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Storm pulse chemographs of saturation index and carbon

dioxide pressure: implications for shifting recharge sources

during storm events in the karst aquifer at Fort Campbell,
Kentucky/Tennessee, USA
Dorothy J. Vesper · William B. White

Abstract Continuous records of discharge, specific con- cours d’une srie de crues  deux sources mergeant de
ductance, and temperature were collected through a series calcaires,  Fort Campbell (Kentucky occidental, Ten-
of storm pulses on two limestone springs at Fort nessee, tats-Unis). Des chantillons d’eau, prlevs  de
Campbell, western Kentucky/Tennessee, USA. Water courts pas de temps lors de ces crues, ont t analyss
samples, collected at short time intervals across the same pour le calcium, le magnsium, les bicarbonates, le
storm pulses, were analyzed for calcium, magnesium, carbone organique total et le pH. Les chimiogrammes de
bicarbonate, total organic carbon, and pH. Chemographs calcium, d’indice de saturation de la calcite et de la
of calcium, calcite saturation index, and carbon dioxide pression partielle en CO2 ont t superposs aux hydro-
partial pressure were superimposed on the storm hydro- grammes de crue. La concentration en calcium et la
graphs. Calcium concentration and specific conductance conductivit de l’eau se suivent bien et passent par un
track together and dip to a minimum either coincident minimum correspondant au pic de l’hydrogramme ou
with the peak of the hydrograph or lag slightly behind it. lgrement retard. La pression partielle en CO2 continue
The CO2 pressure continues to rise on the recession limb de crotre au cours de la rcession de l’hydrogramme de
of the hydrograph and, as a result, the saturation index mÞme que l’indice de saturation de la calcite dcrot. Ces
decreases on the recession limb of the hydrograph. These rsultats sont interprts comme tant dus  l’infiltration
results are interpreted as being due to dispersed infiltra- disperse au travers de sols riches en CO2, dcale par
tion through CO2-rich soils lagging the arrival of quick- rapport  l’arrive de l’coulement rapide provenant de la
flow from sinkhole recharge in the transport of storm flow recharge,  partir d’une perte, de l’coulement de crue
to the springs. Karst spring hydrographs reflect not only vers les sources. Les hydrogrammes de sources karstiques
the changing mix of base flow and storm flow but also a ne refltent pas seulement le mlange variable de
shift in source of recharge water over the course of the l’coulement de base et de l’coulement de crue, mais
storm. galement un changement d’origine de l’eau de la
recharge au cours de l’pisode de crue.
Rsum L’enregistrement en continu du dbit, de la
conductivit et de la temprature de l’eau a t ralis au Resumen Se ha registrado en continuo la descarga,
conductancia especfica y temperatura de una serie de
Received: 31 January 2003 / Accepted: 21 October 2003 episodios de tormenta en dos manantiales en calizas
Published online: 23 December 2003 ubicados en Fort Campbell, en el oeste de Kentucky/
Tennessee (Estados Unidos de Amrica). Se ha analizado
Springer-Verlag 2004 muestras de agua recogidas en breves intervalos de
tiempo durante los episodios de tormenta, determinando
D. J. Vesper ()) el calcio, magnesio, bicarbonato, carbono orgnico total y
Department of Geology and Geography and the West Virginia pH. Se ha superpuesto quimiogramas de calcio, ndice de
Water Research Institute, saturacin en calcita y presin parcial de dixido de
West Virginia University, carbono en los hidrogramas de las tormentas. La concen-
425 White Building, Morgantown, WV, 26506-6300, USA tracin de calcio y la conductancia especfica se com-
Tel.: +1-304-2935603 x4337
portan de forma similar y presentan un mnimo que
Fax: +1-304-2936522 coincide tambin con un pico del hidrograma o que se
retrasa ligeramente con respecto a l. La presin de
W. B. White dixido de carbono sigue aumentando en la rama de
Department of Geosciences and Materials Research Institute
recesin del hidrograma y, como consecuencia, disminu-
Pennsylvania State University, ye el ndice de saturacin de la rama de recesin del
210 Materials Research Laboratory, University Park, PA, 16802, hidrograma. Se interpreta que estos resultados son
USA debidos a la infiltracin dispersa a travs de suelos

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


enriquecidos en dixido de carbono que retrasan el flujo Smart and Hobbs 1986; Field 1993; Ray and O’Dell 1993;
rpido desde la recarga en los sumideros hasta su White 1999). Most conceptual models agree that chem-
afloramiento en los manantiales. Los hidrogramas en ically variable springs can be characterized by allogenic
manantiales krsticos reflejan no slo la mezcla cam- and/or internal runoff recharge, conduit-dominated trans-
biante del flujo de base y el de tormenta, sino tambin el mission, and low storage capacity.
cambio en el origen del agua de recarga durante el curso There is a large literature on the variability of spring
de la tormenta. water chemistry as a means of characterizing karst
aquifers, particularly the interpretation of plots of chem-
Keywords Karst · Carbonate rocks · Recharge/water ical variables as a function of time (chemographs) either
budget · Hydrochemistry on seasonal time scales or through the hydrographs of
individual storms. The present paper addresses two of the
less investigated chemical parameters, the CO2 partial
Introduction pressure (PCO2) calculated from pH and alkalinity and the
saturation index of calcite, SIc. PCO2 has been used to infer
The chemistry of groundwater in aquifers recharged by source of recharge (Drake and Harmon 1973). Quickflow
dispersed infiltration is generally determined by water- is derived mainly from allogenic and internal runoff water
rock interactions within the aquifer. These interactions that often has a PCO2 only slightly higher than that of the
operate on long time scales so that the chemistry at any surface atmosphere. Dispersed recharge reflects the PCO2
given location within the aquifer remains constant on the of the soil atmosphere that may be hundreds of times
time scale of the seasons or the spacing between storms. higher than the PCO2 of the surface atmosphere. Seasonal
In the special case of karst aquifers, the high rate of variability of PCO2 has been used to display the effect of
throughput means that different sources of recharge can growing season on karst water chemistry (e.g. Shuster and
provide chemical signals that are transmitted through the White 1972; Hess and White 1993). The present paper
aquifer and can sometimes be detected at the springs examines the variation in PCO2 over single storm events
where the groundwater is discharged. Recharge sources and its implication for sources of the water arriving at the
vary on both seasonal and individual storm time scales spring over the course of the storm.
and are reflected in spring water chemistry on corre-
sponding time scales (White 1988; Ford and Williams
1989). Physical Setting
Recharge to karst aquifers is often separated into
allogenic recharge and autogenic recharge scales (White This study is part of an investigation of springs on and
1988; Ford and Williams 1989). Allogenic recharge is near the Fort Campbell Army Base. The base is located
point source recharge from sinking streams with catch- along the Kentucky-Tennessee border approximately
ments on subjacent non-karstic rocks. Autogenic recharge 65 km northwest of Nashville, TN (Fig. 1a, b, c). The
is derived from precipitation that falls directly on the karst area of the base is approximately 430 km2. Of that,
land surface. It is sometimes useful to separate autogenic approximately 80% is used for military training exercises
recharge into internal runoff which is storm flow funneled and is largely undeveloped. Over 30 perennial springs
directly into sinkholes, open fractures, or vertical shafts, have been identified within approximately a 250 km2 area
and dispersed infiltration which is the water that perco- around the base.
lates through overlying soils, may be temporarily stored The area surrounding Fort Campbell is largely agri-
in the epikarst, and enters the aquifer slowly through cultural with some commercial and industrial uses. The
pores and fractures in the bedrock. Allogenic recharge region is located on the Western Highland Rim of the
and most internal runoff is injected directly into the Nashville Basin and is underlain by the limestones of the
conduit system and reaches the spring rapidly. This Mississippian St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve formations.
component within the aquifer is sometimes called The Ste. Genevieve crops out in the topographically high
“quickflow”. Dispersed infiltration has a longer transit areas and largely consists of thick-bedded limestone with
time because it moves slowly through fractures and pores thinner beds of dolomite. Discontinuous layers of chert
before it reaches the conduit system. and fossils are present. The St. Louis Formation is
The source of recharge has been cited as one of the key exposed primarily in the waterways and topographic lows
controlling factors in the chemical variability of spring to the south. It is dolomitic, argillaceous, silty, and
water (Atkinson 1977; Scanlon and Thrailkill 1987; fossiliferous. Ball chert and colonial corals are profuse in
Worthington et al. 2000). Scanlon and Thrailkill (1987) layers.
used source of recharge to classify two types of springs in Between 0 and 30 m of unconsolidated materials are
the Kentucky Inner Bluegrass Region. Chemically vari- present above the limestone. This regolith consists of an
able springs had a higher percentage of recharge from upper layer of reddish brown clays and a lower layer of
internal runoff as defined by the sinkhole density in their gravely clay (Arthur D. Little Inc. 1997). Chert nodules
catchments. Quickflow through conduit permeability and are commonly found at the regolith–bedrock contact.
storage capacity within the aquifer are also a factor in Two springs were used for this study: Beaver Spring
spring chemistry variability (Shuster and White 1971; and Millstone Spring. Beaver Spring is located approx-

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8

Fig. 1 Regional location of
study area and outline of esti-
mated ground water basins for
Beaver and Millstone Springs

imately 220 m north of the Little West Fork Creek and Storm flow is provided mainly by internal runoff into
has an estimated groundwater basin size of 2.5 km2 sinkholes. The contribution to storm flow by sinking
(Fig. 1d). Millstone Spring is located on private property streams is relatively small.
on the west bank of the West Branch of the Red River
(Fig. 1d). Its groundwater basin is estimated to be 65 km2
and extends over a commercial district east of Fort Materials and Methods
Campbell as well as onto the base itself (Fig. 1d).
Recharge areas for both springs were estimated during the Continuous data were collected for stage, specific
Fort Campbell environmental investigation and are based conductance (SC) and temperature by Ewers Water
on over 40 tracer tests (Idstein and Ewers 2003), Consultants, Inc. The parameters were measured at 10-s
normalized baseflow analysis (Arthur D. Little Inc. intervals with 2-min averaging and recorded on a digital
1997), and potentiometric data (Hileman and Ladd logger. Stage was measured using a pressure transducer
1998). While the basin sizes and locations are approxi- and temperature was measured using a platinum resis-
mate, they are useful in comparing between the two tance thermometer. SC was measured using a probe
springs included in the study. designed by Ewers Water Consultants (Idstein and Ewers
The springs have very different recharge areas but 1991). Discharge values were calculated using a stage-
similar morphologies—both flow from rock openings at discharge rating curve.
the base of a hill (Fig. 2). Full descriptions of both springs Water samples were collected using automated sam-
can be found in Vesper (2002) and Vesper and White pling devices programmed to collect samples at time
(2003). The groundwater basins for both Beaver and intervals ranging from 0.5 to 8 h (samples were collected
Millstone Springs receive mainly dispersed recharge. more frequently during the storm and less frequently
afterwards). Intake valves were placed in the main spring

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


discharge inside the cave opening. Alkalinity and pH

were measured for individual samples in the field.
Alkalinity was measured via titration.
Calcium concentrations were measured using a Finne-
gan high resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass-
spectrometer (ICP-MS). All of the samples were digested
with approximately 2 molar nitric acid using a method
modified from SW846 Method 3015 – Microwave assisted
digestion of aqueous samples and extracts (USEPA 2000).
During the 2000 sampling season, sample aliquots were
pressure-filtered through dedicated, tortuous path, 0.45-
mm PVDF cartridge filters so that filtered and total metal
concentrations could be compared. The filtering was
conducted in the field and prior to acid preservation. As
expected for a normally-distributed, dissolved analyte, the
concentrations of calcium measured in the digested and
filtered samples were statistically equivalent based on a
paired student t-test with an a of 0.05.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was measured using a
Shimadzu (TOC-5000) carbon analyzer equipped with an
ASI-5000A liquid auto sampler. To remove the inorganic
carbon content, each sample is treated with HCl and air-
sparged prior to analysis.
The saturation index with respect to calcite (SIC) and
the PCO2 were calculated using Visual MINTEQ, Version
1.01 (Gustafsson 2000). Enhanced CO2 values are
expressed as a ratio of the calculated PCO2 to the
atmospheric PCO2.

Hardness/conductivity chemographs
Water chemistry variability was calculated as the coef-
ficient of variation (CV) by dividing the standard
deviation by the mean. The measured parameters varied
up to 25% over the studied storms (Table 1). The
literature suggests that springs with temperature or
calcium variability greater than 5% are flashy and are
Fig. 2 Photographs of Beaver Spring (a) and Millstone Spring (b). characterized by rapid recharge and transmission (Shuster
The equipment box at Beaver Spring is approximately a 3-ft cube and White 1972; Quinlan 1989). While the original
guidelines were based on bi-weekly samples over an

Table 1 Summary of water chemistry data

Parameter Beaver Spring Millstone Spring
June 20–26, 1999 storm June 20–26, 1999 storm
Min Max n Mean CVa (%) Min Max n Mean CVa (%)
June-August 1999 June-July 1999
Temperature (
C) 15.5 17.0 25 16.2 3.4 15.2 17.8 22 15.8 3.9
pH 6.71 7.16 19 6.99 2.2 Incomplete data set (n=9)
Specific conductance (mS/cm) 337 476 25 415 13 254 461 22 364 13
Calcium (mg/L) 45 91 25 66 25 41 87 22 64 16
Magnesium (mg/L) 5.3 9.9 25 7.4 24 5.3 9.0 22 7.1 16
Alkalinity (mg/L HCO3 -) 153 324 16 201 22 167 264 16 210 12
Temperature (
C) 15.4 21.6 3,177 16.1 4.8 15.1 18.5 2,092 15.9 5.6
Specific conductance (mS/cm) 225 510 3,177 445 9.3 180 436 2,092 234 24
June data from individual water samples; June-August data from continuous loggers
CV Standard deviation divided by the mean

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


Fig. 3 Hydrograph and chemographs for Beaver Spring, June 1999

storm Fig. 4 Hydrograph and chemographs for Millstone Spring, June
1999 storm

annual period, the high-resolution data for Beaver and

Millstone Springs are reasonably consistent for temper-
ature and specific conductance over both a single storm
and a longer period.
Detailed storm data were collected for the carbonate
parameters in June 1999. The rain event included 5.6 cm
over a two-day period. The double peak on the hydrograph
is due to the distribution of the rainfall (Figs. 3 and 4).
The calcium concentration in spring water decreased
significantly in Beaver Spring during the 1999 storm
(Fig. 3). The minimum calcium concentration coincides
with the maximum discharge and is interpreted to have
decreased due to dilution by the lower-concentration
recharge water. A similar result was obtained at Millstone
Spring (Fig. 4). At Millstone Spring, the maximum change
in water chemistry lags slightly behind the change in
discharge suggesting that recharge water must first flush
the system of antecedent storage water before arriving at
the spring itself. While the flow system and basin size
differ for the two springs, the dilution of background
carbonate chemistry is consistent at both. A strong
correlation exists between calcium and SC (R2=0.93)
and thus the continuous data for SC can be used as a proxy
for calcium. This is not unexpected given that calcium is
Fig. 5 Variation in SIC and PCO2 over a storm event, Beaver Spring,
the dominant cation in solution in karst waters. June 1999
Total organic carbon (TOC) increases during storm
events at Beaver Spring (Fig. 3). Its maximum concen-
tration coincides with the maximum discharge and the Chemographs for saturation index and CO2 partial
minimum calcium concentration. At Millstone Spring pressure
(Fig. 4), the TOC concentration is erratic but seems to lag SIC and the PCO2 also change over the course of storms
the hydrograph peak. The most likely TOC sources are (Fig. 5). The enhanced CO2 ranged up to 70 times the
surface runoff and shallow soils and therefore the TOC is atmospheric pressure in the 1999 storm. Both during base
an indicator of surface input. flow and throughout the storm, the water was undersat-

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


urated with respect to calcite with a minimum SIC value of

–0.95 during the discharge recession period. The mini-
mum SIC value approximately corresponds to the max-
imum PCO2 value and minimum pH. These changes lag
behind the maximum changes in discharge, SC, and
calcium concentration.
SIC and PCO2 can be used as plotting variables for
displaying spring water chemistry. The data from Fig. 5
were grouped in different segments of the hydrograph as
indicated by the vertical dashed lines. These appear in the
circled clusters in Fig. 6. In addition to the sample data,
Fig. 6 illustrates different regimes and reactions:

– The horizontal lines indicate the calcite dissolution

regimes. Calcite is at saturation (equilibrium) at SIC
equal to 0. The horizontal line below equilibrium
separates the dissolution regimes into rapid and slow
– The gray lines illustrate the reaction pathways for the
degassing of CO2 at a constant concentration of
dissolved Ca2+. They are calculated from the relation-
ship (White 1997):
1=3 2=3
aCa2þ 22=3 K2 gHCO Fig. 6 Relationship between SIC and PCO2 over storm event, Beaver
SIC ¼ log 1=3 1=3 1=3 1=3 2=3 Spring, June 1999. Numbers refer to groups on Fig. 5
2 2
where K1, K2, KC, and KCO2 are the respective equilib-
rium constants for the first and second ionization of
H2CO3 (K1 and K2), the solubility product constant for
calcite (KC), and the dissolution constant for CO2 in water
(KCO2). aCa+2 is the activity of calcium and the g’s are the
activity coefficients for the specified variables. The
calculations were completed using a temperature of
C. The g values were calculated initially assuming a
value of one and then recalculating iteratively until a
convergence of 0.001 was obtained.
Similar plots have been used to classify types of
springs with different chemistries and from different
climates (White 1997). In that analysis, the distinction
between fast and slow kinetic rates is used to explain why
tropical springs may deposit travertine during degassing
while temperate springs with similar SIC values do not
(the tropical springs reach the rapid precipitation thresh-
old before reaching atmospheric conditions). The springs
in this study were plotted in this format for comparison to
the earlier study and to see if a spring could be classified Fig. 7 Relationship between SIC and Ca concentrations over storm
by its baseline chemistry or if the chemical variability event, Beaver Spring, June 1999
over a storm event was greater than the suggested inter-
spring variability. As the figure illustrates, the springs
studied indicate that storms can cause more chemical This suggests that the storm water may also be more
variation than has been suggested between springs. aggressive because it has crossed the rapid dissolution
In general, the dominant change between storm kinetic threshold.
initiation and crest (groups 1 and 2) is for the SIC to As can be seen from the equation above, the relation-
decrease while the PCO2 is relatively constant. The later ship between SIC and log [Ca] is linear for a given PCO2 if
stages of the storm (groups 3 and 4) are characterized by a it is assumed that the ratio of gHCO3- to gCa+2 is relatively
concurrent decrease in SIC and an increase in PCO2. It constant. However, the SIC and calcium concentrations
should also be noted that the water chemistry changes from Beaver Spring fall onto two separate lines not a
between the kinetic regimes for carbonate dissolution. single linear relationship (Fig. 7). This implies significant

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


changes in PCO2 during the storm significantly alter the (~10 m) it is still considerably less than the residuum at
relationship between the other parameters. Groups 1 and 2 Fort Campbell (~30 m) and thus may have less of a
fall onto one line while groups 3 and 4 fall on a second contribution.
line. The relationship between SIC with calcium and CO2
supports the conclusion that different processes control
the water chemistry over the course of the storm. SIC and
Discussion PCO2 have been used to distinguish between types of
springs (Drake and Harmon 1973; White 1997) but
A lag between the minimum conductivity and SIC value temporal variability can be greater than the variability
was also reported by Desmarais and Rojstaczer (2002) for between springs. Therefore, classifications of this type
a spring on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee. must consider the nature of each spring as well as the
Unfortunately, the corresponding PCO2 data were not hydraulic conditions at the time of chemical sampling.
included with this dataset and therefore the role of While both quickflow and dispersed infiltration occur
dispersed infiltration at this spring cannot be determined. in many aquifers, karst studies frequently assume that one
One implication of the present results is that the most type of recharge dominates for a single spring. However,
aggressive water at the spring, signified by the lowest SIC the low CO2 values can only be attributed to rapid
value, does not occur during the main storm pulse but recharge and the elevated CO2 values must result from
rather during the discharge recession. While the time lag some interaction with the soil/residuum zone. Therefore,
may be short at Beaver Spring due to its small ground- the data suggest that a single recharge style does not
water basin, it could be considerably more in a larger dominate throughout all conditions in a given spring.
basin. This suggests that the maximum rate of dissolution Although the flashiness and rapid response at Beaver
may also lag behind the main storm pulse rather than Spring would have suggested that it is dominated by
occurring concurrently. Recent rate equations (Dreybrodt quickflow recharge, the data indicate that recharge even
1990; Palmer 1991) show that the rate of dissolution in a flashy spring with a small basin is more complex than
scales with the undersaturation with respect to calcite. anticipated.
Data from Beaver Spring suggests that the timing of While most conceptual models include both recharge
the SIC minimum is controlled by the PCO2 values. styles, it is also essential that they account for the
Elevated pressures of CO2 lag after the main recharge temporal variability in styles. Desmarais and Rojstaczer
pulse because the dispersed infiltration is transported (2002) included temporal changes in their three-stage
more slowly than is the sinkhole-controlled quickflow. In model but did not include dispersed infiltration. The
the aquifer studied, dispersed infiltration reaches the conceptual model presented in Fig. 8 is drawn from
spring within a day of the storm input. While the soil/ numerous sources (Smart and Hobbs 1986; Field 1993;
residuum is the most likely source for the elevated CO2, White 1999) but modified to explicitly include dispersed
another possible source is the epikarstic zone at the infiltration and reflect changes in the water’s CO2
residuum soil interface. However, flushing of the epikarst composition.
during the storms recession would be driven by the slow During periods of baseflow, the conduit system may or
infiltration of the water through the residuum. It is likely may not be submerged (phreatic) and obtains its water
that the identification of the two recharge sources at from storage (Fig. 8a). During precipitation, water is
Beaver Spring are aided by (1) the small basin size rapidly input into the system via sinkholes and vertical
allowing for the quick-flow recharge to be rapidly drains (Fig. 8b). The rapidly injected rainwater is low in
discharged, and (2) the presence of a thick residuum. CO2 and arrives in sufficient quantity to dilute the
The complexity of the recharge argues that spring flow background carbonate chemistry. The potentiometric
cannot be defined into storm and baseflow by a two- surface may be reversed during this time causing water
component separation as has been done in numerous to be forced into storage in fractures, bedding planes and
studies (Dreiss 1989; Lakey and Krothe 1996; Talarovich the aquifer matrix, in a manner analogous to bank storage
and Krothe 1998; Desmarais and Rojstaczer 2002). Lakey in a river. After the storm, (Fig. 8c), the potentiometric
and Krothe (1996) used hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to surface reverts to its initial configuration and the bank-
separate baseflow and storm flow in the Orangeville Rise stored water, still low in CO2, is released back into the
spring, Indiana. However, their isotopic compositions did conduit system. The presence of anastomoses along
not fall onto a tie line between the mixing components bedding planes in caves has been attributed to this
and therefore they concluded that a two-component storage-release process (White 1988). While these stages
mixing model does not account for the complexity of of a rainstorm have been proposed before, our data
the recharge and mixing processes. Lee and Krothe suggest that a considerable volume of high-CO2 dispersed
(2001) used isotopic data to conduct a four-component infiltration can occur during this third stage (C). While the
separation of storm water, also at Orangeville Rise spring. exact flux is unknown, it is sufficient to alter the
They concluded that the epikarst contributed a significant integrated chemistry at the discharging spring. At Beaver
amount of storm water (~50%) but that there was little Spring, this implies that the chemistry of the samples in
contribution from soil water (~3%). The groundwater groups 1 and 2 is controlled by stage B dilution while the
basin for the Orangeville rise has a thick soil zone

Hydrogeology Journal (2004) 12:135–143 DOI 10.1007/s10040-003-0299-8


Fig. 8 Conceptual model for recharge in a karst aquifer

chemistry of samples in groups 3 and 4 is controlled by Field MS (1993) Karst hydrology and chemical contamination. J
the stage C infiltration. Environ Syst 22:1–26
Ford D, Williams P (1989) Karst geomorphology and hydrology.
Understanding the different stages of recharge in karst Chapman & Hall, London
aquifers is essential for both water quality and water Gustafsson JP (2000) Visual MINTEQ. Stockholm, Sweden, Kungl
quantity estimations. If the recharge from sinkholes and Tekniska Hogskolan (KTH), Div. of Land and Water Resources
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sources could also be expected to arrive in an aquifer at Hileman GE, Ladd DE (1998) Potentiometric surface of the
different time after a storm event. While the example bedrock aquifer in the Campbell Army Airfield area, Kentucky
spring given in this study has a basin with considerable and Tennessee, September 1997. Nashville, Tennessee, US
residuum, it also responds quickly and thus would Geological Survey
Idstein PJ, Ewers RO (1991) Deducing karst aquifer recharge,
generally have been identified as a spring associated storage and transfer mechanisms through continuous electronic
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Acknowledgments This study was supported financially by the US Army Airfield SWMU 41, AOC-A, and AOC-D, Fort Camp-
Army Research Office, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, bell, Kentucky. Richmond KY, Ewers Water Consultants
the Geological Society of America, and the Krynine Fund of the Lakey B, Krothe NC (1996) Stable isotopic variation of storm
Pennsylvania State University Department of Geosciences. We discharge from a perennial karst spring, Indiana. Water Resour
would like to thank the Fort Campbell Environmental Restoration Res 32:721–731
Office and the Clark Family for providing spring access, and Peter Lee ES, Krothe NC (2001) A four-component mixing model for
Idstein and Ralph Ewers of Ewers Water Consultants for the water in a karst terrain in south-central Indiana, USA. Using
continuous monitoring data. solute concentration and stable isotopes as tracers. Chem Geol
Palmer AN (1991) Origin and morphology of limestone caves.
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