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October 05, 2011

AI·Avnaki's Calls t o Violence Rejecte d by U . S. Muslims RSS 121 Email ~Print

AI-Awlaki's Calls to Violence Rejected by U.S. Muslims I~~ I T

Posted 9130l :W11 3:25:00 PM
Prrv(JC'f ~ C!:Y'Sef eSubscn befH
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/30/11) -- A promin ent national l'lushm c1v1l rights and a dvocacy organization today reiterated tha t the
calls to violence m a de by Anwar ai-Awlaki, who has reportedly been killed m a U.S. drone strike in Yemen, have been firmly
reJ ected by Amencan Muslims. CAIR is Zakat-eligible

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In a statement reacting to ai-Awlak1's death, the Washmgton-based Council on American-Islamrc Relatrons (CAIR) said:
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"As we have stated repeatedly in the past, the Amencan Muslim community firmly repudrated Anwar ai-Awlaki's
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incitement to violence, which occurred after he left the United States. While a voice of hat e has been
elimmated, we urge our nation's leaders to address the const1tutronal issues rarsed by the assassination of
American c1trzens without due process of law." [ MEDIA NOTE : Because of the sensit1vrty of the issue, please $135,000
use the statement in full.]

In a past statement following a call by ai-Awlaki for Muslims to attack the United States, CAIR noted: "We repudiate Anwar al-
As we nave stateO repeateOiy in tne past, tMe American Muslim communi~ firmly repuOiateO Anwar ai·AwlaKils

incitement to violence, wMicM occurreO after Me left tne UniteO States. wnile avoice of Mate nas neen
elimiMteO, we ur~e our nationls leaOers to aOOress tne oonstitutianal issues raiseO Oy tne assassination of
American citizens witnaut Cue process of law. 1MEDIA NOTE: Because of tne sensitivi~ of tne issue, please

use tne statement in full.]

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