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Level C E.T.

Teaching Table
Sight Word

Gain student Attention (and start lesson promptly)

Word of the day

Activate children’s background knowledge (by linking the lesson to previously learned skills)
What’s our new sight word?

State the purpose of the lesson (“Today we will learn about...because….”)

The word “my” so we can read.

Model and explain the skill: I do (“Watch me….”)

A song or chant “If you’re happy and you know it spell ‘my’ m-y”

Provide guided practice and corrective feedback: We do

Which word is “my”, a game – word for a cup, high five

 Check for understanding

 Re-teach and clarify where necessary
 Provide corrective feedback
 Provide frequent response opportunities

Summarize what was learned (“Today we learned…)

What word?

Provide independent practice when appropriate: You do

On a badge password “go” word bathroom, exit ticket

Teaching Skills to Incorporate During Explicit Instruction

 Appropriate lesson materials are ready and prepared.
 Keep lesson moving by maximizing time; has limited down time.
 Deliver accurate instruction (e.g.sounds, strokes).
 Differentiate instruction in response to student needs.
 Provide specific and frequent positive reinforcement.
Level C E.T. Teaching Table

Gain student Attention (and start lesson promptly)

“Today we are going to (teacher says only the sounds)”
Students respond by saying what the word it

Activate children’s background knowledge (by linking the lesson to previously learned skills)
Whose name is (teacher say sounds)
Students respond – saying whole word

State the purpose of the lesson (“Today we will learn about...because….”)

So we can read and write words “readers and authors”

Model and explain the skill: I do (“Watch me….”)

My turn – your turn

Provide guided practice and corrective feedback: We do

Teacher – whole group/small group gives a few examples “I’m going to trick you”

 Check for understanding

 Re-teach and clarify where necessary
 Provide corrective feedback
 Provide frequent response opportunities

Summarize what was learned (“Today we learned…)

Students find a word in classroom environment

Provide independent practice when appropriate: You do

Teacher does it one on one (tailored to each student)
Level C E.T. Teaching Table

Gain student Attention (and start lesson promptly)

Whiteboards – in place by drinking fountain (or in a special place)

Activate children’s background knowledge (by linking the lesson to previously learned skills)
“Remember when we… Now we will… so…”

State the purpose of the lesson (“Today we will learn about...because….”)

“…so we can be good readers, writers.”

Model and explain the skill: I do (“Watch me….”)

“My turn – your turn”
Teacher competes time wise with students

Provide guided practice and corrective feedback: We do

Above leads into this

 Check for understanding

 Re-teach and clarify where necessary
 Provide corrective feedback
 Provide frequent response opportunities

Summarize what was learned (“Today we learned…)

Students show what they wrote
Teacher asks “how did you do that”

Provide independent practice when appropriate: You do

Students use whiteboards
Level C E.T. Teaching Table
Fluency Practice

Gain student Attention (and start lesson promptly)

Teacher models wrong way (boring) and then gets feedback than then states “Today we will…”

Activate children’s background knowledge (by linking the lesson to previously learned skills)

State the purpose of the lesson (“Today we will learn about...because….”)

“Today we will…so we can….”

Model and explain the skill: I do (“Watch me….”)

Teacher demonstrate non-example and example (ex: using whisper phones)

Provide guided practice and corrective feedback: We do

Students model for the teacher correct way

 Check for understanding

 Re-teach and clarify where necessary
 Provide corrective feedback
 Provide frequent response opportunities

Summarize what was learned (“Today we learned…)

Provide independent practice when appropriate: You do

Students read using whisper phones

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