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Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548

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Producing public goods in networks: Some effects of social comparison and

endogenous network change
Johannes Zschache ∗
University of Leipzig, Institute of Sociology, Beethovenstraße 15, 04107 Leipzig, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: As actors participate in the production of public goods, processes of social comparison may affect the
Public goods decisions about the individual contributions as well as the endogenously changing structure of an under-
Social comparison lying social network. This leads to the transformation of an ordinary n-player Prisoner’s Dilemma of
Network structure
collective action into an n-player coordination game. The paper uses agent-based simulations to trace
Agent-based simulation
the formation of public goods while varying network characteristics, such as density, segregation, or the
strength of relationships. Additionally, the usage of both a forward- and a backward-looking agent model
shows possible implications of different assumptions about the actors’ decision making.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction production, it has been shown theoretically (Eguíluz et al., 2005;

Santos et al., 2006; Hanaki et al., 2007) and empirically (Fehl et al.,
A social dilemma of public goods arises because of a conflict 2011; Rand et al., 2011) that an endogenously changing network
between personal interests and a socially optimal outcome. In this promotes cooperation in repeated games. While those related stud-
case, a large group of independent actors need additional selective ies exclusively consider the n-way Prisoner’s Dilemma, this paper
incentives to ensure widespread contributions (Olson, 1971). Some investigates the problem of producing public goods, defined as an
of these incentives are supported by social networks because rela- n-person Prisoner’s Dilemma. The main differences are that, in an
tionships between group members facilitate monitoring and social n-way Prisoner’s Dilemma, each actor directly interacts with every-
control (Homans, 1958; Oliver, 1980; Hechter, 1988; Heckathorn, body else in 2-person games, and, hence, the payoffs depend on
1990; Coleman, 1990; Granovetter, 2005). But the impact of a actions that are directed towards a particular player (Macy, 1991, p.
social network may not be strictly positive in regard to public good 826). In contrast, a public good is jointly produced, and nobody can
contributions. Strong relationships or a dense network can indeed be excluded from its benefits. Thus, the public goods game describes
facilitate but also constrain the individual participation. There are a different, yet often occurring, social situation.
two possible reasons for this. First, people value friendship and Motivated by similar findings, Takács et al. (2008) present a
try to avoid jeopardizing their future relationships by punishing game-theoretical analysis of network change in situations of col-
non-cooperation (Flache, 1996; Gould, 2003). And second, people lective action. In their model, the actors profit from the existence
tend to compare their own contributions with the efforts under- of contacts with similar behaviour because they take not only the
taken by others (Elster, 1989; Gould, 1993a). Even well embedded reward from a public good but also different kinds of benefits from
network members fail to participate in collective action if nobody social comparison into account. The response to social pressure
else contributes. Various empirical studies (Gould, 1993b; Opp and might be to change the own decision about participating in the
Gern, 1993; McAdam and Paulsen, 1993; Anthony, 2005) suggest collective action. But additionally, the authors allow their actors to
that it is rather the connection to other highly engaging actors that strategically adjust their social relationships. Both processes make
triggers an own contribution. it is possible to escape an unpleasant feeling that stems from social
If the social network affects the individual behaviour, the actors comparison. The analysis in Takács et al. (2008) concentrates on
can control this influence by entering new relationships or leav- the effects of collective action on network stability. The authors
ing existing ones. While online experiments conducted by Suri state under which structural conditions no actor has an incentive
and Watts (2010) suggest that differences in a fixed network to adjust his strategy or relationships. Less attention is given to the
topology have no significant effect on the level of public good level of collective action that can be maintained despite or because
of the change in network relations.
As an attempt to continue the research of Takács et al.
∗ Tel.: +49 341 9735643; fax: +49 341 9735669. (2008), this paper identifies further theoretical implications of
E-mail address: adding social comparison processes to a public good situation. In

0378-8733/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
540 J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548

contrast to the earlier study, the following analysis aims to find members if friends and other contacts whose actions can be
correlations between the initial network structure and the final observed behave in a similar manner.
level of contributions. For this, we look at a group of people, in By visibly contributing to the public good or refraining from
which relationships between the group members have already it, the actors communicate their opinions about the appropriate
been established. You can think of any formal or informal group, action. In order to optimise their behavioural confirmation, each
such as the members of an association or the employees of any actor should adopt the action that is predominant within the group
firm or organisation. In case of an occurring opportunity for collec- of contacts. This adoption of the group’s prevalent opinion is known
tive action, e.g. raising money for a new, commonly used, foosball from experimental studies in social psychology that “have shown
table, organising a Christmas party, or providing information for clearly that the presence of disagreement in a group concerning
an online discussion forum, the existing structure of the group some opinions leads to attempts to influence others who disagree
might either help or prevent the production of the public good. It with them and also to tendencies to change own opinion to agree
is further assumed that this opportunity to produce a public good more with the others in the group” (Festinger, 1954, p. 127). The
occurs repeatedly and that the group members adjust their deci- experiments show that the change in opinion is influenced by
sions about participation and about their personal relationships in the group’s level of cohesiveness, which is defined as the group
reaction to social comparison processes regarding the other actors’ members’ attraction to the group (Festinger, 1950). In order to
contributions. acknowledge this finding, the following model includes costs of
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 contains a formal network change. In a highly cohesive group, the members value
analysis of the problem. Because of simplifications, the presented their current connections, and it is costly to end an existing rela-
model differs slightly from the one in Takács et al. (2008), as will be tionship or to find new ones. The members of this group are, hence,
explained later. It turns out that the assumptions implicate a situa- more likely to adjust their opinions about public good contributions
tion that is similar to an n-player coordination game. How exactly instead of breaking up connections to avoid negative behavioural
a group develops depends, among other things, on the initial net- confirmation. On the other hand, if a group is loosely connected by
work configuration as well as on the decision making processes of relationships with low attraction to the actors, little change in the
the actors. In Section 3, we use computer simulations to demon- members’ behaviour but a high degree of structural modifications
strate this development of a group and to express a relationship is expected.
between the initial network structure and the likely outcome of
a public goods game. By definition, a simulation is an exemplary 2.1. The public good and behavioural confirmation
development of a theoretical model through time. This is why,
simulation-based research is able to trace the dynamics that may First, we consider a group with a fixed network structure and
or may not converge to an equilibrium. In contrast to evolution- a one-shot public goods game. Let N = {1, 2, . . ., n} be a set of
ary game theory, agent-based models allow the consideration of n agents who have either a positive or a negative opinion about
non-trivial underlying network structures. This is necessary for contributing to the public good. These tendencies are given by
the present study, in which four different structural parameters an n-dimensional vector xt , where xit is agent i’s opinion about
are analysed: the initial level of collective action, the initial net- contribution at time t (xit ∈ { −1, 1}). Assuming a biconditional
work density, the initial segregation by strategy, and the strength relationship between opinion and action, agents with xit = 1 con-
of the relationships as indicator of group cohesion. Additionally, tribute one unit to the public good (e.g. by giving their time or
two simulations with different assumptions about the actors’ deci- money), and agents with xit = −1 abstain from contribution, i.e.
sion making processes are presented because both are empirically they free-ride. The vector yt describes these contributions and
sensible and have proved valuable in previous research. While the is a function of the agents’ current attitudes towards participat-
first simulation takes an actor who is ‘forward-looking’, the second ing in collective action: yt = 12 · (xt + 1). The amount of public
one considers ‘backward-looking’ agents. good that is provided by the group is equal to the sum of all yjt ,
j = 1, . . ., n, and has a natural limit of n. The unit costs of con-
tribution are denoted by c1 . In order to represent an n-person
2. The model Prisoner’s Dilemma, it must hold that c1 > 1 and c1 < n. This means
that nobody profits by making an individual contribution, but if all
Similar to the study of Takács et al. (2008), the actors of agents are cooperating, they are better off than without the public
this model receive benefits from the collective good as well as good.
from social contacts. To keep the model simple and its impli- The social network is modelled as an undirected and
cations comprehensible, only the first of two different forms of unweighted graph (N, Rt ), such that Rt ⊆ [N]2 . The vertices of this
behavioural confirmation from Takács et al. (2008) is included. graph are the agents of N. The elements of Rt are 2-element sub-
Also the usage of costless selective incentives is omitted because sets of N. An agent i ∈ N is connected to an agent j ∈ N at time
it would implicitly assume the existence of some kind of social t if and only if {i, j} ∈ Rt . If there is a connection between two
norm or values that need explanation in turn. This restriction to less agents, they will be referred to as contacts, neighbours, or friends.
parameters only increases the relevance of the results since cost- Since the graph is not weighted, there are no differences in friend-
less selective incentives obviously favour the production of public ship. Each agent’s personal network is given by Pit = {j|{i, j} ∈ Rt },
goods. and dit = |Pit | is the size of this set or the degree of agent i at
The included behavioural confirmation describes a subjectively time t.
experienced reward that stems from the comparison of the own Consider a group (N, Rt ) that is facing a problem of collective
action with the actions of friends and other social contacts. It can action and which members are characterised by a certain xt relating
be motivated by empirical research, as listed by Takács et al. (2008) to this problem. The group members may have different opinions
and as mentioned in the introduction: people are more likely to about the public good and choose their actions accordingly. For
contribute to a public good if many of their friends do so, and they example, some co-workers engage in the organisation of the office
are more likely to refrain from participation if most of their friends Christmas party, while others only turn up without any contri-
stay away as well. For this, the actors need not actively approve bution. In the end, the public good, i.e. the party, is distributed
or disapprove another person’s actions. Instead, the behavioural among all attendees. Additionally, each actor is rewarded by those
confirmation, as assumed in this model, is ‘felt’ by the group co-workers with whom they are friends and who acted similarly
J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548 541

with regard to the organisation of the party. One the other hand, needs consent from both agents (in reference to pairwise stability in
punishment is felt if one of the friends acted differently. This Jackson and Wolinsky, 1996). If a relation is ended, only one agent
behavioural confirmation is defined as pays the costs c2 . This holds even if both partners prefer to delete the
 relation because network (as well as strategy) update is assumed
bit = xit · xjt . (1) to happen asynchronously. In general, an agent i prefers to delete a
j∈Pit connection {i, j} if the payoff without this relation is greater than the
Taken together, the payoff of agent i at time t is given by current payoff less the costs c2 . Accordingly, agents want to build
a new relationship if the gain from the additional behavioural con-

 firmation exceeds the costs of building this tie. However, if a new
uit = yjt + xit · xjt − c1 · yit . (2) relationship is formed, both parties must pay the amount of c2 and,
j=1 j∈Pit hence, need to consent to this. The decision by an agent, who was
It is important to notice that one additional contribution to the asked to connect to another agent, is the following:
public good yields the same payoff as an additional contact with While assuming that nothing else is going to change, an agent j
xit = xjt . This, rather strict, assumptions is relevant for the subse- gives consent to a relationship offer by i if and only if the profit
quent implications of the model and should be relaxed in future from the new strategy profile (if i plans to change his action)
studies. including relation {i, j} exceeds the profit from the current strat-
Eq. (2) implies that, given an agent and a certain configura- egy profile without the relationship {i, j} plus c2 .
tion of his personal neighbourhood, cooperation might become the
preferred strategy. More specifically, the difference between the The mutual agreement of a new relationship prevents defecting
number of cooperating contacts dC and the number of defecting agents from agreeing to a relationship that will eventually harm
contacts dD must exceed a particular threshold for an agent to prefer their payoffs. For example, an employee who pays regularly in the
cooperation over defection: office coffee kitty may consider to stop contributing. But, since he
also enjoys the lunch meetings with colleagues and wants to pre-
c1 − 1 vent negative behavioural confirmation, this employee must find
dC − dD > . (3)
2 new lunch partners who also avoid paying for coffee. However, co-
Eq. (3) refers back to the original model in Takács and Janky (2007, workers who do not contribute still benefit from the kitty money
Eq. 3), but it is also somewhat different because the behavioural and are reluctant to encourage further free-riding by opening their
confirmation in the original model does not assume a perceived group for newcomers. This is due to the fact that, in our model, one
punishment from comparison with friends who act differently. public good contribution yields the same reward as the behavioural
It follows from Eq. (3) that the problem of collective action is confirmation of one contact with the same attitude. Given that net-
transformed into a coordination game if the network is sufficiently work update always includes some costs (c2 > 0), a defecting agent
dense for the behavioural confirmation to take effect. In general, prefers the contribution of an unrelated cooperator instead of the
the individually preferred strategy is to behave in the same way confirmation from another defecting friend.
as the larger part of the friends. The structure of the coordination In general, the network dynamics that derive from the simpli-
game that follows from the payoff function (Eq. (2)) is shown in fied assumptions of the presented model are equal to the main
Table 1. The number of public good contributions (without ego’s) is results (theorems) in Takács et al. (2008). Group members cannot
given by nC , and ego is connected to a total of d agents, of which dC increase their benefit by cancelling ties with friends who take the
are cooperating and dD are defecting. The reward from the public same action (theorem 1a) or by building relations to members who
good is lower if ego cooperates (nC + 1 − c1 ) than when he defects act differently (theorem 2a). If c2 = 1, an update of personal rela-
(nC ). The benefit from behavioural confirmation, on the other hand, tionships will not end in a more profitable outcome. But, as long
varies with the difference between the number of cooperating and as the costs of network update are sufficiently small (c2 < 1), the
the number of defecting contacts (dC − dD ). In case of zero cooper- actors receive a higher reward by connecting to agents who take
ative friends, defection is the preferred strategy. However, if all of the same action (theorem 2c and d) and by breaking ties to contacts
ego’s contacts are contributors and his network degree d exceeds of different behaviour (theorem 1b and c). The main difference to
· (c1 − 1), it is best to cooperate. This also means that, next to the earlier study is that the network is always subject to complete
overall defection, overall or partial cooperation can be a Nash equi- segregation if c2 < 1. In this case, given a stable network, two agents
librium. For the latter, the network must arrange the cooperative of different strategies cannot be connected, and two agents of the
members in a favourable way. same strategy must be.

2.2. Endogenously changing network structures

3. Simulation analysis
In this second part, we look at dynamic networks where actors
are allowed to make changes in their relationships but not in their In this section, we consider that actors can both update their
decisions about public good contribution. As mentioned earlier, decisions about collective action participation and rearrange their
the groups differ in cohesiveness. The higher the cohesiveness, the relationships. Since this makes the underlying problem sufficiently
harder it is to break or to form relationships. This is modelled by complicated, we use agent-based simulations to analyse the cor-
including costs of network update (0 ≤ c2 ≤ 1), which are paid by an relation between the initial group structure and the outcome of a
agent for each newly formed tie and for each cancelled relationship. recurring public goods game. Thus, instead of presenting sufficient
Admittedly, it is unconvincing to assume that all network members or necessary conditions for a certain kind of equilibrium, the fol-
experience the same costs of network change and that removing a lowing simulations specify the likely development of a group of
tie is as expensive as adding a new one. We only consider a highly connected people that is facing a public good situation and which
abstract model of the reality, yet the consideration of networking members compare their behavioural decisions.
costs should shed some light on the difference in the levels of public The assumptions about the decision making process are a cru-
good production if the corresponding groups differ in cohesiveness. cial part of simulations. Up to this point, it was taken that the actors
While a network tie is abandoned as soon as one of the con- are confronted with a one-shot public goods game and with a single
nected parties prefers to delete it, the formation of a new tie decision about the best behaviour or about the optimal composition
542 J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548

Table 1
The public goods dilemma with social benefits.

Number of cooperating contacts

ego 0 1 ··· dC ··· d

C (nC + 1) − c1 − d (nC + 1) − c1 − (d − 2) ··· (nC + 1) − c1 + (dC − dD ) ··· (nC + 1) − c1 + d

D nC + d nC + (d − 2) ··· nC − (dC − dD ) ··· nC − d

of their personal network. In the simulations, we assume a recur-

ring public goods game and that the actors continuously update
their behaviour and relations. In each situation where people con-
tribute to the public good or refrain from it, the processes of social
comparison lead to behavioural confirmation. The Christmas party
or the coffee kitty example illustrate this point quite well. In either
case, the collective action is repeated every year or even during
every week, and also the benefits from the public good as well as
from social comparison are repeatedly received.
During one simulation, the agents successively act in a random
order. The actors’ decision making implies the following steps:

Fig. 1. Initial density and the level of cooperation ( 0 = 0.5, ϑ0 = 0.5).

1. Each agent asks who of the other agents is willing to connect
with him if he continues his action or if he switches to the other
one. to 81 . All four independent variables – the initial rate of coopera-
2. Based on these information, the agent calculates the potential tion  0 , the average network density ı0 , the initial segregation of
payoffs of all possible strategy–network-combinations. the strategies ϑ0 , and the costs of network change c2 – take values
3. The agent acts according to the strategy–network-combination within the range [0, 1]. The initial number of cooperators and the
with the highest payoff and minimal network change. individual degrees are generated following a normal distribution
with the means 1 = n ·  0 and 2 = n · ı0 ( 1,2 = 1.0). The segrega-
tion defines the fraction of contacts who take the same action; such
In step two, the actors base their calculations only on the current
that, if ϑ = 0, each agent is entirely surrounded by the opposite strat-
situation and do not anticipate changes that may be made by other
egy, and, if ϑ = 1, the strategy groups are completely segregated. As
agents in response. The actors are myopic optimisers, as there is
a side note, certain parameter constellations cannot be tested. For
no common knowledge of rationality and no strategical consid-
instance, highly segregated networks can never be fully connected
eration of future rounds of the public goods game. The last step
because full connectivity demands that all agents are friends with
contains a tie-breaking rule that is arbitrarily chosen, but it seems
each other. This is precluded by complete segregation, where only
sensible in regard to real life decisions to make as little changes
agents with the same behavioural attitude can be friends.
as necessary. The simulation terminates if no further modifications
are made by the actors, which means that nobody can unilaterally
3.1.1. Results
increase his payoff by a strategy–network-combination, in which
Fig. 1 shows the means and standard deviations of the final
the additional relationships have consent from the new partners.
level of cooperation over 100 simulations in dependence of the ini-
In reference to the earlier study by Takács et al. (2008), this means
tial network density. Both the value of segregation and the initial
that, if the simulation terminates, the group is in a strongly robust
rate of cooperation are set to 0.5. These values describe a network
network equilibrium.
with mixed neighbourhoods and equal numbers of cooperators and
It is still possible to make some general remarks about the actors’
defectors at the beginning of the simulation. In Fig. 2, an exemplary
decisions. Given a single agent i, the payoff from cooperation is
development of this kind of network is pictured for a small ini-
greater than the payoff from defection if the following holds:
tial network density and low costs of network change. The agents
c1 + (1 − c2 ) · (n − 2 · nC ) + c2 keep their strategies and rearrange their relationships until the two
d = (dC − dD ) > . (4) groups are completely segregated. But this only holds as long as
2 · c2
initial network density and costs are small (Fig. 1). There is also
Similar to the conclusions above (Eq. (3)), cooperation is indi- no increase in cooperation since half of the agents participate in
vidually beneficial if there are enough agents, inside and outside the collective action right from the start. The main finding is that
of the current neighbourhood, whose behavioural confirmation cooperators actually sustain their contributions by structural mod-
compensates for the costs of contribution. Besides the initial net- ifications.
work density and the initial segregation of the strategies, which are Result 1. In a network that is equally mixed in regard to the actors’
reflected in d, the strength of relationships, which is represented behaviour, low network density and low networking costs enable
by c2 , and a measure of the relative proportion of cooperators cooperators to persist by adjusting their relationships.
(n − 2 · nC ) define the availability of agents that are a (potential)
source of behavioural confirmation. Hence, these four factors have The cooperation is sustained as the costs of cooperation c1
an effect on the actors’ decisions and are more closely analysed in are outweighed by the behavioural confirmation of contributing
the following. friends. At the same time, it must hold that these friends cannot
be substituted for defectors. Because it is always better to abstain

3.1. Simulations with forward-looking agents

The only reasons for these choices of the parameters are the restriction n > c1
For all of the following simulations, the total number of agents and computational limitations if the groups are too large. Further parameter ranges
is arbitrarily set to n = 50, and the costs of contribution c1 are equal should be studied in future simulations.
J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548 543

Fig. 2. Network development ( 0 = 0.5, ϑ0 = 0.5, ı0 = 0.2, c2 = 0.2).

from contributing if either strategy is supported by friends, there Result 3. Defectors who are embedded in cooperative neigh-
must be some structural condition that limits the number of avail- bourhoods with high costs of network change are apt to start
able defecting friends for cooperation to last. As argued in Section cooperating.
2.2, if c2 > 0, cooperators who want to stop contributing cannot
A group is most successful in sustaining cooperation if its mem-
find any defectors outside of the initial neighbourhood who would
bers are already segregated by strategy (ϑ0 = 0.7). The third row
consent to a relationship. Since, in a simulation with ϑ0 = 0.5, the
of Fig. 4 shows that, even if network change is costly, cooperators
agents are initially connected to both cooperators and defectors,
keep up their contributions. Again, the group splits up between
the contributing agents are most likely to persist if only few of
cooperators and defectors, yet a stable level of partial cooperation
those relationships are present from the beginning and if they can
can be found almost regardless of network costs and density.
be easily rewired. This also means that in these groups, where the
members are initially not segregated and only loosely connected, Result 4. If actors are segregated by strategy, both cooperators and
the repeated occurrence of a collective action opportunity triggers defectors hold on to their strategies and change their relationships
an increasing disruption of the group. On the other hand, it is this accordingly.
separation which enables the collective action to continue. Contrar-
As a general rule, cooperating agents decide to stop contributing
ily, in highly cohesive groups without network update (c2 = 1), the
if they are able to exchange their cooperating for defecting friends
outcome is complete defection as in a public goods game without
without much difficulty. As stated previously, this is impeded by
behavioural confirmation.
the unwillingness of defectors to encourage a cooperator’s strategy
In accordance with theorem 3 of the original study of Takács
change. Result 1 limits this effect to situations of low networking
et al. (2008), only full cooperation or full defection with complete
costs and sparsely connected networks. But, given that actors are
networks can be stable if there are no costs of network change.
located in subgroups of similar attitudes in regard to the collective
In Fig. 3, the mean level of cooperation is either 0.0 or 1.0 with
action, cooperators are constrained by a supportive neighbourhood,
zero deviation in case that c2 = 0. The final outcome depends on the
and not many additional approving friends are needed in order to
initial level of cooperation. Also for other low levels of c2 , erstwhile
keep them contributing. Moreover, a group is most successful in a
shirking agents start contributing if sufficient cooperative agents
collective action if the members who are actually opposed to par-
exist from the beginning. This effect is largely independent of the
ticipation are mainly friends with cooperators and cannot easily
initial density of the network (not shown here).
form a separated group of free-riders.

Result 2. If the costs of relationship update are low, an initial 3.2. Backward-looking agents
abundance of cooperators initiates universal cooperation through
network change. One of the advantages of using agent-based models as theo-
retical tool is the possibility to analyse the given problem under
While in Result 1 only those agents who started out as coopera- varying assumptions about the actors’ decision making. While the
tors still contributed at the end of the simulation, Result 2 describes previous simulations computed the behaviour of (myopic) optimis-
situations where even defectors begin to pay their shares. This may ers who were ‘looking forward’ to the potential outcome of future
also happen without a overall majority of cooperators. In networks, games, the agents in this section are ‘backward-looking’ or adap-
in which defectors are embedded in cooperative neighbourhoods, tive learners who consider only their past experiences in order to
these agents may switch to cooperation before their neighbours find a satisficing response. It has been shown that assuming adap-
can reconsider their contributions. Fig. 4 pictures the final number tive agents often reveals fruitful theoretical insights (Macy, 1991;
of cooperators for three different levels of initial segregation (rows) Young, 1998; Macy and Flache, 2002) and more accurate predic-
and networking costs (columns). In social networks with low seg- tions about human behaviour in some social situations (Roth and
regation (ϑ0 = 0.3), agents are embedded in neighbourhoods where Erev, 1995; Flache, 1996; Bendor et al., 2011). These models can
the opposite strategy is in majority. In contrast to groups with pro- be used to relax the rather strict cognitive assumptions of classi-
portionately connected members, some agents who initially refrain cal game theory (Macy and Flache, 2002). For example, the actors
from contribution switch to cooperation if networking costs are may be either not able or not willing to account for the results of
high. Defectors start contributing because they have many coop- alternative behaviour and, hence, to optimise their reward. Instead,
erative friends that need to be exchanged at high costs. However, they are guided by aspirations and ‘satisficing’ (Simon, 1955), which
after some of the agents changed to the opposite behaviour, the ini- means that they continue to perform a certain action as long as
tial network segregation has vanished, and the other agents remain the corresponding reward exceeds their aspirations without look-
in a network without segregation. Yet, some agents sustain coop- ing for the optimal response. This kind of decision making can be
eration because they are already segregated from the rest of the more cost effective and closer to real cognitive processes, especially
group. in situations of volunteering or collective action, where it is most
544 J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548

Fig. 3. Different levels of cooperation (ı0 = 0.2, ϑ = 0.5).

convenient to just follow social cues instead of calculating all pos- is given to the members of a completely connected and cooperat-
sible consequences (Hardin, 1982; Macy, 1990). ing group: umax = 2 · n − c1 − 1. Accordingly, the minimum payoff is
In our model, the agents repeat their current behaviour and received by a contributing agent who is fully connected, but every-
strengthen existing relationships if they are satisfied with their cur- one else is free-riding: umin = 2 − c1 − n.
rent payoffs. Satisfaction is measured socially, i.e. agents compare The aspiration level ait is the average payoff in agent i’s neigh-
themselves to their neighbours and ‘feel’ satisfied if most of the bourhood. Additionally, the aspiration level is weighted by the
neighbours do worse than or equally well as they do. If, on the payoffs of previous rounds (Bendor et al., 2004):
1  1 
other hand, the majority of their friends receive higher payoffs, the
agents are disappointed and look for alternative strategies and dif- ai0 = uj0 ; ait = ·a + ujt (6)
di0 2 i(t−1) 2 · dit
ferent friends. As before, the agents’ payoff is calculated by Eq. (2). j∈Pi0 j∈Pit
A vector rit specifies the current form of the personal network of
agent i at time t: rit = (rit1 , rit2 , . . , ritn )T , ritj ∈ {0, 1}, riti = 0. For all Each agent is given a propensity to cooperate pi , i ∈ N, and each
j =
/ i, the value of ritj is set to 1 if and only if agent i and agent j are relationship has a probability of existence pij , i, j ∈ N. i =
/ j. The
connected at time t ({i, j} ∈ Rt ). The personal network Pit needs to be propensity to cooperate is initially set to unity if xi0 = 1, and to
restated as Pit = {j|ritj = 1} ∪ {i}, dit = |Pit |. The payoffs are not directly zero if xi0 = −1. When receiving a satisfactory or an unsatisfactory
evaluated but compared to the average payoff of the agent’s refer- outcome, the propensity is updated according to:
ence group Pit . This process of satisficing is accounted for by the

pit + l1 · sit · (yit − pit ) sit ≥ 0
value sit , describing the individual i’s stimulus: pi(t+1) = . (7)
uit − ait pit + l1 · sit · (yit + pit − 1) sit < 0
sit = (5)
umax − umin
In Eq. (7), l1 is the learning rate (0 < l1 < 1), which specifies the
The denominator umax − umin normalises the level of satisfaction to efficiency of the stimulus sit . This conception of individual learn-
a value between −1 and 1. The maximally achievable payoff umax ing originates in the Bush–Mosteller model as used by Macy and

Fig. 4. Number of cooperators for different levels of ϑ0 , c2 ( 0 = 0.5).

J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548 545

Fig. 5. Forward-/backward-looking agents ( 0 = 0.7, ϑ0 = 0.5, l1 = 0.1).

Flache (2002). The propensity to cooperate pit increases either cooperation through network change and under favourable con-
if agent i is cooperating and rewarded by a positive stimulus sit ditions. However, these conditions are more stringent than before.
or if he is defecting but also punished by getting an payment For instance, a group of learners with equal proportions of both
below the average. In the other cases, if agent i was rewarded strategies at the beginning ( 0 = 0.5) cannot strengthen the contri-
for defecting or punished for cooperating, the likelihood of future butions as it happens with forward-looking agents. This is because
contributions decreases. The agents’ attitudes towards collec- actors of limited foresight are not capable to anticipate the potential
tive action x(t+1) are probabilistically updated according to the loss in public good yields that results from approving friends with
propensities pi(t+1) . similar, but socially harmful, behaviour. Thus, defecting agents no
A relationship’s probability of existence pij is adjusted similarly: longer withhold behavioural confirmation, which was one of the
 conditions for Result 1.
pijt + l2 · sit · (ritj − pijt ) sit ≥ 0 Also, backward-looking agents do not reach an equilibrium.
pij(t+1) = . (8)
pijt + l2 · sit · (ritj + pijt − 1) sit < 0 Therefore, the right graph of Fig. 5 plots the final level of cooperation
after 4000 iterations, averaged over 100 simulations. Generally, a
At the beginning, pij0 = 1 if agent i and agent j are connected, and group of backward-looking agents need a significant initial major-
pij0 = 0 otherwise. In Eq. (8), l2 represents the ability of network ity of cooperators in order to provide a public good. But if  0 is
change (0 ≤ l2 ≤ 1), which is treated as a substitute for the network set to 0.7, the two graphs are not too different. In either case,
costs c2 . The probability pij is successively updated by both agents i effortless network update supports the diffusion of cooperation.
and j. While rearranging their personal networks, the actors do not Especially, if network costs are low, both simulations result in
discriminate between cooperating and defecting group members. full cooperation. But the mechanisms are somewhat different for
As long as an agent is satisfied, all of his currently existing rela- the adaptive learners. After the compliant agents became dissat-
tionships are strengthened, regardless of the opponents’ behaviour. isfied with their current payoffs, they seek new friends outside
Similarly, all relationships are cancelled if an agent is dissatisfied their original neighbourhoods. Because of the high proportion of
with his total reward. On the other hand, an agent tries to built cooperators, these new friends are almost entirely cooperators.
up relationships to any network member, with whom he is not With this additional contacts, the agents are mostly satisfied on
connected yet, if the agent feels unsatisfied. condition that they have not changed their strategies yet. This is
why the agents must be able to change their relationships more
3.2.1. Results quickly than they change their strategies. Fig. 6 displays the relation
The simulations reveal that, similar to forward-looking between the efficiency of strategy update (l1 ) and the ease of build-
agents, adaptive learners achieve the socially desired result of ing and removing relationships (l2 ). If cooperating agents switch to

Fig. 6. Learning efficiency l1 ∈ [0.1, 0.4](ı0 = 0.3,  0 = 0.7, ϑ0 = 0.5).

546 J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548

Fig. 7. Low (0.3) and high (0.7) initial segregation for learners (l1 = 0.1).

defection as soon as they feel marginally unsatisfied, there is little 4. Discussion

opportunity for them to build up a supportive network. On the other
hand: Recent studies that explored the emergence of cooperation in
dynamic networks have focused on the n-way Prisoner’s Dilemma,
where actors locally interact with their neighbours in 2-person
Result 5. If network updating is more effective than strategy
games (Eguíluz et al., 2005; Santos et al., 2006; Hanaki et al.,
adjustments, a recurring public goods game is likely to result in
2007). The strategic update of relationships is often biased towards
a high level of cooperation.
cooperative partners or against defecting contacts in order to sup-
port the mutually beneficial interaction of two cooperators. This
Furthermore, almost full cooperation can be established in many is in line with previous research where the repeated interaction
cases, for the free-riders of the adaptive model become unsatisfied between cooperators (Axelrod, 1984), the chance to acquire rep-
if they are connected to a majority of cooperative agents. In contrast utation (Raub and Weesie, 1990; Fu et al., 2008), or the option
to the previous simulations, the effect of network density cannot be to select partners (Orbell and Dawes, 1993; de Vos et al., 2001)
properly evaluated because the parameter settings of  0 = 0.7 and are decisive structural characteristics for the success of reciprocal
ϑ0 = 0.5 preclude a initial density that is much higher than 0.3. This strategies (e.g. Tit-for-Tat) and cooperation.
becomes even more problematic in networks with high segrega- This paper departs from these earlier approaches by, first, tak-
tion, where members are not equally connected to both strategies. ing the public goods dilemma as underlying problem and, second,
The initially high rate of cooperation and the exogenous superim- assuming social comparison processes as mechanisms that lead
position of segregation limits the range of densities that can be to strategy and network adjustments. The model is based on the
tested. study of Takács et al. (2008), which is extended by investigating
As seen in the upper row of Fig. 7, a segregated network the relationship between the initial network configuration and the
cannot help to provide a public good if the initial level of coop- final level of the produced public good. An important finding is
eration is too low. But if  0 = 0.7 (lower row), low segregation that cooperation can emerge in endogenously changing networks
(first column) supports cooperation in densely connected net- without the assumption of a common bias towards approving
works, regardless of networking costs. On the other hand, in a friends who work for the socially desired state. Cooperation pre-
network with high segregation (last column), the stabilising effect vails because of social comparison, advantageous initial network
of severe strategy segregation is not evident if the agents are adap- configurations, and endogenous relationship adjustments.
tive learners. In fact, the level of cooperation is equal to the one in The effect of group cohesion (the costs of network change) on
the central column without segregation. The only difference is that cooperation is almost consistently negative. Compliant behaviour
high segregation further narrows the range of possible network is more likely to sustain if the actors are able to effortlessly change
densities. their interaction partners. One the one hand, a similar effect is sug-
In summary, the results of the previous section are only partly gested by related research (Skyrms and Pemantle, 2000; Santos
confirmed for backward-looking agents. The intersection of the et al., 2006; Hanaki et al., 2007). On the other hand, this is in conflict
Results 1 and 2 also holds for the learning-theoretical model. Coop- with the traditional idea that groups with strong relationships are
eration prevails in networks of low density and low networking capable to uphold cooperation because norms can be effectively
costs, but only in groups with initially high levels of cooperation. enforced (Coleman, 1990; Ellickson, 1991). In the present model,
Both forward- and backward-looking agents attain public goods strong relationships are in support of cooperative acts only if the
if contributors are able to rearrange their relationships and find agents are adequately embedded in groups of cooperators.
contacts who confirm their behaviour. While cooperative agents It has also been argued that, if a norm of cooperation is already
of the first model are supported by anticipating defectors who present and obeyed by most group members, high network den-
are unwilling to form relationships to new free-riders, learning sity usually discourages free-riding because it facilitates the flow of
agents must rely on favourable network conditions only. Similar information and control (Granovetter, 2005). This point is extended
to Result 3, learning defectors who are embedded in cooperative by the preceding analysis: given that the network is relatively
neighbourhoods start to participate if group density is high. The mixed in strategies, sparsely connected groups are better suited
fourth statement about the positive effect of group segregation on to promote cooperation. In support of this finding, Ohtsuki et al.
partial cooperation does not result from the assumption of adaptive (2006) formulate a upper limit for the average network density
actors. k that is still in support of the natural selection of cooperative
J. Zschache / Social Networks 34 (2012) 539–548 547

strategies: k < bc , with b and c being benefit and cost of to significantly improve the manuscript. The simulations were
an altruistic act (b > c). This rule is an approximation and written in Java and by employing the Repast Simphony Simu-
only holds for particular mechanisms of strategy update. But lation Software ( Google
still, theoretical work is able to propose plausible assumptions Project Hosting ensures that the code is available under the GNU
about human interaction that lead to a negative relationship General Public License: For
between network density and the emergence of cooperative data processing and visualising, I used the software environment
behaviour. of R ( and the excellent ggplot package
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