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ID : id-6-Integers [1]

Grade 6
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Answer the questions

(1) There are 50 questions in a competitive exam. 3 marks are awarded for each correct answer, while 1
mark is is deducted for each incorrect answer. If Fajar answered 28 questions correctly, how many
marks did he get?
(2) Find the sum of the following integers:
A) -11972 and -81423 B) -39695 and -59497 C) -36299 and -39336

D) -86411 and -29560 E) -18946 and -15743 F) -88159 and -21323

(3) Find the smaller number in the given pairs :

A) -27, -21 B) 10, 9

C) 2, 8 D) 9, -15

(4) Find the value of the following expression:

A) ( -124 ) - 176 - ( -78 ) - 98 - ( -109 ) - 148 - 50 - ( -34 )

B) ( -189 ) - ( -180 ) - ( -169 ) - ( -134 ) - 103 - 156

(5) Find the sum of the following series if the number of terms is 275.
4 + (-4) + 4 + (-4) + 4 + (-4) + .....

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(6) The average of any four consecutive odd integers is always

a. odd b. even
c. a proper fraction d. a decimal number

(7) Choose the correct operator.

-5 _________ -5
a. > b. =
c. < d. None of these

Fill in the blanks

(8) Find the value of the following :

A) 13 × ( -6 ) + 4 × 6 × ( -13 ) =

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ID : id-6-Integers [2]

B) ( -16 ) × ( -12 ) - ( -5 ) × 13 =

(9) Find the absolute value of the following integers:

A) | -18 | = B) | -9 | = C) |1|=

D) |3|= E) | -11 | = F) |0|=

(10) Divide :

A) 98 by -14 =

B) 176 by 8 =

(11) Which number in the following pairs is larger:

A) 26, 11 = B) -23, 14 = C) -27, 25 =

D) -13, 9 = E) 3, -2 = F) 9, 10 =

Check True/False

(12) Zero is an integer.

True False

(13) |a - b| = |a| - |b|, where a and b are natural numbers and a < b.
True False

(14) The sum of a number and its negative is zero.

True False

(15) The smallest integer is not zero.

True False

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ID : id-6-Integers [3]

(1) 62

Step 1
Total number of questions in the competitive exam = 50
Marks awarded for each correct answer = 3
Marks deducted for each incorrect answer = 1

Step 2
Since, Fajar answered 28 questions correctly, total marks obtained by Fajar
= 3 × 28

Step 3
So, the number of incorrect answers = Total number of questions in the exam - Number of correct
= 50 - 28
= 22

Step 4
Thus, the total marks obtained by Fajar in the exam = Total marks for correct answers - Total
marks deducted for incorrect answers
= 84 - 22
= 62

Step 5
Therefore, Fajar obtained 62 marks.

(2) A) -93395

Step 1
Sum of (-11972) and (-81423) :
= -11972 + (-81423)
= -11972 -81423
= -93395

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -93395.

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B) -99192

Step 1
Sum of (-39695) and (-59497) :
= -39695 + (-59497)
= -39695 -59497
= -99192

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -99192.

C) -75635

Step 1
Sum of (-36299) and (-39336) :
= -36299 + (-39336)
= -36299 -39336
= -75635

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -75635.

D) -115971

Step 1
Sum of (-86411) and (-29560) :
= -86411 + (-29560)
= -86411 -29560
= -115971

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -115971.

E) -34689

Step 1
Sum of (-18946) and (-15743) :
= -18946 + (-15743)
= -18946 -15743
= -34689

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -34689.

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F) -109482

Step 1
Sum of (-88159) and (-21323) :
= -88159 + (-21323)
= -88159 -21323
= -109482

Step 2
Hence, the answer is -109482.

(3) A) -27

Step 1
In case of the negative numbers, the value of the greater negative number is smaller
as compared to the less negative number or a positive number.
Therefore, -27 < -21.

Step 2
Hence, we can say that the smaller number in the pair -27, -21 is -27.

B) 9

Step 1
If we look at the pair 10, 9, we will notice that 9 < 10.

Step 2
Therefore, we can say that the smaller number in the pair 10, 9 is 9.

C) 2

Step 1
If we look at the pair 2, 8, we will notice that 2 < 8.

Step 2
Therefore, we can say that the smaller number in the pair 2, 8 is 2.

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D) -15

Step 1
We know that a negative number is always smaller than a positive number.
Therefore -15 < 9.

Step 2
Hence, we can say that the smaller number in the pair 9, -15 is -15.

(4) A) -375

Step 1
The given expression can be expressed as:
= (( -124 ) - 176 - ( -78 ) - 98 - ( -109 ) - 148 - 50 - ( -34 ))
= -124 - 176 + 78 - 98 + 109 - 148 - 50 + 34
= -375

Step 2
Therefore, the value of expression ( -124 ) - 176 - ( -78 ) - 98 - ( -109 ) - 148 - 50 - ( -
34 ) is -375.

B) 35

Step 1
The given expression can be expressed as:
= (( -189 ) - ( -180 ) - ( -169 ) - ( -134 ) - 103 - 156)
= -189 + 180 + 169 + 134 - 103 - 156
= 35

Step 2
Therefore, the value of expression ( -189 ) - ( -180 ) - ( -169 ) - ( -134 ) - 103 - 156 is

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ID : id-6-Integers [7]
(5) 4

Step 1
On carefully reading the question, we find that the given series is composed of alternate positive
and negative terms. Therefore,

if the number of terms are even, then there are equal number of positive and negative
Consequently, the sum of the series will be zero.
Similarly, if the number of terms are odd, then the positive and negative terms are present in
an unequal proportion.
Consequently, the sum of the series is equal to the first term of the series.

Step 2
The number of terms in the given series is 275, which is odd.
Therefore, the sum of the given series is 4.

(6) b. even

Step 1
The average of any four consecutive odd integers is always even.
For example : 1, 3, 5, and 7 are four consecutive odd integers.
Average of 1, 3, 5, and 7 =
, which is an even number.

Step 2
Therefore, we can say that the average of any four consecutive odd integers is always even.

(7) b. =

Step 1
If we look at the numbers -5 and -5, we notice that -5 is equal to -5.

Step 2
Therefore, we can say that the correct operator is =.

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(8) A) -390

Step 1
We can multiply the two numbers by using the following steps:
1. Firstly, we will multiply the mathematical signs of the numbers. We place a negative
sign before the negative numbers and leave the positive numbers without any sign.
We can multiply the signs as shown below :
2. Now, we have to multiply the numbers.
For example :
3 × 2 = 6,
3 × (-2) = (-6),
(-3) × 2 = (-6),
(-3) × (-2) = 6

Step 2
Therefore, 13 × ( -6 ) + 4 × 6 × ( -13 ) can be expressed as:
13 × ( -6 ) + 4 × 6 × ( -13 )
= (-78) + (-312)
= -78 -312
= -390

Step 3
Hence, the value of 13 × ( -6 ) + 4 × 6 × ( -13 ) is -390.

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ID : id-6-Integers [9]

B) 257

Step 1
We can multiply the two numbers by using the following steps:
1. Firstly, we will multiply the mathematical signs of the numbers. We place a negative
sign before the negative numbers and leave the positive numbers without any sign.
We can multiply the signs as shown below :
2. Now, we have to multiply the numbers.
For example :
3 × 2 = 6,
3 × (-2) = (-6),
(-3) × 2 = (-6),
(-3) × (-2) = 6

Step 2
Therefore, ( -16 ) × ( -12 ) - ( -5 ) × 13 can be expressed as:
( -16 ) × ( -12 ) - ( -5 ) × 13
= (192) - (-65)
= 192 + 65
= 257

Step 3
Hence, the value of ( -16 ) × ( -12 ) - ( -5 ) × 13 is 257.

(9) A) 18

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | -18 | = 18.

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B) 9

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | -9 | = 9.

C) 1

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | 1 | = 1.

D) 3

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | 3 | = 3.

E) 11

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | -11 | = 11.

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F) 0

Step 1
We know that the absolute value (or modulus) of an integer x is x's numerical value
without any regards to the mathematical sign placed before it.

Step 2
Therefore, the absolute value of | 0 | = 0.

(10) A) -7

Step 1
a) We know that the division of a positive number by a negative number results in a
negative number.
 For example : 4/(-2) = (-2)
b) Similarly, the division of a negative number by a positive number results in a
negative number.
 For example : (-4)/2 = (-2)
c) Division of a negative number by a negative number results in a positive number.
 For example : (-4)/(-2) = 2

Step 2
Let us divide 98 by 14,
Divisor→ 14 ) 9 8 ( 7 ←Quotient
9 8

Remainder← 0

Step 3
Therefore, (98) ÷ (-14) = -7

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B) 22

Step 1
a) We know that the division of a positive number by a negative number results in a
negative number.
 For example : 4/(-2) = (-2)
b) Similarly, the division of a negative number by a positive number results in a
negative number.
 For example : (-4)/2 = (-2)
c) Division of a negative number by a negative number results in a positive number.
 For example : (-4)/(-2) = 2

Step 2
Let us divide 176 by 8,
Divisor→ 8 ) 1 7 6 ( 22 ←Quotient
1 6

1 6
1 6

Remainder← 0

Step 3
Therefore, (176) ÷ (8) = 22

(11) A) 26

Step 1
If you look at the pair 26, 11 carefully, you will notice that 26 > 11

Step 2
Therefore you can say that the larger number in pair 26, 11 is 26

B) 14

Step 1
In case of negative numbers, the value of more negative number is smaller as
compare to the less negative number or positive number,Therefore 14 > -23

Step 2
Now we can say that the larger number in pair -23, 14 is -23

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C) 25

Step 1
In case of negative numbers, the value of more negative number is smaller as
compare to the less negative number or positive number,Therefore 25 > -27

Step 2
Now we can say that the larger number in pair -27, 25 is -27

D) 9

Step 1
In case of negative numbers, the value of more negative number is smaller as
compare to the less negative number or positive number,Therefore 9 > -13

Step 2
Now we can say that the larger number in pair -13, 9 is -13

E) 3

Step 1
In case of negative numbers, the value of more negative number is smaller as
compare to the less negative number or positive number,Therefore 3 > -2

Step 2
Now we can say that the larger number in pair 3, -2 is 3

F) 10

Step 1
If you look at the pair 9, 10 carefully, you will notice that 10 > 9

Step 2
Therefore you can say that the larger number in pair 9, 10 is 10

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ID : id-6-Integers [14]
(12) True

Step 1
We know that integers are the set of whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) and their opposites (0, -1, -2, -
3, ....).

Step 2
We can see that zero is an integer.
Therefore, the given statement is true.

(13) False

Step 1
Let a = 2, b = 4.(Since a and b are natural numbers and a < b.)
 So, a - b = + 2 - 4
     = - 2

Step 2
We know that for a negative number (e.g. x), its absolute value will be positive (i.e. -x).
Therefore, L.H.S :
| a - b | = -1 × ( a - b)
| a - b | = |-2|
= 2 ...............(1)

Step 3
Now, let us look at the R.H.S .
|a| = |2| = 2
|b| = |4| = 4
|a| - |b| = 2 - 4
 = - 2 ...............(2)

Step 4
As, | a - b | = 2 and |a| - |b| = - 2
|a - b| ≠ |a| - |b|
Hence, the given statement is false.

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(14) True

Step 1
Let us assume that n is a positive number.
Therefore, its negative = -n.

Step 2
The sum of n and -n = n + (-n)

Step 3
From the above calculation, we find that the sum of a number and its negative is zero.
Hence, the answer is true.

(15) True

Step 1
We know that integers can be negative {-1, -2,-3, -4, -5, ... }, positive {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... }, or zero {0}.
Also, zero is greater than all the negative values and smaller than all the positive values.
Therefore, we can say that zero is not the smallest integer.

Step 2
Hence, the answer is true.

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