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2 boy & dad 3 girl spirit 4a pic 1-16

Heavenly Father is the father of the Luke 1:26–35 and Luke 2:1–7
Each of you have two fathers: spirits inside our bodies. Jesus has only tell the story of the
an earthly father and a Heavenly one father, because Heavenly Father is the birth of Jesus
Father. Our earthly father is the father of Jesus’ spirit and his physical body. Emphasize that the angel told Mary
father of our physical bodies. That is why Jesus is called the Son of God.
her baby would be the Son of God.

4b pic 1-16 6 pic 1-17 7 young Jesus

What is Jesus doing
Which person is Jesus’ mother?
Luke 2:41–52 in the temple?
What is her name?
tell the story of Jesus Jesus went to the temple because
Who is the man in the picture?
in the temple he loved Heavenly Father and
Who is Jesus’ father? wanted to teach people about him.
9 pic 1-18 10 Jesus baptism girl baptism
Matthew 3:13–17 11
Jesus was baptized because he
tell the story of Jesus’ baptism
Read aloud verse 17 (starting with This is loved Heavenly Father and wanted Have you seen someone
my beloved Son) these are Heavenly to obey him. Jesus also wanted to be baptized?
Father’s words. Heavenly Father was set a good example for us.
pleased that Jesus was baptized.
12 One way you can be obedient
to Heavenly Father and show him
you love him is by being baptized
when you are eight years old.

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