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ENERATION OF SURGE WAVES IN POWER CANAL CELERITY 9 i CHAPTER-X ich would automatically be way close tothe Power House which aly be oon asthe load reduction/rejection occurs 80 as to dampen th vel about 0.2 meter head of water en ructure ape to cage wil be small an 0 escape Bigh ows a log weirs would be needed. ‘A sypon spillway has a high flow rate but its construction and operation is abit complex. ically operated sid pillvay i also quite col and hast be elton op sateen Alugh the number of gates an hus the spiimay width could be much ss han open pillvay Raising of Power Canal Banks to meet the excess depth along the canal as per back water assessment WATER HAMMER CHAPTER Xt a CAPR XIE WATER HAMMER In fll owing penstocks, phenomenon of water hammer is experienced when either flow is retarded or aceclerated due to sudden load fluctuations. Water hamme therefore, may be defined as variation in pressure above or below the internal pressure Quik closing of turbine to an increased pressure penstock which will retard the velocity of gradient moves up from AJ to AB as shown called the positive water hammer gradient. w figure below. This position is Change in hydraulic gradient with decrease in load As $001 b po s the turbine gate movement stops, the supemnormal pressure then existing s unstable and the gradient begins to swing to AC. Fluctuations between re and negative pressure will continue until dampened by friction Conversely when there is sudden demand of power, the turbine gates start opening ‘and the hydraulic gradient moves down from EI to EG, This position is called negative water hammer, When the gate movement ceases the negative pressure EG swings to positive pressure EF. The situation is represented in the second figure below; —_4 WATER HAMMER VATE] Eau ‘WATER HAMMER (CHAPTER, CHAPTER - XI ’ Siete " Pe re nee wea ne we 4f sees 3 a ee gl meget Zk AA Change in hydraulic gradient with increase in load directly by gate Je should not the chance of night not operat quickly enough to prevent When the rate of flow through the turbine opening is ition. However, when the reasing causing the flow {0 tio hydraulic gradient. During thi fed to potential energy or vice Vers. AS the ‘water is compressed oF rl sure, the rated and water hamme penstock to make the en on eastcity cof head and velocity, the length of change and the nature of gate motion. ‘As soon as the gates start closing, a positive pressure wave begins to travel up the ppenstock to the forebay and upon reaching the forebay eed bck 8 negative wave with the same magnitude asthe positive wave. 1c wave is designated as "and is called time of one int expressed as ‘n’ and isin scoonds: ral or erties time ist length of eastockin ft cl oP sure wave in fUsec seconds are called rapid closures Where ‘Waves closure occurring in times less than The formula devetoped for the velocity of pressure wave is given by; Where Viv kd/ Ee in compression 294,00 bs inch, Mrs felsic of pip material appro. 294,000,000 Tbsginch forte eight of one et of water nfs FForstecl pipes the formulae can be writen as; for various values of We for steel as ‘equation above. For pipes conereted in bec imal and the limiting value of 4675 is velocity of sound ceseany VATER HAMMER CHAPTER-XI WATER HAMMER 1000 ni uniform iil 2. This based also.on certain gote-clsute characterises explained later. SI [Alles chart forthe fll in pressure due to an inerease in velocity wh 3 [=¢reer pi P en 3 eet fips fes open is shown in Figre-6. The foregoing 60 ap g case, Figure is made for opening the eubine B coo a 4 ny desired degree of opening and a ay sped of ope ee Sl 32 COMPLEX CONDUITS é For complex conduits there is «reflection of the pressure waves at points where s oH Ip 2000 a 100 200 “300 complex penstoce must be reduc ness and diameter. In this ease valve Ratio, 2 iameter and thickness, and the effective value of “a” should be 3a Values of ALLIEVI'S Water Hammer Charts Calculation of water hammer mathemat ivi presented simple Charts for the so Al hhammer when the vel reproduced in Fig 5 for smaller ¥ and ‘0’ Fig ‘of gates and increase of flow. i's Charts are based on two approximations: » for various values of de for steel pipes and cast ion pipes ‘ically is a lengthy process and therefore ution of maximum pressure of water is destroyed by uniform gate motion wure-4 prepared to show the detail of the chart a ralues and Figure-6 gives fallin pressure for opening 1. It is based on the assumption of uniform wall thickness of the pipe and order 10 of change in thus applies to simple conduits as imate the consi ion of wave cribed above, or to an equivalent cates length of penstock and successive lengths of penstock having constant values yas ele respectively, Should be ealeulated as follows; LV 4LaVarete vy, = EitbVetere Where u Lylabsete. = engths of penstock having constant velocity values of V1, Va, Vsele respectively. WATER HAMMER CHAPTER - XL developments in which the length of draft tube is a ively large portion of the penstock length, the draft tube should be included the penstock in the comput In 33 COMPOUND CONDUITS ‘on of waves from branch pipes must be considered in almost all cases in fe true maximum pressure rise at any point in the hydraulic ‘This statement does not apply to the usual case where the penstock branches 10 turbines near the powerhouse. In hydroelectric practice it applies only where a branch pipe may be dead-ended at the time that closure ofall turbines occurs, for ‘a the by-pass conduit at Hoover Dam. In general the graphical method is best adapted to the solution of such special problems which ean be studied in any text book. 20 @eee8 8 ae ae ee Fip 4 Chart delet of anu pes, nbn ane canis ls WATER HAMMER CHAPTER XI ALLIEVI'S WATER - HAMMER CHARTS "3S 882 & g 140 20. - 10 18 ie 17 16 470 15 14 rc 13 49 2 290 "1 20 10 AS ° Be 8 iz ot S 49 5 got 4 60? © : 1 0 eee t ° Cea a2 age alo nman aaa p Axe Fig: 5, Chart for the determination of maximum pressure rise,for uniform motion ‘and simple conduits (for small values of P and CHAPTER - Xt PATER 41205 Sa NE CEEAETEIE—ZID “The coordinates of these Chars are dimensionless numbers or parameters designated as p and @ where: 1p = iscalled Characteristic of the conduit Where Ho is static head at forebay level or from movement tthe til 8 220 =| 220 299 mo e ores snes e Fig: 6. Char! forthe determination of maximum fallin pressure for unform gate ‘maton and simple conduits called the time parameter, is the ratio of the the time of one interval or eritical time of the pipe is the time of gate operation expressed in intervals and can be written. WATER HAMMER CHAPTER — Xt ate » ee b= Ha(@-1) Where T = _isnet equivalent time of gate opera Z,— = __is ameasure of water hammer Z = _istherratio ofthe max total head to initial head Where h = isthe pressure rise due to water hammer ‘equivalent simple-condait— NB. Use of Allievi Charts for Water Hammer calcula 600 500 400 300 Cubic feet per second 100 AN 5 eo Time. in seconds Fig: 7.Typlcal cischarge-time curve for turbine wih no penstock (no water hammer). CHAPTER XI WATER HAMMER Ws appears in the expression for each It should be noted that ‘a’ (Wave Velocity) apps fo ‘coordinate of the Allievi chart and that °@” and ‘p’ each vary direelly with ‘a’. Since iues of °Q" greater than about ‘S" times on the chart for equal pressure rise ines) are approximately straight and when extended very nearly pass js evident tha, for problems involving more than iiderable error ean be made in the value of “a” without about 05 intervals, a con . sveen te ing apical ase lation be ans in ti Go wots hana) alien's chat sure s inges in discharge ‘that this basie eurve i a straight ‘due to water hammer in the penstock is taken care of in his charts tion of the curve AB, defines the net ime can be obtained from the turbine equivalent governor time. The ‘manufacturer, When itis not a inal governor ume. The us obtained are approximat js 60% of the nominal governor time. ‘The results thus ob ‘an exact solution is desired, the arithmetic integration method or the graphical method as described in any text book may be employed. DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK 3 CHAPTER - Xt DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK long penstock with very high gross head, itis economical to divide the tons as per water pressure at different elevations, with the the far end, near the power house turbine and decre diameter of the penstock has to be selected for the specie discharge and velocity eferably be kept the same through out the total length, However, as the be less requizing lesser thie I. The whole length may therefore Be divided between adjacent anchor blocks having same thickness, ‘The velocity of flow has to be selected with following considerations; 1) Higher the velocity lesser the flow, reducing costs, we the area of pipe diameter needed to pass With higher velocit ive energy generation, the head loss will increase thus lowering the net head iii) Lower the velocity larger which means larger € area of pipe needed to cater for the same increase of diameter ger thickness of the ‘The water pressure ‘P" at any depth ‘ht = wh where ‘w’ is weight of water per cubic fooveubic meter and ‘h’ is depth in feecimeter Internal force on the pipe shell = pxd where ‘dis diameter of pipe Internal force is resisted by twice the thickness of pipe, one on each end of diameter, thus thickness of stel she! d= 5 BXE bss permissible stoel stress & 0.9 xix 09 : is weld efficiency. wy) of the pipe as well as the economy of the project. Generally the optimum velocity would be between3 104 meters per second methodology is detailed in the following exercise; Design discharge= 3.5 cumee Design velocity = 3.2 meter/second ‘The de: i) DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER - XI DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER ~ XI pipe does not increase which will add to problems of handling and Soe ieee 8 area needed = = BE = Inernal diameter of pipe = a= [SEE a-1t8m ‘Adopted. = 14mm eee “Total length from suge bay powerhouse = 719meters Taig ee ine neta (between AB “V-VI ‘i et) = 120 (Surge bay Level) p60 (Powerhouse extend level) ii) = RLOfABV = 740 “030 meter Grosshead = 338.0 meters Say = 405.0 meters ‘AdG 10% for waterammer = 372 meter jos o Ee 312x8_ _ ne entire length of the peastock pipe needs 10 anchor blocks at locations of yy eeeeeroives ee ae ect change in alignment Tese anchor blocks are atked 10 X Tx 200009 from surge bay downwards, as per atached figure-2. At the ‘Vint anchor block ‘Add 3mm for corrosion = 15.2mm fa aig) is placed the bifreator o divide main pipe into two branches, one for ‘Adopted= 160mm oe cach tube. Length = 94 meters (Between AB Vi and VU) ‘The pensock fom surge bay to anchor lock VII is 684.0 meters in eng. This is the main pipe iv) Gross head at A.B VII = 11120-721 = 391 meters neal dia of main pipe = 18m ‘Add 10% for waterhammer = 430 meters = x18 Length of t 7 as = tov? a hor block = 684.0 meters: 2x 2000x0.9 = iim Gross head upto VIII* anchor block = 1112.0 Add 3 mm for corrosion = 171mm 10 Length of pipe = 96 meters LT neters (Between A.B VIL & VIN} it) RLofanchor block VI Seco) » Gross head = 1112.0 (Surge Bay Level) ” ‘The pipe below VIII th anchor block is bifurcated in two pipes of 90 em intemal 2130 diameter each, leading tothe two turbines 252.0 meters i Gross head = 403+ 10% Tes caer eet 2) aig at eee Cae et fe pe mares oo: eats ae xM8 2 Lem Bx 2000 x05 = Fx2000x 05 ee NB, The ste! used fiom anchor block downwars is of higher grade 0 mest sine chess wih ower Tims th requirements of higher pressure while Kee ‘Ada 3mm for corrosion ‘Adopted 14mm — Length of each pipe shall be about 35 meters HYDRAULIGALLY ACTIVATED EMERGENCY AUTOMATIC CUT OFF VANE. ‘TRASH SPILL [~ CHANNEL 111350 STONE MASONRY (NEEDED IN CASE OF HIGH HEAD LONG PENSTOCK) el famed Za alee aaa a be PCC 1:48 PENSTOCK INLET IN FOREBAY LONG SECTION spe WOOISNEd THAIS ¥ WOU KDOTOMORLAN NOISTC TX = Wald VHD WIOLSNid THAIS V WO KOOTOCOHIAN NOISTE TX WaLIVAD DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A'STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER XI 20 WATER HAMMER = T19:meters = 18m ‘Thickness is variable as follows; ) Powerhouse AB VIN = 35496 = 131 meters ay be taken as 1.18 m. dia = L8em i») = 016m = 94 meters, iit) Thickness, «= 4m = Lom 124 meters y 1425 aS Serre Vie qipwe é = pipediainem © = _ thickness of pipe in em 1425 e = 125_ = 1108 misee Disa ees 1.206 = = 1425, = 1080 msec aes 132 : = 425 = 1047 misee aes 136 ws = ca = HS = 01m DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER- XI 320 fae 2s a rs * jon * ni HO = ous + 087 + 01s + 0363 = 0686 eee = 1048 msec pea iep era 5 In case we take a closure time of 20 seconds = x6 = 12scc0 eee o 137 p= Conduit characteristic ave Tex Flo va 5 b = 32mhee = totex32 p Tx 981 x M5 re 042 Hox (1.07 ‘Assumed in our calculat 0%. Pressure Drop Drop in pressu Net equi 25x.6 137 see ective closure time will be 8.8 time imervals ereased from zer0 to full eapacity in 25 seconds, DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER XU DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER- X11 = 1Sseconds ja Oe intervals =2 a = Ex230 8 3 37 = 1c intervals v * & A= = 4 = 437 eee oe = 2x18 = 236m ievi's Chars given in Choptr- XI e = 0.92 Pressure drop = Ho(Z*—1) = 2xo1x © = Ho (92-) 7 = (Hpx008) = 2x01x003 = BRdop = 0006m =, - ME sateen is) Lowen nnd ‘There would be about 24 bends in horizontal plane or vertical plane, The “The above water hammer values have to be multiplied by # factor “x” for diferent deflection angles wil be moderate & R/D ratio of about 5, We ean therefore conditions as below: fssume loss in each moderate bend with, "K? value at 0.25. For 'K’ value see x 2 105” for penstock of wd page ~ 109, to 10 forpenstoc of variable diameters and thickness ‘ ‘ B in = 0.25 x, = 025 x (3.2) 30 HEAD LOSSES IN PENSTOCK e 2x = 025x052 = 3m ‘Total head loss will constitute of foo 3) Pectin loss in pipe for vel Loss in 24 moderate bends = = 24x03 = 3.12m v= Ean™ st ‘Two sharp bends will have a’ value of 0.6; 20 Loss 06 i x Oe sa = ch x(P) 5" 2 eal 4 = 06 x052 = 90.90x044xS'7 (D=L = 031m aay ee j For 2x031= 062 meters fe Tou s+ 062 = 0.0064 375 meters = ——> Length of enstock = 725 meters Loss of head = 725%0.0064 ¥) Losses valves & fitings may betwken == ——O.75m 2 46¢meters ——> ) 4.64 + 0.006 + 3.75 + 0.14075 Loss through trash rack may be taken as 0.1m. toss at Bell-mouth for each of these may be taken as 0.1 times the head. atentry t0 uth 9.24 meters 95 meters DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK ko 50 5a 52 CHAPTER - Xt BRANCHING NEAR POWER HOUSE will be bifurcated in two branch pipes atthe entry 0 the Power House supply to each of the turbines, however the velocity of flow in each inthe same, ree eae aerate = 5 Lrscumes ‘Area of cross section for each branch = 75. = 054m 3 a pee = 089m eee oe EXPANSION JOINTS In ease of long penstock, the expansion joi jem of temperature while tse also help as construction j crepancies of Various lengths of pipes. For avoiding the frequent ambient snanges causing expansion or contraction, pipes are burit hhormally these are supported above ground level, the expansi frictional resistance) would be 0,0000065 I. per degree change in temperature, length of pipe. the sleeve type ied by two closely g to prevent ‘A bolted packing gland is used fiber braided flax impregnated Wi lceve-type expansion joints have been used ightening and replacing the pecking. Also the lubricated flax plasticity and water-sealing effect alter a period of service. ‘where the pipeline is frequently empty and exposed to the sleeve-type expansion joint must be wel Jntness under high heads. led above ground are usually supported on piers spaced from 20 t0 ‘bends, anchors are used t0 resist the forces which tend to cause ‘ement of the pipe. Sometimes anchors are also placed at intermediate points ren bends, Piess and anchors are usualy of reinforeed concrete. As the sizes of and anchors are influenced by the type of soil on which they rest information ing the soil is required before a design can be prepared, le to DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK 53 54 CHAPTER ~ XU support between pipe for on steel bearing plat @ pipe occurs. These lo fietion factor material between pipe and pier or by ler suppor, use of rocker and ‘The fii coefficients recommended in each case have been mentioned in the section on design of pipe shell. Afterall the forces ascertained, the proportions of the pier may be determined from the momer shear forces. Piers should be designed so that the resultant of the vertical load (including the weight of the pier and the prism of earth over the base) and the al forces will intersect the base within Anchors in Buried Pipes Freely supported penstocks must be anchored at bends, and sometimes at intermediate points, to prevent shifts inthe pipeline during installation and to resist the forces which tend to cause displacement in a het Displacements at bends may be caused by a cor from gravitational, dyn: ong tangent sect 0 and at vertical bends where considerable ‘long pipe section is exposed tothe atmosphere for ‘could be anchored in place and should hi field girth joint between each p: permit free movement with change Figure on page no. 146 shows a resolution of forees acting as on an anchor under ‘conditions of expansion and contraction. As has bee1 in the case of anchors, the resultant ofthese forces should middle third, The weight of the pipe contained water and the weight ofthe concrete DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEBL PENSTOCK, CHAPTER - XU in the anchor is also influenced by the sliding coeffi derlying soil, Ths sliding coefficient varies fro sock base “Anchors may be of the type which encases the entire fo they may be of the type which is in contact wit constructed before the penstock rings in place after inst Fig: 4 of forces. The size of the anchor ween the concrete and the (0,30 for clay to 0.75 fora solid ference of the penstock only a lower segment of the jure-4. ‘This latter type of anchor may be ich ease recesses are provided in forces from the pipe t© the DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK (CHAPTER - Xt SS Operational Safety Measures » i) In ease the stop gate atthe bell mouth is too close to the mouth making it ‘almost ir tight, it may create a situation when the turbines tip and the supply is suddenly shut, The receding water within the penstock would create a vacuum which may lead to collapse of the pipe shell due to high atmospheric pressure. To guard against it, an air inlet pipe is installed in lies the air adequate nd entry must be properly protected against the same ney, the inlet may not operate, Electric heating es provided, In case of high head plants and long penstocks, there may arise an emergency, when the pipe ruptures specially at the lower end. The water I then gush out at high velocity and cause great the gate is shut, For this emergency a valve has been developed which is led at the start of the penstock. It is automatically activated by the higher developed velocity of flow in the pipe and shuts it off. The inlet can thus be closed in time. 1GN METHODOLOGY FOR A STEEL PENSTOCK CHAPTER - XI Fortin of expnson jit per ie fof fence = aprox. $0015 any ae ne op = pe Pa w= weight ot water inne ae rae shove aot Pa a Pe Longitudinal fore et sedocer above a= GRAVITY DAM DESIGN (CHAPTER NO. XII GRAVITY DAM DESIGN 10 CONCEPT, : + storage dams are the most important and the oldest baile 10 se ain water for subsequent use during the dry imption as well a irrigation (o grow agricultural crops. Thi chapter deals wit agi ength of cot and an overflow section or spillway. This chapter gives the basics inthis handbook ‘considered adequate for desigy of dams of medium heights and normal design ins, For detailed ahd comprehensive knowledge specific books may have tobe consulted. \ Pena seers erate arco ae eel aoee carth/sit and the resisting stability provided by gravity of materials used in the construction ofthe st sentra B, Forces such as Earthquake pressures due co seepage of wie produced wave pressure and up lift Direct Loads/Forces i) Forces falling igto first category are; \ a, Dead load (weight) of the damm. >, Prefsure on the upstréam and downstream faces due to the head of standing water. Indirect Forces ii) Inthe second eategory aro; a » ©) Earthquake forces 4) Wave pressure ©) Tee pressure Wr —viit LEAN (ROTTOM INTAKE) DIVERSION WEIR ON HILL STREAMS CHAPTER. fh horffontal may be assumed say/15°, Read value of “k’ from ‘ogimifec ———— 23x09 x 10xL V2 981 xO28T pm ascre me margin, 4 "25% or even more if desired to compensate for clogging of 1.85 x 1.25 231 3 of Tyrolean section 10.0m critical depth of te free jetof water 6. To fix dimensions of TYROLEAN (BOTTOM INTAKE) DIYs CHAPTER VIL 06 cumecs = 0.332 meters LSxd 15x 0.332, 0.498 than 2.0m for ‘may be noted that the cl up to the size of 20m end ould be at least When adopted L. Width of Channel Where ‘is depth of flow to give some clearance to the flowing water, the depth may be increased by 254% 8x 1.25 ‘T-bars flow entry on T-head 0.62 — 0.65, Flat bars with round large bars on flow entry end or only round bars 0.80 - 0.90

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