

I. Standard Competence : 8. Spelling and copying simple written English in

school context
II. Basic Competence : 8.2 Completing simple English sentences with
articles accurately and appropriately.
III. Indicator : 8.2.1 Explaining the meaning of Articles
8.2.2 Mentioning kind of Articles
8.2.3 Using Articles in appropriate context
IV. Learning of Objectives :
By the end of the study, the students will have been able to:
1. Knowing the meaning of Articles
2. Knowing pattern of Articles
3. Using Articles in appropriate context

V. Material :
An article is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of
reference being made by the noun
English has two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a, an.) The use
of these articles depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a
group, or to a specific member of a group:

Indefinite articles - a and an (determiners)

A and an are the indefinite articles. They refer to something not specifically
known to the person you are communicating with.
A and an are used before nouns that introduce something or someone you have not
mentioned before:
 I eat an apple this morning
 I buy a pet for my son
You use a when the noun you are referring to begins with a consonant (b, c, d,
f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y or z), for example, "a city" and "a factory
You use an when the noun you are referring to begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)
Pronunciation changes this rule:
If the next word begins with a consonant sound when we say it, for example,
"university" then we use a. If the next word begins with a vowel sound when we say
it, for example "hour" then we use an.
 We say "university" with a "y" sound at the beginning as though it were spelt
So, "a university" is correct.
 We say "hour" with a silent h as though it were spelt "our".
So, "an hour" is correct.

Definite Article - the (determiners)

You use the when you know that the listener knows or can work out what
particular person/thing you are talking about.
 The dog (that specific dog)
 The apple (that specific apple)
You should also use the when you have already mentioned the thing you are
talking about.
 She's got two children; a girl and a boy. The girl's eight and the boy's fourteen.
We use the to talk about geographical points on the globe.
 the Middle East, the West

We use the to talk about rivers, oceans and seas

 the Nile, the Pacific

We also use the before certain nouns when we know there is only one of a
particular thing.
 the rain, the sun, the wind

Learning Activity
1. Pre Activity
Activities Sample of Instructions
First Meeting
1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of
The Field)
 Teacher greets the students. T–S Good morning, how are you
 Teacher checks students’ T–S today? Who is absent today?
 The teacher asks the student “do T–S “Do you have animal at
you have animal at home?” home?”

2) MOT ( Modelling of Text )

 The teacher asks the students T–S “Do you know the kind of
about the kinds of animals. animals?” what are they?
 The teacher asks students what T–S “What animal do you like?”
animal which students like. S–T I like a ….
 The students answer the teacher’s I like an …..
question orally
2. Main-activities :
Activities Sample of Instructions
3) JCOT ( Joint Construction of The
 The teacher explains about the
T–S “Do you know articles???”
material the day.
Today, we will learn about
 The teacher gives example of
T–S articles…
noun by using articles example: a
There are many kinds of
cat, a tiger, an elephant, on the
articles, they are definite and
table, on the chair, etc.
indefinite articles (a, an, the).
 The teacher and student discuss
T–S Definite article is used ….
the used of articles.
Indefinite is used ….
 The teacher gives text about
T–S I have a text

4) ICOT (Independent Construction

of The Text)
 The students complete the text by S–T Please complete this text by
using articles individually as using articles
instructed by teacher.
 The teacher and students discuss T–S Ok let’s discuss together.
about students ‘answers.
 Each student makes three S–T OK, class. Make three
sentences by using articles. sentences using articles (a,
an, and the)

Activities Sample of Instructions
Second Meeting
1) BKOF (Building Knowledge of
The Field)
 Teacher asks students about T–S Dou you still remember
articles. articles?

2) MOT ( Modelling of Text )

 Teacher asks students to mention T–S Can you mention nouns in
nouns in the class this class?

3) JCOT ( Joint Construction of the Let’s discuss articles that

Text) T–S precede nouns in this class.
 Teacher and students
discuss articles that precede
nouns in the class.

4) ICOT (Independent Construction

of The Text) ( there is a table, an eraser, a
 Teacher gives example of articles T–S ruler in the class )
used to mention nouns in the
class. T–S Please, do the exercises by
 Teacher gives the exercise to the yourself!
students about articles.
3. Post Activity
Activities Sample of Instructions
 Teacher reviews the material which T–S What is topic of the day?
they have discussed. That’s all for today.
 Teacher closes the meeting. T–S Wassalamu’alaikum . . .
VI. Learning Resources :
- M. Kathleen, Grammar Links 2, (New York : Houghton Mifflin Company)
VII. Assessment :
 Form : Written test
 Technique : Students complete sentences by using articles
 Aspects : Grammar
 Instruments :
Activities Instructions
 The teacher asks student to make three  OK, class. Make three sentences
sentences by using articles. using articles (a, an, and the)
 The teacher asks students to complete  Please, do the exercises by yourself!
the sentences by using articles.

Complete these sentences by using appropriately article ( a, an, or the )!

1. 8.

He is ___ student. It is ___ mango

2. 9.

It is ___ avocado. My mother buys fruits in ___

fruit market.

3. 10.

___ star is light.

It is ___ eraser.

4. 11.

The book on ___ table. I have a book, ___ book is red.

5. 12.

It is ___ pineapple.

It is ___ insect

6. 13.

The ant is crawling on ___ plate.

It is ___ spider.

7. 14.

It is ___ watermelon
It is ___ strawberry.


I buy a car, ___ car is blue.

IX. Assesments Rubric

English Articles
A An The
5 5 5 15
Criteria of Assessments:

The number of true answer

The Total Score  x 100
The number of questions

Semarang, 10 February 2011

Known by:
The English Teacher The Researcher

Ida Rohayati, S.Tp Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah

The Headmaster of
MIN Purwokerto
Appendix 8

Name :
Class :
No. Absent :
Complete these sentences by using appropriately article ( a, an, or the )!
1. 6.

I buy ___ pencil.

I am ___ student.

2. 7.

He is ___ doctor.

It is ___ elephant.

3. 8.

It is ___ cat. I write ___ letter.

4. 9.

It is ___ apple. ___ moon is beautiful.

5. 10.

___ star is yellow.

It is ___ eraser.

11. 16.

It is ___ orange. It is ___ mango

12. 17.

The cat sleeps on ___ floor

___ sun is hot.

13. 18.

It is ___ avocado

I see ___ boy in the street.

14. 19.

___ earth is round. It is ___ banana.

15. 20.

My mother is cooking in ___ kitchen. I eat ___ egg.

Appendix 9

Name :
Class :
No. Absent :
Complete these sentences by using appropriately article ( a, an, or the )!
1. 6.

I buy ___ pencil.

I am ___ student.

2. 7.

He is ___ doctor.

___ sun is hot.

3. 8.

It is ___ cat. It is ___ eraser.

4. 9.

It is ___ apple. It is ___ orange.

5. 10.

The cat sleeps on ___ floor

___ star is yellow.


___ moon is beautiful.


It is ___ avocado


I see ___ boy in the street.


___ earth is round.


I eat ___ egg.

Appendix 10
Name :
Class :
No. Absent :
Complete these sentences by using appropriately article ( a, an, or the )!
1. 6.

The ant is crawling on ___ plate.

He is ___ student.
2. 7.

It is ___ avocado.
It is ___ watermelon
3. 8.

___ star is light.

It is ___ mango
4. 9.

My mother buys fruits in ___ fruit

The book on ___ table. market.

5. 10.

It is ___ pineapple.

It is ___ eraser.


I have a book, ___ book is red.


It is ___ insect.

It is ___ spider.

It is ___ strawberry.

I buy a car, ___ car is blue.

Giving Pre Test in Experimental Class

Giving Treatment in Experimental Class

Giving Post Test in Experimental Class
Giving Pre Test in Control Class

Giving Explanation in Control Class

Giving Post Test in Control Class
Giving Try out Test in Class Abu Bakar Ash Shidiq

Name : Nur Aziz Asma Sangadah

Place and date of birth : Purwokerto, October 19th,1990
Student Number : 073411092
Address : Jl. Brigjend Katamso 66/1 Rt. 04/01 Purwokerto Lor,
Kec.Purwokerto Timur, Kab. Banyumas. Jateng 53114
Mobile Number : 085726894727
Education : 1. MIN Purwokerto
2. SLTP Negeri 7 Purwokerto
4. MAN 1 Purwokerto
5. Assigned as a student of Tarbiyah Faculty
Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies in
2007 period.

Semarang, 10 June 2011


Student number: 073411092

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