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2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

A Comparative study on
Transmission Network Cost Allocation
S.Prabhakar Karthikeyan1, B.Saravanan1, Aman Jain1, Indrajit Ranu1, I.Jacob Raglend2,
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Professor, NI University, Thakkalai, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Fellow IEEE, FNAE, FNASc, FIE (India), Director General, Raisoni Group of Institutions, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, INDIA

Abstract— In the deregulated electricity market, it has become quality i.e. constant voltage, constant frequency and
very important to determine the complete information about uninterrupted power supply.
the participants who are utilizing the transmission network. Though the aim of deregulation is to bring
Transmission line usage computation requires information of competitiveness both in the generation and demand side,
generator to load contributions and the path used by various owing to the technical and physical difficulty, the
generators to meet loads and losses. In the present restructured
transmission network remains under a common entity. This
electricity market, it is necessary to develop appropriate
pricing techniques that can provide the useful economic has paved way for lot of challenging issues in the
information to market participants. In this paper, the three deregulated electricity market. One among them is the usage
existing techniques namely Zbus method, Zbusavg method and cost allocation of transmission network both by the
Relative Electrical Distance (RED) method for the network generation and the distribution companies.
cost allocation is compared. It has been successfully applied on In the traditional pro rata method [3], [4] both
an IEEE 24 bus-Reliability Test System (RTS) and the results generators and loads are charged a flat rate per megawatt-
obtained are compared. The results obtained are quite hour, disregarding their respective use of individual
encouraging and useful for the deregulated electricity market transmission lines. Flow-based method [5] estimates the
related issues. The simulation is carried out using MATLAB
usage of the lines by generators and demands and charges
7.8.0 (R 2009a).
them accordingly. Some flow-based methods use the
Keywords-Transmission network cost allocation, active power proportional sharing principle [6], [7], which implies that
flow, generator cost contribution, load cost contribution, Zbus, any active power flow leaving a bus is proportionally made
Zbusavg and RED. up of the flows entering that bus, such that Kirchhoff’s
Current Law is satisfied. Other methods that use generation
shift distribution factors [8] are dependent on the selection
I. INTRODUCTION of the slack bus and lead to controversial results. The usage-
based method reported in [9] and [10] uses the so-called
In the early nineties, electrical utilities and other power equivalent bilateral exchanges (EBEs). To build the EBEs,
network companies around the world have been forced to each demand is proportionally assigned a fraction of each
change their ways from vertically integrated mechanism to
generation, and conversely, each generation is
open market system. This kind of process is called as
deregulation or restructuring or unbundling. proportionally assigned a fraction of each demand, in such a
way as both Kirchhoff’s Laws are satisfied[12][13].
Deregulation word refers to un-bundling of electrical The techniques compared in this paper are related to the
utility or restructuring of electrical utility and allowing allocation of the cost of transmission losses based on Zbus
private companies to participate. The aim of deregulation is matrix approach and Zbusavg as reported and explained in [1]
to introduce an element of competition into electrical energy [11] [14] and Relative Electrical Distance approach as
delivery and thereby allow market forces to price energy at explained in [2]. This is an approach for alleviation of
low rates for the customer and higher efficiency for the network overloads in the day-to-day operation of power
suppliers. The necessity for deregulation is to provide systems under deregulated environment. In [2], RED
cheaper electricity, to offer greater choice to the customer in methodology is used for overload alleviation by real power
purchasing the economic energy, to give more choice of generation rescheduling. This method estimates the relative
generation and to offer better services with respect to power location of load nodes with respect to generation nodes. The
contribution of each generator for a particular over loaded

978-1-4673-6030-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

line is first identified, then based on RED, the desired i

Observe that the magnitude of parameter a jk provides a
proportions of generations for the desired overload relieving
is obtained, so that the system will have minimum measure of the electrical distance between the bus i and line
transmission losses and more stability margins with respect jk.
to voltage profiles, bus angles and better transmission tariff. Substituting (6) in (1)
The authors though compared the above three methods in n n

[16] using a simple system, it is always believed that testing S jk = V j ∑ (a ijk I i )* = ∑ V j (a ijk* I i* ) (8)
i =1 i =1
it on an IEEE system will help the researchers to arrive at
any sort of constructive conclusion. Then active power through the line jk is
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT Pjk = Re al{∑ V j a ijk* I i*} (9)
i =1
A. Background of Zbus & Zbusavg
Technique Or, equivalently
Consider the complex power flow Sjk computed at bus j n
Pjk = ∑ Re al{V j a ijk* I i*} (10)
and flowing through the line connecting bus j to bus k as i =1
shown in Figure 1.As the power flow solution is known, we Thus, the active power flow through any line can be split
select the direction of the complex power flow so that Pjk > and associated the nodal currents in a direct way.
0. P i jk = Re al{V j a ijk* I i*} (11)

B. Transmission Cost Allocation using Zbus

The usage of line jk due to nodal current i as the absolute
value of the active power flow component Pijk, is given by
U ijk = Pjki (12)
That is, considering both flows and counter-flows do use the
The total usage of line jk is then
Figure 1. Π equivalent circuit of line section jk n
The complex power flow S jk is U jk = ∑U ijk (13)
i =1
S jk = V j I * jk (1) To allocate the use of transmission line jk to any
generator and demand, without loss of generality, a single
Using the Zbus matrix, the voltage at node j is given by generator and a single demand at each node of the network
n is considered.
V j = ∑ Z ji I i (2)
Then, the usage of line jk apportioned to the generator
i =1
The current through the line jk , I jk is obtained as or demand located at bus i is stated below.
If bus i contains only generation, the usage allocated to
I jk = (V j − Vk )Y jk + V jY jk (3) generation i pertaining to line jk is
Substituting (2) in (3) U Gi i
jk = U jk
n n n On the other hand, if bus i contains only demand, the usage
I jk = (∑ z ji I i − ∑ z ki I i )Y jk + ∑ z ji I iY sh jk allocated to demand i pertaining to line jk is
i =1 i =1 i =1
(4) U Di i
jk = U jk
Rearranging (4)
For the sake of simplicity and for each line, total annualized
n sh line cost in $/h, Cjk , which includes operation , maintenance
I jk = ∑ [( z ji − z ki )Y jk + z jiY jk ]I i (5)
i =1 and building costs is considered. The corresponding cost
Note that the first term of the product in (5) is constant, as it rate for line jk is then
depends only on network parameters. Thus, (5) can be rjk = C jk / U jk (16)
written as
In this way, the cost of line jk allocated to the generator
n i located at bus i is
I jk = ∑ a jk I i (6)
i =1 C Gi Gi
jk = rjkU jk
i sh
Where a jk = ( z ji − z ki )Y jk + z jiY jk (7) Similarly, cost of line jk allocated to the demand located at
bus i is

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

C Di Di
jk = r jkU jk
(18) [VL ] = [VG+1 ,VG+2 ..........VN ]T is the complex Load bus
Finally, the total transmission cost of the network allocated Voltages; and
to the generator located at bus i is [ ] [ ] [YLG ] and [YLL ]
YGG , YGL , are corresponding portions
C Gi = Gi
∑ rjkU jk (19) of network Ybus matrix.
( j , k )∈Ω L
Equation (21) can be written as
In addition, similarly the total transmission cost of the
network allocated to the demand located at bus i is [I G ] = [YGG ][VG ] + [YGL ][VL ] (22)

C Di = Di
∑ rjkU jk (20) [I L ] = [YLG ][VG ] + [YLL ][VL ] (23)
( j , k )∈Ω L
Pre-multiplying (23) by [YLL ]
Equation (8) is written in such a manner that Pjk ≥0,
that is, in the direction of the active power flows. However, [YLL]−1[IL] = [YLL]−1[YLG][VG] +[VL] (24)
(8) can also be written in the direction of the active power
Rearranging (24), we obtain
counter-flows, which leads to distance parameters akj . It is
[VL ] = [YLL ]−1[I L ] − [YLL ]−1[YLG ][VG ] (25)
correct to write Equation (8) in both the ways. However, (7)
shows that distance parameters are not generally Substituting [VL ] of (22) into (24), we obtain
symmetrical with respect to line indexes, i.e., a jk
≠ a kji , [I G ] = [YGG ][VG ] + [YGL ]{[YLL ]−1[I L ] − [YLL ]−1[YLG ][VG ]}
which results in different usage allocations depending on (26)
whether (8) is written in the direction of the active power Equations (25) and (26) can be rewritten as
flows or counter-flows.
⎡VL ⎤ ⎡ Z LL FLG ⎤ ⎡ I L ⎤
Now, to address these two types of power flows, two
⎢I ⎥ = ⎢ ' ⎥⎢ ⎥ (27)
Zbus based techniques are used. The first one is denoted by ⎣ G ⎦ ⎣ K GLY GG ⎦ ⎣VG ⎦
Zbus and is based on (8) written in the direction of the active
power flows. This is a common way as the actual active [FLG ] = −[YLL ]−1 [YLG ]
power flows directions are used. This selection generally
Where [K GL ] = [YGL ][YLL ]
results in higher usage allocation to generators versus
demands. The second technique denoted by Zbusavg, provides
the average value of allocated cost (usage) using the Zbus
[YGG' ] = {[YGG ] − [YGL ][YLL ]−1 [YLG ]}
technique with (8) written in the direction of the active The elements of [FLG ] matrix are complex. Its columns
power counter-flows. This technique smoothens the trend of correspond to the generator bus numbers and rows
allocating higher network usage to generators versus correspond to the load bus numbers. This matrix gives the
demands. relation between load bus and source bus voltages. Ideal
C. Background of RED Technique [
generation proportions are obtained from abs FLG matrix, ]
Consider a system where n is the total number of buses
with 1, 2. . . g, where g is the number of generator buses and
also known as desired generation proportions matrix [DLG ]
g + 1, . . . , n, remaining (n - g) are the load buses. For a as
given system, the network admittance matrix is given by [DLG ] = abs{[FLG ]} (28)
⎡ I G ⎤ ⎡YGGYGL ⎤ ⎡VG ⎤ [DLG ] gives the information about the location of load
⎢ I ⎥ = ⎢Y Y ⎥ ⎢V ⎥ (21) nodes with respect to generator nodes, which is popularly
⎣ L ⎦ ⎣ LG LL ⎦ ⎣ L ⎦
[ ]
termed as RED. The RED is obtained from the
[DLG ] matrix as
Where, [I G ] = [I1 , I 2 ..........I g ]T is the injected current of
Generator buses;
[RED] = M − [DLG ] (29)
Where, M is the unity matrix of size L X G, G is the number
[I L ] = [I G +1, I G + 2 ..........I N ]T is the injected current of of generator buses and L is the number of load buses.
Load buses;
D. Evaluation of Power contract transmission matrix and
[VG ] = [V1,V2 ..........Vg ]T is the complex Generator bus transmission cost matrix:
Voltages; The power contract transmission matrix [PLG ] is
calculated from the transaction details between the generator

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

and the load from which [C LG ] , transmission cost matrix is

calculated using the following expression
[C LG ] = {x + [RED]} (30)
where the transmission charges are directly proportional to
the relative electrical distances and it is assumed that the
charges for the consumers are Rs x. The transmission
charges are calculated by each element of C LG matrix ]
multiplied by the corresponding element of [PLG ] matrix.


All the three methodologies are compared by testing it
on a standard IEEE 24 bus reliability test system shown in
Figure 2. MATLAB 7.8.0 (R 2009a) is used for coding. Figure 2. IEEE 24 bus RTS

A. Zbus Technique

1 0.74870.8363 0.1668 0.0328 0.2025 0.1133 0.1905 1.6169 0.9663 1.815

2 5.08545.6053 1.4917 0.4735 4.185 2.1864 3.8471 32.624919.202930.4166
3 6.78 7.3634 1.6495 0.1434 0.3169 0.0226 0.2194 1.392 0.2927 4.3349
4 3.78525.3342 2.685 0.4072 1.5066 0.8639 1.4996 11.9357 6.8788 18.0482
5 7.28769.8898 2.0525 0.4321 2.6979 1.4042 2.5466 20.802611.939822.9481
6 1.01550.8952 3.3997 0.1858 2.3564 1.0147 1.9529 17.538910.2822 2.7046
7 1.0514 1.327 0.913 0.0514 1.9537 1.1252 1.6831 16.430510.6746 9.6374
8 2.51753.5746 2.2181 0.3397 1.2862 0.7374 1.276 10.2029 5.8986 15.1844
9 5.70976.0786 1.8782 0.1989 0.0129 0.189 0.0921 1.1361 1.1429 7.0168
10 0.4164 0.446 1.4864 0.2361 0.9839 0.5737 0.9622 7.9148 4.6796 11.045
11 0 0 40.1096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0.48670.621320.2469 0.3032 1.5718 0.7979 1.5128 11.896 6.6119 14.5572
13 0.0262 .0593 25.195 0.1887 1.0895 0.4821 1.0456 7.7682 4.001 8.825
14 1.3784 1.834 3.6991 0.2802 0.5364 0.4817 0.6474 5.0429 3.1767 6.6427
15 1.53832.0519 4.0091 0.3785 0.0445 0.0593 0.0899 0.212 0.3339 17.396
16 0.12830.1445 0.1174 0.3523 1.5703 1.0828 1.5323 13.7365 8.8505 16.5803
17 0.12970.1423 0.069 0.3988 1.4092 0.9748 1.3702 12.3649 8 21.7699
18 0.24630.3189 0.5066 0.953 0.1948 0.1518 0.2011 1.7827 1.171 21.2532



19 0.1749 0.2355 0.4794 0.0531 0.9034 0.6679 0.8962 8.1401 5.3566 4.1353
20 0.2505 0.3317 0.6126 0.8201 0.8242 0.6018 0.8227 7.364 4.797 10.2632
21 0.3026 0.4254 0.7815 0.0175 1.4519 1.22 1.4167 14.0643 9.8966 34.406
22 0.1939 0.2755 0.555 0.3796 1.2563 1.0494 1.2242 12.1369 8.5256 34.1715
23 0.2018 0.2916 0.5663 0.0533 1.2825 1.1262 1.2408 12.7593 9.1876 6.8785

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

24 0.0326 0.0352 0.0747 0.0306 0.8117 0.2554 0.2449 4.2469 2.0801 2.8473
25 0.2251 0.3086 0.2702 0.0141 0.6747 0.0553 1.6593 23.7125 14.4716 0.2534
26 0.2251 0.3086 0.2702 0.0141 0.6747 0.0553 1.6593 23.7125 14.4716 0.2534
27 0.5473 0.7078 0.3772 0.0475 1.2023 0.7856 1.0301 10.8055 7.4297 6.9974
28 0.1102 0.1564 0.2221 0.0313 0.1975 0.1721 1.0044 8.0954 7.5969 2.3767
29 0.0045 0.0013 0.0656 0.0356 0.45 0.38 0.4349 4.3855 3.1094 6.1403
30 0.0123 0.0201 0.0561 0.0119 0.2137 0.0923 0.9725 7.0825 1.3768 1.0804
31 0.2037 0.2879 0.2391 0.0117 0.5372 0.0393 0.212 15.2865 82.5741 0.3507
32 0.0678 0.0893 0.0358 0.0078 0.4805 0.1236 1.7238 14.4758 3.1589 1.1103
33 0.0678 0.0893 0.0358 0.0078 0.4805 0.1236 1.7238 14.4758 3.1589 1.1103
34 0.0841 0.1209 0.2685 0.0818 0.713 0.587 0.6951 6.8341 4.7698 11.5888
35 0.0841 0.1209 0.2685 0.0818 0.713 0.587 0.6951 6.8341 4.7698 11.5888
36 0.067 0.0945 0.1801 0.0477 0.3643 0.3053 0.3552 3.5245 2.4781 6.4798
37 0.067 0.0945 0.1801 0.0477 0.3643 0.3053 0.3552 3.5245 2.4781 6.4798
38 0.0985 0.1391 0.1156 0.0057 0.2596 0.019 0.1025 7.3881 57.1613 0.1695

B. Zbusavg Method
Using Equation No 18, the cost of each line allocated to the The cost of each line allocated to the load and the
load at various buses is computed. generator located at various buses are calculated as per the
discussion made earlier for Zbusavg method.
C. Comparison of Zbus based Techniques


Zbus Technique Zbusavg Technique
Bus No
in $ in $ in $ in $ in $ in $
1 41.3522 25.9653 67.3176 43.7322 27.4597 71.1919
2 50.6569 28.5682 79.2251 53.5085 30.1763 83.6848
3 0 184.485 184.485 0 188.735 188.735
4 0 84.0901 84.0901 0 88.7323 88.7323
5 0 68.6698 68.6698 0 72.2478 72.2478
6 0 59.9801 59.9801 0 77.2602 77.2602
7 117.549 61.2232 178.772 117.51 61.2032 178.713
8 0 175.917 175.917 0 180.024 180.024
9 0 145.662 145.662 0 151.042 151.042
10 0 72.2811 72.2811 0 78.8505 78.8505
11 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 7.15621 6.64702 13.8032 7.44293 6.91334 14.3563
14 0 116.219 116.219 0 117.195 117.195
15 35.7738 52.7455 88.5193 35.4253 52.2317 87.657
16 20.812 13.4271 34.2391 20.2819 13.0851 33.367
17 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 39.1378 32.5822 71.7199 38.8784 32.3663 71.2447
19 0 127.021 127.021 0 126.608 126.608
20 0 89.022 89.022 0 88.6508 88.6508

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

21 383.247 0 383.247 364.838 0 364.838

22 352.952 0 352.952 320.599 0 320.599
23 378.857 0 378.857 377.002 0 377.002
24 0 0 0 0 0 0

The above table gives the information about the cost avoids the allocating most of the cost to generators than
allocated to different generators and loads for IEEE RTS 24 demands.
bus system for the Zbus based techniques. Though both the
D. RED method
methods yield the same total transmission cost i.e TOTAL
COST = $2771.99 ≈ INR133055.00, it is inferred that the Using Equation No 28, the desired load
Zbus technique allocates more usage to generators rather than sharing/generation scheduling for the standard IEEE 24 bus
demands and similarly allocates most of the cost to RTS is calculated and is shown in Table III. All schedules
avg are shown in MW with an assumption of same load of 250
generators compared to demands. The Z bus technique
MW at each load bus.


Power drawn from each Generator Total
Load Bus
No G1 G2 G7 G13 G15 G16 G18 G21 G22 G23
1 163.625 86.375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
2 0 93.25 0 156.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
3 0 111.55 0 0 0 138.45 0 0 0 0 250
4 0 87.775 0 0 162.225 0 0 0 0 0 250
5 0 58.35 0 0 0 0 191.65 0 0 0 250
6 0 126.675 0 0 0 0 0 123.325 0 0 250
7 149.725 0 100.275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
8 0 149.725 65.825 0 0 0 34.45 0 0 0 250
9 0 88.775 0 0 0 161.225 0 0 0 0 250
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.35 210.62 0 0 250
13 0 0 0 196.125 0 0 0 53.875 0 0 250
14 0 0 0 0 158.375 0 0 0 0 91.625 250
15 0 0 0 0 0 108.725 0 0 141.275 0 250
16 0 0 0 0 68.475 58.525 0 0 0 123 250
18 0 110.85 0 0 28.95 0 0 0 0 110.2 250
19 0 0 0 85.375 0 0 164.625 0 0 0 250
20 0 0 99.725 0 0 0 0 0 150.275 0 250
Total 313.35 913.325 265.825 438.25 418.025 466.925 430.075 387.82 291.55 324.825 4250
E. Evaluation of Transmission Charges
10% X 1381256.50 = INR 138125.65. The transmission
Total Generation of Generator 1 = 313.35MW
Total Generation of Generator 2 = 913.35MW [ ]
cost matrix C LG must be considered such that the
Total Generation of Generator 7 = 265.85MW Transmission Charges when evaluated come to
Total Generation of Generator 13 = 438.25MW approximately 10% of the Generation Charges. Here, in this
Total Generation of Generator 15 = 418.025MW case, the loss which has to be contributed by each generated
Total Generation of Generator 16 = 466.925MW is neglected. So the total amount of active power to be
Total Generation of Generator 18 = 430.075MW generated and transmitted by each generator to meet the
Total Generation of Generator 21 = 387.82MW
Total Generation of Generator 22 = 291.55MW
] [
load is given by PLG . Therefore the total transmission cost
Total Generation of Generator 23 = 324.825MW is given by [PLG ]X [C LG ] which is calculated as shown in
The assumed Generation cost = INR 325/MW Table IV. It is to note that the authors have calculated only
Therefore, the total Generation cost = INR 1381256.50 the transmission basic charges by RED method.
The Transmission charges are considered as 10% of the
Generation charges. Therefore, Transmission Charges =

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)


363.06 467.77 461.44 469.66 479.83 456.22 401.99 448.25 469.32 499.99 499.99 499.99 499.99 499.99 461.69 499.99 499.99

467.78 366.93 458.39 467.25 478.23 452.75 500 444.14 466.88 500 377.02 500 500 500 458.65 446.47 500

461.45 458.39 373.55 460.83 473.96 443.47 500 433.18 371.10 500 500 500 439.78 467.58 450.53 500 500

469.67 467.25 460.83 363.91 479.51 455.52 500 447.42 468.83 500 500 397.23 500 455.56 442.29 500 500

279.84 278.23 273.96 279.51 252.78 270.43 300 252.41 279.28 285.57 300 300 300 300 474.12 239.64 300

456.25 452.70 443.47 455.52 470.43 374.97 500 424.12 455.02 396.10 473.42 500 500 500 443.83 500 500

402.00 500 500 500 500 500 370.10 473.59 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 460.18

448.38 444.19 433.23 447.47 452.46 424.17 473.64 388.27 446.87 494.62 500.05 500.05 500.05 500.05 433.65 477.36 473.91

469.32 466.87 371.09 468.82 479.27 455.01 499.99 446.81 364.29 499.99 499.99 499.99 429.87 462.24 460.62 499.99 499.99

499.94 499.94 499.94 499.94 485.51 396.04 499.94 494.51 499.94 316.30 454.55 499.94 499.94 499.94 499.94 474.02 499.94

500 377.02 500 500 500 473.42 500 500 500 454.61 334.52 500 500 500 500 433.02 500

500 500 500 397.23 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 366.08 500 411.54 441.27 500 500
500 500 439.78 500 500 500 500 500 429.88 500 500 500 372.88 474.54 500 500 415.07

500 500 467.58 455.56 500 500 500 500 462.25 500 500 411.54 474.54 407.02 437.85 500 500
461.70 458.65 450.53 442.29 474.12 443.83 500 433.60 460.63 500 500 441.27 500 437.85 398.92 500 500

499.99 446.46 499.99 499.99 439.63 499.99 499.99 477.30 499.99 474.07 433.07 499.99 499.99 499.99 499.99 362.43 499.99

499.1 499.1 499.1 499.1 499.13 499.1 459.28 472.86 499.1 499.1 499.1 499.1 414.17 499.1 499.1 499.1 369.34

Therefore, the Total Transmission Cost obtained will be the i.e (A generator’s share in meeting a load)*(cost/MW in
sum of all the elements of the above matrix = transferring the said share (power) for the distance between
INR133133.9131 ≈ 10% of the Generation Charges. their location). Hence, there is no need of any details for
It is to note that Table IV gives the total transmission cost Table IV (row /column wise).
[ ] [
by multiplying PLG X C LG ]
power from the network is through line 11, as it can be seen
IV. CONCLUSION from the single line diagram shown in figure 2. Both the
In this paper, three transmission network cost allocation methods allocate most of the total cost of the network to
methodologies are compared using standard 24 bus RTS. A generators 21, 22, and 23.Considering that these generators
complete analysis with a comparative study has been made are the highest producers in the network and that they feed a
on all the three techniques. significant amount of the demand of the system. For the
Table I provides the transmission cost allocation to demands, in both the methods, the network costs are mostly
generators by ZBUS technique. Table II shows the total allocated to demands 3 and 8. This is due to bus 3 and 8
transmission cost allocation for all the generators and having the highest demands, and they are located far away
demands by the first two techniques. from the main generators i.e. 21, 22, and 23. Therefore,
From table II, it is inferred that both the above methods buses 3 and 8 use many of the lines in the network.
allocate most of the costs for using line 23 to generators 21, The RED method allocates the transmission charges
22, and 23. This is because all the generators are electrically based on the relative location of load nodes with respect to
close to that line, and their productions are comparatively the generator nodes. This method is conceptually simple and
high. can be implemented using the network configuration and
It is also inferred that in both the methods, almost 100% generation/load conditions in a day-to-day operation of
of the cost of line 11 is allocated to bus 7, split between its power systems. The main advantage of this method lies in
generation and demand. This is because the only way in its applicability to consider multiple contracts/transactions
which the generator or the load at bus 7 can inject or extract simultaneously. Comparing the overall transmission cost

2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC)

obtained in all the three techniques, RED method is very [7] S. Kirschen, R. N. Allan, and G. Strbac, “Contributions of individual
Generators to loads and flows,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 12, no.
accurate in estimating and allocating the transmission cost in
1,pp. 52–60, Feb. 1997.
the transmission pricing scheme. From the results, it is also [8] W. Y. Ng, “Generalized generation distribution factors for power
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