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Caroline Myrtetus

Sierra Brown
Danielle Dolecki
Lulu Yang

Writing Assessment

Purpose: To assess students ability to use different writing skills to complete academic
content objectives and tasks.

Imitative Writing
Grade level: 1
WIDA level: 2
WIDA Standard: The Language of Social Studies
VA SOL:1.11 The student will recognize the symbols and traditional practices that honor and
foster patriotism in the United states by
a) identifying the American flag, bald eagle, Washington Monument, and statue
of Liberty
b) demonstrating respect of the American flag by learning about the Pledge of
A Allegiance
Objective: Students will show their understanding of the American Flag by copying specific
vocabulary words while using appropriate cohesive devices.

Note: This assignment also incorporates the use of “prepositions” in addition to being an
assessment of writing capability. The use of prepositions in this assignment serves only as
exposure not as an assessment of students understanding or ability to them appropriately. The
purpose of this assignment is to assess students ability to copy vocabulary words but I think it is
important to tie in a literacy objective as well.

Directions: Test taker reads and each word: Write each vocabulary word on the line beside it.

Scoring: Each word is worth one point.

( derived from:

The American Flag

Is Has
real ________ pole ________
red ________ stars ________
white ________ string ________
blue ________ Stripes ________
big ________
beautiful ________
symbol ________

Intensive (Controlled) Writing

Grade Level: 1
WIDA Level: 3 - Developing
WIDA Standard: The Language of Social Studies
VA SOL: 1.10 The student will apply the traits of a good citizen by
a) focusing on fair play, exhibiting good sportsmanship, helping others, and
treating others with respect;
b) recognizing the purpose of rules and practicing self-control;
c) working hard in school;
d) taking responsibility for one’s own actions;
e) valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others;
f) participating in classroom decision making through voting.
Objective: Students will be able to write a description about each picture displaying their
competency of grammatical forms & systems and vocabulary to show their understanding of
traits of good citizens.
Directions: Look at each picture and describe in one sentence how the people in the pictures
show a trait of a good citizen. You will write about the six different pictures in the six numbered
lines below. Remember to write complete sentences with capital letters, periods, and key words
we’ve talked about! (For example: Write about picture #1 in line #1) (Teacher will read directions
out loud for students unable to read)
Scoring: Each sentence can earn 0-2 points based on the following scale:
2 points - sentences use correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and use of key
vocabulary words for this unit correctly
1 point - sentences that have either correct capitalization, correct punctuation, or use
key vocabulary words for this unit correctly (not all parts correct)
0 points - no capital letters, no punctuation, no use of key vocabulary words
Test Sample:
Test-takers see:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Test-takers read: Describe how the people in each picture show they are a good citizen

Test-takers write:

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________

Responsive Writing
Grade Level: 1
WIDA Level: 2 - beginning
WIDA Standard: The Language of Social Studies
VA SOL: 1.10 The student will apply the traits of a good citizen by
a) focusing on fair play, exhibiting good sportsmanship, helping others, and
treating others with respect;
b) recognizing the purpose of rules and practicing self-control;
c) working hard in school;
d) taking responsibility for one’s own actions;
e) valuing honesty and truthfulness in oneself and others;
f) participating in classroom decision making through voting
Objective: Students will be able to create an acceptable core of words and use appropriate
word order patterns to respond to the questions relating to traits of good citizens.
Directions: You will read situations about students’ misbehavior. Think about it carefully as you
are the student and write down the best suggestion in order to solve it.
Scoring: Each question worths 2 points and scores will be based on the following scale:
2 points - the suggestion is appropriate and uses grammar correctly
1 point - the suggestion is somewhat appropriate and uses few grammar mistakes
0 points - the suggestion is not appropriate and uses grammar incorrectly
Test Sample:
1. You are taking a exam. Two students are sitting in front of you and passing answers to
each other. What will you do?
2. You are in a class, listening to your professor. A student next to you is using his/her cell
phone. You are trying to pay attention to the lecture, but the student’s behavior is
distracted you. What will you do?
3. You are in a class and the teacher asked a lot of questions. You raise your hand but
another student calls out every time when the teacher asks. It is bothering you and your
classmates. What will you do?
4. One student is bullying you and calling you mean names. He/she also makes fun of
other people. You feel hurt and upset. What will you do?
5. You are taking notes in a review session. Some students are talking around you about
something else. You are distracted and cannot concentrate on your notes. What will you
Extensive Writing
Grade: 4
WIDA Level: 5
WIDA Standard: The Language of Social Studies
SOLs: VS.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement
in America by g) describing the interactions between the English settlers and the native peoples,
including the contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the settlers.

Objective: Students will be able to appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of

written texts according to form and purpose and convey links and connections between events
and communicate such relations to describe the interactions between different groups of people
of the first permanent English settlement in America

Directions: It’s almost Thanksgiving! Imagine you are either an English settler or Native
American living in Virginia, during the 1600s and are a part of the first Thanksgiving feast! You
will research, brainstorm, plan, and then write five journal entries using the following prompt
from the perspective of your role. You may use online resources or books to research
(remember to cite your sources). You will have two days to research and complete this
assignment. Be creative and have fun creating your character! :)

Prompt (English Settlers): You just arrived in the New World! What is your daily life like? How
do you feel about your new environment? How are your interactions with Native Americans?
Describe any positive or negative meetings you have experienced. Include your role in the
Thanksgiving Feast.

Prompt (Native Americans): New people just arrived in your homeland. How has your daily life
changed? How do you feel about these changes? How are your interactions with the English
settlers? Describe any positive or negative meetings you have experienced. Include your role
in the Thanksgiving Feast.

Scoring: The journal entries will be graded on: accurate historical content (50%), organization
(20%), creativity (20%), and mechanics (10%).

Brown, H. D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2010). Language assessment: Principles and

classroom practices (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Education, V. D. (n.d.). History & Social Science. Retrieved November 10, 2016, from

World- Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA), Performance Definitions

(2012). Performance definitions: Listening and reading grades K-12.Retrieved from

World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA), The English Language

Learner Can Do Booklet (2012). Can do descriptors: Grade level cluster 1-2.

Retrieved from

World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA), (2012). Can do descriptors:

Grade level cluster 3-5. Retrieved from

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