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character (cap) lowercase

bar character ascender

bowl shoulder body ascender line

font size in

counter descender line

terminal serif loop bracket

the gutter is the space

column between columns text or type is called copy

Cheesecake pastry cupcake liquorice croissant apple cake dragée apple pie donut cotton candy jelly beans
pie brownie ice cream. I love tiramisu danish lemon lemon drops applicake. Pie brownie ice cream carrot
drops candy canes. Gummi bears marzipan candy cake croissant tart.
canes chocolate cake sesame snaps jelly icing gummies
bear claw. Macaroon sesame snaps lollipop gummi Cheesecake pudding icing. Sweet roll biscuit choc-
bears bonbon marzipan tart I love. olate bar icing. Jelly beans chocolate cake croissant
I love pie chupa chups I love icing fruitcake dragée jelly beans cheesecake cupcake tootsie roll lemon
dragée Oat cake pudding I love pastry drops sweet roll. Chocolate toffee bonbon applicake
bear claw bear claw. Sesame snaps candy pie crois- sweet soufflé croissant gummi bears. Topping sweet
sant dragée donut marshmallow pastry. Cake apple I love jujubes I love dragée lemon drops cake. Pie
pie chocolate chocolate cake. Cupcake I love wafer macaroon I love. Lemon drops jelly-o caramels apple
cheesecake toffee. Cookie halvah cupcake. Wafer pie icing chupa chups powder cookie. Soufflé cook-
lollipop gingerbread. Biscuit cupcake pudding jujubes ie apple pie lollipop. Chocolate bar I love gummies
jelly beans gummies apple pie cake cupcake. Sugar carrot cake soufflé I love topping. Sesame snaps. I
plum marshmallow I love dessert lemon drops jujubes love biscuit bear claw liquorice pudding. Apple pie
bonbon bear claw I love. dessert fruit- wafer cake. Bonbon toffee caramels oat cake tiramisu
cake liquorice gummi bears pastry. sweet. Chocolate cake jelly beans sweet cake cheese-
cake oat cake chocolate apple pie tootsie roll.
Jelly cake tart. Sweet gingerbread I love marzipan pas-
try I love bear claw caramels. I love danish pudding
leading is the space between lines of copy, like this
I love biscuit bear claw liquorice pudding. Apple pie
wafer cake. Bonbon toffee caramels oat cake tiramisu
sweet. Chocolate cake jelly beans sweet cake cheese- tracking is the universal spacing between
cake oat cake chocolate apple pie tootsie roll. Choco- all characters, like this t r a c k i n g
late bar toffee pastry tootsie roll I love jelly. Ice cream
jujubes I love soufflé. Biscuit candy chupa chups I
love chupa chups marshmallow cotton candy. Candy kerning is the space between any two characters
canes lollipop candy sweet gingerbread. Candy carrot like this, T H
The font used for the word Typography above is Adobe Garamond Pro 93pt. The copy is set in Minon Pro 12/14
The font used for the small type is Verdana 10pt.

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