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The new england journal of medicine

review article

drug therapy
Alastair J.J. Wood, M.D., Editor

Mechanisms of Actions
of Inhaled Anesthetics
Jason A. Campagna, M.D., Ph.D., Keith W. Miller, D.Phil.,
and Stuart A. Forman, M.D., Ph.D.

From the Department of Anesthesia and uffering so great as i underwent cannot be expressed in
Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hos-
pital (J.A.C., K.W.M., S.A.F.), and the Depart-
ment of Biological Chemistry and Molecu-
lar Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School
(K.W.M.) — both in Boston. Address re-
print requests to Dr. Forman at the Depart-

words . . . but the blank whirlwind of emotion, the horror of great darkness,
and the sense of desertion by God and man, which swept through my mind,
and overwhelmed my heart, I can never forget.”1 Such was the experience of surgery
before October 1846, when William Morton’s successful public demonstration of
ment of Anesthesia and Critical Care, CLN-3, ether anesthesia at Massachusetts General Hospital led to its widespread acceptance
Massachusetts General Hospital, 10 Fruit by surgeons. Today, anesthesiologists employ a wide variety of drugs, some of which
St., Boston, MA 02114, or at saforman@ they use exclusively to produce general anesthesia.2,3 This review focuses on the inhaled
anesthetics (Fig. 1) in current use: nitrous oxide, halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevo-
N Engl J Med 2003;348:2110-24. flurane, and desflurane. Our understanding of how these drugs reversibly alter central
Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society. nervous system function has changed dramatically in the past two decades.
We will summarize the evidence that inhaled anesthetics ablate movement in re-
sponse to noxious stimuli (immobilization) by depressing spinal cord functions, where-
as their amnesic actions are mediated within the brain. Some compounds, which are
referred to as nonimmobilizers, share many chemical features of inhaled anesthetics
and possess amnesic activity but do not inhibit movement in animals. These differences
suggest that anesthetics induce amnesia and immobility by affecting distinct molecular
targets. Our review will also describe new techniques for dynamically assessing region-
al brain activity, which when combined with electrophysiological and behavioral mon-
itoring, promise to provide important insights into the ways in which anesthetics affect
neural networks. Research on anesthetic-sensitive ion-channel proteins that control
neuronal excitability has revealed that g-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors
are most likely involved in the actions of many general anesthetics. Even so, some in-
haled anesthetics may act by inhibiting such excitatory ion channels as neuronal nico-
tinic and glutamate receptors. The subtly different clinical actions of inhaled anesthet-
ics are probably due to distinct, specific actions on a small number of critical molecular
The identification of specific binding sites for inhaled anesthetics on certain pro-
teins is a dramatic departure from the classic view that all general anesthetics act non-
specifically. Differential sensitivities to various anesthetic actions may have a genetic
basis. Moreover, new research indicates that the effects of general anesthetics depend
on multiple features of their molecular structure and that focusing on such features
may further improve the clinical utility of general anesthetics.4,5

the changing use and role of general anesthesia

Except for the treatment of status epilepticus, general anesthesia is always an adjunct
to another procedure. Anesthetic practice has evolved in response to new procedures,

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drug therapy

Hydrocarbons Ethers Others

H C Cl
Cl N N O
Chloroform H H Nitrous oxide
CH2 Diethyl ether
Cyclopropane Ethylene F F F Cl F F

F Br
F Cl F Cl F F Xe
F C C H Enflurane Methoxyflurane Xenon
F Cl
Halothane F C C O C H F C C O C C

F Cl F F H H H
Isoflurane Fluroxene


1991¡2003 H C O CH2F F C C O C H

Sevoflurane Desflurane

Figure 1. Classes and Generations of Inhaled Anesthetics.

Within a few years after their introduction into widespread clinical use, three major classes of inhaled anesthetics were used: hydrocarbons,
ethers, and other (non–carbon-based) gases. Nitrous oxide was first recognized as an analgesic in the early 19th century, but its low potency
precludes its use as the sole anesthetic agent for most procedures. The hydrocarbons and diethyl ether were either highly toxic (chloroform)
or explosive (cyclopropane, ethylene, and ether). Halogenation of alkanes and ethers reduces their flammability, but fluroxene, the first such
compound introduced in 1954, was later withdrawn from use because of residual combustibility. Halothane, the first noncombustible volatile
halogenated alkane, entered clinical practice in 1956. Enflurane and isoflurane, both halogenated ethers, were first used clinically in 1972 and
1981, respectively. As compared with diethyl ether and halothane, these are less soluble in blood, allowing faster pulmonary uptake and elim-
ination. The uptake and elimination of sevoflurane and desflurane, introduced in the 1990s, are even faster. Xenon, which was first recognized
as an anesthetic in 1951, has highly favorable clinical features including no taste or odor, rapid pulmonary uptake and elimination, no hepatic
or renal metabolism, and minimal cardiovascular depression and arrhythmogenicity. The limited supply of xenon and the expense of extract-
ing it from the atmosphere will most likely prohibit its widespread use in the immediate future.

and in turn, anesthesia has accelerated the devel- esthesia and minimization of side effects are espe-
opment of these procedures. The number of ambu- cially important.
latory surgical procedures is increasing rapidly in Even though volatile anesthetics can cause car-
the United States; nearly 75 percent of all surgical diopulmonary depression and death at concen-
procedures are now performed on an outpatient ba- trations near those that produce deep anesthesia,
sis.6 General anesthesia is also increasingly used for improvements in practice have reduced mortality
noninvasive and minimally invasive diagnostic and attributable to anesthesia to an estimated 1 per
therapeutic techniques that require immobilization 250,000 healthy patients.7 More common undesir-
and deep sedation of the patient, as in pediatric ra- able and potentially harmful effects that occur dur-
diology and endoscopy, interventional radiology, ing and after general anesthesia are autonomic
electroconvulsive therapy, radiation therapy, vari- instability, hypothermia, cardiac dysrhythmias,
ous cardiologic procedures, transbronchial biopsy, nausea, vomiting, and delirium; these effects not
and urologic procedures. In these settings, which only cause discomfort for the patient but also delay
emphasize cost effectiveness, rapid discharge, and discharge and increase costs.8 In some cases the
patient satisfaction, the rapid emergence from an- use of general anesthesia outside the operating

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room may pose a greater risk to the patient than the used to refer to the median alveolar concentration,
concomitant procedure itself (e.g., magnetic reso- indicating the median value for a population under
nance imaging in children). For these reasons, in- controlled conditions.9 MAC-immobility increases
haled anesthetics that allow rapid emergence of as the intensity of the stimulus increases. Analo-
anesthesia and have few adverse effects are highly gous potency scales define the MAC that prevents
desirable. voluntary responses to spoken commands (MAC-
awake)12,15 and the MAC required to blunt auto-
what is general anesthesia? nomic responses to painful stimuli (MAC-BAR).16

Oliver Wendell Holmes introduced the word “an-

aesthesia” to signify insensibility to surgical pain. nonspecific pharmacology
and lipid theories
However, there is still no consensus on a more ob- of anesthetic action
jective definition of general anesthesia. At different
concentrations inhaled anesthetics induce a variety For more than a century, two concepts — the unitary
of reversible, clinically important effects (Table 1 hypothesis and the Meyer–Overton rule — domi-
and Fig. 2). Low concentrations can induce amne- nated thinking about the mechanisms underlying
sia, euphoria, analgesia, hypnosis, excitation, and anesthetics. By the 1870s, a wide range of structur-
hyperreflexia. Higher concentrations cause deep ally unrelated agents were known to possess anes-
sedation, muscle relaxation, and diminished motor thetic activity, leading Claude Bernard to postulate
and autonomic responses to noxious stimuli, effects that all of them acted through a common mecha-
that progress to “surgical” anesthesia. Some volatile nism.17 Approximately 30 years later, Meyer and
anesthetics also protect the myocardium against Overton observed a strong correlation between the
the effects of ischemia, an important component of potency of anesthetics and their solubility in olive
anesthetic action for many patients.10 oil (Fig. 2).18,19 These two ideas led to the theory
Rigorous definitions have been introduced for that volatile anesthetics act nonspecifically on hy-
investigations of the underlying mechanisms of drophobic lipid components of cells.
anesthetic effects in humans and animals and for Most researchers have abandoned this theory,
the clinical assessment of the depth of anesthesia despite its elegance, because anesthetics cause only
(Table 1).11 These effects must be reversible and slight perturbations in lipids, which can be repro-
produced without the need for supplemental mus- duced by small changes in temperature that do not
cle relaxants, benzodiazepines, narcotics, or auto- alter behavior in animals.20 There are, moreover,
nomic modulators. Loss of appropriate response a number of apparent exceptions to the Meyer–
to specific spoken commands is used to identify Overton correlation. These can be explained by
hypnosis (the impairment of perceptive awareness) variations in the size, rigidity, and polarity of the
in anesthetized subjects. In addition, patients may anesthetic21,22 and by the location of anesthetics
have perceptive awareness without recall because within lipid bilayers, which differs from that of re-
memory is more sensitive to anesthetics than aware- lated compounds without anesthetic activity.23,24
ness.12-14 Laboratory animals are assessed for loss Interest in the possible role of lipids and lipid–pro-
of righting reflexes — the inability to return to an tein interactions in anesthesia continues,22 but
upright position in response to nonpainful stimuli models for the rigorous testing of current hypothe-
— whereas other tests, such as behavioral condi- ses are lacking. Furthermore, it now appears un-
tioning, assess the effects of anesthesia on learn- likely that the different structural classes of inhaled
ing and memory. anesthetics (Fig. 1) act through a single common
Scales that assess the potency of inhaled anes- mechanism.
thetics are based on alveolar (in practice, usually
end-expiratory) anesthetic concentrations that are behavioral pharmacology
associated with defined behavioral end points (Ta- of inhaled anesthetic actions
ble 1). The most widely used scale is the minimal
alveolar concentration of anesthetic that suppress- Behavioral studies have revealed a number of crit-
es purposeful movement in response to a stand- ical exceptions to the Meyer–Overton rule and the
ard noxious stimulus (MAC or MAC-immobility), unitary hypothesis. For instance, homologous series
although today the acronym MAC is more frequently of anesthetics such as the n-alcohols and n-alkanes

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drug therapy

exhibit a steady increase in potency as successive

methylene (CH2) groups are added, up to a cutoff Table 1. Glossary of Terms.
point at which adding another methylene elimi- Median alveolar concentration (MAC): The end-tidal concentration (in stand-
nates anesthetic activity (the “long-chain alcohol ardized pressure units) of inhaled anesthetic that ablates movement (e.g.,
cutoff ”).25,26 Furthermore, the so-called nonim- withdrawal) in response to surgical incision in 50 percent of a test popula-
tion. MAC is synonymous with MAC-immobility. The original acronym
mobilizers, which are volatile halogenated alkanes MAC stood for minimal alveolar concentration, an end point that meas-
with structural similarities to volatile anesthetics, ured the concentration of inhaled anesthetic required to block purposeful
are predicted by the Meyer–Overton rule to be po- movement in an individual subject.9
tent anesthetics. However, they lack immobilizing Median alveolar concentration awake (MAC-awake): The end-tidal concentra-
activity and in some cases induce convulsions.27 In tion of inhaled anesthetic that prevents appropriate voluntary responses
to spoken commands (e.g., to open one’s mouth or to raise a hand) in 50
contrast to the historical focus on hydrophobicity percent of a test population. This end point measures perceptive aware-
alone, analyses of molecular structure and activity ness rather than memory.
indicate that hydrophobicity, electrostatics, and size
Median alveolar concentration for blunting autonomic responses (MAC-BAR):
all contribute to the immobilizing potency of in- The end-tidal concentration of inhaled anesthetic that blocks changes in
haled anesthetics.28-30 blood pressure and heart rate in response to surgical incision in 50 per-
Comparing pharmacology among several an- cent of a test population.
esthetic actions reveals distinct relations between Loss of righting reflexes (LORR): The failure of an animal to regain upright
structure and activity. For example, the ratios of posture when placed on its back. Because this end point measures re-
sponses to non-noxious stimuli, its dependence on anesthetic concen-
MAC-awake to MAC-immobility for nitrous oxide tration is closely related to MAC-awake, which can only be measured in
and diethyl ether are significantly higher than those humans.
for some halogenated volatile anesthetics.12,15 And, Potency: A measure of relative drug activity that is inversely related to the con-
because volatile nonimmobilizers produce amne- centration required to produce a standard effect. A volatile anesthetic that
sia in animals,31 it is likely that immobilization and produces a behavioral effect at half the concentration of another anesthet-
ic is said to be twice as potent.
amnesia are mediated by separate mechanisms.32
Amnesia and hypnosis in humans can also be dis- Amnesia: The partial or complete loss of memory. Usually anterograde (affect-
ing recall of experiences after the onset of anesthesia), amnesia may also
tinguished clinically, electrophysiologically, and be retrograde (affecting recall of experiences that precede the onset of an-
pharmacologically.33 esthesia).
Explicit memory: Information that is consciously perceived and retained and
that can subsequently be reported accurately.
anesthetic actions
on different regions Implicit memory: Information that is unconsciously perceived and retained
of the nervous system and that cannot subsequently be reported. However, this experience af-
fects a subject’s subsequent performance.
the spinal cord Hypnosis: There are various functional definitions of this term. We use it to
It is remarkable that anesthetic-induced ablation of connote drug-induced impairment of cognitive functions required for re-
movement in response to pain is mediated primar- sponding appropriately to environmental stimuli, including attention and
perception. For a patient in the awake state, administration of inhaled an-
ily by the spinal cord.34 Experiments in animals esthetics can produce a wide range of hypnotic depths, from mild inatten-
have shown that anesthetic actions in the brain are tion to unresponsiveness to noxious stimuli.
not required to inhibit motor responses to pain. In Sedation: There are various functional definitions of this term, which is some-
anesthetized rats, cervical transection of the spinal times used as a synonym for “hypnosis.” We use the term to connote drug-
cord does not alter the MAC of a given anesthetic induced hypnosis with anxiolysis, diminished motor activity, and de-
creased arousal.
for limb stimulation. Similarly, in goats, selective
administration of isoflurane to the body but not the
brain (the medulla and above) also has little effect
on the concentration that inhibits withdrawal from cephalographic signals.37 Only when volatile anes-
hind-leg pain. By contrast, hypnosis and amnesia thetics are delivered to the brain in concentrations
are supraspinal effects.32 that are nearly three times the control MAC do they
General anesthetics decrease the transmission produce immobility in goats.38 Therefore, it is like-
of noxious information ascending from the spinal ly that ascending signals from the spinal cord af-
cord to the brain, thereby decreasing supraspinal fect the hypnotic actions of anesthetics in the brain,
arousal.35,36 In goats, selective delivery of general whereas descending signals modify the immobi-
anesthetics to the torso slows cortical electroen- lizing actions of anesthetics in the spinal cord.

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the brain (in this case, cessation of counting by patients dur-

Above the spinal cord, inhaled agents globally de- ing induction).50
press blood flow and glucose metabolism and se-
lectively depress several supraspinal regions.39 For
molecular actions
example, mildly hypnotic concentrations of isoflu- of inhaled anesthetics
rane reduce task-induced brain activation in sever-
al distinct cortical regions, whereas activity in the protein sites
visual cortex, motor cortex, and subcortical regions General anesthetics have long been known to inter-
remains unchanged.40 Tomographic assessment act with small cavities within most globular pro-
of regional uptake of glucose in deeply anesthetized teins, but with considerable selectivity.30,51,52 In a
volunteers also indicates that the thalamus and series of seminal experiments, Franks and Lieb es-
midbrain reticular formation are more depressed tablished that a wide variety of anesthetics inhibit
than other regions.41 Evoked potentials traveling the lipid-free enzyme firefly luciferase in accord with
from the periphery to the sensory cortex show in- the Meyer–Overton rule.53,54 The inhibition of lu-
creased latency and decreased amplitude in patients ciferase even exhibits a long-chain alcohol cutoff,
under deep anesthesia with a volatile anesthetic. which is related to the size of the anesthetic-bind-
This signal degradation is discontinuous, occur- ing pocket.55 These observations were important
ring at specific relay sites in the thalamus and the because they demonstrated that protein sites may
deep cortex.35 also contribute to the effects of general anesthet-
Although there is no definitive evidence that ics.25,56 Although anesthetics alter the functions of
specific regions of the brain are targets of inhaled a variety of cytoplasmic signaling proteins, includ-
anesthetics, attention has focused on structures with ing protein kinase C,57,58 the proteins considered
roles in anesthetic-sensitive functions. The retic- the most likely molecular targets of anesthetics are
ular-activating system, thalamus, pons, amygda- ion channels.
la, and hippocampus are involved in cognition,
memory, learning, sleep, and attentiveness.35,42-45 effects of anesthetics on ion channels
Interestingly, sleep states and general-anesthesia Ion channels are proteins that regulate the flow of
states share electroencephalographic and behavior- ions across the cytoplasmic membrane. A variety
al features. In both there is suppression of sensory of ion channels that modulate the electrical activ-
input, inhibition of motor output, and analgesia.46 ity of cells are linked to the behavioral or physio-
Although sleep and general-anesthesia states are logical actions of anesthetics (Table 2). Some of
clearly distinct, subcortical neuronal networks in- these channels are sensitive to various inhaled an-
volved in the generation of sleep may also mediate esthetics (Table 3). Ion channels that are sensitive
some anesthetic effects.43,47 Recent studies impli- to volatile anesthetics at clinically effective concen-
cate the tuberomammilary nucleus, a GABA-mod- trations include both the superfamily of “cysteine-
ulated region of the hypothalamus that is linked to loop” neurotransmitter receptors, which includes
sleep states, in the sedative actions of some intrave- nicotinic acetylcholine, serotonin type 3, GABAA,
nously administered general anesthetics and per- and glycine receptors, and the glutamate receptors
haps inhaled agents.48 that are activated by N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
Most inhaled anesthetics produce generalized or a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropi-
slowing, increased amplitude, and “frontal domi- onic acid (AMPA).81-84 Within synapses, ion chan-
nance” of electroencephalographic activity, yet sur- nels can influence the presynaptic release of neuro-
gical anesthesia has no electroencephalographic transmitters and alter postsynaptic excitability in
signature. As a result, some measurements derived response to the release of neurotransmitters. Volt-
from electroencephalographic data correlate well age-gated ion channels for sodium, potassium, and
with hypnotic and immobilizing end points for in- calcium are also sensitive to some inhaled anes-
dividual agents, but no one measure can predict the thetics, albeit usually at concentrations higher than
depth of anesthesia induced by all inhaled agents those used clinically.82 A working hypothesis is that
or combinations of these agents.49 Nevertheless, inhaled anesthetics enhance inhibitory postsynap-
uncoupling of coherent anteroposterior and inter- tic channel activity (GABAA and glycine receptors)
hemispherical electrical activity is consistently as- and inhibit excitatory synaptic channel activity (nic-
sociated with anesthetic-induced unconsciousness otinic acetylcholine, serotonin, and glutamate re-

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drug therapy

ceptors) (Fig. 3). Anesthetic actions at GABAA re- The potency with which volatile anesthetics
ceptors have received the most attention. enhance the function of GABAA receptors in vitro
parallels MAC-immobility.87 Many other classes of
gaba a receptors general anesthetics also enhance GABAA respons-
The GABAA receptors are the most abundant inhib- es,59,88 but nonimmobilizers do not.89 Paralleling
itory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Each the enhanced responses of GABAA receptors in
receptor is a heteromeric transmembrane protein vitro, positron-emission tomography in humans
complex that opens a chloride-permeable pore in demonstrates concentration-dependent anesthet-
response to GABA binding (Fig. 3). There are at ic modulation of GABAA receptors in the brain.90
least 18 distinct GABAA-receptor subunit genes in These observations support a central role for GABAA
the human genome, and although most receptor receptors in anesthesia and, until recently, seemed
complexes are thought to contain combinations of to suggest a common mechanism for all inhaled
a, b, and g subunits, a variety of combinations of general anesthetics.
subunits can form functional channels, and the
neuroanatomical distribution of the various types other ion channels
of subunits is not homogeneous.85 At clinically ef- The modulation of GABAA receptors, however, is
fective concentrations, general anesthetics increase neither necessary nor sufficient to account for ev-
the apparent sensitivity of receptors to GABA and
prolong the receptor-mediated inhibitory current
after a pulse of GABA release (Fig. 3). This augments A
GABAA-receptor–mediated inhibition of postsyn- 1.0

aptic neuronal excitability.86

0.8 memory
Proportion with No Response

awareness Movement
Figure 2. Potency of Inhaled Anesthetics. in response
The important effects of inhaled anesthetics are pro- to pain
0.6 Autonomic
duced at different concentrations. Panel A illustrates the reactions
general relation between the end-expiratory concentra-
tion of an anesthetic and four anesthetic actions. The ab-
lation of explicit memory and responsiveness to a
spoken command (hypnosis) are produced at anesthetic
concentrations lower than those that prevent movement
in response to surgical incision, whereas the blockade of 0.2
autonomic responses to pain requires very deep anes-
thesia. Sensitivity to inhaled anesthetics varies from
person to person, and the steepness of the concentra- 0.0
tion–response curves reflects the distribution of individ-
Anesthetic (standard pressure units)
ual responses. Panel B illustrates the strong correlation
between anesthetic potency with respect to a single end
point and the hydrophobicity of the anesthetics shown in B
Figure 1, referred to as the Meyer–Overton rule. The par- Nitrous oxide
tial pressures of inhaled anesthetics required to prevent Xenon
movement in response to a surgical incision in humans Ethylene
Anesthetic Partial Pressure (atm)

— that is, the median alveolar concentration (MAC), or

MAC-immobility — is plotted against the olive-oil–gas
partition coefficient. Chloroform data are based on stud- 0.10 Cyclopropane
ies in animals. The strong (r=0.99) correlation of MAC-
immobility with anesthetic partitioning between oil and Fluroxene
Diethyl ether
gas phases, a measure of hydrophobicity, can be extend- Sevoflurane Enflurane
ed over a range of potencies of at least 100,000-fold by in- 0.01 Isoflurane
cluding other agents that are unsuitable for clinical use
(e.g., nitrogen and thiomethoxyflurane). This correlation Chloroform
indicates that most anesthetics act at one or more hydro-
phobic sites. Although it works for most anesthetics, the 0.00
Meyer–Overton rule fails to explain the lack of anesthetic 1 10 100 1000
potency of some related hydrophobic compounds. Oil¡Gas Partition Coefficient

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Table 2. Roles of Some Anesthetic-Sensitive Ion Channels in Cellular Excitability, Behavior, Physiological Processes,
and Pharmacology.

Behavioral, Physiological, and

Ion Channel Cellular Roles Pharmacologic Roles

g-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors Increased chloride permeability; mem- Enhanced activity associated with anxi-
brane hyperpolarization; inhibition olysis, sedation, amnesia, myorelax-
of excitability ation, anticonvulsant action
Glycine receptors Increased chloride permeability; mem- Spinal reflexes and startle responses;
brane hyperpolarization; inhibition major inhibitory receptor in spinal
of excitability cord
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine High permeability to monovalent cat- Association with memory, nociception,
receptors ions and calcium; release of neuro- mutations linked with seizure disor-
transmitters ders; autonomic functions
Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine Neuromuscular transmission Skeletal-muscle contraction
Serotonin type 3 receptors Enhance excitability by inhibiting rest- Arousal; possible role in emesis
ing potassium-leak currents
Glutamate receptors* Fast excitatory neurotransmission
N-methyl-d-aspartate Cation conductance for calcium and Perception; learning and memory; noci-
magnesium ception
a-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl- Cation conductance for calcium and Perception and memory
4-isoxazole propionic acid magnesium
and kainate
Other types
Potassium channels
Non–voltage-gated background Modulation of cell resting potential Nonspecific role; most likely wide-
channels and excitability; role in chemical, spread
mechanical, and pH sensitivity
Voltage-activated Recovery from action potentials Nerve conduction; cardiac action po-
tentials; mutations associated with
cardiac arrhythmias
Non–voltage-dependent Inward rectifying channels; Glucose sensor in b-cells
neurotransmitter or ATP- pH-sensitive Possible role in ischemic precondition-
activated ing
Sodium channels Generation and propagation of action Nerve conduction; cardiac action po-
potentials tentials (arrhythmias)
Calcium channels
Voltage-gated cardiac (T-, N-, L-, Generation of pacemaker potentials in Cardiac inotropy and chronotropy; vas-
and P-type) neurons (T-type) cular tone
Voltage-gated neuronal Presynaptic localization; neurotrans- Nonspecific role; most likely wide-
mitter release spread
Calcium-induced calcium release
Ryanodine receptor
Inositol triphosphate receptors Intracellular channels Excitation–contraction coupling
Release of intracellular calcium stores
after stimulation of surface recep-
tors; production of calcium oscilla-

* This group excludes metabotropic receptors.

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Table 3. Functional Effect of Different Classes of Inhaled Anesthetics on Ion Channels.*

Halogenated Xenon and

Alkanes and Nonhalogenated Nitrous
Ion Channel Ethers Alkanes Oxide

g-Aminobutyric acid type A59,60 Enhancement No effect No effect

Glycine receptors60,61 Enhancement No effect No effect
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine Strong inhibition Strong inhibition Inhibition
Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors66 Inhibition Inhibition ND
Serotonin receptors64,67 Weak inhibition ND No effect
Glutamate receptors
N-methyl-d-aspartate64,68,69 Inhibition Inhibition Inhibition
a-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl- Inhibition ND No effect
4-isoxazole propionic acid
and kainate64,69,70
Background potassium channels71,72 Enhancement or ND ND
no effect†
Voltage-activated potassium channels72,73 Inhibition or no ND No effect
ATP-activated potassium channels74 Enhancement or ND ND
no effect†
Voltage-activated sodium channels75,76 Weak inhibition Weak inhibition ND
Voltage-activated calcium channels73,77,78 Weak inhibition ND No effect
Ryanodine-activated calcium channels79,80 Enhancement or ND ND

* Effects are indicated qualitatively and represent the preponderance of data at clinical concentrations of anesthetic
agents. In some cases, sensitivities of channels to anesthetics are strongly dependent on the composition of the sub-
units. ND denotes no data.
† The effects are agent-specific.

ery effect of all general anesthetics (Table 3). The NMDA receptors.93 The inhibition of glutamate re-
gaseous anesthetics xenon and nitrous oxide only ceptors is apparently direct and is not due to aug-
minimally enhance GABA-mediated currents in mented inhibitory GABA currents.93
vitro,64,83,91 and even high concentrations of cy- Distinct ion channels may mediate different be-
clopropane and butane fail to alter the function havioral and physiological effects of inhaled anes-
of GABAA receptors.65 These inhaled anesthet- thetics. Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
ics clearly do not act directly through GABA-medi- are inhibited by inhaled anesthetics at low concen-
ated mechanisms. Instead, clinical concentrations trations that cause amnesia but not immobility, as
of these gases inhibit NMDA-sensitive glutamate well as by the volatile nonimmobilizers.63,94,95 An-
channels and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine re- esthetic inhibition of these receptors most likely
ceptors, suggesting that excitatory ligand-gated ion impairs memory and learning96 but not immobility.
channels mediate an alternative pathway to anes- In the heart, anesthetic inhibition of potassium and
thesia. calcium channels is thought to underlie negative
In addition to GABAA receptors, other ion chan- chronotropic and inotropic actions as well as the
nels probably have roles in anesthetic-induced im- pro-arrhythmogenic effects of anesthetics.97-99 The
mobility. In spinal motor neurons, volatile anes- relative cardiac stability of patients under xenon an-
thetics augment the activity of inhibitory glycine esthesia as compared with that of patients receiv-
receptors69,92 and inhibit postsynaptic AMPA and ing halogenated agents correlates with xenon’s

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weaker inhibition of both L-type calcium currents ed at several network levels, from the simple to the
and voltage-gated potassium currents in cardiac complex.
myocytes.73 The efficacy with which anesthetic
agents produce ischemic preconditioning in the my- synaptic mechanisms
ocardium also correlates with their actions on ATP- The neuronal functions underlying network activity
sensitive potassium channels.74 are axonal conduction and synaptic transmission.
Clinical concentrations of inhaled anesthetics affect
anesthetic sites on ion-channel proteins the latter much more than the former. Inhaled an-
Because ion channels function within lipid mem- esthetics both depress excitatory synapses and aug-
branes, it is difficult to discern whether their mod- ment inhibitory synapses.106 Studies aimed at quan-
ulation by anesthetics is caused indirectly by chang- tifying the presynaptic and postsynaptic effects of
es in membrane structure or directly by binding to anesthetics have demonstrated actions on both the
protein sites. The most thoroughly verified protein release of neurotransmitters and the function of
site is on the peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine re- neurotransmitter receptors, with the latter having a
ceptor, a structural homologue of both neuronal dominant role.106 In addition, some volatile anes-
nicotinic acetylcholine and GABAA receptors (Fig.
3). Reversible binding of a radio-labeled general
Figure 3 (facing page). Anesthetic Sites on Ligand-Gated
anesthetic was demonstrated with highly purified
Ion Channels.
peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.100 The
Two structurally related, but functionally opposing
kinetics of the interruption of the opening of single postsynaptic channels respond in opposite ways to anes-
nicotinic acetylcholine–receptor channels by anes- thetics and appear to possess anesthetic binding sites
thetics are consistent with the existence of a direct located in different regions. The central drawing depicts
channel-blocking mechanism but not with an indi- structural features of the homologous g-aminobutyric
acid type A (GABAA) receptor and nicotinic acetylcholine
rect (e.g., lipid-mediated) mechanism.66 Competi-
receptor. Each receptor contains five subunits (the front
tion between two anesthetics for an inhibitory site one is removed for clarity) that cross the lipid bilayer and
on open nicotinic acetylcholine–receptor channels are arranged around a central ion channel. Each subunit
was also demonstrated.101 Experiments involving is thought to have four transmembrane elements, as in-
mutagenesis, electrophysiology, and photolabel- dicated in the left-most subunit. Agonist binding sites
are thought to be formed at subunit interfaces in the ex-
ing have mapped the inhibitory site to the nicotinic
tracellular portions of the receptors. In the upper right-
acetylcholine–receptor pore.102,103 In the homolo- hand panel, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are excitatory
gous GABAA receptor, sites that appear critical for channels permeable to cations. Their activation depolar-
the modulation of volatile anesthetics have also izes neurons and muscles, making the generation of ac-
been identified.104,105 These are located in multiple tion potentials more likely. In the lower right-hand panel,
excitatory postsynaptic currents activated by acetylcho-
transmembrane domains that may form a single
line are noncompetitively inhibited by anesthetics, and
binding pocket (Fig. 3). in single-channel currents, anesthetics cause frequent
closures or block the opening of currents. Mutations that
alter the hydrophobicity of the pore-forming regions of
integrated models of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors alter the sensi-
mechanisms of anesthesia tivity to inhibition by anesthetics, and photoactivatable
anesthetics covalently incorporate in this region. In the
Linking the effects of inhaled anesthetics on specif- upper left-hand panel, GABAA receptors are inhibitory
ic ion channels to behavioral effects of general an- channels permeable to chloride anions. Their activation
esthesia is a daunting challenge, because the way hyperpolarizes neurons, making the generation of action
neuronal networks influence behavior remains un- potentials less likely. In the lower left-hand panel, in-
hibitory postsynaptic currents activated by GABA are
known. Underlying the complexity of these net-
prolonged by anesthetics, resulting in supranormal chlo-
works are their elaborate spatial organization, ride influx and reduced excitability. GABA concentration–
the diversity of their synaptic neurotransmitters response curves are shifted leftward, so that low concen-
and other signaling pathways, and their dynamic trations of GABA in cerebrospinal fluid may produce a
variations in excitability and frequency response to chloride leak by means of extrasynaptic GABAA recep-
tors, suppressing neuronal excitation. Studies involving
stimuli. Consequently, the contributions of a spe-
chimeras and amino acid mutations suggest that anes-
cific class of ion channel to behavior in the animal thetics interact at GABAA-receptor sites formed between
as a whole can be extremely difficult to predict. The several transmembrane elements.
actions of inhaled anesthetics have been investigat-

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Inhibitory synapse Excitatory synapse

Presynaptic Presynaptic
neuron Action neuron Action
potential potential

Release of
Ca2+ acetylcholine Ca2+


K+ K+ K+
Cl- Na+
Cl- Na+
Cl- Cl- Na+
Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+
Postsynaptic Cl- Cl- Postsynaptic Na+ Na+
membrane Cl- Cl- membrane Na
+ Na+ Na+

Agonist binding sites

Anesthetic Anesthetic site on

site on nicotinic acetylcholine
GABAA receptor

Inhibitory Excitatory
Postsynaptic Postsynaptic
GABAergic Currents Cholinergic Currents
No With
anesthetic anesthetic
No With
anesthetic anesthetic 2
Membrane Current

Membrane Current

anesthetic No
Transmembrane anesthetic
No Pore
anesthetic With

Log GABA Log Acetylcholine

thetics cause hyperpolarization and diminished recording in animals often requires sedating them
excitability of neurons by enhancing the activity of with other anesthetic agents.109 Many in vitro stud-
background potassium channels.107,108 ies have recorded electrical activity in brain or spinal
cord slices, which maintain local synaptic interac-
in vivo and in vitro neural networks tions. Small cortical slices with intact local networks
Elucidating the effects of inhaled anesthetics on demonstrate synchronized electrical rhythms that
neural networks in vivo has proved technically dif- can be slowed either by enhancing GABA-mediat-
ficult, in part because reliable electrophysiological ed transmission or by inhibiting glutamate-medi-

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ated transmission with general anesthetics.110 The studies in genetically modified mammals
effects of anesthetics on the frequencies of local Knockout Studies
cortical networks probably contribute directly to Animals in which specific genes have been knocked
electroencephalographic slowing. On the other out have been used to evaluate the role of two lig-
hand, long-range (e.g., thalamocortical) circuits and-gated ion channels in anesthesia, the AMPA-
coordinate rhythmic activity among distant brain sensitive glutamate receptor and the GABAA recep-
regions.41 The effects of anesthetics on the rhyth- tor. The GluR2 subunit of AMPA receptors was
mic frequency of these networks may depend on chosen for study, because it is the most common
the rates of decay of GABAA receptor–mediated in- subunit and it determines anesthetic sensitivity in
hibitory potentials,111 which are prolonged by in- vitro.93,124 In GluR2-knockout mice, the MAC of
haled anesthetics (Table 3). The hippocampus and volatile agents was unaltered, sensitivity to loss of
spinal cord also contain circuits that are most likely righting reflexes was moderately increased, and no-
involved in the amnesic and immobilizing actions ciception was increased.125 The genes for the b3
of general anesthetics.69,110 and a6 subunits of GABAA receptors were targeted,
Highly simplified neural circuits have proved because of their patterns of expression in the brain
more amenable to analysis. The effects of inhaled and the anesthetic sensitivity that they confer on in
anesthetics on respiration have been investigated vitro receptors containing different types of sub-
by recording caudal ventral respiratory neurons of units.126 In GABAA b3–knockout mice, the MAC of
the medulla in decerebrate dogs.112,113 Clinically enflurane was slightly diminished, but there was no
effective concentrations of inhaled anesthetics alter change in sensitivity to the loss of righting reflex-
both glutamate-mediated and GABA-mediated sig- es.127-129 In GABAA a6–knockout animals, there
nals to pacing neurons; sevoflurane reduces output was no change in the MAC of volatile anesthetics or
motor-neuron activity more than does halothane,112 in the sensitivity to the loss of righting reflexes.130
paralleling the clinical observation that sevoflurane Several themes emerged from studies of such
depresses respiration more deeply than does hal- knockout mice. First, anesthetic sensitivity meas-
othane.114 ured on the basis of the loss of righting reflexes and
MAC-immobility were affected in different ways by
genetic alteration, adding to the evidence that dif-
genetic studies of inhaled
anesthetic actions ferent anesthetic-induced forms of behavior are me-
diated by distinct mechanisms. Second, the mech-
Genetic manipulation of animals is another tech- anisms that mediate even a single end point, such
nique for investigating links between potential tar- as immobility, are complex and agent-dependent,
gets of anesthetics and the behavioral effects of as shown by the following: knockout of the GABAA
these agents. Two approaches have been used: b3 gene decreased the MAC of enflurane but had
screening for mutations in selectively bred popula- far less effect on the MAC of halothane and no ef-
tions and the creation of mutants at putative target fect on the enflurane-induced depression of evoked
sites.115 spinal motor potentials.127,129 The data on GABAA-
receptor–knockout mice also suggest that specific
genetic screening types of receptor subunits, specifically b3, may have
Selective breeding and large-scale screening for dominant roles in some anesthetic actions. Other
mutations in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) mice have been created in which GABAA-receptor
and nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) have identi- a1, b2, and d subunits have been inactivated, but
fied strains with altered sensitivities to anesthet- the sensitivity of these animals to inhaled anesthet-
ics,116-120 but the applicability of these data to hu- ics has not yet been reported.
mans is questionable, because some behavioral end
points required anesthetic concentrations that are “Knock-In” Studies
much greater than the MAC values in mammals. Se- Knocking out the expression of an ion-channel–
lective breeding and screening of anesthesia-resist- subunit gene may induce changes in the composi-
ant murine populations, although promising, have tion of the subunits, the network circuitry, or
so far failed to identify specific target genes.121-123 both.131 The introduction of specific mutations into

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native genes (“knock-in” animals) avoids these pit-on nonspecific biophysical mechanisms. Reevalu-
falls and enables an assessment of the physiologic ation of the actions of anesthetics on a variety of
and pharmacologic roles of specific proteins and neurobiologic-systems levels has revealed impor-
even small regions within proteins. The power of tant new insights into mechanisms that contradict
this approach is evident from recent revelations these nonspecific hypotheses. Thus, although all
about the roles of specific GABAA-receptor subunitsinhaled general anesthetics produce amnesia and
on the actions of benzodiazepines, which induce suppress motor responses to noxious stimuli, their
some behavioral effects similar to those of generalactions on other behavioral and physiological re-
anesthetics.132 Knock-in models are also being em- sponses vary. The suppression of nociceptive motor
ployed to examine the role of GABAA receptors in responses by anesthetics is mediated primarily by
mediating general anesthesia. A mutation in the the spinal cord, whereas hypnosis and amnesia are
GABAA receptor b3 subunit that attenuates in vitro mediated within the brain. These actions may also
modulation by the intravenous anesthetic etomi- be associated with separate molecular targets. Im-
date has been introduced into mice. These animals portant actions of inhaled anesthetics are associat-
have dramatically reduced sensitivity to etomidate ed with altered activity of neuronal ion channels,
with respect to the end points of nociceptive with-particularly the fast synaptic neurotransmitter re-
drawal and the loss of righting reflexes, but theirceptors such as nicotinic acetylcholine, GABAA, and
sensitivities to volatile anesthetics are only moder-
glutamate receptors. There is also growing evi-
ately decreased (with respect to MAC) or unaffecteddence that anesthetics affect neuronal ion channels
(with respect to the loss of righting reflexes).133 This
by binding directly to protein sites. Different ion
result is further evidence of a role for the b3 sub-
channels display strikingly unique sensitivities to
unit in determining MAC and is consistent with in various inhaled anesthetics, suggesting that differ-
vitro studies showing that mutations in a subunits ent channels are involved in distinct behavioral ef-
have a greater effect on the sensitivity of GABAA fects of anesthetics and that several mechanistic
receptors to volatile anesthetics than do mutationspathways may converge to produce similar anes-
in b subunits.104 Studies using knock-in animals thetic states. Neuroanatomical differences in the
with these a-subunit mutations are expected to pro-distribution of various ion channels and their spe-
vide additional insights into the roles of GABAA re-
cific subunits are likely to influence specific behav-
ceptors in the actions of inhaled anesthetics. ioral effects of inhaled anesthetics. This emerging
view of the specific neurobiologic actions of inhaled
summary anesthetics suggests that these widely used drugs
should be amenable to improvements by rational
Simplifying assumptions such as the unitary hy- design.
pothesis led early research on anesthesia to focus

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