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• 1 1 BfU IIY OF C t t t V t f H



'THERE la no use at this time to go Into detail concerning i t The
dailies have more than covered i t C**r«b**tT.#4V*«v*A
Л а Ш А Я Ц « н м M » * W . 4 k n * * Л А М А Н А ^ І*
Everyone's opinions
on it have
А»Ч 1+ VlflTTdS

been aired by this time, including the silly and irresponsible oneof a U.S.
Senator to the effect that West Point and Annapolis should be abolished.

\КРЛінсьти ЩОАВНННК But here are some of our thoughts*

In the matter.
more privileged category than their
Firstly, it is definitely a scandal non-athletic fellow cadets.
that as many as ninety of the cadets It is Interesting to note In this
cheated during the examinations. connection that to date not one
Of course, some cynically-minded of the accused cadets has shown a
Individual, who cribbed (a eu­ sign of remorse or contrition for
phemistic term for cheating) plen­ cheating. The attitude, of all has
ty during his college' days, may rather been one of sullen defilance.
say that it is a scandal that as After all, everybody does I t " '
Supplement many as 90 cadets were found to be It is exactly this attitude which,
cheating. paradoxical though may it appear,
54 в З л . Д . Америки; 7* Закордоном Теж, „Свободи": BEfgen 14-0237jJjK?? — Тел. У. Н. Союзу: BErgen 4-101Є 5* in the United States; 7# Elsewhere However this is West Point. somewhat mitigates their offense.
Honor, integrity and character are For they were conditioned to think
WEEKLY: No. 33 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1951 VOLUME XIX prime requisites of those whom the that way, by a system which made
American people sent there to train them a privileged class at the
to become the leaders of American Academy.
Nevada Senator Proposes Aid to Kremlin Aims Menacing Blast at Ukraine P R O F . SOMAN SMAL-STOCKI
national defense. That code must If anyone is to be punished for
be rigidly adhered too. Once one this sullying of the proud and hon­
Underground Movements "Once again the Soviet Ukraine the rebel leader Stephen Bandera. PROFESSORSHIP permits transgression of- it, just orable name of the West Point
IitSoviet UnioiT~ is showing itself to be a thorn The very fact that Pravda sees Professor Roman Smal-Stockl, as transgression of any moral law, Academy, of its honor and in­
in the collective flesh of the Mos­ fit to print these normally unmen­ distinguished Ukrainian scholar then the sky can be the limit tegrity, it should be those Point
cow Politburo" — is the opening tionable names at all is. in Crank- and lln'guistc authority of interna* In regards the Individual cadets authorities who allowed this sys­
Senator McCarran of Nevada has world war and tension will exist. sentence of a special dispatch by shaw's estimation, an indication of
tiona! reputation, was recently pro­ involved in the case, we definitely tem to flourish.
come out with a flatright recom­ The Senator's proposals were link­ the prominent British journalist, the depth of the Kremlin's con­ *
moted to full professorship at Mar­ feel sorry for them. The elated
mendation that the Soviet Russian ed up by what he says is the real Edward Crankshaw, which appear­ cern with the loyalty of Ukraine.
quette University where he has dismissal of them will In all prob­ In this connection we cannot help
dictatorship be overthrown "by all weakness of the "Voice of Amer­ ed in London's Observer and Tor­ "It is a loyalty which will never lectured since hie arrival here fol­ ability warp their lives and careers. but think that erring generals fare
means at our disposal, in concert ica." onto's Globe and Mail (August 4). be won by the Stalin regime," lowing the last war. In a sense they are the victims far better than cadets. The punish­
with the subjects of that dictator­ "Effective propaganda," he says, During the last few weeks Mos­ Crankshaw says. Prof. Arthur P. Coleman, presi­ of the overemphasized system of ment being meted out to the 90
ship." j, "is inseparable from effective na­ cow's Pravda has been engaged in He goes on to say that the great dent of the American Association competitive athletics, indulged not cadets is far more drastic than
To this end, Mr. McCarran pro­ tional policy. If the official policies a sustained attack on the spirit bulk of displaced persons who re­
of Teachers of Slavic and East Eu­ only by colleges but by West Point that given most generals who get
poses: of the democratic nations and espe­ of Ukrainian nationalism, Crank­ fuse to return back are Ukrainians. ropean Studies, congratulated pro­ itself. To have a winning team! in trouble.
"Maximum support for under­ cially the United States, remain shaw brings o u t Inside Ukraine, the smoldering re­ fessor Smal-Stocki in the following To draw huge crowds to the Army- The generals, with one excep­
ground insurgent groups inside the hesitant and confused, we can con­ Ostensibly, the attack is confined sistance of the peasants was message: Navy team. And, we may remark, tions in recent years, have been get­
Communist sphere of control." vey only a sense of our weakness to Ukrainian literature, but it is brought to life again by contact to draw a huge gate.
"Your distinguished record as a ting off much more lightly. Either
The Nevada Senator also recom­ and moral jitters. Under those clearly written between the lines with newcomers from what had
It cannot be said that West Point nothing Is done to them or they
mends the breaking up of diplo­ circumstances the enlargement o f that in attacking certain Ukrain­ hitherto been Polish Ukraine, who scholar and your vigorous opposi­
goes out and recruits every foot­ are permitted to retire on pensions
matic and commercial relations facilities for transmitting our mes­ ian writers Moscow is in reality fought against the collectivization tion to Communism have set a
noble example before us, your col­ ball player on its squad. Nor can or they're transferred to other,
with a l l Communist countries; the sage can even prove harmful, for attacking every aspect of Ukrain­ as bitterly as their eastern cousins
leagues. it be said that athletic prowess and posts.
expulsion of the .Kremlin govern­ the message itself may be defec­ ian" life — and in unusually men­ had fought a generation earlier.
"May you long work for the skill are the sole admission re­ Latest on the list of generals
ment and its puppets from all de­ tive. In the struggle for the mind acing fashion, he adds. In conclusion of his lengthy dis­
freedom of the United States of quirements demanded of team mem­ who have been involved In scandals
cent democratic society, including and soul of mankind, sheer quanti­ 'The fact that Moscow, after patch, which was prominently
the United Nations; the formal ty is no substitute for quality." America, Ukraine, and for' those bers; hence the expense - paid la Brig. Gen. David J. Crawford.
thirty years of harshly repressive featured in both the Observer and "cram" c o u r s e s - offered those As bead of the Detroit Tank Ar­
condemnation of the Soviet rulers who treasure their heritage."
The foregoing is what many an action, should find it necessary to the Globe and Mail, Crankshaw players who would be an asset to senal the general admitted accept­
for a long array of specific crimes
American observer has been saying denounce Ukrainian nationalism stresses that "still, after the un­ the team but who nonetheless, roust ing personal favors from companies
against humanity—forced labor,
for months. It stresses the fact says a good deal for the strength told suffering of the Ukraine at BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED pass their entrance examinations. with whom be was negotiating con­
police terror, genqcide, denials of
that when American foreign policy and bitterness of feeling in that the hands of the Germans, after But. it Is undeniable that at West tracts, and using government mat-'
elementary civil rights, and many One of the important activities Point, aa elsewhere, football (or erial for his own purpose.
is weak our official propaganda is sadly-battered land," the writer the deportations and the harsh
more; open and effective coopera­ points o u t party purge of fifteen months ago. that takes place during a conven­ basketball) players receive special His punishment consisted of a
tion with the hundreds of thou­ weak. The main reason for failures At the height of its outburst the spirit of nationalist resistance tion ia the preparation and adop­ inducements and benefits, which public reprimand by the Secretary
sands of fugitives from Commun­ in the past has been the strange
Pravda names two figures, leaders to the Kremlin rule remains so tion of resolutions. This important are denied- other students. So it of Army Frank Pace, Jr. and' a
ism now living miserably in West­ inconsistency that has character­ of Ukrainian nationalism and sep­ strong that the Moscow Central job has to be done in a relatively
ized the speeches of the highest Is., not unreasonable to suppose transfer to Army Headquarters in
ern Europe and on the fringes of short time by a committee of per that they regard themselves as be­ Germany at no loss in rank or pay.
the Asiatic continent. .Ofl&cials of the United States—the aratism, one of whom has not been Committee finds it 'necessary to
expressed belief that Kremlin can mentioned in public in Russia for abandon for the moment the pre- • --r- eons selected at the convention ing- in a somewhat different and So there you are!
As more than one observer has
reform, can become honest, can many years, the other of whom tense that all Is well and t o launch | Preparation of resolutions la lm
pointed out, Mr. McCarran's pro­
rid itself of its evil conspiracies "has never, to my knowledge," been a major campaign'of propaganda portant becauee the resolutions
gram may seem drastic to some,
but it is a logical, and forthright just by watching the build-up of
mentioned all: Semen Petlura and and veiled threats against i t that are adopted are publicized
widely. ; ^
Give to the UCCA1951 National Fund Drive
American military strength. $260,000 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY
program which sooner or later will ^ijn, oxdex-to nelfeve some я О & & _ ftrta," -
cape from Reds
: 4
.. - • ' %ft*"j
have to be adopted -"by'The Western -~ Mr- МсСаггаж -4©с1агея that
pressure'thatW?«to!utMHfl com- • •CTST? ^ »Uff»>jeiSWUyg
nations because k,ia the only ap­ American propaganda ajainst Com­
proach which will gain support be­ munism has been "foredoomed be­ 'Little Ukraine' mlttee must work under, ft was de­ The Ukrainian • Congress Com-1 The work of t h e UCCA, does not
cided at the last UYL-NA conven­ mlttee ot America appeals to all I concern the fate of just one indi-
hind the Iron Curtain and prevent cause it was geared to appeasement tion that resolutions should be you Americans of Ukrainian de- J vidual. The fate of the entire Uk­
- a third world war. As long as the of the enemy." He says it offers scent to pay j'our 1951 National rainian nation depends upon you.
There is a new hard core of anti- couples, rather than to return to sent to the executive secretary pre­
present rulers of the Soviet Union no hope or help to the peoples be­ Communism in Akron, Ohio. R is their homeland under Soviet Rus­ vious to the convention. The exe­ Fund assessment It is the moral duty of each and
remain in power, Che danger of a hind the Iron Curtain. on McCoy, street The Akron sian despotism chose the DP cutive secretary would combine, Your most generous contribu- every American of Ukrainian de­
Beacon Journal calls it "the little camps—and clung to the hope of similar resolutions and prepare tions In 1950 ($102,540.40) en­ scent to support the Ukrainian Lib­
Ukraine." a new life America them for conaideratlon of the reso­ abled the Ukrainian C o n g r e s s eration Movement, and thereby
Chicago Syracuse, New York, Detroit Helen Waterhouse of the news­ "The antipathy of the Ukrain­ lutions committee. This would be Committee to forge ahead with also support our country, America,
paper describes i t She writes that ians for things Russian," Water- done before the convention and this vitally Important work. Your in her fight against Communist ag­
Youth Groups to Appear at UYL-NA McCoy la an old street, lying be­ house writes, "extends far beyond would save time. contributions have aided many Uk­ gression.
tween E. High and S.. Main. Once, the present Communist regime and Organizations are asked to send rainian displaced persons to come The Ukrainian Cong, лз Com­
Festival of Music and Dance in an earlier time, it was a strong­ has its roots in the struggle for in­ in now any resolutions or ideas to America; have helped Ukrain­ mittee of America extends its deep­
dependence and freedom from the for resolutions, that they may be ian Institutions. In their humanitar­ est thanks to you, and renews its
In Detroit hold of the Welsh and the Irish.
Now the block-long thorough­ Tsars." interested in. The proper wording ian and cultural projects. Your appeal.
fare overflows * with sturdy tow- "Oppressed for centuries — be­ of resolutions and the preparing contributions have helped, through Let your conscience be your
the combined efforts of the UCCA guide.
Headed by a united chorus of representation of dancers from the headed youngsters, most of them cause the wheatlands of Ukraine of resolutions from ideas will be
and the Pan-American Ukrainian
young people from Detroit and sur­ very known Club Boyan, hosts to concentrated around two big, old are a rich prize—the people there taken care of. Please include the Give immediately, and give
Conference, to bring the matter of
rounding areas, organized espe­ many guests from out of town apartment houses at Nos. 183 and have made an unsung but valiant name of the organization that is doubly.
the Ukrainian National Liberation
cially for the 14th Annual Conven­ and well known for its spirit and 185. fight to retain their own language, sponsoring the resolution.
Movement before the forum of the You will then know deep in your
tion of the Ukrainian Youth's dancing ability. Directed by Marion Until they came to McCoy street, customs and culture. Send all resolutions to Michael, United Nations.
Senyk, the group promisee to heart that you are helping yourself
League of North America, several the only life the children had "That these people now willingly Wichorek, UYL-NA Executive Sec­
of the most outstanding singing give one of its most inspiring per­ known was that of the displaced and gladly accept a new land and retary. 13814 Vassar Drive, De­ In 1951. your contributions are and also helping to liberate Uk­
and dancing ensembles from among formances come Labor Day and persons camps in Europe. doubly needed. The program of raine.
a new language is no small tes­ troit 35, Michigan.
our young generation Ukrainian the convention. the UCCA cannot be halted now. Help the Ukrainian Congress
Many of the families were form­ timonial to the America that the More effort must be spent, and Committee of America to attain
Americans will join in making the From Syracuse, New York will ed in Germany, the fathers unwill­ Russians have vilified."
Detroit festival one of the greatest come the Ukrainian Male Chorus of ing workers in Hitler's labor camp, more contributions must be made. its goal.
Already 60 families have come SERGEANT IS OFF FOB ROOKIE
Ukrainian musical events ever Syracuse directed by Myron Ya- the mothers refugees from their DRILL WITH AJR FORCE
to Akron and arrangements are
presented in North America. worsky. This group, remembered native Ukraine. being made to bring 30 more.
Hryhory Kytasty, director of for its tremendous^ performance of
"Hamaliya" at the Syracuse con­
When the war was ended the
Joseph Slawsky, 21, of 212 Za*
The newcomers—as yet—do not brieskie street, Jersey City, N. J., Imagine This Happening in Moscow
the entire festival and organizer know much English.. They will who joined the air force with the
and conductor of tfte Detroit group, vention's Music and Dance Festi­ follow the path blazed by their rank of sergeant left last Monday
has labored long and hard with all val, will present some of its finest 14th Annual Convention a truly pastor, Father Volodimlr Fedeles, for Sampson Air Base, Sampson, Over a week ago two New Vork that "Mayor Villani and/or any
the facilities at his command in selections at the forthcoming De­ memorable affair. Post reporters puffed about the and all members of the City Com­
of the little Ukrainian Catholic New York where he will be re­ steaming city seeking signatures
order to make the f4th Conven­ troit convention. Although not Finally from the Empire City it­ Church at 185 Abel street mission be shot at sunrise."
quired to take basic training with to a petition containing nothing
tion memorable for all those who widely known until the Syracuse self, New York, Walter Bacad's The Justice Department's duty is
attend this coming Labor Day festival this group has been work­ Ukraine Dancers will offer a num­ Himself a DP, the prieat came three stripes on his arm. more lethal than quotations from clear.
weekend conclave. ing strenuously for many years ber of Ukrainian folk dances In here ignorant of the English After basic, he will be sent to the Bill of Rights. It was just an
tongue. He went to night school Washington air force headquarters experiment on public reaction. Well Here are citizena of a great
Despite the many difficulties, the furthering the cause of Ukrainian their traditional style. This group,
to learn it. The others will learn, with the 1061st Communications just 19 out of the 161 citizene ap­ American city openly urging that
great transit Лгіке in Detroit etc., music in America. Organized pri­ well known to those who attended
It The others will learn, one way Squad. proached dared sign their names. their civic authorities be "liquid­
the young people continued to at­ marily by the boys who wanted to the three great festivals and last or another. ated."
Slawsky, a teletype coding ex­
tend rehearsals and finally after sing for their own pleasure, the year's convention In New York Most recent arrival is Nicholas
On the other side of the river,
Imagine such a thing happening
Syracusse Male Chorus has discov­ City, has been most sctive during pert and decoding machine expert some fifteen miles distant, in New­
many hours of hard work the
ered that they cannot sing for the entire year, dancing for various Dumanskls, 37. with the Transmitter Equipment ark, N. J., the city editor of the in Moscow, or Kiev or in sny place
famed, former conductor of the
themselves alone. No matter where organizations and winning first Manufacturing Co. of New York Star-Ledger tried a similar experi­ behind the Iron Curtain.
Bandurists managed to weld the for the past three years was in ment He drafted his own petition But aside from t h a t it ia inter­
youthful singers Into a well knit | they may be the remarkable spirit, prize at the Mineola, N. Y. State PITTSBURGH BRANCHES
Fair.' stalling transmitters at the Pen­ —a neat blend of the nonsensical esting to note that when the Post
singing ensemble. Following the. the natural instinct for music and OBSERVE U.N.A. tagon Building in Washington hut and the incendiary—and sent two tried to peddle the BUI of Rights
convention the Detroit group may the vast pleasure of singing to­ In addition to the above men­
June when he learned the Army of his reporters through Market, the public fled hi panic But when
well continue on to further glory gether attracts audiences both tioned groups the world famous The Pittsburgh U.N.A. branches
and singing pleasure as some of Ukrainian and American alike. Bandurists Chorus will appear un­ in the Pittsburgh area combined on had need of his type of worker. Broad, Halsey streets and the en­ its contemporary across the river,
From Chicago will come the Uk­ der the direction of Volodymir Sunday, August 5, to .celebrate He appeared before officers, de­ virons. tongue In cheek, calls for the rope
the other noted- choral groups of and gun, it does a brisk business.
Bozhyk. In addition, the very pop­ U.N.A. Day The affair was held at monstrated his skills, and received The two staff members returned
the Youth League which were also rainian Male Chorus of Chicago,
West View Park. v sergeant's rsting after an impres­ triumphant. Exactly a third of the Can it be that anything couched
organized for the express purpose condueted by M. Pozdniak,- active ular former baritone with the Ban­
of singing at a.UYL-NA conven­ more than ever before during the durists and soloiBta in some of Eu­ Principal epeaker was U.N.A. sive exhibition, the Jersey Journal 99 Newarkers approached had af­ in the ancient language of freedom
reporta fixed their names to a petition automatically sounds dangerous
tions, such as the Ukrainian Youth past year in Chicago musical life. rope's largest opera houses and President Dmytro Halyehyu. who
biter also spoke over.a local radio "I guess I will take a lot of rib­ whose final sentence was a prayer today?
Chorus of N. Y. and N. J. directed Under its new director and benefit­ featured singer with several Amer­
bing," he said.
by Stephen Marusevich, w h i c h ting from the membership of many ican opera companies, Michael Min- station concerning the work of the
aky will take part in the Detroit Ukrainian Congress Committee, of But, he added, he intends to
eventually developed into the Me­
former displaced persona this cho- UYL-NA 14th Convention's Fes­ which he is vice-president stay In the Air Force for thirty of 48 Western avenue, who was Air Medal with eight oak leaf
tropolitan Area Committee Chorus
that presented .the famous New runs has been climbing steadily In tival of Ukrainian Music and Another speaker was U,N.A. years and "since I am going to also a communications expert, was clusters and the Purple Heart
York festivals for the past several the esteem of Chicago music lovers. Dance. Sunday. September 2, 1951 Br. 161 secretary Andrew Jula. make, a cereer out of it L might reported missing in action in 1945, Joseph's mother, Mrs. Helen
In Detroit the chorus will offer its in Detroit's Masonic Temple, the The rally was conducted, hy ILN.A. as well start from the top as any­ after a lone plane bombing mission Slawsky, Is a member of Branch
years. over Japan. He was awarded the 171 of the Ukrainian National As­
finest selections, and join In with largest and finest concert hall In Branch 276 president John Nowa- where."
Together with the united chorus - His uncle, S g t John Slawsky, Dbtlngulshed Flying Cross, the sociation. .
from the Motor City there will be the other ensembles In making the the Motor City.
UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1961 ч » * ч » я Ns,
адирвиввр^зяегяр т
Лп JSJpic o/ Western Canada Stalin, Master LinguistOnSUcJ'•'- •ЩШтШії ' •

. j
By PROF.. C. H- ANDRCSYSHEN By PROF. ROMAN SMAL-STOCKI Ever since its inception the Uk- another plan of appointing organ­
line. Besides, the distances be­ Marquette University ainian Youth's League of North izers should be proposed. The head
University of Saskatchewan tween Canadian settlements were
(Continued) (2) so vast that no priest for a long (Continued) (2) America has been attempting to organiser, who Is.usually the presi­

The First Death daily bread, it would take years time dared to brave them. And However, Stalin's haste was not cow leads the masses is that of the work out some sort of a workable dent of the local'area committee,
and years, and that in the end yet people needed food for their in my opinion due to these reasons Communist world revolution for plan for the organization of it* should act as head man to his dis­
Another experience that belongs
they would have no teeth with physical sustenance. Rather, it was necessitated by the the "establishment of the World organizers, which, in turn, would trict but more important he should
to the first ones, and which was
which to chew It. political and ideological implica­ Soviet Union." The Soviet Union turn around and organize the gen­ be responsible for submitting for
perhaps the betterest, was their im­
Arrival of First Priest tions of Marr's doctrines for Soviet has, it тяїпїяіпя. solved the "na­ eral membership of clubs social appointment various individuals
mense grief* caused by the death of What troubled them in addi­ Russia's cultural and political pro­ tional problem once and forever" sport and cultural. To date it has from all the phases of Ukrainian
one of them—a mere child, but what tion at the beginning was the ex­ And it was a blessed day when paganda after its post-World Wai through the "absolute equality of not succeeded, mainly due to the activities. These organizers should
mitigates the fear of death is the cessive heat, and the mosquitoes the priest at long last arrived. It П expansion. Moscow's sphere 0 . ill nations, languages, cultures" in yearly turnover of officers and the enjoy c e r t a i n privileges and

thought that one will lie buried in to boot, especially the mosquitoes. was both a cheerful apd tearfu) oc­ influence Included East Germany the Soviet Union. "Join us—do not dropping off of various member throughout they, should be guided,
one's native soil, among one's own They used all means possible to get casion for them as they, before re­ Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary miss the bus! Every nation out­ organizations. aided and encouraged by the ex­
Here, in this strange country, even rid of the swarming plague. Wom­ ceiving Communion, embraced, for­ Rumania, Bulgaria in Europe side the Soviet Union is Invited!" Previously the various member* ecutive secretary whose main task
the remote thought of dying war en would even follow the plowers giving each other their faults and China and Korea in Asia. A tre In an organization such as the
At the same Marr's theory of of the executive board carried on
horrifying. And it was poignant with smoking pots to drive away transgressions. The priest remain­ mendous bulk of the population o.' itages Introduced a virtual hier- the duties of head organizers and it Youth League sh&uld be organiza­
indeed for them to fill in that first the insects, but nothing helped. As ed with them a few days during our planet—some 800 millions—an \rchy among the nations of the was through their efforts, contact* tion rather than' secretarial work.
grave and to see the first rustic the author says, "The only seemed which he performed various reli­ forced to rotate around the Com Soviet Union and the world,' de­ and work that some sort of-a sya: Any efficient yoimjpiady who is sec­
cross rise over it, the witness of to anger them more, and they set­ gious services and offices, both in­ munist sun of the Kremlin. Foi nouncing the very idea of equality. tern was established. However, retary by day could certainly be
the grim fact that Canada had be­ tled again with redoubled fury on dividually and collectively, such as these masses, Moscow has tw< What nation likes to learn from even at its best the entire organiza­ called upon to lighten the load of
gun to accept them as her own. the sweating bodies of men and christenings, marriages, sealing ideologies. routine paper work for the execu­
Soviet linguistics that its language tional program of the League was
And as they buried the child whose beasts and did their best, or worst the graves, hearing confessions, tive secretary. **
e "backward, obsolete, frozen, far from perfect ; %

weak constitution could not with-" to make life miserable. Everybody preparing the children for the Front Organizations Here without any hope of future develop­ One of the main faults with the Furthermore, it should be estab­
stand the rigors of the new habitat groaned in pain from those peats Sacrament. And when he left them, The first is Pan-Slavism. Th« ment,", and virtually sentenced to entire League system of appoint­ lished at the forthcoming conven­
it must have surely dawned on which drove them almost to mad­ they did not feel too badly, because Soviet Union appears to the gulli ieath ? What non-Russian Commu­ ing organizers has been the fact tion in Detroit that there be a
them that that is their country and ness. One can well Imagine what they were now uplifted in mind ble West as the successful realize nist likes to have his own mother that there has been no one person more reasonable and fair represen­
that one day they too would be mosquitoes were like in those dayi and spirit, eager and determined tlon of "Slavic unity." Since 1941 tongue and his national feelings in­ acting as chief organizer. The ap­ tation on the local area committee
when these prairies were full of to build themselves a church and
taken up by her forever. sulted in this way by Soviet linguis­ pointment of the executive sec­ boards, mainly'among the organ*
swamps as yet undained. It is not to get, if not a residing minister, and especially since World War H retary brought promise that per­ Izers, bf young people between the
The First Canadian Birth generally known but it Is a fact at least a visiting one. That urge Pan-Slavism has become a most haps this position might be filled. ages of seventeen,' and twenty one.
that those insects were the cause was soon realized. important Soviet weapon, not onlj Thus, inside the Soviet Union all
However, instead undertaking the These youths впри Id have the bene­
Another highlight in the life of why some settlera, not too many among Russia's Slavic neighbon the non-Indo - European languages
task of travelling about the coun­ fit of their own leaders participat­
their community was the first birth returned to the Old Land. Things but also in South America, Canadi were denounced by Man* as "obso-
Schools and Schooling try, meeting the various League ing in the executive board meetings
that happened shortly after their of course, improved shortly after, and especially in the United States "ete, backward language systems."
workers, making new contacts and and the knowledge that comes with
arrival. It was quite an event when when the swamps disappeared and Their religious needs more or There are in this country specia' The Finno-Ukric, Turkic and Mon­
establishing a definite system of first hand representation at major
the first Canadian arrived in their when new machinery saved the less taken care of, they turned Pan-Slav organizations with man} golian languages were even classed organization the executive secre­ League meetings/. To date these
midst,-and it was almost in awe men toil and torture. But the very their attention to cultural matters. ramifications, listed by the At as systems of the secondary period,
tary has limited his labors to more youngsters have 'done very little if
that they .looked at him. They did beginning was hell Indeed. And the next item on that program torney General as "front" organi­ зиг-viving fossils! Thus Insulted routine secretarial tasks.
anything towards joining, aiding
not dream) as yet of calling them­ was the establishment of a school zations for the subversion of th( were the Karelo-Flnns, the Uzbeks, Another difficulty has been the or merely working with the UYL-
There is no doubt that those system. They already had a post United States. Moscow included ir the Kazakhs, the Azerbaijanians,
selves Canadians, for they still
pioneers were a god-fearing, religi office, and had named the locality Its sphere of influence the leading the Kirgizes, the Turkomen, the Es­ appointment of certain individuals NA. The organizer more than any­
considered themselves as belonging
ous people. The need for a church Lipa after the name of their village European centers of Slavonistics ir. tonians, all having their own "na­ who ate active in their own circle one else should* be responsible for"
to the country of their origin. But
felt itself among them from the in Western Ukraine. And that, by Cracow, Prague and Sofia. Be­ tional republics"; and also the rest but have no contacts, usually be­ bringing them into the fold.
that little fellow had one over
very beginning, especially keenly the way, was the manner In which sides, Slavic Comparative and Indo of the non-Russian peoples forcibly cause they have little in common The Detroit Convention can dis­
them. He had only one country,
during the religious feasts with many of the districts In Canada European Philology are taught by included in the Russian Federative or lack time , with youngsters to
and that country was Canada. In sport clubs, etc. It is not an easy cuss what it desires but it will not
which so many of their national got their names. That custom of special chairs in the universities ol Socialist Republic and enjoying
that respect, and politically speak­ be doing a complete job if it doesn't
customs are connected. Church giving names, of course, was not re­ all these satellite countries, even in "national republics" (the Tatars, task to find any one person that
ing, that screaming and pulling can be equally at home with a place on the agenda concrete plans
feasts among the village folk are stricted to the Ukrainians; it was Rumania and Hungary- Bashkirs, Buryat-Mongolians, Ko-
babe was more important than bunch of kids to a sporting club, a for district organizers. The future
generally occasions for celebration followed by other national groups Now, how could Soviet Moscow mle, Marie, Mordovians, Chuvoshes,
they. And they knew it. group of music lovers and an or of the Ukrainian' Youth's League
and merry-making. And these first as well. conduct this Pan-Slavic propagan­ Yakuts, etc.)
They began to break the ground settlers often experienced a nostal­ ganlzation of semi political inter of North America 'depends upon a
and cultivate the soil at once. gic feeling when they recalled the da, based on a special ethnic, cul­ We learn that the Russian Com­ ests. Since such individuals are
Registration proper selection ої organizers and
Some of them however, felt the good old times they used to have tural, linguistic kinship of the munist Party had to deal with a
difficult to find it would seem that I their ability to work.
wilderness weigh too heavily upon on those holy days in their native Slavic group, when the linguistic growing undercurrent of "National
Through their post office they
them, especially the young ones, regions. theory of Marr, approved by the linguistic opposition" to Moscow
suddenly became aware that there
and they were lured to the town Communist Party as Marxist- because Marr'e stage theory rep­
was a government In Canada, a c
пишу miles away. Others had to
go to towns and cities in order to
Religions Roots government which desired to have
some control over them; for the
Leninist wisdom, did not recognize resented an officially approved dis­
Slavic kinship at all? On the one crimination against the mother Smptessibm - - - £y Wm.<£liu±t
earn enough money to buy the In leaving one's native land a hand, Moscow "realizes the Pan- tongues of these non-Russian peo­
first postman, one of their own,
things necessary for successful person cannot leave behind him hie Slav idea" and proclaims itself "the ples. Marr's stage theory estab-
was entrusted with the task of And there's always time. There is either not enough pr too
farming. What they needed most household gods if he wishes to registering their births, marriages, big brother and protctor of Slavic I lished "master-race languages," No matter who, w h a t or where,' much of it but H i s alwayB Йегвтт-
was cattle, horses, hoga. And these preserve a healthy spirit ando pa | deaths. The news of that they nations.. іпаЦа th# Soviet sphere
a n d and doomed the "backward obso- everyone is subject to the rule of
moving along
'they bought for the money they mind In new surroundings
and In the whole world." On the lete languages" to die o u t Thus time. . tog away patiently.
received with some gloom, because
earned in urban centres. cannot be torn away from one's other hand the Marxist-Leninist the Marxist teaching of language From the humblest to the proud­
the word "registration" had for It's amazing what a year, a day,
root and live; at best one can be linguistics of Marr denounce this established, In effect, "Jim Crow" est, time knows no earthly master.
them an evil import. In the Old an hour, or even,a "y^nd can do
The First Job—How Obtained only rooted out and transplanted. Pan-Slav ideology of the Soviet compartments for all non-Indo- People waste it, save it, kill it,— to a person.
Country whenever their names were «• •
And as with plants, so with hu­ government as a "humbug, ra­ European and Semitic languages,
It is interesting to follow them man beings—it takes some time registered anywhere it meant for cism and fraud of bourgeois lin­ according to the language stage— yet no one can stop it. It remains Time is: Ignored and adored,
as they went about getting their for both to catch in a new and them either long military service, guistics," thus chopping off all four like the discrimination on the basis only for God to lift His hand and bought and sold, intangible yet a
first jobs. None of them knew Eng­ strange soil.—Such things as Christ­ excessive fines, or merciless extor­ legs of the Soviet Pan-Slavic Tro­ of color in some Southern Ameri­ halt time. commodity, a weapon and a play­
lish, of course, and so could not mas and its customs cannot be tion in the'form of taxes both legal jan horse on which Soviet Moscow can states. After the rebellion] of But man eats, breathes, Bleeps,
thing. But it is- never anything
ask for work. The only thing they forgotten or foregone, no matter and illegal. In each case, registra­ parades In the Slavic satellite Tito, the Communist Party nerv loves, lives, and dies to time. more than itself—a measurement
could do was to look around and see where one Is. And Christmas to tion meant dealing with the hated states and hopes to reinvade Yugo- ously Investigated the question Time causes success and failure, of duration.
what they could do. If, for ex­ the Ukrainians is a much more gendarmes and perhaps jail. They slavia. birth and death, joy and sadness,
Does not Marr's theory provoke growth and decay, and, above all, Since time is.the fourth dimen­
ample, they saw a pile of wood in poetic season than It is to the were as yet unaware of Canadian And who Is defending the Soviet Titoiem inside the USSR and its sion, and yet ф be overcome, you
a yard, they immediately set to Anglo-Saxon — with its star, frag­ (British) democracy. Although they government against its own Marr's sphere of influence? change.
can only make the best of its on­
sawing or splitting it without even rant hay and sheaves, Holy Supper had been told that in Canada all Marxist-Leninlstcs Time can accomplish anything,
by teaching But the greatest embarrassment from moving mountains to an­ ward movement as you wait for the
asking the householder if they consisting of twelve dishes, In­ people were considered equal, they halt .„_,
that a Slavic group really exists came after the victory of commu­
might do i t They took a chance, cense, symbolisms of fertility, had not yet seen democracy in ac­ and Marr's linguistics are humbug ? nism in China. The Chinese lan­ nihilating civilizations.
It heals and It kills. It brings In For time stops at death. That's
but in most cases that method carolling from door to door, con­ tion. The "bourgeois linguists" outside guage, according to Marr, is at the the new, proves the old.
worked. And they were certainly versing cattle, etc. It is true that when eternity 'sleps to—and time
Gendarmes and Cops the Soviet Union! A real "show for depths of backwardness and pri- Time can be good, bad, or hard. is nothing in eiterjnlty.
agreeably surprised when after a many of those customs are pri­ the gods"—a tragi-comic situation mitivlsm, the primary period, on
full day's work they got as much mitive, naive, pagan, with much When they came In actual con­ confronting the "universal genius" a par with the language of the
as fifty cents for their pains. In superstition attached to them, but tact with a policeman, they were with an embarrassing dilemma. African Hottentots. The Chinese,
the Old Country the most they they are poetic nonetheless. And astounded, for they found that a Either he must liquidate all cen­ whose ancestors created a great
got for working from sunup to sun­ as such they transformed for those Canadian cop was human; what ters of Slavistics inside the Soviet culture, philosophy and art while
Simplicity . ' . . . . . By', "H
down was about a dime. Others first settlers this vast prairieland more—polite. Whoever heard of a sphere, and with them Pan-Slaviem, Europe was still in a deep sleep, As one gazes upon Mother Na­ Of labor that to; lasting fruit out­
went to work on extra gangs far into a fairyland, into an oasis of polite gendarme in the Old Coun­ or he must liquidate Marr's theory. must surely have regarded this ture, one not only beholds great grows .. .
away from home, leaving their light and joy. As one of them try! All they got from a police­ classification as an extraordinary beauty, but, can also revel In her Far noisier schemes, accomplished
womenfolk to tend the soil. And expresses himself: "Not one of man over there was terror, knocks, "World Soviet Union" achievement of Soviet linguistics. service to mankind which " Is so in repose,
with almost superhuman effort us at that time had anything, nei­ blows, curses . . . nicely described In the following Too great for haste, too high for
The second idea with which Mos- (To be concluded)
those hardy women plowed and ther behind nor before us, because At the beginning it was with poem by Matthew Arnold. rivalry.
harrowed the ground, sewed the our Canada was a wilderness. But some reserve that these people ap­ Yes, while on* earth a thousand
seed, and did all they could to with our bare hands we made proached the Anglo-Saxons al­ Quiet Work
discords ring,
make, the earth produce enough something out of it, and in it we ready settled In their vicinity, espe­
for their sustenance while their rooted firmly our Holy-~EVe and cially in nearby towns. For some
RUSSIA'S AGGRESSIVE CONQUESTS One lesson. Nature, let me learn Man's fitful uproar mingling with
By MIKOLA PRYCHODKO from thee. his toll,
husbands worked hard to. make our Christmas." reason the immigrants imagined One lesson which in every wind Is Still do thy sleepless ministers
ends meet. blown, move on,
The same applied to Easter, only them to be as harsh masters as To the Editor of Saturday Night: had always been the victim of One lesson of two duties kept as
. Writing to his friends in the Old to a lesser extent. What worried the were the overlords and stewards I read the interesting article aggression. Their glorious tasks in silence per­
one fecting;
Country', one of them has this to settlers most at Easter time was in the Old Country. They were "Why Stalin Cries 'Peace' " by Ed.
From my 24 years of life to the Though the loud world proclaim
say: "I worked all summer, be­ the fact that there was no priest however agreeably surprised t o " , Crankshaw, in the Saturday Still working, ; blaming still our
USSR and the careful study I have their enmity —
cause I needed money, and in that to bless the eggs. And to a religi­ find their Anglo-Saxon neighbors Night, July 17, 1951. Included made of Russian politics I believe vain turmoil \
time I earned almost forty dollars ous Ukrainian Easter is no Easter far from being slave-drivers; оя among Me entirely true etatemente that both statements are Inac­ Of toil unsevered from tranquility; Laborers that shall not fail, when
and a cow which is worth fifty without blessed eggs. But no priest the contrary, they found them k i n d ' ^щ^ situation in the curate. man is gone.
a b o u t t h e

dollars. In the Old Country you was to be had for several years and considerate. Especially those S R during the second world war, In conclusion,.' we should like
Commenting on the statement of 128 years, only four of which were
would have to slave- five full years yet. In domestic service could not get and now, and the sentiments of the to add:
to earn so much." Secretary of State Acheson before a defensive war. Yet Moscow seems
over the fact that they, In spite population, is one incorrect state- to succeed in masking her aggres­ Oh! how would be
American-Canadian Differences of their lower Btatus, were treated the House of Foreign Affairs Com­
Another expresses himself in a ,
m e n i w h i c h
mittee, June 26, 1951, the editorial sions as unavoidable acts of de­ If all men were, like thee —
m a y e a s i y C O I l f u B e

similar vein: "It is strange what by their masters as a part of the Canadian pubic opinion and politi-
In the United States Ukrainian writer of New York Times says: fence, as in the case of her war Free from hatred,. prejudice and
things happen in this Canada. If immigrants were in a totally dif­ family. Such a thing was unheard " j regarding the dangers
t h i n k i n g
"The Soviet rulers have followed with Finland. fear
anyone had told me (a year ago) ferent position. There they settled of in the land they came from.' a r e f .
a d n g
the imperialist Russian tradition
f r o m R u 8 8 i a
It may also be recalled that Rus­ Just work, respect and tolerate
that I would ever in my life have in industrial and mining towns and There a maidservant . , „
was a sert of
., ...I
. . . . . _ . . „,., .
At the beginning of his article with only this difference: they have sian armies subjugated the nine na-
n t
through the year.
five head of cattle, ten pigs, a full lived in larger groups. It was slave, a menial. Here, on the other. _ , . _ ". . ° ,. „,.
added to Russian military power national republics which spontane­
»mvc, » шеш
yard of fowl. I would have told therefore easier to organize church hand, she belonged to the fireside,! «, Edward Crankshaw writes: "It
. . . . .. . the weapons of Communist con­ ously arose on the territories of the
him he was crazy." And yet that commitees there than it was in so to say, And r ? . . .
that was one of...
may seem paradoxical to say that
. * . . _> spiracy, subversion, psychological Russian Empire following the Re­ •SVOBODA"
is what happened. That and much Canada where people settled in the the finest impressions the first set­ ' sia the only danger of war from Rus
comes from the popular long warfare and indirect aggression." volution in 1917, and against their (UKRAINIAN DAILY)
more. northern prairies in small groups tlers received in those early and ing for peace; but it is true. The In his statement Mr. Acheson as­ will Included them in the USSR. FOUNDED 1893
and far from urban centres. In bleak days. Russians are the most peace-loving serted that Stalin's policies are This and all the other preceding
Heat and Mosquitoes Й Й І Ф ? W f t « published dauv
the United States an industrial Misconceptions people In the world. They have merely an extension of expansion­ imperialistic acts whose sole pur­ f E S L S u n d a v 8
end. holidays by the
The toil was not only back-1 worker had a tolerably eecure
breaking, often it was heart-break livelihood; in Canada a farmer had In his zeal to show how the Uk­
Buffered too much and too often ist
Russia in the
500 years.
pose was the expansion of Russian
from war to believe that it can do territory always met with the
ing. At times it was so hard that to begin from scratch and was rainian and Anglo-Saxon elements them any good at all." In his book **Toward the Un­ wholehearted support of the Rus­
they were on the point of abandon­ never certain as to how he would tended to be taken with each other This brings to my mind an ana- derstanding of Russia", Polish sian people. Only the war with N

ing everything and returning to the fare tomorrow. Here his position the author falls Into sheer exagge­ loguous statement made in the U. publicist W. Bonchkowski, confirms Japan was unpopular for reasons on Marchot Щ M ипгіеГІ. ct
March g, 1879. ,

Old Country; because it really was precarious and he could not ration by often presenting them S. A. in 1943, that never in her on the grounds of documented his- for which I cannot go into here.
seemed that before they would as readily support a church as as living on most intimate terms history did Russia conduct an ag-'torical facts that during the 2001 In my new booklet "Moscow's Jf^SEJSL** **?£** •* «P*cUl rate
make thfi hard earth produce their could his compatriot across the (.Continued on pace b\ gressivc war but that she herself years Moscow has been at war for I
ftyJM *» Sectton uS
__ ©ooeleded on page 8i J - •wanpnd &4x 3L Щ

— I ' •• 1

•ВІВ '
і.ичжч- - ".. '..'.
Youth and the CTJL\
Sport Notes WALTER w. DANKO
^OWtor'e Note: George Peck ія to encourage belief and faith in
Cneinnan of the-Board of the Na- God, daily reading of the Bible, There are some young people who lowing month and was reinstated- flgSJtfN PREVIEW Navy's Bernle Botula of Pitts­ columnists, actor Danny Kaye has
Uonal LeborwManaKcmeat Kounda- f*U$ftHfl $ S < » &nd regulaj at- are under the impression that
u c a
Joe read the Weekly avidly. He burgh, Pa., one of the big heroes been telling producer Sam Goldwyn
Uon and Executive Editor o* its Once again the old pigskin is
bgnd^ftef 4 bouse pf wprshjp tind membership ijj the Ukrainian Na- took interest in his,branch activi­ thrown aroijnd with the same fam­ of the army game, |гШ be operating £ l "wolhef Gary Cpopej*' — Bob
official publication,. 'Тагіпегв" V Sunday Цфооі*. Tfce sum total tlonjd. Association means nothing ties. He liked the idea of the an. iliar gusto which marks the begin­ from tfep genter |pqt qp qpenlpg ЩШИШ, 4Ur America^ basketball
of these objectives is to strength- *W$ Й?п fea.ylpg an Insurance nual elections every year; the ning of another gridiron season. day. f enter at & Johp'8 University.
fc the ЩшізШїїш an religious Ufe in America. роДсу. Tfea,t nujy ejplajtp why many members elected рЩсега from their
A n | in just a few в)іо# weeks, Ш U*tons4 is ope qf Wake The Ukrainian DP Soccer Club
Vera %, її? *a*>*The У 2 1 Forest's two good tackles, А 2Щ)
In 1041 the Committee launched £f фе ypung fрДк fove not joined own group. When the U.N.A. start­ *9вШ Wi)i return/to fe njshttu} lb. Goliath, he Is expected to gar­ in Toronto has all the earmarks of
ааИ in hia heart there Js go God! the fraternal benefit society. Not ed Its athletic program Joe became § reajly bjg^inie prgjsiMtifln.
Q°m»$ 9ТЄ ^eyjahd have done the fret Naftonal Bible Week. It because they have anything against a member of the baseball team of PlWf M th? top ^ a & l in cpl- ner many honors this Fall. J*9t pniy dpea it gpjoy ma|ftr rank­ r

abominable ІрідиНу: there U none was a success as have |hoee'that legja.te 8pqr|s. ' •.. f

tnatdoethgoodk * Я
* ' tjave b^een held hi the third weefc U.N.A. membership, but because his branch; the team traveled to
W 8 Щв writer, having always main­ USRAJNIANS Щ QRflANWRP e r amppgft the Tftrenio fe^a*
of October, each year since then. they already have insurance in ogter & W t<f Й Й P*£er' UNA. tained that the Ukrainians were R.VSJEBALL hut it also p]aya against all .the
Seventh National Bible Week is other companies. Well, we're go­ teanw. foe |iked $ a t very much, fWaiting nftttonaj-teame. th^rabvW
In drawing цр ,р, Constitutiop ing to take the time this week to for he was making friends every­ high in their contributions to this
Wapager Paql Chervjnko has his ceivipg seme heftitiiy publicity.
the Founding Fathers were keenly to be held from October 15-21 this try to clear up thia little misunder­ where the team went Joe took great American sport, presents the
labile Bjeara of the Sputherp (j^A)
aware that the new nation they year. Congressman Walter H. standing "and show that U.N.A. active part in dance affairs spon­ following briefs from the advance Association rejijry piling. Up Pa The high scorers are Haba, $*o- r

were creating could" live only if its Judd of Minnesota is chairman for nyk, Pancaysbyn and ShebeJsky.
membership is %hat' you inake ft sored by his branch; Then one day publicity prpchures of the many the middle of July, Mobile waa ; Golfer Mike Elko, N. X State
citizens turned, constantly to the thia event and under his able lead­ Back in 1934 Joe was asked to Joe was elected secretary of his ОЗ^Г eeHege elevens whiph Jub- an in-an-out dub, losing more oft­
P h > for guidanc* antf strength. ership, prospects are that it will ІоДп the U.N4- Й.Є was 1$ years branch' almost ипапітозіу and he etantjate Ще фгещцфщ^ cpn- en than winning and never getting Amateur Champion in IWfr Is
They had read: ^Except the Lord be the most successful to date. jagajg competing f - {hat epveteo!
PW, had no knowledge of the Uk­ was such § good officer that he was teptlqn, qqjtfi prcqnlnentiy.
any higher than sixth place. Then
build ihe Ьоиче they labor in
}! Then, in ІЩ, the Ck>mm)itee in­ rainian language, and no idea that re-elected year after yegr. He was Johnny ?asco, who passed. Santa In mid-July, they came through P&tinqifon.
Vain who build ^'..(Psalms 127:1) stituted NatiopaJ Sunday School anyone but the old folks were par­ also elected аз the delegate of his Clara to an prange Bpwl' victory with a devastating splurge of 10 Coach John Mlchejpsen will again
Therefore, the Holy Bible, the Week. This, too, was attended by ticipating in Ukrainian community branch to the U.N.A. convention. over Kentucky two seasons ago, re­ victories in "if gamjgg which be top man for the Pittsburgh
the Guidebook of.Civilization, be- success. It has been held each year life. The man who. had asked him When Joe got married his bride turns to handle the quarterback- brought them up tp Ш Pl ?e ip fSteelera. The other Ukrainian men- a

«*•*', **• h*k^fcTwhfch America sjpce, and 8th Annual Sunday to Join the"tJ.N.A. explained that was a girl be met through hia U ing for the 'TBroncs."' His home­ t|»e lqop and they are «[Щ1 thfeat- tor in the NFL is Joe Stydahar of
was founded. School Week be observed during he was trying to organize a youth N. A. activities. town is Chicago, Illinois. esiflg tp go evep higher. the Los Angeles Rams who did
For a century and a half the the second week of April next branch; from him Joe learned what Today Joe is still secretary of
Mke Slkora, transfer stuctenj Pntflelder George Вдгеп of Ra- auch a great job last year, barely
citizens of thia nation followed the Spring. theU.N.A. ^as аЦ about, ppjj when his branch. His wife is a U.N.A. from Indiana U. has already secur­ ФЄУ, Pa., who played last season miaslng the big prise, the NFL
pathway BO wisely charted for Numbered among those who en­ the map gave hhp a copy of The member and their two children are ed pne qffte tacHifslq^ ^ Qrfgqn. With Salisbury of the North Caro­ championship.
them by the framers of the Consti­ dorse the Committee and }ts acti­ Ukrainian Weekly to read Joe was members. Joe has taken additional lina State (D) League, is now a
tution, with the result that Amer­ vities are governors, senators; cop amazed to see that young people hiaura^ce. tax h^se^ because in Captain. Bert Reehjcftax of Ten­ member of the U.S. Army. PRQGEESS
ica attained the, highest degree of gressmen, mayors, civic leaders, all over the country were taking 4JJ54ОД§ЯР-Tsaj ^ o w m e n t in­ nessee is considered the best all- Outfielder Steve Souchock of the 1935, the Ukrainian Najipnal
ciYiUzation the^ world has ever military leaders, business and in active interest in all phases of Uk­ surance will become payable in round performer in the Southern Detroit Tigers always bats clean­ Association had 30,400 membepj

known. In recent year?, sad to dustrial executives, labor leaders rainian American community life. caah. To Joe U N 4 r n^embership Conference. He is safety man, up against left-handed pitchers. and the pro-Russian Sojedinenije
relate, all too ' тдпу Americans and professional men and women In those days a dollar was a dollar, proved to be more th^n just in­ wingback, pass-catcher, point-re­ His batting average whjch is which is composed almost entirely
have become careless, are no long­ During the eleven years since its hard to get and even harder to surance. It proved to be frater- turn and extra point kicker for arounaf.270 f the'present Writing, pf Carpatho-Russian (actually Uk­ a
er mindful of spiritual values. If organization the Committee has hold on to, and Joe was not get­ nallsm, the kind of fraternalism Vols. wquUJ bp pvpr ,30d iif he werp a> rainian) Greek Catholics had about
this nation is |p ^prevail against grown in stature and influence, but ting too many of them; also, he that gets stronger year by year ?9£5 FaJey of Sayre, Pa. will lowe^ \o рДау regulariy for the p3,000 members. Now 16 years later,
Godless commuuiam, somehow we the surface has only been scratch­ was helping hjs mother support the and makes a man feel good as he agajn be starting ецй for Florida Tigers, Г т sure. tlje U.N.Ai has oyer 6^,000 mem­
must, recapture the* Faith that en­ ed. Its work baa only begun. family, So he told the man he surveys not only his accomplish­ University. • Nick Sameia, third Backer for the bers and Sojedipepije has 40,000
abled us in the |)Цгі span of 150 Space does not permit recount­ would have to think it over, and ments bHt thpse of kip friepde as Probably the best Ще candi­ Dap ton Indians of the Central (A) (thin later figure was obtained
years to come fjom an obscure ing the many things this Commit­ he discussed the matter with hie well, friends who Щфф poaajble date for All-America this season League, recently discovered a from a Very recent article by l&ev.
world position to world leadership. tee has done, is doing and plans to mother. Joe's mother was a U. as a direct resist of tfatpPWiisjp. i« Steve Wadiak qf South Carolina a month can make a big difference. O. Roman of Elizebeth, N. J.) It's
In 1940, a small'group of citizens, dq to rewaken America to the basic N. A. member and she was pleased FreternaJlsm. bpotherly love, University. He rushed 998 yards When the Indians visited Saginaw, indeed gratifying to see that the
alarmed that America was straying religious principles upon which this that her son was taking interest mutual trust and understanding, for a conference record last year June ll-14th, Nick collected only pro-Ukrainian Ukes are excelling
from its course; ijanded together nation was founded. If this article In the organization on his own Ini­ Is a wonderful dung. The person breaking the all-time mark. Steve, onjj hit yi J8 triPf to the plate, in the organizational field as com­
to form the I^aymen/s Rational has aroused a spark of interest and tiative. So she told him to join, If who actively propagates fraternal- whose both parents are Ukrainian, striking out 13 times. When the pared to their not-so-politically
Committee. Thia $rouP cowprieed you would like to know more about that was what he wanted to do, ism js helping himself, his friends, halls from Chicago, ІЩпоІв. Indians retyrfted op Дияе 164Qth, conscious brothers. Seep up the
men and women ef the three great thia worthwhile movement, the and Joe looked up the man and his organisation, his town, his coun­ John Grabko of South River, fy Nick ran wUd. He beited 7 bite in good work—Batko Soyas!
Faiths, of all waika.of Ще, recruit­ Committee, upon request, will be signed him for a $5QQ 20-Year En­ ty, hiB §t#te, aqd/blB, country. The J. witi again be the mainstay at 15 trips, including a grand-slam On to Detroit:—This coming La­
ed from the field- of business, in- happy jp send you literature, with­ dowment certificate costing $?4Ф Ukrainian National Association Oklahoma Д. and !£. homer as Dayton copped the series, bor Day Weekend, September 1st,
duetry, agriculture, government out charge. Simply send your re­ per month. W Shalosky, ;95 lb. guard at
and fraternalism go together, for Cincinnati Ц., is considered their 3 games to ощ. « 2nd and 3rd the Ukrainian Youth's
and the professions. quest to the Laymen's National this fraternal benefit society was Manager Joe Antollck of Wilson League of North America will hold
Joe fully realized that he was outstanding lineman.
The objectives лі. flii§ non-sec­ Committee, Hotel VanderbUt, New going to have to pay for that cer­ founded on the principle of frater- in the Coastal Plain (D) League
tarian, nonprofit organization are York 16, N. У. John Ma?ur will be Notre Dame's was released on July 17th. Joe, its 14th Annual Convention in
tificate himself. He saved 501 a паЦат. number one QB this year. The 200 tpe Hotel Statler in Detrojt, Michl-
week from his small earnings, and Incidentally, the case of Joe Is lb. youngster has already been former catcher for the Philadel­ gap. All Ukrainian youth should
every month he attended the meet- not fiction; he actually exists. tested uqder fire and he U kpoWnfphia ^Phliles, couldq't do too much make it a point to to attend, espe­
Women Warriors Ings of І^а" ЬгадсЬ antj pajd his And there are many more just like to possess ЧРКЧ the
t b o high
h ch n n a l flrat n n *
to p l
. . . . .
h l a

in the 6-team league

t e a m o u t o ( 4 t h p l a c e
cially t e "western" рЦе# who h

dues. Sometimes it was difficult to Idjp. To 4oe V-N.A.' membership ^

o f ^ ^ qu^
t y p i < .
r t e F b a p k have always claimed the conven-
Steye Butchkp, l£-year-old right
Nothing can .beijtcr express the help the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, save thje money and he found him­ means Bomething. | P ЗГрд it will Geeree4udakwinbeMinnesota*L Uo w p r e £ e r a w a y

life of the Women of Ukrainian^ de- the Ukrainian Congress Committee,

self fighting an impulse to give UP mean wha^t you. make ft, Де you щ ^ ^ ^ ц ^ у < а д | 'g^^^e hapder of Whea^and, Pa., was * ^ ^ ' **">'*
th e Am eri can Red Cross) and many the memberahip. pnee'-h* was can see, yon oa# #*$*W »»ean against the Wtohmgton-* HuHk&) *eigned by the .Pittsburgh r r » i S L ^ i T i £ S « -
^'1oFTiving^*CbJca^','4han the actually suspended, but he man­ much. for their Brunswick team in the 'геаІй&їЛгот MTcbogtol, MMneeate,'
і Щ saying "A women's work i* other worthy causes.
never done". Just a few weeks ago, the very
aged to pay double dues the fol ( on Sept. 20th.
Frank Woddak is slated to hold
George-Florida (D) League. | Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and
I North and South Dakota, along
down one of the end spots for SPORTS BRIEFS | ^y, yjQ t h e reet o f 4 8 g r e A t
The work of Branch 22, of the active president of this group, Mrs.
for mighty Illinois. According to certain featured states.
Ukrainian National Women's A. Fedunyak, received a letter
league of Ameflea' (8oyus Ukra- from Rep. Marguerette Church in
Proposed UYL-NA Constitutional
inak), is typical df the Ukrainian reply to a letter asking for Rep. Amendments RUSSIAN'S CONQUESTS
Women's part in the light against Church's support of House Concur­
communist tyranny. rent Resolution 9-і. Rep. Church 3. The position of executive sec­ (Concluded from page Z)
In order to give delegates suffi­ t
(Continued from page 2) At the forthcoming UYL-NA
When they aren't busy sponsor­ wrote, "I hope you will express to cient time to think about constitu­ retary shall be added to the al­ Drive for World Domination", now
together. It appears from his ac­ Convention in Detroit over the
ing a dance for the purpose of them (Soyus Ukrainok) my own tional amendments beforehand, a ready existing offices of the UYL- op the news stands, I have given Labor Day weekend there will be
raising funds for- some worthy conviction that enslaved peoples few that have been proposed are NA. The duties and salary shall be a historical record of Russia's count that the Anglo-Saxons were a session on the sports program
everywhere, should be given every only too eager to marry Ukrain­
Ukrainian cause', they are busy presented here with some reasons determined by the UYL-NA exe­ aggressive conquests from 1487 to
writing letters Co their congress­ encouragement to seek freedom". for their need. This will make for cutive board. 1950 and other facts which show ian girls. Intermarriages In those for the League.
men about the Ukrainian fight for Yes, these are the women war­ sound unhurried thinking and well- This amendment will put into the Russians to be anything but days were rare events, almost un­ Suggestions regarding basket­
freedom, or asking for his sup­ riors of the army of Ukrainian and considered decisions. the constitution a fact that was peace-loving. heard of. It was only later, much ball, softbal), bowling, golf, tennis
port of Rep. Kersten's resolution, Americans of Ukrainian descent, 1. The site for UYL-NA annual decided upon at the convention of Moscow's present peace protes­ later, in the early thirties that such should be mailed to me immedlate-
calling for the liberation of the that are fighting for the freedom of conventions shall be awarded two two years ago. tations are only a maneuver to marriages were in evidence. From ІУ-
enslaved Ukrainian, people. the Ukraine and the protection of years in advance with the selection 4. The annual UYL-NA dues confuse public opinion in the West then on they Increased, so much Any new ideas from members or
In the past five years, these the freedom of the United States. being made by the executive board. shall be $10.00. and at the same time prepare her­ so that at present it Is no longer clubs will be appreciated.
women have sent hundreds of par­ With women like these on our It has been found necessary to It is an obvious fact that every­ self and to gain time for a new a phenomenon to see Anglo-Saxon Now Is the tlmo to speak up.
cels containing food and clothing, side there can be no doubt as to book hotels that are suitable for thing costs a great deal more to­ aggression; this time for domina­ marry a Ukrainian. One has only Also, be sure to send a represen­
to the needy Ukrainians that were the outcome of the battle for free­ conventions considerably more day than it did when the annual tion of the whole world. to open a dally newspaper and look tative to the sports meeting at the
forced to flee from their homeland. dom . . . the Ukraine will be free... than a year in advance. This makes dues were set at $5.00. The addi­ "Saturday Night", Toronto, at the society page to find that convention in Detroit
Because of their hard work, their thanks to the women warriors. it necessary to award sites two tional funds are needed to help put July 30, 1951. what once amounted to a curiosity Jean Heraeym, Sports Director
Social affairs brought hundreds of years ahead so that proper ac­ the UYL-NA on a sounder financial has now become a common place. 1178 A Ossington Avenue,
dollars, which were* contributed to ALEX J. ZABROSKY. basis. Ten dollars a year Isn't a Canada can hardly be deacribed Toronto, Ontario, Canada
comodations will be available. With assimilation proceding apace,
This will not do away with cam­ great deal for any organisation to as a fish eating country. With a the differences in national and
paigning for future, conventions at <pay. population of nearly 14 million peo­
psychological outlook are being origins, feel themselves uninhibited
Dr. Ted Wachna Heads League Welcome conventions. It will merely mean Additional amendments may be ple its annual fish consumption levelled off, and young men and
amounts to barely 12 pounds per in matters of matrimony.
that campaigning will be carried on made in writing by any member
Dance Committee two years in advance rather than organization. If yon have any capita. women, regardless of ethnic (To be concluded)
one year. amendments in mind, p l e a s e
With the contracting of Johnny Olga Lyshak, a newcommer In 2. Sites for UYL-NA sports ral send them to the UYL-NA
Sadrack, Detroit's Polka King and League activities who is fast be­ lies and other such League func­ executive secretary, Michael Wi-
the appointment,of,Dr. Ted^Wach- coming one of the most active tions shall be awarded by the exe­ chorek, Immediately so that they
na as chairman, we have a combi­ members of the Ukrainian Gradu­ cutive board.
nation for the Welcome Dance of ates Club is their treasurer and iF
may be brought to the attention
This amendment will merely put of the delegates as they register.
^he 14th Annual Convention of the full of Ideas; and last but not the responsibility for selection of This will give them a little time
UYL-NA In Detroit that Is hard least Wallace Konickl who neede sites In the hands of the executive at least, to think about them before
to beat. no Introduction. Dr. Wachna him­ board.
self is a practicing Dentist in Wind­
they vote.
U Y L N A.
. These same twq. people played sor, Ontario, married to a Ukrain­
important parts In the two most ian girl from Montreal the former
successful affairs of the past sea­ Ann Danulyk, the father of two
son in Detroit; Johnny Sadrack children. He is also an active mem­
Vet Questions and Answers
Q. I hope to complete my GI you learned In the classroom, you
14th Annual Convention і
provided the rauaic for the "Get- ber of the Essex County Dental
Acquainted Dance'' of the Detroit Association as well as editor of Bill schooling next year, at which would not be permitted to take it • Gay Nineties Pai-ty
District Council and Dr. Ted Wach­ their bulletin, the Ukrainian Gradu­ time I still will have a year's en­ under the GI Bill. But If job train­
na waa at the heita of the commit­ ates and on the Board of the Uk­ titlement remaining. Would I be ing is essential to qualify you as
able to go ahead then and take on- a trained worker in your field, you
• Sessions
tee that really put'over the "Coro­ rainian Veterans Association. .
nation Ball" of the Ukrainian the-job training in the same field, may be allowed to pursue it,
From such ah enterprising group even though the cut-off date for provided you apply for It before
• WelcQitiQ Dance
Graduates of Metropolitan Detroit
and Windsor. , * you can't help but expect the best. training has passed? you complete your classroom work.
Q. I am a veteran and will live
• Concert
Dr. Wachna was very astute In They assure ив that it will be a A. If the job training will be
In France for the next couple years.
his selection of committees mem- full and entertaining evening as more or less a repetition of what Where can I find out about VA- • Banquet and Ball
beraT Amongst Mjem ate Detroi- they have many tricks up their
Farewell Dance
administered benefits, since there
ers Johanna Von Draginda, League sleeves. For one thing you can be Is no VA regional office in this
Publicity Djlrecunr,* Editor of the sure
there will
be many
in other
is one
of country? I Motel Statlei ANN
Trendette, member of Club Olena A. The Veterans Affaire Attache
you on your way to meeting many the ways to bring this about. Plan
ТеЦЬа\ Ukrainian Graduates, Uk­
rainian representative on the Jun­ people. To quote Dr. Wachna
on attending the Welcome Dance for Europe, in the American Em­ DETROIT
"After all—we all attend these af­ on September 1st as we have a few bassy in Paris, can provide you
ior Board of International Insti­ other things In mind that will make with the answers to whatever ques­
tute of Metropolitan Detroit, and a fairs to see old friends—but espe­ your evening—one of the moat
cially to make new ones and to tions you might have pertaining to
nurse by profession (the line for
аерЩад *>ГНШ ? f t > $ r i j ^ boys}; find out what the Ukrainians are Pleasant of the convention, v . veterana' benefit ^_
No. 33^

Роман Шрамченко Ж . Марлем - ' * Ч ви. Т а к тепер в а м краще?

: Пульс рівномірний. Ви врято­
Світ сприйманий трьома вані. Обережно 'зложила кон­
И 99
РЕВАНШ тракт, на якім виразно красу­
вався підпис Дюваля, молода,
жінка ааховала^його в бюрко.

Пам'яті поручника УПА. іповстанці, провадячи між со-

змислами .. :
День вже нахилився до ве­ Вона піднесла маленький ву покрились "фарбою ^життя,
Дюваль, уста котрого зно­
(Гелен Келлер про себе) чора, коли Ж а к Дювиль, зна­ столик, на якому був заздале­ підбадьорений .шампанським,
Богдана Медведя-Крнвоно- бою оторопілих москалів ний письменник і видавець, гідь приготовлений чай. )обняв чаруючу геройку: на­
са, що згинув смертю хо­ В глибині лісу зупинились і закінчив свою працю, збираю­ Дюваль подумав, що при лив стакани пропонуючи тост,
робрих в січня 1961 р. втам почався обшук і допит „Люди часто дивуються, що цію кроки, гудіння замітача, чись відійти та почувши дзві­ різних випадках, жіноча при­ за ловкість і дипломатичність.
Тернополі, Зах. Україна. МВД-истів. Дві годині пізні­ я находжу життя великим і удари молотка, збирання та­ нок телефону, печально звів сутність зобов'язує до пошани
ше повстанці засипали глибо­ прекрасним, хоч маю тільки релів зі стола, грізне гавкання „Бачиш бо милий", — ще­
З районового міста Б. виїха­ ку яму, куди поскидано трупи три змисли. Із свідчення дру­ Алозаціяна, коли хтось при­ брови, піднісши слухавку. і взяв представлену кружку бетала вона, пригортаючись
ло вантажне авто і, підскаку­ московських посіпак. „Слухаю, в чому справа"? „Ваша остання річ, мені ду­ до Ж а к а : — '„жінка завжди
гих я знаю, що у віці девят- ходить до дверей. „Зі мною говорить видавець же подобалась" — заговори
ючи на вибоях шосе, погнало Обох юнаків частина повс­ надцятн місяців я використо­ Вирізняю кроки відносно ві­ „Екрану"? — почувся мело­ ла вона. — .хитріша мужчини. Ніколи, і
в напрямі Крем'янця. танців відвела до недалекого вувала світ п'ятьома змисла­ ку, полу і настрою пішохода. дійний жіночий голос. Ви оезсумншно | н і я к о ї отруі JJJ <5езумовно не
Дитяче непевне „чаплаяня" є ростете!" пив. Я просто,' підлила тобі в
Було це авто місцевого МВ- лісового табору, а Кривоніс і ми. „Безумовно, — що вам по­ Дюваль попиває чай і тер­ чай нікотинної кислоти, і це
Д, яке відвозило до головної сімох повстанців, одягнувши у- Пізніше прийшла страшна різне від довших кроків дорос­ трібно" ? пеливо чекає, коли вона прий­
тюрми в'язнів. Н а відкритій ніформи МВД-истів, сіли на недуга аменінгітіс, позбавила лої людини — пружистий крок „Бачнте-бо", — голос при­ де до цілі його відвідин. Як би
викликало в тебе серцебиття,
площинці авта було шість оз­ авто і' поїхали назад до місте­ мене зору, слуху, а у висліді молоді різниться від осідаючо­ тих: — Справа в тім, що моєу відповідь на його думки, во­ а мої слова завершили ефект.
броєних москалів і два в'язні, чка Б. Хлопці, вдаючи підпи­ я стратила мову. Я була ізо­ го кроку середнього віку, і хо- повідомлення поскільки не на почала: „Так, ось пане „Циганка!"; —.відповів Д ю ­
що лежали в куті із поскручу­ тих, хрипливими голосами ви­ льована від світу, загорнута у ду старшої людини, що воло- H J J g g " * J • Дюваль, справа в тому, що ва­валь, цілуючв;-свіжі уста; —

ваними назад руками. В шо- співували „Катюшу", переплі­ подвійну мовчанку, мою влас­ чить ноги вздовж підлоги. Л ю - Рдане вам по-телефону. єм° ©У"-
Я > і ші літературні успіхи, ваше Все скінчилось, дуже гарно, і
ж е

ферці було ще двох МВД-истів. таючи її грубою московською ну і других, у відношенні до дей, яких ближче знаю, по хо­ ки бажала попередити вас про прізвище, вже довший час ми чудово проведем цей вечір.
В'язні — два українські к>- лайкою. мене. До п'ятого року життя ді пізнаю їхню енергію, зму- те, щ о вам грозить небезпека, звернули мою увагу" . . . І, коли наступним ранком,
наки, учні місцевої середньої Прохожі злякано розскаку­ я жила як дика істота, чи зві­ чення, здержання, нетерпели­ З вами розмовляє приятель, Дюваль допив чай і обперся з появою сонця щаслива місіс
школи, арештовані МВД-иста- валися на боки перед автом, рятко. Анна Сулліван, моя не­ вість -і розчарування. може запобігти в нещас­ в спинку крісла. Перфуми, Дюваль, відчинила бюрко,
ми за націоналістичну пропа­ хрестячись і посилаючи йому забутня учителька, наново від­ Тупий гуд остерігає мене, що який тю. Приходьте сьогодні о 9-ій тепле повітря кімнати, різко щоб насолоджуватись картин­
ганду, — були жахливо поби­ вслід прокльони. крила мені померклий світ, о- книжка впала, електричний годині, кімната ч. 17, на Аве­ пахучі квіти, міцний чай, ви­кою шлюбної умови, документ
ті. Обличчя їх були в крові й Авто з гуком і шумом під'ї­ сміливила мене обсервувати дзвінок на бюрку інформує ме­ ню Сен Жермен 25. Ви самі кликали в нього сердечне бит­ ледь не випав, зїїрук.
синяках, а крізь пірвану оде­ хало під браму МВД і заспа­ всі об'єкти, які я могла досяг­ не, що хтось на долині мене переконаєтесь, що мною опе­ тя, в голові крутиться. Чоло Н а папері, залишився тіль­
жу просякала червоно-гаряча ний вартовий, не питаючи ні­ нути моїми трьома змислами. потребує. Інші вібрації я від­ рує бажання охоронити вас. покрилося струями дрібного ки текст написаної умови. Під­
кров. чого, впустив його на подвір'я. Вона поводилася зі мною як з бираю кінцями пальців: згук
Через 15 хвилин Кривоніс зі дитиною, що бачить і чує... за­ телефону, тікання годинника., Дюваль зморщився — „Япоту. пис Дюваля безслідно зник.
Ще три дні тому вони — ступаючи мову ручним альфа- коли дотикаю його. дуже співчуваю, що поневолі Пробачте, — перерива­ Бо свою вічну-бучку, на вся­
члени юнацтва ОУН — вико­ своїми людьми опанував без бетом. Вона збагачувала мої Деякі вібрації проходять мої спричинив вам турботу. Я ду­ ючи її розмову, — мені жарко. кий випадок,'Дюваль, вапов-
нували доручене їм завдання. стрілу станицю МВД, розбро- слова через передачу їх паль­ нерви' і кости відгомонно або же дякую. Але, на жаль, мій Може ви відкриєте вікно, тут нив світлочуттєвим чорнилом.
Пізнім вечором розкидали по ївши 12 москалів, між якими
був і командант станиці, капі­ цями, через асоціяцію і кни­ мяко, як ритмічний піднос і о- час дуже розрахований і я не гаряче". Реванш. ,
місті летючки ОУН, що кли­ жки Брейл розбудовувала пад хвиль океану чи моря... зможу прибути на повище за­ „Значить, вже так швидко", Переклав з німецької мови
кали до спротиву окупантові. тан безпеки Сєрґесв.
світ, в котрому кольор і звук
Око сексота підглянуло їх за З підвалу повстанці стали найшли своє місце, хоч я їхто Якщо музику можна бачити, значену а д р е с у " . . . — сказала вона тихим голо­ * —-'Вас. Дубина
я знаюіїджерело, коли хви­ — „Як хочете — голос по­ сом, впиваючись очима в
працею та вказало їхні квар­ тимчасом виводити вимучених не сприймала. Мій зовнішній лі — ноти піднімаються і па­ низив м'якість: — та, в кож­ смертно-бліде обличчя журна
тири МВД. їх арештовано над тортурами й голодом в'язнів, світ вирізбленнй досягненням дуть, дрібно біжать, напруже­ ному разі, я рахувала своєю ліста. • Кннжкн-Журналн-Карткн •
ранком та бито безупину, щоб які не знаючи про що ходить, і спроможністю дотику, нюху, но ступають на скалу, високо, повинністю повідомити вас. — „Що вже! — Щ о ви цим
видістати з їхніх уст імена тих,* перелякано тупились один до
смаку і вібрацій, я сприймаю розкотисто, глибоко я к буря... Прощайте. Ви швидко прига­ хочете сказати? — з важким ЧАСОПИСИ І'ЖУРНАЛИ в у-
що дали їм летючки, та з ними одного. Кривоніс представився його думаючим умом і відчу­ а пізніїпе мяко, забуто ховаю­ даєте нашу розмову, але, зда­ трудом вимовив Дюваль, по­ краінській, німецькій і інших монах,
співпрацювали в Організації. в'язням і короткими словами ється, буде запізно! тутешні 1 з Европв^ доставляв .всю­
холоднівши від смутної згад­ ди поштою: W. Magon, Bookstore,
ваю душею... ться.
Та вони не заломились ні під змалював їм ситуацію, даючи Дюваль поставив слухавку. ки. P. О. Box 361, Ceoper sta., New York,
побоями, ні перед лукавими 6- кожному до вибору або при­ Люди узалежнюють усе від Через дотик я відбираю гі-
гантичний рух Ню Иорку. Ску­ День зіпсутий. Душевний на­ „Сидіть тихо, не робіть зай­ N. У., (109 St. Marks Place.) — Tam-
біцянками волі, пам'ятаючи лучитись до повстанців, або очей і ушей, а рідко уявляють пчення авт, автобусів, електри­ стрій добре перевтомленого і вих рухів; це заощадить вашу ate: кшини, HOTU, образи.
слова, що їх нераз говорено їм розходитись додому. Майже собі як багато речей є схопле­
чних возів, розпихання і тупіт заміреного на відпочинок чо­ силу. Я підлила вам в чай
на юнацьких сходинах „За У- всі молоді мужчини, яких було, них дотиком. ловіка, безслідно зник. Неві­ отруї, ваші хвилини вже пора­ • Професійні оголошення •
країну і вмерти не страшно". більшість між в'язнями, заяви­ Об'єкти, які можуть бути діт­ маси людей. Через ексгаляцію домість анонімної розмови під­ ховані. Отруя ввійде в силу
ли бажання включитись в У- кнеш є округлі, або плоскі, не­ склепів я знаю де є аптека, я-
Районове МВД, побачивши, йому жмут цікавостн. через десять хвилин. д-р м. аддлзЕл
що побоями не видобути в ПА. рівні або симетричні, гнучкі рина, шкіряні вироби, рестав­ кинула По вечері, сівши в авто, Дю­
З москалями справа була ко­ або штивні, тверді або плин­ рація. Запах вапна, свіжого де­ Обличчя Дюваля покри­ лікус гострі & застарілі недуги муж­
хлопців нічого, рішило відста­ рева, шутру, цементу інфор­ валь намацав в боковій кише­ лось смертельною фарбою. чин і жінок, шкіриі, загальне ослаб­
вити їх до Крем'янця, а там ротка, їх відведено у підвал, ні і ті якости можуть нескін- мує мене, що будують новий ні холодну сталь Кольта і за­ „Нерозумна!" — закричав леная, каркаft-міхурі, ревматизм,
вже хан з ними роблять в МВ- щоб пустити їх слідом сотень чено змінятися. Я також спри­ дім. Місто дає мені вражіння мість того, щоб їхати, я к зав­ він, — „Ви заманули мене сю­ переводить аналізу крона а сечі.
Провірка; $3.00.
Д як знають. їхніх неповинних жертв. ймаю лінії хвилясті, прості, за­ жди, в клюб, дав шоферові ад­
і заінтересовання, але я з при­ ди, щоб отруїти, але я к а ж 107 Е. 17th S U NEW YORK CITY
їхали через буйний волин­ Знайдений мін* документами гнуті на поверхнях регуляр­ ємністю вертаю до спокою. рес — 25 по Авеню Сен Жер­ вам із цього користь?, коло 4-тоІ Eaeatb І Юніоц Сквер.
них, нерівних, шорстких чи Годний: Щодая 10—1, 4—7;
ський ліс, і хлопці заздрісно МВД список місцевих сищнків гладких. У могутніх скалях Раннім ранком весною, чи мен. „Заспокійтесь. Кожен зай­ в суботи 10—1; в неділі зачинено.
поглядали на кремезні дерева, (агентів) і сексотів, Кривоніс повних заглиблень і печер, го­ літом, коли' працюю в городі, Лімузина беззвучно пронес­ вий рух, скорочує секунди ва­
на густу лісову зелень доручив трьом повстанцям, да- мої три змисли широко відкри­ лась по нічних вулицях. Від­ шого життя. У вас щ е . з а л и ­ Dr. S. CHERNOFF
' '"".". * ^іючи їм наказ відразу зв'яза* стро видублених берегах, по­ ті на ясність племінного сон­ пустивши шофера до дому, шилось рівно стільки часу, 223 — 2nd Ave., (Cor. 14th St.) N.Y.C,
Спокій панував у лісі. А л е ^ ££ критих загадочними мохами, у
МВД-исти почувались зле. За--

н х співро- княжолінії
м і с ц
рожі, в оксамитно­ ця, природи. Мені легко усу­ Дюваль глянув на фасад бу­ щоб ви взнали всю правду.
е в о ю о ю о у н Tel. Окшфгсу 7-7697
в и л о в и
му погрудді коня, у мінливих нути камінь, що придавив тра­ динку і став підноситись по Все. дуже прости. Я постави­ Острі
т и с п н с а Н II довгочасаґ недуга чоловіків
тихли їхні розмови та соромі- бітників МВД формах дерев, корчів і трав, я ву, але нераз я застановляюся ступеньках, нарікаючи н а ла собі за мету бути жінкою 1жвд жінок. Шкірні. X-Ray. Роздуття
лікуємо без операції. Переводи­
цькі жарти, а кожний з них, Завантаживши авто зброєю находжу вимовного свідка сла­ чи виполоти з квітника чорну­ згублений вечір. Жака Дюваля. Я знала, що ви мо аналізу крони ля супружяах
відбезпечивши автомата, дер- U повстанці поїха- ви старинних греків, що ко­шку чи м'ятку, хоч вони нале­
п р и п а с а м И і „Однаково, романтика і а-не одружитесь з дівчиною, яка Дозволів. — ООДеві годаши: Що*
жав його готовим до стрілу. л и районового клюбу, де лись спливала з їх видимих жать тільки до зілля. Я люблю вантюра. менш замітливі в не має грошей і зв'язків". — два від 10 рано до 6:46 вечір.
Боялися українського лісу, з L „ відбувався мітінґ, конюшину, а л е н а травникужиттю, ніж кімнатне світло з А тому я вибрала таку путь.' В субота від іе-до-і-вовох.
л т т ш м п повстанцями,
у- рук.
сі в уніформах МВД, Кривоніс Шкірою обличчя і носа я вона виростає понад, стовбу- зеленим абажуром" — поду­ Я йшла безпомильно, навір- •4XA^XJ,4.AJ.J,J.4^A**J.J,XXAAA4V
рив дух волі
Дорога повернула влі­ повагом увійшов на залю, де зауважую атмосферичні зміни, рнться і я стинаю и, щоби да мав він.
і могутности.
круто няка".
во і авто опинилося над малим сидів прищулившись народ, відносно пори року чи навіть змогу вирости молодій тра- та
На його дзвінок, майже в „Яка ж безсоромливість!" І ІВАН КОВШШ і
потічком, через який переки­ мертво поглядаючи на прези­ годин того самого дня. В зимі > котру вона затінила.
той час, миттю відчинилися — прохрипів Дюваль.
нуто невеличкий дерев'яний дію — місцеву владу — сме­ пізнаю — зимне сонце і холод­ Пори року все очаровують двері. Знайомий вже Дювале- „Якщо ви згідні підписати FUNERAL HOME
місток. Переїхавши місток, ав­ танку, що розсілась за столом ний безрадісний дощ. — Намене і як уважно я не слідкую ві голос промовив: — заходь­ шлюбну умову, яка с вже в^COMPLETELY AJRCONDITIONED .
то скрутило щераз вліво, та під великим портретом Сталі­ весні дощ є теплий, живучий, за їх змінами, вони ніколи не те, наснлу-вже. Я знала, що мене приготовлена, я дам вам н|ЗАНИМАЄТЬаЗ ПОХОРОНАМИ £
раптом сильно заскрипіли га- на, і самозадоволено слухала запашний. Повітря літа є тяж­ є ті самі і що до запаху та тем­ ви розсудливі і приїдете'?. протиотрую, ви видужаєте і
льмн, і віз як вритий став пе­ доповіді районового аґітпропа. ке, вогке, або сухе і палюче. ператури. Одного дня, коли Невеличкий будуар потопає ми одружимось. У вас ще за­ NЕW JERS Е Y
ред грубим деревом, що лежа­ Поза об'єктами і погодою, я ступаю по траві, вона морозна, в голубому світлі японського лишилось п'ять хвилин. Вам -* ЦІНИ П Р И С Т У П Н І д л я ВСІХ
Не поспішаючи, Кривоніс ві­
ло впоперек дороги. льною ходою попрямував до справді маю безчнеленні віб­ а пучки дерев і корчів ще ма­ ліхтарика. М'які крісла, тап­ може цікаво було б знати, що і Обслуга чесна 1 найкраща.
Москалі заметушилися і, стола, залишаючи повстанців рації, " з котрих пізнаю події лі і тверді, кілька днів пізніше чани, квіти у високих вазах, я залюбилась у вас, ви мені З У випадку смутку в родині
кленучи, безрадно почали ог­ при виході кожного дня. клени дістають листя, а шпи­ заслонені маркізи на вікнах. цілком подобаєтесь". н кличте ак в дфа, так 1 в ночі:
лядатися довкруги себе. Ліс Агітатор збентежено перер­ В хаті я „чую" через вібра- лькові дерева зачинають на­ — „Сідайте, а ось і сигаре­ „Досить, досить, швидше!
понуро мовчав, лише десь вго­ вав промову й над залею за­ ростати новими м'якими кін­ ти" — Дюваль прикурив сига­ — Де та умова ? . .
рі зловіщо крякали ворони. висла на мент важка, холодна цями... Скоро бози і жасміни рету, думаючи, що при добрих Вона підсунула йому папір.
Та заки МВД-исти опритом­ тиша, яку прорізували лише — „Слава Українській Пов­ стають пушисті малими лист­ обставинах можна було б ве­ Дюваль, тримаючись лівою
ніли від несподіванки, якийсь розміряні, залізні кроки коман­ станській Армії! Геть масков- ками, вони для моїх пальців є чір провести чудово. рукою за серце, щ о стукало 129 GRAND STREET,
невидимий голос скомандував дира. ськнх зайдів! Смерть зрадни­ дестиляцією імли і повітря... Я Пані була стройна, мінія- як на ґвалт, вийняв своє вічне cor. Warren Street, j£
— „Всю зброю залишити на Зупинився. Його чорні, блис­ кам... не можу чути концерту пташи­ тюрне обличчя білявки сяяло перо і підписав умову. JERSEY CITY 2, N. J.
авті й сходити на землю!" кучі очі ненависти, сверлую- На наказ Кривоноса впро­ них голосів, але дерева і кві­ перламутром. — „Готово!" — швидше, j Tel. BErgen 4-5131 t
Це так поділало на моска­ чи миршавенькі постаті місце­ ваджено на залю місцевих си­ ти захоплюють мене нескін- „Я знаю, ви чекаєте мого швидше, час збігає! . . " >»т^тт»»»-Ут^»+т^Т+Т»»+-Гт>
лів ,що вони, не ждучи на сво­ вих комунарів, що переляка­ щнків і сексотів МВД, що їх ченою змінністю. пояснення" — сказала вона Вона, і помалу в стакан, від­
його командира, який сидів у но принишкли з а презндіяль- в міжчасі розшукала решта Коли сосни, смереки срібні, усміхаючись: — Але я думаю раховувала каплі. - Випийте.
шоферці, скоро покидали ав­ ним столом. З погордою відвер­ повстанців разом з місцевою кедри слизнуть живицею і во­ ми не згубим часу, якщо ви­ Так. А тепер вип'єм шапман-
томати й, піднявши руки, ста­ нувся від тих лиць, на яких сіткою ОУН. їх втиснено між на скапує н а мої руки... (як п'ємо по кружці чаю".
ли злазити з авта. рабська покора мішалася із мертвих від жаху райпартком­ збираю мертві колючки зпід
ського. Це скріпить ваші нер- Lytwyn і Lytwp
„Гей, а ви, там зпереду! Ви­ звірячим страхом. ців і в залі почався народній них) я знаю, що літо вже бли­ UKRAINIAN
ходити!" — гукнув цей же — „Я командир відділу Ук­ суд. зько... Думаю про високі сос­ різниться від червоного так, ся. Якщоб матері вкладали FUNERAL DIRECTORS
сам голос до москалів, що нераїнської Повстанської Армії, Короткий революційний суд, ни, що зводять боротьбу з віт­ як запах помаранча від запаху стільки ніжних старань у ці­ AIR CONDITIONED
спішили вилазити із шоферки. Богдан Кривоніс..." якого вирок мусів бути лише ром з усіх сторін... а так силь­ яблука. лість фізичного і духового роз- Обслуга Щира і Чесна
З поза кущів і дерев поча­ Заколисався на залі народ. один. но держаться корінням нераз Мельони мають запах з ні­ вою _дитини, скільки дбають Our Services Are Available Any­
ли висуватися дула автоматів, Вище піднеслися змучені го­ Кров з а кров! Смерть з а скалистого ґрунту. Я чую, як чим неспоріднений, я відрізняю про її здоров'я^тоді успіхи бу­ where irr New Jersey
а із гущавини вийшов високий лови, широко розкрилися при­ смерть! дрожать азалії під моїми до­ їх кілька гатунків. Запах рожі ли б більше ефективні. Кож­
чорнявий юнак і з готовою до мерклі очі... такий непомильний, має бага­ на особа, кожна група вивіну- 801 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE
На дворі вже починало сірі- лонями, я к віддихають гіясен- вана на життя знаменито, є NEWARK, NEW JERSEY
стрілу „фінкою" почав збли­ — „Народе мій!!! ти. Розходився навислий тем­ ти... це будить зворушення і то відтінів. ESsex 5-5555
жатися до авта. „Закутий Ти в тяжкі кайда­ ний туман і перші проблиски переходить у велике повне по­ Коли запахнуть ромені, ло- найбільшою данню людству.
Несподівано із шоферки по­ ни московсько-большевицькнх денного світла впали на пові­ чування. тачі, шувар, я „бачу" широку Ви, що бачите, чуєте і гово­
сипався град куль в його сто­ тиранів, вмиваєшся кров'ю і шених комуністів, що легко Коли безжурні години ранку долину сіножатей і ... малу, рите, розкажіть дитині про си­
рону, але повстанець блискав­ потом, даючи на жертвенник коливаючись на вітрі, висіли просмикуються... це є для ме­ щасливу дівчинку, що бігає лу, і красу життя!"..
кою вже був під автом. Серія Нації своїх найкращих синів... на деревах перед будинком не неземна' ласка пізнавати, за безшелесними метеликами...
з автомата заставила ворога Вже недовго каратися тобі у райпарткому. На їхніх грудях роздумувати, розуміти і муж­
Гелен Келлер має сьогодні
Я вже буду мати живий за­ сімдесять літ, живе у стеиті
московських кайданах. Гряде біліли картки із написаними ніти у всесвіті... Я радію, коли пах запахів з Італії. Розквітлі Конектикат недалеко Вест- jj У К Р А Ї Н С Ь К И Й , П О Г Р Е Б Н И Й
Повстнець вискочив на ав­день світової розправи з чер­ виною і присудом... ступаю по стежці вгору, чи по дерева помаранч, цитрин трем­ порт у власній віллі, серед лі­ ; ааряджус погребами по ціні так \ >
то та став розв'язувати в'язням воною тюрмою народів... Гріз­ В лісі перед внетрунченими рівному, ч и по траві, чи потіли екстазою у пянкому, ро­ су. Вона ще все занята пра­ шськіа ах $160. . |вд
руки: — „Ну, що, жнві, здоро­ ний месник з а Твою кривду, лавами повстанців стояв їхній шутрі, чи по пісковій або м'я­ зігрітому повітрі..., легіт від мо­ цею, писанням, читанням,
ві?" — Твій цвіт і Твоя кров, Україн­ командир Богдан Кривоніс — кій землі, я витягаю руку впе­ ря ніс ніжну вогкість. листуванням.
Хлопці, розтягаючи викру­ ська Повстанська Армія, кли­ і, я к завжди із сходом сонця, ред, щоби стрінути дикі квіти
чені де* болю руки, усміхну­ че Тебе до спротиву окупато- проводив спільну вояцьку мо­ або запашні малини.
Для вас існують симфонії В році 1900, вона перша з
в музиці, в кольорах ,а для трьома змислами закінчила се­ Licensed Undertaker & Embalmer
лись та потиснули простягне­ ві... Смерть червоним московсь­ литву. Відрізняю вітер, що прохов- мене існують неописані симфо­ редню школу, а в 1904 каледж.
ну руку повстанця. ким катам... Ганьба зрадни­ Червоно - золоті проміння зусться поміж вузьке листя нії запахів, ароматів, леготів, Вона подорожувала зі сво­ 437 EAST 5th STREET
— „Я називаюсь Богдан кам україноького народу! раннього сонця падали на міц­ верби, вітер, що химерно трі­ подихів... єю учителькою по всіх конти­ New York City
Кривоніс, командир рейдуючо­ Зірвав із стіни паперовий ні смагляві обличчя повстан­ поче листям берези, тополі і Минулої осені я брала у- нентах і краях, писала бага­ Dignified funerab as4ow as $150. і;
го відділу УПА... Про те, що портрет Сталіна й, роздерши ців і немов пестили їх та голу­ підноситься... я назву, в музич­ часть в контесті відрізнюваяня то книжок письмом Брейл, які ;; Telephone: GRamercy 7-7861.
вас везуть до Крем янця, по­ його на двоє, кинув його в ту­ били. ну амплітуду У листях дубів... запахів перфум, із вісьмох я перекладено на різні мови.
передив нас в останній хвили­ пі обличчя райпарткомців. Чиста блакить неба відзер- я знаю ніжний легіт, що ледви назвала сім: рожі, гвоздики, Також навчилася говорити ^-v^*>,»»»»»«»»»»». . ffjij ftrtr JjJ
l rf r f f

ні Криниця, станичний ОУН — „До кого ви молитесь, ра­ калювала їхні душі та напов­ торкається мойого обличчя... бози, лілеї, конваліГ, жасміни і виголошувати публнчні про­
вашого містечка..." би?! Задля тієї кривавої п'яв­ няла їх цілющою вірою в пере­ як холодне море і сховзується і фіялки. Завдяки моїй учи мови, деякі з них записані на
— „Так Ви Кривоніс!?" — ки, задля куска гнилої мос­ могу. тишиною, легко як пташка, що і тельці, у мені ніколи не вгасає платівках. ПЕТРО ЯРЕМА
дивувались юнаки, оглядаючи ковської ковбаси продаєтесь і Міцні молодечі голоси сплі­ заснпляс у гнізді. Подув вітру бажання знати, обсервувати, Але голос її безбарвний. Мрі­ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ П О Г Р Е Б Н И Й
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го командира, про якого хо­ пинаєте Матір-Україну! ?. ву: — „Боже Великий, Твор­ ядрове повітря п р від солоно-! Це спонукує мене зверну- ли для глухо-німо-сліпих по IN BRONX, BROOKLYN, NEW
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Зійшли з авта. Коло моска­ ним ритмом. Десь глибоко у Шуміли ледви чутно сосни, них ланів, млілість соняшни-1 вправлялн можливість пятьох новартісннмн людьми. Conditioned CHAPEL
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Кривоніс скомандував як- |ся якась потужна, стихійна ц і Будилося все до життя, на­ Нюхом я відрізняю віддаль до рук делікатно внжолобле- ховість була предметом заінте- PETER &REMA
стій забиратися з дороги і засила, що вливала у душу ра­ повняючи великий українсь­ і різні яідміия вражінь, що ча-1 лену мушлю, навчіть її слуха- ресування найвизначніших 129 EAST 7th STREET,
пару хвилин всі сліди були за­ дість і гнів і надію... Хтось ви­ кий ліс потужним бажанням сом люди находять анальогіч- ти музику, дайте пізнати крас­ психологів і педагогів світу. NEW YORK, N. Y.
метені. Авто в'їхало в бічну гукнув і за ним підхопила ма- волі., но в кольораас і їх відтінях, я кн, дайте діткнути і понюхати З англійського переклала Tel.: ORchard 4-2568
ліску доріжку, а за ним пішли 'са: (Голос Молоді) можу уявити собі, Що синє квітів, до яких вона всміхаєть­ Ольга Решетило

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