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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic tectonic development of the high

Andean Principal Cordillera, El Indio Region, Chile (29±308S)
Mark W. Martin*, Jorge Clavero R., Constantino Mpodozis M.
Servicio Nacional de GeologõÂa y MinerõÂa de Chile, Avda. Santa MarõÂa 0104, Santiago, Chile


Regional mapping (1:50,000) and U-Pb and K-Ar geochronology in the El Indio region re®nes the knowledge of the
distribution, lithostratigraphy, and age of the sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive rocks that comprise the regionally extensive
Pastos Blancos Group which is equivalent to the Choiyoi Group of the Argentine Frontal Cordillera. The Pastos Blancos Group
(which we elevate to Group status herein) includes at least two diachronous volcanic±sedimentary sequences: an older felsic
volcanic and volcaniclastic unit, the Guanaco Sonso sequence, that is Permian in age, and a younger bimodal volcanic and
volcaniclastic unit, the Los Tilos sequence that is Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic. Sedimentary rocks of the Los Tilos sequence
are transitional upward into the overlying Early to Middle Jurassic shallow marine limestones of the Lautaro Formation.
Intrusions that make up the regionally extensive Permian to Early Jurassic plutons of the Chollay and Elqui-LimarõÂ batholiths
that were previously mapped as a single plutonic association, the IngaguaÂs Complex, include in the El Indio region at least three
discrete intrusive units. These include: Early Permian (280±270 Ma) biotite granites, Early to Middle Triassic (242±238 Ma)
silica-rich leucocratic granites and rhyolitic porphyries that made up the bulk of the Chollay Batholith, and a younger Late
Triassic±Early Jurassic unit (221±200 Ma) of mainly intrusive rhyolitic porphyries, extrusive domes, and subordinate ma®c
intrusions and both felsic and ma®c dikes, which are coeval with volcanic rocks of the Los Tilos sequence.
Our data show that latest Paleozoic to Early Jurassic intrusive, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks in the El Indio region of the
High Andes of Chile between 29±308S likely formed during extension driven processes after the cessation of Carboniferous±
Early Permian subduction along the western edge of Gondwana. These processes began by Late Permian time, but instead of
recording a single and protracted magmatic event, as has been previously suggested, rocks that belong to the Pastos Blancos
Group and the IngaguaÂs Intrusive Complex record at least three discrete periods of silicic to bimodal magmatism which
occurred during the Middle Permian to Early Jurassic interval. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Nuevos antecedentes geoloÂgicos (mapeo regional a escala 1:50.000) y geocronoloÂgicos (U-Pb y K-Ar) de la zona de El Indio,
en los Andes des centro-norte de Chile, han permitido mejorar el conocimiento de la distribucioÂn, litoestratigrafõÂ a y edad de las
rocas sedimentarias, volcaÂnicas e intrusivas que conforman el Grupo Pastos Blancos, equivalente al Grupo Choiyoi de la
Cordillera Frontal argentina. El Grupo Pastos Blancos, elevado al status de Grupo en este trabajo incluye, al menos, dos
secuencias volcano-sedimentarias diacroÂnicas: una unidad volcaÂnica y volcanoclaÂstica peÂrmica (secuencia Guanaco Sonso), y una
unidad volcaÂnica bimodal y volcanoclaÂstica del TriaÂsico Medio a JuraÂsico Inferior (secuencia Los Tilos), la que pasa
transicionalmente a calizas marinas someras de la sobreyacente FormacioÂn Lautaro del JuraÂsico Inferior a Medio.
Junto con ello, se ha reconocido, al menos, tres distintas unidades intrusivas en plutones del PeÂrmico a JuraÂsico Inferior
de los batolitos Chollay y ElquõÂ -LimarõÂ , previamente incluidos dentro del Complejo IngaguaÂs. EÂstas incluyen: granitos de
biotita del PeÂrmico Inferior (280±270 Ma), granitos leucocraÂticos silõÂ ceos y poÂr®dos riolõÂ ticos del TriaÂsico Inferior a Medio

* Present address and Correspondence: Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bldg. 54-
1126, Cambridge, MA 02139.
E-mail address: (M.W. Martin)

0895-9811/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 5 - 9 8 1 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 0 3 - 6
34 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

(242±238 Ma) que forman gran parte del Batolito Chollay, y una unidad maÂs joven del TriaÂsico Superior-JuraÂsico Inferior
(221±200 Ma) constituida por poÂr®dos riolõ ticos, domos riolõ ticos, intrusivos ma®cos subordinados y diques feÂlsicos y ma®cos,
equivalentes subvolcaÂnicos de las rocas extrusivas de la secuencia Los Tilos.
Estos datos demuestran que las rocas intrusivas, volcaÂnicas y sedimentarias del Paleozoico Superior-JuraÂsico Inferior de la
zona de El Indio en los Andes de Chile entre los 29±308S se formaron a raõÂ z de fenoÂmenos de extensioÂn posteriores al cese de la
subduccioÂn a lo largo del borde occidental de Gondwana en el CarbonõÂ fero-PeÂrmico Inferior. EÂstos comenzaron en el PeÂrmico
Superior, pero en lugar de generar un uÂnico y prolongado evento magmaÂtico, como habõÂ a sido sugerido previamente, las rocas
del Grupo Pastos Blancos y del Complejo Intrusivo IngaguaÂs revelan, al menos, tres distintos perõÂ odos de magmatismo silõÂ ceo a
bimodal ocurridos entre el PeÂrmico Medio y el JuraÂsico Inferior. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction proximately 300 km by 60 km) of Late Paleozoic to

Early Mesozoic intrusive complexes [Montosa-El
The El Indio region is located along the crest of the Potro, Chollay, and Elqui-LimarõÂ batholiths (Nasi et
Andes along the border with Argentina between 298S al., 1985; Mpodozis and Kay, 1990, 1992)]. Host rocks
and 318S above the present day ¯at subducting slab to the batholith in the Huasco valley (288S) are small
(Fig. 1). Most of the geological mapping in this region outcrops of orthogneisses (La Pampa gneisses) that
of north-central Chile has been completed at a scale of yielded a poorly constrained Late Silurian Rb-Sr iso-
1:250,000 (Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988; Nasi et al., chron of 415214 Ma, and a suite of greenschists, gar-
1990) and recently a new mapping project at 1:50,000 net-bearing pelitic schists, and marbles (El TraÂnsito
scale (Martin et al., 1995) has re®ned the basic geolo- Metamorphic Complex) which yielded Late
gic knowledge in this region along the border with Carboniferous±Early Permian Rb-Sr ``errorchrons''
Argentina. This region is commonly known among the between 335 and 261 Ma that may represent meta-
economic geology community as the El Indio Belt morphism associated with the emplacement of
after the gold mine of the same name located near the Carboniferous±Early Permian granitoids (Ribba et al.,
center of the study area (Fig. 1; Maksaev et al., 1984). 1988; Pankhurst et al., 1996). Graywacke-shale sedi-
In parallel with former 1:250,000 scale mapping pro- mentary sequences and their possible metamorphic
jects during the late 1980's several geochemical±geo- equivalents [Las Placetas and Hurtado Formations, El
chronologic (K-Ar and Rb-Sr) reconnaissance studies Cepo Metamorphic Complex (Reutter, 1974;
of the Late Paleozoic to Triassic batholith between Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988; Nasi et al., 1990)] occur
28±318S were completed (e.g., Nasi et al., 1985; Ribba as scattered roof pendants along the entire length of
et al., 1988; Parada, 1990; Parada et al., 1991; the Elqui-LimarõÂ and Chollay batholiths. The age of
Mpodozis and Kay, 1992); similar types of studies the Hurtado Formation is not known, although it has
have also been carried out across the border in been correlated with shallow marine, fossil bearing
Argentina (LlambõÂ as and Sato, 1990). Based on these Carboniferous±Lower Permian units in the Frontal
studies, it has been proposed by Mpodozis and Kay Cordillera of the San Juan province, Argentina
(1992) that Late Paleozoic tectonism along the western
(Caminos, 1979; Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988;
margin of Gondwana was controlled by subduction re-
LlambõÂ as and Sato, 1995).
lated processes followed by a protracted period of
These rocks are overlain unconformably by the vol-
crustal extension in the Late Permian to Early
canic and volcaniclastic strata of the Pastos Blancos
Jurassic. Here, we introduce new ®eld observations
Formation, ®rst described by Thiele (1964) to which
and K-Ar and U-Pb ages which re®ne the present
he assigned a Late Triassic age. The Pastos Blancos
understanding of the Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic
Formation and its Argentine counterpart, the Choiyoi
geologic development of this region and better con-
Group, are regionally the most extensive volcano±sedi-
strain the timing of tectonic processes that occurred
mentary map units between 28±328S in the high
along the southwest-facing margin of Gondwana
during this time interval; however, understanding the Cordillera of their respective countries. The Pastos
precise timing of events and the processes involved will Blancos Formation name was maintained, but rede-
require more detail studies. ®ned by subsequent workers (Mpodozis and Cornejo,
1988; Nasi et al., 1990) who considered this unit to
range in age from Late Paleozoic to Triassic. The
Pastos Blancos unit is intruded by granites of
2. Geologic setting and previous geochronological studies Permian±Triassic age, and is depositionally overlain by
the fossil-bearing, shallow marine, Early Jurassic
The High Andean Range in Chile between 28±318S Lautaro Formation (Reutter, 1974; Mpodozis and
is formed mainly by a north±south trending belt (ap- Cornejo, 1988; Nasi et al., 1985, 1990). Prior to this
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 35

Fig. 1. Geologic map of the El Indio belt showing distribution of map units and structures. Geochronologic data are from this study (Fig. 2,
Table 1 and 2) unless outlined by rectangle (Table 2). (z), zircon; (b) biotite; (m) muscovite; (w) whole rock.
36 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

Fig. 1 (continued)
Table 1
U-Pb radiometric ages from the study areaa

Concentration Atomic ratios [error 2-sigma (%)] Age (Ma)

Sample Namea Weight U Pb 206 Pbb 208 Pbb 206 Pbc % errd 207 Pbc % errd 207 Pbc % errd 206 Pbc 207 Pbc 207 Pbc corr.
Fraction (mg) (ppm) (ppm) 204 Pb 206 Pb 238 U 235 U 206 Pbc 238 U 235 U 206 Pbc coef.e

IJ-108.2corÐGuanaco Sonso SequenceÐRhyolite Tu€ (UTM±6756000-399900)

nm(0) f, p 0.453 318.0 15.4 1126.9 0.065 0.04105 0.56 0.29210 0.58 0.05161 0.15 259.3 260.2 268.2 0.97
nm(ÿ1) c, h, p 0.155 130.5 7.1 262.6 0.107 0.03891 0.51 0.27753 0.63 0.05173 0.36 246.1 248.7 273.3 0.82
nm(0) cc, h, p 0.258 111.6 7.5 135.9 0.159 0.04012 0.48 0.28622 0.72 0.05174 0.51 253.6 255.6 274.0 0.71
IJ-108.1corÐColorado ViejoÐQuartz Porphyry (UTM±6756200-400200)
nm(ÿ1) m, p 0.239 274.3 17.0 148.4 0.151 0.03864 0.59 0.27779 1.10 0.05214 0.84 244.4 248.9 291.7 0.62
nm(ÿ1) m, h, p 0.048 252.7 13.3 245.4 0.111 0.03833 0.55 0.26958 0.67 0.05101 0.35 242.5 242.4 241.4 0.85
nm(ÿ2) c, h, p 0.195 226.6 13.5 169.6 0.138 0.03882 0.49 0.27545 0.69 0.05146 0.47 245.5 247.0 261.5 0.74
IM-113.1corÐColorado ViejoÐDacite Porphyry (UTM±6756550-399750)
nm(ÿ1) m, p 0.534 160.2 14.4 90.7 0.222 0.04378 0.48 0.38431 0.81 0.06367 0.61 276.2 330.2 730.5 0.66
nm(ÿ1) m, h, p 0.040 102.4 5.8 259.5 0.108 0.03864 1.00 0.27549 1.20 0.05170 0.52 244.4 247.1 272.3 0.89
nm(ÿ2) c, h, p 0.089 158.1 13.9 72.4 0.253 0.03843 0.51 0.27346 1.20 0.05161 1.10 243.1 245.5 268.3 0.51
IM-92.6ÐLos Tilos SequenceÐRhyolite Flow (UTM±6714650-404300)
nm(0) c, aa(10) 0.270 189.9 8.1 3904.5 0.055 0.03526 0.47 0.24830 0.47 0.05108 0.08 223.4 225.2 244.4 0.99
nm(+1) c, h, p 0.068 224.8 9.5 1840.1 0.059 0.03304 0.55 0.23150 0.60 0.05081 0.22 209.6 211.4 232.3 0.93
nm(0) cc, h, p 0.065 158.2 7.0 1180.8 0.063 0.03462 0.63 0.24345 0.70 0.05099 0.29 219.4 221.2 240.6 0.91
nm(ÿ1) cc, p 0.064 135.7 5.7 909.3 0.067 0.03357 0.69 0.23619 0.75 0.05103 0.28 212.6 215.3 242.1 0.93
IM-83.4ÐColorado Quartz Porphyry (UTM±6671200-403100)
z1 nm(0) c, h, aa(24) 0.017 320.8 13.0 687.6 0.156 0.03103 0.17 0.25740 0.24 0.05128 0.16 230.5 232.6 253.3 0.74
z2 nm(0) c, h, aa(24) 0.013 340.0 13.1 981.2 0.134 0.03629 0.16 0.25654 0.20 0.05127 0.11 229.9 231.9 253.1 0.83
nm(+1) m, aa(10) 0.137 336.4 13.4 853.2 0.189 0.03512 0.48 0.24866 0.51 0.05136 0.15 222.5 225.5 256.9 0.95
nm(0) m, p 0.173 320.5 13.0 553.5 0.191 0.03443 0.50 0.24407 0.62 0.05141 0.36 218.2 221.8 259.2 0.82
nm(0) f, p 0.031 360.8 14.0 751.8 0.190 0.03430 0.61 0.24374 0.70 0.05153 0.34 217.4 221.5 264.8 0.88
z4 nm(0) c, h, aa(24) 0.003 328.8 11.6 1323.2 0.254 0.03137 0.22 0.22185 0.51 0.05129 0.44 199.1 203.4 253.8 0.51
z3 nm(0) c, h, aa(24) 0.015 341.9 12.6 384.7 0.155 0.03103 0.17 0.22021 0.27 0.05147 0.21 197.0 202.1 262.1 0.65
nm(])=nonmagnetic on Frantz separator at angle of tilt ] degrees. cc=very coarse size fraction (>150 microns). c=coarse size fraction (>74 and <150 microns). m=medium size fraction
(>50 and <74 microns). f=®ne size fraction (<50 microns). h=hand picked for highest clarity, euhedral zircons. p=2 hour air abrasion . aa (10ÿl/s)=air abraded samples (10 hours-large zir-
cons after air abrasion/small zircon after air abrasion). Zircon dissolution followed the methods of Krogh (1973) and Parrish (1987). Decay constants used were 238 U=0.15513  10ÿ9 yrÿ1 235
U=0.98485  10ÿ9 yrÿ1 (Steiger and JaÈger, 1977). Isotopic analyses were determined on a VG Sector multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer. A mass fractionation correction of
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

0.10%20.05%/amu. Samples were spiked with a mixed 205 Pb/235 U spike. Errors on 206 Pb/204 Pb were minimized by use of a Daly multiplier and are typically on the order of 1% or less.
Errors for 206 Pb/204 Pb were reduced further on samples spiked with 205 Pb by using a dynamic Daly calibration after the technique of Roddick et al. (1987, p. 115). Common lead corrections
were made using values determined from Stacey and Kramers (1975) for the interpreted crystallization age except where sample name is denoted by (cor) in which case common lead corrections
were made using the measured feldspar lead isotopic values (208:207:206:204) from sample; isotopic compositions have uncertainties of less than 0.1% (2 sigma). IM-113.1 & IM-108.1,
38.516:15.576:18,710; IM-108.2, 38.433:15.601:18.615.
Corrected for spike and mass fractionation.
Radiogenic component.
Numbers in parentheses are analytical errors in percent.
Corr. coef. is the correlation coecient between the 206 Pb/238 U and 207 PB/235 U errors. Errors and correlation coecients were computed using technique of Ludwig (1980).
38 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

study, no absolute geochronology was available for the phyry pluton in RõÂ o Turbio near Quebrada El
Pastos Blancos Formation. Colorado, but also includes pink graphic granites, and
The Late Paleozoic±Early Mesozoic intrusive com- is considered the youngest igneous unit of the
plexes themselves were studied and mapped by IngaguaÂs Complex (Nasi et al., 1985, 1990; Mpodozis
Mpodozis and Cornejo (1988), Nasi et al. (1985), and and Kay, 1992). Small outcrops of pyroxene gabbro,
Mpodozis and Kay (1990, 1992) who, based on ®eld which intrude rhyolites included in the Pastos Blancos
relations, texture, composition, and K-Ar and Rb-Sr Formation in RõÂ o La Laguna, belong to the ®fth unit
geochronologic data, grouped the intrusives within two of the IngaguaÂs Complex (La Laguna Gabbros,
``Superunits'' or Complexes: Elqui and IngaguaÂs to Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988; Mpodozis and Kay,
which they attributed a Late Carboniferous±Early 1992). The few published K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages for the
Permian and a Middle Permian±Early Jurassic age, re- IngaguaÂs Complex range from 276 to 192 Ma (Brook
spectively. et al., 1986; Rex 1987; Mpodozis and Cornejo 1988;
In the Elqui-LimarõÂ batholith, the Elqui Complex is Nasi et al., 1990).
composed of a group of foliated coarse grained, meta- The Elqui Complex (Guanta unit) has been inter-
luminous, hornblende-biotite tonalites (Guanta unit), preted as a relict of Late Carboniferous east-directed
slightly peraluminous two-mica granodiorites subduction below the Paci®c margin of Gondwana
(CochiguaÂs unit), and coarse-grained peraluminous (Mpodozis and Kay, 1992). This was followed by a
granites (El VolcaÂn unit). Published Rb-Sr ages range period of crustal thickening and enhanced lower crust
between 328 to 256 Ma, while K-Ar ages (biotite, mus- melting recorded in the CochiguaÂs and El VolcaÂn
covite and hornblende) range from 301 to 235 Ma Units (Mpodozis and Kay, 1992) as a consequence of
(Parada et al., 1981; Brook et al., 1986; Ribba at al., the Early Permian San Rafael Orogenic Phase which
1988; Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988; Nasi et al., 1990; has been dated, on stratigraphic grounds between 280
Rex, 1987; Pankhurst et al., 1996); Pankhurst et al., to 260 Ma in the Frontal Cordillera of Argentina
(1996) report one U-Pb zircon age of 285 2 1.5 Ma. (Rapalini, 1989; LlambõÂ as and Sato, 1990, 1995).
Although a de®nitive upper time boundary for the According to Mpodozis and Kay (1990, 1992) the
emplacement of the Elqui Complex has yet to be deter- younger IngaguaÂs Complex intrusives (and the inferred
mined, Nasi et al. (1990) considered K-Ar and Rb-Sr coeval Pastos Blancos Formation) were considered to
ages younger than 266 Ma to re¯ect resetting of both be an association of epizonal, post-orogenic intrusives
isotopic systems during the emplacement of the which include granitoids derived from deep levels in a
younger IngaguaÂs Complex. Two examples where garnet-bearing thickened crust (Los Carricitos) and
apparent thermal resetting has occurred are: 1) the El hypersiliceous, calkalcaline to transitional A-type
TraÂnsito valley (298S) where tonalites of the Guanta intrusives indicating extensive crustal melting of upper,
unit yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 285.5 2 1.7 Ma garnet-free, crust. Melting was favored by the under-
(Pankhurst et al., 1996), and a K-Ar biotite age of 252 plating of ma®c magmas against the base of the crust
26 Ma (Nasi et al., 1985; Ribba et al., 1988), and 2) during a protracted Permian±Triassic period of post
RõÂ o Turbio (308S) where a tonalitic Guanta pluton orogenic extension and uplift.
yielded discordant K-Ar hornblende and biotite ages
of 297 2 9 and 258 2 4 Ma, respectively (Nasi et al.,
1985, 1990). 3. Basement geology of the El Indio Belt
The IngaguaÂs Complex is a suite of epizonal intru-
sives originally considered age equivalent to the Pastos The El Indio Belt is well known for its exposures of
Blancos Formation and is composed of ®ve units: Los Late Oligocene±Miocene volcanic sequences and intru-
Carricitos, Chollay, El LeoÂn, El Colorado, and La sive complexes which host one of the large epithermal
Laguna (Nasi et al., 1985,1990; Mpodozis and precious metals district of the Central Andes (Maksaev
Cornejo, 1988; Mpodozis and Kay, 1992). Los et al., 1984; Kay et al., l987, 1997; Martin et al., 1995,
Carricitos unit consists dominantly of biotite 2 horn- and references therein). The basement to these volcanic
blende-bearing granodiorites. The Chollay unit was units includes a variable suite of Late Paleozoic to
originally de®ned for pink, coarse to very coarse- Early Tertiary rock units. Fig. 1 is a geologic map
grained, biotite-hornblende monzogranites, containing showing the distribution of pre-middle Jurassic units.
sienogranite and granodiorite as subordinate phases, The older rocks exposed in the map area are phyllites
exposed between 288 and 298 (Chollay Batholith, Nasi and pelitic schists probably correlative to the El Cepo
et al., 1990). The El LeoÂn unit was de®ned by Metamorphic Complex. They occur as small outcrops
Mpodozis and Cornejo (1988) for pink medium- unconformably covered by the Pastos Blancos volcanic
grained monzogranites and sienogranites exposed rocks at Estero Los Tilos and RõÂ o Malo (Fig. 1). The
between 298 and 318S. The El Colorado unit was rocks contain quartz porphyroclasts, feldspar and vari-
named for a red to orange granite quartz-feldspar por- able amounts of suboriented muscovite. A pelitic schist
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 39

(Ma) Error


from this unit collected south of the El Indio mine

yielded a K-Ar whole rock date of 254.0 2 8.0 Ma
(Table 2, Fig. 1) which we interpret as a minimum age
for this unit. Biotite K-Ar ages of 22425 and 24024
Ma were reported previously for El Cepo schists col-

lected in the IngaguaÂs valley by Mpodozis and





Cornejo (1988) who considered these dates to represent
thermal resetting by the IngaguaÂs Complex intrusives.

Small and isolated outcrops of granitic gneisses and



migmatites rest as enclaves in the Permian±Triassic


Chollay±El LeoÂn granites near the IngaguaÂs Valley in
the southwest part of the area (Fig. 1). These foliated
igneous rocks are similar texturally and composition-



ally to rocks that were included in the Guanta unit by
Mpodozis and Cornejo (1988), and are widely exposed
west and south of the study area in the main body of

the Elqui-LimarõÂ batholith (Nasi et al. 1985; Mpodozis



and Cornejo, 1988).
The most voluminous basement units in the El Indio
Belt are the Pastos Blancos Formation and intrusives
of the IngaguaÂs Complex (see description below). In



some places, such as the western slopes of Cordillera
de DonÄa Ana, the Pastos Blancos Formation is over-
lain depositionally by the Early±Middle Jurassic

``Peraluminous'' unit
Guanaco Sonso Seq.
Guanaco Sonso Seq.
Guanaco Sonso Seq.
(Sinemurian to Bajocian) marine sediments of the

Lautaro Formation. Elsewhere in the region the

El Colorado unit
Lautaro Formation rests directly upon granitoids of Los Tilos Seq.

El LeoÂn unit
El LeoÂn unit
Chollay unit
the Elqui and IngaguaÂs complexes and older parts of
the Pastos Blancos Formation (von Hillebrandt, 1973;
Reutter, 1974; Nasi et al., 1990; Martin et al., 1995)
Late Jurassic to Eocene sedimentary and volcanic
rocks unconformably rest on the Lautaro Formation
Two-mica Granite

in the northwestern part of the map area. Though still


poorly studied, this concordant sequence of continental

Dacite tu€
Dacite tu€
Dacite tu€
Dacite tu€

conglomerates and sandstones intercalated with inter-



mediate lavas and domes was previously included in

the Late Jurassic Algarrobal Formation (Nasi et al.,
1990). However, our mapping and geochronological
studies indicate that Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Lower
La Laguna

RõÂ o CochiguaÂs
RõÂ o La GlorõÂ a


RõÂ o Estrecho

Eocene rocks are present within the sequence (Martin


et al., 1995). In the northern part of the area, several


Late Eocene to Early Oligocene intermediate compo-

RõÂ o
RõÂ o
RõÂ o
RõÂ o
RõÂ o
RõÂ o

sition shallow-level intrusions and porphyries intrude

older units (Martin et al., 1995). Ma®c to felsic com-
K-Ar radiometric ages from the study area

position volcanic rocks and shallow intrusions and



porphyries are associated with extensive Late


Oligocene to Late Miocene magmatic activity along

the border with Argentina (Maksaev et al., 1984; Kay
et al., 1987; Ramos et al. 1989; Martin et al., 1995).
Deformation in the region is dominated by N-strik-
ing, high-angle reverse faults and associated folds that
Nasi et al.Ð1985
Nasi et al.Ð1985
Nasi et al.Ð1985

include both E- and W-vergent structures (Fig. 1;

Published Ages:

Moscoso and Mpodozis, 1988; Martin et al., 1995,

This Study:



1997a) that place large basement block over relatively


Table 2


thin strips of the Mesozoic and Tertiary cover, now

preserved in the footwalls of these faults. Most of the
40 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

Fig. 2. U-Pb concordia diagram for samples (a) IJ-108.2, (b) IJ-108.1, (c) IM-113.1, (d) IM-92.6, and (d) IM-83.4.
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 41

structures in the study area are demonstrably younger unconformably, by the younger Los Tilos sequence.
than Paleocene (Martin et al., 1995, 1997b). The base is not exposed in the map area. Regionally, it
consists of dark brown to red welded ash¯ow tu€s and
3.1. Pastos Blancos Group lava ¯ows that are rhyolitic to dacitic in composition.
The volcanic rocks are generally interbedded with vol-
The extensive exposure of volcanic and volcaniclas- caniclastic rocks that range from sandstones to con-
tic sequences assigned to the Pastos Blancos glomerates and fanglomerates. Rocks belonging to the
Formation within the El Indio Belt (Fig. 1) previously Guanaco Sonso sequence are typically strongly altered
were considered either ``Permian±Triassic'' (Mpodozis and silici®ed especially near younger intrusions. It
and Cornejo, 1988) or ``Late Paleozoic±Lower should be noted that, fresh or altered, the ash¯ow tu€s
Triassic'' age (Nasi et al., 1990). In the absence of geo- of this unit are easily confused for tu€s of the Late
chronological data, these interpretations were based Oligocene Tilito Formation also found in the study
mainly on inconclusive ®eld constraints and regional area (Martin et al., 1995). Although the total thickness
correlations. However, our ®eld studies and new geo- of this unit could not be determined because its base is
chronology indicate that as named, the Pastos Blancos not exposed in the map area, its minimum thickness
Formation contains volcanic and sedimentary rocks varies from 750 to 1000 m.
that yield K-Ar and U-Pb ages that range from Early We report several new ages from rhyolitic to dacitic
Permian to Early Jurassic. Our mapping shows that welded tu€s from this unit (Tables 1 and 2). Samples
the Pastos Blancos is not a continuous succession of IM-131.3 and IM-131.4, a rhyolite and dacite tu€
strata spanning this 070 my. interval, but that these from the Paso Aguas Negras area yielded K-Ar biotite
strata can be grouped in several self-consistent time ages of 281.026.0 and 260.026.0, respectively; sample
stratigraphic units. These ®ndings show that it is not IM-77.13, a dacite tu€ from the upper reaches of Rõ o
appropriate for these rocks to be contained within a Seco yielded a K-Ar biotite age of 262.026.0 Ma (Fig.
single formation. Therefore, we suggest that the Pastos 1). In addition, zircons were analyzed by the U-Pb
Blancos name be maintained, but that it be promoted method from sample IJ-108.2, an altered and silici®ed
from Formation to Group status. As such, the Pastos rhyolite tu€ collected from the Pascua Mine area in
Blancos contains, at least, two distinct stratigraphic the northern part of the map area (Fig. 1). The age of
units. An older, Early Permian unit (Guanaco Sonso this sample is interpreted to be 265.825.6 Ma (Figs. 1
sequence) and a younger Upper Triassic to Lower and 2; Appendix A).
Jurassic unit (Los Tilos sequence). However, we do
not infer that all of the Pastos Blancos should be 3.3. Los Tilos sequence (Middle±Late Triassic±Early
attributed to one of these newly de®ned units. In large Jurassic)
areas of the El Indio Belt we have been unable to
assign the local Pastos Blancos outcrops to either the This rock unit is named for exposures of volcanic
Los Tilos or Guanaco Sonso sequences and sedimentary rocks in the Estero de los Tilos area
(``Undi€erentiated Pastos Blancos'', Fig. 1). In ad- west of Cerro DonÄa Ana (Fig. 1). Between Rõ o del
dition, within the map area, at least two separate Medio and RõÂ o Apolinario the sequence rests uncon-
intrusive units that belong to the IngaguaÂs Complex, formably on Guanaco Sonso sequence (Fig. 3). In RõÂ o
the Chollay±El LeoÂn plutonic complex and the El Apolinario, basaltic-andesite ¯ows that belong to the
Colorado plutonic complex, span the same time frame Los Tilos sequence rest depositionally on the Chollay±
as sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Pastos El LeoÂn granites and are overlain unconformably by
Blancos Group. Late Jurassic±Early Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary
In the following section we introduce the lithostrati- strata (Cuartitos sequence). Southward, these lava
graphy of the Pastos Blancos Group and geochronolo- ¯ows rest unconformably on silici®ed welded, rhyolite
gic data which support this nomenclature change and ash¯ow tu€s and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks of
which re®ne our understanding of the tectonic develop- the Guanaco Sonso sequence which are intruded by
ment during this interval of time along the southwest the Chollay granitoids. In the upper reaches of Estero
facing Gondwana margin. de los Tilos, southwest of Cerro DonÄa Ana, the Los
Tilos sequence rests discordantly on schists of the El
3.2. Guanaco Sonso sequence (Permian) Cepo Metamorphic Complex.
The contact with the overlying Lautaro Formation
This unit is named for a thick exposure composed is reasonably well exposed in several locations, includ-
dominantly of rhyolitic welded ash¯ow tu€s located in ing the lower reaches of Rõ o Potrerillo and Rõ o
the upper part of RõÂ o Potrerillo, west of Paso Primero and in Estero de los Tilos west of Cerro DonÄa
Guanaco Sonso (Fig. 1). The Guanaco Sonso sequence Ana (Fig. 1). In the RõÂ o Potrerillo drainage, fossilifer-
is intruded by Chollay±El LeoÂn granitoids or covered, ous limestones of the Lautaro Formation rest deposi-
42 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

Fig. 3. Contact between Chollay granite, Los Tilos and Cuartitos Fig. 4. Concordant depositional contact between Los Tilos sequence
Sequences. Paleotopography on the Chollay granite ®lled in with and the Lautaro Formation in Estero Los Tilos southwest of Cerro
basaltic andesite lava ¯ows and volcanic breccias belonging to the DonÄa Ana (photo taken looking north). Contact runs up quebrada
Los Tilos sequence (dark units dipping moderately to right [south- and separates plant bearing sandstones belonging to the Los Tilos
west]) overlain unconformably by sandstones and conglomerates of sequence (dark east-dipping beds) west of the quebrada from dark
the Cuartitos sequence (horizontal unitÐupper half of photo). Photo (massive) and light colored calcareous clastic rocks and fossiliferous
taken looking southeast across RõÂ o Apolinario showing 200±300 limestones of the Sinemurian±Bajocian Lautaro Formation east of
meters of topographic relief. the quebrada. Massive resistant unit immediately east of quebrada is
approximately 50 m high.

tionally on coarse igneous and volcanic angular-clast ®ne- to coarse-grained sandstones, conglomerates, and
conglomerates and near vent basaltic-andesite lavas of fanglomerates. In the RõÂ o Seco area (Fig. 1) a distinct
the Los Tilos sequence. Bedding in the conglomerate is facies association of megabreccias, sandy limestones,
massive and uncertain, however, bedding in ®ner- and gypsum deposits occur intercalated with volcanic
grained sediments and lava ¯ows beneath the conglom- and volcaniclastic rocks (Fig. 5), which rest on silici-
erates is subparallel to the overlying Lautaro lime- ®ed ash-¯ows tu€s of the Guanaco Sonso sequence
stones. To the south, limestones of the Lautaro across a contact that is not exposed. In the RõÂ o Seco
Formation are folded into an overturned syncline in area, rocks that we include in the Los Tilos sequence
the footwall of the Cuartitos reverse fault (Fig. 1). On were previously mapped as Estratos de RõÂ o Seco and
the south side of RõÂ o Primero, limestones of the Estratos de Quebrada Tapado, by Maksaev et al.
Lautaro Formation rest in slight discordance on rhyo- (1984); Mpodozis and Cornejo, (1988) and Nasi et al.
lite ¯ows that belong to the Los Tilos sequence (not (1990) who attributed these rocks to the Late Triassic±
shown in Fig. 1 due to scale). Lower Jurassic interval.
Eight to nine kilometers to the south, calcareous Several possible Los Tilos volcanic vents have been
sandstones and limestones rest depositionally on rhyo-
lite ¯ows similar to the previous location. However, in
this area the rhyolites are ¯ow-folded, and therefore it
is dicult to determine the degree of depositional con-
cordancy across this contact. Still farther south (05±
8 km; Fig. 1), ®ne- to medium-grained sandstones
intercalated with rhyolite ¯ows of the Los Tilos
sequence rest concordantly beneath calcareous sand-
stones, and marly limestones of the Lautaro
Formation (Fig. 4). This contact is gradational
upwards from red sandstones to calcareous sandstone
into marly limestone over an interval of 25±50 m. We
have placed the contact between these two units where
the sandstones become calcareous. The sandstones
below the contact contain plant fossils typical of
Triassic ¯ora found in Chile and Argentina. Fig. 5. Gypsiferous volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks (white rocks)
interbedded with calcareous volcaniclastic sandstones and felsic tu€s
The Los Tilos sequence comprises volcanic and sedi-
(foreground) that belong to the Los Tilos sequence exposed in the
mentary rocks, including bimodal basaltic to rhyolitic upper reaches of RõÂ o Seco. White region along range crest in back-
lava ¯ows and hypabyssal intrusives, domes, near vent ground is zone of Miocene alteration. Photo taken looking south-
epiclastic rocks, rhyodacitic welded ash¯ow tu€s, and east.
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 43

identi®ed within the study area (Fig. 1). These are gradational. In RõÂ o del Toro, in the northwestern part
characterized by exposures of rhyolitic and basaltic of the area, and north of RõÂ o Potrerillo, for example,
lava ¯ows interbedded with coarse volcanic breccias numerous intrusive phases are present that contain
that are typically intruded (possibly fed) by mutually mutually cross-cutting relations and textures indicative
cross-cutting rhyolitic and basaltic dikes which suggest of commingled magmas (Fig. 6).
to us a near vent environment. Shallow-level intrusive Three published ages exist for the Chollay and El
bodies of the El Colorado unit (discussed below) are LeoÂn units. The Chollay unit has one reported K-Ar
spatially associated with these vent (?) areas. (biotite) age of 238.026.0 Ma from the northern part
We report two new dates from this unit (Tables 1 of the map area, and the El LeoÂn has two K-Ar (bio-
and 2). A dacitic tu€ (sample IM-77.6) interbedded tite) ages of 276 2 4.0 and 2382 4.0 Ma both outside
with calcareous volcaniclastic sandstones and gypsifer- the map area to the south (Fig. 1, Table 2; Nasi et al.,
ous sediments in the RõÂ o Seco area, yielded a K-Ar 1985). Here, we report two new U-Pb zircon ages from
biotite age of 235.0 2 5.0 Ma. We have also analyzed the Pascua Mine in the northern part of the map area.
zircons by the U-Pb method from a rhyolite ¯ow col- Sample IJ-108.1 makes up part of the host rock for
lected in RõÂ o Primero (Fig. 1) from a bimodal volcanic the Pascua Mine and is an altered quartz porphyry
and intrusive complex in the Los Tilos sequence that that intrudes the Guanaco Sonso sequence in the area
rests stratigraphically below Lower Jurassic limestones (i.e., sample IJ-108.2). Previous workers in the region
of the Lautaro Formation. The U-Pb data are ambigu- included the intrusive phases near this zone of altera-
ous (Appendix A, Table 1, Fig. 2), however, the scatter tion in both the Chollay and El Colorado Units of the
of the data near concordia between 210±225 Ma is IngaguaÂs Intrusive Complex (Nasi et al., 1990).
consistent with ®eld relations that imply a Middle However, our mapping of the intrusive phases in this
Triassic to Early Jurassic age for the Los Tilos region indicate that all the intrusive phases in this area
sequence. have commingled textural relations with the Chollay
In addition, plant fossils (Pseudoctenis? sp., unit. Sample IJ-108.2 yielded a U-Pb zircon age of
Dicroidium zuberi var. feistmantelii, Dicroidium a€. lan- 242.521.5 Ma (Appendix A, Table 1, and Figs. 1 and
cifolium, and Dicroidium sp.) that are indicative of 2). Sample IM-113.1, an altered rhyolitic porphyry,
Triassic ¯ora found in Chile and Argentina were col- which has a gradational contact with sample IJ-108.1
lected from medium- to ®ne-grained sandstones in the and also comprises the host rock for the Pascua Mine,
Estero de los Tilos area, west of Cerro DonÄa Ana yielded an identical U-Pb zircon age of 242.021.5 Ma
(identi®ed by V. Covacevich). South of RõÂ o Seco, uni- (Appendix A, Table 1, Figs. 1 and 2). In the southern
denti®able shelly fossil debris and a reptile (?) bone part of the map area, in RõÂ o Tapado (Fig. 1) we col-
were collected from calcareous volcaniclastic sandstone lected a orange quartz porphyry stock, previously
and limestone, but due to poor preservation neither included in the El Colorado unit (Mpodozis and
could be classi®ed. Cornejo, 1988) which yielded a U-Pb age of 249.723.2
Ma (Fig. 2; Appendix A). These zircon ages are im-
3.4. Intrusive Units of the El Indio Belt

3.4.1. Chollay±El LeoÂn unit (Permian±Triassic)

The Guanaco Sonso sequence is intruded by exten-
sive outcrops of coarse- to medium-grained granites
that form the Chollay unit of the Chollay batholith
(Nasi et al., 1990) in the northern part of the map
area, and the El LeoÂn unit of the eastern border of the
Elqui-LimarõÂ batholith (Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988)
in the southern part of the region (Fig. 1). In the map
area, our detailed mapping of these intrusive units in-
dicate that the range of compositional and textural
variations in the Chollay unit are, in general, indistin-
guishable from those of the El LeoÂn unit and, there-
fore, it is dicult to clearly distinguish the two units
as separate map units and we consider them one unit, Fig. 6. Mixed magma textures in the Chollay unit common in ex-
the Chollay±El LeoÂn intrusive unit (Fig. 1). These posures north of Rõ o Potrerillo. In this photo at least three di€erent
phases are present (mechanical pencil [14 cm] for scale, upper left
granites consist dominantly of medium- to coarse- corner). The contact between the two felsic phases is gradational.
grained biotite monzogranites, but dacitic porphyry, The contact between the more ma®c phase and the felsic phases is
quartz porphyry, and diorite phases are also present. irregular and not chilled, indicating that all phases existed together
Contacts between the di€erent phases of this unit are in melt form.
44 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

portant in corroborating our ®eld observations that

several compositionally and texturally di€erent intru-
sive phases coexist with the Chollay±El LeoÂn unit in
the northern part of the map area, and that porphyry
intrusions, previously considered to be a younger
intrusive unit (El Colorado), locally are age equivalent
with the Chollay±El LeoÂn unit.

3.4.2. Middle±Late Triassic to±Early Jurassic Intrusive

Smaller bodies of the El Colorado unit are exposed
as a north±south string of plutons, intruding the
Guanaco Sonso and Los Tilos sequences, ``undi€eren-
tiated'' Pastos Blancos, and Chollay±El LeoÂn granites Fig. 8. North-striking ma®c dikes intruding Chollay granitoids.
(Fig. 1). Within the studied region, the El Colorado Photo taken looking east showing 1200 m of relief.
unit is represented by subvolcanic, brick red, high
silica, porphyritic leucogranites and rhyolitic porphy-
ries. Phases include biotite-muscovite monzogranites, compositionally to the El Colorado porphyries, have
red to orange, ®ne- to coarse-grained biotite and horn- mutually cross-cutting relations with the north-striking
blende granites, quartz-feldspar rhyolitic porphyries, ma®c dikes (Fig. 8) that are ubiquitous within the
and numerous quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes that are Elqui-LimarõÂ batholith. In addition, some of the
granitic in composition (Fig. 1). In the southwestern quartz-feldspar porphyry granitic dikes have margins
part of the study area a medium-grained muscovite- that are andesitic in composition (Figs. 9 and 10). The
biotite bearing granitic body intrudes the Chollay±El lack of chilled margins between the two phases suggest
LeoÂn granites and older foliated granites of the that the granitic phase was emplaced shortly after the
Guanta unit.
Felsic phases of the El Colorado unit, locally, have
gradational contacts and mutually cross-cutting re-
lations with ma®c intrusive phases, dikes, hypabyssal
bodies and medium to coarse-grained gabbro to dior-
ite, part of which were previously mapped as part of
the La Laguna Gabbro unit of Mpodozis and Cornejo
(1988). Locally, well developed mixed magma textures
such as interdigitated cuspate-lobate texture exist
between granitic and ma®c phases (Fig. 7) that at the
outcrop scale have mutually cross-cutting relation-
ships. Locally, brick-red porphyry felsic dikes, hosted
by the Chollay±El LeoÂn unit, similar texturally and

Fig. 7. Mixed magma textures between granitic and dioritic phases in Fig. 9. North-striking feldspar-quartz porphyry dike belonging to El
El Colorado intrusive unit. Note well developed dentritic, cusbate- Colorado intrusive unit intruding Chollay granitoids in Quebrada
lobate texture at contacts between two phases. Mechanical pencil Piuquenes. Note dark margins of dike (see photo 8). Photo taken
[14 cm] for scale). looking southwest showing man on mule in middle ground for scale.
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 45

warrants the Group status we propose for the Pastos

Blancos unit, even though in large areas of the El
Indio Belt mapping two separate sequences is dicult
because of lithologic similarities and restricted strati-
graphic context.
Although an older absolute age constraint for the
Guanaco Sonso sequence has not been determined,
available radiometric ages indicate that it may overlap
with plutonic rocks that belong to the Carboniferous±
Early Permian Elqui Complex (Nasi et al., 1985), the
core of which is exposed directly west of the map area.
On the basis of geochemical data, the Elqui Complex
is interpreted to represent the roots of a magmatic-arc
that developed above a subduction zone along the
southwestern margin of Gondwana at this time
(Mpodozis and Kay, 1992). Given the available geo-
chronologic constraints, at least part of the Guanaco
Sonso sequence may represent the extrusive and epi-
clastic equivalents that were deposited within and im-
mediately east of the Elqui magmatic-arc axis.
Alternatively, these age constraints permit the in-
terpretation that the Guanaco Sonso sequence is
younger and unrelated to the intrusions of the Elqui
Complex. Future geochemical and geochronologic stu-
dies from the Guanaco Sonso volcanic rocks could
help resolve this correlation question.
Fig. 10. Ma®c margin of El Colorado feldspar-quartz porphyry dike During Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic time (220±
(see photo 7). Ma®c phase has 56% SiO and felsic phase has 77% 200 Ma) bimodal volcanism and subvolcanic magmatic
SiO. Contact between two phases is di€use and not chilled indicating activity and sedimentary basin formation appears to
that both phases existed as melts simultaneously. Mechanical pencil
for scale.
have been an important aspect of the geology of the El
Indio belt. Bimodal volcanic rocks, equivalent subvol-
canic intrusions and north-striking subvertical ma®c
ma®c phase along the same conduit, while both mag- dikes that intrude and are inter®ngered with coarse
mas were still hot. These relationships are consistent sedimentary volcaniclastic rocks and lacustrine to mar-
with the interpretation that the El Colorado unit is ine sedimentary rock are typical lithologic assemblages
bimodal in nature, consistent with the bimodal nature associated with extensional basin development
of the volcanic rocks of the Los Tilos sequence. (SengoÈr, 1995). Existing studies suggest that isolated
We report two new radiometric ages for this unit en-echelon rift basins formed during Middle Triassic
(Appendix A, Fig. 1, Table 2). Sample IM-53.2, col- to Early Jurassic time along the entire length of
lected from an El Colorado granitoid from RõÂ o La Argentina and Chile (Charrier, 1979; Uliana et al.,
Laguna, yielded a K-Ar muscovite age of 221.025.0. 1989; Ramos and Kay, 1991; Mpodozis and Cornejo,
A two-mica granite (sample IM-136.4) that intrudes 1988). In the case of El Indio Belt, we have been
the Chollay±El LeoÂn unit, yields a K-Ar biotite age of unable to identify structures associated with this pre-
219.025.0 Ma. Based on these data we infer that these sumed extensional orogen. However, subvolcanic El
intrusions of the El Colorado unit are Middle Triassic Colorado porphyries and coeval more ma®c phases
to Early Jurassic in age. and Los Tilos volcanic centers are observed intruding
and resting on middle to shallow crustal Chollay plu-
tons, suggesting that moderate amounts of denudation
4. Discussion occurred subsequent to bimodal volcanism, possibly
aided by unroo®ng associated with normal faults. It is
Within the El Indio belt, the ®eld relations and possible that some of the Tertiary reverse faults in the
available geochronology indicate that the Pastos region may have reactivated older normal faults,
Blancos Group includes at least two separate time- although no direct evidence in favor of this has been
stratigraphic units: the Permian±Early Triassic, documented.
Guanaco Sonso sequence and the Middle Triassic± The caveats associated with the existing nomencla-
Early Jurassic, Los Tilos sequence. This information ture for the di€erent intrusive map units in the Elqui-
46 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

LimarõÂ , Chollay, and Montosa-El Potro batholiths Agua Negra Formation) includes a ``lower'' section of
(Nasi et al., 1985, Mpodozis and Kay, 1990) which up to 500 m of andesites which yield a poorly de®ned,
was built mainly on textural and petrographic attri- Lower Permian Rb-Sr error-chron (289 2 19 Ma).
butes and not age, are demonstrated in this study. Andesites are interbedded with continental sediments
Intrusive phases included in any one-map unit based and covered by an ``upper'' thick pile of rhyolitic
on texture and/or composition are not necessarily age ignimbrites, ¯ows and subvolcanic domes. The
equivalent. For example, two-mica granites previously Carboniferous sediments are intruded by a Lower
associated with the CochiguaÂs unit of the Elqui Permian granodiorite pluton with Rb-Sr ages of 272 to
Complex (Nasi et al., 1985) likely are present as 260 Ma (Las Piedritas Granodiorite), compositionally
younger intrusive units in the IngaguaÂs Complex; gran- similar to the lower andesites. Farther to the east, a
ites of the El LeoÂn unit of the IngaguaÂs Complex may string of highly di€erentiated biotite, muscovite and
be present in the older Elqui Complex; and similar cordierite bearing granite stocks hosted in the
granite porphyries associated with the El Colorado Carboniferous sediments along the eastern edge of the
unit also exist within and have the same age as gran- Frontal Cordillera in the same region have been dated
ites of the Chollay unit. In light of this, several intru- by Rb-Sr between 257 to 247 Ma (Late Permian±Early
sive events can be identi®ed in the El Indio belt that Triassic).
span the time frame represented by the sedimentary LlambõÂ as and Sato (1995) compare the
and volcanic rocks of the Pastos Blancos Group. Carboniferous Tabaquito granodiorite, which is a
In the El Indio Belt three intrusive events repeat metaluminous, calcalkaline, I-type intrusive, with the
similar ``petrographic-textural'' units. The oldest corre- subduction related (Guanta) tonalites of the Elqui
sponds to the Early Permian ``El LeoÂn'' granitoids in Complex. Younger extrusive-intrusive units are
the La Laguna valley immediately southwest of the thought to be post tectonic to the regionally important
map area (minimum age 276 Ma, K-Ar[biotite], (280±270 Ma?) San Rafael phase/tectonic event. The
Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988). This age overlaps ages Lower Permian Choiyoi andesites and Las Piedritas
reported for the Carboniferous±Early Permian Elqui granodiorite which may be equivalent to the Guanaco
Complex (Fig. 10, Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1988), even Sonso sequence and the oldest IngaguaÂs intrusives in
though in the existing nomenclature it is the ``oldest'' Chile are considered to represent calc-alkaline melts
unit of the IngaguaÂs Complex. Early±Middle Triassic produced during the waning stages of Gondwana arc
(242±238 Ma) granitoids of the ``Chollay±El LeoÂn'' activity. Finally, LlambõÂ as and Sato (1995) interpret
map unit that comprise the bulk of the batholith in the younger, Late Permian±Early Triassic granites,
the map area intrude the Guanaco Sonso sequence. which include stocks with both S-type and A-type a-
The youngest intrusive event includes Late Triassic to nities as post-orogenic intrusives produced by crustal
Early Jurassic (221±200 Ma) high silica porphyritic melting during a period of regional extension, rifting
leucogranites and dikes, and biotite (+/-hornblende) and uplift, following a line of reasoning that, in gen-
and hornblende granites of the El Colorado unit that eral, ®ts with the models presented by Nasi et al.
have mutual cross-cutting relations with ma®c dike (1985) and Mpodozis and Kay (1992) for the evolution
swarms and gabbro stocks (La Laguna unit) support- of the Elqui-LimarõÂ Batholith. Given the caveats with
ing that they were emplaced during a period of bimo- interpreting the signi®cance of Rb-Sr and K-Ar geo-
dal magmatism. These youngest intrusive phases are chronologic data in long-lived igneous provinces and
spatially and temporally linked with the sedimentary the paucity of the data set available, it is dicult at
and volcanic rocks of the Los Tilos sequence. present to understand what, if any, temporal and/or
spatial distribution exists for ``post San Rafael'' mag-
The Middle Triassic±Early Jurassic(?) Los Tilos
4.1. Regional correlations sequence is probably correlative with several Late
Triassic±Early Jurassic units that have been described
Age-equivalent units, that compare to the Guanaco along the Chilean coastal ranges between 308 and
Sonso sequence and the ``oldest'' IngaguaÂs intrusives, 338S. These include the Pichidangui Formation, a com-
have been described immediately to the east of El plex of submarine rhyolitic domes and pyroclastic
Indio Belt, in the ColanguÈil and San Guillermo rocks related to basaltic dikes and ¯ows (Vicente,
Ranges (298±318S) in the Argentine Frontal Cordillera 1976; Rivano and SepuÂlveda, 1991, Vergara et al.,
by LlambõÂ as and Sato (1990, 1995). The oldest pluto- 1991), and the bimodal intrusive suite of gabbros to
nic unit there is a granodiorite stock (Tabaquito leucogranites (Tranquilla±Millahue and Puerto Oscuro
Granodiorite, 329±326 Ma, 298S) dated by Rb-Sr. units) described by Gana (1991) and Parada et al.
Farther south, the Choiyoi Group, unconformably (1991). Equivalents of the Los Tilos sequence also
deposited over Late Carboniferous sediments (Cerro occur in the Argentine Frontal Cordillera at 328S
M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49 47

(Rancho La Lata Formation, Cristallini et al., 1994). 5. Conclusions: implications for regional tectonics
In addition, correlative age rocks also appear in north-
ern Chile and include: a complex suite of basaltic lavas Previous geochemical studies of Permian to Early
and acid pyroclastic rocks interbedded with ¯uvial- Jurassic intrusive and volcanic rocks from central
lacustrine sediments of La Ternera Formation in the Chile and western Argentina (28±358S) suggest in gen-
Copiapo region (268S; Segerstrom, 1968; Iriarte, 1997); eral that these rocks were emplaced during post-sub-
and the Quebrada del Salitre Formation, between duction, crustal relaxation leading to possible large-
Sierra DonÄa IneÂs Chica and Sierra Vaquillas Altas scale crustal melting and extension, along the west-
(25±268S), contains a late Triassic to Early Jurassic facing Gondwana margin at this time (Nasi et al.,
rift-related, marine to continental, bimodal, volcano- 1985; Kay et al., 1989; LlambõÂ as and Sato, 1990;
sedimentary association that includes submarine rhyo- Parada et al., 1991; Vergara et al., 1991; Mpodozis
litic domes and hyaloclastic breccias associated with and Kay, 1992). These rocks include those that com-
large volumes of basaltic lava which inter®nger with prise the Pastos Blancos Group and the IngaguaÂs
fossil-bearing, quartz-rich sandstones and conglomer- Complex. Field constraints, along with new and exist-
ates (Naranjo and Puig, 1984; Mpodozis and Cornejo, ing geochronology presented here suggest that intru-
1997). sive phases that comprise the IngaguaÂs Complex and
Deposition of the Early to Middle Jurassic marine volcano±sedimentary rocks of the Pastos Blancos
sequences appears to transitionally follow the depo- Group are diachronous. They should be considered the
sition of the synrift deposits in northern Chile product of a series of time discrete magmatic pulses
(Mpodozis and Cornejo, 1997) as also occurs in the rather than the result of continuous and widespread
Copiapo region (Blanco, 1997) and the El Indio Belt. magmatism during protracted extensional tectonism
By Early to Middle Jurassic time the onset of subduc- that appears to have dominated the Permian to
tion had begun farther to the west, as indicated by the Lower-Jurassic evolution of southwestern Gondwana.
plutonic rocks of this age presently exposed all along Further ®eld, geochronologic and isotopic studies are
the coastal Range of north-central Chile (Rivano et clearly warranted to test existing hypotheses.
al., 1985; Gana and Tosdal, 1996).


This work was part of a larger project between

4.2. Implications for existing regional geochemical
SERNAGEOMIN and Compania Minera San JoseÂ
Ltda. (CMSJ) to map the El Indio gold district. This
project was funded completely by CMSJ. We thank
Without question more exciting and detailed work CMSJ sta€ for their logistical help and insights into
remains to be done within the Late Paleozoic to the geology of the district. In addition, we thank JoseÂ
Middle Jurassic intrusive and volcanic rocks of the Soto for his excellent driving skills and the Flores
pre-Andean Cordillera of central Chile and western brothers (Roberto, Gabriel, and Alberto) for their as-
Argentina (28±358S). In such long-lived arc environ- sistance and skills as guides in getting us into the
ments, these studies will be more fruitful and insightful back-country. We also thank the directors of the
with absolute age control o€ered by robust geochron- Isotope Geochemistry laboratory Doug Walker and
ometers such as U-Pb and/or 40Ar±39Ar. Previous geo- Randy Van Schmus at the University of Kansas for
chemical studies from the Chilean Cordilleran allowing the senior author use of their U-Pb and
batholiths (i.e., Mpodozis and Kay, 1992) relied heav- mass-spectrometer facilities and Lucia CutinÄo, Juan
ily on existing lithologic nomenclature based on tex- Vargas and the sta€ of SERNAGEOMIN's geochem-
tural and compositional similarities and Rb-Sr and K- istry laboratory for their assistance in this project.
Ar geochronology (minimum ages). The U-Pb geo- Helpful comments by R. Charrier and one anonymous
chronology presented here highlights the potential pro- reviewer are greatly appreciated. This is a contribution
blems with the relative age assignment of the existing to IGCP Project No. 345, `Andean Lithospheric
nomenclature and raises the possibility that existing Evolution'.
tectonic interpretations that address the apparent tran-
sition from subduction-related processes in the
Carboniferous±early Permian to extensional processes Appendix A
in the Triassic along the southwestern margin of
Gondwana have ample latitude for re®nement with U-Pb zircon geochronology
more precise geochronology and detailed ®eld studies
in the future. Sample IJ-108.2: Three di€erent zircon fractions
48 M.W. Martin et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 33±49

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